Managers help motivate employees to show up and
stay productive. This includes sharing a common
vision, encouraging them to develop their strengths,
and inspiring them to do their best work at all times.
Having effective communication skills is essential for
Management is how businesses organize and direct filling this role.
workflow, operations, and employees to meet company
goals. The primary goal of management is to create an
environment that empowers employees to work Evaluating
efficiently and productively. A solid organizational Managers typically spend time measuring the success
structure guides employees and establishes the tone of their teams and how well they meet goals. The more
and focus of their work. they understand what works and doesn't work, the
Managers are involved in implementing and evaluating better prepared they are to make decisions in the
these structures. As a manager, you may be responsible future. Managers must understand and adjust str
for doing any of the following tasks: ategies to meet company goals.
Create goals and objectives
Create schedules
Develop strategies to increase performance, LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT
productivity, and efficiency
Ensure compliance with company policies and In many organizations, management falls into one of
industry regulations three levels: top, middle, and low. Managers in smaller
Mentor employees companies may fill roles at more than one level, while
Monitor budgets, productivity levels, and larger organizations may have several managers within
performance each level.
Resolve customer problems Top: Top-level management typically has an
Train staff administrative role, and their decisions affect
KEY FUNCTIONS OF A MANAGER the entire organization even though they
sometimes aren’t involved in the day-to-day
Managers have several functions within an operations. They may have the title of chief
organization. You'll usually see these functions divided executive officer (CEO) or serve on the board of
into four interconnected groups. Understanding them directors.
can help you identify your strengths and areas of need Middle: You find people with executive roles at
so that you can choose the proper training to improve the middle management level. They work with
your skills. both top-level management and supervisors to
Planning help workers meet objectives and boost the
company's productivity. At this level, they may
The first function of a manager is to set goals. These
be called regional managers or general
goals may be for individual employees, departments, or managers.
the entire organization, depending on the manager's Low: The final level of management often has a
level of responsibility. In addition to setting goals, supervisory role. These managers have titles
managers often develop action items along with like shift supervisor, branch manager, or team
strategies and resources to complete tasks and meet leader. They work with individuals and teams
goals. to meet goals determined by upper
management. They typically have less influence
over company policy compared to the other
management levels, but the most interaction
with direct reports.
The way you choose to manage your team or Managers work in almost every type of company and
department can have a direct effect on how they're able industry. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
to meet their goals. What you say and do may send expects management positions to grow faster than
powerful messages to employees about how you value average by 2032 as entrepreneurs start new companies
their contributions and your level of trust in them. and existing organizations expand their operations [1].
Understanding different management styles and when The following management job titles show how varied
they're most and least useful may be helpful. The list these positions can be.
below highlights some of the more common styles used Advertising, promotions, and marketing
by managers. managers
1. Authoritative As an advertising, promotions, or marketing manager,
Authoritative leaders tend to make decisions without you help companies promote their products and
feedback from others. This approach works well when services through strategic campaigns. You'll typically
you need to respond quickly to a situation and don't need a bachelor's degree in marketing,
have time for debate. If you rely on this approach too communications, or advertising to qualify for this type
much, you may see high levels of turnover within the of position. Before becoming a manager, you may build
organization and stalled innovation. work experience as a sales representative, buyer, or
2. Coaching public relations specialist.
Some managers view their role as that of a coach who Construction managers
sees the potential in employees and wants to help them Construction managers typically divide their time
grow. This can effectively build strong teams and create between the office and a construction site. In this role,
an environment where employees feel comfortable you may set budgets, hire sub-contractors or crew
experimenting. Employees typically have a sense of members, oversee their work, and adjust plans to meet
autonomy under this style, but those needing more deadlines. Depending on your employer, you may need
direction may feel neglected. a bachelor's degree in construction, business, or
3. Democratic engineering, along with experience as a skilled worker
Democratic managers value the input of employees in or intern in the construction field.
the decision-making process and usually believe having Financial managers
more ideas is better than having a few. This As a financial manager, you may work in various
management style may help empower and motivate environments where you analyze data, create financial
employees to work toward common goals. However, reports, and help individuals or companies set and
sorting through all of the voices and finding a meet financial goals. Before pursuing this career, you'll
consensus to make a decision can take time. need a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance,
4. Transformational business, or economics. In some cases, you may want to
In a transformational management style, managers earn industry certification as well. You can work your
prioritize innovation and growth. These managers way up into this role through experience as a loan
encourage employees to discover just what they're officer, an accountant, or similar positions within a
capable of achieving. Workers with transformational company.
leaders tend to be happy and dedicated to their work, Food service managers
but they must be able to adapt to sudden changes. Food service managers work in restaurants, cafeterias,
5. Visionary and hotels, overseeing kitchen and wait staff. In this
A visionary leader knows how to ensure every team position, you may create schedules, order supplies, and
member understands the company's vision and is ensure employees follow food safety guidelines.
working toward a common goal. These leaders tend to Although you can usually enter this field with a high
be excellent communicators and typically give workers school diploma or equivalent, you may find it helpful to
plenty of autonomy as long as they effectively execute earn a degree in hospitality management or culinary
the vision. studies. You’ll likely need some experience working in a
restaurant as a cook, waiter, or food prep supervisor.
Medical and health services managers
As a medical or health services manager, you may work
in a doctor's office, hospital, rehab facility, or similar
environment where you may supervise and coordinate
health care providers and support staff’s work. You'll
need at least a bachelor's degree in health care
administration or nursing, and many people in this role
also have a master's degree. In addition to the degree,
you may consider working in a variety of related
positions like administrative assistant, billing clerk, or
medical records specialist to gain work experience.
Sales manager
Sales managers supervise the team of sales
professionals in an organization. As a sales manager,
you can expect to set goals and quotas for individual
sales representatives and teams and track their
progress. You may be called upon to speak with
customers and handle complaints. You may need a
bachelor's degree to qualify for this type of position,
but sometimes having experience as a sales
representative or buyer can be just as important.