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Examination Timetable (2021-22)

Half Yearly Examination (III-VIII) and Periodic Test 2 (IX-X)

From Monday 20th to Thursday 30th September 2021


20-9-2021 Monday English Hindi Maths Comp. Comp. Comp. Science Soc. Sci.
21-9-2021 Tuesday --- --- --- Science Soc. Sci. Maths --- ---
22-9-2021 Wednesday Hindi English EVS --- --- --- English Hindi
23-9-2021 Thursday --- --- --- Hindi Maths Science --- ---
24-9-2021 Friday EVS Maths Hindi --- --- --- Hindi English
25-9-2021 Saturday --- --- --- English Hindi English --- ---
26-9-2021 Sunday
27-9-2021 Monday Maths EVS English --- --- ---- Maths Science
28-9-2021 Tuesday Comp. Comp. Comp. Maths Science Soc. Sci. --- ---
29-9-2021 Wednesday 3rd Lang. 3rd Lang. 3rd Lang. 3rd Lang. 3rd Lang. 3rd Lang. --- ---
30-9-2021 Thursday --- --- --- Soc. Sci English Hindi Soc. Sci. Maths
Kindly note:
• Periodic Test 2 for Std. IX and X will be at school level. (Question papers will be sent by PIC)
• PIS will set and conduct the Social Science paper for Std. IX and X on their own.

CB/21-22 Examination HYE and PT2 Page 1 of 1

R.D.Nagar, Next to Vikas Nagar,
Solapur Bypass Road.
Since 1927
el.: 8291257708/88797 48511|Email:[email protected]

Ref. No. Cir/2021-22/019

Date: 17/09/2021


Dear Students,
(Grade Vil)

Subject: Regarding Half Yearly Exam- 2021-22

Kindly note, Half Yearly Exam is scheduled to commence from Monday 20/09/21.

Pleasego through the instructionsgiven belowcarefully.

You need to attemptthe exam in an ONLINE mode only through Between Us.
Type Between Us on Google Chrome and then login with your username and
.Don't use Between Us App to attempt the exam.
Exam window will be open on Between Us from 7:00am to 7:00pm on exam day only.
.The exam time of 2:30 hrs will be counted from your log in time.
F o r Marathi subject Google Form will be shared for Grades Ill to VIl
.One day priorthere will be online doubt clearing session on Teach mint.
For any query kindly contact to your Subject Teacher or School.

Thank You!

PÍS, Osmanabad

More Than Grades

Cir/2021-22/001 01.04.2021


Parents and Students

Subject: Regarding Online Class

Kindly note, we will be conducting online classes through Google meet.

Thus to join the online classes it is compulsory to mention full name of the student in their
login ID or the student won't be allowed to join the classes with their nicknames or any
other names.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/002 06/04/2021


Parents and Students

Sub: Regarding TEACHMINT App

Requesting you to download TEACHMINT app from Google Playstore using the link mentioned

From 12th April 2021, Monday onwards online classes will be conducted through this app

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/003 08/04/2021


Parents and Students

Sub: About TEACHMINT App

Kindly note, to join online classes on the Teachmint app from Monday 12th April 2021 onward you have to click all the below
mentioned links.

1) Link for ENGLISH: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 671693806

2) Link for Hindi: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 255325499

3) Link for Marathi: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 655953145

4) Link for Mathematics: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 815290783

5) Link for Science: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 370847438

6) Link for Social Science: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 190564639

7) Link for Computer: Enroll to Teachmint using: Classroom ID: 703800119

General Instructions:-

1) You have to login as a student in the Teachmint app.

2) Mobile number is must to login Teachmint App. Use mobile number that is registered by you in the school.
3) In case, if you have registered to the Teachmint app with another mobile number then inform your class teacher and submit an
application through whatsapp or in person.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/004 12/04/2021


Parents and Students

Subject: Regarding Gudi Padwa and Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti Holiday

Kindly note, School shall remain close tomorrow and day after tomorrow (13th April 2021

and 14th April 2021) on account of Gudi Padwa and Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti.

Stay safe, stay healthy

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/005 20/04/2021


Parents and Students

Sub: Regarding Shree Ram Navami Holiday

Kindly note, school (Online Classes) shall remain closed tomorrow 21st April 2021,

Wednesday on account of Shree Ram Navami.

Wishing you all Happy Ram Navami

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/006 22/04/2021



Sub: Regarding seminar arranged for parents on National Education Policy

Kindly note, Podar International School and Podar Education Network takes immense
pleasure to invite parents for a Live Session on our Face book Page
( on National Education

Date: - 24th April 2021

Time:- 11:00 am

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/008 30/04/2021



Sub: Regarding Summer Vacation and School reopening

Kindly note, summer vacation for all students will begin from tomorrow 1st May 2021,

School will reopen on 10th June 2021, Thursday for all students.

Stay safe and healthy.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/009 05/06/2021


Sub: Regarding Jumpstart Activity

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

On school reopening day i.e. 10th June 2021, Jumpstart activities are arranged for all classes. Details of
activities are mentioned below:-

1) Std I & II: Virtual Tour to National Park/Zoo

Students have to make a collage on chart paper, on above topic by using their own ideas after the
virtual tour and mention what they like and dislike, and why?
2) Std III & IV: Virtual tour to Botanical Garden
Make a chart on types of plants and its uses after the activity.
3) Std V & VI: Virtual Tour to Nehru Science Centre, Statue of Unity, Indian Museum Kolkata.
Write in your own words about the tour and the place you like most. Justify why did you like the
mentioned place?
4) Std VII & VIII: Virtual Tour to ISRO, National Forests/ Science Museum/IISER.
Write in your own words about the tour and the place you like most. Justify why did you like the
mentioned place?
5) Std IX & X : Virtual Tour to NASA, NIV Pune, International Space Station/ International Museum/ IIT.

Write in your own words about the tour and the place you like most. Justify why did you like the
mentioned place?

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/010 05/06/2021


Sub: Celebrating World Ocean Day

On the Occasion of “World Ocean Day” Podar International School, Osmanabad has
organized an activity for all students on 8th June 2021.

Student’s Activities are mentioned below:

1) Std I to IV: - Ocean Themed Artwork.

2) Std V to VII: - Make a chart on Ocean Zones, Tsunamis and Tides.
3) Std VIII to X: - Make a video on topic – Find/suggest the way to Oceans plastic free.

General Instructions: -

1) Click photo with activity in horizontal format and submit to your class teacher
2) For Video use horizontal format (Time duration: 2 min)
3) Submit your activities on 8th June 2021 before 4:00 pm.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/012 15/06/2021



Sub: Regarding PTA Nominations for AY 2021-22

Kindly note, parents can nominate themselves for PTA (Parents Teachers Association) for
AY 2021-22 through the link mentioned below:

Last date for nomination is 19th June 2021, Saturday.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/013 16/06/2021



Sub: Celebrating National Reading Day

"Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible"

Podar International School, Osmanabad is celebrating the National Reading Day on 19 June 2021,

Let's join together to read, to learn, to develop and to grow all together.

Students of Grade I to X are hereby encouraged to actively participate in the class wise activities
mentioned below: -

1) Std I and II: Make story sacks for children in the local market.
2) Std III and IV: Design and create a bookmark/bumper sticker with a reading
slogan on it.
3) Std V and VI: Read any story and write summary.
4) Std VII to X: Create campaign posters for the 'best book' election.

General Instructions:
1) Students will click their photos with activity in horizontal format and will submit to their respective
2) Students have to submit their activities on 19th June before 4:00pm.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/014 18/06/2021


Sub: Celebrating Father’s Day

“When you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide
you … A father is always there.”

“Happy Father’s Day”

On the occasion of “Father’s Day” Podar International School, Osmanabad has organized activities for the
students on 20th June 2021.

Details of activities are mentioned below:-

1) Std I to lV: Make a photo frame with your father

2) Std V to VII: Make a collage on chart of your Father’s favourite things.
3) Std VIII to X: Express your feelings to your father by making a video on “My Father is My Superhero”

Common Activity for all students (Std I to X):

Draw a family tree diagram of your past 3 – 4 generations.

General Instructions:

1) Students will click their photos with activity in horizontal format and will submit to their class teacher.
2) Video should be in horizontal format (Max Time: 2 min)
3) Students have to submit their activities on 20th June before 4:00pm.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/015 19/06/2021


(Std VIII to X)
Sub: Virtual National Level Sports Quiz Competition

The five S’s of sports training are:

- Stamina - Speed - Strength - Skill - Spirit
And the greatest amongst them is Spirit. Sports Authority of India and Fit India is organizing a virtual
National level Sports Quiz competition on 21st June 2021; at 01:00 pm i.e. on International Yoga Day.
Thus school is organizing a Sports Quiz Competition for its students of Std: VIII, IX and X.

Below mentioned are the subjects/topics for the quiz:

1) History of Indian Sports
2) Olympics
3) Commonwealth Games
4) Asian Games
5) Khelo India Games and various other popular sports.

Format of the quiz will be:

MCQ: 30 Questions
Platform: Teachmint App
Time allotted: 30mins

Important Instructions:
The first two winners will get the chance to participate in the next level.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/016 05/07/2021


Dear Students,
(Grade –III to VIII)

Sub: General Instructions Regarding Periodic Test- 1/PMTT Exam- A.Y. 2021-22

Kindly note, PT-1/ Pre Mid Term Test is scheduled to commence from 09/07/21 Friday

Please go through the instructions given below carefully.

• You need to attempt the exam in an ONLINE mode only through BetweenUs.
• Type BetweenUs on Google Chrome and then login with your username and password.
• Don't use BetweenUs App to attempt the exam.
• Exam window will be open on BetweenUs from 7:00am to 7:00pm on exam day only.
• The exam time of 1: 30 hrs will be counted from your log in time.
• Half an hour extra can be given for the exam to download the question paper and
to upload the answer sheet. Example: If the paper is for 2 hours then by 11:30 am
students should upload the papers.
• For Marathi subject Google Form will be shared for grades 3 to 10.
• One day prior there will be online doubt clearing session on Teach mint.

For any query kindly contact to your Subject Teacher or School

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad
Cir/2021-22/017 06/07/2021


Dear Students,
(Grade –IX & X)

Sub: General Instructions Regarding Pre Mid Term Exam - 2021-22

Kindly note, PT-1/ Pre Mid Term Test is scheduled to commence from 09/07/21 Friday

Please go through the instructions given below carefully.

• Your exam will be conducted through Google Form for all subjects.
• Exam Time start at – 09:00 am & Google Form link will be shared 10 minutes before of
the exam.
• The exam time of 1: 30hrs will be counted from your log in time.

• Half an hour extra can be given for the exam to download the question paper and
to upload the answer sheet.

• During the exam period there will be online doubt clearing session on Teach mint.
• For any query kindly contact to your Subject Teacher or School.

Thank you!

PIS, Osmanabad

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