Ontogeny and Sexual Dimorphism of Glyptotherium Texanum (Xenarthra, Cingulata) From The Pliocene and Pleistocene (Blancan and Irvingtonian NALMA) of Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

DOI 10.1007/s10914-015-9309-6


Ontogeny and Sexual Dimorphism of Glyptotherium texanum

(Xenarthra, Cingulata) from the Pliocene and Pleistocene
(Blancan and Irvingtonian NALMA) of Arizona, New Mexico,
and Mexico
David D. Gillette 1 & Óscar Carranza-Castañeda 2 & Richard S. White Jr 3 &
Gary S. Morgan 4 & Larry C. Thrasher 5 & Robert McCord 6 & Gavin McCullough 6

Published online: 14 October 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract North American glyptodonts originated from South dimorphism involves differences in anatomy of lateral and pos-
American ancestors during the Great American Biotic terior osteoderms. Glyptotherium arizonae Gidley, 1926, is a
Interchange no later than early Blancan North American Land junior synonym of G. texanum. The temporal distribution of
Mammal Age (NALMA). A substantial expansion in popula- G. texanum extends from early Blancan NALMA to
tion samples from the late Blancan 111 Ranch fauna of south- Irvingtonian NALMA, with geographical distribution from
eastern Arizona, several late Blancan faunas in New Mexico, Central America and Mexico to southern United States.
and the early Blancan–Irvingtonian faunas of Guanajuato,
Mexico, permit, analysis of sexual dimorphism and ontogeny Keywords Glyptotherium . Glyptodonts . Cingulata .
of Glyptotherium texanum Osborn, 1903. Growth of carapacial Xenarthra . Blancan . Irvingtonian
osteoderms was allometric, including changes of the external
sculpturing. Overall anatomy of the carapace changed with
growth, with development of distinctive pre-iliac and post- Introduction
iliac regions in lateral profile of adults. Skulls of adults possess
a unique boss on the anterior surface of the descending process Glyptodonts, pampatheres, and armadillos (Xenarthra,
of the zygomatic arch that is not present in juveniles. Sexual Cingulata) originated in South America in the early
Paleogene (Fernicola et al. 2008; Vizcaíno and Loughry
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article 2008). The Cingulata were already diverse and widespread
(doi:10.1007/s10914-015-9309-6) contains supplementary material, (Gaudin and McDonald 2008; Fernicola et al. 2008) when
which is available to authorized users. the juxtaposition of North America and South America in the
Neogene facilitated dispersal of South American terrestrial
* David D. Gillette taxa into Central America (Webb 1991; McDonald 2005;
[email protected]
Morgan 2008) as part of the Great American Biotic
Interchange (GABI) (Woodburne 2010 and references therein).
Museum of Northern Arizona, 3101 N. Fort Valley Road, Only one clade of glyptodonts (Fig. 1) established success-
Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA ful populations in Central America. The founder population
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, expanded through Central America and Mexico, and eventu-
Campus Juriquilla, Queretaro, Mexico ally reached latitudes in southern United States that include
International Wildlife Museum, 4800 West Gates Pass Road, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, the Gulf Coastal
Tucson, AZ 85745, USA Plain, and the Atlantic Coastal Plain as far north as South
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Carolina (Gillette and Ray 1981). The history of the geograph-
Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104, USA ic expansions and contractions of glyptodonts in North
Bureau of Land Management, Safford, AZ 85546, USA America has been elusive. The North American genus
Arizona Museum of Natural History, 53 North McDonald Street, Glyptotherium Osborn, 1903, appears to be more closely re-
Mesa, AZ 85201, USA lated to Boreostemma Carlini et al., 2008, from northern South

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134 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

Fig. 1 Reconstruction of Glyptotherium texanum in life (left) and non-carapacial skeleton (right), from Gillette and Ray (1981); drawing on left by
Bonnie Dalzell, drawing on right by Larry Isham, both originally identified as G. arizonae, now considered a synonym of G. texanum

America, known from middle Miocene to Pliocene (Zurita specimens from Guanajuato, Mexico (Carranza-
et al. 2011a, 2013), than any other genus. Castañeda and Miller 1997; Miller and Carranza-
Gillette and Ray (1981) recognized Glyptotherium as Castañeda 1999; Carranza-Castañeda et al. 2002;
the only genus in North America, with five species: Carranza-Castañeda 2006, 2007), both of which include
G. texanum, G. arizonae, G. floridanum, G. mexicanum, specimens critical to understanding ontogeny and sexual
and G. cylindricum. They broadly described a history of dimorphism.
anagenesis (McDonald and Naples 2007) that began with Prior to this review of two species of Glyptotherium, the
G. texanum in the late Blancan North American Land only recent evaluation of species in this genus in North
Mammal Age (NALMA), continued into the America was presented by Gillette and Whisler (1986), who
Irvingtonian NALMA as G. arizonae, and culminated confirmed the conspecific status of the Rancholabrean
with G. floridanum in the Rancholabrean NALMA. This glyptodonts that occupied the Gulf Coast in Florida and
hypothesis did not postulate the evolutionary positions of Texas (G. floridanum).
two species known only from incomplete holotype speci- Abbreviations AMNH American Museum of Natural
mens, G. mexicanum and G. cylindricum, both from History; ChM Charleston Museum; F:AM Frick Collection,
Mexico. By that interpretation, three species of American Museum of Natural History; GABI Great
glyptodonts were diagnostic for a succession of three land American Biotic Interchange; GTO Guanajuato, Mexico, also
mammal ages, except for a problematical overlap of ap- locality prefix for sites in Guanajuato, Mexico; IGM Instituto
parent G. texanum and G. arizonae in Florida in the de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Blancan NALMA. Ciudad Universitaria; MPGJ Museo de Paleontología,
Newly discovered specimens from the Blancan and Centro de Geociencias Juriquilla; MSM Arizona Museum of
Irvingtonian NALMAs in Mexico, Arizona, and New Natural History (formerly Mesa Southwest Museum); ma,
Mexico (Thrasher 2000; Morgan and Lucas 2000, 2003; megannum, one million years in the radioisotopic time scale;
Morgan 2008; Morgan et al. 2008, 2011; Carranza- mya, million years ago; N 1 –N 8 upper dentition, all
Castañeda and Gillette 2011; Gillette et al. 2012) molariform; N 1 –N 8 lower dentition, all molariform;
(Fig. 2) now permit a reevaluation of ontogeny, sexual NALMA North American Land Mammal Age;
dimorphism, temporal range, and taxonomy. Records of NMMNH&S New Mexico Museum of Natural History and
Glyptotherium from Guanajuato, central Mexico, are the Science; UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
oldest known glyptodonts in North America, with radio- México.
metric dates that indicate an origin of the genus no later Definitions Anatomical terminology for glyptodonts is
than 3.9 mya (Carranza-Castañeda and Miller 2004; generally well known and consistently applied. However,
Carranza-Castañeda 2006; Carranza-Castañeda and osteological and orientational terminology that applies to
Gillette 2011, 2013; Gillette et al. 2012). the armor has been varied and inconsistent. Gillette and
The taxonomic framework below follows Gillette and Ray (1981) used the term ‘scute’ for the individual plates
Ray (1981). The synonymy of two Blancan-Irvingtonian of bone that coalesce to form the armor in
species of Glyptotherium presented here is a first step in Glyptotherium. The term ‘osteoderm’ has gained wide
comprehensive review of the taxonomy and paleobiolo- usage as a replacement for “scute,” and is adopted here.
gy of this genus, in line with the recommendations of The armor consists of conjoined osteoderms arranged as
Gaudin and McDonald (2008). The recognition of this a plate on the dorsal surface of the skull (“casque
synonymy was facilitated by an expansion in the num- osteoderms”), the conjoined osteoderms that cover the
ber of specimens from the 111 Ranch fauna in south- dorsal and lateral surfaces of the body as a “carapace”
eastern Arizona (Thrasher 2004; White and Morgan (also “dorsal carapace”), the bands of armor formed by
2005; Morgan and White 2005) and review of the 1–3 rows of osteoderms that surround successive caudal

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 135

Fig. 2 Principal Blancan and Irvingtonian NALMA sites with drainage, New Mexico; 7, western Texas; 8, Crosby County, Texas
Glyptotherium in United States and Mexico plotted on paleogeographic (type locality of G. texanum); 9, Holloman, Oklahoma; 10, Carmen,
map reconstruction for 5 mya, courtesy Ron Blakey, Colorado Plateau Oklahoma; 11, Florida sites; map reconstruction approximates
Geosystems (Blakey nd). 1,Guanajuato, Mexico; 2, 111 Ranch, near shorelines and topography immediately before and during initial
Safford, AZ; 3, Curtis Ranch, AZ (type locality of G. arizonae); 4, population expansion into North America from South America in the
southwestern New Mexico; 5, southern New Mexico; 6, Rio Grande early GABI

vertebrae (“caudal rings”), and isolated ossifications in Systematic Paleontology

the dermis (“dermal ossicles”).
Hill (2006) adopted useful orientational and osteological Order CINGULATA Illiger, 1811
terminology that we have applied in the present contribution. Family GLYPTODONTIDAE Gray, 1869
Especially confusing are terms that express the outer and inner Subfamily GLYPTODONTINAE Gray, 1869
surfaces of the dermal osteoderms; we follow Hill (2006) in
the use of “superficial” and “deep” (= “external” and “inter- Genus GLYPTOTHERIUM Osborn, 1903
nal”, or “external” and “deep” of other authors). Figure 3 il-
lustrates the most frequently used terminology. Type Species Glyptotherium texanum Osborn, 1903

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136 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

except in anterolateral region; superficial surfaces of midbody

osteoderms of carapace marked by shallow sulcus ornamentation
that delimits a polygonal central figure, and a single row of six to
ten peripheral figures; central figures tend toward octagonal
shape; peripheral figures occasionally overlap to an adjoining
osteoderm, and rarely form intercalated figures that add an addi-
tional complete or partial row to an osteoderm; central figures
slightly larger than, equal to, or slightly smaller than peripherals;
central figures slightly raised over the level of peripheral figures,
and strongly to weakly convex, flat, or weakly concave, some
with central depressions; carapacial osteoderms polygonal,
tending toward symmetrical, hexagonal shape at midline; breadth
of midbody osteoderms of adults greater than three times the
thickness; adult carapace recurved, with convex preiliac and con-
cave postiliac profile; osteoderms of anterolateral region quadri-
lateral; osteoderms of lateral margin increasingly conical toward
rear in males, flat in females; peripheral osteoderms surrounding
caudal aperture of adults strongly conical in males, weakly con-
ical to nearly flat in females. See also diagnosis and discussion
Fig. 3 Osteoderm terminology. This slightly irregular, hexagonal for Glyptotherium Osborn, 1903, in Gillette and Ray (1981).
osteoderm from an adult Glyptotherium texanum has nine peripheral Carapacial anatomy of Glyptotherium differs from other late
figures, three intercalated peripheral figures, an octagonal central figure, Neogene genera in relatively small size, relatively thin
and slightly convex central figure with weak central depression. a, edge
view; b, superficial (external) surface. Abbreviations: c, central figure; osteoderms, shallow depth of sulci on the external surface of
cd, central depression; cs, central sulcus; d, deep (internal) surface; f, hair osteoderms, and simple caudal armor.
follicle; ip, one of three intercalated (incomplete) peripheral figures; p,
peripheral figures; rs, radial sulcus; s, superficial (external) surface; ar- Glyptotherium texanum Osborn, 1903
rows indicate positions of several radial sulci

Glyptotherium texanum Osborn 1903:492, pl. 42 (original

Included Species Glyptotherium mexicanum (Cuatáparo description).
and R amírez , 1 875); G. texanum Osborn, 1903; Glyptotherium texanum: Gillette and Ray 1981:11, Figs. 5,
G. cylindricum (Brown, 1912); G. arizonae Gidley, 1926; 6–9, 18–19, 28–31, 33–41, 45–47, 50, 52, 53, 56–72, 74, 76,
G. floridanum (Simpson, 1929). 79–82, 92.
Occurrence Southern United States, Mexico, Central Glyptotherium arizonae Gidley 1926:96, Fig. 4, pl. 40–44
America, northern South America, and Brazil. (original description).
Glyptotherium occupied central Mexico as early as early Glyptotherium arizonae: Gillette and Ray 1981:12, figs. 10,
Blancan NALMA, and subsequently expanded to southern 13–14, 18–20, 24, 27, 32, 42–43, 48, 51, 54, 75, 77, 83–86, 93.
United States in the late Blancan NALMA and early Glyptotherium arizonae: Czaplewski 2004:8, Figs. 5–8.
Irvingtonian NALMA (G. texanum).
Remarks There are no records of Glyptotherium in the Emended Specific Diagnosis Central figures of internal
United States in medial and late Irvingtonian NALMA sites, (hexagonal, symmetrical) osteoderms of the middle region
the “glyptodont gap,” after which the genus reappears in of the carapace of adults markedly convex to flat, larger than
southern United States (G. floridanum). Geographic distribu- or equal to peripheral figures.
tion of the genus in Mexico and Central Mexico was probably Hypodigm All specimens listed in Gillette and Ray (1981)
continuous from early Blancan NALMA through the for G. texanum and G. arizonae; and all new specimens of
Rancholabrean NALMA, with expansions and contractions G. texanum described below.
of populations with changes in environmental conditions. Holotype AMNH 10704, carapace, caudal vertebrae, cau-
Newly recovered specimens from central Mexico and south- dal armor, pelvis, seven chevrons.
western United States, described below, indicate synonymy of Type Locality Llano Estacado, Texas; exact locality uncer-
G. texanum and G. arizonae. tain; probably “Blanco Locality,” Crosby County, Texas, of
Emended Diagnosis This emendation is restricted to certain Johnson and Savage (1955).
aspects of carapacial armor; see Gillette and Ray (1981) for com- Age Early Blancan NALMA–early Irvingtonian NALMA.
plete diagnosis. Carapace short, moderately to highly arched; Confirmed early Blancan NALMA records of this species are
carapacial osteoderms firmly ankylosed in adults, immovable restricted to central Mexico. In the United States, the oldest

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 137

Fig. 4 Left lower jaw of a baby

Glyptotherium texanum (MPGJ
2043) and a hyoid from an adult
G. texanum (MPGJ 2042) from
Guanajuato, Mexico. a, occlusal
aspect of lower jaw; b, medial
aspect of lower jaw, anterior to
right; c, hyoid

records of this species are late Blancan NALMA. The species Previous Work
is known from early Irvingtonian NALMA sites in Mexico
and southern United States. There are no confirmed records of Gillette and Ray (1981) reviewed all known glyptodonts
this species younger than early Irvingtonian NALMA. from North America, based largely on the exceptional
Remarks Gillette and Ray (1981) concluded that the lateral specimens from the 111 Ranch fauna in southeastern
profile of the carapace of G. texanum was convex with little or no Arizona. They described the osteology of a skull
pre-iliac and post-iliac distinction. This conclusion is invalidated (F:AM 59583), a nearly complete individual including
by ontogenetic changes in carapace anatomy reported below. a skull (F:AM 95737), and isolated elements of
Most of the hypodigm of G. texanum available to Gillette and G. texanum collected many years earlier by Theodore
Ray (1981) was juvenile, and the hypodigm of G. arizonae was Galusha for the American Museum of Natural History.
adult, according to the conclusions presented below. In addition, These specimens permitted an expanded description of
G. texanum appeared to be much smaller than G. arizonae, a the osteology of G. texanum, previously known mainly
difference now attributable to ontogeny instead. from the holotype (AMNH 10704) from the Blanco

Fig. 5 Skull of an adult Glyptotherium texanum (MSM P8538) from the facet (note pebbles adhering to otherwise smooth surface); jz,
111 Ranch fauna, Arizona. a, cranium fragment, dorsal aspect; b, cranium horizontal (zygomatic) process of jugal; mf, mandibular fossa (note peb-
fragment, ventral aspect. Abbreviations: bo, basioccipital; bs, bles); oc, occipital condyle; p, parietal; s, squamosal; sf, sagittal furrow;
basisphenoid; f, frontal; fm, foramen magnum; ga, glenoid articular so, supraoccipital; sz, zygomatic process of squamosal

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138 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

Fig. 6 Left and right zygomatic

regions of the cranium of an adult
Glyptotherium texanum (MSM
P8538) from the 111 Ranch
fauna, Arizona. a, nearly
complete right zygomatic arch,
lateral aspect; b, anterior fragment
of left zygomatic arch, oblique
anterolateral aspect; c, anterior
fragment of left zygomatic arch,
dorsal aspect; tip of descending
process in b and c indicated by
solid line; insert, anterior
fragment of left zygomatic arch
(b) in lateral view superimposed
on adult skull UMMP 34826
(reversed to left from right) for
orientation. Abbreviations: db,
raised boss on anterior surface of
descending process of maxilla-
jugal; io, infraorbital canal; jd,
descending process of jugal; jz,
horizontal (zygomatic) process of
jugal; jzd, dorsal surface of
zygomatic process of jugal; ms,
muscle scars on anterior and
lateral faces of jugal; mxd,
descending process of maxilla;
mxs, superior process of maxilla;
mxz, zygomatic process of
maxilla; o, orbit

Fig. 7 Left lower jaw of

Glyptotherium texanum (MSM
P4818). a, medial aspect; b,
lateral aspect; c, tooth row,
occlusal aspect, anterior to left, N8
is incomplete, and angle is broken
and incomplete

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 139

Fig. 8 Partial carapace and osteoderms of a juvenile Glyptotherium texanum (MPGJ 1946) from Arroyo Belén, Guanajuato. a, section of carapace from
the cephalic region; b, carapace fragment from the anterolateral region; c, isolated osteoderms

Beds of western Texas. Gillette and Ray (1981) consid- Blancan NALMA glyptodonts in Mexico and Central
ered G. texanum to be older and characteristic of late America
Blancan NALMA faunas, and G. arizonae somewhat
younger and characteristic of Irvingtonian NALMA Newly recovered specimens of glyptodonts from the
faunas. In addition, they concluded that G. texanum Pliocene of Los Galvanes and Coecillos areas, San
was smaller, with a convex carapace, and that Miguel de Allende Basin in Guanajuato, central Mexico
G. arizonae was larger, with a more complicated lateral extend the known temporal range of Glyptotherium
profile of the carapace and clearly delineated preiliac (Carranza-Castañeda and Miller 2004; Flynn et al. 2005;
and postiliac segments. These two species are the sub- Carranza-Castañeda 2006) to early Blancan NALMA.
ject of this revision. Confirmation of the identity of the Glyptotherium records

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140 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

in this and overlying beds in central Mexico was critical to NALMA) substantially improve understanding of variation,
elucidation of the taxonomic revision of the genus proposed growth, and development of the skull.
below. The partial left lower jaw of the baby (MPGJ 2043) is
Blancan-Irvingtonian records of Glyptotherium in Costa preserved from the symphysis to N7, with an incomplete as-
Rica include Lucas et al. (1997), Valerio et al. (2005), Mora cending ramus (Fig. 4a–b). It contains N1–N7 and shows no
et al. (2005), and Valerio and Laurito (2011a, 2011b). Lucas trace of N8, which is either not preserved or not erupted. N1–
et al. (1997) identified two small osteoderms from a site in N6 are complete, N7 is damaged and incomplete. As a land-
northwestern Costa Rica as Glyptodon sp. If this assignment is mark for development, the anterior margin of the ascending
correct, it represents one of three occurrences of Glyptodon in ramus is in line with the middle of N5, so that N5 is only
Central America. However, these hexagonal osteoderms have partially visible in lateral aspect. With growth, the position
a large central figure and rosette pattern that are consistent of N5 would advance forward as the horizontal ramus in-
with juvenile morphology of Glyptotherium sp., to which we creased in length and the anterior margin of the ascending
tentatively assign these osteoderms. Gomez (1986) and ramus eventually lined up with the middle lobe of N6. Teeth
Alvarado (1986) recorded four additional sites with are tapered, but all show occlusal attrition. Lobes are less
Glyptodon in Costa Rica for which the specimens are lost angular than in adults. Individual spacing between the teeth
according to Lucas et al. (1997). is very wide at occlusal surfaces, but much closer deep within
the alveoli. N1 is semilunar, with three weakly expressed lobes
on the buccal surface and only a smoothly convex surface
Late Blancan − Irvingtonian NALMA glyptodonts lingually. N2 is weakly trilobate, N3–N4 are increasingly trilo-
in the United States bate, and N5–N7 are markedly trilobate. Orthodentine rims
and osteodentine rami are not recognizable except on N6 and
Morgan (2005, 2008) summarized the GABI in Florida and appear not to have developed at this stage of growth, perhaps
North America, respectively. He recognized an early pulse of an indication the baby had not begun to feed independently.
the GABI that began in Florida in the early Hemphillian The wide space between teeth probably indicates that at this
NALMA (late Miocene, 8–9 ma), and a second pulse in the age the baby was still suckling and not dependent on an her-
late Blancan NALMA (Pliocene-Pleistocene, 2.7–1.5 ma) by bivorous diet. The apparent later eruption of N2 and N3 might
ten genera of birds and mammals that included the first ap- indicate at least a portion of the eruption sequence during
pearance of Glyptotherium from tropical America. development. The rim on N6 is only faintly expressed.
Gillette and Ray (1981) summarized records of Blancan Growth lines are not discernable in gross aspect, although
and Irvingtonian glyptodonts in the American Southwest, in- indistinct growth lines can be recognized in at least one tooth
cluding faunas from sites in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arizona. (N6) under magnification. Cementum is present on all the
Glyptodonts from those faunas and subsequent discoveries teeth, especially in reentrant angles between the orthodentine
(Appendix 1–2) in New Mexico (Vanderhill 1986; Lucas rim and the bony wall of the alveoli. The association of a large
et al. 1993; Morgan and Lucas 2000, 2003; Morgan 2008; number of osteoderms with this jaw confirms identification as
Morgan et al. 2008) and Oklahoma (Czaplewski 2004) are a baby.
now assigned by synonymy to G. texanum. Eight partial teeth (three upper posterior teeth and five
lowers) and one complete tooth (N3) of an adult (MPGJ
2042) resemble corresponding teeth from the 111 Ranch fauna
Description of New Material previously described (Gillette and Ray 1981) and the newly
recovered specimens from 111 Ranch described below. These
Skull and Jaws teeth all have distinct growth lines on the external surface of
the orthodentine rims. One complete tooth (N3) has a line
Cranial elements of Glyptotherium are not common. Gillette count of approximately 15 per mm through its 80 mm length,
and Ray (1981) described one nearly complete skull and one for a total of approximately 120 lines from occlusal surface to
partial skull, both with upper dentition, of juveniles from the the growth plate. Poor preservation of the occlusal surface
111 Ranch fauna as G. texanum; and the nearly complete skull obscures fine detail of the osteodentine rami in all but one
of an adult from the Seymour Formation, Gilliland local fauna tooth in which secondary and tertiary ramifications are evident
of northern Texas, as G. arizonae. but not very distinct. Associated osteoderms and partial cara-
The lower jaw of a baby (Irvingtonian NALMA) and teeth pace confirm the identification as G. texanum.
from an adult (early Blancan NALMA) from the San Miguel The new skull from 111 Ranch (MSM P8538, Figs. 5–6) is
de Allende basin in Guanajuato; and lower jaw, a partial cra- the only mature adult cranium known from this fauna and it
nium, and partial lower jaw and teeth from a baby glyptodont materially expands the range of variation in cranial characters
from separate sites in the 111 Ranch fauna (late Blancan and dimensions known for G. texanum. Gillette and Ray

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 141

(1981) described the skulls of a young adult (F:AM 59583) Development of these surfaces is ontogenetic, appearing at
and a juvenile (F:AM 95737) as G. texanum, both smaller than maturity rather than in juvenile stages of growth.
MSM P8538; the skulls of two adults from the Seymour The deep cleft in the basioccipital differs from the smooth,
Formation of northern Texas (UMMP 34826 and UMMP non-clefted anatomy of the juveniles, and resembles the cleft
38761) as G. arizonae, which are approximately the same size anatomy in the late Pleistocene skull fragment of a fully grown
as MSM P8538; and fragmentary cranial elements they adult G. floridanum from South Carolina (ChM 2415) illus-
assigned to G. floridanum from southeastern United States. trated in Gillette and Ray (1981): Fig. 12). The basioccipital
This skull includes most of the cranium except for the palate, cleft thus appears to be ontogenetic, and therefore not a spe-
dentition, and anterior snout. Fragments of left N7 and N8 cies distinction as proposed by Gillette and Ray (1981).
remain in their alveoli but their occlusal surfaces are broken Gillette and Ray (1981) recognized the sagittal furrow sepa-
and missing. Small pebbles and sand in some pockets within rating the frontals and parietals in the juvenile skulls from the
the skull indicate burial in a beach or fluvial setting. 111 Ranch fauna; this furrow is equally prominent in the adult
Dimensions (Table 1) are approximately 10 % greater than skull (MSM P8538). In other respects this skull resembles
corresponding dimensions of the two juveniles from the 111 those of the two juveniles from 111 Ranch fauna, the adult
Ranch fauna, and approximately the same as UMMP 34826 skull from the Seymour fauna, and the late Pleistocene skull
from the Seymour fauna (see Gillette and Ray 1981: Table 1). fragments from southeastern United States (Gillette and Ray
Sutures are ankylosed and surficial anatomy clearly delineates 1981).
the boundaries of muscle attachments, unlike the anatomy on Two lower jaws (MSM P4818, Fig. 7, Table 2, and MSM
the juvenile skulls in which muscle scars are not clearly P4462) are the only mandibular material known from the 111
discernable. Ranch fauna. Left mandible MSM P4818 is nearly as large as
The most striking differences on the adult skull are on the the lower jaws (USNM 10536, 38761) of two adult individ-
zygomatic arches (Fig. 6). The horizontal processes on both uals in the Seymour fauna and is approximately the size ex-
sides of the skull are nearly complete, and the descending pected for the adult skull (MSM P8538) described above. The
processes are complete except for their inferior tips. The de- ventral profile of the horizontal ramus is deepest immediately
scending processes arise from the maxillae and unite with the beneath the anterior margin of the ascending ramus. The lat-
zygomatic processes of the jugals. The dorsal and lateral sur- eral profile of the symphysis is slightly downturned, whereas
faces of the zygomatic arch are flattened. The descending in the Seymour mandibles the ramus is deepest more anteri-
processes of the maxilla and jugal are expanded inferiorly as orly (beneath N5) and the symphysis profile is horizontal. The
an enlarged maxillary-jugal boss that grades posteriorly into a symphysis terminates posteriorly in approximately the posi-
marked, rearward extending ridge along the inferior border of tion of the junction between N4–N5. The dentition is complete
the jugal. This ridge converges with a smaller ridge on the except for the posterior lobe of N8. The occlusal surface of N1
inferior surface of the horizontal ramus, together producing a is semilunar, with a weakly expressed separation of three
large concave surface at the anterior extremity of the inferior lobes on the labial margin. N2–N4 are increasingly trilobate,
border of the horizontal ramus. The bosses are rugose and and N 5 –N 8 are fully trilobate. The interior ridge of
clearly indicate muscle attachment surfaces for snout and fa- osteodentine possesses secondary rami that branch into the
cial muscles. Additional muscle scars on the anterior surface lobes and these in turn have tertiary rami. In other respects,
of the zygomatic processes of the maxillae and jugals are this mandible and dentition are similar to the corresponding
prominent. The bosses, associated ridges, and muscle scars elements in the Seymour fauna, supporting the assertion that
are not evident on the juvenile skulls from the 111 Ranch the differences are ontogenetic or sexual rather than taxonom-
fauna, even though those individuals were nearly full grown. ic. The other mandible (MSM P4462) is not as well preserved,

Table 1 Dimensions (mm) of the

cranium, Glyptotherium texanum; Dimension MSM F:AM F:AM UMMP
* approximate, a dimensions from P8538 59583a 95737a 34826a
Gillette and Ray (1981) (adult) (juvenile) (juvenile (adult)

1. Transverse outside diameter, occipital condyles 104 87 88 108

2. Transverse diameter, occipital condyle left facet 29 30 * 34 25
3. Transverse diameter, occipital condyle right facet 32 25 – 33
4. Inferosuperior diameter, occipital condyle left facet 25 23 22 31
5. Inferosuperior diameter, occipital condyle right facet 23 21 21 29
6. Anteroposterior diameter, mandibular facet to infraorbital 154/- -/- 127/125 150/
canal, lower anterior margin, left/right 150

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142 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

Table 2 Dimensions (mm) of the

mandibles of adult Dimension MSM USNM UMMP
Glyptotherium; * approximate, P4818 10536a 38761a
dimensions from Gillette and
Ray (1981) 1. Height of ascending ramus, from condyle through posterior lobe of N7 to 220 230 245
lower margin of horizontal ramus
2. Maximum transverse diameter, articular condyle 49 49* 39
3. Anterior-posterior diameter, articular condyle 33 49 39
4. Vertical depth, horizontal ramus at N7, including tooth 92 107 100*
5. Vertical depth, horizontal ramus at N5, including tooth 88 106 104
6. Vertical depth, horizontal ramus at N3, including tooth 76 96 –
7. Length of horizontal ramus along tooth row 300 – –
8. Length of tooth row 195* – –

but its size and anatomy are consistent with the one described similar to caudal vertebra 7 of the juvenile G. texanum de-
above. scribed by Gillette and Ray (1981).
Other postcranial bones in the fauna are generally fragmen-
Postcranial Skeleton tary. No new osteological distinctions can be discerned from
the postcranial elements in the 111 Ranch fauna, supporting
MPGJ 2042 from Guanajuato, Mexico, includes fragments of the conclusion that G. texanum and G. arizonae cannot be
the pelvis and the hyoid. The hyoid (Fig. 4c) is V-shaped, with distinguished by size or morphology. Similarly, carapacial
simple cornua that lack their extremities, and relatively simple and skeletal elements recovered from central and southern
body. One surface of the body has a pair of raised bosses, each New Mexico (Appendix 1) are all consistent with the range
adjacent to a depression. of variation established for the 111 Ranch fauna.
A variety of postcranial elements in the Arizona Museum
of Natural History collection (Appendix 1) have been collect- Carapace and dermal armor
ed by recent field parties, most of them isolated bones. The
partial skeleton (MSM P4818) of an adult male includes a The addition of numerous carapacial elements from Mexico,
large portion of the postcranial skeleton: atlas, thoracic tube Arizona, and New Mexico greatly expands our understanding
(ankylosed vertebrae), caudal vertebrae, forelimb, manus, in- of G. texanum with respect to growth and development.
nominate, and hind limb in addition to the lower jaw described Carapace MPGJ 1946 from the San Miguel de Allende fauna
above and partial carapace described below. The postcranial of Guanajuato includes a large part of the lateral portion of the
elements are large compared to previously published elements cephalic region (Fig. 8a). It is organized into eight parallel
(juveniles) from the 111 Ranch fauna (Gillette and Ray 1981), rows each with eight osteoderms as preserved. The first mar-
approximating the size of corresponding elements from the ginal row has eight triangular osteoderms that unite dorsally
Gilliland and Curtis Ranch local faunas. Dimensions of the with the adjacent second row. In each osteoderm of the mar-
individual elements of the forelimb (Table 3) are roughly the ginal row, the distal portion has an elongated marginal border;
same or even slightly larger than in the largest individuals in the central figure in each osteoderm occupies nearly ninety
the genus (Gillette and Ray 1981). Muscle attachment sur- percent of the surface, the peripheral figures are indeterminate
faces are more pronounced than in juveniles, in keeping with and reduced in number; each osteoderm has several follicles in
the adult age of this individual. The manus is tightly flexed the dorsal region.
and in full articulation. In all respects other than its large size, Osteoderms of the second row are quadrilateral, with small
it resembles the manus of the juvenile G. texanum described and poorly defined peripheral figures; the central figures are
by Gillette and Ray (1981). round and flat, occupying an average of approximately eighty
A left rear foot (MSM P7911) including calcaneum, astrag- percent of the total surface. Osteoderms of the third row range
alus, metatarsals, and digits recovered with a nearly complete from almost square to hexagonal; the central figures are round
carapace is similarly preserved in a flexed condition. This foot and occupy approximately seventy per cent of the total sur-
is complete, with proximal paired sesamoids for digits 2–4, face, and the peripheral figures are more clearly defined.
and single sesamoids at the distal joints of the same digits. Osteoderms of the fifth and sixth rows are hexagonal, with
This foot and carapace have not been fully prepared. The elongation in the anteroposterior axis. The central figures are
elements of the foot appear to be rather small, indicating the rounded and occupy approximately fifty percent of the sur-
individual is a juvenile. An isolated, complete caudal vertebra face; peripheral figures are irregular in shape and size, usually
(MSM P4818) from approximately position no. 7 is likewise eight and occasionally seven per osteoderm. The sulci that

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 143

Table 3 Selected dimensions (mm) of the forelimb skeleton of Glyptotherium texanum; * approximate, a dimensions from Gillette and Ray (1981)

Dimension MSM F:AM F:AM UMMP TMM 40664- USNM

4818 95,737 a 59,585 a 38,761 245 a 10536
(adult) (juvenile) (juvenile) a (adult) a

(adult) (adult)

1. Humerus, maximum length from proximal articulating surface of head to distal 390 258 – – – 365
extremity of trochlear facet
2. Humerus, maximum transverse diameter across epicondyles 109 85 – – 119 114
3. Radius, maximum transverse diameter, proximal articular facets 58 43 56 56/59 – 59
4. Radius, minimum transverse diameter of shaft 26 15 22 – – 25
5. Radius, maximum anteroposterior diameter of proximal articular facet 34 23 33 – – 32*
6. Ulna, maximum proximodistal length 276 194 – – – 270
7. Ulna, minimum anteroposterior diameter of shaft distal to semilunar notch 41 42 – – – 59
8. Ulna, minimum anteroposterior diameter through semilunar notch 52 39 – – – 56
9. Ulna, length of olecranon above semilunar notch (anconeal process to proximal 94 59 – – – 98

surround the central figures are wide and contain a few Two additional specimens were collected at the same strat-
foramina. As preserved, the osteoderms are arranged igraphic level. One is a hexagonal osteoderm of the dorsal
into nine transverse rows from the margin to the dorsal region with weakly convex central figure and ten peripheral
part of the carapace. The typical pattern of sculpturing figures (Fig. 9a). The central figure is slightly concave and
marked by the sulci is two rows of peripheral figures occupies approximately half of the total surface of the
separating each central figure but sulci of some periph- osteoderm. Its sulcus houses six foramina. The other
eral figures are continuous with the sulci of adjoining osteoderm is an irregular hexagon, with round, concave cen-
osteoderms. In this case, the resulting pattern is one row tral figure that occupies approximately half of the total surface
of peripheral figures separating the central figures, rath- osteoderm and twelve pentagonal peripheral figures; the sul-
er than two. Similar patterns of distribution of peripher- cus surrounding the central figure has nine follicles (Fig. 9b).
al figures are known from 111 Ranch glyptodonts. The partial carapace of a baby (MPGJ 2043) includes a
Another fragment of MPGJ 1946 (Fig. 8b) consists of large fragment from the dorsal region, from the caudal row
twelve fused osteoderms from the marginal part of the caudal of osteoderms forward to the medial part of the cephalic re-
area. These are the thickest osteoderms of this carapace. All of gion, including the pre-iliac and post-iliac regions (Fig. 10).
the osteoderms in the first row (marginals) are triangular, with The caudal aperture has nine preserved marginal osteoderms,
elongated marginal border posteriorly. In the second row of and positions for three missing, indicating a total of 12
five irregular osteoderms, the central figure occupies more osteoderms along the caudal border. As preserved, it has ap-
than ninety per cent of the surface, with four or five peripheral proximately 23 transverse rows anterior to the caudal aperture.
figures, irregular in shape and size. Isolated osteoderms The iliac crest occupies a position roughly between precaudal
(Fig. 8c) of this individual belong to different parts of the rows 10–19 (that is, counting from the rear row forward). The
lateral and dorsal region of the carapace; two fragments, each
with three united osteoderms probably belong to the middle
region on the anterior carapace. One of these fragments has
three trapezoidal osteoderms, each with a flat, slightly con-
cave and rounded central figure, and eight peripheral figures
of different size and shape. The peripheral figures are charac-
terized by contiguous sulci of the peripheral figures between
adjoining osteoderms. Another fragment differs in having
rectangular osteoderms, each with nine peripheral figures;
the sulci are contiguous between adjoining osteoderms. One
and a half osteoderms from the dorsal area are pentagonal,
with a convex central figure with central concavity and nine
peripheral figures that overlap the junction of the adjoining Fig. 9 Isolated carapacial osteoderms of adult Glyptotherium texanum
osteoderms. from Arroyo Belén, Guanajuato. a, MPGJ 398; b, MPGJ 2745

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144 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

one that is parallel to the caudal margin. Others are arranged in

oblique bands from the edge toward the dorsal area but the
rows are interrupted before reaching the dorsal region of the
carapace. In an additional fragment of the anterolateral region
of the carapace, osteoderms vary in shape from quadrilateral,
pentagonal, or elongated hexagons, all arranged in parallel
rows (Fig. 11a). All the osteoderms have a round, slightly
concave central figure that occupies roughly half of the entire
surface. In some osteoderms near the caudal margin, the cen-
tral figure occupies more than seventy-five percent of the sur-
face. In the anterolateral part of the carapace, with quadrangu-
lar and pentagonal osteoderms, the central figures occupy ap-
proximately fifty percent of the total surface. The peripheral
figures are smaller and slightly concave, with rather consistent
number, shape, and size. In hexagonal osteoderms (Fig. 11b),
the typical number of peripheral figures is eight; only a few
have nine and ten. The sulcus that separates the central and the
peripheral figures is relatively wide; in the anterior and middle
region of the carapace the sulci generally have five hair folli-
cles, but fewer follicles in osteoderms from the lateral, caudal,
and rear positions of the carapace.
MPGJ 2042, an adult, includes two sections of the carapace
(Fig. 12a–b). The preservation is poor, with osteoderms from
the anterior part of the shield partially destroyed by erosion.
The osteoderms are arranged in parallel transverse rows. The
marginal osteoderms are triangular, with central figures that
occupy nearly ninety percent of osteoderm surface. The mar-
ginal edge of each is rounded or terminates with a pointed tip,
and the peripheral figures are very small and indistinct.
Osteoderms of the second row are quadrilateral, with the cen-
tral figures that are slightly convex and cover approximately
seventy percent of the total surface in the osteoderm; periph-
Fig. 10 Partial carapace of a baby Glyptotherium texanum (MPGJ 2043) eral figures are small and poorly defined. Osteoderms of the
from the Irvingtonian NALMA of Guanajuato, Mexico. a, oblique aspect fourth row are polyhedral, with slightly convex central figures
of left posterolateral region, caudal aperture to right; b, dorsal view of and eight well defined peripheral figures. From the fifth row to
entire specimen, caudal aperture at bottom, anterior to top. Photo scales
10 cm the middle region of the carapace, the osteoderms vary from
hexagonal to pentagonal, central figures are round and flat.
Central figures of these osteoderms occupy slightly more than
post-iliac portion includes precaudal rows 1–9; the pre-iliac half the total surface area, and each osteoderm has eight pe-
region is anterior to precaudal row 19. Dorsal osteoderms are ripheral figures that are frequently shared with adjoining
hexagonal to nearly round. Pre-iliac osteoderms are arranged osteoderms (Fig. 12c).
in parallel rows, an organization also observed in another large Several incomplete carapaces, numerous smaller sections
fragment of the dorsal area, together indicating at least four- of carapacial armor, and isolated osteoderms in the 111 Ranch
teen parallel, pre-iliac rows. In an additional large lateral frag- fauna permit a broader understanding of growth and develop-
ment of the middle region, osteoderms are hexagonal with ment. MSM P4818 (Fig. 13) includes a partial, undistorted
transverse elongation, and they are intercalated with square carapace of a large adult and much of the noncarapacial skel-
or rectangular osteoderms that lack external sculpturing. In eton. Dimensions and anatomy indicate an adult male that is
the caudal region, the osteoderms of the caudal border have slightly larger than the type specimen of G. arizonae, hitherto
uneven development. The central osteoderm is the largest, regarded as the species with the largest adults in this genus
with pentagonal base and conical boss. Three osteoderms of (Gillette and Ray 1981). The carapace fragment is the left side,
nearly the same size and design occupy each side of the mar- with left margin intact but the anterior and posterior apertures
ginal border; the remaining osteoderms are smaller but retain are not preserved, precluding assignment of sex (but see cau-
the conical boss. The second row of osteoderms is the only dal armor, below). Osteoderms extend from the margin to near

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 145

Fig. 11 Close-up photographs of interior osteoderms of the baby dorsal carapace; b, symmetrical hexagonal osteoderms from the dorsal
Glyptotherium texanum (MPGJ 2043) from the Irvingtonian NALMA carapace. Photo scales 10 cm
of Guanajuato, Mexico. a, transitional osteoderms between lateral and

the sagittal plane. It includes approximately 239 osteoderms depression, no greater than 3 mm. This carapace does not
arranged in 25 diagonal rows that reach the lateral margin and include the iliac region, and therefore lacks information
terminate with a single, enlarged conical osteoderm. Lateral concerning the preiliac and postiliac profile.
osteoderms increase in size rearward. Osteoderms tend toward The carapace of MSM P4465 (Fig. 14a–b) is on display at
quadrilateral and pentagonal near the margins, and hexagonal the Arizona Museum of Natural History. The cephalic aper-
toward the midline. Osteoderms in the first four rows of the ture and lateral margins are incomplete, but the caudal aper-
anterolateral carapace are smaller than osteoderms in the inte- ture is complete and the entire section is preserved in a three
rior, and their shape is approximately rectangular but with dimensional condition. In lateral aspect (Fig. 14b), the pre-
raised surface. The rosette pattern on the superficial surface iliac region is convex and the post-iliac region is concave.
of these osteoderms is inconspicuous, owing to the very large Osteoderms of the caudal aperture (Fig. 14c) are flat rather
central figures that occupy at least three-fourths of the surface. than markedly conical, by definition indicating this individual
Rosette patterns of interior osteoderms include weakly convex is a female. Anterior-posterior diameter along the sagittal line
to flat central figures that are always greater than half the side- as preserved is 138 cm along curve, 126 cm in straight line
to-side diameter, single rows of peripheral figures, and rela- dimensions. Transverse diameter along curvature (marginal
tively shallow sulci that house typically no, one, or two folli- osteoderms are lacking on both sides) is 105 cm, 94 cm in
cles. Most of the central figures have a concave central de- straight line, which is a fair approximation of the side-to-side
pression. Hexagonal osteoderms from the interior region of diameter of the carapace in life. Interior osteoderms are hex-
the carapace typically have eight or nine peripheral figures agonal, with central figures larger than peripherals (Fig. 14d).
that may be shared with adjoining osteoderms. Dimensions Central figures are slightly raised (convex) above the level of
of a sample osteoderm with symmetrical hexagonal shape the peripherals, and some possess central depressions.
are: side-to-side diameter, 44 mm; diameter of central figure, Osteoderms are arranged in approximately 31 transverse rows,
28 mm; sulcus depth no greater than 2 mm; depth of central with progressively less perfect organization posteriorly.

Fig. 12 Partial carapace of an

adult Glyptotherium texanum
(MPGJ 2042) from Arroyo El
Ingadazo, Guanajuato. a,
dorsolateral section of carapace;
b, anterolateral section of
carapace; c, close-up of
osteoderms showing shared
peripheral figures

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146 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

MSM P3875 (Fig. 15) is a partial carapace of a young

juvenile consisting of approximately 37 small osteoderms in
articulation among which about half have contacts with ad-
joining osteoderms that are intergrown and tightly united but
apparently not ankylosed, the other half not intergrown, with
open contacts. The osteoderms are arranged in eight rows, and
all have slightly raised, convex central figures, most with a
weakly developed central depression. These osteoderms are
all pentagonal to hexagonal, typically 22–25 mm wide, 10–
12 mm thick. Central figures are relatively large, all greater
than half the side-to-side diameter. Peripheral figures are in-
distinct, most with three to five follicles in the sulci, always on
one side of the central figure.
All specimens from New Mexico listed in Appendix 1
include carapacial armor that is consistent with the armor de-
scribed above. Several can be tentatively assigned to sex and
age. MSM P4818 and NMMNH&S P58275 also have a large
number of isolated dermal ossicles, presumably from the skin
in areas of the body not covered by the carapace.

Fig. 13 Partial carapace, left side, of adult Glyptotherium texanum from
the 111 Ranch fauna, Arizona (MSM P4818), oblique view from left rear Growth and Ontogeny
looking forward. Scale equals 10 cm

Population samples of glyptodonts are generally too small to

permit evaluation of growth and ontogeny. Ideally, ontogeny
Shapes change toward the margins to asymmetrical hexagons is studied from complete specimens at several stages of
and irregular pentagons. Anterolateral osteoderms are not growth. Gillette and Ray (1981) recognized juvenile individ-
present on the mounted carapace, but isolated osteoderms in uals of G. texanum, but could not determine their position in
the collections are consistent with pentagonal and quadrilater- growth progression. Only one relatively complete skeleton of
al shapes found in other carapaces in the 111 Ranch collection. Glyptotherium, a juvenile, had been recovered prior to the
In the extensive 111 Ranch glyptodont fauna (Appendices collection of the new specimens described here. The addition
1–2), which includes many additional osteoderms and partial of new specimens from the 111 Ranch fauna for the present
carapaces, most osteoderms have weakly convex central fig- study substantially expands the sample from this fauna, per-
ures, but in some individuals they are strongly convex and in mitting a more detailed examination of ontogeny and sexual
others they are mostly flat. These are traits that can now be dimorphism. Zurita et al. (2011b) evaluated ontogeny in sev-
attributed with greater confidence to variation within the pop- eral South American genera in the context of taxonomy, with
ulation rather than taxonomic distinction. To date, we have not similar results.
recognized any consistent correlation with stage of growth or The discovery of an unborn baby and its mother of a close-
sex of the individuals for this variation on central figure ly related species in South America (Glyptodon sp., cf.
morphology. G. elongatus) provided a rare glimpse into growth and ontog-
The caudal armor of MSM P4818 includes four caudal eny of the skull and jaws (Zurita et al. 2009) that has direct
rings from the terminal extremity of the tail, presumably cau- application to Glyptotherium. The anterior profile of the as-
dal rings 8–11. Rings 8 and 9 are biseriate, and the terminal cending ramus of the lower jaw of the baby Glyptodon is
ring, consisting of conjoined rings 10 and 11, is tetraseriate nearly 90o with respect to the tooth row, whereas the profile
and forms a short caudal tube that encased caudal vertebrae 10 of this element in the mother is steeply inclined forward at an
and 11, and possibly caudal vertebra 12 (fidé Gillette and Ray angle of 60o–70o. This change in profile indicates that growth
1981). Osteoderms of the external row of each ring are only in the lower jaw is allometric, rather than isometric, as expect-
weakly raised, not strongly tuberculate, indicating this indi- ed but hitherto not fully documented. The angle of the ascend-
vidual was a female. Nothing in the anatomy of these rings ing ramus with the tooth row in Glyptotherium also changed
differs from that previously described for G. texanum in with growth, indicating that this is not a reliable trait for spe-
Gillette and Ray (1981). cies definition.

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 147

Fig. 14 Partial carapace (MSM

P4465) and an osteoderm of
Glyptotherium texanum female
from 111 Ranch fauna. a, dorsal
aspect, anterior to right, cephalic
aperture truncated; b, lateral
aspect, right side; c, oblique, close
up aspect of caudal aperture, left
side, reversed for comparison,
slightly enlarged; d, isolated
hexagonal osteoderm, side view
and e, superficial aspect. Line
scales a–c, 10 cm; d and e, 5 cm;
photo scales on carapace 10 cm

The lower jaw of that baby includes four unerupted Osteoderms that are not ankylosed instead represent immature
molariform teeth. They are markedly tapered, with increasing individuals, as originally described by Simpson (1929). Small
anterior-posterior length deep within the alveolus. Simpson osteoderms that are anklylosed, on the other hand, are proba-
(1929), Holmes and Simpson (1931), and Gillette and Ray bly female, and large osteoderms that are ankylosed are prob-
(1981) reported tapering teeth in babies of Glyptotherium. ably male.
Differences in tooth morphology of adult Glyptotherium that Two morphs are evident among adult individuals in the 111
previously seemed to distinguish between species can be at- Ranch population of G. texanum. The caudal aperture of the
tributed instead to ontogeny. Because the teeth were ever- carapace of G. texanum is a highly arched rim of fully anky-
growing (hypselodont), it is reasonable to expect changes in losed, enlarged conical osteoderms that protected the base of
morphology over time. One consistent trait with respect to the the tail. The marginal osteoderms of males (by arbitrary defi-
teeth of Glyptotherium is the serial branching of the nition) are markedly conical, whereas the marginal
osteodentine rami at all stages of growth. osteoderms of females are only weakly conical or nearly flat.
Newly recovered immature individuals of G. texanum in This difference may not be clearly recognizable in juveniles.
the 111 Ranch and Coecillos faunas demonstrate fully articu- However, in the carapace of the baby (MPGJ 2043) from the
lated osteoderm-to-osteoderm contact (Figs. 10–11) even at Arroyo Emilio-Gliptodont site, Guanajuato, the markedly
very young age. Growth of osteoderms continued through conical anatomy of the osteoderms of the caudal notch is
juvenile and at least young adult ontogeny, and ceased only clearly expressed (Fig. 10) even at very young age, indicating
when they became ankylosed to adjoining osteoderms. it is a male. Zurita et al. (2011a) commented on the apparent

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148 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

Fig. 15 Partial carapace from

near the lateral margin of a baby
Glyptotherium texanum (MSM
P3875) from the 111 Ranch fauna
(a–d), and an adult osteoderm
(MSM P4818) for comparison
(e). a, superficial surface; b, deep
surface; c, another section of
carapace, superficial surface; d,
six sets of articulated osteoderms
from caudal rings, positions
indeterminate; e, hexagonal
osteoderm of an adult individual
at same scale. Note the very large
central figures in the baby
compared to that of the adult

lack of conical osteoderms along the caudal aperture in on the superficial surface of individual osteoderms (Fig. 16).
G. texanum, which we now recognize is the condition in fe- Typically in Glyptotherium, interior osteoderms (osteoderms
males of this species, with adult males having prominent, located at least six or seven rows interior to the quadrangular
conical osteoderms identical to those previously identified as marginals) are polygonal, usually hexagonal (but ranging
members of G. arizonae. from quadrilateral to octagonal), and have a single central
In addition, the lateral profile of the carapace of juve- figure with seven, eight, or nine peripheral figures. A few
niles (e.g., the holotype AMNH 10704 from the Blanco peripheral figures and sulci may overlap adjoining
Beds of western Texas and F:AM 95737 from the 111 osteoderms, or include a partial set of intercalated peripheral
Ranch fauna) is gently convex, but the profile of adults figures that do not share a sulcus with the central figure
in the 111 Ranch fauna is more highly arched and mark- (Fig. 16b–c). Interior osteoderms along the midline of the
edly recurved, with distinctive pre-iliac (convex) and carapace tend to be symmetrical hexagons, with decreasing
post-iliac (concave) outline. Recognition of this ontoge- symmetry toward the margins of the carapace.
netic change with growth in turn eliminates one impor- Gillette and Ray (1981) used general proportions of the
tant character difference established by Gillette and Ray central and peripheral figures to distinguish between
(1981), who stated that the carapace of G. texanum is not G. floridanum (diameter of central figure less than half the
recurved or is only slightly recurved, and that of overall diameter of the osteoderm) and G. arizonae and
G. arizonae is markedly recurved. The new specimens G. texanum (diameter of central figure greater than half the
indicate that the pre-iliac and post-iliac divisions of the overall diameter). This distinction arises from ontogenetic
carapace were as pronounced in adults of G. texanum as changes, and may not be attributable to taxonomy. The pe-
in the type specimens of G. arizonae. Also, the adults of riphery of each osteoderm grew relatively faster than the cen-
the 111 Ranch fauna were as large as adults previously ter. As a consequence, the central-figure-to-peripheral-figure
identified as G. arizonae, eliminating another character proportions changed with growth. The central figures are larg-
difference (size) that is instead attributable to ontogeny. est relative to peripheral figures in babies and juveniles
A third aspect of growth of the armor concerns ontogenetic (Fig. 16a), and become relatively smaller in juveniles
changes in the relative size of the ‘figures’ formed by the sulci (Fig. 16b) and adults (Fig. 16c). Central figures of interior

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 149

Fig. 16 Ontogeny of carapacial osteoderms in Glyptotherium texanum. P4818). Line drawing interpretations of individual osteoderms show
a, symmetrical hexagonal osteoderm from the dorsolateral region of a change of proportions of central figure and increasing definition of
young baby (MSM P3875); b, symmetrical hexagonal osteoderms from peripheral figures with growth. Abbreviations: c, central figure; ip,
the dorsolateral region of an older baby (MPGJ 2043); c, single hexagonal intercalated peripheral figures; p, undifferentiated peripheral figures;
symmetrical osteoderm from the dorsolateral region of an adult (MSM p1–p8, peripheral figures

(symmetrical hexagonal) osteoderms in juveniles of ratio of Glyptotherium to that of related South American gen-
G. texanum are very large (much more than half the diameter era (2.3:1–5.4:1 in three species of Boreostemma; 2.1:1–2.3:1
of the osteoderm), whereas central figures in adults are only in Glyptodon). Such quantification might prove to be valuable
slightly larger than peripheral figures in adults. in future analyses of the taxonomy of glyptodonts from both
In G. texanum, osteoderm growth generally ceased before continents. These ratios of individual osteoderms may be use-
the central figure became less than half the side-to-side diam- ful in turn for determination of growth stage of an individual.
eter of the osteoderm. In G. floridanum, on the other hand, Relatively thick mid-carapace osteoderms from a population
osteoderm growth was either faster, or continued longer of a given species belong to babies and juveniles, whereas
through ontogeny, or both, with the central figure generally relatively thin osteoderms belong to adults.
smaller than half the overall diameter in adults. This propor-
tional difference in the anatomy of interior osteoderms does
not apply to peripheral osteoderms near the sides or either end The Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI)
of the carapace, where central figures remain very large
through the entire growth progression. This appears to be the A considerable body of literature has addressed the Great
only consistent distinction between G. texanum and American Biotic Interchange (Webb 1974, 1976, 1985,
G. floridanum with respect to the carapace anatomy. 1991; McDonald 2005; Morgan 2005, 2008; Carranza-
Another aspect of osteoderm ontogeny of Glyptotherium is Castañeda 2006; Woodburne et al. 2006; McDonald and
the relative thickness, or ratio of thickness to breadth (Fig. 17). Naples 2007; Carlini et al. 2008a, 2008b; Rincón et al.
With growth, the rate of increase in side-to-side diameter 2008; Zurita et al. 2008, 2011a, 2013; Woodburne 2010;
(breadth) of individual osteoderms exceeded the rate of in- Gillette et al. 2012; Fariña et al. 2013) and with it the history
crease in thickness (Table 4). Osteoderms from the central of expansion of xenarthran taxa into North America and later
region of the carapace of Glyptotherium adults (that is, re-expansion into South America as far south as Brazil
osteoderms that approximate a regular symmetrical hexagon) (Oliveira 2010).
have breadth to thickness ratio of approximately 3.3:1 (range McDonald (2005) proposed that the dispersing members of
roughly 3.2:1–3.4:1). This ratio is much lower in babies and each group of xenarthrans that expanded into Central and
juveniles, indicating that osteoderms of young individuals are North America were generalists and tended to be small, and
relatively thicker than those of adults. This allometric growth subsequent members were more specialized and larger. These
of osteoderms complicates efforts to identify species based on conclusions were consistent with the taxonomic framework of
isolated carapacial elements without knowing relative age of Gillette and Ray (1981) for Glyptotherium, but they are not
the individual. Zurita et al. (2011a) compared this thickness supported within the systematic revision presented herein.

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150 J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154

Fig. 17 Bivariate plot of data

presented in Table 4; numbers
correspond to numbered
specimens from the table

Zurita et al. (2011a) suggested that the early taxon Likewise, G. cylindricum has been identified from a variety
(G. texanum from the Blancan NALMA) in this lineage might of late Pleistocene sites in Mexico, Central America, and
differ from the late taxon (Rancholabrean NALMA) at the northern South America (Carlini et al. 2008a, 2008b;
g e n e r i c le v e l . O u r a n a l ys i s o f t h e o s t e o l og y o f Oliveira 2010). The relationships between G. cylindricum
Glyptotherium now indicates that what then appeared to be and the other species remain to be evaluated. The hypothesis
generic differences are, at most, no more than species-level that all four species are synonymous requires further testing.
distinctions. There is no support for the existence of more than
one genus in North America.
Evolutionary History

Synonymy The synonymy of the two species proposed here leads to a

larger question concerning the evolutionary history of
The recognition of synonymy of G. texanum and G. arizonae Glyptotherium. We postulate a narrowed range of morpholog-
calls into question the identity of the remaining three species. ical change spanning the four million year history of this ge-
Glyptotherium mexicanum is known only from a carapace (the nus, which may be viewed as either anagenesis or evolution-
holotype), and G. cylindricum is known only from a carapace, ary stasis.
partial dentition, hyoid fragment, rib fragment, chevron, and Differences in the dermal armor that Gillette and Ray
caudal ring fragment, all presumably from a single individual (1981) used to distinguish G. texanum from G. arizonae are
(holotype). Glyptotherium floridanum is known from multiple now attributed to growth and ontogeny. Gillette and Ray
sites along the Gulf Coast and southeastern Coastal Plain of (1981) stated that G. texanum adults were smaller than adults
the United States, but from generally isolated and incomplete of the other species. Other authors (McDonald 2005;
material. The species has also been identified in Mexico, in- McDonald and Naples 2007) in turn interpreted that difference
cluding localities not directly tied to a coastal setting. to indicate an overall trend through time, in which adults of the

Table 4 Sample osteoderm

breadth to thickness proportions Specimen No. Age Breadth (mm) Thickness (mm) Ratio
arranged in ontogenetic order;
osteoderms selected are 1. NMMNH&S unnumbered, baby 14.6 7.5 1.9
symmetrical hexagons, from Locality 2971 (1)
dorsal region of carapace; 2. MSM P3875 (2) Young juvenile 22.0 10.0 2.2
numbers in parentheses 3. MPGJ 2043 (3) juvenile 30.0 16.0 1.9
correspond to plotted values in
Fig. 17 4. NMMNH&S 39734 (4) young adult 42.0 29.0 1.4
5. MSM 4465 (5) young adult 41.9 15.5 2.7
6. MSM P4818 (6) adult 65.3 24.0 2.72
adult 67.0 23.5 2.9
adult 69.5 22.1 3.1
adult 70.0 22.0 3.2
adult 74.2 23.5 3.2

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J Mammal Evol (2016) 23:133–154 151

earliest glyptodonts in North America were smaller than NALMA, Glyptotherium participated in GABI-1,
adults of the later species. With the recognition of Woodburne’s (2010) first wave of South American taxa that
Glyptotherium in central Mexico, the temporal range of the expanded into North America during the late Blancan
genus is nearly doubled to at least 3.9 mya, and these earliest NALMA. The latest Quaternary distribution included the
representatives in North America are as large as specimens Gulf Coastal Plain and the Atlantic Coastal Plain, with occu-
from much younger faunas in Arizona. In addition, the ex- pation of distal reaches of their drainages in central and north-
panded population of G. texanum from 111 Ranch now in- ern Mexico. Dispersal of glyptodont populations was proba-
cludes adults as large as the largest specimens known for the bly facilitated by lower sea level and expansion of their habitat
genus (the holotype of G. arizonae) (Table 3). For example, during glacial maxima (Rincón et al. 2008), as postulated by
the total length of the humerus (390 mm) of an adult individ- Woodburne (2010) for expansion of the Central America biota
ual (MSM P4818) from the 111 Ranch fauna is considerably in general in the Quaternary, with a possibility of limited iso-
longer than the humerus (258 mm) of the juvenile individual lation of populations during interglacials when sea level was
(F:AM 95737) described by Gillette and Ray (1981) from the higher.
same fauna, and longer than the humerus (365 mm) of the
holotype specimen (USNM 10536) of G. arizonae. With the Acknowledgments We are grateful for extraordinary cooperation of
the Safford field office and the Albuquerque regional office of the Bureau
new specimens described above, it is clear that Glyptotherium
of Land Management (U. S. Department of Interior) in the management
size was already quite large by the time it had established a of our permits and field activities. We thank the legion of volunteers of the
population in central Mexico in the early Blancan NALMA Southwest Paleontological Society from the Arizona Museum of Natural
and maintained that size or decreased only slightly by the end History led by Sherman Mohler; Arizona Western College led by Fred
Croxen, and students from Northern Arizona University who assisted
of the Pleistocene. Instead, if there is any change in overall
with fieldwork and laboratory preparation of specimens recovered from
size, we suspect but cannot fully prove that the trend was 111 Ranch. We are grateful to the staff and administration of the Arizona
larger in the early species (G. texanum), to slightly smaller Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Northern Arizona for
in the Rancholabrean species (G. floridanum). McDonald their support and encouragement. Donations to the Geology Department
Research Fund at MNA from George Congreve, David Jones, Chuck
(2005) also suggested that the earliest members of each group
Kluth, Fred Peterson, Frank and Carol Thomas, Chevron Oil, and Exxon
of xenarthrans that expanded into North America were gener- Mobil provided financial and logistic support for this research. We owe a
alists, and that later taxa were more specialized with respect to substantial debt of gratitude to the Arizona Fish and Game Department,
ecology and metabolism. The synonymy of G. texanum and which has allowed us the use of their housing facilities at Cluff Ranch,
Pima, Arizona for the past 12 years, and Scott and Joe Alder for use of
G. arizonae proposed here and the narrowing of differences
their heavy equipment. Tim Walters and Ellis Black deserve special rec-
that separate G. texanum and G. floridanum challenge that ognition for their hard work and genius in solving big problems in the
generalist-to-specialist history. field. We thank Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, proyectos
Cody et al. (2010) postulated earlier dispersal of plants than PAPIIT IN106311 y IN109814-3, Grant N° 3443-86 from the National
Geographic Society, and The Earth Watch Institute for the support on the
of animals in the GABI. If correct, the expanding populations
Mexican Megafauna project. In addition, we thank biologist Hilda
of glyptodonts during the GABI might have encountered hab- Troncoso Altamirano for laboratory preparation of the specimens from
itats not altogether different from the habitats they occupied in Guanajuato, Jesús Silva for photography, and Richard McMichael for
South America. Pérez-Crespo et al. (2012) concluded that assistance with the figures. Ron Blakey kindly granted permission to
use his Pliocene paleogeographic reconstruction of North America in
Glyptotherium occupied open grassland habitats according
Fig. 2. We appreciate the two anonymous reviews, which substantially
to stable isotope analysis, in contrast with the semiaquatic improved this paper.
habitat proposed by Gillette and Ray (1981) based in part on
faunal associations. Because there is no convincing evidence
of glyptodonts other than Glyptotherium in the northward ex- References
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