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Theory of Numbers 01
Combinatorics 07
Algebra Theory 14
Geometry Theory 25
INMO Mock Tests 50

INMO Mock Test

at the End
Theory of Numbers
Natural Numbers
The numbers 1, 2, 3….., which are used in counting are called natural numbers or positiveintegers.
Basic Properties of Natural Numbers.
In the system of natural numbers, we have two ‘operations’ addition and multiplication with the
following properties.
Let x, y, z denote arbitrary natural numbers, then
1. x + y is a natural number i.e., the sum of two natural number is again a natural number.
2. Commutative law of addition x + y = y + x
3. Associative law of addition x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
4.x .y is a natural number i.e., product of two natural numbers is a natural number.
5. Commutative law of multiplication x. y = y. x
6. Associative law of multiplication x. (y.z) = (x.y).z
7. Existence of multiplicative identity a. 1 = a
8. Distributive law x (y + z) = xy + xy.
Divisibility of Integers
An integer x ≠ 0 divides y, if there exists an integer a such that y = ax and thus we write as x|y (x
divides y). If x does not divides y, we write as x | y (x does not divides y)
[This can also be stated as y is divisible by x or x is a divisor of y or y is a multiple of x].
Properties of Divisibility
1. x|y and y|z⇒ x | z
2. x|y and x|z⇒ x |(ky ± lz) for all k, l ∈ z, z = set of all integers.
3. x|y and y|x⇒ x = ± y
4. x | y ⇒ x | yz for any integer z.
6. x | y iffnx | ny, where n ≠ 0.
Test of Divisibility
Divisibility by certain special numbers can be determined without actually carrying out the process
ofdivision. The following theorem summarizes the result:
A positive integer N is divisible by

 2 if and only if the last digit (unit’s digit) is even.

 4 if and only if the number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4.

 8 if and only if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8.

 3 if and only of the sum of all the digits is divisible by 3

 9 if and only if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 9.

 5 if and only if the last digit is either 0 or 5.

 25 if and only if the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 25

 125 if and only if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 125

 11 if and only if the difference between the sum of digits in the odd places (starting from right)

and sum of the digits in the even places (starting from the right) is a multiple of 11.
Division Algorithm
For any two natural numbers a and b, there exists unique numbers q and r called respectively
and remainder, a = bq + r, where 0 ≤ r < b.
Common Division
If a number ‘c’ divides any two number a and b i.e., if c | a and c | b, then c is known as a common
divisor of a and b.
Greatest Common Division
If a number d divides a and b and is divisible by all the common divisors of a and b, then d is
as the greatest common divisor (GCD) of a and b or HCF of a and b.
The GCD of numbers a and b is the unique positive integer d with the following two properties.
(i) d|a and d\b
(ii) If c | a and c | b, then c | d
We write it as (a, b) = d
For example, (12, 15) = 3; (7, 8) = 1
Note 1. (a, b) = (b, a) 2. If a|b; then (a, b) = a
Properties of GCD
1. If (b, c) = g and d is a common divisor of b and c, then d is a divisor of g.

2. For any m > 0, (mb, mc) = m (b, c)
b c 1
3. If d|b and d\c and d > 0, then  ,      b, c  (b, c)
d d d

b c
4. If (b, c) = g, then  ,   1
g g
5. If (b, c) = g, then there exists two integers x and y such that g = xb + yc
6. If (a, b) = 1 and (a, c) = 1 then (a, bc) = 1
7. If a|bc = 1 and (a, b) = 1, then a | c = 1
Note The representation in 5th property is not unique. In fact we can represent (a, b) as xa + yb in
number of ways where x, y ∈ Z
1 is called unit in the set of positive integers.
A positive integer P is said to be prime, if
(i) P > 1
(ii) P has no divisors except 1 and P i.e., A number which has exactly two different factors, itself
and one, is called a prime number.Thus, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, …. Are primes.
Note: 2 is the only even number which is prime.
A natural number n is said to be composite, if there existsintegers l and m such that n = lm, where
1 < l < n and l < m < n.
 A prime number p can be written as a product only in one wat namely P. 1
 A composite number has at least three factors.
Note 1 is neither prime nor composite.
Twin Primes
A pair of numbers is sad to be twin primes. If they differ by 2.
e.g., 3, 5 are twin primes.

Perfect Number
A number n is said to be perfect if the sum of all divisors of n (including n) is equal to 2n. For
example 28 is a perfect number because divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28.
Sum of divisors of n (=28) = 1 + 2+ 4 + 7 + 14 + 28 = 56 = 2n
Coprime integers
Two numbers a and b are said to be coprime, if 1 is only common divisors of a and b.
i.e., if GCD of a and b = 1 i.e., if (a, b) = 1
e.g., (4, 5) = 1, (8, 9) = 1.
THEOREM If a = qb + r, then (a, b) = (b, r)
Corollary If (a,b) = 1, then (b, r) = (a,b) = 1
i.e., if a is coprime to b, then r is coprime to b. r is remainder obtained on dividing a by b.
Note:If dk(n) denotes the sum of k th power of divisor of n, then

Greatest Integer Function

If x is any real number, then the largest integer which does not exceed x is called the integral part
ofx and will be denoted by [x].
For example, [3] = 3, [-4] = - 4, [3. 7] = 3, [-4.2] = - 5, [5/3] =1, [-π+ = - 4
1. *x+ is the largest integers ≤ x.
2. If a and b are positive integer, such that A = qb + r, 0 ≤ r < b
Then [a/b] = qi.e., [a/b] is the quotient in the division of a by b.
Properties of Greatest Integer Function
(1) *x+ ≤ x < *x+ + 1 and x – 1 < *x+ ≤ x, 0 ≤ x, 0 ≤ x, -[x] < 1
(2) If x ≥ 0, *x+ = 1
1i  x

(3) [x + m] = [x] + m, If m is an integer.

(4) *x+ + *y+ ≤ *x + y+ ≤ *x+ + *y+ + 1
(5) [x] + [-x] = 0, If x is an integer = -1 otherwise.

x   x 
(6)      , if m is a positive integer.
 m  m
(7) –[-x] is the least integer greater than or equal to x.This is denoted as (x) (read as ceiling x)
For example, (2.5) = 3, (-2.5) = -2
(8) [x + 0.5] is the nearest integer to x.If x is midway between two integers, [x + 0.5] represents the
larger of the two integers.
(9) The number of positive integers less than or equal to n and divisible by m is given by [n/m]

n 
(10)If p is a prime number and e is the largest exponent of p such that p |n!, then e    
i 1  p 

THEOREM If a is real number, c is natural number, then

If a and b are two integers and m is a positive integer, then a is said to be congruent to b modulo
m, if m divides a – b denoted by m | (a – b).In notation form we express it as a ≡ b mod m or a – b
≡ 0 mod m.
1. a ≡ b mod m, then m | (a -b) or (a – b) is a multiple of m.
2. If m|(a – b) [ m does not divides (a – b)], then a is said to be incongruent to be mod
m and this fact is expressed as a is not congruent to be mod m.
3. If m | a, then a ≡ 0 mod m
4. if a ≡ b mod m, then ac ≡ bc mod m.
But the converse is not true i.e., it is not always possible to cancel a common factor from a
5. If a ≡ b mod m, then ak ≡ bk mod m for every positive integer k.
6. If a ≡ b mod m and f(x) = p0 x n  p1x n 1  p2 x n 2  ..  pn 1x  pn is an integer rational function of

an indeterminate x with integral coefficients, then f(a) ≡ f(b) mod m

1. (x + y) | (x2n+1 + y2n+1) ∀ n ∈ N0, x + y ≠ 0

2. (x-y) | (xn – yn) ∀ n ∈ N, x – y ≠ 0

Number of Positive divisors of a Composite Number

If a composite number is
n  p11  p11  .. pmm

Then the number of positive divisors of n is τ(n) = (α1 + 1)( α1 + 1)…..( αm + 1). This is read as ‘tau of
1. If n is a perfect square, τ(n) is odd as all the αi are even.
2. If n is not a perfect square, τ(n) is even.
3. The number of ways of writing n as the product of two factors (order immaterial) is:
n  1
If n is perfect square,
If n is not a perfect square,
4. The number of ways, in which a composite number can be expressed as a product of
tworelative prime factors (order not considered), is 2m-1, where m is the number of distinct primes.
For example, 58 × 37 ×415 can be resolved into product of two factors, in 23-1 = 22 = 4 ways so

Definition of Factorial
The falling product of first n natural numbers is called the “n factorial” and is denotedby n! or ∠n.
That is, n! = n(n - 1) (n - 2) … 3 × 2 × 1
For example, 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24; 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120;
NOTE:Factorials of proper fractions and of negative integers are not defined. Factorial n isdefined
only for whole numbers
Properties of Factorial
(a) 0! = 1 (by definition)
(b) n! = 1 × 2 × … × (n - 1) × n = *1 × 2 × … × (n - 1)] n = (n - 1)! n
Thus, n! = n ((n - 1)!)
(c) If two factorials, i.e., x! and y! are equal, then
(x, y) = (0, 1) or (1, 0) or (k, k) ∀k ∈ N0
(d) n! ends in 0, for all n > 4. (Number of 5’s in n!,n > 4, is always less than the numberof 2’s.
Therefore for every 5, there is a 2. Hence n!,n > 4, ends in 0).
Basic Counting Principles
(i) Addition Principle
If there are
n1 ways for the event E1 to occur
n2 ways for the event E2, to occur

nkways for the event Ek, to occur
where k ≥ 1, and if these are pair-wise disjoint (or mutually exclusive), then the numberof ways for
at least one of the events E1, E2, …, Ekto occur is

Multiplication Principle
If an event E can be decomposed into r ordered sub events E1, E2, …, Erand if there are n1 ways
(independent to other sub events) for E1 to occur, n2 ways (independent to other sub events) for
the event E2 to occur, …, nrways (independent to other sub events) for Erto occur, then the total
number of ways for the event E to occur is given by n1 × n2 × … × nr.
Definition of Combination
A combination of objects is a selection (suppress order) from a given lotof objects, i.e., a
combination is just a set, elements of which are not arranged in aparticular way.
THEOREM: The number of selections of r objects at a time out of n distinct, is

This number is denoted as nCr or C(n, r) or

Note:   is defined as 1.
Properties of   ; 0 ≤ r ≤ n; r, n ∈ N0

Some Applications of Combinations
(i) Always Including p Particular Objects in the Selection
The number of ways to select r objects from n distinct objects where p particular objects should
n p
always be included in the selection = Cr  p

(ii) Always Excluding p Particular Objects in the Selection

The number of ways to select r objects from n different objects where p particular objects should
never be included in the selection = n p Cr p

(iii) Exactly or Atleast or Atmost Constraint in the Selection

There are problems in which constraints are to select exactly or minimum (atleast) or maximum
(atmost) number of objects in the selection. In these problems, we should always make cases to
select objects. If we do not make cases, we will get wrong answer. Following illustrations will show
you how to make cases to solve problems of this type.
Selection of One or More Objects from n Distinct Objects
The number of ways to select one or more objects from n different objects or we cansay, selection
of at least one object from n different objects = 2n- 1.

1. The number of ways to select 0 or more objects from n distinct objects = 2n
2. The number of ways to select at least 2 objects from n distinct objects = 2n- 1 - nC1
3. The number of ways to select at least r objects from n distinct objects
= 2n- 1 - nC1 - nC2 - nC3 - … - nCr- 1 or nCr+ nCr+ 1 + nCr+ 2 + … + nCn.
Selection of One or More Objects from n Identical Objects
The number of ways to select one or more objects (or at least one object) from nidentical object =
1. The number of ways to select r objects from nidentical objects is 1.
2. The number of ways to select 0 or more objects from nidentical objects = n + 1.
3. The number of ways to select at least 2 objects from nidentical objects = n - 1.
4. The number of ways to select atleast r objects from nidentical objects is
n - (r - 1) = n - r + 1
5. The total number of selections of some or all out of (p + q + r) objects where p are alike of one
kind, q are alike of second kind and rest r are alike of third kind is (p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) - 1. [Using
fundamental principle of counting]
Selection of One or More ObjectsWhich are not All Distinct from Each Other
The number of ways to select one or more objects from (p + q + r … + n) objects wherep objects
are alike of one kind, q are alike of second kind, r are alike of third kind, …and remaining n are
distinct from each other
= [(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) … 2n] - 1.
1. The number of ways to select 0 or more objects from p alike of one kind, q alike of second kind,
r alike of third kind and n distinct objects = (p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) 2n.
2. The number of ways to select objects from p alike of one kind, q alike of second kind and r alike
of third kind and n distinct objects such that selection includes at least one object each of first,
second, and third kind and atleast one object from n different kind = pqr(2n- 1).

3. The number of ways to select objects from p alike of one kind, q alike of second kind and ralike
of third kind and n distinct objects such that selection includes at least one object of each kind =
Points of Intersection between Geometrical Figures
1. Number of points of intersection of ‘n’ non-concurrent and non parallel lines is nC2.
2. Number of lines that can be drawn, passing though any 2 points out of n given points in
which no three of them are collinear, is nC2.
3. Number of triangles that can formed, by joining any three points out of n given points in
which no three of them are collinear is nC3.
n  n  3
4. Number of diagonals that can be drawn in a ‘n’ sided polygon is
Definition of Permutation (Arrangements)
A permutation of given objects is an arrangement of the objects in a line or row, unless specified
For example, if 3 objects are represented as A, B, C, then permutations (arrangements or orders)
of A, B, C in a row can be done in the following ways:ABC, BAC, CAB, ACB, BCA, CBA
THEOREM(Number of Permutations (arrangements, order) of n distinct objects taken all at a time)
The total number of permutations of n distinct objects = n!
THEOREM(Number of Permutations (arrangements, order) of n distinct objects taken r at a time)
The total numbers of permutations of r objects, out of n distinct objects, is  ,1  r  n .
 n  r !
This number is denoted as nPr or P(n, r) or nAr or A(n, r)
THEOREM(Permutation of Objects when not all objects are distinct)
 n1  n 2  ...  n k  !
Let there be n1 A1s, n2 A2s, …, nk Ak’s. Then the number of permutations =
n1 !n 2 !......n k !

(this number is known as a multinomial coefficient.)

THEOREM(Arrangement of n distinct objects with repetition of objects)
Total number of way to permutate n distinct types of objects (each type of objects available in
quantity) taken r at a time when objects can be repeated any number of times is n r.
Some Miscellaneous Applications of Permutations
(i) Always Including p Particular Objects in the Arrangement
The number of ways to select and arrange (permutate) r objects from n distinct objects such that\
arrangement should always include p particular objects = n – pCr – p × r!.
(ii) Always Excluding p particular Objects in the Arrangement
The number of ways to select and arrange r objects from n distinct objects such that p particular
are always excluded in the selection = n – pCr × r!.
(iii) ‘p’ Particular Objects Always Together in the Arrangement
The number of ways to arrange n distinct objects such that p particular objects remain together in
arrangement (n – p + 1)! p!
(iv) ‘p’ Particular Objects Always Separated in the Arrangement
The number of ways to arrange n different objects such that p particular objects are always
= n – p + 1Cp × (n – P)! × p!
(v) Rank of a Word in the Dictionary
In these type of problems, dictionary of words is formed by using all the arrangement of all letters
at atime of the given word. The dictionary format means words are arranged in the alphabetical
order. Youwill be supposed to find the rank (position) of the given word or some other word in the
Circular Permutation
When objects are to be arranged (ordered) in a circle instead of a row, it is known as
THEOREM: The number of circular permutations of n distinct objects (n – 1)!

Binomial THEOREM

Some important results related to summation of binomial coefficients :

Algebra Theory
Remainder Theorem: If a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x – a), then the remainder is equal to f(a).
Factor THEOREM: (x-a) is a factor of polynomial f(x), if and only if,f(a)= 0
Fundamental THEOREM of Algebra: Every polynomial function of degree ≥ 1 has at least one zero
inthecomplex numbers. In other words, if we have

with n ≥ 1, then there exists atleast one hC such that

From this, it is easy to deduce that a polynomial function of degree ‘n’ has exactly n zeroes.

1. Some of the zeroes of a polynomial may repeat.
2. If a root α is repeated m times, then m is called multiplicity of the root ‘α’ or α is called mfold
3. The real numbers of the form , etc. are called, ‘quadratic surds’. In

general, a , b and a , b are quadratic surds, if a, b are not perfect squares. In a polynomial

integral coefficients (or rational coefficients),if one of the zeroes is a quadratic surd, then it has
conjugate of the quadratic surd also as a zero.
IDENTITYTHEOREM: Polynomial f(x) of degree n is identically zero if it vanishes foratleast n + 1
distinct values of ‘x’.
Corollary: The only periodic polynomial function is constant function
Polynomial Equations:
P  x   a n x n  a n 1x n 1  ..  a1x  a 0  0 is called a polynomial equation in x of degree n.

1. Every polynomial equation of degree n has n roots counting repetition.

2. If a n x n  a n 1x n 1  ...a1x  a 0  0 (1)

a n  0 and a i ,  i  0,1, 2,3,...., n  are all real numbers and if,   i is a zero of (1), then   i is

also a root. For real polynomial, complex roots occur in conjugate pairs.
However, if the coefficients of Eq.(1) are complex numbers, it is not necessary that the roots occur
in conjugate pairs.

Corollary (Integer Root Theorem)

Every rational root of x n  a n 1x n 1  ..  a 0 ;0  i  n 1 is an integer, where a i  i  0,1, 2,.., n  1 is
an integer, and each of these roots is a divisor of a 0.
VIETA’S Relations
If 1, 2, 3,….., n are the roots of the polynomial equation


If we represent the sum

respectively, as

(Read it ‘sigma 1’, ‘sigma 2’, etc.) with the coefficients.


These relations are know as Vieta’s relations.

b c
1. ax2 + bc + c = 0 , where , β are its roots. Thus, 1      and  2   
a a
2. ax2 + bx2 + cx + d = 0 where , β and  are its roots. Thus,

Here, expressing 2           will be helpful when we apply this property
3. where , β, ,  are its roots

Here, again,2 can be written as ( + β) (  + ) + β +  and 3 can be written as β(+) +

Common Roots of Polynomial Equations
A number α is a common root of the polynomial equations f (x) = 0 andg(x) = 0 if and only if, it is a
root of the HCF of the polynomials f(x) and g(x)
HCF of two polynomials, f(x) and g(x) is a polynomial h(x) of the greatest possible degree which
dividesboth f(x)and g(x) exactly.
Note:The HCF of two polynomials is not unique, because a.h(x) is also a HCF, where ‘a’ is aconstant
(either real or complex). The HCF of two polynomials can be found by the Euclideanalgorithm.
Division Algorithm
If f(x) and g(x) are two non-zero polynomials, then there exist unique polynomials q(x) and r(x)
such that where either r(x) = 0

The polynomial q(x) is called the quotient and r(x) the remainder.
When f(x) is divided by g(x), then degree of

Particular Case:
When g(x) = ax + b a linear polynomial, then either r(x) = 0 or degr(x) < deg g(x) = 1 i.e.degr(x) = 0
So that r(x) is a constant.
Transformation of Equation:
(a) To transform an equation into another whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of thegiven

be the given equation. If x be a root of the given equation and y that of the transformed equation,

Hence, the transformed equation is obtained by putting x = 1/y in f(x) = 0 and is therefore f(1/y) =


Reciprocal Equations: All those equations which remain unchanged when x is replaced by 1/x are
called reciprocal
equation. These are of two types
(i) those in which the coefficient of terms, equidistant from the beginning and the end, are equal
at the same sign. E.g.,

(ii) Those in which these coefficients are equal but of opposite sign e.g.,

(i) if α is a root of the reciprocal equation, then 1/ must be its root.Hence, the root of a reciprocal
equation occur in pairs of ,1/,β,1/β,,1/ and so on.
(ii) In case, the equation be of odd degree then it will be seen that one of its roots must be either
+1 or – 1.
(iii) In case, the equation be of even degree and of IInd type, then it will be seen that x 2 – 1 will
always be its factor
(b) To transform an equation into another, whose roots are the roots of the given equation
withsign changed.
If y be the root of the transformed equation, then y = -x and x = -y. Hence, transformed equation is
obtained by putting x = -y in f(x) = 0,
∴ f(-y) = 0, which takes the form

(c) To transform a given equation into another, whose roots are the roots of the given equation
multiplied by a given number m.
If y be a root of the transformed equation, then y = mx or x = y/m. Hence, the transformed
equation is obtained by putting x = y/m in f(x) = 0 ∴ f(y/m) = 0


1. The above transformation is very useful when we are dealing with equations with fractional
coefficients. We can get rid of fractional coefficients by multiplying the roots of the given equation
by the LCM of the denominators of the fractional coefficients. Similarly, if the coefficient of leading
term be not unity but k and we want to make it unity, then it can be done so by multiplying the
roots of the given equation by k.

2. If we have to divide the roots of the given equation by m, we say that we have to multiply its
roots by 1/m.
(d) To transform a given equation into another, whose roots are the roots of the given equation
diminished (or increased) by a constant h.

If y be a root of the transformed equation, then y = x – h and x = y + h. Hence, the transformed

equation is obtained by putting x = y + h in and is therefore,
f(y+h) = 0

The simplification of the above equation will be difficult and let us suppose that this equation,
simplified and arranged in descending powers of y takes the form.

The problem is to find A0, A1,A2,…,An

Now y = x – h

The LHS of the above is identical with LHS of line (i) and hence, if f(x) be divided by (x – h), then

the remainder is the value of An and the quotient is and the

quotient when again divided by (x - h) leaves the remainder An - 1. If we continue the above
process, then we shall find An, An-1,….,A2,A1 and the last quotient A0 is clearly equal to a0.

Basic Rules
(i) Transitivity
The transitive property of inequality states:
If a > b and b > c, then a > c.
More generally, if a1> a2, a2> a3, ….,an-1> an , then a1> an.
(ii) Addition and Subtraction
A common constant c may be added to or subtracted from both sides of an inequality:
If a > b, then for every c, a + c > b + c and a – c > b – c.
(iii) Multiplication and Division
For any real numbers, a, b and non-zero c,
If c is positive, then multiplying or dividing by c does not change the inequality:
If a < b and c > 0, then ac <bc and a/c < b/c.
If c is negative, then multiplying or dividing by c inverts the inequality:
If a < b and c < 0, then ac >bc and a/c > b/c.
Addition and Multiplication of Two Inequalities
If , then
If then

Applying a Function to Both Sides of an Inequality

Any monotonically increasing function may be applied to both sides of an inequality (provided
are in the domain of that function) and it will still hold.
Weirstras’s Inequality

If are real numbers belongs to [0, 1] then

Modulus Inequalities

Also, note that |x| = max{-x,x}. Modulus function is also called distance function It denotes
distance of x from origin.

1. for each a  R.

2. If b 0 then |x–a| b if and only if a – b  x  a + b

3. |a+b| |a| + |b|. More generally,

4. ||a| - |b||  |a-b|

Triangular Inequalities
Let a, b, c be sides of a triangle, then we have following equivalent results:
1. a + b >c, b + c > a,c + a > b
2. a > |b–c|, b > |c -a|, c > |a–b|
3. |a–b| < c < a + b
4. (a+b – c)× (b+c – a)× (c+a – b) > 0
5. a = y + z, b = z + x, c = x + y, where x,y,zR+
Quadratic Inequality
If x  R+ and Ax2 + Bx + c, then B2 – 4AC ≥ 0
If 4AC – B2 ≥ 0 and x is real, then A(Ax2 + Bx + C) ≥ 0 for all real x. Converse also true.
Arithmetic Mean ≥ Geometric Mean ≥ Harmonic Mean
Given any n positive real numbers a1, a2,… , the positive numbers A, G and H, defined by

and are called respectivelythe arithmetic

mean (AM), geometric mean (GM) and harmonic mean (HM) of a1, a2,….an
Note: A, G and H all are lie between the least and the greatest of a 1, a2,….an . Equality holds in
A  G  H, only when all the ai are equal.
Derived Inequalities from AM ≥ GM ≥ HM
The following inequalities derived from AM ≥ GM ≥ HM, will be very useful for problem solving:

Weighted AM-GM Inequality
If a1, a2, ….an are n +ve real numbers and m1, m2,…….,mn are n +ve rational numbers, then

Some Important Inequalities

if 0< m < 1 i.e., the AM of mth powers of n +ve quantities is greater than the mth power of their AM
except when m is a +ve proper fraction.

Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

Corollary: An alternate form of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality usually known as Titu’s inequality, is

as follows:

Some Geometrical Inequalities

Ptolemy’s Inequality
For any four points A, B, C, D we have AB.CD + AD.BC ≥ AC.BD
Equality occurs if and only if, ABCD is cyclic.
The Parallelogram Inequality
For any four points A, B, C, D not necessarily coplaner, we have,

Equality occurs if and only if, ABCD is a parallelogram.

Let P be any point in the plane of theABC and G be centroid of theABC.Then

The point P for which AP2 + BP2 + CP2 is minimal is the centroid of the triangle.

Geometry Theory
Congruent Triangles
Two triangles are congruent if and only if one of them can be made to superpose on the other so
as tocover it exactly.
Side Angle Side (SAS) Congruence Theorem
Two triangle are congruent, if two side and the included angle of one are equal to the
correspondingsides and the included angle of the other triangle.
Angle Side Angle (ASA) Congruence Theorem
Two triangles are congruent, if two angles and the included side of the triangle are equal to the
corresponding two angles and the included side of the other triangle.
Angle Angle Side (AAS) Congruence Theorem
If any two angles and a non-included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding
angles side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
Side SideSide (SSS) Congruence Theorem
Two triangles are congruent, if the three side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding three
sideof the other triangle.
Right Angle Hypotenuse Side (RHS) Congruence Theorem
Two right triangles are congruent, if he hypotenuse and one side of the triangle are respectively
equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other triangle.
Mid – point Theorem
The line segment joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side
and is equal to half of it. As in triangle ABC, D and E are mid points of AB and AC respectively,
therefore DE|BC and DE = 1/2BC.

Converse of Mid-point Theorem
The line drawn through the midpoint of one side of a triangle parallel to another side, bisects the
third side.
Basic Proportionality Theorem(THALE’s THEOREM)
If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two sides, at distinct
points, then it divides the other two sides in the same ratio.

In figure DE|| BC, therefore

Similar Triangles (Ratio and Proportion)

Two triangles are similar if and only if
1. their corresponding angles are equal
2. their corresponding sides are proportional
Note: If △ABC and △PQR are directly similar then

ㄥ A =ㄥ P, ㄥ B = ㄥ Q and ㄥ C =ㄥ R also,

We have following criterion for similarity:

SSS Similarity (Side SideSide Similarity)
If in two triangles the sides of one triangle are proportional to those of the other then the
corresponding angles of the two triangles are equal.
AAA Similarity (Angle AngleAngle Similarity)
If in two triangle the angles of one triangle are equal to those of the other, then sides opposite to
those angles are proportional.
AA similarity also sufficient for the triangle to be similar
SAS Similarity (Side Angle Side Similarity)
If in two triangles, one angle of one triangle is equal to one angle of the other triangle and the
sides containing these angle are proportional, then two triangles are similar.
Area Ratio Theorem for Similar Triangles
The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles are equal to the ratio of the squares of any two
corresponding sides.
NOTE: The internal (respectively external) bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite
side internally (respectively externally) in the ratio of the sides containing the anglei.e.BD/DC =

(i) Parallelogram
In a quadrilateral if both the pairs of opposite sides are parallel then it is called a

Some properties of a parallelogram:
1. A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles.
2. In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal.
3. Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.
4. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
5. In a parallelogram, the bisectors of any two consecutive angles intersects at right angle.
6. The angle bisectors of a parallelogram from a rectangle.

7. In a parallelogram sum of any two consecutive angles is 180 o.

8. In a quadrilateral, if both opposite sides are equal then it is a parallelogram.

9. In a quadrilateral, if both opposite angles are equal then it is a parallelogram.

10 If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisects each other then it is a parallelogram.

11. If one pair of opposite side of a quadrilateral is equal and parallel then it is a parallelogram.
(ii) Rectangle
A parallelogram in which any one angle is right angle is called rectangle.
1. Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
2. Opposite angles are equal and of 90o.
3. Diagonals are equal and bisects each other.

When a rectangle is inscribed in a circle the diameter of the circle is equal to the diagonal
of the rectangle.

5. For the given perimeter of rectangle, a square has the maximum area.
6. The figure formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a rectangle is a rhombus.
7. The quadrilateral formed by joining the intersection of the angle bisectors of a
parallelogram is a rectangle.
8. If P is any point in the plane of the rectangle ABCD, then PA 2 + PC2 = PB2 + PD2.
(iii) Rhombus
A parallelogram in which any two adjacent sides are equal is called rhombus
1. Opposite sides are parallel.
2. All sides are equal.
3. Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors to each other.
4. Diagonals bisects the opposite pair of angles.
5. Figure formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a rhombus is a rectangle.
6. A parallelogram is a rhombus if its diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
7. Any parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus
8. Area of rhombus = ½ × Product of diagonals
= Base × Height
= Product of adjacent sides × Sine of the included angle
(iv) Square
Square is a rectangle whose all sides are equal or a rhombus whose all angles are equal thus each
square is a parallelogram, a rectangle and a rhombus.
1. All sides are equal.
2. Opposite pair of sides are equal.
3. Diagonals are equal and are perpendicular bisector to each other.
4. Diagonal of an inscribed square is equal to the diameter of the circumscribing circle.
5. Side of a circumscribed square is equal to the diameter of the inscribed circle.
6. The figure formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent side of a square is a square
7. Angles formed by the diagonals and a side of square is each equal to 45o

(v) Trapezium
A quadrilateral whose one pair of side is parallel.

1. The line joining the mid-points of the oblique (non-parallel) sides is half the sum of the parallel
2. If the non-parallel sides are equal then the diagonals will also be equal to each other
andconverse is also true. The corresponding trapezium is called isosceles trapezium.
3. Diagonals intersects each other proportionally in the ratio of lengths of parallel sides,

4. By joining the mid-points of adjacent sides of a trapezium four similar triangles areobtained.
5. If a trapezium is inscribed in a circle then it is an isosceles trapezium with equal obliqueSides.
6. Area of trapezium = 1/2 × (sum of the parallel sides) × Height.
7. If ABCD is a trapezium with AB||CD then AC2 + BD2 = AD2 + BC2 + 2AB·CD
8 In an isosceles trapezium base angles are equal and other two angles are also equal.
9. If ABCD is an isosceles trapezium with △ORS and diagonals intersects at P then
following results are true.
(i) AD = BC
(ii) AC = BD
(iii) AP = PB; PD = PC
(iv) PA × PC = PB × PD
(v) 
(vi) ∠PAB = ∠PBA = ∠PDC = ∠PCD
(vii) ∠DAB = ∠CBA; ∠ADC = ∠BCD
(viii) ∠PAD = ∠PBC; ∠ADB = ∠ACB

(xi) AC2 = AD2 + AB · CD
1 1 1 AB.CD
(x) If PM||AB||CD then   or
(xi) ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and then all the properties of cyclic quadrilateral also
apply. In this case it will be an isosceles trapezium.

(vi) Kite
In a kite two pairs of adjacent sides are equal
1. AB = BC and AD = CD.
2. Diagonals intersects at right angle.
3. Longer diagonal is the perpendicular bisector of shorter diagonal.
4. The quadrilateral formed by the mid-points of the adjacent the sides of a kite is aRectangle.
5. Area is 1/2 product of diagonals

Some Important Properties Related to circle
1. One and only one circle can be drawn so as to pass through three non-collinear points
2. The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord of the circle bisects the chord.
Conversely, the straight line joining the mid-point of a chord of a circle to the centre
isperpendicular to the chord.

3. Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.Conversely if two chords of a
circle are equidistant from the centre then they are equal.

4. In the same circle or in equal circles, equal chords cut off equal arcs and conversely.
5. Angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre of the circle is twice the angle subtended
by the same are at any point on the remaining part of the circle.

6. Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal and conversely.

7. Angle in a semicircle is a right angle. Angle in a segment smaller than (resp bigger than)
a semicircle is an obtuse (resp. acute) angle.

8. Radius drawn at point of contact of a tangent to the circle is perpendicular to the tangent.

9. From an external point we can draw two tangents to the circle. Both tangents are equal in

10. If a line segment AB subtends a right angle at C, then C lies on the circle on AB as diameter.
11. Tangents to a circle which are parallel touch the circle at the ends of a diameter which is
perpendicular to them.
12. Alternate Segment Theorem: If AB is a chord of a circle. BC is the tangent to the circle at B,
then where D lies on the segment which is not included between AB and BC.

Cyclic Quadrilateral: A quadrilateral which has a circle passing through all its four vertices is called
a cyclic quadrilateral. The centre of the circle is called the centre of the quadrilateral.
THEOREM: If a quadrilateral is cyclic, then sum of each pair of opposite angles is 180 o.

Corollary:The exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior opposite angles.
THEOREM:If in a quadrilateral the sum of a pair of opposite angles is 180o, then it is cyclic.
Tangential Quadrilateral:A quadrilateral which has a circle touching all its four sides.
Bicentric Quadrilateral:A quadrilateral which has both a circumcircle and an incircle is called a
bicentric Quadrilateral
1. Any rectangle is a cyclic quadrilateral. Circle with centre at the point of intersection of the
diagonals and radius equal to half the length of a diagonal passes through all the vertices of the
2. A parallelogram is a cyclic quadrilateral if and only if it is a rectangle
3. A square isbicentric quadrilateral.
4. A rectangle is a circumscribed quadrilateral if and only if it is a square
5. There are non-square quadrilateral which ae bicentric. To construct one such, take any circle.
Draw pairs of perpendicular tangents from points A, B not lying on the same diameter of the circle.
So, ACBD is a resultant quadrilateral which is bicentric

Pitot Theorem
In a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of opposite sides are equal.
Ptolemy’s Theorem
In a cyclic quadrilateral the product of the diagonals is equal to the sum of the productsof the pairs
of opposite sides.
Generalization of Ptolemy’s Theorem (for All Convex Quadrilateral)
In any quadrilateral, product of the diagonals is less than or equal to the sum of theproducts of the
pairs of opposite sides. Equality holds for cyclic quadrilateral only.
Nine Point on Circle
In any triangle the mid-point of the sides, the feet of perpendiculars from the vertices on the
opposite sides and the mid points of the joins of the orthocentre to the vertices all lie on a circle.
The Power of a Point
Let ω be a circle with centreO and radius r, and let P be a point. The power of P withrespect to ω is
defined to be the difference of squared length PO 2 – r2.This is positive, zero, or negative according
as P is outside, on, or inside the circle ω.
Intersecting Chords Theorem
If two chords of a circle intersect each other as shown in figure then PA ・PB = PC ・PD

Tangent Secant Theorem
If through a point outside a circle a tangent and a chord be drawn. The square of thelength of the
tangent is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the chord.

Converse of Intersecting Chords Theorem
Let A, B, C, D be four distinct points. Let lines AB and CD intersect at P. Then A, B,
C, D are concyclic if and only if PA ・PB = PC ・PD.

Common Tangents to Two Circles

Given two circles C1 and C2 with centresO1 and O2 with radii R and r respectivelywith R >r and
distance between their centres is ‘d’, then the number of commontangents that can be drawn to
them varies from zero to four in the same plane of thecircle depending upon the relative positions
of the circles. Five different cases arises:
Case 1: The circle C2 lies wholly within C1 and the two circles do not touch each other ifd <R –r. In
this case the circle do not have any common tangent.

Case 2: The circle C2 lies wholly within the circle C1 and touches it internally at apoint P ifd = R −
r. In this case the circles have one common tangent at P.

Case 3: The circles C1 and C2 intersect each other (in two distinct points) ifR − r <d <R + r.In this
case the circles have two common tangents. Namely AB and XY. These tangents are called direct
common tangents.

Case 4: The circle C1 and C2 touch each other externally ifd = R + r.In this case there are three
common tangents. The two direct common tangents ABand XY and one common tangent KL at the
point P where the circles touch each other.

Case 5: The circles C1 and C2 do not intersect if d >R + r.In this case there are four common
tangents the two direct common tangents AB andXY and two transverse common tangents KL and

Centres of Similitude of Two Circles

Direct tangents to two circles intersect each otherat a point on the line joining the centres. This
point is called a centre of similitude ofthe circles. It divides the line joining the centresexternally in
the ratio of radii. That isin the figure of Case 5, we find S1 is a centre of similitude of the circles C1
and C2. It
divides O1O2 externally in the ratio R :r so that O1S1 : S1O2 = R : r.
The transverse common tangents to two circles also intersect each other at a pointon the line
joining the centres. This point is also called a centre of similitude.
It divides the line joining the centres internally in the ratio of the radii. In the figureof Case 5, we
find that S2 is a centre of similitude of the circles. It divides O1O2 internally
in the ratio R :r so thatO1S2 : S2O2 = R : r.
Length of the Direct Common Tangents
TD – length of direct tangent
d – distance between centres
R and r are radii of circles

Length of Transverse Common

Centres of the triangle
The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence
isthecentre of the circumcircle of the triangle. It is called the circumcentre of the triangle and its
radius iscalled the circumradius of the triangle and is denoted by

Where a, b, c are length of the sides of triangle and △ = Area

The internal bisectors of the angles of a triangle are concurrent. The point of concurrence is called
the incentre of the triangle.
The circle with this point as centre and the length of the perpendicular from this point on any one
of the sides of the triangle touches all the three sides of the triangle internally and is called the
incircle of the triangle.
Its radius is called inradius of the triangle and is denoted by r.

where s = semiperimeter of the triangle, △ = its area

Given a △ ABC, there are four circles which touch all the three sides of the triangle. One of them
isthe incircle, which touches all the sides internally. The other three touch the side externally and
arecalled excircles.
The excircle opposite A (respectively B, C) is the one whose centre lies on the internal bisector
of ∠A (respectively ∠B and ∠C)
The centre of the excircle opposite A (respectively B, C) is usually denoted by I 1 (respectively I2, I3)
Its radius is r1 (respectively r2 r3).

(i) Circumcentre
The circle which passes through the vertices of a triangle is called circumcircle.The centre of this
circle is the point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors ofthe sides and called the
circumcentre. Its radius is always denoted by R and is calledcircumradius.
Circumradius (R):

Circumradius R of the ∆ABC is equal to

(ii) Incentre
The circle that can be inscribed within triangle so as to touch each of its sides is calledits inscribed
circle or incircle. The centre of this circle is the point of intersection ofangle bisectors of the
triangle and hence it is equidistant from the sides of a triangle.The radius of the circle is always
denoted by ‘r’ and is equal to the length of perpendicularfrom its centre to any one of the sides of
the triangle.
Standard Results:

(iii) Orthocentre
Let ABC be any triangle and let AX, BY, CZ be the perpendiculars from A, B and Cupon the opposite
sides of the triangle. These are concurrent at H, which is called theorthocentre of the triangle
Some Standard Results:
1. In an acute angled triangle orthocentre lies inside the triangle. In a right angled
triangle, the orthocentre is at the right angled vertex. In an obtuse angled triangle
orthocentre lies in the exterior of the triangle and behind the obtuse angle.

2. Out of four points A, B, C and H each point is the orthocentre of the triangleformed by other
For ∆ABC orthocentre is H
For ∆ABH orthocentre is C
For ∆BCH orthocentre is A
For ∆ACH orthocentre is B
3. There are 6 Cyclic Quadrilaterals in above diagram namely, BXHZ, CYHX, AZHY,
4. ∠BHC = 180° − ∠A = ∠B + ∠C
∠AHC = 180° − ∠B = ∠A + ∠C
∠AHB = 180° − ∠C = ∠A + ∠B
5. BX ⋅ BC = BH ⋅ BY = BZ ⋅ BA
Similarly, CX ⋅ CB = CH ⋅ CZ = CY ⋅ CA and AZ ⋅ AB = AH ⋅ AX = AY ⋅ AC.
6. The triangle XYZ formed by joining the feet’s of these perpendiculars is called theorthic triangle
of the ∆ABC.
7. The orthocentre H of ∆ABC is the incentre of Orthic triangle XYZ provided ABC
is an acute angle triangle.
8. In ∆ABC, if AX, BY, CZ are the altitudes and ∆XYZ is the Orthic triangle then
∆ABC ~ ∆AYZ ~ ∆XRZ ~ ∆XYC
Centroid(G): It is a point of intersection of medians of a triangle.

Median: A median of a triangle is the line segment that joins any vertex of the triangle with the
mid-point of its opposite side. In the figure shown below, the median from A meets the mid-point
of the opposite side, BC, at point D.

Hence, AD is the median of ∆ABC and it bisects the side BC into two halves where BD = DC.
Properties of Median of a Triangle
1. In case of isosceles triangle, median from vertex(contained between equal sides) bisect the
vertex angle and perpendicular to the opposite side. As in the diagram below, AB = AC, AD is
median therefore AD⊥BC and AD bisect angle A.

Note: In equilateral triangle all median follow the above property.

2. A median divides the area of the triangle into equal halves.
Area of ▲ADB = Area of ▲ADC

3. The length of medians in an equilateral triangle is always equal. In equilateral triangle ABC

where AD, BE and CF are medians then AD = BE = CF = a

4. In an isosceles triangle, medians drawn from vertices with equal angles are equal in length.
Thus, in an isosceles triangle ABC where AB = AC, medians BE and CF originating from B and C
respectively are equal in length.

5. In a scalene triangle, all medians are of different length.

6. The length of a median can be calculated using Apollonius Theorem.
Apollonius Theorem state that in ∆ABC, AD, BE and CF are medians then

 2 a2 
2(AD + BD ) = AB + AC ⇒ 2  m a    b 2  c 2
2 2 2 2

 4

 b2 
2(BE2 + EC2) = AB2 + BC2⇒ 2  m 2b    a 2  c 2
 4

 c2 
2(CF2 + BF2) = BC2 + AC2⇒ 2  m c2    b 2  a 2
 4

Properties of Centroid:

1. The centroid divides the length of each median in 2:1 ratio. The length of the part between the
vertex and the centroid is twice the length between the centroid and the mid-point of the
opposite side.
For example, in the triangle shown below, AG:GD = BG:GE = CG:GF = 2:1

2. The centroid divides the triangle into six smaller triangles of equal area.
As can be seen in the figure above, [AGE] = [CEG] = [CGD] = [DGB] = [CGF] = [FGA].

Euler Line
The circumcentre S, the centroid G and the orthocentre H of a non-equilateral triangleare collinear
and HG = 2GS. The line passing through H, G, S is called the Euler line.
1. A line segment joining a vertex of a triangle to any point on the opposite side (the point may be
on the extension of the opposite side also) is now called a Cevian. Altitudes, medians, angle
bisectors are all Cevians.
2. Three points A, B, C are said to be collinear, if they lie on a straight line.
3. Three straight lines are said to be concurrent, if all three passes through a point.
THEOREM:If A, B, C and A’, B’, C’ are point an two parallel lines such that AB/A’B’ = BC/B’C’, then
AA’, BB’, CC’ are concurrent, if they are not parallel.
THEOREM:From a point O; OD, OE, OF are perpendicular drawn to the sides BC, CA and AB
respectively of a ΔABC, then

THEOREM:If D, E, F be points on sides BC, CA, AB of a ΔABC such that

then perpendiculars at D, E, F to the respective sides are concurrent.

ABC is a triangle and AX, BY and CZ are three Concurrent cevians. Then,


Let X, Y, Z be the points taken respectively on the sides BC, CA, AB of ΔABC. Then the lines AX, BY,
CZ are concurrent if only if


MENELAUS THEOREM:Let P, Q, R be points on lines BC, CA, AB in a triangle ABC, distinct from its
vertices. Then P, Q, R are collinear if and only if . .  1 , where the lengths are

If P, Q, R are three points on each of the sides BC, CA, AB of Δ ABC or on their extensions such
that . .  1 , then X, Y, Z are collinear
If A, C, E are three points on one straight line B, D, F on another and if the three lines AB, CD,
EFmeet respectively DE, FA and BC at L, M, N, then three points L, M, N are collinear.


If two angle bisectors of a triangle are equal, then triangle is isosceles.
Let AX be a cevian of length p divide BC into segments BX = m, XC = n, then

Simson’s Line
The feet of perpendiculars drawn from a point on the circumcircle of a triangle on the sides are
Basic Rules for a Triangle
In a Δ ABC, the angles are denoted by capital letters A, B and C, and the lengths ofthe sides
opposite to these angles are denoted by small letters a, b and c respectively. Area is denoted by △
and Semi perimeter is denoted by s.

I. Sine rule In any △ABC

where R is the radius of the circumcircle of the △ABC.

II. Cosine rule In any △ABC

III. Projection rule In any △ABC

IV. Area of a triangle

where R and r are the radii of the circumcircle and the incircle of 🛆ABC respectively.
Half Angle Formulae’s

THEOREM: If D be a point on the side BC of a △ABC such that BD : DC = m : n and

, then

Construction of Triangles
A triangle can be constructed in each of the following case
⇒ When all the three sides are given
⇒ When one side and two angles are given
⇒ When two sides and the included angle are given
But there are many other cases when it is possible to construct the triangle. Let us take a very
special case when two sides and one angle (other than the included angle) are given
To construct a ΔABC, when sides a and b and A are given
(I) If A < 90o,
(i) if a < p (where p = b sin A is perpendicular from C on AX), then the arc does not AX and
no triangle is possible.

(ii) If a = p, then the arc touches AX. Therefore one triangle is possible and it is right angled.

(iii) If a > p, then the arc cuts AX, at two points both these points lie to the right of A, if a <
b.One of them lies to the right of A and other coincides with A if a =b [See fig. (iii) b] and
one of them lies to the right of A and other to left of A. if a > b [See fig. (iii) c].

Thus, two triangles are possible if a < b and only one triangle is possible. If a ≥ b. Because of the
possibility of two triangles the case a < b, a > b sin A. A acute is called the Ambiguous case
(II) If A > 90o, then following cases arise

(i) If a ≤ b, the arc does not cut AX at any point to the right of A and no triangle is possible.
(ii) If a > b, then the arc cuts AX at two points, only one triangle is possible

1. Let A = (a1, a2,…,a2001) be a sequence of positive integers. Let m be the number of 3- element
subsequences (ai, aj, ak) with 1 i< j < k  2001, such that aj = ai + 1 and ak = aj + 1. Considering
all such sequences A, find the greatest value of m
Sol. Consider the following two operations on the sequence A :
(1) If ai> ai + 1, transpose these terms to obtain the new sequence
(a1, a2,….,ai+1, ai,…,a2001)
(2) If ai +1 = ai + 1 + d, where d > 0, increase a1,…….,ai by d to obtain the new sequence.
(a1, + d, a2 + d,….,ai + d,ai+1,….,a2001)
It is clear that performaitng operation (1) cannot reduce m. By applying (1) repeatedly, the
sequence can be rearragned to be nondecreasing. Thus we may assume that our sequence for
which m is maximal is nondecreasing. Next, note that if A is nondecreasing, then perfomring (2)
cannot reduce the value of m. It follows that any A with maximum m is of the form
𝑎, . . . . . . 𝑎, 𝑎 + 1, . . . , 𝑎 + 1, . . . . . . . . 𝑎 + 𝑠 − 1, . . . , 𝑎 + 𝑠 − 1)
𝑡1 𝑡2 𝑡𝑠

Where t1,…,ts are the number of terms in each subsequence,

and s  3. For such a sequence A,
m = t1t2t3 + t2t3t4 + ….+ts-2ts-1ts (*)
Where t1,….ts are the number of terms in each subseqencee, It reamins to find the best choice
of s and the best partition of 2001 into positive integers t 1,…,tsThe maximum value of m occurs
when s = 3 or s = 4. If s > 4 then we may increase the value of given by (*) by using a partition of
2001 into s – 1 parts, namelyt2, t3, (t1 + t4),….,ts
Note that when s = 4 this modification does not change the value given by (*). Hence the
maximum value m can be obtained with s = 3. In this case, m = t 1t2t3 is largest when
t1 = t2 = t3 = 2001/3 = 667. Thus the maximum value of m is 6673. This maximum value is
attained when s = 4 as well, in this case for sequences with t 1 = a, t2 = t3 = 667, t4 = 667 – a,
where 1  a  666.

2. Let S be the set of integers x such that x = a 3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc, for some integers a,b,c. Prove
that if x,y S, then xy S.
Sol: We have seen that

a 3  b3  c3  3abc   a  b  c   a  b c2  a  b2  c

1  i 3
Where   is one of the primitive cubic roots of unity. Let the polynomial
P(X) = a + bX + cX2. We obtain

a 3  b3  c3  3abc  P 1 P   P  2 

We observe that x S if and only if there exists a polynomial P with integer coefficients and
degree at most 2 such that
x = P(1) P(w)P(w2).
Now, let x, y S and let P and Q be polynomials with integer coefficients, of degree at most 2
such that x = P(1) P(w) p(w2) and y = Q(1)Q(w) Q(w2). Then xy = R (1) R(w) R(w2), where R(X) =
P(x)Q(X) is a polynomial of degree at most 4. If we divide R by X 3–1, we obtain a remainder
R1(X), with integer coefficients and degree at most 2 (this follows from the division algorithm).

Thus R  X    X2  1 C  X   R1  X 

for some polynomial C(X)

But then R(1) = R1(1), R(w) = R1(w) and R(w2) = R1(w2). Since 1, w and w2 are the roots of X3–1.
Then follows that xy = R1(1) R1(w) R1(w2), where R1 is a polynomial with integer coefficient, of
degree at most 2, hence xyS.
3. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with AC= BC, whose incenter is l. Let P be a point on the
circumcircle of the triangle AIB lying inside the triangle ABC. The lines through P parallel to CA
and CB meet AB at D and E, respectively. The line through P parallel to AB meets CA and CB at
F and G, respectively. Prove that the lines DF and EG intersect on the circumcircle of the
triangle ABC.
Sol All reasoning is done on Figure. We begin with an observation that should illuminate us on
how to proceed. The triangles PDE and CFG have parallel

Sides, thus either DF, EG and CP are parallel, or they meet at a point, the common center of
homothety. With this in mind we let Q the intersection of CP with the circumcircle of ABC and
prove that both FD and EG pass through Q.
For reasons of symmetry, it suffices to show that FD passes through Q. From the hypothesis and
the fact that AQBC is cyclic, we obtain AQP = ABC = BAC = PFC. It follows that the
quadrilateral AQPF is cyclic, and so FQP = PAF. As I is the incenter of ABC, IBA = CBA/2 =
CAB/2 = IAC, so circumcircle of AIB is tangent to CA at A. This implies that PAF = DBP
(they both subtend the same arc)
Using again the fact that AQBC is cyclic, we obtain QBD = QCA = QPD, and so the
quadrilateral DQBP is also cyclic. Hence DBP = DQP. Combining everything we obtained so
far, we find that FQP = PAF = DBP = DQP. This implies that the lies FQ and DQ coincide,
meaning that FD passes through Q. The problem is solved
4. Let A0A1A2A3A4A5 be cyclic hexagon and let P0 be the intersection of A0A1 and A3A4, P1 the
intersection of A1A2 and A4A5, and P2 the intersection of A2A3 and A5A0. Prove that P0, P1 and P2
are collinear.
Sol: Let B0 and B1 be the intersections of circumcircle of triangle A1A 4P1 with the lines A0A1 and
A3A4(see figure) The quadrilateral P1B1A1A4 is cyclic; hence B1P1A1 = A1A4B1. Also the
quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is cyclic; hence

A1A4A3 = A3A2P1. Since A1A4A3 and A1A4B1 are in fact the same angle, it follows that
B1P1A1 = A3A2P1; hence P1B1 and A2P2 are parallel. In a similar manner, one shows that B0P1
and A0P2 respectively B1B0 and A0A3 are parallel. Since the triangles B1B0P1 and A3A0P2 have
parallel sides, they are perspective.
This means that A0A1, A3A4 and P1P2 intersect. It follows that P0, P1 and P2 are collinear.
5. Let f : R R be a function satisfying 𝑓 𝑥 + 𝑎 = 2 + 𝑓 𝑥 − 𝑓 𝑥 2

For all x  R and a certain fixed a

(a) Prove that f is periodic
(b) In the case a = 1. Give an example of such a function
Sol (a) Iterating the relation from the statements gives
f  x  2a   f x  a  f x  a

1 1
2 2
2 1

 f x  f x   f x  f x  f x  f x

1 1  1 1
    f x   f x 
2 2  2 2

The defining relation show that f(x)  ½ for all x. Hence the above computation implies
f(x + 2a) = f(x) for all x, which proves that f is periodic
(b) An example of such a function is
 , 2n  x  2n  1
f x  2
1, 2n  1  x  2n  2

1 1
Where n  Z. Another example is the constant function f  x   
2 2 2
6. Let A be the sum of the digits of the number 44444444 and B the sum of the digit of A. Compute
the sum of the digits of B.
Sol First we will show that the sum of the digits of B is quite small. From the inequality
44444444  10, 000 5000

We educe that 44444444 has fewer than 20,000 digits; hence A < 9. 20,000 = 180,000. Among
the numbers less than 180,000, the one that has the largest sum of digits is 99,999 with sum of
digits equal to 45. Hence B  45, so the sum of digits of B is at most the sum of digits of 39,
which is 12. Thus we are looking at a number less than 12.
On the other hand, every number is congruent to the sum of its digits modulo 9. Therefore, the
number wee want to determine is congruent to 44444444 modulo 9. But 4444 is congruent to 4 +
4 + 4 + 4 = 16, hence to 7, modulo 9, and we have that 73 1 (mod 9). It follows that
44444444  74444  7  mod 9 

So the solution to the problem is 7 (the only number less than 12 that is congruent to 7 mod 9)

1. Determine the smallest integer n, n  4, for which one can choose four different numbers a, b, c,

d from any n distinct integers such that a + b – c – d is divisible by 20.

2. Let a, b, c be distinct positive integers and let K be a positive integer such that

a 3  b 3  c3
ab + bc + ca  3k2 – 1. Prove that  abc  3k

3. Let A be a fixed point on the side Ox of the angle xOy. A variable circle I is tangent to Ox and

Oy, with D the point of tangency with Oy. The second tangent from A to I intersects I at E.

Prove that when I varies, the line DE passes through a fixed point.

4. Let ABC be an acute triangle. The points M and N are taken on the sides AB and AC,

respectively. The circles with diameters BN and CM intersect at points P and Q. Prove that P,

Q, and the Orthocenter H are collinear.

5. Let bn be the last digit of the number11 + 22 + 33 +…..nn

Prove that the sequence {bn} is periodic with period 100.

6. The sequence 𝑎𝑛 𝑛 ≥0 is defined as follows: a0 is a positive rational number smaller than

p 2n  5
1998 , and if an = Pn/qn for some relatively prime integers pn and qn , then a n 1  . Prove
pn q n

that a n  1998 for all n.

1. For i = 1, 2,…., 11, let Mi be a set of five elements, and assume that for every 1 i< j  11,

Mi Mj 0. Let m be the largest number for which there exist Mi1,…, Mim among these chosen

set with mk1 M ik  0 . Find the minimum value of m over all possible initial choices of Mi

2. The sequence (xn)n1 is defined by x1 = 1, x2 = 3 and xn+2 = 6xn+1 – xn, for all n  1. Prove that xn

+ (–1)n is a perfect square, for all n  1.

3. Consider a semicircle of center O and diameter AB. A line intersects AB at M and the

semicircle at C and D in such a way that MB < MA and MD < MC. The circumcircles of

triangles AOC and DOB intersect a second time at K. Show that MK and KO are perpendicular.

4. The quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle. The lines AB and CD meet at E, and the

diagonals AC and BD meet at F. The circumcircles of the triangles AFD and BFC meet again at

H. Prove that EHF = 90°

5. Does there exist a polynomial P(x) with real coefficients, not identically equal to zero, for

which we can find a function f : RR that satisfies the relation

x 2  3x  3   3x  3 
f x  f    P  for all x  3?
3  3 x   3 x 

6. (a) Find all nonnegative integer solutions to the equation 3 x – y3 = 1

(b) Find all pairs of nonnegative integers x and y that solve the equation p x – yp = 1

where p is a given odd prime.


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