PH.D in Management
PH.D in Management
PH.D in Management
S.No Particulars Page No
3 Ph.D in Management 4
5 Program Regulation 7
7 Grading 13
8 Learning Methodology 15
9 Academic Delivery 16
12 Forum Discussion 18
13 Ph.D Specialization 19
15 Academic Timeline 20
18 Certificate/Transcripts 21
19 Award of Degree 22
The Distance & Blended Learning Programs offered by Texila American TEXILA
University is committed to provide career-oriented educational programs at the CREDENTIALS
Diploma, Bachelor, Masters/Postgraduate and Doctoral level through wide network
Distance & Blended Learning Programs verticals: Public Health, Nursing,
Business Management, Information Technology, Behavioral Science, Clinical
Research, Education, Social Sciences, Alternative Medicine and Engineering and
Mass Communication.
To maintain the enlightenment of quality standards, the school conducts Board of Studies meeting thrice in a
year, Academic Council meeting twice in a year and PhD Advisory committee twice in a year to have a close
follow up on the quality parameters and to enrich the programs offered by the school at every regular phase to
match with global standards.
TAU Doctoral program in Management equips every research scholar with the advanced theoretical
knowledge in their relevant specialization along with the applied Knowledge. The program will
enhance the research scholar’s research skills, analyzing skills, logical thinking and decision making
skills. The proud “Black Belt of Education” can be obtained in a more professional way. The learning
methodologies will definitely help the research scholar’s to develop the process of analytical skills
focusing on the every nuances of the global competitive business environment. TAU will mold every
research scholar into a creative, innovative, resourceful and as a dedicated thinkers.
1. Helps research scholars to apply their analytical skills for better problem solving and for providing
suitable solutions.
2. The research scholars will develop the application of critical thinking, reasoning skills to identify the
origin of the problem and directly apply the suitable alternatives.
3. The research scholar will learn better utilize their potential in building a professional network around the
4. Helps in out-of-box thinking with innovativeness.
5. Facilitates in developing the research scholars to focus more on the innovative business model and
successfully make it live in the global business scenario.
Career Prospects:
1. Teaching
2. Research
3. Taking up Govt. projects
4. Public policy
5. Venture capital
6. Research Writing etc.
Core Subjects:
12 Modules
12 Weekly Test
2 Case Studies.
Faculty Student Interaction.
3 Forum Discussion
Reflective Assessment on Learning Outcome (RALO)
7 Version 2019/1.0 Ph.D in Management
Final Block Exam
Case Study, Capstone It is Mandatory to participate in the Evaluation feedback session scheduled
project from faculty end, if you are absent for the feedback session of Case Study,
Capstone Project 20% of marks will be deducted from your actual mark.
If submission is not done on or before closing date then the evaluation will
not be carried out from faculty end.
Eligibility for Students should have the attendance in the following requirements,
Examination 50% of Internal Marks and 50% of External Marks to complete the course.
Research Work The student has to carry out a research work relevant to their area of
specialization. Research Work will be initiated from 3rd Block onwards.
Student will develop their practical skills by applying their theoretical
knowledge on the chosen topic of research and publish the same as a
research article.
I Business Environment 4
II Quantitative Techniques for Management 4
V Consumer Behaviour 4
VIII E-Business 4
IX Business Etiquette 4
Capstone Project 3 2
III - XVIII Research Proposal Report + Thesis Work: Term reports (3)
Total Credits 90
Credit System: Program is following US credit system.Each credit consists of 15 hrs.’ of online
lectures and faculty student’s interactions, 30 hours of self-directed studies, assessment and research
to IX MARKS: 20
TEST 20 40 10
40 30 05 05
25 25
50 50
*Weekly Test conducted for 120 marks and accordingly converted to 40 Marks.
Block 14, 15 & 16 Rough Draft & Final Thesis Submission all 5%
91 - 100% H Honors
81 - 90% A Outstanding
71 - 80% B Excellent
61 - 70% C Good
50 - 60% D Fair
0 - 49% F Fail
For receiving an honor in the subject a student must pass in all the subjects of the semester. The students who
are repeating the course or the semester are not eligible for the Honors.
The University reserves the right to curve the exam grades of final evaluation.
Student will cover one subject in 2 months’ duration. 12 modules of the course in 12 weeks , Weekly Test,
Forum Discussion and, Projects etc. will be undertaken and students will do a reflective assessment of learning
outcome in each course.
B = Bringing Education to Life, the model envisions to achieve the motto of the university
B= Block Based Learning, Dedicated learning of one subject at a time, focuses on more immersed learning
R= reflective learning, at the end of every BLOCK, student will do a self-reflective evaluation to understand if
he has learnt the learning outcome of the subject
I= Internet based learning [Every block should consist of stipulated number of PPT'S, Videos, Audio, Open
Source Course ware, pdf etc.]
C= Contextual Project Work, gives an opportunity to the students to relate what is being taught into the context
of the real world, and thus eliminating the questions of "Why do I need to learn this stuff?".
C= Capstone Project, promote integrated learning and understand the connections between various subjects
S= Summative and Continuous assessments, [Continuous online Quizzes, Final Term exams, Project Work
15 Version 2019/1.0 Ph.D in Management
TAU have excellent “Learning Management System”, exclusive learning delivery portal in which the student
can easily access their course materials at their own pace of time. Our LMS is designed in a student friendly
manner. Every student will be given individual login credentials. They can enhance their knowledge through
various exercises, assignments, participate in forum discussion, and interact with the faculties with the help of
Faculty – Students interaction session.
Few Glimpses:
It is mandatory for all the students to attend the session and clear their queries and get the feedback of the
evaluation from the faculty. 5 % of marks are allotted for the Interaction session.
It helps the students to resolve their queries and they can update their skills since it is direct communication
with faculties.
1. The students can utilize a forum /discussion boards available via LMS.
2. The forum allows students and instructors to "post" and reply to text-based messages.
3. You can post and read messages when it is convenient for you rather than at a scheduled time.
4. The forum groups together messages that relate to the same topic in a "threaded discussion". For example, if
an instructor posts a question, then each student's individual reply is grouped with the original note.
5. Each person's response is displayed for everyone else to see. Perhaps you are interested in something written
by one of your classmates; you can post a message in response to your classmate.
9. Students can raise all their queries through forum for other students /Future student's reference.
B. Human Resource
C. Finance
D. Marketing
F. Entrepreneurship
G. Investment Management
H. International Business
J. Event Management
K. Retail Management
M. Project Management
N. Technology Management
O. Aviation Management
T. Disaster Management
U. Strategic Management
Note : Students can undergo their research work by choosing any one of the above-mentioned
specialisation areas or in any other relevant areas subject to the approval of PhD Advisory
TAU learning platform is designed to provide learners and educators a single robust, secure, and integrated
system to create personalized learning environments.
LMS allows students to access learning resources, eBooks, lecture notes, submit assessment, online exams,
communicate with peers, faculties and participate in online activities.
The LMS is fast, flexible, and easily adaptable and No specific hardware and software requirement.
Detailed orientation training is provided to the students for online learning.
Learners performance will be assessed based on Formative and Summative Assessment process.
Internal assessment Comprises of 80% and Final Assessment Comprises of 20% weightage.
A candidate has to pass both internal assessment and University examinations separately by
securing minimum of 50% of marks in each subject. Also candidate shall secure at least 50 % of
total marks in each subject in theory paper and practical separately. The marks obtained in the
internal assessment shall be added to the marks obtained in the University examination for each
subject for computing the 50% of minimum marks required for passing
Student must earn minimum 60 credits for successful completion of the program.
E-library is best on-hand reference guide for students which can help them throughout their academic life.
Whether it is for preparing thesis or yearly exams, the E-library Texila Digipedia will serve as the reference
Not only a learning hub, it widens the urge among the students to learn more and gain unlimited knowledge in
their field of study. The availability of credit course where students can contribute towards the library is
something that students need to watch out for.
The student must complete all the required exams. He/she should complete the required assignments, his/her
independent projects, research and, article presentations. Students must submit all requirements and exams in
LMS are compulsory.
A copy of a student’s official transcript is provided to students and will be mailed with diplomas and/or
certificate. Students must confirm their mailing address before dispatching the transcript/certificate. Diplomas,
certificates and final transcripts are mailed approximately 90 days after graduation or completion of the
Certificate Program, provided nil dues.
The Registrar maintains the school’s official academic records. Students may request additional copies of their
transcripts from the Registrar’s Office, placing a request thru letter/email and the additional charges (if any) are
Students are responsible for meeting all deadlines for adds, withdrawals, incompletes, thesis submissions, etc.
Student’s academic record is his/her own responsibility, and it must not be assumed that Academic staffs,
Student Enrollment Officers or others are taking care of these matters.