Cellulitis A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation
Cellulitis A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation
Cellulitis A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation
Cellulitis, an infection involving the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue, is the most common reason for skin-related hos-
pitalization and is seen by clinicians across various disciplines in the inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room settings,
but it can present as a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Cellulitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the history of present
illness and physical examination and lacks a gold standard for diagnosis. Clinical presentation with acute onset of redness,
warmth, swelling, and tenderness and pain is typical. However, cellulitis can be difficult to diagnose due to a number of
infectious and non-infectious clinical mimickers such as venous stasis dermatitis, contact dermatitis, eczema, lymphedema,
and erythema migrans. Microbiological diagnosis is often unobtainable due to poor sensitivity of culture specimens. The
majority of non-purulent, uncomplicated cases of cellulitis are caused by β-hemolytic streptococci or methicillin-sensitive
Staphylococcus aureus, and appropriate targeted coverage of this pathogen with oral antibiotics such as penicillin, amoxicil-
lin, and cephalexin is sufficient. Even with rising rates of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
coverage for non-purulent cellulitis is generally not recommended.
1 Introduction
Key Points
Cellulitis is an infection involving the deep dermis and sub-
Cellulitis is a common dermatologic condition that cutaneous tissue. While this is a common condition, it can
presents across multiple disciplines in the inpatient, present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Over 14 mil-
outpatient, and emergency room settings, with a large lion patients in the US are treated for cellulitis annually,
impact on healthcare costs in the US. accounting for over 1% of all US hospitalizations and a cost
Currently, cellulitis is a clinical diagnosis with no gold of over $7 billion [1–3]. Additionally, it is estimated the
standard for diagnosis. Differentiation from pseudocel- misdiagnosis of cellulitis results in $195–$515 million in
lulitis and other clinical mimickers may be difficult, and avoidable health care spending annually in the US [4]. In
early consultation with a dermatologist may decrease this review, practice guidelines on cellulitis directed towards
misdiagnosis and improve outcomes. the practicing dermatologist will be discussed, including the
clinical spectrum, differential diagnoses, diagnostic proce-
Empiric treatment of cellulitis should be informed by dures, and treatment options.
clinical severity, risk factors, and likely etiological
2 Epidemiology
* Catherine G. Chung
[email protected] In one observational retrospective cohort study utilizing
administrative claims data, the incidence of skin and soft
The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, tissue infection (SSTI) was 45.73 episodes per person-years
(PY) in the ambulatory setting and 2.19 episodes per PY
Division of Dermatology, Department of Internal Medicine, in the inpatient setting [5]. Cellulitis accounts for 10.1%
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center,
Columbus, OH, USA
of infectious disease hospitalizations, with an age-adjusted
rate of 156.2 hospitalizations per 100,000 persons and a
Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University Wexner
Medical Center, Columbus, OH, USA
52.2% rate increase from 1998 to 2006 [6]. In one study,
M. A. Boettler et al.
the total number and incidence of ambulatory SSTIs sig- Systemic symptoms and signs, such as fevers, chills,
nificantly increased from 1997 to 2005, with abscess/cellu- fatigue, and leukocytosis, indicate a more severe infection.
litis accounting for 95% of this increase; annual visits more Depending on the clinical setting and inclusion criteria, the
than doubled from 4.6 million to 9.6 million and visit rates percentage of patients with fever ranges from 22.5 to 71%
increased from 17.3 to 32.5 visits per 1000 population [7]. [10–12, 23, 24]. The most common site of infection is the
The mean age in hospitalized patients ranges from 56 lower extremities; however, any area of skin or soft tissue
to 66.5 years [4, 8–11], with no sex predilection in some can be affected, but is rarely bilateral [12, 19, 25]. Orbital,
studies [4, 8, 11] but with sex predilection in some studies buccal, and perianal cellulitis are variants of cellulitis dif-
with small sample sizes [9, 10, 12]. Risk factors associated ferentiated by anatomic location. Cellulitis can be compli-
with cellulitis include previous history of cellulitis, pres- cated by the development of sepsis, lymphedema, recurrent
ence of Staphylococcus aureus and/or β-hemolytic strep- cellulitis, or abscess formation [26–28].
tococci (BHS) in the toe webs, tinea pedis, obesity, older
age, lymphedema/chronic leg edema, venous insufficiency,
prior saphenectomy, psoriasis, and presence of a wound [9, 4 Evaluation
13–16]. Risk factors may vary by geographic location, as,
among Japanese patients with different patient backgrounds Cellulitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the history of
such as lower body mass index (BMI), hypoalbuminemia, present illness and physical examination and lacks a gold
lymphedema, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia were sig- standard for diagnosis. The severity of symptoms, history of
nificantly associated with cellulitis hospitalizations, whereas recurrent infections, risk factors for specific microorganisms,
classic risk factors of chronic venous insufficiency, periph- and presence or absence of purulence direct antimicrobial
eral circulatory disturbance, and deep vein thrombosis were selection, route of administration, and whether outpatient
not [17, 18]. versus inpatient treatment is warranted.
Sex differences do exist and vary among different coun-
tries [18]. When comparing sex differences between Japa-
nese hospitalized cellulitis patients, males tend to be young,
obese with diabetes, and have skin barrier dysfunction,
whereas females tend to be cancer-bearing with low body-
weight [18]. Of hospitalized Spanish patients with cellulitis,
females are significantly more likely to be older, have prior
cellulitis history, have edema/lymphedema, and location
of cellulitis other than in the lower extremities; males are
significantly more likely to have positive pus cultures [19].
3 Clinical Presentation
Superficial swabs, biopsy, and blood or needle aspirate or more targeted antimicrobial therapies. Additionally,
cultures have low yield and are not routinely recommended administrative data have demonstrated that hospitals that
for non-purulent cellulitis by the 2014 Infectious Diseases lack access to dermatology consultations have higher rates
Society of America guidelines; however, in patients with of cellulitis and lower rates of alternative skin disease
malignancy on chemotherapy, neutropenia, severe cell-medi- diagnosis-related groups per bed size [44]. While special-
ated immunodeficiency (SCID), immersion injuries, and ani- ists may not be available in every hospital setting, there is
mal bites, blood cultures are recommended and cultures and moderate agreement among dermatologists in differentiat-
microscopic examination of needle aspirates, tissue biopsy, ing and diagnosing cellulitis and pseudocellulitis, accord-
or swabs should be considered [29]. Skin swabs and super- ing to a recent study [45].
ficial wound cultures are often polymicrobial that cannot
distinguish naturally occurring transient bacteria and colo-
nizers from pathogenic microorganisms, which can compli-
cate the overall picture. Immunocompromised patients are 5 Imaging
more likely to have positive blood culture results and have a
wider differential diagnosis with higher risk for atypical bac- Imaging studies are often unnecessary in the work-up of
terial, viral, fungal, and parasitic agents [29, 30]. Of those cellulitis. However, given that clinical and laboratory evalu-
patients in the emergency department (ED) or inpatient set- ation can be non-specific and lack sensitivity, in the appro-
ting, the percentage of patients with a positive blood cul- priate setting radiographic imaging can provide diagnostic
ture ranges from 1 to 11% [23, 26, 31–34]. A 2020 scoping clues, evaluate disease extension, and aid in treatment plan-
review examining pretest probability of bacteremia in adult ning. Imaging is also helpful in the setting of rapid progres-
non-neutropenic inpatients with cellulitis demonstrated the sion or severe systemic manifestations to detect underlying
risk is low (< 10%) and low–moderate (10% to < 20%) in deep tissue involvement. Computed tomography (CT) and
patients with severe comorbidities such as liver cirrhosis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have high spatial and
diabetes mellitus [26, 33, 35, 36]. The percentages are likely contrast resolution, providing detailed anatomic information
lower in the ambulatory setting. [46]. Although CT provides higher sensitivity for the detec-
Laboratory evaluation is often unnecessary in cases of tion of soft-tissue gas, MRI is the mainstay imaging tool
uncomplicated cellulitis or patients without comorbidi- for the diagnosis of soft-tissue infections [46]. Non-specific
ties. Findings tend to be non-specific: in patients hospi- soft-tissue swelling can be seen on radiograph [46]. Deep
talized or presenting to the ED with cellulitis, leukocytosis venous ultrasonography (U/S) can be useful to exclude non-
ranges from 34 to 51% [11, 23, 37, 38], while elevated infectious causes of soft-tissue swelling such as DVT [46,
inflammatory markers, such as erythrocyte sedimentation 47]. However, in the ED setting, the use of U/S for clinical
rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), range from 59 cellulitis changed physician management in approximately
to 97% [11, 23, 38]. Although these laboratory tests are half of all cases [47]. U/S imaging of cellulitis is non-spe-
not specific to cellulitis, some may be helpful to indicate cific, demonstrating subcutaneous edema [46].
disease severity. In one study comparing cellulitis patients
with and without sepsis, higher leukocyte and neutrophil
counts, serum creatinine, and CRP were seen in patients 6 Microbiology
with cellulitis who developed sepsis [26]. Anti-DNase-
B (ADB) and anti-streptolysin-O (ASO) antibodies can Cellulitis is often separated into purulent and non-purulent
be used to detect recent BHS infection [39]. Of patients cellulitis. Microbiological diagnosis is often unobtainable
with diffuse, non-culturable cellulitis, 73% had at least due to poor sensitivity of culture specimens. The clinical
one positive titer, with 50% mounting both antibodies, isolation rate of a pathogen is < 20% in non-purulent cellu-
29% mounting ADB, and 21% mounting ASO [39]. ASO litis, and the relative frequencies of pathogens are therefore
and ADB antibodies are however non-specific and can be difficult to establish [29]. A systematic review of bacteremia
elevated in rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, pharyngi- in the setting of cellulitis demonstrated BHS as the most
tis, tonsillitis, and scarlet fever; thus, they may be helpful common pathogen (57%), followed by Gram-negative bacte-
in supporting the diagnosis but should be interpreted with ria (28%) and Staphylococcus aureus (14%) [20, 25, 39, 48].
caution [39]. In one study, patients diagnosed with BHS by serology or
Data are available supporting the involvement of spe- culture had a 97% response to B-lactam antibiotic treatment,
cialists, with multiple studies showing benefits with der- while those who did not have BHS by serology or culture
matology and infectious disease consultations [40–43]. had a 91% response, supporting BHS as the most common
Having specialists available may lead to a discussion of etiology of cellulitis even in the absence of pathogen isola-
alternative etiologies, deeper microbial analysis, and/ tion despite the emergence and uptick in methicillin-resistant
M. A. Boettler et al.
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections [39]. Staphylo- Table 1 Risk factors and associated pathogens in cellulitis
coccus aureus is the most common isolate of acute puru-
Risk factor Pathogen
lent SSTI [49]. There is an increasing concern over anti-
biotic resistance and rising rates of community-associated Animal and human bites
MRSA. However, in a randomized clinical trial comparing Human bite [51] Peptostreptococcus
anti-methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) Fusobacterium
and anti-MRSA antibiotics in the outpatient treatment of Veillonella
cellulitis without abscess, the addition of trimethoprim-sul- α-hemolytic Streptococci
famethoxazole to cephalexin did not improve outcomes [50]. β-hemolytic Streptococci
The most common pathogen of cellulitis is bacteria; how- Staphylococcus aureus
ever, immunosuppression creates a unique environment for Staphylococcus epidermidis
Corynebacterium sp.
opportunistic infection with fungi and atypical bacteria such Eikenella corrodens
as Mycobacterium species (Fig. 2). Bacteroidesfragilis
Pathogens related to specific risk factors are charted Prevotella
in Table 1. Inoculation via animal or human bite, aquatic Porphyromonas
exposure, immunosuppression, and chronic liver and kidney Cat bite [51] Pasteurella multocida
Bacteroides fragilis
disease can increase the likelihood of an atypical pathogen, Prevotella
necessitating a different treatment choice. Porphyromonas
Fusobacterium sp.
Veillonella pawula
7 Histopathology Dog bite [51] Pasteurella multocida
Staphylococcus sp.
Currently, tissue biopsy is considered low yield and is not Streptococcus sp.
recommended unless the patient is immunocompromised Corynebacterium sp.
(e.g. history of transplant, in the setting of systemic ster- Bacteroides fragilis
oids or other immunosuppressive treatment, or in individu- Porphyromonas
als with HIV/AIDS), febrile with neutropenia, or at risk of Peptostreptococcus
specific pathogens (water or animal bites exposure) [1, 29]. Fusobacterium sp.
If there is no improvement with antibiotic initiation and/or Veillonella pawula
Capnocytophaga canimorsus
there is suspicion of non-infectious pseudocellulitis, punch
Marine water exposure [52] Vibrio spp.
biopsy should be obtained for histopathologic analysis. His- Aeromonas spp.
topathology of cellulitis includes dermal edema, lymphatic Shewanella spp.
and/or vascular dilation, and prominent diffuse neutrophilic Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Mycobacterium marinum
Streptococcus iniae
Immunosuppression Mycobacterium hemophilum [53,
Cryptococcus neoformans [53]
Mycobacterium tuberculosis [54]
Vibrio cholerae [55]
Helicobacter [56, 57]
Fusarium [58]
Chryseobacterium meningosepti-
cum [59]
Cedecea sp. [60]
Serratia marcescens [61]
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Streptococcus pneumoniae [63]
Escherichia coli [64, 65]
Campylobacter fetus [66]
Shewanella putrefaciens [67]
Fig. 2 Cryoptococcal cellulitis in a patient with chronic liver disease Hemophilus influenzae [68]
presenting with well-circumscribed bright red erythema and edema of
the upper extremity
Cellulitis: A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation from Pseudocellulitis
Necrotizing soft tissue infection Rapidly progressive erythema or purpura, pain out of proportion, fever, Evaluation by general surgery
systemic toxicity, swelling, hemorrhagic or bluish bullae, skin necrosis or if clinically suspicious
extensive ecchymosis, gas, or crepitus
Cutaneous abscess Nodule with fluctuance and drainage in addition to features of cellulitis
Herpes simplex Grouped vesicles on an erythematous base. Most often appear in the trigemi- Polymerase chain reaction
nal or sacral ganglia distribution but may occur at other body locations is the most sensitive and
preferred diagnostic test
if clinical presentation is
unclear [89, 90]
Herpes zoster Painful dermatomal erythematous patch or plaque with grouped vesicles Polymerase chain reaction
without crossing the midline unless disseminated is the most sensitive and
preferred diagnostic test
if clinical presentation is
unclear [90]
Erythema migrans Well-demarcated circular erythematous macule, patch, or plaque that History of a tick bite or recent
expands and may develop central clearing, forming a targetoid bullseye travel to an endemic area
Septic arthritis Painful, swollen, warm, erythematous skin overlying a joint. It can be Joint aspiration for diagnosis
accompanied by fever and leukocytosis
Non-infectious inflammatory
Sweet syndrome Abrupt painful, edematous, erythematous papules, plaques, or nodules that Both major criteria and two
coalesce. Fever and leukocytosis frequently accompany the cutaneous of four minor criteria are
lesions required for diagnosis [91]
Contact dermatitis Acute presentation of erythema or vesicles. Scaling and fissures are seen
chronically. Well-demarcated geometric or non-organic pattern and distri-
bution. Pruritus is the most common symptom
Erythema nodosum Erythematous, tender, immobile nodules and plaques most commonly on the
bilateral shins [92]
Gout Painful, swollen, warm, erythematous skin overlying a joint. It can be History of gout. Joint aspira-
accompanied by fever and leukocytosis. Subcutaneous gout nodules (tophi) tion for diagnosis
appear as white or yellow
Acute bursitis Painful, swollen, warm, erythematous skin overlying a bursa. Often due to
trauma or infection
Pyoderma gangrenosum Papule, pustule, vesicle, or nodule that rapidly expands and forms an erosion
or ulcer. Pathergy often seen
Familial mediterranean fever Erysipelas-like reaction with a tender, erythematous, raised lesion over the Recurrent nature and positive
lower extremities during an attack family history
Stasis dermatitis Bilateral, chronic history that improves with leg elevation, compression
therapy, and topical corticosteroids. Often hyperpigmentation, varicose
veins, ulcerations
Deep vein thrombosis Unilateral swelling, erythema, warmth, or tenderness. Risk factors include Ultrasound is a sensitive and
prolonged immobilization, prior history of deep vein thrombosis, active relatively cheap tool for
malignancy, recent surgery, and pregnancy diagnosis [93]
Erythromelalgia Bilateral, warm, erythematous extremities with burning paresthesia that is
out of proportion to clinical examination and improves with cooling
Lymphedema Feeling of heaviness and discomfort commonly accompanies swelling. Pit- Lymphoscintigraphy is the
ting is variable in patients with lymphedema and can be absent if chronic. standard imaging tool to
Cutaneous and subcutaneous thickening if severe confirm the diagnosis [28]
Acute inflammatory edema Bilateral, erythematous, edematous plaques most frequently on the abdomen
and thighs. Often in critically ill, fluid overloaded patients with high body
mass index
Cellulitis: A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation from Pseudocellulitis
Table 2 (continued)
Characteristics Evaluation
Carcinoma erysipeloides Cutaneous metastasis presenting as a fixed erythematous, well-demarcated Most often associated with
patch or plaque often overlying a primary cancer breast carcinoma, which
presents on the chest [94]
Fixed drug eruption Usually non-tender eruption soon after drug ingestion. Most often on the
face, lips, trunk, genitalia, hands, and feet [95]
Hypersensitivity reaction Pruritic reaction with variable presentation depending on the type of hyper-
Table 3 The laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis [85] rates of relapse or recurrence, or patients’ pain scores and
satisfaction between intravenous versus oral routes of anti-
Parameter Range Score
biotic administration [103]. In the hospital setting, the use of
Hb (g/dL) > 13.5 0 antimicrobials with broad aerobic gram-negative, anti-pseu-
11–13.5 1 domonal, or broad anaerobic activity are frequently used
< 11 2 without a corresponding decrease in clinical failure [104]. A
White blood cells ( 109/L) < 15 0 multicenter clinical trial on the use of single, renally admin-
15–25 1 istered, long-acting intravenous dalbavancin for stable ED
> 25 2 patients with advanced SSTI showed a significant reduction
Sodium (mmol/L) < 135 2 in the hospitalization rate [105]. In severely compromised
Creatinine (μmol/L) > 141 2 patients with malignancy on chemotherapy, neutropenia,
Glucose > 10 1 SCID, immersion injuries, and animal bites, broad spectrum
C-reactive protein > 150 4 coverage such as vancomycin plus piperacillin/tazobactam
or imipenem/meropenem may be considered [29]. Purulent
Score ≤ 5 = < 50% risk (low); 6–7 = intermediate risk; ≥ 8 = > 75%
risk (high)
cellulitis should be managed with incision and drainage,
with the addition of antibiotics for those who are immuno-
compromised and display systemic signs of infection, signs
mentioned previously, the causative microbe in cellulitis is of deeper infection, or antibiotic failure [29].
often not recovered, and treatment is most often initiated Antibiotic options and standard dosing based on the
empirically. The majority of non-purulent, uncomplicated route of administration are shown in Table 4. Poor out-
cases of cellulitis are caused by BHS or MSSA and appropri- comes are significantly associated with age, previous epi-
ate targeted coverage of this pathogen is sufficient. Patients sodes of cellulitis, prior wounds and skin lesions, venous
can often be managed with oral antibiotics. Suitable options insufficiency, lymphedema, immunosuppression, and
include penicillin, amoxicillin, and cephalexin. Cephalexin, involvement of the lower limbs [8].
dicloxacillin, and amoxicillin-clavulanate cover for MSSA A number of patients are susceptible to recurrent cel-
in addition to BHS. Patients with a penicillin allergy can lulitis infections. A previous episode of cellulitis has a
be treated with clindamycin or trimethoprim-sulfamethox- recurrence rate ranging from 8 to 20% annually, especially
azole, which demonstrate near equivalent cure rates [97]. if occurring on the legs [29]. In a prospective case-control
The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days unless study, 49% of hospitalized cellulitis patients had a positive
infection has not improved during this time span, and treat- history of at least one cellulitis episode before entering
ment should be extended [29, 98]. Even with rising rates the study [106]. Obesity (BMI ≥ 30) and previous ipsilat-
of community-acquired MRSA, β-lactam and non-β-lactam eral surgical procedure of the site of cellulitis were sig-
antibiotic clinical failure rates for uncomplicated cellulitis nificantly more common in these patients [106]. Episodes
do not differ [99]. Coverage of MRSA for non-purulent cel- of cellulitis cause post-inflammatory lymphatic damage,
lulitis is generally not recommended unless patients have leading to a vicious cycle since lymphedema predisposes
failed initial antibiotic treatment, markedly impaired host to cellulitis [107]. A Cochrane systematic review of inter-
defenses, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and ventions for recurrent cellulitis demonstrated antibiotic
hypotension, cellulitis associated with penetrating trauma, prophylaxis, compared with no treatment or placebo,
evidence of MRSA infection elsewhere, nasal colonization decreased the risk of cellulitis recurrence after treatment
with MRSA, community-associated MRSA-prevalent set- by 69%, and reduced the incidence rate of cellulitis by
ting, or injection drug use [29, 100, 101]. Oral antibiotics 56% [108]. However, the protective effects of antibiotic
with MRSA coverage such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxa- prophylaxis did not persist after treatment cessation [108].
zole, clindamycin, doxycycline, and linezolid may be chosen Proposed regimens include oral penicillin 250 mg twice
by providers. The rates of MRSA vary considerably depend- daily, oral penicillin 2–4 g daily depending on body weight
ing on geographic location, hospitalization, and residence, (1 g twice daily if < 90 kg; 1 g + 2 g daily if 90–120 kg;
and should be taken into consideration [102]. Systemic signs 2 g twice daily if > 120 kg), intramuscular penicillin 1.2
of infection (e.g. fever, tachycardia, leukocytosis) warrant million units every 15 days, and oral erythromycin 250
systemic antibiotics [29]. However, the benefit of the intra- mg twice daily [108]. It has been suggested that those who
venous versus oral route of antibiotic administration for experience three to four episodes of cellulitis per year may
cellulitis of similar severity has not been proven to be sig- benefit from prophylactic antibiotics, whereas the system-
nificant [98, 103]. Various randomized control trials have atic review demonstrated the effects are most relevant for
shown no evidence of difference in clinical response rates, people after just two episodes of leg cellulitis occurring
mean days until no advancement of the area of cellulitis, within a period of up to 3 years [29, 108]. Adverse effects
Cellulitis: A Review of Current Practice Guidelines and Differentiation from Pseudocellulitis
Table 4 Antimicrobial treatment options for cellulitis by route Treatment for long-term success of cellulitis includes
targeting risk factors. It is estimated 10–30% of people
Antibiotic Standard dosing
who have one episode of cellulitis will experience repeated
Oral attacks across different time intervals [108]. Diabetes mel-
Penicillin 500 mg PO qid litus, history of previous episodes of cellulitis, edema of
Amoxicillina 500 mg PO tid the lower extremities, peripheral vascular disease, obesity,
Amoxicillin-clavulanatea 875–125 mg PO bid immunosuppression, alcoholism, and dermatomycosis are
Dicloxacillin 500 mg PO qid among the most common underlying conditions associated
Cephalexina 500 mg PO qid with cellulitis [12, 108]. The treatment or management of
Clindamycinb 300 mg PO tid underlying predisposing conditions may prevent recurrence.
Alternatives Various methods to reduce limb lymphedema and edema,
Trimethoprim- 1–2 double-strength tablets PO venous insufficiency, local skin care and hygiene maintain
sulfamethoxazolea,b q12h the integrity of skin and decrease the likelihood of creation
Doxycyclineb 100 mg PO qid of a nidus for infection. Combined decongestive therapy is
Minocyclineb 200 mg PO once, then 100 mg a multimodal approach to lymphedema that includes com-
PO q12h
pression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, exercise, and
Flucloxacillin 500 mg PO qid
skincare and is regarded as the standard of treatment [28].
Delafloxacinb 450 mg PO bid
The acquisition of acute pneumatic compression devices for
Linezolidb 600 mg PO bid
lymphedema is associated with significant reductions in epi-
Tedizolidb 200 mg PO bid
sodes of cellulitis and patient care costs [109]. Weight loss
for obese patients is strongly recommended and leg elevation
Penicillina 2–4 million units IV, q4h–q6h
in early-stage disease can reduce fluid accumulation [28].
Cefazolina 1–2 g IV q8h
Diuretics do not play a role in lymphedema and surgical
Nafcillin 1–2 g IV q4–6h
intervention is considered when conservative management
Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV q24h
fails [28]. Lymphaticovenular anastomosis is a potential
Clindamycinb 600–900 mg IV q12h
surgical intervention for lymphedema that has shown a sta-
tistically significant reduction in the rate of cellulitis [110].
Vancomycina,b 15–20 mg/kg IV q8–12h
Interdigital toe space examination and treatment for fis-
Daptomycina,b 4–6 mg/kg IV q24h
suring, scaling, or maceration in lower extremity cellulitis
Ceftarolinea,b 600 mg IV q12h
may eradicate pathogen colonization and reduce the inci-
Linezolidb 600 mg IV bid
dence of recurrent infections [29]. In a randomized control
Tedizolidb 200 mg IV bid
trial of participants with chronic leg edema and recurrent
Dalbavancina,b 1500 mg IV single dose
cellulitis, compression therapy caused a lower incidence of
Ciprofloxacina 400 mg IV q12h
recurrent cellulitis than conservative treatment and the trial
Flucloxacillin 2 g IV q6h
was stopped for efficacy [111]. Antibiotic prophylaxis fail-
Oxacillin 1–2 g IV q4h
ure with penicillin is associated with a BMI ≥ 33, three or
This is a standard guide of possible treatment regimens and is not more previous episodes of cellulitis, and presence of edema,
meant to be all-inclusive. Clinicians should refer to their institution’s which a large proportion of patients who benefit from com-
antimicrobial stewardship guidelines and other resources for prescrib- pression therapy have [111, 112]. However, compression
therapy should not be used during an active infection.
PO orally, bid twice daily, TID three times daily, QID four times
daily, IV intravenous, qxh every x hours, MRSA methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
May need adjustment for renal function 10 Patient Education
Provides MRSA coverage
Patients should be counseled on cellulitis and the pre-
scribed antibiotics. Completion of the full course of anti-
are rare and most commonly consist of gastrointestinal biotics should be encouraged despite improvement before
symptoms, mainly nausea and diarrhea; rash, with no the course ends; improvement should be seen within
cases of severe cutaneous adverse reactions reported; and 24–48 h of initiating antibiotics. Providers may find util-
thrush [108]. Importantly, antimicrobial resistance was not ity to mark the margins of the infection to indicate to
assessed. patients whether it is improving or worsening. Patients
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