Cancer Vaccine
Cancer Vaccine
Cancer Vaccine
9 263
International Publisher
Journal of Cancer
2018; 9(2): 263-268. doi: 10.7150/jca.20059
Corresponding authors: Qi-Jun Qian, Tel: + 86-21-81875371; Fax: + 86-21-65580677; E-mail: [email protected]; Hua-Jun Jin, Tel: + 86-21-81875372; E-mail:
[email protected]
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Cancer vaccines have been exclusively studied all through the past decades, and have made
exceptional achievements in cancer treatment. Few cancer vaccines have been approved by the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for instance, Provenge, which was approved for the
treatment of prostate carcinoma in 2012. Moreover, more recently, T-VEC got approval for the
treatment of melanoma. While, the overall therapeutic effects of cancer vaccines have been taken
into consideration as below expectations, low antigenicity of targeting antigen and tumor
heterogeneity are the two key limiting barriers encountered by the cancer vaccines. Nonetheless,
recent developments in cancer immune-therapies together with associated technologies, for
instance the unparalleled achievements bagged by immune checkpoint inhibitor based therapies and
neo-antigen identification tools, envisage potential improvements in cancer vaccines in respect to
the treatments of malignancies. This review brings forth measures for the purpose of refining
therapeutic cancer vaccines by learning lessons from the success of PD-1 inhibitor based
Key words: Cancer vaccine, immune checkpoint inhibitor, PD-1, combination therapy, immunotherapy
Different from preventive vaccines, put to use on (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition) factors and TME
healthy individuals for the prevention of diseases, (Tumor Microenvironment) factors [10].
therapeutic cancer vaccines are directly used on Determination of the therapeutic efficacy of cancer
cancer patients for the purpose of eliminating cancer vaccines is made by taking into account many factors,
cells through strengthening patients’ own immune include differential expression of targets between
responses, particularly CD8+ T cell mediated tumor cells and normal cells, the immunogenicity of
responses, with the assistance of suitable adjuvants vaccines and the antigenicity of targets within tumor
[1-3]. Since pioneered by Dr. William Coley for the microenvironment [7, 11, 12]. Thus, the paucity of
stimulation of patient’s immune system with the use TSAs (tumor specific antigens), immune suppressive
of intratumoral injection of Coley's Toxin (inactivated effect of tumor microenvironment and tumor
Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens) in 1890s, heterogeneity pose to be the key limiting barriers
the field of cancer vaccine has been quite active, encountered by cancer vaccines [13-16].
introducing several kinds of cancer vaccines, for By targeting immune suppressive
instance DC cell based vaccines [4, 5], peptide/protein microenvironment for the release of cytotoxic T cells,
vaccines [6, 7], genetic vaccines [8] and tumor cell immune checkpoint inhibitors have attained
vaccines [9], targeting various cancer cell antigens, unparalleled success as regards the treatment of
including cancer testis antigens, differentiation cancers [17-19]. Ipilimumab, an anti-CTLA-4
antigens, oncofetal antigens, EMT antibody, received approval from the FDA for the
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 264
treatment of melanoma in 2011 [20, 21]. Nivolumab and GM-CSF fusion protein [41, 42]; 2) heterogeneity,
and pembrolizumab were approved in 2014 for the heterogeneity among tumor cells within the same
treatment of melanoma and squamous non-small cell tissue is likely to lead to the selection of TAA negative
lung cancer (NSCLC) [22-24]. The mechanistic tumor cells, heterogeneity among patients are likely to
research works brought to light the fact that the lead to personalized cancer vaccine requirement that
therapeutic efficacy of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies is with constrained application in clinic because of
was associated with somatic mutation load of tumor elevated cost and intense labor in personalized
tissue and subsequent neo-antigen number through epitope identification [43, 44].
the comparison of mis-match repair (MMR) proficient
and MMR deficient patients [25-29]. The neo-antigens Table 1. Classification of tumor antigens in cancer vaccine and
are now recognized as determinants for immune related limitations
response of numerous immune-therapies [30-32]. The
Target type Example Limitations Reference
development in associated technologies, for instance Shared Cancer-testis NY-ESO-1, 1. Low antigenicity; [11]
neo-antigen predicting tools and antigenicity TAAs antigens MAGE-A1, 2. Activate limited
SSX-2 type of T cell
assessing tools, together with the decreasing cost of responses;
Differentiation Gp100, [1]
the next-generation sequencing, make scientist antigens Mart-1, PSA 3. Non-driver
capable of identifying tumor specific neo-antigens, Over-expressed hTERT, mutation resources; [27]
antigens surviving, 4. On-target side effect
responsible for immune responses during MUC1 on normal tissues.
immune-therapies [33-35]. TSAs Neo-antigens EGFRVIII, 1. Low antigenicity; [45-48]
Thus, in this review, we primarily throw ERBB2IPE805G, 2. Activate limited
KRASG12D type of T cell
discussion on the barriers that are limiting the BRAFV600E responses;
applications of cancer vaccines. Moreover, thereafter, 3. Non-driver
mutation resources;
it would proceed with exploring the neo-antigens and 4. Difficult to identify.
lessons from the success of immune checkpoint TAAs: tumor associated antigens, TSAs: tumor specific antigens, NY-ESO-1: New
inhibitor based immune-therapies for refining the York esophageal carcinoma antigen 1, MAGE-A1: Melanoma-associated antigen 1,
SSX2: synovial sarcoma X breakpoint 2; gp100: glycoprotein 100, Mart-1: melanoma
cancer vaccines. antigen recognized by T-cells 1, PSA: prostate-specific antigen, hTERT: Human
telomerase reverse transcriptase, MUC1: Mucin 1; EGFRVIII: epidermal growth
Obstacles limiting cancer vaccines factor receptor-variant VIII.
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 265
system to fight against cancers [51, 52]. In this way, considered to be driver mutations that are defined
numerous lessons can be learned from immune essential for the development of tumors [59]. This is
checkpoint inhibitor based immunotherapy to cancer how cancer vaccines can be further designed to target
vaccines. immunogenic neo-antigens that are derived from
Tumors are considered to have evolved from driver mutations. This point was affirmed by a recent
thousands of somatic mutations that develop tumor research work, throwing light on the fact that the
cells growth as well as survival benefits over normal heterogeneity of neo-antigens within a single tumor
cells [53, 54]. All through the development of tumors, tissue determines the immuno-reactivity as well as
tumor cells adopt numerous mechanisms for the sensitivity to immune checkpoint inhibitors [60]. All
purpose of escaping from the surveillance of host through the development of tumors, the number of
immune system, a major one is developing immune driver mutations boosts up. In this way, the early
suppressive microenvironment in order to suppress staged NSCLC patients possess higher number of
the function of immune effectors, for instance CD8+ T clonal neo-antigens, clonally encoded and shared by
cells, through expressing immune checkpoints, like tumor cells, together with the lower neo-antigen
CTLA-4, LAG-3, Tim-3 and PD-1 [55]. Through the heterogeneity, associated with improved clinical
discovery of this mechanism, there have been performance of immune checkpoint inhibitor based
developed numerous for the purpose of targeting immunotherapies [61]. Some scientists even proposed
those immune checkpoints, such as PD-1 inhibitors, cancer immuno-prevention by cancer vaccines to
Nivolumab and Pembrolizumab that have been both individuals without cancers, but at high risk of having
appraised and approved by the FDA in respect of the cancers [62].
treatment of melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer Together with targeting multiple immunogenic
(NSCLC) and melanoma respectively [50]. neo-antigens or immunogenic clonal neo-antigens, it
Furthermore, the therapeutic efficiency of PD-1 determines the efficiency of immune checkpoint
inhibitors was reported having association with the inhibitors based immune-therapies. Another lesson
somatic mutation load, which is coupled with the can be learned, among cancers, melanoma is taken
dysfunction of MMR system [38]. It implies that the into account to be the most somatic mutation loaded
higher somatic mutation load of the patients together cancer [59]. Furthermore, speculation can be drawn
with the higher number of neo-antigens will be from this that melanoma patients possess the biggest
encoded, and the higher response rate of the patients number of neo-antigens, and perhaps the clonal
will be attained from PD-1 inhibitors [56]. In this way, neo-antigens, derived from driver mutations, some of
the diversity of neo-antigens within the tumor tissues which are shared by different types of cancers [63].
of patients poses to be a key determinant for Consequently, the whole tumor cell derived from
immunotherapy response. patients, containing shared clonal neo-antigens can be
put to application as autologous cancer vaccines or
Targeting Immunogenic Neo-antigens even allogeneic cancer vaccines catering to HLA
It has been revealed by several research works matching scenario. In the same fashion, autologous
that, among neo-antigens, many are immunogenic, cancer vaccines or even allogeneic cancer vaccines can
effective in eliciting immune response from host in be made out of tumor tissues from the majority of
vitro and in vivo [57, 58]. That is why identification of responsive patients for the purpose of treating the
immunogenic neo-antigens possesses critical same cancers or even different types of cancers under
importance for the application of neo-antigens to HLA matching scenario.
cancer vaccines. With the development of associated To conclude, there are at least three lessons that
technologies, for instance Next-generation can be learned from immune checkpoint inhibitor
Sequencing (NGS), peptide manufacturing and based immunotherapies to cancer vaccines for the
peptide immunogenicity in silico prediction, targeting purpose of overcoming the low antigenicity and
tumor specific neo-antigen is now turning out to be a heterogeneity issues by targeting neo-antigens: 1)
sound reality [33]. For the purpose of overcoming the targeting multiple immunogenic neo-antigens; 2)
low antigenicity issue, cancer vaccines can be targeting immunogenic clonal neo-antigens; 3)
designed in order to target immunogenic deriving tumor cell based cancer vaccines from the
neo-antigens. For the purpose of tackling the most immunogenic clonal neo-antigens loaded
heterogeneity issue, numerous immunogenic patients.
neo-antigens are advised to target in the meantime, in
case of the selection of targeting neo-antigen negative Combine with immune checkpoint inhibitors
tumor cells [56]. Among these somatic mutations that Cancer vaccines are designed to bring forth the
encode immunogenic neo-antigens, there are some immunogenic antigens to excite patients’ own
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 266
Table 3. Lessons can be learned from immune checkpoint inhibitors to cancer vaccines
Major Challenges Strategies
Low antigenicity Targeting neo-antigens:
1. targeting multiple immunogenic neo-antigens;
2. targeting clonal neo-antigens;
Cancer Vaccine 3. develop cancer vaccines from immune checkpoint inhibitor responsive
tumor tissues.
Heterogeneity Combine with immune checkpoint inhibitors:
4. culturing tumor cells with IFN-γ containing medium ahead;
5. genetically manipulate tumor cells to secret IFN-γ ahead;
6. delete the expressing of PD-L1 on tumor cell vaccine.
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 267
Figure 1. Cancer vaccines can be designed in a way to target immunogenic neo-antigens, even clonal neo-antigens that are encoded by driver mutations.
Furthermore, cancer vaccines can be put to application in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Journal of Cancer 2018, Vol. 9 268
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