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Genii Magazine - 07-2020


4 6

Have the cards returned to the deck and control them to you should talk throughout the actions. For example, I
the top with the second/downtown card on top, followed generally talk about the Jacks being the “detective cards
by the first/uptown card, second from the top. The control of the deck.” I do this facetiously of course. Actually, I do
is not the most important thing here, so it need not be it to set up the “Co-Jacks” joke. You have to entertain
elaborate. I have the first, “uptown “ card replaced, hold a yourself.
break above it, then double or triple undercut to the break (It’s been just over 40 years since the TV police drama
(in the hands or to the table), bringing the selection to the Kojak went off the air. Initially, I wrongly anticipated that
top (photos 2 and 3). Then, Swing Cut about half into the virtually no one would appreciate the joke and I would only
left hand, and repeat (photo 4 shows both selections on amuse myself. Turns out, I underestimated how the name
top). False shuffle, if you’d like. Both selections are on top “Kojak” has become part of our shared iconography. Way
in the correct order. That said, use your favorite move. more people than I would have guessed, get it.)
Show the Jacks and then flip them face up onto the
PRETEXT IN THE CITY top of the deck, allowing them to coalesce into a packet
Get a left pinky break under the two selections (photo 5). (photo 7). Continuing, instantly lift all six cards above the

5 7

With your right hand, pick up the tabled face-down break to your left fingertips, but also maintain your right-
Jacks with your thumb on the backs, fingers on the faces. hand grip (photo 8).
Raise your right hand and spread the Jacks, faces toward Now with your right hand, move the packet back and
your participants (photo 6). forth in a squaring action. As you do this, use your left
Now, in a continuing action, do the following. Importantly, fingers to pull down the inner right corner of the bottom

JULY 2020 63

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