Vocabulary English King
Vocabulary English King
Vocabulary English King
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Special about this PDF-
• This pdf consists of All Antonyms, Synonyms and OWS (Mixed) asked by
SSC from 1997 till 31st Aug 2023
• Synonyms, Antonyms and OWS are nothing but vocabulary So you don’t
have to remember them separately. Just remember this PDF and All of
them will be completed.
• Common Vocabulary of Synonyms, Antonyms and OWS are not
repeated. So this Vocabulary PDF is very concise which will save your
• Difficult Words are provided on left column and their very simple
meaning are provided on right hand side so that it will be easier to
remember(Also Helpful for Hindi Medium Students)
• One stop Solution for Vocabulary. You don’t have to refer anything else.
This PDF is sufficient for all SSC Exams.
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SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 1(Only New Vocab)
(2nd Aug to 22nd Aug 2023)
1. Adjourn Postpone
2. Allude Implies, to speak about
somebody/something in an indirect
3. Ambience The character and atmosphere of a
4. Ambitious Aspires
5. Ambivert A person who has features of extrovert
and introvert
6. Anagram A word or a phrase formed by
rearranging a different word
7. Apprehend Arrested—(giraftar)
8. Apprehensive 1.anxiety or fear that
something unpleasant will happen
2.understanding; grasp.
9. Asphyxiating Smothering, to make somebody
become unconscious or die by
preventing him/her from breathing
10. Assimilate Comprehend
11. Bewitch Allure, Tempt, Fascinating,
12. Cacographer One who is bad in spelling
13. Compel Obligate
14. Convolute Complex, Sophisticated
15. Corpulent Rotund, having a large bulky round
16. Corpus Collection of written or spoken texts
17. Defunct Obsolete
18. Demarcation Division
19. Dignity Nobility, calm and serious behaviour
that makes other people respect you
20. Dilapidated Deteriorated, Partly ruined or decayed,
21. Dither Hesitate
22. Egoist Selfish person, people who put their
own interests and needs before those
of others
Egotist/Egotism Conceit, Self-Centered Person, people
who have an exaggerated sense of
41. Lump sum an amount of money that is paid at one
42. Makeshift Provisional, made to be used for only a
short time until there is something
43. Mean 1.Verb- Signify
2.Adj- Not generous
44. Paragon Epitome, a perfect person; an ideal
example of a particular good quality
45. Peek to look, especially for a short time or
while trying to avoid being seen
46. Pervasive Extensive
47. Propel to move, drive or push
somebody/something forward or in a
particular direction
48. Puritanical having standards of moral behaviour
that forbid many pleasures
49. Ravish 1.to give great pleasure to someone
2. to seize and take away by violence
50. Resentment Anger
51. Retrogression Deterioration
52. Salvage Save, Rescue
53. Squabble Argue loudly about unimportant things
54. Stricken Affected by an undesirable condition or
unpleasant feeling
55. Sundry Various, Numerous
56. Tantalise Provoke
57. Testimony a formal written or spoken statement,
especially one given in a court of law.
58. Utopia An imagined place or state of things in
which everything is perfect
59. Wrest Forcibly pull (Something) from a
person’s grasp
SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 (Only New Vocab)
(14th July to 27th July 2023)
60. Abound Flourish
61. Adage a proverb or short statement
expressing a general truth.
62. Astute Having or showing an ability to notice
and understand things clearly
63. Bonfire Huge fire for celebration
64. Bumpy Rough or uneven
65. Cadaverous Completely lifeless and unresponsive
66. Casino A place to play games and bet on them
67. Daredevil A person who enjoys doing dangerous
things, in a way that other people may
think is stupid
68. Dutiful Respectful
69. Enchant Delight, Magical
70. Encyclopedia A book or set of books giving
information about all areas of
71. Falsehood Complete and blatant lie
72. Hysterical 1.Filled with fear or dread
2. Funny, very excited, state of
uncontrolled excitement, anger, or
73. Immerse Involve
74. Imperishable Sustainable
75. Impotent Unable to take effective
action; helpless or powerless
76. Insight Wisdom
77. Irresolute Not able or willing to take decisions or
78. Magnanimous Kind, generous, and forgiving
79. Oaf A big clumsy often slow-witted person
80. Obtuse Slow to understand
81. Pact A formal agreement between two or
more nations or peoples
82. Pedagogy The method and practice of teaching
83. Preface Author’s explanatory remarks at the
beginning of a book
84. Quandary Difficult situation
85. Rambling Speaking at length about trivial things
86. Relic Something belonging to or surviving
from an earlier period
87. Saga A detailed description of a series or real
or fictional events taking place over a
long period of time
88. Shuttle To move or travel back and forth
89. Snug Enjoying or affording warm secure
shelter or cover and opportunity for
ease and contentment
90. Staunch 1.Steady or firm construction
2.Very loyal and committed in attitude
91. Termagant A violent, overbearing, turbulent,
brawling, quarrelsome woman
92. Umpteen Extremely large number of things
93. Utilitarian designed to be useful or practical
rather than attractive
94. Vain 1.Useless
95. Waif Forsaken or neglected child who has no
home and spends most of his tome on
the streets
SSC CGL 2022 (Only New Vocab)
96. Absolution Formal forgiveness of a person’s sins
97. Bipartisan 1.Supported by or involving two
political parties
2.Neutral, Non-aligned
98. Consolidate 1.Combine, Unite
2. To become or to make your position
of power firmer or stronger so that is
likely to continue
99. Entrench Establish, settle
100. Equinox The date when both day and night are
of equal length
101. Exemplary Perfect, ideal , satisfactory
102. Extraneous Irrelevant
103. Facile Effortless
104. Fickle Disloyal
105. Graft A piece of a living tissue or plant that is
transplanted surgically
106. Handful 1. Small in number
2.Peron difficult to control
107. Inherent Intrinsic, in-built
108. Nonchalant Unconcerned, feeling or
appearing casually calm and relaxed;
not displaying anxiety, interest,
or enthusiasm.
109. Purport Pretend, Claim, Suppose,
To give the impression of being
something or of having done
something, when this may not be true
110. Rudimentary Very basic and simple
111. Sanguinary A battle or anything involving or
causing much bloodshed
SSC CHSL 2022 (Only New Vocab)
112. Abduct Kidnap
113. Abstinence stopping yourself from having or doing
something that you enjoy
114. Accessory an extra item that is added to
something and is useful or attractive
but not of great importance
115. Algid Icy, cold
116. Amalgamate Merge
117. Amiss Wrong, Unsatisfactory
118. Annex Take possession of , occupy
119. Anomalous Abnormal
120. Antsy Agitated, impatient
121. Approbation Approval, acceptance
122. Arcane Secret, Opaque
123. Attune Coordinate, Assimilate, Integrate
124. Babble Chatter, the sound of many voices
talking at the same time
125. Baleful Threatening
126. Buddy Close friend, Associate
127. Bulwark Defensive wall
128. Caginess Guile, Clever, Crafty
Reluctant to give information on
account of caution or suspicion
129. Calibrate Gauge, To mark units of measurement
on an instrument so that it can be used
for measuring something accurately
130. Concoct Prepare, Assemble
131. Convivial Genial , happy and friendly
132. Craven Cowardly
133. Customary Usual, Traditional
134. Dandy Beautiful , Excellent of its kind
135. Dreary Boring, Dull
136. Ecclesial Churchly, Religious
137. Edacious Relating to or given to eating,
138. Elucidate Explain
139. Fad Fashion, Interest, Trend, Enthusiasm
140. Faddish Intensely fashionable for short time
141. Fortitude Courage
142. Foster Encourage
143. Gallivant Wander, Meander
144. Glib using words in a way that is clever and
quick, but not sincere
145. Gourmand A lover of good food
146. Grit 1.Courage
2.Small stone
147. Igneous Red-hot, formed when magma comes
out of a volcano and becomes solid
148. Impasse A difficult situation in which no
progress can be made because the
people involved cannot agree what to
149. Inchoate Not fully developed, Rudimentary
150. Incipience Beginning to exist
151. Iridescent Sparkling
152. Jape A Practical Joke
153. Jarred To have unpleasant or annoying effect
154. Jejune Naïve, Simple, Boring, Dull
155. Jockey A professional rider in horse race
156. Laggard Slow progress, Dawdling
157. Lair 1.Place where you hide or stay alone
2.The place where a wild animal rests,
hides or sleeps
158. Largesse generosity in bestowing money or gifts
upon others
159. Levitate Float
160. Malcontent A person who is never happy with what
he has
161. Mendicant 1.Beggar
2. of or denoting one of the religious
orders who originally relied solely on
162. Nacreous having the lustre of mother-of-pearl.
163. Nark Irritate
164. Nascence Nascence means being born or coming
into existence for the first time
165. Nephrologist A specialist of kidney
166. Niche 1.A hollow space in a wall for a statue
or ornament
167. Objurgation Criticize, condemn
168. Oblate 1.a person who is dedicated to a
religious life, but has typically not taken
full monastic vows.
2.Flattened at pole
169. Obliquity Indirectness, the quality of being
170. Opacity the quality of being difficult to see
through; the fact of being opaque
171. Outspoken Direct, Straightforward, frank
172. Polarize to separate or make people separate
into two groups with completely
opposite opinions
173. Ponderous Heavy
174. Quail Cringe, Feel ashamed
175. Quip Funny and clever remark
176. Restorative making you feel better, healthier and
177. Sabotage/Saboteur Wilful destruction
178. Sinister Threatening
179. Slick Efficient, Smooth, Slippery
180. Soar Fly in the air
181. Thrifty Economical, Prudent , Careful with
182. Vault Crypt, an underground room or vault
beneath a church, used as a chapel
or burial place.
183. Vivacity the quality of being attractively lively
and animated
184. Wager Gamble, betting money
185. Wallow Enjoy
186. Wanting Inadequate
187. Whimsical Unusual and not serious in an amusing
or annoying way, Funny
MTS 2022(Only New Vocab)
188. Abeyant/Abeyance Inactive
189. Abide 1.Dwell (reside)
2.Obey or Comply
190. Acoustics Study of sound
191. Adjunct A thing that is added to something
larger or more important
192. Alchemy The medieval forerunner of chemistry
193. Anomaly Something different, Abnormal
194. Arena A place for wrestling
195. Assail Attack
196. Backstab Betray
197. Behemoth Huge, Enormous creature
198. Carnival Gala, Manoranjan mela
199. Cherish To love somebody
200. Crock Sound made by frogs
201. Debased Corrupted
202. Decapitate Behead
203. Diarchy Government by two rulers or
204. Disgruntled Disappointed and annoyed about
205. Doze To sleep lightly
206. Drain Dehydrate
207. Dusky Dim, dark
208. Elocution The art of careful public speaking, using
clear pronunciation
209. Emolument Wage
210. Enervate Devitalize (Lacking in energy), Weaken
211. Enthuse Fondle, express eager enjoyment
212. Evasive Try to avoid something, not direct
213. Expatiate Present and explain in detail
214. Expound Present and explain in detail
215. Fall guy A Scapegoat (bali ka bakra)
216. Feat Accomplishment
217. Feticide Destruction of fetus
218. Fetish Desire
219. Franchise License granted to an individual or
group to market a company’s goods or
services in a particular territory
220. Fright Panic
221. Fuss A state of agitation especially over a
trivial matter
222. Gambit A calculated move to gain an advantage
223. Gauge Measure
224. Gust Blow , A sudden strong rush of wind
225. Harness Bring under control and use it
226. Hive A container for housing honeybees
227. Hurricane A violent wind that has circular
228. Hustle Struggle
229. Ignoble Of humble origin or social status
230. Imperious Arrogant
231. Kennel A house of shelter for a dog or a cat
232. Key Very important
233. Lapidary The art of cutting gems
234. Legend Tradition
235. Lumen A unit to measure light
236. Maladroit Inefficient, inept, clumsy
237. Mend Repair
238. Midget A very small person
239. Misapply To apply incorrectly or improperly
240. Misdemeanour Offence, Violation
241. Mound A large pile of earth or stones, a small
242. Paradise Bliss, A perfect place
243. Prejudice Intolerance, A strong feeling of not
liking or trusting somebody/something
244. Proceed To continue doing something
245. Quotidian Occurring every day
246. Rash 1.A series of unpleasant events of the
same kind happening close together
2.An area of small red spots that
appear on your skin
247. Sanctum A sacred place
248. Sculptor One who gives shape to stone
249. Serpentarium A place where snakes are kept
250. Subtle Exquisite , not very noticeable
251. Surfeit Too much of something
252. Tadpole The Young of frog
253. Topple To become less steady and fall down
254. Travesty Mockery, Distorted or cheap imitation
of something which is offensive
255. Unleash Release, Let go, Let Loose
256. Unsullied Not spoiled
257. Valet Butler, Attendant or servant
258. Valley The low land between two mountains
or hills
259. Viscous Thick and Sticky , not flowing easily
260. Voluminous Commodious , very large
261. Welter Turmoil, A state of great noise or
262. Wraith Spirit
263. Zodiac A diagram showing the path of planets
SSC CPO 2022
264. Bosom 1.Noun- Breast
2.Adj- Close, Lovely, Special
265. Cache Items in a hidden space
266. Impulsive Done without careful thought
267. Nominal 1.Supposed
2.Very small compared to an expected
price or value
268. Panache Flamboyant, a confident and stylish
way of doing things that people find
269. Rancour Bitterness
Vocabulary asked by SSC(1997 to 2022)
270. Abandon Desert
271. Abate Become less intense
272. Abattoir a place where animals are slaughtered
273. Abbot Matth-guru
274. Abbreviate Brief
275. Abdicate desert
276. Aberration Deviation
277. Abettor Accomplice (Partner in crime )
278. Abhorrent Hatred
279. Abide by Obey, comply
280. Abjure renounce
281. Ablaze Furious (utejit)
282. Ablution Washing—(Snan)
283. Abnegation Denial
284. Abode Residence
285. Abolish Cancel, prohibit, do away with
286. Abolition cancellation
287. Abominable Disgusting
288. Aboriginal Native (mul niwasi)
289. Abort bring to a premature end because of a
problem or
290. Abortive Unsuccessful
291. Abridge brief
292. Abrogate Abolish ,cancel –(radd karna)
293. Abruptly Suddenly –(eka-ek)
294. Abscond Elope (Bhagna)
295. Absorbing Engrossing (dilchasp)
296. Abstain Isolate, escape
297. Abstract Theoretical, Philosophical (nirakar)
298. Abstruse Hard to understand
299. Absurd Wildly unreasonable, illogical or
300. Abuse To treat with cruelty or violence
301. Abutting Joining
302. Abysmal Bottomless, (bahut khrab, bebuniyad)
303. Accede Consent
304. Accentuate Emphasize
305. Acclaim Praise
306. Accolade Praise,Honour, privilege
307. Accomplice Partner in crime
308. Accomplish Achieve
309. Accord samjhauta
310. Accoutrement Equipment
311. Accrue Accumulate
312. Accusation Aarop lagana
313. Acerbic Sarcastic style of speaking (kadwa)
314. Acquaint Introduce, familiarise-- (parichay
315. Acquiescent Tractable (bat manane wala)
316. Acquire Procure
317. Acquit To free a person by verdict of not guilty
318. Acrobat One who performs daring gymnastic
319. Acronym Initial letter of words
320. Acrophobia Fear of height
321. Actuate Move (uksana)
322. Acute Sharp
323. Adamant Stubborn, (very difficult to change)
324. Adapt Adjust , balance, become adjusted to
325. Addendum Things to be added at the end of book
326. Addict Dependent on drugs
327. Adept Proficient (competent or skilled)
328. Adhere Comply (palan karna)
329. Adjure Sapath lekar kehna
330. Admonish Chide (reprimand firmly) (dantna),
331. Admonition Warning
332. Adolescent no longer a child, but not yet an adult
333. Adonis a handsome man
334. Adore Love and respect deeply
335. Adroit Skillful
336. Adulation Flatter, admiration
337. Adulteration Contaminated –(Milawat)
338. Adversary Rival, opponent
339. Adverse Unfavourable
340. Adversity Misfortune, misery (physical or mental
distress or
341. Adverted Taking reference of something while
342. Advocate Support
343. Aesthetics the branch of philosophy concerned
with the study of principles of beauty,
especially in art
344. Affable Amicable, Friendly
345. Affectionate Sympathetic –(snehi)
346. Affiliation Bonding (sambandh)
347. Affinity Empathy, attraction
348. Affirm Support , ratify , testify (swikar karna)
349. Afflict Annoy –(satana)
350. Affluent Opulent, Rich, Prosperous , sumptuous
351. Agenda A list of things to be discussed at
352. Agglutinate Glued (to unite or combine)
353. Aggrandize Increase
354. Aggravate Make more severe
355. Aggressor Someone who attacks first
356. Agile Quick
357. Agitate Provoke, incite Excite, stimulate (make
or nervous)
358. Agony Catastrophe, pain , (kasht)
359. Aisle Passage (galiyara)
360. Alacrity Alertness
361. Alert Watchful
362. Algophobia Fear of pain
363. Alias False and assumed identity
364. Alien Fictional being from another world
365. Alienation a state of emotional or intellectual
366. Alight descend from a train, bus, or other
form of
367. Alimony Allowance made to a wife by her
husband when the are legally separated
368. Allay Relieve (shant karna)
369. Allege Charge (aarop lagana)
370. Allegory Story in which ideas are symbolized as
371. Alleviate Make less severe, Mitigate –(kam
372. Alliteration Commencement of adjacent words
with same
373. Allure Tempt , Bewitch, (very fascinating)
374. Alluvium Soil deposited by flowing water
375. Almanac A publication containing astronomical
or meteorological information
376. Aloof Distant, Detached
377. Alpinism Mountain climbing
378. Altar A table or surface where offerings are
made to a deity (baliwedi)
379. Alter Transform--(badlna)
380. Alteration Modification
381. Altercation A noisy argument or disagreement
382. Altitude Height of object above sea level
383. Altruist Philanthropist (Paropkari)
384. Amalgam Mixture –(Mishran)
385. Amalgamate Fossilize
386. Amass Assemble
387. Amateur Inept, a person who is neither well
experienced nor professional.
388. Amaxophobia Fear of riding in car
389. Ambidextrous Able to use right hand and left hand
equally well
390. Ambiguous Can be understand in two or more
ways( ie not clear)
391. Ambivalent Having or showing both good and bad
392. Amble Wander, to walk aimlessly , walk or
move at slow or relaxed pace
393. Ambushed Camouflage
394. Ameliorate To improve , mend
395. Amiable Amicable
396. Amicable Friendly, cheerful, hearty, warm,
397. Amnesia Loss of memory
398. Amnesty A general Pardon to offenders
399. Amoral Not concerned with right or wrong
400. Amorous Erotic (kamuk)
401. Amorphous Shapeless
402. Amphitheatre A designated section of seats in any
part of a theatre
403. Ample Abundant, plenty, plenteous
404. Amputee a person who has had one or more
limbs removed
405. Amusing Laughable—(Manoranjak)
406. Anaesthetic Substance used in surgery to produce
407. Analogue Similarity
408. Anarchy Believes in no government , absence of
law and order
409. Ancestors Forefathers
410. Anecdote Short story based on personal
411. Angst Anxiety, Fear
412. Anguish Catastrophe, Agony, Ache, Sorrow--
(dukh, pida)
413. Anile Old
414. Animosity Hostile, unfriendly, surly
415. Annihilate Eradicate, Destroy—(vinash karna)
416. Anniversary Yearly celebration of an event
417. Annuity A fixed sum paid annually
418. Anodyne Benign-(gentle, kindly),Sedative
(painkiller )
419. Anomalous Peculiar –(Asangat, ajib)
420. Anonymous A book written by unknown
421. Antagonist Opponent
422. Anthology Collection of poems
423. Anthropologist Study of human race
424. Anticipate Look forward to
425. Antidote A medicine which nullify poison
426. Antipathy Strong dislike between two persons
427. Antiquarian One who studies antique things
428. Antique Ancient—(prachin)
429. Anxious Worry
430. Apartheid A policy that segregates people on the
basis of their color
431. Apathetic Indifferent—(udasin)
432. Apathy Lack of feeling, indifference—(udasinta)
433. Apex Top
434. Aphasia Loss of ability to understand speech
435. Apiary a place where bees are kept
436. Apocryphal Doubtful authenticity (mangadhant)
437. Apostate One who abandons his religious faith
438. Apostle A pioneer of a reform movement
439. Appal Horrifying, shocking—(bhayawah)
440. Apparent Seemingly, Clearly visible or obvious
441. Apparition Spirit, ghost
442. Appeal Charm-(aakarshan)
443. Appear Seem
444. Appertain Relate to, Be appropriate or applicable
(sambandh rakhna)
445. Applaud Praise
446. Apposite Appropriate
447. Appraisal Estimation of a thing’s worth
448. Appraise, apprise Judge—(aankna)
449. Apprentice a person who agrees to work for
somebody in order to learn a skill
450. Aquarium Tank where fish or plants are kept
451. Arable a land fit for growing crops
452. Arbitrary Random-(manmana)
453. Arbitrator Someone who is designated to hear
both sides of a
dispute and make a judgement
454. Archaeologist a person who studies human history
and prehistory through the excavation
of sites and the analysis of artifacts and
other physical remains (ancient human
civilization )
455. Archipelago Sea with a group of many islands
456. Archive A place where government or public
records are kept
457. Ardent Enthusiasm
458. Ardour Enthusiasm, Zeal
459. Arduous Difficult
460. Arid Dry (banjar)
461. Aristocracy Government by nobles
462. Armistice End of warfare after treaty is signed
463. Aroma Scent –(sugandh)
464. Arouse Excite
465. Arraign Indict (dosh lagana)
466. Arsenal A place for storing guns and military
467. Arson phobia Fear of fire
468. Arsonist One who deliberately sets fire to a
469. Artful Cheat, cunning, crafty
470. Articulate Fluent and clear in speech
471. Artifice Cheat
472. Artist One who practices one of fine arts
473. Ascent a climb or walk to the summit of a
mountain or hill
474. Ascetic A person leading a life of self-discipline
475. Ascribe Regard something as being due to a
cause (shrey dena)
476. Ascription Attribution (the action of regarding
something as
being caused by a person or thing)—
477. Askance Not trust each other
478. Assault Attack
479. Assent Agree
480. Assertive Domineering, bold, confident
481. Assess Measure
482. Assiduous Hardworking
483. Assuage Calm (shant karna), Mollify
484. Astound Astonish
485. Asylum Place that provide refuge
486. Atheist One who doesn’t believe in god
487. Atrocity Absurdity (cruel act)
488. Attribute Quality
489. Atypical Unusual
490. Audacity Boldness, confident
491. Auditor One who makes an official examination
of accounts
492. Auditorium A place where audience sits
493. Augment Increase
494. August Majestic, Dignified
495. Aura a Halo-(prabhamandal)
496. Auspicious Lucky (subh)
497. Austere Strict, unadorned
498. Autocracy Government by ruler which has
unlimited power
499. Autonomy Independence
500. Autopsy Dissection of dead body to find the
cause of death
501. Avalanche A mass of snow, ice and rocks falling
rapidly down a mountainside.
502. Avant grade The group, especially in the arts,
regarded as being the most
503. Avaricious Greedy
504. Avenge Retaliation, punish
505. Averse Unfavourable
506. Aversion Dislike
507. Avert Avoid, prevent
508. Aviary A place where birds are kept
509. Avicide Killing of birds
510. Avid Eager
511. Avow Declare
512. Awe Admiration –(shradha)
513. Awful hateful
514. Awkward Feeling embarrassment
515. Awry Serpentine, crookedly –(vikrit)
516. Axiom A statement which is accepted as true
without proof
517. Babel A confused noise made by a no. of
voices (kolahal)
518. Baffle Puzzle, confuse , preplex
519. Bald No hair on scalp
520. Balderdash Senseless talk or writing
521. Bale A large bound bundle of paper, hay or
522. Ballad Poem in short stanza narrating a
popular story
523. Balmy Amicable (sukhdayi)
524. Banal Commonplace, Boring –(tuchh)
525. Bane Destruction
526. Bankrupt Unable to pay debt
527. Banquet Drinking, (dawat, bhoj)
528. Banter Joke, tease
529. Barbaric Uncivilized
530. Baroque Strange (vichitra)
531. Barracks a place where the soldiers live
532. Barrel A wooden drum in which beer or oil is
533. Bashful Shy –(sankochi)
534. basilica Church, An inscription on a tombstone
written in memory of the deceased
535. Bask (maza lena kisi jagah pe beth ke) Revel
in and make the most of something
536. Batter Beat
537. Beckon Call, Summon –(ishare se bulana)
538. Befog Confused
539. Befuddle Madhosh hona , baffle
540. Beguile Deceive – (mohna, thugna)
541. Behaviour Conduct
542. Behove Necessary –(yogya hona)
543. Belittle Decrease
544. Bellicose Person who is fond of fighting
545. Belligerent Hostile, Antagonistic –(ladaku)
546. Bellow The sound made by crocodile
547. Benediction Blessing
548. Benefactor One who helps people by giving them
money or other aid
549. Beneficiary One who gains benefit from something
550. Benevolence Kindness, Compassion
551. Benign Kind
552. Benison Blessing
553. Bequeath Transfer
554. Bequest Inheritance
555. Bereft Deprived –(vanchit)
556. Beseech Beg
557. Besmirch spoil
558. Bevy Group of girls/boys/birds etc (jhund)
559. Bewilder Puzzle, Astonish
560. Bewitched Captivated – (mohit)
561. Biannual Twice in one year
562. Bibliophile Who loves books
563. Biennial Once in two years
564. Bifurcated Divided into two
565. bigot 1.Narrow religious views
2.Intolerant to other opinions
566. Bilingual Affluent in two language
567. Bimonthly Twice a month
568. Biopsy Test of cells of diseased organ
569. Biped Two footed animal
570. Blabber Nonsense –(bak bak karna)
571. Blasphemy Offensive speaking against god or
sacred things
572. Blather Bakwas
573. Bleach Whiten, wash out
574. Bleak Colourless
575. Blemish Disgrace, stain (kalank, daag)
576. Blister Wound
577. Blithe joyful
578. Bloat Swell
579. Bloom Grow
580. Blot A spot or a stain caused by a
discolouring substance
581. Board Plank
582. Boast Pride –(Jhutta garv)
583. Boer A person of south african dutch descent
584. Bogus Fake
585. Bohemian One who doesn’t follow the usual way
of life
586. Boisterous Noisy
587. Bolster Strengthen –(sahara dena)
588. Bombastic Using high-sounding words but with
little meaning
589. Bonanza Bonus –(apratyashit labh)
590. Bondage Servile (gulami)
591. Bonhomie Friendly, Championship –(milansarita)
592. Bonsai Dwarf varieties of trees and shrubs
grown in pots
593. Boomerang A hunting weapon which comes back
594. Boon A thing that is helpful or beneficial
595. Boor Rustic (ganwar)
596. Boorish Ill-mannered person
597. Bossy Dominating
598. Botany Study of plant
599. Bottleneck A situation that stops activity from
600. Boulevard A broad road with bordered trees
601. Bountiful Abundant
602. bouquet Arrangement of flowers (gift)
603. Bourgeois Belonging to middle class
604. Bout Short period of intense activity of a
specified kind
605. Boutique a small shop that sells fashionable
clothes, cosmetics
606. Bovine Relating to cattle (cows or bulls )
607. Bower A shady place under trees
608. Brace Fortify –(taiyar karna)
609. Brat Spoilt Child –(bigdail bacha)
610. Brazen Shameless
611. Breach Violation
612. Breeze Gentle movement of air
613. Brevity Crispness, brief
614. Brewery A place where wine is made
615. Bridle Control
616. brigand Member of a band of robbers
617. Brindled Flecked (Chitkabra)
618. Brisk Quick
619. Brittle A thing likely to be easily broken
620. Brood A family of young animals
621. Brunette A woman with dark brown hair
622. Brutalize Illtreat, savage
623. Bucolic Rural
624. Bumptious Arrogant
625. Bungle Gadbad karna
626. Buoy A floating container anchored to the
sea bottom, so used for directing ships
and warning them of possible danger
627. Bureaucracy Government officials
628. Burgeon Proliferate, Reproduce (falna fulna )
629. Burglar Thief
630. burrow Hole excavated by an animal as
631. Bustle Haste
632. Bygone Over (samapt)
633. Cabaret Entertainment with singing or dancing
in restaurant etc
634. Cacophony A harsh discordant mixture of sounds
635. Cadence Rhythm
636. Cajole Flatter
637. Calligrapher Who writes decoratively
638. Callous Insensitive, showing cruel disregard for
639. Callow Inexperienced
640. Camouflage give (someone or oneself) a different
in order to conceal one's identity.
641. Candid Upright, Honest, frank
642. Candidate A person who applies for a job or is
nominated for election
643. Cannibal One who eats human flesh
644. Canny Clever
645. Canonical Orthodox (Accepted )
646. Canophilia Love for dogs
647. Cantankerous Quarrelsome, querulous
648. Capacious Huge
649. Capitulate surrender
650. Capricious Arbitrary, Whimsical, Vagarious,
Unpredictable (manmauji)
651. Capsize Overturn in water
652. Captious Tending to find fault or raise petty
653. Captivate capture, charm, hold the attention of
(mantramughdh hona)
654. Captive Caged (bandi)
655. Captivity Confinement, Imprisonment (kaid)
656. Caravan House or shelter of gipsy (kafila)
657. Carcass Body of dead animal
658. Cardinal Vital, essential
659. Caress adore
660. Caricature Exaggerated cartoon of a person for
661. Carnage Slaughter –(mar kat)
662. Carnal Lust
663. Carol Christian religious song
664. Carouse Frolic, Quaff –(khan pan kar anand
665. Cartography Study of maps
666. Cascade A fall of water from a great height
667. Casserole A large metal pot used both in oven
and as a serving vessel.
668. Castigate Beat
669. Casual Occasional
670. Catacomb An underground place where people
are buried/ a complex set of
interrelated things
671. Catalogue A list of books available in library
672. Catastrophe Calamity, Tragedy, Disaster
673. Cauldron A large metal pot used for cooking over
open fire
674. Caustic Harsh
675. Cavalier Arrogant
676. Cavalry Soldiers who fight on horseback
677. Cavort Jump
678. Caw The sound of a crow
679. Ceasefire An agreement between two countries
or groups to stop fighting
680. Celestial Heavenly
681. Celibate Brahamchari
682. Cellar Underground place for storing wine or
other provisions
683. Cemetery Place of burial
684. Censure criticize
685. Centennial Completing a period of hundred years
686. Ceremonial formal
687. Cessation Ending , termination , conclusion
688. Chafe 1.Irritate
3.Rub a part of the body to restore
warmth or sensation
689. Changeling a child secretly changed for another in
690. Chaos Disorder, Slopy, mix-up, confusion,
691. Chapel Small church
692. Charisma Charm
693. Charismatic Exercising a compelling charm which
inspires devotion in others
694. Charlatan A person falsely claiming to have a
special knowledge or skill
695. Chary Cautious
696. Chasm Khai, A deep fissure in earth’s surface
697. Chassis The base frame of a vehicles
698. Chastise Upbraid (reprimand severely),
699. Chauffeur A person who drives our motor cars
700. Chivalrous Courteous and gallant (udar)
701. Choir Group of singers
702. Choke Block
703. Chore A routine household task
704. Chorus Signing Group
705. Chronic Old, permanent, lasting
706. Chronological Arrangement in order of occurrence
707. Chronometer Used for accurate time.
708. Churlish Rude and rough
709. Chutzpah Self extreme confidence or audacity,
unusual or shocking behaviors,
involving taking risks without feeling
710. Circuitous Roundabout
711. Circumlocution Use of many words where only few are
necessary in order to be vague
712. Circumstantial Clues available at the scene
713. Citadel Fortress (typically one on high ground
above city )
714. Cite Quote (ullekh karna)
715. Civilization All the arts, beliefs and social
institutions etc,
characteristics of a race
716. Clammy Wet, sticky
717. Clamour A loud appeal or demand, Uproar-
718. Clandestine Secret, confidential
719. Clasp Catch
720. Claustrophobia Fear of closed space
721. Clement Mild, merciful – (dayalu)
722. Clientele Client or customer who regularly go to
shop or some place
723. Clinched Finalized – (pakka karna)
724. Cloakroom The place for luggage at railway station
725. Cloistered Isolated – (tanha)
726. Clumsy Inept , awkward
727. Clutter Disordered
728. Coax Persuade (fuslana)
729. Cobweb Makri ka jala
730. Cockpit A small compartment in an aircraft for
the pilot
731. Cocktail Drink made from two or more alcoholic
732. Coddle Satisfy – (lad pyar karna)
733. Codicil A supplement to will
734. Coerce Pressurize – (majbur karna)
735. Coercion Use of force or threats to get someone
to agree to
736. Coffer Box used for storing money (tijori)
737. Coffle A collection of slaves
738. Cogent Convincing
739. Cognate Same source of origin
740. Coherent Logical and consistent
741. Coldness Lack of warm feelings, unfriendly
742. Collate Assemble
743. Colloquial Familiar – (bol chal ka)
744. Colloquy Mutual discourse
745. Collusion Secret agreement for fraudulent
746. Colossal Enormous, vast, giant
747. Colossus A gigantic statue
748. Combative Querulous (ladaku)
749. Combustible Flammable, inflammable – (Asani se
aag pakad le)
750. Commemorate Celebrate –(manana)
751. Commend Praise
752. Commiserate Sympathize
753. Commotion Confuse, Disturbance, Fuss –(halla
754. Compassionate Feeling or showing sympathy
755. Compatriot Fellow Citizen
756. Compendium Summary, Collection (saransh)
757. Compensate Make up for
758. Compere master of ceremonies
759. Complacent Self-satisfied
760. Compliant Submissive –(agyakari)
761. Compose Collect –(sangrah karna)
762. Compositor one who sets type for books,
763. Composure Self-control
764. Comprehend Understand
765. Comprehensive Detailed
766. Comrade Companion, friend
767. Conceal Hide
768. Concede Accept, admit, yield
769. Conceited Arrogant
770. Conceive Think (vichar karna)
771. Conciliation The action of stopping someone being
772. Concocted Dubious –(mangadhant)
773. Concrete existing in a material or physical form
774. Concubinage Living relationship
775. Concur Agree
776. Concurrence Agreement, agree, consent, assent,
777. Condemn Scorn, denounce –(ninda karna)
778. Condense Concentrate
779. Condescending Patronising – (protsahak dhang se),
(apne aap ko dusre se bada samjhna)
780. Condolence Sorrow
781. Condominium The joint control of a country's or
territory's affairs by other countries
782. Condone Overlook, forgive – (dhyan na dena)
783. Conducive Favourable
784. Confectioner A person who sells sweets
785. Confederate Combined – (sandhi karna)
786. Confer To give somebody an award
787. Confide Revealing secret
788. Confiscate To officially take private property to
789. Conflagration Huge destructive fire
790. Conform Compliance with standards, rules, or
791. Confrontation Encounter, challenge
792. Congenial Amicable, favorable
793. Congenital Janmjat
794. Congested Crowded
795. Conglomerate Group of companies
796. Congregation Meeting
797. Congruous Balanced
798. Conjecture Guess
799. Conjurer Magician
800. Connoisseur Discerning Judge (visheshgya)
801. Connote Convey (bhaw batlana)
802. Consanguinity Blood relation
803. Conscience Feeling inside you which tells you about
what is right or wrong
804. Conscientious Guided by one’s sense of duty
805. Conscript Draftee (Bharti hone wala)
806. Conscription Compulsory military services
807. Consecration Coronation, (the action of making or
something, typically a church, sacred)
808. Consensus Unanimity
809. Consequent Ensuing –(falswaroop)
810. Conservation Preservation
811. Considerate Thoughtful
812. Consignee nominee
813. Console Calm, (santwana dena), Sympathy,
814. Consort Partner
815. Conspicuous Specific, distinct –(pratyachh)
816. Constellation Group of stars
817. Consternation Dismay, panic–(Ghabrahat)
818. Constrained Imposed a restriction on
819. Construe Interpret (samjhana)
820. Consummate Extremely skilled
821. Contagious Disease spread by direct contact
822. Contemplate Mediation, Design –(Chintan)
823. Contemporary Person living in the same age
824. Contempt Hatred
825. Contend Assert something as a position in an
struggle to surmount (a difficulty or
826. Content Satisfy
827. Contented Satisfied
828. Contest Conflict, struggle
829. Contiguous In contact with something; next to each
830. Contingency Something that might happen in the
831. Contingent Accidental –(aakashmik)
832. Contraband Smuggled
833. Contradict Confront, Refute –(khandan)
834. Contravene Breach, Violation
835. Contrite Regretful
836. Controvert Contradict
837. Convalescence Recover
838. Convene Assemble (aayojit karna)
839. Convent Place of nun (women worshipper )
840. Conventicle Secret and illegal religious meeting
841. Convention Usual way of doing things
842. Converse Talk –(Batchit karna)
843. Conveyance Transmission
844. Convulsion a sudden, violent, irregular movement
of the body
845. Copious Plenty
846. Copyright protects original works of authorship
including literary, dramatic, musical,
and artistic works.
847. Coquette A seductive woman who uses her sex
appeal to exploit men
848. Cordial Amicable
849. Coronation the ceremony of crowning a sovereign
850. Corroborate Confirm, Support
851. Cosmopolitan Belonging to all parts of the world,
852. Counterfeit Spurious, sham, Fake
853. Couplet A stanza having two lines in verse
854. Courtesy humble
855. Courtly Gentle, decent (sabhya)
856. Cove Bay –(small khari)
857. Covenant Contract, Bond
858. Covert Secret
859. Covetous, Coveted Greedy, desire
860. Cowherd A person who takes care of cattle
861. Cozen Cheat
862. Crafty Cheat
863. Cramped Inadequate
864. Credible Which can be believed
865. Credit the ability of a customer to obtain
goods or services before payment,
based on the trust that
payment will be made in the future
866. Credulous Gullible –(Bhola)
867. Creed A system of religious belief; faith
868. Creep Tiptoe –(chupke se khiskna)
869. Crescendo Escalation (to increase in loudness or
870. Crestfallen Depressed
871. Criterion Standard for judgement
872. Critic One who finds nothing good in anything
873. Crook Criminal
874. Crooked Twisted or bent
875. Crowd A group of people
876. Cruddy Dirty
877. Crude 1.Unrefined –(kacha),
2. rude and rough
878. Crumble Submissive –(adhin karna)
879. Crumble Chur chur hona
880. Crusade A religious war
881. Crusade Campaign – (dharam yudh)
882. Crust Shell –(upari satah)
883. Cuisine A style of cooking food, characteristic
of a particular country or region
884. Culmination Climax, the most important and
exciting part of a book, play, piece of
music, event, etc.
885. Culpable Guilty of crime
886. Cumbersome Inconvenient, heavy
887. Cunning Deception, Shrewd, Deceit, deceive,
Cheat, clever in cheating way
888. Cupidity Greed
889. Curator one who is in charge of museum
890. Curb Control, Restrain
891. Cursory hasty and therefore not thorough or
detailed, (satahi-surface)
892. Curt Rude
893. Curtail Reduce, impose restriction
894. Custom A habitual or usual practice
895. Cynic Iconoclast, A belief of that only
motivates action
896. Cynical Nihilistic, pessimistic
897. Cynicism Bitterness (kutilta)
898. Cynophobia Fear of dogs
899. Cynosure Centre of attraction
900. Cypher A secret or disguised way of writing
901. Dainty 1.Fastidious (not easily pleased)
2.Lovely, Beautiful
902. Dame Lady
903. Damp Wet
904. Damsel Maiden (unmarried woman)
905. Dank Wet
906. Dashed Destroyed
907. Daunt Threaten, intimidate, discourage
908. Dauntless Brave –(nidar)
909. Dawdle Waste time
910. Dearth Scarcity, Shortage –(Akal)
911. Debacle Downfall, failure
912. Debauched Corrupt
913. Debilitate Weaken
914. Debit an entry recording an amount owed
915. Debonair Elegant
916. Debouched lust
917. Decadence Decline
918. Decamp Flee (leave suddenly)
919. Deceit Cheat
920. Deceptive Cheat (Kapti)
921. Decimated Destroyed
922. Decisive Crucial, Certain
923. Declension Decay (Patan)
924. Decree Ban
925. Decrepit Feebleness, deterioration
926. Decry Convicted (Proved) (dosh dena)
927. Dedication Commitment
928. Deepen Intensify
929. Defection the desertion of one's country or cause
in favor of an opposing one
930. Defer Postpone
931. Deference, Deferent Respect
932. Defiance Open refusal to obey orders
933. Defiant Stubborn, (very difficult to change)
934. Defiant Rebellious (awagyakari)
935. Defile Spoil (asudh), pollute
936. Definitive A conclusion or agreement done or
reached decisively and with authority
937. Deflate Puncture
938. Defraud Illegally obtain
939. Defuse Disable
940. Defy Refuse to obey
941. Degenerate Degraded or corrupted
942. Dejected Sorrow
943. Delectation Joy
944. Delegate To give one’s authority to another
945. Deliberate Intentionally (socha samjha)
946. Delicate Frail – (najuk)
947. Delineate explain
948. Delinquency Careless of one’s duty , Badly behaved
949. Delinquent Offending (apradhhi)
950. Deliquesce Become liquid during decomposition
951. Deluge Flood, overflow
952. Delusion Hallucination
953. Delusive Misleading
954. Demagogue A political leader appealing to popular
desires and
955. Demented Idiotic
956. Demise Death
957. Demography Study of population
958. Demure shy
959. Denigrate Criticize unfairly
960. Denizen Person, animal or plants that lives or
grows in particular region
961. Denouement Climax
962. Denounce Hatred
963. Depict To portray in words; describe
964. Deplore Regret (Vilap karna)
965. Deponent Person who gives written testimony for
use in a law court
966. Deport Expel
967. Deposition Impeachment
968. Depraved Of very bad morals
969. Deprecate Disapproval
970. Depredation Looting, plunder
971. Deranged Unable to think clearly because of
mental illness
972. Derelict A person without home, job or
973. Dereliction 1.Failing to discharge one’s duty
2.The state of being abandoned or
974. Deride Mock (Majak udana)
975. Derisive/Derision Ridicule
976. Dermatology Study of skin and its disease
977. Derogatory Disrespectful
978. Descent an action of moving downward,
dropping, or
979. Desecrate Plunder
980. Desecrate Sacrilege (impure karna )
981. Desert Tyagna
982. Desiccate Dry
983. Desist Stop doing something
984. Desolate Bleak (ujda hua)
985. Desperation Despair, Hopelessness
986. Despicable Hateful
987. Despise Hatred
988. Despondent Depressed
989. Despot Dictator
990. Despotic Not to be moved by entreaty
991. Destitute without the basic necessities of life.
992. Desultory Improvident, Frugal (lacking a plan or
purpose) (aniyamit)
993. Detain Delay (rokna)
994. Detention 1.The state of detaining someone in
official custody
2. the punishment of being kept in
school after hours
995. Determination Firmness of purpose
996. Deterrence The action of discouraging an action or
event through instilling doubt or fear of
the consquences
997. Detest Hatred
998. Detractors Critics (Aalochak)
999. Detrimental Harmful
1000. Devastation Destruction
1001. Devious Cheat (chalak)
1002. Devout Religious
1003. Dexterous Skilful
1004. Diabolical Evil
1005. Diagnose Determine the nature of disease
1006. Dialect A particular form of a language which is
peculiar to a specific region
1007. Diatribe bitter verbal attack against someone or
1008. Diffident Meek, Timid (lack of self-confidence),
1009. Diffuse Spread over a large area
1010. Digress Deviate
1011. Dilate widen
1012. Dilettante Dabbler, a person who cultivates an
area of interest, such as the arts,
without real commitment or
1013. Diligent Industrious, hardworking
1014. Dipsomania Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks
1015. Directory A book of name and addresses
1016. Dirge Song sung at burial
1017. Disarm calm
1018. Disavowal Denial
1019. Discern Discriminate, perceive (Pahchanna)
1020. Disconsolate Unhappy
1021. Discontent Dissatisfaction
1022. Discord Disagreement between people
1023. Discreet Cautious, Reserved
1024. Discriminate Distinguish
1025. Disdain Hatred, Contempt
1026. Disenchanted Disappoint
1027. Disenfranchisement The state of being deprived of a right or
privilege, especially the right to vote
1028. Disgrace Insult, dishonor
1029. Disguise Camouflage (chhipa hua)
1030. Dishevel Disordered (bikherna)
1031. Disillusioned Disappointed
1032. Dismal Gloomy , depression
1033. Disparaging Disrespectful, outrageous
1034. Disparate Different
1035. Dispensary A room where medicines are prepared
and provided
1036. Disproportionately Unreasonably
1037. Disrupt Break, Disturb
1038. Disseminate Disperse (Failana)
1039. Dissension Dispute
1040. Dissident Oppose
1041. Dissuade Discourage, stopped
1042. Distaste Loathing, Not liking something (aruchi,
1043. Distraught Deeply upset and agitated (vyakul)
1044. Distress sorrow
1045. Disunion Separation
1046. Ditch Trench, dyke, (khai), A narrow channel
dug at the side of a road or field to hold
or carry away water.
1047. Diurnal Daytime
1048. Divest Deprive (Vanchit karna)
1049. Divine Godly
1050. Divisive Conflicting
1051. Divulge Reveal
1052. Dodge Avoid (chakma dena)
1053. Dogmatic Opinionated (kattar)
1054. Doleful Sorrow, sad, grief
1055. Dominion Area controlled under ruler
1056. Dormitory A large bedroom for a number of
people in a school or institution
1057. Dorsal Upper or back side
1058. Dour Morose (Rukha)
1059. Downcast Sorrow
1060. Downplay Kam karke batana
1061. Downpour Heavy continuous rainfall
1062. Drab Colourless
1063. Draper A shopkeeper selling cloth and clothing
1064. Drawn (adj) Exhausted, Tired
1065. Dread Fear
1066. Drey Nest of squirrel
1067. Dribble jhinsi wali barish
1068. Drivel Blather (Bakwas)
1069. Drizzle Sprinkle
1070. Dromomania Mania for Travel
1071. Drove A herd of flock of animals being driven
in a body
1072. Dubious Doubtful
1073. Duel A contest between two people to settle
a point of honour
1074. Dulcet Sweet
1075. Dumbfounded Astonish
1076. Duplication copying
1077. Dwell Reside (bas jana)
1078. Dwindle Decrease
1079. Dye Colouring
1080. Dyke Wall built to prevent flood
1081. Dynasty Succession of rulers belonging to one
1082. Earnest Serious, Sincere
1083. Eavesdropper Secretly listen to talk of others
1084. Ebb Sink
1085. Ebullient Enthusiasm
1086. Eccentric A person with abnormal habits
1087. Eccentricity Slightly strange or abnormal
1088. Echelon Rank (upadhi)
1089. Eclectic Diverse
1090. Ecstatic Hilarious
1091. Edify Instruct or improve someone morally or
1092. Efface Wipe, rub out, Destroy
1093. Effeminacy Coward
1094. Effeminate Like woman
1095. Effervescent Lively, sparkling (uttejit)
1096. Efficacious Effective, successful, productive
1097. Effigy Dummy
1098. Egalitarian belief of everyone is equal
1099. Egoist A person who thinks himself superior
than others
1100. Egotist A person who talks to much of himself
1101. Egregious Shocking, Appalling
1102. Elapsed Ceased (Gujar chuke)
1103. Elate Hilarious, excited
1104. Elegant Delightful, lovely, Graceful, urbane
1105. Elegy a mournful poem or song
1106. Elf A small mischievous fairy
1107. Elocution The art of effective speaking
1108. Elope To run away with lover
1109. Eloquent Fluent or persuasive in speaking
1110. Elude Abstain
1111. Elusive Difficult to find or catch
1112. Elysium A paradise with perfect bliss
1113. Emaciated thin
1114. Emancipate Liberate
1115. Embargo An official ban
1116. Embark go on board a ship, aircraft, or other
1117. Embed Bury
1118. Ember A small piece of burning or glowing coal
or wood in a dying fire
1119. Embezzlement an act of misappropriation of money
1120. Embody Be an expression of or give a tangible or
visible form to an idea, quality or
1121. Embrace Adore, accept
1122. Embroil Confuse (uljhana)
1123. Emeritus One who is honourably discharged
from service
1124. Emetic Medicine that causes vomiting
1125. Emigrant Going outside country to settle
1126. Emissary A person sent on mission
1127. Emit Discharge
1128. Empathy Sympathy, a strong feeling that you like
understood somebody
1129. Emphatic Firm (jordar)
1130. Empirical Practical
1131. Emulate Simulate ,mimic
1132. Encroach Intrude (atikraman)
1133. Encumbrance Obstacle
1134. Endeavor Effort , try
1135. Endemic Regularly found in particular place or
among a particular group people and
difficult to get rid of
1136. Endorse Support
1137. Endow Provide, subsidizing
1138. Endure Lasting over a period of time, suffer
patiently, tolerance
1139. Engulf 1.Envelop (nigal lena )
2. Overwhelm
1140. Enigma Puzzle
1141. Enliven Cheer
1142. Ennui Boredom
1143. Enrage Anger
1144. Enrich Enhance
1145. Ensconce Hide
1146. Enshrine Preserve a right, tradition, or idea in a
form that ensures it will be protected
and respected
1147. Ensue Follow, succeed
1148. Entangle Implicate (Fansana)
1149. Enterprising Finding out new ways of doing things
1150. Enthral Attract, Enchant, Mesmerize
1151. Entice Entrap, fascinate, attract
1152. Entomology Study of insects
1153. Entrust Rely
1154. Enunciate Express a proposition theory in clear or
definite terms
1155. Enviable Likely to arouse jealousy
1156. Envy Jealous
1157. Ephemeral Temporary
1158. Epic A long poem based on a noble theme
1159. Epicurean Sensual enjoyment of drinking and
1160. Epilepsy A disease causing a person to fall
unconscious involuntarily
1161. Epilogue Short speech during conclusion
1162. Episodic Happening some times or irregularly
1163. Epistle A letter
1164. Epitaph Word written on tomb
1165. Epitome Perfect example for particular type
1166. Equanimity Calm
1167. Equilibrium A state of perfect balance
1168. Equivocal Ambiguous (able to understand in more
than one way)
1169. Era the period between two regions
1170. Eradicate Abolish, uproot
1171. Ergo mania Excessive desire to work
1172. Errand Assignment (Karya)
1173. Erratum an error or misprint in printing or
1174. Erroneous False
1175. Erstwhile Former
1176. Erudite Scholarly
1177. Escalate Enlarge
1178. Escort One who accompanies somebody to
protect him
1179. Esoteric Hard to understand
1180. Espionage Spying
1181. Esteem Respect and admiration
1182. Estranged separated
1183. Eternal Perpetual
1184. Ethnology Study of race of mankind
1185. Etiolate Make pale by excluding light
1186. Etiquette rules governing socially acceptable
1187. Etymology Study of origin of words
1188. Eugenics A science of race, culture and human
1189. Eulogise Praise highly in speech or writing
1190. Eulogy Writing or a speech in praise of
someone (who has died)
1191. Euphemism A mild or indirect expression
substituted for offensive one
1192. Euphonious Sounding pleasant
1193. Euphoria Excitement
1194. Euthanasia act of mercy killing (death by will)
1195. Evade Avoid
1196. Evanescent Temporary
1197. Evict Expel someone from a property,
especially with the support of the law
1198. Evident Obvious, clear
1199. Evince Manifest, declare, suggest
1200. Evoke Summon
1201. Exalt Praise
1202. Exaltation Ecstasy
1203. Exasperate Irritating and frustrating , very angry
1204. Excerpt An extract from a book of writing
1205. Exclusion Abolish
1206. Excogitate Invent
1207. Exculpation Exonerate, absolve , acquit (free from
1208. Execrate Bane, Curse
1209. Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation or
a text, especially of scripture
1210. Exempt Exclude (mukt, chhut)
1211. Exhaustible Temporary
1212. Exhaustive examining, including, or considering all
or aspects; fully comprehensive
1213. Exhilarate Hilarious, eager
1214. Exhort Push, pressure (uksana)
1215. Exhume Dig up (khod kar nikalna)
1216. Exigency An urgent need or demand
1217. Exigent Important
1218. Exodus Mass departure of people
1219. Exonerate To free completely from blame
1220. Exorbitant Excessive
1221. Exotic Peculiar, Strange
1222. Expedite Hasty
1223. Expedition A journey undertaken by group of
people with a particular purpose,
especially that of exploration or
1224. Expiate to make atonement to one's sins
1225. Explicable That which can be explained
1226. Explicit, explicate Stated clearly and in detail
1227. Expostulate Disagree
1228. Expunge Remove
1229. Expurgate Censor, to remove objectionable part
1230. Exquisite Elegant, very beautiful
1231. Extant Current, present
1232. Extempore Spoken or done without preparation
1233. Extenuate lessen
1234. Extol Applause
1235. Extort Obtain something by force or threats
1236. Extraneous Irrelevant
1237. Extravagant Waste money on luxury
1238. Extricate free
1239. Exuberant Eager, Vibrant
1240. Exude Ooze (risna, tapkna)
1241. Exultant Joy
1242. Fable An animal story with moral
1243. Fabricate Manufacture
1244. Fabulous Charming
1245. Facade Mask, the exterior face of building
1246. Facsimile an exact copy
1247. Faction A small organised dissenting group
within a larger one
1248. Fallacy Bias
1249. Fallow Farmland ploughed and harrowed but
left for a period without being sown in
order to restore its fertility
1250. Famine Widespread scarcity of food
1251. Famished Starved
1252. Fanatic Radical, One who has narrow and
prejudiced religious views or
Excessively enthusiastic and
unreasonably excited about something
1253. Fantasy Wild imagination
1254. Farcical Absurd
1255. Fare(V) Progress
1256. Far-fetched Improbable
1257. Fasten Affix, tie, bind
1258. Fastidious Meticulous, very careful, not easily
pleased by anything
1259. Fatal deadly
1260. Fatalism submission to all that happens as
1261. Fatalist One who believes in destiny, believer of
1262. Fatigue Wear
1263. Fatuous Silly, Irrational (Murkh)
1264. Fauna Animals of particular region
1265. Feasible Possible to do
1266. Feast Banquet
1267. Fecund Fertile, productive
1268. Feign Pretend
1269. Feint pretended attack
1270. Felicitous Well chosen or suited to the
1271. Felicity Bliss (intense happiness), congratulate
1272. Felonious Relating to or involved in crime
1273. Feminist Equality for women
1274. Ferocious Cruel (ladaku)
1275. Ferry Boat
1276. Fervent Passionate
1277. Festal Cheerful
1278. Festive Celebrate
1279. Fetch Bring
1280. Fetter Handcuff , restraints
1281. Feud bitter quarrel between two families
existing for a long period
1282. Fiasco Complete failure
1283. Fidelity loyalty
1284. Fidgety Nervous
1285. Fiend/Fiendish Cruel
1286. Fierce Fundamental
1287. Figment Fictious
1288. Filch Steal
1289. Filicide Killing of one’s own child
1290. Fillip Boost (Protsahan)
1291. Filthy Ashlil
1292. Fissure Cleavage (Darar)
1293. Fixation A strong interest in something or
1294. Fizzle Type of sound
1295. Flabbergasted Astonish, surprise
1296. Flagitious Cruel, Criminal
1297. Flair Talent
1298. Flamboyant Bright, flashy
1299. Flaunt Exhibit
1300. Flay Peel the skin off (chhilka utarna )
1301. Fledgling Apprentice (inexperience-amateur)
note that unexperienced means which
is not experienced yet. So both are
1302. Fleet A group of ships sailing together
1303. Fleeting Temporary
1304. Flick A quick, sudden movement
1305. Flicker Shimmer, Twinkle (jhilmilahat)
1306. Flimsy Insubstantial, Weak
1307. Flip side Unwelcome aspect of the situation
1308. Flippant Thoughtless, Irresponsible
1309. Flock A group of birds of one kind
1310. Flora Plant and vegetation of a region
1311. Florid Bright coloured
1312. Florist One who deals in flower
1313. Flounder To struggle helplessly
1314. Flout Mock
1315. Fluke Accidental good fortune
1316. Flung Threw
1317. Flutter Flicker (to move or make something
move quickly and lightly, especially
through air)
1318. Flux Continuous process of change
1319. Foe Enemy
1320. Foliage Greenery (vanaspati)
1321. Foment Incite (Bharkana)
1322. Foreboding Alarm
1323. Foreman chief of a group of workmen
1324. Forfeited Be deprived of property or right or
privilege as a penalty for wrong doing
1325. Forge Move ahead or forward steadily and
1326. Forgery falsification of documents
1327. Forgo, Forego Leave, (to do without)
1328. Forlorn Unhappy
1329. Formidable Frightening
1330. Forsake Desert
1331. Forswear Desert
1332. Forthright Direct and outspoken
1333. Fortify strength
1334. Fortuitous Good fortune
1335. Foul Against the rule
1336. Foundling An abandon child of unknown parents
who is found by somebody
1337. Fowl Bird
1338. Foyer Lobby (Pravesh kachh)
1339. Fragile Frail, Easily broken
1340. Fragmentation Disintegration
1341. Fragrance Scent, Aroma (a pleasant sweet smell)
1342. Frailty Fault , (dosh)The condition of being
weak and
1343. Frantic Violent
1344. Fraternise Associate (Sahyogi)
1345. Fratricide Killing of brother
1346. Freed Liberate
1347. Freelance Self employed
1348. Frenzy A state of extreme excitement
1349. Frigid Sad
1350. Frisk Uchhal kud karna
1351. Fritter Squander, waste
1352. Frivolous Not having any serious purpose or
1353. Frolic Banquet
1354. Frontier Boundary
1355. Frostbite Injury to the nose, fingers or toes,
caused by extreme cold
1356. Frugal Skimp, Economical, thrifty
1357. Frustration The feeling of being upset or annoyed
as a result of being unable to change or
achieve something
1358. Fuddle A state of confusion or intoxication
1359. Fugitive Refugee , one who runs away from the
justice or the law
1360. Fumbling Doing something awkwardly or in a
clumsy manner
1361. Funambulist One who can walk on ropes
1362. Fundamental Basic
1363. Fungus Fast spreading plants which often cause
1364. Furbish Shine
1365. Furtive Secretive
1366. Fury Anger (Rosh)
1367. Fuselage The main body of an aircraft
1368. Fusillade The firing of many guns at the same
time to mark an occasion
1369. Fustian Arrogant
1370. Futile Fruitless
1371. Gaff Trick (gupt tarika)
Other meaning- a spear or hook for
lifting heavy fish
1372. Gallant a brave,noble-minded man
1373. Galling Causing annoyance or resentment
1374. Gambol (Uchhal kud karna)
1375. Garble Confuse , befog
1376. Garnish Adorn, beautify, decorate food
1377. Gasp Fight for breath (hanfna)
1378. Gastronomy Art of cooking good food
1379. Gather Congregate
1380. Gaudy Flashy
1381. Gaunt Thin, feeble, weak
1382. General chief or commander if army
1383. Generic Universal (Samanya)
1384. Generous Charitable, abundant
1385. Genetics Science of heredity
1386. Genial Amicable
1387. Genocide Killing of whole race (group of people)
1388. Genteel Gentle, noble
1389. Geology The science which studies the crust of
the earth
1390. Geriatrics branch of medical science which deals
with the problem of olds
1391. Gesture a movement of part of the body,
especially a hand or the head, to
express an idea or meaning.
1392. Ghastly In a threatening manner
1393. Ghetto A part of the city especially the slum
1394. Gingivitis Inflammation of gums (masuro me
1395. Gladden Delight, please, cheer up
1396. Glance at Pay attention
1397. Glazier A person who repairs broken window
1398. Gleam Shine
1399. Glee Enjoy
1400. Glib Artful (Chalak)
1401. Glitter Shine, sheen, Sparkling, Twinkling
1402. Gloomy Sorrow
1403. Glossary A list of explanations of rare, technical
or obsolete
1404. Glossy Shiny and smooth
1405. Glower To look at someone in threatening way
1406. Glum Dismal (udas)
1407. Glutton One who eats too much
1408. Gnaw To bite like a rat
1409. Gnome dwarf
1410. Gobble Eat fast, noisy and greedily
1411. Gospel Faith (Dharam siksha)
1412. Gourmet Gastronome (petu)
1413. Graceful Pretty , lovely
1414. Gracious Courteous, kind, pleasant
1415. Graffiti Writing or drawing on wall
1416. Graffiti Drawings or writing scribbled on walls
in public places
1417. Granary A building where grain is stored
1418. Grandeur Magnificent
1419. Grandiose Magnificent
1420. Grate Sounding harsh and unpleasant
1421. Gratification Satisfaction
1422. Gratify Please
1423. Gratis/Gratuitous Done or obtained without payment,
lacking purpose, spontaneous
1424. Gravity Depth (Gambhirta)
1425. Greenhouse Building for the preservation of plants
1426. Greet Welcome
1427. Gregarious Fond of company, animals who live in
1428. Grieve sorrow
1429. Grim Stern, harsh, horrible, (nirday)
1430. Gripe pain
1431. Grisly Gruesome, terrible, brutal (bhayanak)
1432. Groan Grumble (karahana)
1433. Grotesque Distorted, bizarre, cartoon caricature
1434. Grudge Envy (irshya)
1435. Gruesome Terrible
1436. Gruesome Hideous, disgusting
1437. Gruff Coarse, rough
1438. Grumble Groan, Murmur, Querulous, Complain
1439. Grumpy Short-tempered
1440. Guile Sly, Slick, Cunning, Cheat, Clever
1441. Gullibility Simplicity (easily tricked)
1442. Gullible Easily fooled
1443. Gulp Eat or drink food quickly and in large
1444. Gumption Acumen (sharp mind), cleverness
1445. Gust A strong blast of wind
1446. Guzzle Eat and drink greedily
1447. Hackneyed Overused, tired (ghisa pita)
1448. Haggard thin
1449. Hail Hailstorm, (Ola padna)
1450. Halcyon Calm
1451. Hallucination 1.Seeing something which is not
actually present
2.A perception without objective reality
1452. Halt Slow and hesitant
1453. Halting Hesitant
1454. Hamlet A small village or group of houses
1455. Handy Convenient
1456. Hangar Building in which aircrafts are housed
1457. Hapless Unlucky (Abhaga)
1458. Harangue A lengthy and aggressive speech
addressed to a large assembly
1459. Harass trouble and annoy continuously
1460. Harbinger Somebody that foretells the coming of
1461. Harbour place of shelter for ships
1462. Hardship Misery (Kasht)
1463. Harpoon A spear used for hunting large fish
1464. Harrowing Distress (shokjanak)
1465. Hassle trouble
1466. Haughty Arrogant, feeling superior
1467. Haul Number of fishes getting caught
1468. Hazy Cloudy (dhundla)
1469. Hearsay Buzz, Rumour, (Afwah)
1470. Hearty Cheerful (milansar)
1471. Heave To lift or haul something heavy with
great effort
1472. Heckle Interrupt, Taunt
1473. Hedonist Belief of gaining pleasure is most
important thing in life
1474. Heed Attention
1475. Heedless Improvident, Lack of attention
1476. Hefty Powerful
1477. Hegemony Leadership
1478. Heinous Atrocious (ghrinit)
1479. Heliophilous Attracted to sunlight
1480. Henchman Faithful supporter
1481. Herald Messenger, announce
1482. Heralded Clapped, (sign for start)
1483. Herculean Having enormous strength or size
1484. Heresy, Heretic Iconoclast, opinion contrary to
accepted doctrine
1485. Heterogeneous Diverse in character or content
1486. Heuristic Allowing or assisting to discover
1487. Hew chop
1488. Hideous Disgusting (ghinona)
1489. Highbrow A person claiming to be superior in
culture and intellect to others
1490. Hind Rear , back
1491. Hinterland Parts of a country behind the coast or a
river bank
1492. Histrionic Very dramatic
1493. Hoard collection
1494. Hoarding To secretly store more than what is
1495. Hoarse Rough, harsh
1496. Holocaust Large scale destruction by fire
1497. Homicide Killing of man
1498. Homogeneous Things or people of the same kind
1499. Honorarium A payment given for professional
services that are rendered nominally
without charge
1500. Honorary given as an honor without the normal
1501. Hoodwink Cheat
1502. Hoot The cry of an owl
1503. Horde A large group of people
1504. Horizon The line where the land and sky seems
to meet
1505. Horrendous Horrible
1506. Horrid Offensive (bhayankar)
1507. Horticulturist One who study the art of gardening
1508. Hot-headed One who loses temper very soon
1509. Hound Beagle, Hunting dog
1510. Howl Wail (Chillana)
1511. Huddle Crowd, Gather
1512. Huffy Annoyed or irritated and quick to take
offence at petty things
1513. Humdrum Boring, monotonous
1514. Humiliation Dishonour
1515. Humility Humble
1516. Hummock Mound (tila)
1517. Hung Assembly or parliament in which no
party has got majority
1518. Hutch A den for small animals
1519. Hydrophobia Fear of water
1520. Hyperbole Exaggerated claims , not meant to be
taken seriously
1521. Hyperbole Overstatement (Atishyokti)
1522. Hypochondriac Excessive preoccupation with one’s
1523. Hypothesis proposition made as a basis for
reasoning without the assumption of its
1524. Hysteria Madness
1525. Iconoclast One who destroys popular beliefs
1526. Idiosyncrasy Peculiarity (anokhapan)
1527. Idolatry Worship of idols
1528. Idyllic Extremely helpful and peaceful
1529. Igloo A dome shaped shelter built from
blocks of solid snow used by eskimos
1530. Ignoble Unworthy, shameful, low
1531. Ignominious/ignominy Disgrace (Sharminda karne wala),
1532. Ignorance Lack of knowledge
1533. Ignorant Lacking knowledge or awareness in
1534. Ill-bred Uncouth, badly brought up or rude
1535. Illegible That which can’t be easily read
1536. Illicit Illegal, unlawful
1537. Illustrious Magnificent, famous
1538. Imaginary Fictitious
1539. Imbecile Foolish
1540. Imbroglio Confused
1541. Imitate Copy
1542. Immaculate Perfectly clean
1543. Immigrant Coming inside country to settle
1544. Impale Transfix or pierce with a sharp
1545. Impart Transmit
1546. Impeccable Perfect
1547. Impede Hinder, obstruct, deter, thwart
1548. Impel Compel (uttejit karna)
1549. Imperceptible That which can’t be perceived by sense
1550. Imperialism Policy of extending a country’s empire
and influence
1551. Imperil Threat
1552. Impersonate To play the part of, and function as,
some other person
1553. Impertinent Disrespect
1554. Impervious Impenetrable (abhed)
1555. Impetuous Hasty, (quickly done without care), rash
1556. Impetus Encouragement (prerna)
1557. Impious Irreverent, Irreligious (Adharmi)
1558. Implacable someone who is incapable of being
quietened or
pacified (nirdayi)
1559. Implausible Doubtful, unlikely
1560. Implicate To confirm with the help of evidence
1561. Implicit Tacit, unspoken (antahnirhit)
1562. Implore Plead , pray
1563. Imponderable That which can’t be guessed or
1564. Importune Appeal (jid karna)
1565. Impost Tax
1566. Imposter A person pretends to be what he is not
1567. Impoverished Poor
1568. Impregnable Too strong to be defeated
1569. Impromptu Extempore (done without being
planned or
1570. Improvident One who is too careless to plan for the
1571. Imprudent Thoughtless, ill-judged
1572. Impudent Shamelessness, audacity, disrespectful
1573. Impugnable Dubious
1574. Impulse Driving force
1575. Impunity Without risk of punishment
1576. Impute Assign (aarop lagana)
1577. In toto As a whole (purntay)
1578. Inaccessible Incapable of being approached
1579. Inadmissible That which can’t be admitted or
1580. Inadvertent Unintentional
1581. Inanimate Lifeless objects
1582. Inanition Lethargy
1583. Inarticulate Incoherent, Unclear
1584. Incapacitate Cripple, prevent from functioning in a
normal way
1585. Incarcerate Imprison (kaid kar dena)
1586. incarnate A deity or spirit embodied in human
1587. Incendiary Designed to cause fire/likely to cause
1588. Incensed Very angry
1589. Incentive a thing that motivates or encourages
one to do
1590. Inception origin
1591. Incessantly Continuously
1592. Incite Provoke (uttejit karna)
1593. Incivism Lack of civic-mindedness or of
1594. Inclement Unfavourable, stormy
1595. Inclination Aptitude
1596. Incoherent Unclear, unintelligible
1597. Incomprehensible Impossible to understand
1598. Incongruous Not in harmony
1599. Inconsiderate Thoughtless
1600. Incorporate Contain (shamil karna)
1601. Incorrigible Beyond reforms, can’t be corrected
1602. Incredible Unbelievable
1603. indecent Ashlil
1604. Indefatigable Incapable of being tired
1605. Indelible That which cannot be effaced
1606. Indemnity Compensation for loss
1607. Indicted Accused(not yet proved)
1608. Indignation Anger
1609. Indiscretion Carelessness
1610. Indispensable Essential, Invaluable, Extremely useful,
1611. Indissoluble Permanent
1612. Indistinguishable Equivalent
1613. Indolent Lazy, letharg
1614. Indomitable Invincible
1615. Indulge Lenient (anugrah)- to allow yourself to
have or do something for pleasure
1616. Ineffable Impossible to describe
1617. Ineluctable Irremovable (anivarya)
1618. Inept Unskilled , incompetent , novice
1619. Inevitable That which cannot be avoided
1620. Inexplicit Not definitely or clearly expressed
1621. Infallible Unreering, Never make mistake,
method which never fails
1622. Infamous Famous for bad quality
1623. Infamy Notoriety (known for bad quality)
1624. Infanticide Killing of a child
1625. Infatuation passion
1626. Infirm Weak
1627. infirmary A place in a large institution for the
care of those who are ill
1628. Inflammable Flammable , combustible
1629. Inflict To impose something unwelcome on
1630. Inflorescence A cluster of flowers on a branch
1631. Infructuous fruitless
1632. Infuriate Irritate
1633. Infuse Fill (udelna)
1634. Ingenious Creative
1635. Ingenuous Innocent, simple, candid
1636. Ingestion Taking contaminated food inside body
1637. Ingratiate Flatter
1638. Inheritance Property handled down after death of
1639. Inhibit Stop
1640. Inhibitor Determent (Awrodh karne wala)
1641. Inimitable Incapable of being imitated
1642. Iniquity Immorality (adharm)
1643. Innate Intrinsic, inborn (janamjat)
1644. Innocuous Harmless, inoffensive
1645. Innuendo Taunt, implication (ishara in sense of
rude or negative)
1646. Inordinate Unjustifiable, unreasonable
1647. Inquisitive Curious or inquiring
1648. Insatiable Lalchi, That which can’t be satisfied
1649. Inscribe write or crave words on stone or paper
1650. Insidious Deceitful (ghatak), Harmful
1651. Insignia Symbol (Pratik chinha)
1652. Insipid Bland, (tasteless)
1653. Insolent Disrespect
1654. Insoluble A problem that is so difficult that it
cannot be answered
1655. Insolvent Unable to pay debt
1656. Insomnia Inability to sleep
1657. Instigate Kindle (Bharkana)
1658. Instil Inculcate, implant, inject
1659. Instinctive Spontaneous, natural (antonym-
1660. Insular ignorant of or uninterested in cultures,
ideas, or
peoples outside one's own experience
1661. Insuperable Invincible, insurmountable (ajey)
1662. Insurgent Rebellious or opposing the authority
1663. Insurrection Rebel against government
1664. Intangible Abstract, unable to be touched or
grasped; not
having physical presence
1665. Integrant item
1666. Integrate Unite
1667. Intelligible Comprehensible, able to be understood
1668. Intercede Plead for others, sifarish karna
1669. Interdiction Decree, Ban
1670. Interference Obstruction
1671. Interim Temporary
1672. Interloper One who interferes in the affairs of
others, often for selfish reasons
1673. interlude interval between two events
1674. Intermediary Settle difference between two parties
1675. Interment Burial of corpse
1676. Interminable Continuing for a very long time
1677. Internment the state of being confined as a
prisoner, especially for political or
military reasons
1678. Interpose Place of insert between one thing and
1679. Interregnum The period between tow reigns
1680. Interspersed Scattered (Chhitraya hua)
1681. Intestate To die without having made a will
1682. Intimate Close relationship
1683. Intoxicating Stimulating
1684. Intractable Hard to control or deal with
1685. Intrepid fearless
1686. Intricate Complex
1687. Intrigue/conspire 1.Make or carry our secret planning,
(sajish karna)
2.Arouse the curiosity or interest of ,
1688. Introspect The action of looking within or into
one’s own mind
1689. Intruder A person who enters without any
1690. Intrusive Interrupt
1691. Inundate Overwhelm, overload
1692. Inundation Overflow
1693. Invariable Constant (sthir)
1694. Invective Abusive
1695. Invertebrates animals without backbone
1696. Investigation A careful or through enquiry
1697. Invidious Hateful
1698. Invigorating Refreshing , give strength or energy to
1699. Invincible too powerful to be defeated
1700. Invocation Call for help from supernatural power
1701. Invoice Statement
1702. Invulnerable One that cannot be harmed/wounded
1703. Iota Bit (kan)
1704. Irascible Irritable
1705. Irk Irritate
1706. Irrefutable A statement which can not be
1707. Irreproachable Faultless (beyond criticism)
1708. Irresolute Undecided
1709. Irreverent Disrespect
1710. Irrevocable Unalterable
1711. Isthmus a narrow stretch of land connecting two
1712. Itinerant Nomadic, detailed plan of journey
1713. Itinerary Detailed plan of a journey
1714. Jabber Chatter (talk in a rapid)
1715. Jade Bad tempered woman
1716. Jaded Tired
1717. Jangle Disagree (jhagra)
1718. Janitor One who take cares of building
1719. Jargon Slang, Special words and phrases used
by particular groups of people,
especially in their work
1720. Jaunt A short trip or excursion
1721. Jauntily With much liveliness and sense of
1722. Jaywalk To cross streets on foot carelessly
1723. Jeopardy Threat
1724. Jest joke
1725. Jettison Throw or drop
1726. Jinx A person or thing that brings bad luck
1727. Jinx Black magic
1728. Jovial Happy
1729. Jubilant hilarious, (great happiness)
1730. Judgemental Having or displaying an overly critical
point of view
1731. Junk Waste
1732. Junta A military or political group that rules a
country after taking power by force
1733. Jurisprudence The science of philosophy of law
1734. Jury Person appointed to give verdict after
hearing evidence
1735. Just Fair
1736. Juvenile suitable or intended only for young
1737. Juxtapose 1.Keeping things side by side in order
2.to place or deal with close together
for contrasting effect
1738. Keen Eager, sharp
1739. Kernel Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone
1740. Kinship Relationship (rishtedari)
1741. Kiosk Store (small open fronted hut type
1742. Kleptomania Excessive desire to steal
1743. Knack Skillful
1744. Knave Unscrupulous, scoundrel, dishonest
1745. Knell The sound of funeral bell
1746. labyrinth Maze, Meandering (complicated
irregular network
of passages)
1747. Laceration A deep cut or tear in skin or flesh
1748. Lackadaisical Lacking enthusiasm
1749. Laconic concise
1750. Laden Full
1751. Laid-back Calm and relax
1752. Lair A place where wild animals live
1753. Lambency Glowing
1754. Lament Sorrow
1755. Languid Lethargic
1756. Larder A room or large cupboard for storing
1757. Lassitude Lack of energy
1758. Latent Hidden
1759. Laud Praise, admire, Acknowledge
1760. Laudable One who deserves all praise
1761. Laurel Accolade
1762. Lavish Extravagant
1763. Lax Negligent (Laparwah)
1764. Laxative A medicine that soften the bowels
1765. Lechery Lust
1766. Leer Lustful look
1767. Leisure Relax, free time, no work
1768. Leonine Lion like characteristics
1769. Lethal Mortal, Deadly
1770. Leverage Debt
1771. Levity Lightness
1772. Lexicographer Who compiles dictionary
1773. Lexicon A list of words on a particular subject or
on a language in alphabetical order
1774. Liable Responsible according law
1775. Libertarian Person believing in free will
1776. Ligaments Tough tissue in joints
1777. Limnivores Eating mud
1778. Limpid Clear
1779. Linger Stay (der tak tharna)
1780. Lint Fur (rowan)
1781. Lithe Flexible (lachila)
1782. Litter Trash
1783. Livid Furious (Aag babula)
1784. Loath Not willing to do something
1785. Loathe Hate, Detest
1786. Lofty Towering (uncha)
1787. Loiter Waste time, idle
1788. Loquacious Garrulous, Talkative
1789. Lousy Awful, Terrible, (ghatiya)
1790. Lowly Inferior
1791. Lucrative Worthwhile (labhprad)
1792. Ludicrous Absurd
1793. Lugubrious Sad
1794. Lullaby A soft gentle song to make a child go to
1795. Luminary A person as a source of intellectual light
or moral inspiration
1796. Lunacy Madness
1797. Lurch A sudden unsteady movement; a
1798. Lure Attract (lubhana)
1799. Lurid Shocking, appalling, (sansanikhej)
1800. Lurk Sneak, Prowl (ghat me rahna)
1801. Lustre Glow
1802. Maestro Genius, Artist, conductor
1803. Magnanimous Charitable (udar charitra)
1804. Maiden speech First public speech
1805. Maidenhood The state of being unmarried (of a girl)
1806. Maim Cut, dissect, chop , cripple
1807. Malady Illness
1808. Malaise Sickness
1809. Malapropism Usage of an incorrect word in place of
the one which is similar in
1810. Malcontent A person who is never happy with what
he has
1811. Malevolent Evil-minded
1812. Malicious Intended to do harm
1813. Malignant Harmful, Vicious (ghatak)
1814. Mammoth Huge
1815. Mandate An official order
1816. Mandible The lower jawbone in mammals and
1817. Maneuver (US) Manipulate, movement
Manoeuvre (British)
1818. Mania Madness
1819. Manifest Clear, apparent
1820. Manifesto A written declaration of government or
a political party
1821. Manliness Brave
1822. Manly Behave like a man
1823. Mannequin A dummy used to display clothes in a
shop window
1824. Manuscript A paper written by hand
1825. Marginal 1.Small
1826. Mariticide Killing of husband
1827. Martyr One who is killed because of his
religious or others
1828. Marvellous Wonderful
1829. Masochist One who enjoys inflicting pain on
1830. Mason A person skilled in cutting, dressing,
and laying stone in buildings
1831. Masque Dance and drama
1832. Masqueraded Acted (swaang rachna)
1833. Mastery Authority
1834. Masticate Chew
1835. Matinee a cinema show held in the afternoon
1836. Matins Morning prayer
1837. Matriarch Woman who is the head of the family
1838. Matricide Killing of mother
1839. Matte Not shiny
1840. Mausoleum A stately or impressive building housing
a tomb or group of tombs
1841. Maverick an unorthodox or independent-minded
1842. Maxim An established principle of practical
1843. Mayhem Chaos (afra tafri)
1844. Meadow An area of grassland where animals
1845. Meagre Inadequate
1846. Meander 1.Curve
2.An indirect or aimless journey
1847. Meddle Interfere
1848. Mediate To settle dispute between two parties
1849. Mediocre One who is neither intelligent nor dull
1850. Medley A musical composition made up of a
series of songs or short pieces
1851. Meek Submissive, Docile, nice, (ready to
accept control
or instruction)
1852. Melancholy sadness
1853. Mellifluous Dulcet (madhur)
1854. Mellow Amicable
1855. Memento Something kept to remember place or
1856. Memoir Diary, A historical account or biography
written from personal knowledge
1857. Menace Threat, risk, endanger
1858. Mercenary Whose motive is merely to get money
or a professional soldier hired to serve
in a foreign army
1859. Mercurial Volatile
1860. Mercy Pity, Sympathy
1861. Meretricious Flashy (dikhawe ka)
1862. Merge Blend
1863. Mesmerize Attract
1864. Metamorphosis Gradual and complete change in
1865. Meticulous Careful, methodical, cautious
1866. Mettle Spirit (utsah)
1867. Millennium A period of thousand years
1868. Mince Crumble (chhote chhote tukra karna)
1869. Miniature Very small of its kind
1870. Mint place where money is coined
1871. Mirth Delight (aanand)
1872. Misandrist One who hates mankind
1873. Misanthrope One who hates mankind
1874. Mishap An unforeseen happening which
creates some damage
1875. Misogynist One who hates women
1876. Misologist Hater of learning
1877. Misoneist Hater of new things
1878. Missionary A person sent to teach Christian
1879. Missive Letter (rajnitik sandesh)
1880. Mnemonic Helping you to remember something
1881. Modest Normal, Humble, Shy
1882. Modus operandi A particular method of working
1883. Mollify Calm, Pacify (Sandesh karna)
1884. Momentary Lasting only for a moment
1885. Momentous important
1886. Monastery A building where monks live as a
1887. Monition A warning of impending danger
1888. Monolithic Huge
1889. Monomania Obsession with one particular thing
1890. Monotheist a person worships only one god
1891. Monotonous Lacking in variety and interest
1892. Monumental Significant
1893. Moor To secure a boat by attaching it to an
1894. Moot Debatable, arguable, questionable
1895. Morbid Diseased
1896. Mordant Bitter, Sarcastic
1897. Mores Custom and ritual
1898. Moribund Dying
1899. Morose Sorrow
1900. Mortgage A legal agreement by which a person
borrows money from a bank usually to
buy a house
1901. Mortuary Building in which dead body is kept for
a time
1902. Mosaic Design made by putting together
colored pieces of glass or stones
1903. Motely Heterogeneous
1904. Motif Design
1905. Mould Cast (sanche me dhalna)
1906. Mournful Sorrow
1907. Muddle Confusion
1908. muffle Wrap or cover for warmth
1909. Multifaceted Varied (bahumukhi)
1910. Multitude Crowd
1911. Mummy Body embalmed for burial
1912. Munch Chew
1913. Mundane Ordinary, Not interesting or exciting
1914. Munificent Generous
1915. Murky Dark, gloomy (dhundla)
1916. Murmur Buzz (a soft indistinct sound made by a
person or
group of people speaking quietly or at
1917. Museum Place where objects of importance are
1918. Muster Gather
1919. Mutate Change
1920. Mutilate inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on
1921. Myopic Lacking foresight or intellectual insight
1922. myth phobia Fear of telling lies
1923. Nab Catch
1924. Nadir The lowest or most unsuccessful point
in a
1925. Naïve Honest, simple hearted, straight
1926. Namesake A person or thing that has the same as
1927. Narcissism Always admiring oneself
1928. Narcissist A person who admires himself or
herself too much, especially their
1929. Narcotics A medicine that induces sleep
1930. Nasty Unpleasant
1931. Native Animals that live in particular region
1932. Natty Decorate
1933. Nauseous Loathsome (ghinona)
1934. Nebulous Vague, ambiguous
1935. Nectar Fluid secreted by flowers which is
collected by bees for making honey
1936. Nefarious Convict, criminal
1937. Nemesis Deserved and unavoidable punishment
for wrong doing
1938. Neogamist One who is recently married
1939. Neologism A new word coined by an author
1940. Neophyte A person who has recently started an
1941. Neurotic Excessively sensitive, anxious or
1942. New-fangled Newly developed and unfamiliar
1943. Nexus Link
1944. Nicked Nefarious
1945. Niggardly Miserliness
1946. Nihilism The rejection of all religious and moral
principles , in the belief that life is
1947. Nincompoop Foolish
1948. Nirvana A transcendent state in which there is
neither suffering, desire, nor sense of
1949. Nocturnal Occurring at night
1950. Nomadic Wanderer, Roving, traveling from place
to place
1951. Nomads People with no fixed abode (residency)
1952. Nomenclature A system of naming thing
1953. Nonconformist a person whose behaviour or views do
not conform
to prevailing ideas or practices.
1954. Nondescript Undistinguished, unremarkable
1955. Nonentity An unimportant person
1956. Nonpareil Person or thing which has no equal
1957. Nonplussed Puzzle
1958. Normalcy Normal situation
1959. Nosomania Delusion of suffering from a disease
1960. Nostalgia Sentimental longing for a period in a
1961. Notion Idea, belief, conception
1962. Notorious To be known for bad acts , known in
unfavorable way
1963. Novice Beginner
1964. Noxious Harmful
1965. Nuance Subtle difference in colour, meaning
1966. Nudge Poke (halke dhakke se dhyan aakarshit
1967. Nugatory Insignificant
1968. Nuisance Obstacle
1969. Null To reduce to nothing
1970. Numismatist One who collects or study coins
1971. Oasis A shady fertile place in a desert ,Spring
(maru udhan)
1972. Obeisance A gesture of expressing respect, such as
a bow.
1973. Obfuscate Confuse
1974. Obituary a notice of person's death
1975. Obligatory Mandatory, imperative
1976. Obliterate Annihilate
1977. Oblivious/Oblivion Unaware, ignorant
1978. Obnoxious Disgusting
1979. Obscene (ashlil)
1980. Obscurantist Person who is opposed to enlightment
1981. Obscure Unclear, Uncertain, Unknown
1982. Obsequies Funeral rites
1983. Obsequious Servile (obedient), gulami
1984. Observatory a place where astronomical
observations are made
1985. Obsession Pre-occupation
1986. Obsolescent no longer in use
1987. Obsolete No longer in use
1988. Obstinate Stubborn, (very difficult to change)
1989. Obstreperous Unruly, disorderly (noisy and difficult
to control)
1990. Obtuse Dull (mand buddhi)
1991. Occidental Relating to countries of west
1992. Occult supernatural
1993. Octogenarian In his eighties age
1994. Oculist Eye specialist
1995. Odious hateful
1996. Oenomania Obsession for wine
1997. Offbeat Unconventional
1998. Officious Interfering (Tang karne wala)
1999. Offset Balance
2000. Oligarchy Government by small group of people
2001. Ominous Threat, unlucky, (asubh)
2002. Omit Leave out (chhor dena )
2003. Omni form Having every form or shape
2004. Omnibus A volume containing several books
previously published separately
2005. Omnigenous Comprising all kinds
2006. Omnipotent One who is all powerful
2007. Omniscient One who knows everything
2008. Onerous Difficult, Arduous
2009. Onus Responsibility
2010. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes
2011. Ophiology Study of snakes
2012. Ophthalmologist Eye specialist
2013. Opinionated To be dogmatic in one’s opinion
2014. Opportune Timely
2015. Opprobrium Defamation (apman)
2016. Optimist Always hopeful
2017. Optometrist Eye specialist
2018. Opus A musical work that has been created
2019. Oracular Cryptic (Rahsyamay)
2020. Oration A formal speech on ceremonial
2021. Orator A proficient public speaker
2022. Orchard A garden of fruits
2023. Orchestra a large body of people playing musical
2024. Orifice Something like an opening
2025. Ornithology Study of birds
2026. Orthopaedics the area of medicine that treats illness
of bones
2027. Ossify Make or become like a bone
2028. Ostentation Pomp, brag, Flashy, (dikhawati) (ding
2029. Ostler A person who looks after horses at an
2030. Ostracise Expel, banish, Exile (exclude from
2031. Oust To expel someone from a position or
2032. Outdo Be more successful than someone
2033. Outlandish Weird
2034. Outlaw A person who has broken the law,
especially one who remains at large or
is a fugitive
2035. Outraged Angry
2036. Outrageous shockingly bad or excessive
2037. Ovation Applause , praise
2038. Oversee Supervise
2039. Overt Clear, done or seen openly
2040. Overweening Overconfident
2041. Ovine Related to sheep
2042. Oviparous Bearing eggs
2043. Pacific Peaceful
2044. Pacifist Against war
2045. Pacify Calm
2046. Pack A group of wolves/ A set of 52 playing
2047. Paediatrician Doctor of children
2048. Paediatrics Branch of medicine concerned with
2049. Pageant Elaborate public spectacle
2050. Pail Bucket
2051. Palatable Food or drink that has a pleasant taste.
2052. Palatial Luxurious
2053. Palindrome A word that reads the same as
backward or forward
2054. Palliate Relieve
2055. Palliation Make something less severe
2056. Pallid Pale , yellowish
2057. Palpable Clear, thing that can be felt or touched
2058. Paltry Small, meagre (tuchh)
2059. Panacea Cure all
2060. Pandemonium Wild and noisy disorder
2061. Pander Gratify an immoral or distasteful desire
2062. Panegyric Praise someone
2063. Panorama Scene, wide uninterrupted view
2064. Pant Breathe hard and with difficulty
2065. Pantheism Everything is god
2066. Pantheon A temple dedicated to all the gods
2067. Pantomime Dramatic performance with dumb show
2068. Pantry A room where utensils are kept
2069. Paparazzi Photographers who follow celebrities
to get their pictures to sell them
2070. Parable A short moral story
2071. Paramour Sexual partner or lover
2072. Paranoid Suspicious, Anxiety
2073. Parasite One who survives on other lives
2074. Parasol A lady’s umbrella
2075. Parboil A method of boiling briefly to cook food
2076. Pariah A person who is not accepted by a
social group, especially because he is
not liked, respected or trusted
2077. Parity Closeness
2078. Parochial Having a limited or narrow outlook or
2079. Parole Release of prisoner from jail on certain
terms and
2080. Parricide Killing of parents or near relative
2081. Parsimony Miserliness
2082. Parvenu A person who has suddenly risen to a
higher economic status but has not
gained social acceptance of others in
that class.
2083. Patent Sole right to make and sell invention
2084. Pathology Science of diseases
2085. Pathos Sorrow (karuna)
2086. Patricide Killing of father
2087. Patrimony Property inherited from one’s father or
2088. Patriot One who loves his country
2089. Patron Protector, sponsor
2090. Patronizing Arrogant
2091. Patronymic Name derived from that of father or
2092. Paucity Shortage
2093. Pauper Very poor person
2094. Pawn Dupe (a person used by others for their
2095. Peculation Use of public money for one’s own
2096. Pedant a person who is excessively concerned
with minor
details and rules or with displaying
academic learning.
2097. Pedestrian One who walks on foot
2098. Pedigree Lineage (a person family history)
2099. Peer A person of the same age or status
2100. Pejorative Disrespectful
2101. Pellucid Transparent
2102. Penchant Predilection, Liking (strong or habitual
2103. Pendant A small ornament which hangs down
especially from a necklace
2104. Peninsula land covered by water on three sides
2105. Penitence Regret
2106. Penniless Poor
2107. Pensive Thoughtful
2108. Penury poor
2109. Perceptible That can be perceived by the senses
2110. Perchance By any chance
2111. Perdurable Long-lasting
2112. Perennial Lasting
2113. Perfidious Disloyal
2114. Perforate Pierce (chhidra karna)
2115. Pergola An arched structure in a garden having
climbing plants
2116. Peril Threat
2117. Peripatetic Nomadic
2118. Perish Die
2119. Perky Cheerful
2120. Permeate Diffuse
2121. Pernicious hazardous
2122. Peroration Concluding part of speech
2123. Perpetrate Sin, blemish, Bring about or carry out,
2124. Perpetuate Preserve
2125. Perplex Bewilder (hairan karna), Puzzle
2126. Perquisite Privilege, exclusive right
2127. Persecution Oppression
2128. Perseverance Constant efforts to achieve something
2129. Personnel A person employed in armed forces
2130. Perspicacious (chatur)
2131. Perspicuity Lucid
2132. Perspicuous Precise
2133. Persuade Convince
2134. Pert Lively
2135. Perturb Worry, Upset
2136. Perusal The action of examining with care or
reading carefully
2137. Peruse Examine , read in careful way
2138. Perverse Distorted, corrupt, unreasonable
2139. Perversion Change to something abnormal or
2140. Pessimistic Negative , gloomy
2141. Pester Annoy
2142. Pesticide Substance used for killing troublesome
small animals like insects, mice etc.
2143. Pestiferous That which is morally dangerous
2144. Pestle stick with thick end used in mortar for
2145. Peter Decrease or fade gradually before
coming to an end
2146. Peter Decrease or fade gradually before
coming to an end
2147. Petite Diminutive , small
2148. Petite Dminutive (Chhota sa)
2149. Petition Appeal
2150. Petrify Harden
2151. Petty Small
2152. Petulant Disrespect
2153. Pew A long wooden seat with a back for
people to sit on in a church
2154. Philanderer A person who always run after women
2155. Philanthrope One who loves mankind
2156. Philatelist One who studies stamps
2157. Philistine A person who is interested in material
gains and is hostile to art/culture
2158. Philistine Person who is indifferent to art and
2159. Philogynist A lover of womankind
2160. Philology Science of study of language
2161. Philosophy Study of the interaction of people with
2162. Phlegmatic Lethargic
2163. Phonetic Spoken
2164. Phonetics Study of sound
2165. Physiology Study of body functions
2166. Physiotherapy Treatment by means of exercise and
2167. Pilfer Steal
2168. Pilgrim One who travels to sacred place
2169. Pillage Plunder
2170. Pillion A seat for a passenger on a bicycle or
2171. Pinnacle Summit, top , apex
2172. Pioneer Novel, naïve , new , amateur
2173. Pious Religious, spiritual
2174. Piquant Skillful, flavouring, Pleasant or sharp to
the taste/interesting
2175. Piscivorous One who lives on fish
2176. Pitfall Hazard
2177. Pithy Brief
2178. Pitiful Pathetic
2179. Placard Poster Written or printed notice pasted
in public places.
2180. Placate To make someone Calm
2181. Placid Calm
2182. Plagiarism Theft of other writings or ideas
2183. Plaintiff Person who files a suit
2184. Plaque Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a
wall as an ornament or memorial
2185. Platitude Statement that is obviously true and
hence dull or not simulating (boring
2186. Plaudit Praise
2187. Plausible Reasonable
2188. Plea Appeal, Request
2189. Plebiscite Referendum (vote on important public
2190. Pledge A formal promise or agreement
2191. Plenitude The state of being full or complete
2192. Plethora Abundant
2193. Pliable Flexible
2194. Plight Difficulty
2195. Plod Drag, walk heavily (thake kadmo se
2196. Plumber One who repairs leaking water pipes
2197. Plump Fat
2198. Plunge Jump
2199. Plutocracy Government by wealthy
2200. Poach Hunt
2201. Podium Dias, A speaker’s platform
2202. Poignant Sad
2203. Polemical Something that is pertaining to
2204. Polyandry Women having more than one husband
2205. Polygamy Men having more than one wife
2206. Polyglot A person speaking many languages
2207. Polytheism Belief in many gods
2208. Pompous Arrogant
2209. Ponder Mediate
2210. Posterior Rear or hind end
2211. Posthumous child Child born after death of father
2212. Post-mortem Operation of body after death
2213. Postscript Anything written in a letter after it is
2214. Potable That which can be drunk
2215. Potent Strong
2216. Potion A liquid with healing, magical, or
poisonous properties
2217. Potpourri A mixture of dried ,naturally fragrant
plant material, used to provide a gentle
natural scent inside buildings ,especially
in residential settings
2218. Preamble Introduction
2219. Precarious Suspected, dangerous, Dependent on
chance or uncertainty
2220. Precipice A very steep or overhanging rock face
or cliff on a mountain
2221. Preclude Prevent, stop
2222. Predator An animal which lives by preying on
other animals
2223. Predicament Unpleasant, Difficult or dangerous
2224. Predispositions To hold a particular attitude or act in a
2225. Prejudice Biased against something
2226. Prelude An action or event that happens before
another important one and forms an
introduction to it
2227. Premediated Pre-planned or thought before hand
2228. Premiere the first public performance of musical
or theoretical work or the first showing
of a film
2229. Premonition forewarning
2230. Preponderance Dominance
2231. Preposterous Ridiculous, outrageous
2232. Prerogative Absolute right
2233. Preserve Persist
2234. Presumptuous Arrogant
2235. Pretentious Arrogant
2236. Prevail Triumph (jit lena)
2237. Prevaricate To make evasive or misleading
2238. Prevaricate speak or act in an evasive way. (not
giving direct answer)
2239. Prim (used about a person) always behaving
in a careful or formal way and easily
shocked by anything that is rude
2240. Primed Ready
2241. Priority precedence
2242. Probationer Novice
2243. Probe Investigate
2244. Probity Honesty
2245. Proclaim Declare
2246. Procrastinate Delay or postpone action
2247. Procure Obtain
2248. Prodigal Extravagant, Wasteful
2249. Prodigious Immense (ativishal)
2250. Prodigy Genius
2251. Profane Unholy, Coarse
2252. Profile General view of person’s character
2253. Profligate Extravagant, Wasteful, Immoral
2254. Profound Very great or intense
2255. Profuse Abundant
2256. Prognosis Forecast
2257. Proletariat Working-class people regarded
2258. Proliferate Reproduce
2259. Prolific Productive
2260. Prologue a separate introductory section of a
literary or musical work
2261. Prolong Lengthen, Extend
2262. Promiscuous Indiscriminate or casual approach /
by many sexual relationship
2263. Prompt Done without delay
2264. Prop A pole or beam used as a temporary
2265. Propensity Inclination or natural tendency to
behave in a
particular way
2266. Prophylactic Preventive
2267. Propinquity Nearness
2268. Propitiate appease
2269. Propitious Hopeful
2270. Proponent Person who proposes something
2271. Proposition Proposal
2272. Propriety State of being correct in behaviour or
2273. Prorogue Discontinue a session
2274. Proscribe Ban (bahiskar karna)
2275. Proselyte one who is converted from one religion
to other
2276. Protagonist An important supporter of an idea or
political system/Chief actor or
character in a story or drama.
2277. Protean Able to change frequently (bahu-
2278. Protectorate Country under the protection of more
powerful country
2279. Protocol Code of diplomatic etiquette and
2280. Prototype First model of new device
2281. Protract Delay
2282. Protrude Bulge (extend beyond) (ubhra hona)
2283. Provender Food for farm animals
2284. Proverbial Well known and talked about by a lot of
2285. Provident Far-sighted, judicious
2286. Provincialism Concern for one’s own area or region at
the expense of national or
supranational unity
2287. Provoke Enrage (uttejit karna)
2288. Prowler A person who moves stealthily about or
loiters near a place with a view to
committing a crime
2289. Prudent Cautious, wise, careful
2290. Psephology Study of elections
2291. Pseudonym To write under different name
2292. Psychology Science of human mind and behaviour
2293. Puerile Not having any serious purpose or
2294. Puissant Strong, powerful
2295. Punctilious Showing great attention to detail and
correct behaviour
2296. Punctilious Cautious
2297. Punctual Doing something or happening at right
2298. Pungent Strong, Sharp (tikha) eg- pungent smell
2299. Punter A person who gambles or bets
2300. Purge Purify, Evacuate
2301. Purloin Steal
2302. Putrefy Decay of organic matter producing a
fetil smell
2303. Pyrophobia Fear of fire
2304. Pyrotechnic Art of making fireworks
2305. Quack Sound made by ducks
2306. Quack Fake
2307. Quadrangle Rectangular space enclosed by building
2308. Quadruped Four footed animals
2309. Quaff Banquet
2310. Quaint Peculiar, Strange
2311. Quarantine Isolation
2312. Quarry Victim
2313. Quash Reject
2314. Quaver A shake or tremble in a person’s voice
2315. Queer Bizarre
2316. Quell Put an end to
2317. Quest Search
2318. Quiescent inactive
2319. Quill A feather used as a pen
2320. Quinquennial An event which happens once in five
2321. Quiver tremble
2322. Quixotic A person preoccupied with an
unrealistically optimistic approach to
2323. Rabid Extreme (kattar)
2324. Raconteur Skilled in story telling
2325. Radiance Glow, sparkle
2326. Radiant glow
2327. Radical Absolute, fundamental, profound
2328. Radiology The science dealing with high energy
radiation such as X-rays in treatment of
2329. Rage Anger
2330. Ragged Torn (fata purana)
2331. Rambling Long-winded (dur tak faila hua)
2332. Ramification Consequence
2333. Ramify Diversify
2334. Rampage Violently angry behaviour
2335. Rampant Aggressive, Excessive (aniyantrit)
2336. Rampart Parapet (defensive wall)
2337. Rancid Having a stale smell or taste (bassi)
2338. Rancorous Characterized by bitterness or
2339. Ransom Amount of money demanded by
2340. Rapacious Greedy for money
2341. Rapturous Delighted (aanandit)
2342. Raucous Harsh
2343. Ravage demolish
2344. Ravine Abyss (a very deep that seems to have
no bottom)
2345. Realm Field, dimension
2346. Rebate Deduction (chhut)
2347. Rebuff Reject
2348. Rebuke Scold
2349. Recant Withdraw
2350. Recapitulation Recall
2351. Recede Decline
2352. Receptacle Container , difficult and tiring
2353. Recipients Receiver
2354. Reciprocate Give and receive mutually
2355. Reckless Thoughtless, Rash, Careless
2356. Reckon Consider or regard in a specified way
2357. Recline Lounge (take a rest )
2358. Recluse A person who withdraws from world to
live in seclusion and often in solitude
2359. Reclusive Someone who avoids other people’s
2360. Reconciliation Compromise, treaty, Resolve
2361. Recondite Mysterious, obscure (jatil)
2362. Reconnaissance Information gathering activity about
enemy forces
2363. Rectilinear when something moves in a straight
2364. Rectitude Justice
2365. Redeem Save, Rescue , Compensate for loss
2366. Red-tapism Too much official formality
2367. Redundant Not required, excess
2368. Referendum an act when people vote in order to
make a particularsubject or policy
rather than voting for a person
2369. Reflex Involuntary action under a stimulus
2370. Refrain Abstain
2371. Refulgent Bright
2372. Refute Contradict
2373. Regalia Dress with medals , ribbons worn at
official ceremony, Insignia of royalty
2374. Regicide Killing a king
2375. Regime Rule
2376. Regress Backslide (pichhe hatna)
2377. Reiterated Repeated
2378. Rejoice Enjoy
2379. Relapse Fall back or sink again
2380. Relegate Reduce to lower position
2381. Relentless Persistent, lasting
2382. Relic A deceased holy person’s remains or
belongings kept for reverence
2383. Relinquish Desert, leave
2384. Relish Enjoy
2385. Reluctantly In an unwilling and hesitant way
2386. Remand Send back a criminal into custody for
further investigation
2387. Reminisce Remind of (smaran karna )
2388. Remission Pardon or forgiveness for breaking
religious laws
2389. Remnant Residue
2390. Remorse Regret
2391. Remuneration Amount paid to a man for his labour
2392. Renaissance Revival (Navjagran)
2393. Rendezvous Place fixed for meeting or assembling
2394. Rendition Artistic, musical or dramatic
2395. Renegade One who deserts his principle or beliefs
2396. Renovation act of making things new like before
2397. Renowned Eminent, Known or talked by many
2398. Repartee Response, Banter, (Friendly comments
or jokes)
2399. Repatriate Send or bring somebody back to his
own country
2400. Repeal abolish
2401. Repentance Regret
2402. Repercussion Reaction, Consequence
2403. Replete Full
2404. Repose Rest
2405. Repository Place where things are stored for safety
2406. Reprieve providing relief
2407. Reprimand Scold
2408. Reprise Repeat a performance
2409. Reproof Deprecate , Rebuke (blame or
2410. Reprove Scold
2411. Repudiate Renounce, reject
2412. Repugnant Hatred, Aversion
2413. Repulsive Disgusting
2414. Requiem Prayer for the dead
2415. Rescind Revoke, cancel
2416. Resilient Able to be happy, successful etc. again
after something difficult of bad has
2417. Resilient Supple (lachila)
2418. Resolute Firm, strong
2419. Respiration process by which plants and animals
2420. Respite Hiatus (viram)
2421. Resplendent Dazzling (chamkila)
2422. Restitution Return of object stolen or lost
2423. Restive tired
2424. Restless Tired
2425. Resurgence Renewal
2426. Reticent Silent, Reserve
2427. Retort Reply
2428. Retreat Withdraw , pull back
2429. Retrench Economize
2430. Retribution Retaliation
2431. Retrieve Recover
2432. Retrospect Action of looking back or reviewing past
events or situations
2433. Revamp Restructure (marammat karna)
2434. Reveille A tune that is played to wake soldiers in
the morning
2435. Revel To take great pleasure
2436. Revelation Break
2437. Revere Respect
2438. Reverie Daydream
2439. Revile Abuse
2440. Rhetoric Meaningless language with an
exaggerated style
intended to impress
2441. Rhinologist Nose specialist
2442. Ribald Referring to sexual matter in rude way
2443. Riddle Puzzle
2444. Rift Break
2445. Righteous Good
2446. Rind Peel (chhilka)
2447. Rip Tear (fadna)
2448. Rites solemn religious acts
2449. Rivalled Competed
2450. Rivet Engage
2451. Robust Strong and healthy, vigorous
2452. Rotund Spherical, circular
2453. Rotunda Circular buildings or hall with dome
2454. Rout Defeat
2455. Rowdy Boisterous (fasadi)
2456. Royal Kingly (Rajkiya)
2457. Ruck Mass (jansadharan)
2458. Ruefully Causing sorrow or pity
2459. Ruffle Tease
2460. Rugged Rough
2461. Ruins The broken parts of objects found in an
ancient site
2462. Ruminate chew the cud (think slowly and
carefully about something )
2463. Ruse Trick (chal)
2464. Rustic Dehati
2465. Ruthless Brutal, savage
2466. Sacrilege Violation of something holy or sacred
2467. Sadistic Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain
2468. Saga Narrative (gatha)
2469. Sagacious Wise, clever, intelligent
2470. Salacious Lust
2471. Salience The quality of being particularly
2472. Salient Prominent
2473. Salve Calm, comfort (khusamadi karna)
2474. Salvo The firing of many guns at the same
time to mark an occasion
2475. Samaritan A person who even helps stranger in
2476. Samizdat The clandestine copying and
distribution of literature banned y the
2477. Sanatorium 1.A place for treatment of chronic
2.A place for invalids and convalescents
2478. Sanctify Purify
2479. Sanction Approval, permit
2480. Sanctity Sacred
2481. Sanctuary a reserve for animals ,birds etc in their
natural habitat
2482. Sane Sensible
2483. Sanguine Optimist
2484. Sanity Sensible and reasonable
2485. Satire Full of criticism or mockery
2486. Sauciness Impudent, Shamelessness, audacity,
2487. Savage In a primitive or uncivilized way
2488. Savant Professional
2489. Saviour Protector
2490. Savour Taste
2491. Savvy Having common sense and good
2492. Scabbard A sheath for the blade of a sword
2493. Scandal Tale that brings bad reputation to
2494. Scandalized Shocked
2495. Scant Inadequate
2496. Scar Mark of wound
2497. Scatterbrain A person who is forgetful and unable
from discarded waste
2498. Scavenge Search for and collect(anything usable)
discarded waste
2499. Sceptic One who is always doubting
2500. Sceptre An ornamented staff carried by rulers
on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of
2501. Sceptre An ornamented staff carried by rulers
ceremonial occasions as a symbol of
2502. Scintillating A vivacious and lively experience, Shine
2503. Scion Heir (vansaj)
2504. Scoff Mock, ridicule (hansi udana)
2505. Scorn Hatred
2506. Scour Scrub (ghisna)
2507. Scowl Frown (bhaun chadhana)
2508. Scrap Rpeprreject
2509. Screech Cry out in shrill voice, A loud , harsh cry
2510. Scrimmage Confused struggle or fight
2511. Scrimp Miser
2512. Scrumptious Tasty, Delicious
2513. Scrutiny Inspection, Survey
2514. Scullery Small room where dishes are washed
2515. Scurrility Atrocity
2516. Scurrilous Abusive journalism in writing
2517. Scurry Move hurriedly with short steps
2518. Scuttle Scamper, (jaldbazi me chalna)
2519. Seamy Unpleasant
2520. Secede Quit, withdraw
2521. Sedate Calm
2522. Sedative Drug that induces sleep
2523. Sedition Act or speech for inciting the public
against the government
2524. Sedulous hardworking and diligent
2525. Segregate Separate
2526. Selection preference
2527. Semblance Appearance
2528. Seminar that which is arranged by conferring or
2529. Senile A person who is experiencing dementia
brought about by old age
2530. Senility Extreme old age when a man behaves
like a fool
2531. Sentience Alertness, Feel emotional (chetna)
2532. Septuagenarian In his seventies age
2533. Serendipity Something happening by chance in a
happy and beneficial way
2534. Sericulture Production of raw silk
2535. Sever Split
2536. Severe Serious
2537. Sexagenarian A person between the ages of 60 and
2538. Shabby Decaying, unpleasant (jarjar)
2539. Shallow Not very deep
2540. Sharp-witted Smart, (samjhdar)
2541. Sheath A cover for a knife or other sharp
2542. Sheathe Putting sword in sheath (dhankna )
2543. Sheer To cut the wool off a sheep or other
2544. Shimmering Shining with a soft, slightly, wavering
2545. Shoal A large no. of fish swimming together
2546. Shoo To make a person or animal go away by
waving one’s arms at them
2547. Shrapnel Small pieces of metal that fly out from
an exploding
2548. Shrewd chatur
2549. Shrewd Judicious (chatur)
2550. Shriek Yell, Scream
2551. Shudder Shiver (kanpna)
2552. Shun Avoid
2553. Siesta Nap (jhapki)
2554. Siesta Period of rest or sleep after lunch
2555. Simile A figure of speech involving the
comparison of one thing with another
thing of a different kind
2556. Sinecure A post with little work and high salary
2557. Sinuous Serpentine (having many curves and
2558. Skeptic Doubter
2559. Slack Reduce, loo
2560. Slander Defamation
2561. Slavish Servile (gulami)
2562. Sleek Attractive
2563. Slender Weak
2564. Slit Residue
2565. Slither Slide
2566. Slobber Have saliva dripping copiously from the
2567. Slothful Lazy
2568. Sluggish Lazy
2569. Slur Defamation
2570. Sly Cunning, clever, Crafty
2571. Smear Discolour (dhabba)
2572. Smother Kill by suffocation(especially by
covering face with something )
2573. Smoulder Burn slowly
2574. Smudge Stain (dhabba)
2575. Smug Self-satisfied
2576. Snob a person with an exaggerated respect
for high social position or wealth who
seeks to associate with social superiors
and dislikes people regarded as lower-
2577. Snooze Sleep
2578. Sober Calm
2579. Sobriety Self-restrained (sanyam)
2580. Soggy Marshy (geela)
2581. Sojourn a brief or short stay at a place
2582. Solace Cheer, support, relief
2583. Sole Only
2584. Solecism A very delicate flaw or mistake which is
not expected form the person making it
2585. Solecism A very delicate flaw or mistake which is
not expected from person making it.
2586. Solemn Serious, pensive (gambhir)
2587. Solicit Request, ask for help
2588. Solid Firm (dhrindh)
2589. Soliloquy Act of speaking about one’s thought
when one is alone
2590. Solitary Lonely , singular
2591. Sombre Sorrow, gloomy
2592. Somnambulist One who walks in sleep
2593. Somniloquist One who talks in sleep
2594. Somnolent Sleepy, drowsy
2595. Sonnet A poem of fourteen lines
2596. Sonorous Having a deep and pleasant sound
2597. Soothe Calm
2598. Sophisticated 1.Experienced
2. developed to a high degree of
2599. Soporific drug which causes people to sleep early
2600. Sorcery A type of magic in which spirits,
especially evil ones, are used to make
things happen
2601. Sordid Unpleasant, corrupt
2602. Sororicide Killing of sister
2603. Souvenir Something kept as reminder of an
2604. Spank To slap with one’s hand or a flat object
2605. Spare Extra, additional
2606. Sparse Scattered
2607. Spasm Sudden involuntary muscular
2608. Specimen Sample
2609. Spectrum Range
2610. Speculate Guess
2611. Speleology Study of caves
2612. Spell Bound Enthralled (sammohit)
2613. Spendthrift Extravagant
2614. Spill Drop (girna)
2615. Spine Vertebrae (ridh ki haddi)
2616. Spinster An unmarried woman
2617. Spirited Enthusiasm
2618. Spiteful Retaliation
2619. Splendid Magnificent
2620. Spokesman One who speaks for others
2621. Sporadic Scattered (occurring at irregular
2622. Sprightly joyful
2623. Spruce Decorate
2624. Spume Foams
2625. Spunky Enthusiastic (shahsi)
2626. Spurn Despise (tiraskar karna)
2627. Squalid Dirty
2628. Squall Storm (chillahat)
2629. Squander Extravagant
2630. Stagger Shuffle (her pher)
2631. Stale Rancid (basi)
2632. Stalwart Adventurous, Brave
2633. Stanchion An upright bar, post, or frame forming
a support or barrier
2634. Stanchion An upright bar, post, or frame forming
a support or barrier
2635. Startle Surprise
2636. Statuesque An attractively tall, graceful, and
2637. Statute Written law of legislative body
2638. Steadfastness Perseverance, Determined, faithful
2639. Steady Abiding, Stable (niyamit)
2640. Steep Slope
2641. Stentorian Extremely loud (buland)
2642. Sterile Barren, unproductive, not able to
produce children or young
2643. Stern Strict
2644. Stevedore One who loads and unloads ships
2645. Stiff Rigid
2646. Sting (dank)
2647. Stingy Miser, Ungenerous
2648. Stoic Indifferent to pleasure or pain
2649. Stout Strong, fat
2650. Stowaway One who hides away in vehicle to
obtain a free passage
2651. Strangulate Kill by putting pressure on the throat
2652. Stratagem Hypocrisy
2653. Stratocracy A government by the military class
2654. Stray Wander, homeless
2655. Strenuous Difficult, Needing or using lot of energy
2656. Strife Conflict
2657. Stringent Tough
2658. Stroll Walk
2659. Stuffy Suffocating
2660. Stun Knock unconscious
2661. Stunning Extraordinary
2662. Stupendous Extraordinary
2663. Stupor Slumber (half-conscious)
2664. Sturdy Tough (hatha katha)
2665. Stuttering Speaking with stammer or lips
2666. Stymie Impede (rok lagana)
2667. Suavity, Suave Amicable
2668. Subdue 1.To bring under control
2.Quiet and Depressed
2669. Subjugate Vanquish, Conquer, win
2670. Sublime Magnificent
2671. Submissive Obedient, yielding
2672. Subsequent Coming after something
2673. Subservient too willing to obey other people
2674. Subside Descend (kam hona)
2675. Subterranean Operating below the surface of sea
2676. Succinct Brief
2677. Succulent Juicy (rasila)
2678. Sue File a claim
2679. Sufficient Enough
2680. Suite A set of rooms specially in a hotel for
the use of one person or his family.
2681. Sulky Dismal, sorrowful
2682. Sullen Sorrow, Grim (Rutha hua)
2683. Sultry 1.Seductive (sexy)
2684. Summit Peak
2685. Sumptuous Opulent (aalishan)
2686. Superannuated Retired, new technological
2687. Supercilious Arrogant
2688. Superficially Not thoroughly or deeply, existing or
occurring at
or on the surface
2689. Superfluous Unnecessary
2690. Superlative of the highest degree
2691. Supersede Abolish, Set aside
2692. Superstitious Irrational
2693. Supplant Replace
2694. Supple Flexible
2695. Supplicate Ask or beg for something earnestly or
2696. Suppress Forcibly put an end to
2697. Surge Move suddenly and powerfully forward
or upward
2698. Surge Rush (teji se chadhna)
2699. Surly Unfriendly
2700. Surmount Overcome
2701. Surreptitious Secretly done, stealthily
2702. Susceptible Vulnerable
2703. Sustenance Aid
2704. Swan song A person’s last performance
2705. Swap Exchange
2706. Sweatshop A factory, where wages are very low
2707. Sweltering Uncomfortably hot
2708. Swerve Change of direction
2709. Swindle Fraud
2710. Sycophant Flatter
2711. Syllable A part of word that can be pronounced
2712. Symbiosis to put two and two together
2713. Symphony 1.Harmony
2.Orchestra with different instruments
(similar as sonata)
2714. Synagogue Jew’s worship palace
2715. Synopsis Summary (sar sangrah)
2716. Systematically Methodically
2717. Tacit Understood or implied without being
stated ,
silent , implied , implicit
2718. Taciturn Silent, reserve
2719. Tacky Showing poor taste and quality
2720. Tactile Of or connected with the sense of
2721. Taint a trace of a bad or undesirable quality
substance (kalank)
2722. Tame Domesticated, gentle
2723. Tamper Interfere with something
2724. Tangle Knot (uljha hua)
2725. Tardy Not on time, late
2726. Tartar a rough violent or troublesome person
2727. Tautology a statement in which you say the same
thing twice in different words
2728. Taxidermy The art of preserving skin of animals,
birds and fish
2729. Taxonomy Science regarding principle of
2730. Tedious Dull
2731. Teetotaller A person who never takes alcoholic
2732. Temerity Confident, audacity, boldness
2733. Temperate Moderate (santulit)
2734. Tempest Violent storm
2735. Temporal Temporary, earthly (laukik)- relating to
this world, physical life
2736. Temporary Lasting only for a short while
2737. Tenacity Firmness (dhrindhta)
2738. Tender Soft
2739. Tenet Belief
2740. Tenuous Thin, insignificant
2741. Tepid Warm
2742. Terminus Station at the end of a route
2743. Terse Brief
2744. Testimonial A written statement about someone’s
2745. Theocracy Government of a country by religious
2746. Theology Study of religions
2747. Theorize Speculate
2748. Therapeutic Relating to the healing of diseases
2749. Thorough complete with regard to every detail
2750. Thoroughfare A busy, main road for public use
2751. Thrash Beat up
2752. Thrive Flourish, prosper, grow
2753. Tidy Well ordered
2754. Timorous Lack of confidence
2755. Tinsel Decoration
2756. Tirade Rant (angry speech)
2757. Titular Existing only in name
2758. Toddler A young child just beginning to walk
2759. Toil Work hard
2760. Toilsome Tiresome
2761. Torpid Dormant, inactive
2762. Torrent A strong and fast moving stream of
2763. Tortuous Full of twists and turns
2764. Totalitarianism One party system
2765. Tousled Disarranged (ast vyast)
2766. Toxic Poisonous and unhealthy
2767. Tradition Transmission of custom to from
generation to
2768. Trail Path
2769. Tramp Wandered, beggar, (search of work)
2770. Tranquil Serene, Peaceful
2771. Transcend Eclipse (go beyond ), (hawi hona)
2772. Transgressor Who breaks the law, Violation
2773. Transient Temporary
2774. Transitory That which lasts for a short time
2775. Transmigration The passage of soul after death from
one body to the other
2776. Transmission Conveyance (pariwahan)
2777. Transmit Convey
2778. Transmogrification Complete change in appearance or
2779. Transmute Change in form, nature, or substance
2780. Transonic Relating to speeds close to that of
2781. Transparent Lucid, clarity
2782. Trauma Emotional shock
2783. Travail Agony (pira)
2784. Traverse To move back and forth or sideways
2785. Travesty Distorted representation of something
2786. Treacherous A guilty of or involving betrayal or
(namak haram)
2787. Tread Walk
2788. Treason Betrayal
2789. Tremor Shaking movement of the ground
2790. Tremulous Coward, shaking or quivering slightly,
Constant movement
2791. Trepidation Nervousness, fear, anxiety
2792. Tribulation Catastrophe
2793. Triennial Conference that takes place in once in
three years
2794. Trilogy A set of three related works by same
2795. Trimming Cutting
2796. Tripod A stand having three legs
2797. Trite Common place
2798. Triumvirate A group of three powerful people
2799. Trivial Insignificant, little, superficial
2800. Troll Gnome (an ugly creature depicted as
either giant
or a dwarf)
2801. Truant Who stays away from work or school
2802. Truculent Ferocious (ladaku)
2803. Truism A statement that is obviously true
2804. Tryst Meeting (between lover)
2805. Turbid Murky, cloudy (dhundla)
2806. Turgid Not humble
2807. Turncoat Disloyal , one who changes side
2808. Tutelage Protection of or authority over
someone or
something, guardianship
2809. Tyranny Dictatorship (atyachar)
2810. Tyrant Dictator, cruel and oppressive ruler
2811. Tyro Novice
2812. Ulterior 1.Secret
2.Eventual (keeping secret until it
happen at the last)
2813. Umpteen Countless (anek)
2814. Unadorned Strict
2815. Unanimous That which is without opposition
2816. Unassailable Invincible
2817. Uncanny Mysterious, supernatural,
2818. Understate Too low
2819. Underwhelm Disappoint
2820. Ungraspable Impossible to understand
2821. Ungrippable That can’t be captured
2822. Unjust Biased, prejudiced
2823. Unprecedented Something never done or known before
2824. Unprecedented Extraordinary, unknown
2825. Unreflective Lack of attention (aswadhan)
2826. Unwieldy Something that cannot be handled
2827. Uphold Support
2828. Urbane Elegant
2829. Urn a container for the ashes of dead
2830. Usher A person who shows people their seats
2831. Usurer One who lends money at a very high
interest rate
2832. Usurp Seize
2833. Usurper One who grabs somebody’s else
property or title
2834. Usury The practice of taking exorbitant or
excessive interest on the money lent
2835. Uxoricide Killing of wife
2836. Uxorious/henpecked Foolishly fond of one’s wife
2837. Vacillate Reluctant, halt, hesitate, uncertain
2838. Vacuous Suggesting absence of thought or
2839. Vagabond Tramp (awara)
2840. Vagrant Nomadic
2841. Valedictory Terminal (last moment)
2842. Valetudinarian A person who is unduly anxious about
his/her health
2843. Valiant Courageous
2844. Valour Courage
2845. Vandal One who damages public property
2846. Vanguard Pioneer, the forefront of the action or
movement (agradal)
2847. Vanity Arrogant
2848. Vaticide Killing of prophet
2849. Veer Deviate, To depart from an established
2850. Vehement Showing strong feeling
2851. Venal Corrupt
2852. Vendetta Committing murder in revenge
2853. Venerable A person who is greatly respected
because of wisdom
2854. Venerate Seeking to harm someone in return for
a perceived injury
2855. Veneration Respect
2856. Venial Pardonable
2857. Ventriloquist One who has the art of speaking in such
a way that the sound seems to come
from another person/place
2858. Venture A new project or business activity
involving some risk
2859. Veracious Accurate
2860. Veracity, Verity Truth
2861. Verbatim in exactly the same words as were used
2862. Verbiage The use of too many words or more
difficult words than are needed to
express an idea
2863. Verbose Using or containing more words than
are necessary
2864. Verdant Grassy (hara bhara)
2865. Verisimilitude Authenticity
2866. Versatile Someone having many skills
2867. Verso Any left hand page of an open book
2868. Vespers Evening prayer in the church
2869. Veteran Long experience in particular field
2870. Vexatious Annoy
2871. Viable Workable
2872. Vice Evil
2873. Vicious Deadly
2874. Vie Compete
2875. Vigilant Cautious
2876. Vigour Physical strength and good health
2877. Vile Foul, bad, unpleasant
2878. Vindicate justify
2879. Vindictive Retaliate (unreasonable desire for
2880. Virtue Goodness, Morality
2881. Virtuoso Ace (guni kalakar), A highly skilled
2882. Virtuous Religious
2883. Virulent Deadly
2884. Visceral Bodily (relating to intestine)
2885. Visionary Wisdom in thought for future
2886. Vista View
2887. Vitiate To make faulty or defective (nuksan
2888. Viticulture The cultivation of grapevines
2889. Vituperate Abuse
2890. Vivacious Lively
2891. Vivid Lively, Evocative, Realistic
2892. Viviparous Bearing young ones
2893. Vocation Occupation
2894. Volition Choice
2895. Volley A group of arrows
2896. Volte-face Sudden change from one set of beliefs
to other
2897. Voluntary Doing something according to one’s
free will
2898. Voracious Glutton (petu)
2899. Voyage Journey by water or sea
2900. Wag A person full of amusing anecdotes
2901. Waggish Playful (majakiya)
2902. Walkway A raised platform in building
2903. Wane Decline
2904. Warden One who take care of building
2905. Warmonger Someone who is constantly promoting
2906. Wary Cautious
2907. Wastrel Extravagant
2908. Waver Flicker, hesitate (dagmagana)
2909. Waybill A list of luggage
2910. Weary Tired
2911. Welter Turmoil (panic), turbulence
2912. Whine Gripe (karahna)
2913. Whinny Loud
2914. Whisk To take someone somewhere suddenly
and quickly
2915. Whisper Speak in a very low tone
2916. Whittle Reduce something in size, amount, or
extent by a gradual series of steps
2917. Whittle Reduce something in size by gradual
series of steps
2918. Wholesome Sound, Nutritious
2919. Wicked Evil or morally wrong
2920. Widower A man whose wife is dead
2921. Wilt A plant, leaf, or flower becoming limp
2922. Wilt A plant , leaf or flower becoming limp
2923. Wily Cheat, cunning, artful, crafty
2924. Windfall An unexpected piece of good fortune
2925. Windfall Unexpected good fortune
2926. Winnow To separate husk from the grain
2927. Winsome Charming
2928. Wistful Sorrowful
2929. Witchery The practice of magic
2930. Wither Shrivel (murjhana)
2931. Witty Humorous
2932. Wobble Vibrate (dagmagana)
2933. Woe Sorrow
2934. Wrangle To dispute angrily
2935. Wrathful Furious
2936. Wreak Cause
2937. Wreath A decorative ring of flowers and leaves
used for placing on coffin or grave
2938. Wreck Damaged
2939. Wreckage The remains of something that has
been badly damaged
2940. Wrench Wrest, snatch (a sudden violent twist
or pull)
2941. Wriggle To move along with quick, short
2942. Wriggle To move along with quick, short
2943. Wry Crooked, twisted , disgust
2944. Xenophobia Fear of foreigners
2945. Yardstick Standard (used for comparison)
2946. Yearn To crave (have an intense feeling of
longing for something)
2947. Yield (N) Harvest
2948. Yield (V) Submit (raji hona)
2949. Yoke Harness (ghode ka saj), A wooden
object used for connecting animals that
arevpulling a vehicle
2950. Zany Eccentric, unconventional (nasamagh)
2951. Zeal Enthusiasm
2952. Zealot Person who shows great and
uncompromising enthusiasm for a
religion, party, cause etc
2953. Zealotry Chauvinism
2954. Zenith The highest or most successful point in
a situation
2955. Zest Enthusiasm, (Utsah)