Dietary Supplementing South African Indigenous Ram
Dietary Supplementing South African Indigenous Ram
Dietary Supplementing South African Indigenous Ram
The purpose of this study was to evaluate how ascorbic acid with dietary flaxseed oil affects the quality and fertility of
cryopreserved ram sperm in South African indigenous rams. Treatment diets were supplemented 60 days before semen
collection to afford proper spermatogenesis, adaptation to the feed formulated and fed throughout the study. Semen was
collected with the use of artificial vagina following dietary supplementation with five treatment diets (neg. cont. – nega-
tive control, pos. cont. – positive control, FLO – 5% Flaxseed oil, ASA – 4% Ascorbic acid, and FLO + ASA). Semen
was then extended using tris-based extender and cryopreserved using the programmable freezer (CBS Freezer 2100 series,
Laboratory consumables & chemical suppliers, America). Ovaries were collected from a neighbouring slaughter house
and conveyed to the lab in 0.9% saline at 37 °C. Data (sperm parameters and in vitro fertility) was then exposed to the
GLM (General Linear Model) in Minitab 17. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was utilized to investigate the relationship
between cryopreserved sperm quality and in vitro fertility. The student Least Significant Difference Test was used to
separate the treatment means, and differences were accepted when the p-value was less than 0.05. The FLO + ASA group
had higher (p < 0.05) progressive (36.33 ± 1.87), total (88.24 ± 2.24), rapid motility (27.52 ± 1.74), intact plasma mem-
brane (75.67 ± 2.08), total fertilization (65.98 ± 7.39), and total cleavage (66.19 ± 6.50) when compared to other treatment
groups. Total fertilization rate had a medium significant (p < 0.001) medium correlation with the progressive motility
(r2 = 0.435), total motility (r2 = 0.447) and rapid motility (r2 = 0.409). In conclusion, dietary flaxseed and ascorbic acid
(FLO + ASA) improves cryopreserved semen quality, in vitro fertilization rate, and the total cleavage rate. Noteworthy,
the progressive, total and rapid motility play a crucial in the in vitro fertilization rate.
Keywords Conservation · Docosahexaenoic acid · Long-chain Polyunsaturated fatty acids · Zulu · BaPedi · Namaqua
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200 Page 2 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200
embryo production and ensuing embryo transfer (Mara et al. sperm survival and fertility. Thus, the goal of this study was
2013; FAO 2014; Ngcobo et al. 2022). to determine the effect of flaxseed oil and ascorbic acid on
Sperm cryopreservation is the most vital advanced repro- cryopreserved sperm quality, and in vitro fertilization.
ductive biotechnologies in ruminants’ artificial insemina-
tion, because it allows the transport of semen from research
stations to farms and allow the storage of semen for longer Materials and methods
period of time (Leroy et al. 2019). Cryopreservation pro-
cedures and freezing mediums has been developed how- Ethic statement
ever, the frozen thawed small ruminants’ spermatozoa are
still much lower than that of liquid stored (Salamon and The study procedures were authorized by the Agricultural
Maxwell 2000). It is well known that only ± 60% of sperm Research Council (APAEC 2019/33) and the Tshwane Uni-
cells remain viable and motile after cryopreservation (Lv versity of Technology Animal Research Ethics Committee
et al. 2019) and only ± 30% remain biological functional (AREC2020/05/001).
(Salamon and Maxwell 2000). Furthermore, previous stud-
ies reported that cryopreserved sperm survival is not only Experimental site
dependent on species but also related to the individual and
some environmental factors such as management and nutri- The current study was carried out at the South African Agri-
tional effects (Khan et al. 2021). For that reason, numer- cultural Research Council (ARC), Irene, Animal Production
ous plant extract has been added to ram semen diluent to (ARC, Irene). This region is located between 25o53’59.6”
improve cryopreserved semen quality (Ren et al. 2021). South latitude and 28o12’51.6” East longitude. In this
Moreover, other studies have tried to improve cryopre- region, sheep are reproductive active during late autumn to
served ram semen through supplementing long chain poly- winter season normally between March – May (Malejane
unsaturated fatty acid sources such as fish oil successfully et al. 2014). Animals were kept in a same environmental
(Taghilou et al. 2017). However, supplementing fish oil condition with free access to water but no access to the grass
might increase human-animals food competition hence can pasture throughout the study.
lead to the failure to feed highly growing population as pro-
jected by (FAO 2022). Therefore, this necessitate the need Experimental animals
to harness alternative source of long-chain polyunsaturated
fatty acids (LCPUFAs) particularly the plant-based precur- Study rams were housed in 5 trial pens as per treatment diets
sors such as the flaxseed oil. to limit stress while allowing socialization among rams.
Flaxseed oil has a high concentration of alpha-linolenic In this study, 22 matured indigenous South African rams
acid (58%) that is broken down de novo to generate doco- (age = 6 years, average body weight = 64.4 ± 1.6) were used.
sahexaenoic acid, which is essential for testicular function They were then fed in the morning every day with water
(Francois et al. 2003; Zanussi et al. 2019; Ngcobo et al. provided ad-libitum. Twenty-two study rams were randomly
2021). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic allocated 5 diets (neg. cont.), pos. cont., FLO, ASA and
(EPA) synthesised de novo through supplementing flaxseed FLO + ASA). The neg. cont. diet had 4 rams pos. cont. had
oil alter the sperm cell membrane structure, resulting in a 4 rams FLO had 5 rams ASA had 4 rams and FLO + ASA
fluid sperm membrane and participation in cell response diet had 5 rams. The treatment diets were formulated as
mediated by protein (Tang et al. 2019). Nevertheless, sup- described by the National Research Council, 1985. Follow-
plementing with flaxseed oil require a natural antioxidant to ing the formulation of treatment diets, FLO diet was top
balance the influence. Ascorbic acid, is a naturally occur- mixed with 5% flaxseed oil, ASA diet was mixed with 4%
ring antioxidant that has been shown to boost sperm qual- ascorbic acid and FLO + ASA diet was mixed with 5% flax-
ity and eliminate free radicals (Attia et al. 2020) when fed seed oil and 4% ascorbic acid. Moreover, negative control
with the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid processors was the diet in use at the Agricultural Research Council,
(Singh et al. 2021). Despite intensive work done to inves- Irene made of eragrostis curvular hay and 200 gram of pel-
tigate influence of flaxseed oil on fresh semen quality from lets per ram/day whereas, the positive control was the diet
rams (Ngcobo et al. 2022, 2023), there are few (if any) stud- formulated according to NRC (1985) without flaxseed oil
ies that evaluated the influence of dietary inclusion of flax- and ascorbic acid. Thereafter, the formulated diets were then
seed oil and ascorbic acid on cryopreserved sperm quality sampled and taken to South African National Accreditation
and in vitro fertility. Therefore, determining how flaxseed System (SANAS) accredited laboratory for feed composi-
oil and ascorbic acid affects cryopreserved sperm quality, tion analysis can be found in Table 1. Feed ingredients used
and in vitro fertilization would pave the way for improved
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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200 Page 3 of 12 200
Table 1 Proximate analysis of Proximate analysis Neg. Cont. Pos. Cont. FLO ASA FLO + ASA
the treatment diets (Ngcobo et
Dry matter 88.23 88.93 92.20 90.42 93.52
al. 2023)
Ash 5.32 12.36 5.00 5.49 4.75
Crude Protein 10.73 10.36 10.74 10.29 10.59
Either Extract 2.03 2.16 19.79 1.70 24.29
Crude Fiber 29.01 21.71 25.90 28.71 20.95
in this study included Eragrostis curvular hay, soya bean, Sperm morphology and viability was assessed follow-
bran, limestone and P12 bio mineral. ing cryopreservation, before in vitro fertilization. Cryopre-
NB – neg. cont. (standard diet), pos. cont. (basal diet), served semen samples were mixed with the eosin-nigrosin
FLO (basal diet top dressed with 5% flaxseed oil), ASA (5% Eosin and 10% nigrosin) stain (Ondersterpoort Faculty
(basal diet top dressed with 4% Ascorbic Acid), FLO + ASA of Veterinary Science’ Pharmacy, South Africa) at a ratio of
(basal diet top dressed with both 5% flaxseed oil + 4% 5µL:20µL. The concoction was distributed on the micro-
Ascorbic Acid). scope slide gently and dried at a room temperature for 24 h
before evaluation. After 24 h, immersion oil was smeared
Experimental design and the total of 200 sperm cells were counted under the
Olympus microscope (Olympus microscope, BX51, Japan)
Semen collection and evaluation magnificent (UPlan FLN, 100x/1.30 011 /0.17 / FN26.5).
Sperm abnormalities were classified as primary, secondary
Semen was collected by the artificial vagina following a 3 and tertiary abnormalities. Primary abnormalities are the
weeks training period and 60 days of supplementing with abnormalities occurring during spermatogenesis including
five study diets during breeding season (March to June, double head and double tail. Secondary abnormalities are
2022). Semen was collected twice a week to maintain 2 the abnormalities occurring during ejaculation and these
days resting period between collection for 3 months (March, includes: proximal droplets and distal droplets. Tertiary
April, May and June) giving us a total of 704 ejaculates abnormalities are those occurring due to the in vitro sperm
collected from all rams. Computer-aided sperm analysis handling and includes: coiled tail and bent tail.
(CASA), Sperm Class Analyzer® system (SCA) 5.0 ver-
sion (Microptic, Barcelona, Spain) at a magnification of 10x Experiment 1: semen cryopreservation
(Nikon, Japan) and mounted with a warm plate (37 °C) was
used to assess sperm motility parameters following semen Semen samples were then evaluated for sperm motility and
cryopreservation, before in vitro fertilization. Sperm cell only semen samples with between 80 and 90% total motil-
parameters evaluated using CASA included total motil- ity was cryopreserved. Tris-egg yolk-based extender was
ity, non-progressive motility, progressive motility, rapid, used to extend semen samples. The composition of the Tris-
medium and slow motility, curvilinear velocity, average egg yolk-based extender chemical composition were: tris,
path velocity, straight line velocity, linearity, straight-line 2.11 g; citric acid, 0.68; monohydrate glucose, 0.5; genta-
and wobble. Concoction of sperm and tris-swim up was mycin sulphate, 0.05; egg yolk 10mL and deionized water
pipetted to the warmed microscope slide (76 × 26 × 1 mm, of 40mL (Salamon and Maxwell 2000). Glycerol (9mL) was
Germany) and gently enclosed with cover slip (22 × 22 mm, added on the second fraction. After four hours of equilibra-
Germany) for sperm motility parameters. A total of four tion at 5˚C, semen samples were loaded to 0,25mL poly-
fields containing ± 200 sperm were randomly selected per vinyl alcohol semen straws using different colours as per
field and analysed using Computer-Aided sperm analysis treatment diets.
(CASA). Sperm plasma membrane was evaluated using the Programmable freezer (CBS Freezer 2100 series, Labo-
hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) as reported by (Chatiza ratory consumables & chemical suppliers, America) was
et al. 2018) with a few modifications. In brief, 100µL cryo- used to cryopreserve semen with the following rate settings:
preserved semen was mixed with 500µL HOST (sodium step 1 – cooling rate 0.00 (C/min), demand temperature 5˚C
citrate = 0.3675, fructose = 0.6755 in 50 ml Falcon tube) and the holding time of 0.00 min, step 2: cooling rate of
and incubated at 37 °C for 30 min. Following 30 min of co- 0.08˚C/min, demand temperature of 4˚C, holding time of
incubation, 10µL of the concoction was pipetted and gently 5 min, step 3: cooling rate 6˚C/min, demand temperature
distributed on the microscope slide, which was then exam- of -130˚C with the holding time of 10 min. Following cryo-
ined under the microscope as follows: 1 - intact sperm cells preservation with the programmable freezer (CBS Freezer
with a curved tail, 2 - non-intact/damaged sperm cells with 2100 series, Laboratory consumables & chemical suppliers,
a straight tail. America), semen straws were dipped to the Styrofoam box
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200 Page 4 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200
(Plastilion packaging, South Africa) with liquid nitrogen. 3 min in 200µL while the remaining oocytes (75%) were
Semen straws were then loaded in the cannisters and kept for kept for IVF purposes. They were then placed on a petri dish
6 months. On the day of in vitro fertilization, semen straws with 3 mL of BO wash media for polar body extrusion. The
were thawed using warm water (37 ˚C) for 1 min and evalu- Oosight Imaging System (Hamilton Thorne) connected to
ated using CASA before use either for in vitro fertilization. the microscope Olympus 1 × 71 (New York microscope Co,
USA) at 20x/0.45 Rc2 magnification was used to examine
Experiment 2: fertility of cryopreserved semen the vortexed oocytes for polar body extrusion between the
zona pellucida and the cytoplasmic space.
Sheep ovary collection Sheep ovaries were taken within
2 h after slaughter from a local slaughterhouse (Cavalier
Foods (Pty) Ltd), Gauteng Province and conveyed to the Preparation of matured oocytes for in vitro fertiliza-
laboratory in a thermos flask containing 0.9% buffered tion Oocytes matured in BO IVM® media were washed
saline water (Adcock Ingram critical care, SA) at 37 °C. Up five times in 50µL BO-IVF medium (IVF Bioscience, UK).
on arrival at the laboratory ovaries were rinsed with clean These oocytes were then placed into 100µL fertilization
saline water to eliminate blood contamination from donor micro drops coated with 3 mL mineral oil.
sheep and sprayed with 75% ethanol absolute (Laboratory
Consumables and Chemicals supply cc, SA).
Thawing of frozen semen straw and sperm capacitation In
vitro fertilization was achieved by utilizing cryopreserved
Oocytes retrieval and grading Ovaries were selected and sperm collected from the experimental rams according to
put on a petri dish (Falcon 1008, USA) with modified Dul- their treatment diets (neg. cont., pos. cont., FLO, ASA, and
becco’s phosphate buffered saline (mDPBS), processed FLO + ASA). (Ngcobo et al. 2023). For thawing of semen,
through slicing method by chopping ovaries into tiny pieces the frozen straws from each diet were held in the air for ten
using a surgical blade (Hi-Careint, Japan), and transferred seconds before being dropped into 37 °C water for a min.
into a 50 mL falcon tube (Plastpro Scientific, SA) contain- The straws were dried and sliced on both sealed ends, and
ing wash medium® (Bioscience, UK). Follicular fluid was the contents were emptied into 15 mL falcon® tubes (Nest
transferred into a graded petri dish (Carbi, USA), and COCs Biotechnology Co, China). Prior fertilization, sperm (5µL)
were selected from the mixture using a microscope (Olym- distributed in a warm microscope slide (Labocare, UK) to
pus BX71, Philippines) at a magnification of 10x/H22. examine the sperm motility parameters under the CASA
system. The BO semen prep® media was used to select
The oocytes were categorised as grade A, B, or C, with sperm (IVF Bioscience, UK). The contents of the frozen
grade A oocytes containing several entire layers of cumulus thawed straws were diluted with 4 mL of prewarmed semen
cells and uniform cytoplasm. Grade B oocytes had partial preparation medium in 15 mL tubes and centrifuged at
layers of cumulus cells and homogenous cytoplasm, while 1500 g force for 5 min. Following centrifugation, the super-
Grade C oocytes had no cumulus cells. Oocytes retrieved in natant was removed, and sperm suspension remained in a
grades A, B, and C was counted, however only grade A was 4 mL tube; then, fresh warmed BO semen prep® medium
used for In Vitro Maturation (IVM), In Vitro Fertilization was added, and the combination was resuspended and cen-
(IVF) and In Vitro Culture (IVC). trifuged. Following the second centrifugation, the super-
natant was removed until the same volume of 350–700µL
In vitro maturation of oocytes After collecting, processing, sperm suspension remained; the pellet in this volume with a
and grading all oocytes, a total of 500 L Brackett and Oli- concentration of 2.0 × 106/mL was diluted with semen prep
fant (BO) wash medium® (Bioscience, UK) washed grade medium, suspended, and utilized for IVF.
A oocytes three times. These oocytes were in vitro matured
in 4-well pans with 500 L BO-IVM® (Bioscience, UK)
enriched with low glucose, gonadotrophic hormones, and In vitro fertilization of matured oocytes Oocytes remained
gentamycin. Following that, the oocytes were incubated for from polar body evaluation were fertilized with their respec-
24 h at 38.5 OC with 5% CO2, 5% oxygen (O2), and 100% tive dietary cryopreserved semen. Twenty-five (25%) of
humidity. these oocytes were incubated for 6 h for pronucleus evalu-
ation, while the remaining 50 oocytes were incubated for
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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200 Page 5 of 12 200
Table 2 Effect of treatment diets on cryopreserved semen quality following dietary flaxseed oil and ascorbic acid
Parameters Neg. Cont. Pos. Cont. FLO ASA FLO + ASA
Progressive motility 19.97 ± 1.87c 19.80 ± 1.87c 28.19 ± 1.87b 27.02 ± 1.87b 36.33 ± 1.87a
None-progressive motility 29.36 ± 2.24c 44.20 ± 2.24b 52.51 ± 2.24a 52.32 ± 2.24a 51.91 ± 2.24a
Total motility 49.33 ± 2.24d 64.00 ± 2.24c 80.70 ± 2.24b 79.34 ± 2.24b 88.24 ± 2.24a
Rapid motility 14.07 ± 1.74bc 13.20 ± 1.74c 18.92 ± 1.74b 17.73 ± 1.74bc 27.52 ± 1.74a
Medium motility 7.73 ± 1.05b 9.94 ± 1.05b 14.10 ± 1.05a 14.93 ± 1.05a 16.16 ± 1.05a
Slow motility 27.53 ± 2.12c 40.86 ± 2.12b 47.68 ± 2.12a 46.68 ± 2.12ab 44.54 ± 2.12ab
Sperm plasma membrane integrity (%)
Intact Sperm 52.33 ± 2.08c 58.13 ± 2.08c 70.87 ± 2.08ab 69.67 ± 2.08b 75.67 ± 2.08a
Sperm viability (%)
Live Sperm 65.00 ± 1.37b 60.93 ± 1.37c 74.20 ± 1.37a 72.27 ± 1.37a 75.73 ± 1.37a
Sperm abnormalities (%)
Primary 13.00 ± 0.96a 7.07 ± 0.96b 4.20 ± 0.96c 4.27 ± 0.96c 4.27 ± 0.96c
a ab b a
Secondary 7.13 ± 0.89 5.47 ± 0.89 3.67 ± 0.89 6.47 ± 0.89 3.47 ± 0.89b
b a ab b
Tertiary 14.80 ± 1.85 20.13 ± 1.85 16.93 ± 1.85 13.80 ± 1.85 17.47 ± 1.85ab
a, b, c
Means with different superscripts within the raw, differ significantly (p < 0.5). NB – neg. cont. (standard diet), pos. cont. (basal diet), FLO
(basal diet top dressed with 5% flaxseed oil), ASA (basal diet top dressed with 4% Ascorbic Acid), FLO + ASA (basal diet top dressed with
both 5% flaxseed oil + 4% Ascorbic Acid)
18 h at 38.5 OC with 5% CO2, 5% O2, and 100% humidity IVC® medium (Bioscience, UK) drops and moved into the
for IVC purposes. new 100µL BO IVC® drops of the same medium that had
been coated with mineral oil. These were then cultured for
48 h in modular chamber with 5% O2 and 5% CO2 mixed
Preparation of presumptive zygotes for staining and pro- gas added for a min and incubated for 48 h. After 48 h of
nucleus evaluation Following 6 h of IVF, presumptive culture, the sperm-exposed presumptive zygotes were
zygotes were extracted from fertilization drops and cumulus examined for cleavage rate (day two of IVC).
cells were extracted by vortexing in 200 L of pre-warmed
wash media (Bioscience, UK) for one min and 30 s. The
zygotes were then washed in wash medium before being
stained with a Hoechst solution. Statistical analysis
Four drops of Petroleum jelly (Vaseline, Unilever South Data (sperm parameters and in vitro fertility parameters)
Africa) were placed in a square pattern around a tiny slide. was exposed to a General Linear Model (GLM) in Minitab
Presumptive zygotes were moved to a glass slide. Hoechst 17®. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was utilized to cor-
solution (2–10µL) (stock 2) of was applied to the sides of relate cryopreserved sperm quality and in vitro fertility
the cover slip up until the entire surface underneath the slip parameters. The student Least Significant Difference Test
was coated. This was done with caution to avoid washing was used to separate the treatment means, and differences
the presumptive zygotes out of the slide. A cover slip (Lab- were accepted when the p-value was less than 0.05.
ocare, UK) was gently pushed over the microscopic slide
until reaching the presumptive zygotes drop. The cover
slip’s ends were immediately sealed with colourless nail Results
polish. Prepared slides dried for 2 h in a dark area before
examination using an inverted microscope Olympus 1 × 71 Semen cryopreservation
(New York microscopy Co, USA) at 20x/0.45 Rc2 magnifi-
cation with a UV filter. After 2 h, the slides were examined The current study investigated the effect of flaxseed oil and
for pronucleus status. Ascorbic acid on the cryopreserved semen quality and fer-
tility and the findings are shown in Table 2. The progres-
In vitro culture of presumptive zygotes For IVC pur- sive motility was higher in FLO + ASA treated group than
poses, presumptive zygotes were transferred from fertiliza- neg. cont., pos. cont., FLO and ASA. The total motility was
tion drops into pre-warmed wash medium®, and vortexed higher (p < 0.05) in the FLO + ASA than the neg. cont., pos.
for 1 min 10 s for removal of cumulus cells. Presumptive cont., FLO and ASA. Static motility was higher in the neg.
zygotes were washed five times in 50µL of pre-warmed BO
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200 Page 6 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200
cont., than that in the FLO + ASA, ASA, FLO and the pos. Fertility of cryopreserved semen
cont. groups.
Rapid motility was higher (p < 0.05) in the FLO + ASA The pronucleus evaluation following the use of cryopre-
groups when compared with that of ASA, FLO, positive served semen (Fig. 1) was conducted and the results are
and the neg. cont. On the other hand, Medium motility in obtainable in Table 3. There were higher (p < 0.05) none PN
the FA + ASA and ASA were higher (p < 0.05) than that oocytes in the neg. cont., pos. cont., FLO, and ASA groups
of neg. cont. and the pos. cont. Slow motility was higher than that of FLO + ASA group. No differences observed for
in the FLO + ASA, ASA, FLO than the neg. cont. group. the 1 PN, 2PN and > 2PN among all treatment groups (neg.
The dietary treatment effect was also investigated through cont., pos. cont., ASA, FLO and FLO + ASA). However, the
evaluating the sperm plasma membrane, viability and sperm total fertilization was higher (p < 0.05) in the FLO + ASA
abnormalities in cryopreserved semen following dietary group than the neg. cont., pos. cont. and ASA treated groups.
supplementation of flaxseed oil and Ascorbic acid and the The dietary effects (neg. cont., pos. cont., FLO, ASA and
results are obtainable in Table 2. The effect of treatment FLO + ASA) on the cleavage rate (Fig. 1) was investigated
diets (neg. cont., pos. cont., FLO, ASA and FLO + ASA) and the results can be found in Table 3. The number of pre-
on sperm plasma membrane, viability and abnormali- sumptive zygotes cleaved was the same for all the treat-
ties were also evaluated and the results are obtainable in ment diets. The FLO recorded the lowest 1cell percentage
Table 2. There was a higher (p < 0.05) intact sperm cells in when compared to neg. cont., pos. cont., and ASA however
FLO + ASA and FLO (70.87 ± 2.08) than that of the neg. not different from FLO + ASA. The FLO and FLO + ASA
cont. and the pos. cont. Intact sperm cells in ASA could not recorded a significant higher percentage of the presump-
differ (p > 0.05) to FLO diet. tive zygotes (2-4cells) when compared to neg. cont., pos.
For sperm viability, there was a greater (p < 0.05) live cont., and ASA. No significant difference recorded on the
sperm cells following supplementing the FLO + ASA, ASA presumptive zygotes with 6-8cell on the pos. cont., FLO,
and the FLO than that of the positive and the neg. cont. and ASA nevertheless none were recorded for the neg. cont.
Primary abnormalities could not differ (p > 0.05) among and the FLO + ASA. Noteworthy, the FLO (67.14%) and the
FLO + ASA, ASA and FLO however, were lower than FLO + ASA recorded greater total cleavage rate in compari-
that of the pos. cont. and the neg. cont. Secondary sperm son with the neg. cont., pos. cont., and ASA.
abnormalities were higher in the ASA, neg. cont. and the The relationship between cryopreserved sperm param-
pos. cont. than that from FLO + ASA and the FLO. Tertiary eters and the IVF, IVC and the conception rate were cor-
sperm abnormalities were higher in the pos. cont., than the related using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the
neg. cont., FLO, ASA and FLO + ASA. results are obtainable in Table 4. Two pronucleus had a
medium relationship with progressive motility (r2 = 0.331),
non-progressive motility (r2 = 0.303), total motility
Fig. 1 Illustrate in vitro culture (A-C – in vitro culture), sperm viability (D – live sperm, E – dead sperm), some sperm abnormalities (F – detached
sperm/tailless sperm, G – bent tail and H – coiled tail) and I - Computer-Aided Sperm analyser
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Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200 Page 7 of 12 200
(r2 = 0.418) and medium motility (r2 = 0.331). A weak rela- (Ngcobo et al. 2023) and throughout the years (Ngcobo et
tionship was observed between 2 pronucleus and rapid al. 2023). As a results, dietary inclusion of dietary omega
motility (r2 = 0.292). Total fertilization rate had a medium n-3 sources to improve reproduction performance in sheep
significant (p < 0.001) medium correlation with the pro- is of a great interest to implement assisted reproductive tech-
gressive motility (r2 = 0.435), total motility (r2 = 0.447) and nologies in the conservation program (Kargar et al. 2017).
rapid motility (r2 = 0.409). For in vitro culture, there was a Cryopreservation techniques increase plasma membrane
significantly (p < 0.001) strong relationship between 2 and 4 fluidity-permeability and reactive oxygen species genera-
cell and progressive motility (r2 = 0.558) and rapid motility tion (Peris-Frau et al. 2020). Moreover, molecular inves-
(r2 = 0.594) whereas, 2–4 cell had a significantly (p < 0.001) tigations demonstrated that sperm plasma membrane and
medium relationship with the non-progressive motility and cholesterol levels changed after cryopreservation (Peris-
the weaker relationship with slow motility (r2 = 0.358). The Frau et al. 2020).
total in vitro culture rate had a significantly (p < 0.001) Dietary flaxseed oil had an influence on cryopreserved
strong correlation with the total motility (r2 = 0.610) and sperm quality where, flaxseed and Ascorbic acid supple-
rapid motility (r2 = 0.539). Moreover, there was a substan- mented group performed better than the negative and the
tial (p 0.001) medium association between in vitro culture pos. cont. for progressive, non-progressive, total motil-
and increasing motility (r2 = 0.422). The medium and slow ity and rapid motility. Similar outcomes were observed by
motility had a significantly (p < 0.001) weak correlation with (Kumar et al. 2021) in growing male lambs and in bucks out
total in vitro culture (r2 = 0.302, r2 = 0.377), respectively. of breeding season (Souza et al. 2019) rams out of breeding
Conception rate was not significantly (p > 0.05) correlated season (Ngcobo et al. 2023) and in bulls (Moallem et al.
to any of the sperm cell parameters following cryopreserved 2015). Cryopreserved sperm quality improvement observed
processes. in this study can be justified by the docosahexaenoic acid
since it is a main phospholipid coating the sperm plasm
membrane (Martínez-Soto et al. 2016), making up to 30%
Discussion of esterified fatty acids in the phospholipids and 73%of all
polyunsaturated fatty acids (Aké-Villanueva et al. 2019).
Semen cryopreservation Flaxseed oil contain 58% alpha-linolenic acid, which is an
essential antioxidant known to improve animal health and
The objective of the study was to investigate the dietary production (Khan 2015) and the general animal reproduc-
effects of flaxseed oil and Ascorbic acid on the quality tive health (Perumal et al. 2019). Alpha-linolenic acid is a
and fertility of cryopreserved sperm. The dietary supple- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) precursor synthesized with
mentation with flaxseed oil in South African rams’ diets the aid of ∆5 and ∆6-desaturase enzymes (Nandi et al. 2019;
can improve fresh semen quality during breeding season Collodel et al. 2020). Apart from long-term conservation of
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Table 4 Pearson correlation between cryopreserved sperm parameters, in vitro fertilization, in vitro culture and the conception rate
Parameters 1PN 2PN > 2PN TF 1 Cell 2–4 Cell 6–8 Cell TC Progres- None- Total Rapid Medium Slow
sive pro- motility motility motility motility
motility gressive
1PN 1.00
2PN 0.170NS 1.00
> 2PN −0.419** −0.371NS 1.00
TF 0.620*** 0.698*** −0.011NS 1.00
1 Cell −0.279* −0.358NS 0.080NS −0.440*** 1.00
2–4 Cell 0.321** 0.363** −0.124NS 0.449*** −0.987*** 1.00
6–8 Cell −0.133NS 0.101NS 0.216NS 0.110NS −0.435*** 0.283* 1.00
TC 0.279* 0.358** −0.080NS 0.440*** −1.000NS 0.987*** 0.435*** 1.00
Progressive motility 0.229NS 0.331* 0.008NS 0.435*** −0.508*** 0.558*** −0.044NS 0.508*** 1.00
Nnoe-progressive 0.258NS 0.303* −0.287* 0.259NS −0.422*** 0.414*** 0.201NS 0.422*** 0.132NS 1.00
Total motility 0.324* 0.418** −0.205NS 0.447*** −0.610*** −0.610*** 0.091NS 0.610*** 0.690*** 0.809*** 1.00
Rapid motility 0.260NS 0.292* −0.431*** 0.409*** −0.539*** 0.594*** −0.111NS 0.539*** 0.948*** 0.096NS 0.632*** 1.00
Medium motility 0.126NS 0.331* −0.404*** 0.382*** −0.302* 0.329* −0.037NS 0.302** 0.660*** 0.416*** 0.695*** 0.439*** 1.00
Slow motility 0.237NS 0.259NS −0.206NS 0.189NS −0.377** 0.358** 0.244NS 0.377** 0.012NS 0.976*** 0.720*** −0.013NS 0.257NS 1.00
Conception rate 0.009NS −0.129NS 0.079NS −0.049NS 0.105NS −0.120NS 0.047NS −0.105NS −172NS 0.028NS −0.082NS −0.180NS −0.044 0.036NS
NS – Non-Significant (p > 0.05), * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. PN – Pronucleus, TF – Total Fertilization, TC – Total Cleavage
Tropical Animal Health and Production
sperm cells, cryopreservation reduces the cost of keeping concentration of desaturase mRNA and elongate enzymes
rams in the farm and the prevention of genetic drift (Bar- (Souza et al. 2019). Moreover, DHA provides essential
bas and Mascarenhas 2009). Furthermore, cryopreserva- sperm membrane fluidity and mediate sperm cell response
tion simplifies worldwide sperm commerce and allows for to protein (Nandi et al. 2019) and supports the role of astro-
long-term preservation of superior sire sperm (Peña et al. cyte, retina pigment epithelial cells and Sertoli cells in the
2011). Nevertheless, cryopreservation promotes numerous testicles (Sæther et al. 2007). High polyunsaturated fatty
cell damages including reduction in sperm membrane fluid- acid and low antioxidant capacity in ram sperm cells lead to
ity, lipid, and protein organization (Fernandes et al. 2021). the build-up of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during cryo-
However, ram sperm cells are sensitive to cryopreser- preservation. Oxidative stress can be regulated by inclusion
vation processes in comparison to other domestic animals of antioxidants during cryopreservation (Tariq et al. 2015).
(Curry 2000) due to higher sensitivity to low temperature Nevertheless, cryopreservation still produces high ROS,
(Salamon and Maxwell 2000) and low cryotolerance hence, osmotic stress, spermatic DNA damage, membrane destabi-
less than 30% of sperm cells remain undamaged following lization and dysfunction (Vichas et al. 2018).
cryopreservation (Salamon and Maxwell 2000). This cryo-
damages are informed by oxidative, osmotic and thermal Fertility of cryopreserved semen
stresses that are harmful to the sperm cells and can cause
poor conception rate (Tariq et al. 2015). In the current study, Following evaluation of cryopreserved sperm quality after
when the influence of diet was introduced, FLO + ASA and dietary supplementation flaxseed oil and Ascorbic acid,
FLO had higher intact plasma membrane integrity when sperm cell was tested for in in vitro fertilization. Notewor-
compared to the negative and the pos. cont. following cryo- thy, FLO + ASA had a highest total fertilization although
preservation. It is generally established that cryopreservation could not differ with that observed in FLO. Currently, in
alters sperm cell motility, causes membrane modifications our best knowledge there are less studies that evaluated the
affecting sperm capacitation and acrosome response, and influence of dietary flaxseed oil on in vitro fertilization rate.
reduces sperm viability (Martin et al. 2004). Furthermore, Nevertheless, it is well known that only ± 60% of sperm
seminal plasma contains proteins that shield sperm against cells remain viable and motile after cryopreservation (Lv et
cold shock damage and increase sperm viability (Pérez-Pé al. 2019) and only ± 30% remain biological functional (Sal-
et al. 2001). Among these proteins tripeptidyl-peptidase, amon and Maxwell 2000). Numerous domestic animals are
heat-shock protein 90 and chaperonin-containing t-complex born following the use of assisted reproductive biotechnolo-
polypeptide 1 are the main protein regulating cryo-capaci- gies (Viana 2020.). Slaughtered ovary donor of a superior
tation, protect sperm against oxidative stress and stabilizes genetic material can reduce the generation interval by ± 3–6
sperm membrane through an efficient protein folding (Wang months (Amiridis and Cseh 2012) hence, cryo-gene bank
et al. 2013; Rickard et al. 2015). These findings matched is a vital strategy in conservation of farm animal genetic
those published by (Mandiki et al. 1998) in Texel, Suffolk, material (Leroy et al. 2019). However, generally there is a
and Ile-de-France rams. However, their results might be decline in ovine embryo production with non-reported in
justified by the season and the age of rams (Belkhiri et al. Africa (Viana 2020). As a result, the findings of this work
2017). Noteworthy, the current study revealed that, rams fed can make a significant contribution to the development of
FA + ASA, ASA and FLO had significant good sperm viabil- effective cryo-gene banks for the preservation of embryos of
ity through higher live sperm cells and lower dead sperm high genetic value and from endangered species.
cells post-thawing. Sperm viability and plasma membrane In vitro culture result followed a similar trend to that
integrity has been reported as the strong indicators of sperm of in vitro fertilization. In brief, groups supplement with
functions (Peña et al. 2011). On the opposite hand, the cur- FLO + ASA and FLO had the highest total cleavage in com-
rent study observed significant lower sperm abnormalities parison to negative and the pos. cont. The neg. cont., and the
in the dietary supplemented groups especially for primary pos. cont. were both not supplemented with flaxseed oil and
abnormalities. it is known that low DHA in the sperm cell has been associ-
Sperm abnormalities were then classified into primary, ated with the infertility (Moallem et al. 2015). Furthermore,
secondary and tertiary sperm abnormalities (Ngcobo et al. dietary supplementation of omega n-3 sources is proven to
2023). Primary sperm abnormalities happen during sper- increase sperm and subsequent fertilization rate motility
matogenesis, secondary sperm abnormalities happen after (Ahmad et al. 2019) thus the great interest in dietary inclu-
ejaculation, and tertiary abnormalities happen during invi- sion of dietary omega n-3 precursors on domestic livestock
tro sperm handling (Ngcobo et al. 2023). Sertoli cells in diets (Díaz et al. 2017). Despite other numerous factors
the testicles are active in conversion of 18 and 20 carbon affecting the efficient of in vitro embryo production, semen
omega n-3 into 22 carbon LCPUFAS (68) due to their high
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
200 Page 10 of 12 Tropical Animal Health and Production (2024) 56:200
quality (fresh or frozen) and the selection of semen has been Declarations
major factors (Falchi et al. 2018).
Statement of Animal rights Animal ethics approval from this study was
Sperm cells with defective DNA can fertilize, however obtained from the Agricultural Research Council, Irene Animal Re-
embryo development can be interrupted once the embryo search ethics committee (APAEC 2019/33) and Tshwane University of
genome is active at the 4 or 8 cell stage due to improper pater- Technology Animal Research Ethics committee (AREC2020/05/001).
nal gene transcription (Kumar and Naqvi 2014). Therefore,
Conflict of interest The authors state that they have no conflicts of in-
there was a need to evaluate the conception rate following terest.
dietary supplementation of flaxseed oil and Ascorbic acid.
Dietary (FLO and FLO + ASA) treated groups performed Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
better than other groups. Shahid et al. (2019), observed Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
similar results in chickens and suggested that flaxseed oil adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format,
as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
enriched diets change the sperm PUFAs’ mostly during the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate
decreasing phase of annual reproductive period. Moreover, if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
in cows supplementing flaxseed oil Improved pregnancy article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless
rate and reduced uterine PGF2α secretion and decreased indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended
sensitivity of the corpus luteal to PGF2α during important use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
stage of embryonic development (Nazir et al. 2013). use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright
In conclusion, dietary inclusion of FLO + ASA improve holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
frozen thawed sperm quality, total in vitro fertilization org/licenses/by/4.0/.
and total cleavage rate. Therefore, the FLO can be used
to improve cryopreserved sperm quality. Furthermore, the
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Khathutshelo Nephawe reviewed and edited the article; Tshimangadzo
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Nedambale and Fhulufhelo Ramukhithi supervised the study, Caswel
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