Impact of Stemming and Word Embedding On Deep Learning-Based Arabic Text Categorization
Impact of Stemming and Word Embedding On Deep Learning-Based Arabic Text Categorization
Impact of Stemming and Word Embedding On Deep Learning-Based Arabic Text Categorization
23, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009217
ABSTRACT Document classification is a classical problem in information retrieval, and plays an important
role in a variety of applications. Automatic document classification can be defined as content-based
assignment of one or more predefined categories to documents. Many algorithms have been proposed
and implemented to solve this problem in general, however, classifying Arabic documents is lagging
behind similar works in other languages. In this paper, we present seven deep learning-based algorithms
to classify the Arabic documents. These are: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), CNN-LSTM (LSTM =
Long Short-Term Memory), CNN-GRU (GRU = Gated Recurrent Units), BiLSTM (Bidirectional LSTM),
BiGRU, Att-LSTM (Attention-based LSTM), and Att-GRU. And for word representation, we applied the
word embedding technique (Word2Vec). We tested our approach on two large datasets–with six and eight
categories–using ten-fold cross-validation. Our objective was to study how the classification is affected
by the stemming strategies and word embedding. First, we looked into the effects of different stemming
algorithms on the document classification with different deep learning models. We experimented with
eleven different stemming algorithms, broadly falling into: root-based and stem-based, and no stemming.
We performed ANOVA test on the classification results using the different stemmers, which helps assure if
the results are significant. The results of our study indicate that stem-based algorithms perform slightly better
compared to root-based algorithms. Among the deep learning models, the Attention mechanism and the
Bidirectional learning gave outstanding performance with Arabic text categorization. Our best performance
is F-score = 97.96%, achieved using the Att-GRU model with stem-based algorithm. Next, we looked
into different controlling parameters for word embedding. For Word2Vec, both skip-gram and bag-of-words
(CBOW) perform well with either stemming strategies. However, when using a stem-based algorithm,
skip-gram achieves good results with a vector of smaller dimension, while CBOW requires a larger dimension
vector to achieve a similar performance.
INDEX TERMS Arabic document classification, deep learning, stemming strategies, word embedding,
statistical significance.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 127913
H. A. Almuzaini, A. M. Azmi: Impact of Stemming and Word Embedding on Deep Learning-Based Arabic Text Categorization
user groups experienced a growth of 3653.4% and 3356% (see Section III) most of the studies limit their comparison
(for Russian and Indonesian languages, respectively) in the by using a single candidate algorithm from each stemming
same period. While most of the research to date has tackled approach. On the other hand, in this study, we compared
the problem for the English language, the work on Arabic the performance of TC using ten different stemming algo-
document classification is lagging behind. There are many rithms, five of which are root-based [10]–[14], five are light
reasons for this, as we will see in Section II-B. Needless to stemmer [15]–[19], and no stemming. As we stated earlier,
say, many authors have concluded that constructing automatic stemming impacts the performance of NLP applications,
Arabic TC is a challenge [1]–[3]. TC included. We experimented using two large corpora,
Developing a classification system for the Arabic lan- and among the different DL models, only CNN-LSTM and
guage involves understanding the syntactic structure of the CNN-GRU where effected by the stemming algorithms. So,
words, so that we can manipulate and represent the words we have an interesting conclusion. Stemming had little or no
in a way that makes their classification more precise. The impact on the performance of classifying Arabic documents
pre-processing step (e.g., removing stop-words, or stemming) when using some of the deep learning models. We achieved
plays a critical role in many Arabic natural language process- our best performance for Arabic TC using Att-GRU, BiGRU,
ing (NLP) applications, including classification. Moreover, and BiLSTM, in order.
it helps reduce the dimensionality and thus reduce the classi- The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
fication time. presents the background about text classification, and stem-
Deep learning (DL) is a sub-area of machine learning that ming algorithms. In Section III, we review related studies.
uses multi-layered artificial neural networks to deliver high In Section IV, we discuss our proposed system. Section V is a
accuracy in diverse tasks such as object detection, speech discussion of the experiments and results. Finally, Section VI
recognition, natural language processing, etc. Word2vec is concludes the paper, and outlines possible future work.
a word embedding technique that uses a shallow neural
network [4]. Word2Vec maps words into continuous vec-
tors, and as it turns out, it is one of the most popular
In this Section we briefly outline the textual classification,
models for word similarity tasks, and text classification.
challenges facing the classification when using Arabic lan-
It has been successfully used for raw text classification in
guage, and stemming algorithms.
English [5]–[7], and other languages, such as Chinese [8], [9].
Given the importance of stemming and word embedding to
TC, we would like to see their impact on textual classification A. TEXTUAL CLASSIFICATION
using DL algorithms. This study involves seven different DL Text classification (TC)—also text tagging, or text
models: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), CNN-Long categorization—is the process of classifying text into orga-
Short Term Memory (CNN-LSTM), CNN-Gated Recurrent nized groups. It uses NLP to automatically analyze text, and
Units (CNN-GRU), Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), Bidirec- then assigns a set of pre-defined tags or categories based
tional GRU (BiGRU), Attention-based LSTM (Att-LSTM), on the content. Some of the areas that may benefit from
and Attention-based GRU (Att-GRU); and eleven different TC are: sentiment analysis, topic detection, and language
stemming strategies broadly falling into root-based, stem- identification etc.
based, or no stemming. We are not aware of any comparable Classifying a text involves three stages. First, the pre-
study that combined so many DL models along with so processing step. This step usually requires cleaning the
many stemming algorithms to assess a single Arabic NLP text (e.g., removing punctuation mark, stop word, numer-
application. Summarizing our contributions: als). Stemming is applied at this step. The second step
• We explore how the TC using the different DL models involves representing the document in vector form to extract
for the documents in the Arabic language is affected by its features. Different techniques have been proposed, such
the different stemming strategies. as Latent Semantic Analysis [20], Bag-of-Words [21], and
• We investigate which of the studied DL models is best Word2Vec [4], or at character level using n-gram [22]. In the
suited for the task of Arabic TC. third step, we train and test the classifier. There are two
• We studied the impact of word embedding, using approaches for training the classifier, the traditional method
Word2Vec, and how this improves TC. and the deep learning method. In the traditional method,
• We use analysis of variance (ANOVA) test to confirm following the conversion of the documents to feature vector,
the significance of the TC results. we use a typical classifier (e.g., Support Vector Machine,
More specifically, we conducted two groups of experi- K Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes). More recently, deep
ments, one for stemming strategies, and the other to identify learning (DL) methods have received considerable attention
appropriate parameters for Word2Vec. When conducting an for the classification task. In DL architecture, a multi-layer
experiment on, for example stemming strategies, we fixed neural network are used, where the input is the document
the parameters of word embedding. The same goes for the features vector. One drawback is that DL requires large
other experiment, where we fixed the stemming algorithm to training data to give satisfactory results. Examples of
one from each stemming strategy. As we will discuss later DL models that achieved remarkable classification results
TABLE 1. Example of an Arabic word which has different affixes attached to a root word, ‘‘negotiate’’. The full meaning ‘‘to negotiate with them’’.
Source: [28].
are: the CNN [5], character level CNN [23], and Deep Belief C. STEMMING ALGORITHMS
Networks (DBN) [24]. Commonly referred to as stemmers. Stemming is a compu-
A subproblem of TC is hierarchical textual classification, tational procedure which reduces all words with the same
where the document is classified into a predefined multi-level root (or the same stem, in case prefixes are left untouched)
categories. The hierarchical TC aims at organizing the mass to a common form, usually by stripping each word of its
of information as a tree structure in which a document that derivational and inflectional suffixes. A stemming algorithm
belongs to a topic at a certain level also belongs to all of its reduces the words ‘‘chocolates’’, ‘‘chocolatey’’, or ‘‘choco’’
parent topics, ancestors, etc [25]. For example, under a 3-level to the root word, ‘‘chocolate’’; and the words ‘‘retrieval’’,
categorization, a document may be classified as ‘‘health ‘‘retrieved’’, ‘‘retrieves’’ are reduced to the stem ‘‘retrieve’’.
→ diseases → cancer’’, another document is classified as Here, we want to reduce different forms of a word to a core
‘‘health → diseases → heart’’ etc. There are advantages for root or stem. This provides more convenience when handling
such hierarchical classification, such as improving retrieval words that share the same core meaning, thus playing an
time. Hierarchical TC is outside the scope of our work. important role in the field of information retrieval (IR). In IR,
grouping words with the same root (or stem) increases the
B. CHALLENGES TO CLASSIFYING DOCUMENTS success with which documents can be matched against a
IN ARABIC query [27].
Developing an accurate system for categorizing text from the For the English language, a simple stemming that involves
large number of Arabic documents accessible on the Internet the stripping of suffixes is sufficient for the purpose of IR.
is very challenging. These challenges arise from the ambigu- For Arabic, however, the stripping of suffixes alone would not
ity due to the lack of diacritical markings in Modern Stan- be sufficient [29]. In Arabic, there are four kinds of affixes:
dard Arabic (MSA), the Arabic language’s rich and complex antefixes, prefixes, suffixes and postfixes that can be attached
morphology, the wide spread use of synonyms, the nature to words [28]. Table 1 provides an example of a complex
of the language itself—Arabic is a highly inflectional and Arabic word with all affixes. There are two main stemming
derivational language—etc. approaches in Arabic: root-based stemming, and stem-based
The Arabic orthographic system uses small diacritical (or light) stemming.
markings to represent different short vowels. There are a total In the root-based stemming technique we perform heuristic
of thirteen different diacritics, and these are used to clarify and linguistic morphological analysis to extract the root of a
the sense and meaning of the word. In MSA, the written text word. This technique can be further divided into three cat-
is devoid of these markings, as it is assumed the reader will egories: dictionary-based, nondictionary-based, and hybrid
disambiguate the meaning. However, this is not true for the (see Figure 1). An example of dictionary-based is the Khoja
machines [26]. Just to give an idea, consider the undiacritized stemmer [11], which uses—as the name implies—a dictio-
word . It has more than one meaning depending on nary file of Arabic roots. The nondictionary-based algorithms
the diacritics, ‘‘necklace’’, ‘‘knots’’, ‘‘contract’’, ‘‘decade’’, are further classified into three different approaches: pattern-
‘‘pact’’, and ‘‘complicated’’. Some of the words share the based, statistical-based, and rule-based. The pattern-based
exact same diacritical marking, but have different meaning algorithm uses the Arabic pattern (or a template) to match
which can only be realized through context. For example, a word, then extract the root. For instance, the word
the word means ‘‘year’’, but it may also mean ‘‘public’’. ‘‘school’’ matches the pattern , resulting in the
In addition, the plural, dual, and singular forms in Arabic triliteral root : d r s. Some of the algorithms that fall
vary according to gender. In Arabic, there are linguistic rules under this approach are [12], [30], [31]. Ref [32] developed
for each type, and some words have irregular plural forms. an algorithm that is statistical-based stemmer. The algorithm
Moreover, the letter waw at the beginning of an Arabic uses the idea of assigning weights to the letters in order to
word poses a challenge, since it may be the proposition extract the root without consulting lists of prefixes, suffixes,
‘‘and’’ or an original letter part of the word. For example, patterns, or roots. Then, we have algorithms that utilize lin-
the letter waw is proposition in ‘‘and sat’’, while it is guistic rules to extract the root, such as those in [10], [14],
original lexeme in ‘‘stood up’’. [33], [34]. The last approach under the root-based stemmer
the documents representation, the documents were classified Reference [25] used Markov chains to solve the problem
using the multi-layer perceptron classifier. This proposed of hierarchical Arabic TC into three-level deep categories
method yield an F-score of 90%. (see Section II-A). The top level had eight categories. The
The proposed technique in [47] focused on feature authors used a corpus containing 11,191 documents compiled
selection for Arabic TC. They applied the modified Khoja’s from Alqabas newspaper. All the documents were at last
stemmer, followed by four different feature selection met- 800 characters long. The corpus was split into 9711 docu-
rics (Chi-square, information gain, mutual information, and ments (≈ 86.8%) for training, and 1480 documents for test-
improved Chi-square) to select the best features. The size of ing. The authors reported an accuracy of 90.29% for the first
features ranged between 20 and up to 1400. For classification level categorization, with subsequent levels having accuracy
they used DT and SVM. The authors tested their scheme on of 77.09% and 63.33% (respectively).
OSAC corpus [43], and reported their best performance using Table 2 summarizes all the reviewed works. The above
improved Chi-square feature selection, achieving F-score studies confirm that the preprocessing step is a challenging
of 90.50%. This was achieved when using 900 features. and a crucial stage when dealing with Arabic documents.
When less or more features are selected, the F-score drops. Stemming is likely to impact the quality of classification.
For instance, the F-score = 83.8% and 88% for 100 and Though there are so many stemmers for the Arabic lan-
1400 features respectively, using improved Chi-square. guage, with new ones consistently being devised, in the
Some recent researches explored the effects of different end most of the published works that studied the effect of
stemming approaches on TC and text mining tasks. In [48] stemming picked a single candidate algorithm, one from
compared three different stemmers [11], [16], [49] on TC each approach. A root-based stemming, which is typi-
task. For classification the authors used SVM and NB. The cally Khoja [11], and another for light stemming, mostly
system was tested on 2,000 documents collected from roy- Light10 [16]. They reported the best result of F-score = 92%
using the stemmer [49]. IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
The study in [50] used the stemmer [51] to assess Arabic One of our objectives was to automatically classify the
TC task. They used TF-IDF to extract the features from Arabic documents into a set of pre-defined categories. For
the documents. For classification, the authors used Logis- the pre-processing step, we experimented with eleven dif-
tic Regression, SVM, and CNN. The system was tested ferent stemmers, five of which are root-based stemmers,
on 111,728 documents collected from three different online five are stem-based (light) stemmers, and the no stemming.
newspapers. They reported their highest accuracy score Three of the five root-based stemmers were recommended
of 92% using the CNN model. While [52] compared two by [58] as they are known to outperform others. These three
stemmers [49], [53] to see which one is better suited for are [10]–[12]. The other two, namely those by [13], [14],
Arabic TC. Using two different classifiers, SVM and NB, were proven to perform well in different NLP tasks. For light
and a dataset of 1000 news articles from, they stemming we picked those algorithms that were developed
reported their best performance of F-score = 90% when used recently, such as [15]–[19]. For our experiment we contacted
with the stemmer [49]. the authors of all the aforementioned stemmers to share the
In [54] devised a TC model to detect violence in Arabic source code. Only three agreed and shared the source, [11],
tweets using different feature reduction methods. For classifi- [17], [18] for which we are grateful. ARLSTem [19], source is
cation they used KNN, Bayesian boosting, and bagging SVM. also freely available, but as it is in python, we re-implemented
In addition, the authors used two different stemmers (a heavy it in java. As for the other six stemming algorithms, we imple-
and a light stemmer), and n-gram words without stemming. mented the stemmers based on the description found in their
They collected a total of 12,500 tweets covering four different respective published works, namely [10], [12]–[16].
regions of Saudi Arabia. Experimentally, the authors reported
their highest accuracy of 86.61% using SVM bagging with
tri-gram. A further boosting of accuracy to 90.59% was
achieved using information gain and some reduction features. Algorithm 1 Framework of Our Proposed System
Reference [55] studied the impact of stemming on sen- Input: Raw document D
timent analysis using SVM, NB, and Maximum Entropy. 1 begin
For the sake of comparison, the authors used different 2 Clean document D (remove special symbols,
stemmers [11], [16], [30], [42], [56]. Their highest reported stop-words, numerals, etc)
precision was 90%. 3 Apply stemming algorithm on D
Some of the research studies did not use stemming at all, 4 Create a list of distinct words in document D
such as [57], who instead utilized the Part of Speech (POS) 5 Use word embedding by transforming D into feature
feature. After several experiments, they concluded that a vector using Word2Vec model
higher number of features allowed them to reach a higher 6 Classify D using a deep learning model
classification score. The POS method achieved a classifica- 7 end
tion accuracy of 91% when the number of features was 2,000.
TABLE 2. Summary of related works along with the list of stemmers used therein.
For the Arabic document classification, we implemented in a lower number of words in the dictionary. More words
seven different deep-learning models. For a thorough com- in the dictionary means a larger document representation.
parison of stemmers, we evaluate the model’s classification Table 6 shows the number of words in the dictionary using
performance using the different stemmers. Algorithm 1 sum- different stemming algorithms.
marizes our proposed system. There are three main steps: pre-
processing, word embedding that transforms the document
into feature vector using Word2Vec model, and finally a deep B. WORD EMBEDDING
learning-based classifier. We go over each step in more detail Word embedding is a technique used to represent the words
below. of the document, where each word—in the vocabulary—is
represented by a real valued vector. In this representation,
A. PREPROCESSING words with similar meaning will have a similar representa-
In this step, we cleaned the text by removing punctuation tion. For word embedding, we used Word2Vec [4]. It is an
marks, stop-words, numerals, non-Arabic words, and single efficient algorithm in terms of space and time. Word2Vec
letter words. Then, we applied the stemmer. Each word in the is a two-layer neural network, where the input is the doc-
document was reduced to its root (or stem) form based on ument and the output are a continuous feature vector of a
stemming algorithm. This was followed by creating a dictio- pre-specified dimension. There are two main learning algo-
nary of all distinct words in the document. The dictionary was rithms in Word2Vec: continuous skip-gram or continuous
used to encode the documents in embedding model. Com- bag-of-words (CBOW). In the skip-gram method, we pre-
pared to light stemming, using the root-based stemmer results dicted the surrounding context words given the center word,
FIGURE 2. Neural network with three convolutional layers for document classification. Conv1D is the convolutional layer, and for pooling layer we
use max pooling.
FIGURE 5. The bidirectional LSTM model. All inputs Token1 , Token2 , . . . FIGURE 7. The attention-based LSTM model. All inputs are stemmed.
to the model are stemmed.
and is divided into nine categories: culture, diverse, economy, TABLE 4. The hyper parameter values used for each of the deep
learning (DL) model.
international news, local news, politics, society, sports, and
technology. The SPA corpus covers six categories: general,
culture, sports, economic, social, and politics. Table 3 sum-
marizes the dataset used in this work. Though both cor-
pora share some categories, each had its own. For example,
the ANT corpus has the ‘‘technology’’ category, which is
missing in the SPA corpus, while the latter has the ‘‘general’’
category which is not in ANT. Since the ANT corpus has
nine categories versus six in SPA, we decided to drop one of
the categories from ANT, and used only eight. In addition,
‘‘local news’’ is the largest category in the ANT corpus parameters and study how they affect the classifica-
containing 4832 documents. We decided to use one-third of tion. This experiment was applied on the CNN model
the documents in this category, in order to be in par with the only.
‘‘international news’’ category in the same corpus. All the experiments were performed using 10-fold cross-
validation. Cross-validation (CV) is a statistical method used
TABLE 3. Details of the ANT [64] and SPA corpora.
to assess the machine learning models. Generally, in k-fold
CV, the dataset is randomly divided into k groups, or folds,
of equal size (more or less). One of the folds is used as a
validation set, and the other k − 1 folds are used for training.
The process is repeated k times, each time picking a different
fold for validation [66, p. 181]. In practice, one performs k-
fold CV using k = 5 or k = 10, as these are shown to yield
test error rate estimates that balances between high bias and
high variance [66, p. 184].
We have different DL models, and different stemming
algorithms. We need to answer the question, does the stem-
ming impacts the classification results of a DL model. Some
models performance will be indifferent to the stemming,
i.e. whether we use stemming or not, the model’s behavior
remains the same, and other models will be affected by
the stemming. For this, we will use ANOVA (analysis of
variance), a statistical method which compares the samples
on the basis of their means [67]. ANOVA uses F tests to
We performed two sets of experiments: (a) evaluate the differ-
statistically determine if the means are significantly different
ent stemmers, and (b) evaluate the word embedding. Further
from each other (we have eleven groups corresponding to
details follow.
eleven different stemming algorithms classification results).
(a) The first set of experiments looks at the effect of Our null hypothesis will be ‘‘the sample means are equal’’.
different stemming algorithms with the different deep We then use the F statistic when deciding to support or reject
learning models on the document classification task. the null hypothesis. In ANOVA, if the F value > F critical
The DL models are: CNN, CNN-LSTM, CNN-GRU, (for a specific α) then we reject the null hypothesis. For the
BiLSTM, BiGRU, Att-LSTM, and Att-GRU. For one-way ANOVA, the F value is given by Eq. (3),
each DL model we conduct hyper parameter tuning
experiment to find the best parameters to train the between-group variability
F value = . (3)
individual model. Then, we fix this parameter for that within-group variability
DL model. It will be the same parameter for all exper-
For all the experiments we fixed α = 0.05. To calculate
iments involving the evaluation of the different stem-
the F critical we use an F distribution Table.3
ming algorithms on that model. Table 4 summarizes
We report the performance of document classification
the fixed parameters of each model. For learning the
using precision, recall, and F-score. These measures are
word vectors representation, we use a single setting for
defined using the confusion matrix. A confusion matrix is
the Word2Vec model. The same setting is used for all
a table that is used to describe the performance of a binary
DL models, which is: use the skip-gram method with
classification model on a set of test data for which the true
window of size 5, and set the dimension of the feature
values are known. For classification tasks, the terms true
vector to 60.
(b) The second set of the experiments looks at word 3 See for example,
embedding. In particular, we focus on the different Spring2015/tables/FTable.pdf.
positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false stemmer is used as opposed to a light stemmer. Table 6
negative (FN) compare the results of the classifier with known shows the number of tokens in the vocabulary file for each
judgments. The terms true and false refer to whether that stemmer when applied to the SPA corpus. Some observations:
prediction corresponds to the actual judgment and the terms although [10] is a root-based stemmer, it yields a larger
positive and negative refer to the classifier’s prediction. The vocabulary than other root-based stemmers. We attribute this
four outcomes can be formulated in a 2 × 2 confusion matrix to the fact that—by design—no root finding is attempted for
(see Table 5). non-Arabic words, e.g. ‘‘electronic’’, which is left
untouched. Furthermore, in the case of [18], a light stemmer,
TABLE 5. Confusion matrix. the number of tokens exceeds the case when no stemming
is applied. This is because the stemmer often produces more
than one stem. That is, in some cases the stemmer generates
more than one stem for a single word. As we eluded to ear-
lier, more words in the vocabulary means a larger document
representation when using word embedding.
TABLE 7. Classification results expressed using weighted-F1 for classifying ANT corpus using various DL models with different stemmers.
either with bidirectional or with attention mechanism. What BiGRU. We therefore reject the null hypothesis and claim that
surprised us was the degraded performance by CNN-LSTM at least one of the stemming algorithms significantly affected
and CNN-GRU on the SPA corpus when used with the light the classification result. However, for the other three models
stemmer [18]. For CNN-LSTM, the performance dropped (e.g., CNN), the stemming algorithms where of no use and
from mid 90’s (using any of the other stemming algorithms) its impact on the classification was insignificant. For the SPA
to 75.4%, and for CNN-GRU it is even worse where it drops corpus, there is a clear evidence that the stemming algorithms
to ≈ 52%. We attribute this to the stemming algorithm in [18] had an impact on the classification. This is true for all the
which often produced more than one stem for a word,4 and models except for BiLSTM and BiGRU.
this affected the word embedding learning and consequently There is an interesting observation here. From Tables 7-8,
the CNN feature extraction process. The same stemming we note that the range of F-score is narrow indeed, and
algorithm performed well with other models, e.g. BiGRU and this is true for both corpora and for all but two models
Att-GRU. This proves that learning the full context from both (i.e. CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU). In the case of the ANT
directions or using the attention mechanism to concentrate on corpus, the F-score ranges between 79.01% and 83.63%,
the useful information efficiently does improve the result. while for the SPA corpus it ranges between 94.61% and
We now answer one of the questions raised in the paper. 97.96%. What is more interesting is that the performance of
Does stemming impact the performance of Arabic TC when no-stemming is somewhere in between. This goes counter to
using a deep learning model? We will use ANOVA test on the general belief that stemming is a necessary step in any
the 10-fold F-score results for all eleven different stemming Arabic NLP application. We believe that when using deep
algorithms. Table 9 lists the F value and F critical of the learning algorithms and word embedding, the impact of stem-
ANOVA test, recalling that we set α = 0.05 (Section V-B). ming is minuscule, and we may still get a great performance
For the ANT corpus, the F value is greater than F critical without it. For instance, we get F-score = 97.82% using
for the four models: CNN-LSTM, CNN-GRU, BiLSTM, and Att-GRU without resorting to any stemming. However, if we
are concerned about the training time then it is better to do
4 There is a version that produces a single stem per word, but we were stemming as it reduces the size of the vocabulary. Note that
unsuccessful in contacting the authors. the fastest training models were CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU,
TABLE 9. ANOVA test (α = 0.05) for both corpora for the 10-fold result among all ten stemming algorithms.
FIGURE 9. The F1 score of classifying documents of each label using different stemmers on
the two corpora. Baseline stands for ‘‘no stemming’’.
although they resulted in the worst performance among all for the category ‘‘international news’’ the score is F1 = 91%.
the models. Whereas, the models BiLSTM and BiGRU had The number of documents in category ‘‘culture’’ is 124 (see
the largest training time. The CNN model had a reasonable Table 3). The weighted-F1 score for this stemmer is 82.5%.
training time and with a fairly well performance, followed by Figure 9 plots the results presented in Tables 10 and-11,
Att-GRU and Att-LSTM. ordering them into the category (label). Within each label,
Tables 10-11 shows the classification results for each we list the F1 score of the document classification into
label for the ANT and SPA corpora (respectively), using that particular label using different stemmers: no stemming
the best performing model for each dataset. For each cat- (baseline), [10], [12] etc. For the SPA corpus (Figure 9b),
egory, the results are reported in terms of F1 score (see the results are very much consistent, and the classifier has
Eq. (4)). For the ANT corpus (Table 7) for example, using the done an equally good job in classifying documents into dif-
stemmer [13] for the category ‘‘culture’’ the F1 = 77%, while ferent categories. What is more interesting is that the use of
TABLE 10. Classification results of individual categories for the ANT corpus on BiGRU model. Values under each category are expressed using the F1 score.
TABLE 11. The classification results of individual categories for the SPA corpus using Att-GRU model.
TABLE 12. Comparison of our system’s performance vs [24] (uses deep belief network). Both systems use a different root-based stemmer. Each system
uses a different dataset. The performance measure of the other system is as reported by the respective author.
the stemmer has little impact on the performance. However, D. EXPERIMENTING WITH WORD EMBEDDING
for the ANT corpus (Figure 9a), there is a difference in PARAMETERS
performance between labels. We note the best performance This is the second set of experiments where we looked into
has been for the ‘‘sports’’ and ‘‘international news’’ cate- appropriate parameters for the Word2Vec word embedding
gories, while the worst performance was for the ‘‘local news’’ algorithm. We confined this experiment to CNN model only.
and ‘‘technology’’ categories. Even within a category, e.g. The parameters that can be controlled are: dimension of the
‘‘culture’’, the performance varies between stemmers which vector, the learning method (skip-gram or bag-of-words), size
ranges between 56% (no stemming) and 80% (e.g., [12]). of the window (number of neighboring words), and the cut-off
Finally, we wanted to compare the performance with Jin- occurrences for words in the vocabulary (less frequently
dal [24], another deep-learning based classifier for Arabic occurring words are ignored). We conducted two experiments
documents. Table 12 summarizes the performance of both to identify which word embedding parameters affect the clas-
systems. For stemming, the author used a root-based stem- sification process. In the first experiment, we explored the
mer, but did not provide any further detail. So, to be fair, two learning methods, skip-gram and bag-of-words (CBOW)
we report the performance of our system using the root-based for Word2Vec, with different vector dimensions. In the sec-
stemmer [14], though it is not our best reported performance. ond experiment, we explored the size of the window. For
Clearly our system tops the performance of the other system both experiments, we picked two stemming algorithms, one
by approximately 7%. root-based [10] and the other is stem-based [16], both yield
TABLE 13. Effect of vector dimensions on the F -score of document classification using the two learning methods for Word2Vec.
TABLE 14. Effect of window sizes on the F -score of document document classification using various deep learning mod-
els. The following models were explored: CNN, CNN-
LSTM, CNN-GRU, Bidirectional LSTM, Bidirectional GRU,
Attention-based LSTM, and Attention-based GRU. And for
the stemming strategies we investigated three of them:
no stemming, root-based (five different algorithms), and
stem-based (five different algorithms). While for word
embedding, we used Word2Vec. For testing, we used two
large datasets, one with six predefined categories and the
good performance with CNN model. The experiments were other with eight. For testing we used 10-fold cross-validation.
performed using 10-fold cross-validation on the SPA cor- For the first group of experiments, we conducted a total
pus. All the reported performances are measured in terms of of 154 experiments (seven models × eleven stemming algo-
weighted-F1 . rithms × two corpora). For these experiments we fixed
The objective of the first experiment was to look at which the word embedding parameters. In the second group of
of the two learning methods is more appropriate while—at experiments, we use the CNN model and picked two stem-
the same time—trying different dimensions for the vector. ming algorithms that preformed well with CNN model (one
Table 13 shows the results of the first experiment when using root-based and the other stem-based), we then looked into
vectors of dimension 50, 60, 100, and 300 expressed in terms the effect of different parameter settings controlling the
of weighted-F1 score. For this experiment, we fixed the other Word2Vec used to classifying the documents. Summarizing
two parameters as follows. Fixed the size of windows to 5 the challenges and lessons learned (not in any particular
(a typical value) and set the cut-off frequency to one (no order):
word was left out). From Table 13, we can observe that both • There is a lack of research into Arabic NLP, and the
methods (skip-gram and CBOW) yielded a comparable and absence of cooperation among researches in the field
good performance for Arabic document classification. If we aggravates the problem. In this work, we had to imple-
had used the stem-based approach in the pre-processing step, ment many of the stemming algorithms ourself follow-
the skip-gram method would have worked well with a smaller ing the description in their respective papers.
vector dimension. While CBOW requires a larger sized vector • Deep learning models have a steep learning curve. And
to achieve a high success rate. In case of the root-based the size of the vocabulary affects the learning time,
method, we achieved the best values when the dimension proportionally. We performed all the experiments in this
of the vector was 100, and this was true for both methods. work using 10-fold cross-validation. This contributed
Although the small vector dimension in the skip-gram method extra time to finish the experiments. For instance,
works well with stem-based, it leads to ambiguity when using the BiGRU model with stemmer [18] took over 75 hours
the root-based stemmer for both methods. on a system with Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU having 12GB
In the second experiment, we looked at the effect of win- memory.
dow size on the classification process. Table 14 shows the • Label or class imbalance in the training set is a major
effect of different window sizes in each method on the classi- issue in text classification task. This was the case of the
fication process, where we fixed the dimension of the vector publicly available ANT corpus. However, we kept this
to 60. We tested for windows of sizes 2, 5, and 8. As we in mind when compiling our data set from the official
mentioned earlier, windows of size 5 are typical. We note that SPA (Saudi Press Agency), where we tried to retain
using larger sized windows did not improve the classification. proportionate classes.
For stem-based, a smaller sized window is a good choice, but • Experimental results show that stem-based (or light
not so for the root-based stemmer. Evidently, the best choice stemmers) algorithms generally yield a slightly better
is a size 5 window. It works well with both methods using performance compared to the root-based (or heavy stem-
either stemming approach. mers).
• Looking at the small differences in the performance
VI. CONCLUSION between the three stemming strategies (no stemming,
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