It doesn’t stop being a verb, but the role it plays in a sentence shifts from
describing the action to being a focal point.
Fazal turned off his phone and shut the door so he could focus
on studying (o).
As you see in these examples, gerunds are verbs in the present participle
form. This means they’re the root verb + “ing”:
But that’s not what makes them gerunds. To be a gerund, a verb has to act as
a noun in its sentence. Present participle verbs are not gerunds when they
describe the action in a sentence, like the verbs in these:
She is seeing the painting for the first time.
Gerunds aren’t the only instance where a word (or group of words) plays a
role that’s typically taken on by another type of word. For example, an
adverbial clause is a clause that functions as an adverb. An adjective
phrase is a phrase that describes a noun the way an adjective typically does.
Gerund phrases
Apologizing to them
Underground exploring
A gerund phrase, just like a gerund, acts as a noun in a sentence. Take a look
at how these gerund phrases play this role:
Figure out
Check into
Take over
And here are a few sentences that demonstrate how phrasal verbs and
gerunds can work together:
I’m worried my mother-in-law will take over cooking when she arrives.
Types of gerunds
6 Object of a preposition: I blocked out a few hours this Sunday for biking.
Gerunds are almost as versatile as actual nouns. Just like nouns, they can be
replaced by pronouns:
Gerunds aren’t the only kind of verb that act as nouns. When you need to use
a verb as a noun, you can also turn it into an infinitive.
An infinitive is the word “to” + a verb’s root. There are two ways you can use
an infinitive: as a noun that communicates a single concept and as an
adjective to describe a noun within the sentence. Here are a few examples,
with infinitives bolded:
As you can see, infinitives are similar to gerunds, but they aren’t exactly the
same. In a sentence where the infinitive acts as a noun, you can easily swap
in a gerund and it will still make sense:
We love traveling, but we couldn’t afford it last year.
Erring is human.
You might be here wondering, “What are causative verbs, Candace?” Well, I’m
going to explain it in a way that anyone can understand! Causative verbs are
verbs that indicate that one individual, object, or event causes another to do
I’ll show you the meaning, functions, and examples of how to use causative
verbs in your sentences. You’ll also get a list of causative verbs in the English
Let’s remember from my other guides that the usual meaning of verbs are
parts of speech that express time while showing an action, condition, or the
fact that something exists.
For example:
Causative Verb Rules
Let’s look at how to form some causative sentences so you can better see the
causative meaning behind the use of these verb phrases.
Have is a common causative verb that means to permit someone to do
something. In other words, you have someone do something. The correct
sentence structure is:
I’ll have Jeremy buy the fruits tomorrow. (simple future tense)
I have had my sister share her room with Paula. (present perfect
Get has the same definition as have, but is less formal. It can also mean to
trick somebody. The correct sentence structure when using this causative
verb is:
The president had the vice president lead the new dam project.
You had me calling Julienne every day.
I got my parents to buy me a new bike for my birthday.
She got the teacher to dismiss the class on time today.
She let me visit my friend today.
Why did they let the dogs run without a leash?
My teacher made me do my homework early.
Linda made me wash the dishes.
Causative Verbs in a Nutshell
Hopefully, this article helped you learn the definition, formulas, and uses of
causative common verbs. I hope it also made you recognize the causative
verb in this sentence! Have you?
Causative verbs belong to the class of verbs that shows someone being
responsible for a specific action. The four most common causative verbs
are make, get, have, and let.
Pengertian Infinitive
Infinitive adalah kata kerja dasar yang belum mengalami perubahan bentuk, baik
karena perubahan waktu (tenses) atau penambahan akhiran huruf -s/es/ies”.
Kata kerja ini dalam beberapa referensi sering disebut dengan bentuk kata
kerja pertama yang disingkat dengan “V1” Misalnya: see (melihat); bear (mendengar);
look (melihat); go (pergi); to smoke (merokok), to read (membaca), to speak
(berbicara), etc.
Jenis-jenis Infinitive
Pada umumnya jenis-jenis infinitives (kata kerja dasar) dibagi atas 2 (dua) macam,
o I saw the kittens run across the street. (Aku melihat anak-anak
kucing itu berlari menyeberang jalan).
Kalau kata kerja tertentu di atas (watch, see, hear, observe, feel, listen)
dipakai dalam kalimat pasif, maka to infinitive/infinitive dengan to harus
o They need not stay at your house. (Mereka tidak perlu tinggal di
e. Setelah kata kerja kausatif (causative verbs), seperti: have (menyuruh), get
(menyuruh), let (memperbolehkan), want (menginginkan), help (membantu),
o She lets me go. (Dia (pr) membiarkanku pergi.)
We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for
or for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn’t do
Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For example, we can s
I cleaned my house. ( This means I cleaned it myself ) .
If I paid someone to clean it, of course I can say:- A cleaner cleaned my house.
But, another way is to use a causative construction. So I can also say:
– I had my house cleaned.
In a sense, using a causative verb is similar to using a passive. The important thing is that the hous
now clean. We don’t focus on who did the cleaning.
Have + object + past participle ( have something done )
We usually use ‘have something done’ when we are talking about paying someone to do
something for
us. It’s often used for services. The form is ‘subject + have + object + past participle’.- I
my car washed.
– John will have his house painted.
We can also use ‘subject + get + object + past participle’. This has the same meaning as
‘have’, but is
less formal.
– The students get their essays checked.
– I’ll get my hair cut next week.
– He got his washing machine fixed.
Have someone do something ( have + person + infinitive )
We can also use the construction ‘subject + have + person + infinitive’. This has a very
meaning to ‘have something done’, which we’ve already talked about, but this time we s
who did the
thing – we talk about the person who we asked to do the thing for us.- I had the electricia
look at my broken light.
– The doctor will have the nurse call the patients.
– The teacher had the students write the answers on the whiteboard.
Finally, we can also use the construction ‘get + someone + to + infinitive’. Again, this m
that you
cause the other person to do the action, maybe by paying them to do it, or by asking them
do it, or
by persuading them to do it.- She gets her son to do his homework by promising him ice
cream when he’s finished.
– I got the cleaner to clean under the cupboards.
Sometimes, this construction has the feeling that we needed to convince someone to do something,
while the other constructions on this page are neutral.
f. Causatives
k. Grammatical structure :
Mary’s father won’t let her adopt a puppy because he’s allergic to dogs.
Our boss doesn’t let us eat lunch at our desks; we have to eat in the cafeteria.
Oops! I wasn’t paying attention while cooking, and I let the food burn.
Note: The verbs allow and permit are more formal ways to say “let.” However, with allo
and permit, we use to + verb:
q. Grammatical structure :
After Billy broke the neighbor’s window, his parents made him pay for it.
My ex-boyfriend loved sci-fi and made me watch every episode of his favorite show.
The teacher made all the students rewrite their papers, because the first drafts were not
Note: When using the verbs force and require, we must use to + verb.
The hijacker forced the pilots to take the plane in a different direction.
“Force” often implies violence, threats, or extremely strong pressure
t. Causatives
x. GET = Convince/Encourage
Someone To Do Something
y. Grammatical structure :
My husband hates housework; I can never get him to wash the dishes!
I was nervous about eating sushi, but my brother got me to try it at a Japanese restaurant.
The non-profit got a professional photographer to take photos at the event for free.
2. To Infinitives
To Infinitives adalah kata kerja dasar yang di awali oleh kata “to” dan biasanya
berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau kata kerja biasa yang bisa diikuti oleh objek.
Kata kerja ini sering disebut dengan istilah Infinitive with To (kata kerja Infinitif dengan
Fungsi-fungsi To Infinitives
Dalam pemakaiannya dalam kalimat ada beberapa fungsi To Infinitives (infinitive with
to) yang penggunaan atau pemakaiannya sebagai berikut:
Jake doesn’t know how to drive that car. (Jake tidak tahu
bagaimana caranya mengendarai mobil itu.)
k. Di belakang beberapa kata kerja dengan pola kalimat.
Rumus: Subject + Verb + Pronoun/Noun + To Infinitive
o I want you to call me up tomorrow. (Aku ingin kamu menelponku
o He invited us to come to the barbecue tomorrow afternoon. (Dia (lk)
mengundang kita untuk datang ke barbekyu besok siang)
l. Di belakang kata sifat dalam kalimat.
Contoh kalimat:
o I am sorry to hear the bad news. (Aku sedih mendengarkan berita
buruk itu.)
o They are glad to mee tyou here. (Mereka senang bertemu kamu di
Jenis-jenis To Infinitive
Selain ada Jenis-jenis Infinitive kita juga juga dapat membagi jenis To Infinitive
menjadi empat macam, yaitu:
o Present To Infinitive
o Continuous To Infinitive
o Perfect To Infinitive
o Passive To Infinitive
A. Present To Infinitive
Untuk membuat kalimat bentuk Present To Infinitive, maka dengan menambahkan kata
di depan kata “to”.
Contoh kalimat:
I decided not to go to the tennis court. (Aku memutuskan
tidak pergi ke lapangan tenis)
She told me not to close the window. (Dia (pr)
memberitahuku untuk tidak menutup jendela itu.)
It is right not to help others. (Tidak benar jika tidak
membantu yang lain.)
Kata not dalam bentuk kalimat To Infinitive tidak sama dengan kata not dalam bentuk
kalimat negatif.
It is better not to go. (Lebih baik tidak pergi.)
Tell her not to come. (Beritahu dia jangan datang.)
She asked me not to watt. (Dia (pr) meminta agar aku
tidak menunggu.)
Contoh kalimat Negative To Infinitive:
It isn’t better to go. (Tidak lebih baik pergi.)
Don’t tell me to come. (Jangan menyuruhku datang.)
She didn’t ask me to wait. (Dia (pr) tidak memintaku
B. Continuous To Infinitive
Ada 2 (dua) macam jenis Continuous To Infinitive, yaitu: Present Continuous To
Infinitive dan Perfect Continuous To Infinitive.
1. Present Continuous To Infinitive.
Bentuk Present Continuous To Infinitive adalah bentuk To
Infinitive yang menunjukkan bahwa suaru peristiwa atau
perbuatan telah terjadi dan masih berlansung terus.
The man seems to be recovering from his illness.
Kelihatannya pria itu semakin membaik dari
The boy is likely to be waiting for you at the
school. (Anak laki-laki itu rupanya sedang
menunggu kamu di sekolah.)
2. Perfect Continuous To Infinitive.
Bentuk Perfect Continuous To Infinitive adalah bentuk To
Infinitive yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu peristiwa atau
perbuatan sudah selesai dilakukan.
He suspects us to have been auarreling. (Dia (lk)
menduga bahwa telah terjadi pertengkaran di
antara kita.)
We are happy to have been working with you.
(Kita gembira bahwa kami telah bekerja dengan
C. Perfect To Infinitive
Perfect To Infinitive adalah bentuk To Infinitive yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu
peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dinyatakan oleh To Infinitive terjadi atau dilakukan lebih
awal daripada peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dinyatakan oleh Finite Verb (kata kerja
Contoh Kalimat:
I am sorry to have kept you waiting. (Aku menyesal telah
membiarkanmu menunggu.)
She seems to have heard about it. (Dia (lk) kelihatannya
sudah mendengar tentang hal itu.)
D. Passive To Infinitive
Bentuk Passive To Infinitive dapat dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) jenis, yaitu: Simple Passive
To Infinitive dan Perfect Passive To Infinitive.
1. Simple Passive To Infinitive.
Rumus Simple Passive To Infinitive: To + be + Verb-3
He doesn’t think that there is anything to be
said. (Dia (lk) tidak menyangka bahwa ada
sesuatu yang akan dikatakan).
She should to be punished for being rude. (Dia
(pr) harus dihukum atas ketidaksopanannya.)
2. Perfect Passive To Infinitive.
Rumus: To + Have + Been + Verb-3
Contoh Kalimat:
This book is said to have been translated into
many languages. (Buku ini katanya sudah
diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa).
This work ought to have been finished when our
boss arrived. (Pekerjaan ini semestinya sudah
diselesaikan ketika bos kita datang.).