Prod Tech Iii Take Away Cat
Prod Tech Iii Take Away Cat
Prod Tech Iii Take Away Cat
Instruction to Candidates:
You should have the following for this examination
Answer booklet
Non-Programmable scientific calculator
This paper consists of FIVE questions. Attempt ALL questions.
Maximum marks for each part of a question are as shown.
Do not write on the question paper.
Question ONE
For the component shown in Figure 1; design a drill jig for drilling the TWO diameter
10 mm holes (20 marks)
Question TWO
A project has been defined to contain the following activities, along with their time
estimates for completion.
ACTIVIT Time estimates (weeks) Immediate
Y a m b Predecessor
A 1 4 7 _
B 2 6 7 A
C 3 4 6 A,D
D 6 12 14 A
E 3 6 12 D
F 6 8 16 B,C
G 1 5 6 E,F
Table Q 2
a ) Calculate the expected time and the variance for each activity
b ) draw the critical path diagram
c ) show the early start, early finish times and late start, late finish times
d ) show the critical path
e ) what is the probability that the project can be completed in 34 weeks? (20 marks)
Question THREE
a) Table 1 shows processing times for seven jobs on two machines; the jobs are always
processed on Machine 1 first, then Machine 2. Obtain the processing sequence and the
idle time (6 marks)
To warehouse
From plant D E F G H Supply
A 2.25 1.5 3 2 1.25 1000
a Tooling cost Sh 30 Sh 30
g Set up time 1 hr 8 hr
Table 3
A component can be produced with equal facility on either a capstan lathe or single
spindle automatic. The cost information in Table 3 is known.
Question FIVE
For the component shown in Figure Q 5, to be produced by machining, produce an
operation schedule sheet and sketch the tool layout. (20 marks)