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(Effective from July 2017)

Accreditation - (Cycle - 1)


Tamil Nadu


An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission
P.O. Box No. 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru - 560 072, INDIA

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institution: TRICHY
Tamil Nadu
2.Year of Establishment 1994

3.Current Academic Activities at

the Institution(Numbers):
Faculties/Schools: 2

Departments/Centres: 9

Programmes/Course offered: 13

Permanent Faculty Members: 140

Permanent Support Staff: 64

Students: 1211

4.Three major features in the 1. Spacious clean and green campus

institutional Context 2. Educational infrastructure
(Asperceived by the Peer Team): 3. Centres of excellence in emerging areas
5.Dates of visit of the Peer Team From : 29-05-2024
(A detailed visit schedule may be To : 30-05-2024
included as Annexure):
6.Composition of Peer Team
which undertook the on site visit:
Name Designation & Organisation Name

Chairperson DR. ARSHAD NOOR Professor,JAMIA MILLIA

Member Co-ordinator: DR. SHIVAJIRAO JADHAV Professor,DR BABASAHEB
NAAC Co - ordinator: Prof. Prashant P Parhad

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Observations (Strengths and/or Weaknesses) on each qualitative metrices of the key Indicator under the
respective criterion(This will be a qualitative analysis of descriptive nature aimed at critical analysis
presenting strength and weakness of HEI under each criteria)

Criterion1 - Curricular Aspects (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in Criterion1)

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned
QlM and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human
QlM Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum
1.4 Feedback System

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 1

The HEI is affiliated to the Anna University and it plans its academic activities based on the academic
calendar of Anna University. The college level academic calendar is prepared in line with the University
calendar by the Academic and Administrative Committee headed by the Principal. Adherence to Academic
Calendar is ensured and any significant deviations from the academic calendar are discussed in HoD’s
meetings with the Principal. The subject allocation for teaching in the semester is done by the HoD based on
the faculty member’s preference and experience. The faculty members prepare lecture plan which is
maintained in the course file of the teachers. Laboratory manuals are also prepared by the faculty members
for the lab experiments. HoDs monitor classes and collect feedback to improve teaching and learning
practices. The OBE tenets are practiced, COs and POs are defined and CO-PO mapping is done and is part of
the course file.

A system of class committee exits which monitors course delivery and syllabus completion. Internal Test
Schedule is inbuilt in the academic calendar and CIA is done thrice in a semester. Regular internal
assessments are conducted throughout the semester to evaluate student progress. The first internal test is
conducted after completing the first 1.5 units (6 weeks). The second internal test is conducted after completing
the next 1.5 units (12 weeks). The third internal test is conducted after successfully completing the last two
units of the syllabus (16 weeks). Provisions of allowing multiple entry and exit in according to the NEP 2020
can be incorporated particularly at the undergraduate level.

The HEI addresses the issues of gender equity, environment and sustainability and human values. A Women
Development Cell is in place which organizes various gender sensitization programmes/events and gender
equity. The academic courses on UHV & professional ethics, environmental science, renewable energy,
pollution control, and waste management etc. are inbuilt in the university curriculum. The HEI takes initiatives
for green campus and energy-efficient measures. The National Service Scheme (NSS) is in place in the
HEI and undertakes various social service activities in the local community, which demonstrates a
commitment to broader community engagement. Events like blood donation camps, tree plantation,
awareness programmes, etc. are organized in the HEI. Such issues are integrated with the academic and are
directed to transformative impact on students and develop sensitivity to social and environmental issues in

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Criterion2 - Teaching-learning and Evaluation (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in Criterion2)
2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile
2.2 Student Teacher Ratio
2.3 Teaching- Learning Process
2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem
QlM solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT-
enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal
QlM system is time- bound and efficient
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.1 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the
QlM institution are stated and displayed on website
2.6.2 Attainment of POs and COs are evaluated.
Explain with evidence in a maximum of 500 words
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 2

Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs) are defined for all programs, and are aligned with
university guidelines and OBE principles. Information on COs and POs is disseminated through various
channels like the college website, departmental notice boards, faculty cabins, classrooms, laboratories,
department libraries.

Mentor mentee system is in place. The classrooms are equipped with LCD Projectors with facility to connect
laptop which can be connected to broadband internet connectivity of 300 mbps via Wi-Fi connectivity. The
Library has access to the journals, e-materials, e-books etc. The faculty members kindle the students for
inquiry in the classroom teaching. The experiential learning is imparted through experiments during the lab
courses and practical classes. The students do a mini project in the third year and a main project in the final
year which provides opportunities for participative learning, teams work and problem-solving opportunities.
The HEI organizes activities such as quizzes, debates, guest lectures, workshops and competition for students
and the students also participate in such events at Local, National & International levels. The students undergo
in-plant training in industries and industrial visits are arranged to provide them with the opportunity to learn
current industrial practices. Tutorials, assignments, etc. are use and aptitude classes are conducted along with
regular classes.

The schedule and scheme of Continuous Internal Assessment CIA is notified to the students in the beginning
of the semester. The evaluation scheme and solutions and the checked answer sheets are on the
completion of the internal assessment are shared with the students. Any grievances in the CIA are resolved
by the faculty members. The Exam Cell provides an interface to the students with the University for End
Semester Examination (ESE) related grievances. The affiliating university has an inherent mechanism for the
resolution of grievances related to ESE. The students have the option to seek reprints of the evaluated answer-
script to assess the award of marks. Students have the option to request a reassessment of the answer-scripts
and if not satisfied with the results even after the revaluation, an option to challenge valuation is also

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Attainment of COs, POs PSOs is assessed by defining CO and Mapping of CO-PO and PSOs. The targets
for the levels of attainment are defined and the assessment is done by direct and indirect assessment tools
by use of rubrics which is defined by the course coordinator and approved by the departmental committee.
The CO-PO mapping is done by the course coordinator and the course in-charge.

Criterion3 - Research, Innovations and Extension (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem
3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System
QlM (IKS),including awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and
other initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge/technology and the outcomes of
the same are evident
3.3 Research Publications and Awards
3.4 Extension Activities
3.4.1 Outcomes of Extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact and
QlM sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development during the last five
3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government
QlM recognised bodies
3.5 Collaboration

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 3

Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) is in place in the HIE and IIC has secured Two Star Rating in the
academic year 2022-2023. The IIC of the HEI has conducted the Internal Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2023
from which “VINNAI NOKKI” team was selected for the SIH-2023 Grand finale held at Vijayawada, Andra
Pradesh and also this team won the Best Project Idea Award – SIH – 2023. An Intellectual Property Policy
has been formulated and several patents have been filed and published, and 6 design patents have been
granted. The Centre of Innovation (CoE) and Entrepreneurship Development Cell is established which
has conducted several programmes on Research, Entrepreneur awareness and Skill development. The
training and skill programmes on Development and control of Drone, Robotics and AI and Data Science
are organized by the CoE. The HEI has a research policy under which there is a provision to provide
Incentives to the faculty members for their achievement in research and academic activities is available.

The students of the HEI are engaged in the extension activities in neighbourhood villages for the community
development, to sensitize students with the challenges of local community under the aegis of the NSS. The
NSS Cell of the HEI is in collaboration with different trusts, NGOs, hospitals, etc. which help in the extension
activities to address local issues and sensitize the students for the holistic development. The
programmes/camps/rallies are organized for blood donation, education awareness, fire rescue activities,
first-aid activities, tree planting, health awareness, adult education, disaster relief work, gender
equality. The students participated in the “One Student One Tree”, “Each Student Each Sapling” A
number of programmes under Swatch Bharat Yojana, Plastic Eradication Rally, Temple Cleaning and
were organized in the neighbourhood. Impact. Programmes for Voter’s awareness Go Green, Plant
Trees, Computer, Road safety Awareness, food safety, Yoga Training, Disaster Management were also

Letter of Appreciation has been received by the HEI from Tamilnadu government. HEI received

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appreciation certificates for Social responsibility and increasing awareness on importance of Education by
Sri Dharshini Foundation and volunteer activity for Helpless Children and Old Aged People.

Criterion4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in
4.1 Physical Facilities
4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and other facilities for,
teaching – learning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc
ICT – enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS etc.

Facilities for Cultural and sports activities, yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor),
Gymnasium, auditorium etc (Describe the adequacy of facilities in maximum of 500 words.)
4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
4.2.1 Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System
QlM (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally
used by the faculty and students
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet
QlM connection

Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updation, available internet
bandwidth within a maximum of 500 words
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 4

Spacious classrooms at the institution are equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity, comfortable seating, essential
amenities, and support for online learning. Classrooms feature ICT tools including LCD projectors, audio
systems, whiteboards, and computers with internet access. Smart classrooms with interactive boards enhance
learning. Each department has a dedicated seminar hall and a departmental library and computer center. A
centralized air-conditioned auditorium with over 1,000 seats is available for large gatherings.

Laboratories are well-equipped, and various student clubs support co-curricular and extra-curricular activities,
including inter-college, inter-university, state, and national level competitions. The institution offers
comprehensive sports facilities for cricket, football, volleyball, athletics, throw ball, kabaddi, table tennis,
chess, carom, and a gymnasium. A yoga center is available, and yoga courses are offered to first-year students,
faculty, and staff.

The institution hosts several Centers of Excellence, including a KUKA robot lab, a Drone Lab with robotics
and unmanned aerial systems, a Design to Product Centre, an IoT Center, and an Intel AI Centre. The IoT
Center focuses on sensor networks and data analytics, while the Intel AI Skill Centre provides advanced AI
learning resources.

The central library contains ample volumes and titles to support students and is equipped with computing
systems, a digital library, and a reading hall for 155 students. It is automated with "Insproplus" ERP software
for book management and an OPAC system for web-based access to books. The digital library features over
40 computers with internet access to e-resources like DELNET, J-GATE, NPTEL, and NDLI. E-journals are

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accessible through subscriptions and the E-ShodhSindhu consortium.

The institution's campus is fully Wi-Fi enabled and has 723 LAN-networked computers. The server room
houses 11 servers for campus-wide network connectivity, supported by an optical fiber network for reliable
connections. A dedicated CIT staff manages hardware, networking, website design and hosting, email servers,
and SMS services. The IT facilities were upgraded in 2023 with 166 new i7 desktop systems. The leased line
internet connection was upgraded from 25 Mbps in 2018 to 300 Mbps in 2023. The ICT infrastructure grows
with the student population and sanctioned intake. Additionally, the campus has extensive CCTV coverage for

Criterion5 - Student Support and Progression (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in Criterion5)
5.1 Student Support
5.2 Student Progression
5.3 Student Participation and Activities
5.4 Alumni Engagement
5.4.1 There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of
QlM the institution through financial and/or other support services

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 5

The first batch of the students graduated in the year 2000 and the Alumni Association of the HEI was
formally registered in September 2023. An elected body of Alumni Association exists and the office
bearers are elected for 3 years and the meet is organized in December. The alumni support the institution by
helping the needy students to pay their fees. In addition to this, the alumni also assist in the placement and
training of the students.

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Criterion6 - Governance, Leadership and Management (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in
6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of
QlM the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation,
sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance
and in their short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan.
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.1 The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional
QlM bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment,
service rules, and procedures, etc
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1 The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching
QlM and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.4.1 Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds
QlM from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial
audits regularly (internal and external)
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing
QlM the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process,
structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and
records the incremental improvement in various activities

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 6

The HEI has formulated a Quality Policy which is mainly focussed on the global recognition of the institute
and professional development of the students. The administrative team (Principal, HoDs and IQAC Director)
of the HEI reviews academics, research and development and monitors agenda for the growth of the
institution. The HEI is an affiliated institution and follows various provisions as adopted by the Anna
university for the affiliated college and the same is implemented to the admission policy mainly. The HEI has
plans to collaborate with various industries for internship. The HEI has established functional bodies and
positions including Principal, Deans, Director of IQAC to delegate academic and administrative responsibility
and control. Separate Examination Cell has been established which coordinates exam related matters such as
CIA and university examination results etc. Class level student body is created comprising of class
representatives and event coordinators. The financial decision making on matters, purchase and expenditure
are made by a committee chaired by the Principal.

Academic and administrative responsibilities rest with the Principal who implements the academic
decisions through the committees comprising of Director of IQAC, HODs and other senior faculty members.
The programme and course level academics is monitored by the HoD with the involvement of faculty
members in the capacity of course coordinators etc.

The HEI has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff. The appraisal comprises by
self-appraisal followed by appraisal by the HoD. The HoD assesses parameters related to teaching and
learning, co-curricular activities, and research contributions. Post appraisal actions involve feedback,
suggestions, and remedies to the assessee for improvement. A number of welfare measures are in place for the
staff which includes group insurance, classes on yoga and meditation, organization of health camps,

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maternity leave etc. Free transportation facility is provided to the employees. Provision for salary
advances and can access loans and periodical revision of salary is also available. Perks and incentives are
given for PhD qualification, student projects, annual sponsored tours for rejuvenation are organized, tuition
fee concessions for wards of staff etc. are given. Duty leaves for professional development of faculty
members and computer training to the technical staff are provided.

The revenue is mainly generated through the students’ fees (Tuition fees, scholarship – SC/ST, FG, govt.
School students 7.5% merit scholarship from Tamil Nadu government). Standard procedure of spending by
budgetary planning and spending is practiced. The sanctioned budget and expenditure are maintained in
accounts department. Purchase committees are formed at department level for the spendings on the
sanctioned budget. The Internal financial committee is entrusted with the internal audit. The external
audit of the income and expenditure statements are done by a Chartered Accountant as per government
norms once in every financial year. A financial committee is also in place which monitors the income and

The IQAC was established during the academic year 2021-2022 to propagate and implement quality
assurance measures in all aspects of Institute’s functioning. The IQAC’s initiatives on Teaching-Learning
Process, Utilization of ICT Tools, R&D and Innovation were evident. The OBE is also implemented
through the IQAC initiatives. The IQAC was instrumental in the formulation of IIC and its functioning.
The IQAC also conducts internal and external academic and administrative audits during every academic
year. The Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) monitors the processes through a system of internal and
external reviews.

Criterion7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices (Key Indicator and Qualitative Metrices(QlM) in
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit and measures for the promotion of gender equity
QlM during the last five years.

Describe the gender equity & sensitization in curricular and co-curricular activities, facilities
for women on campus etc., within 500 words
7.1.4 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e.,
QlM tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and
Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights,
duties and responsibilities of citizens (Within 500 words)
7.2 Best Practices
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format
QlM provided in the Manual
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust
QlM within 1000 words

Qualitative analysis of Criterion 7

The HEI takes a positive approach towards the gender equity. Gender diversity is visible across various
functional domains and six out of ten departments heads are female. The recruitment emphasizes weightage

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on merit and over gender. The enrolled students comprise of about 30% females, consistently over the last
five years. One of the Assistant Physical Director is female which sets positive effect on the sports and
extracurricular activity participation by the girls and ensuring equal opportunities for female students in
athletics. The students’ sensitization to gender equity is promoted through programmes such as
commemoration of International Women's Day, human rights awareness programmes, and yoga day
specifically tailored for female students. The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is in place to ensure
fostering safe and inclusive environment. The Visaga Committee and Prevention of Sexual Harassment
(POSH) measures provide confidential platforms for incidents of harassment, creating a secure and inclusive
environment. The college helpline and CCTV coverage is present across the campus to enhance safety. The
Girls Relaxation Room are also available.

The HEI through its NSS units conducts activities with a focus on communal socioeconomic diversity and
environmental responsibility. The programmes such as Tree Plantation, Community Cleaning under Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan, International Yoga Day for social awareness, Camp for Corona Vaccination, health and
safety awareness programs, Blood Donation Camps, Environment and Pollution Awareness programmes are
conducted. Such programmes create positive impact on the students in the commitment to holistic community
development. The events like Cultural Fest and Sports Meets are organized which promote cultural, regional
and linguistic diversity etc. Regional and National festivals such as Pongal, Ramadan, Diwali, Raksha
Bandhan, Onam celebration Christmas, Ayudha Pooja, Independence Day, Republic Day, Engineers Day, and
Teachers Day, are celebrated which enrich the cultural fabric of India. A number of other events of regional,
national and global importance such as World Environment Day, National Technology Day, World Creativity
and Innovation Day, World Intellectual Day, World Entrepreneurs Day, International Women's Day, National
Youth Day, National Startup Day, and National Science Day are also commemorated which contribute to
fostering unity, sense of national harmony and celebrating diversity. The academic curriculum also has
courses which address to these issues which include courses on Human Values and Ethics, Heritage of Tamils
and Tamils and Technology. The HEI has a Code of Conduct for students, teaching faculty, and non-
teaching faculty which focusses on the ethical and responsible behavior, nurturing a culture of integrity within
the academic community.

Section III:OVERALL ANALYSISbased on Institutional strengths.Weaknesses,Opportunities &

Challenges(SWOC)(up to 500 words)
Overall Analysis

1. The institution has good infrastructure in terms of teaching-learning resources for imparting quality
education in the emerging areas of engineering, information technology, artificial intelligence, etc.

2. The institution has recruited faculty members on permanent basis and has few vacant positions, which is
a major strength. A significant number of the faculty members have PhD degree.

3. Institution has linkages with professional societies such as IEEE, CSI, ISTE, IAENG

4. Besides academic infrastructure, the institution is located in a serene ambience giving a very
congenial environment for learning.


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1. Exiguous research infrastructure, funding and output.

2. Reliance on fees as the only source of financial resources and no support garnered from funding
agencies, industry and alumni.

3. Underutilized industry linkages

4. Underutilized alumni linkages.


1. Strong prospects to launch skill based courses for better placement, in line with NEP 2020.

2. Use of blended learning can be used to enrich academic output of teaching.

3. Possibility to enrol more international students.

4. Enhancing employability of the students in the industrial twon of Trichy

5. Potential for academic and pedagogic innovation.


1. Strong competition in the higher education area in a highly dynamic environment.

2. Upgrading academic programmes and developing academic infrastructure as per NEP 2020.

3. Garner institutional funding support for academic and research programmes from Government and

Section IV:Recommendations for Quality Enhancement of the Institution

(Please limit to ten major ones and use telegraphic language) (It is not necessary to indicate all the ten
Developing institutional preparedness for implementing NEP 2020.

Located in a city with very rich cultural heritage, institution inputs from Indian Knowledge System can
help in value enhancement of the professional courses.

Promote use of blended teaching to facilitate multidisciplinary learning.

Increase research output of the institution by applying for internal/external grants.

Develop better linkages with stakeholders – industry, alumni, peer academic institutions, etc.

I have gone through the observations of the Peer Team as mentioned in this report

Signature of the Head of the Institution

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Seal of the Institution

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Sl.No Name Signature with date
2 DR. SHIVAJIRAO JADHAV Member Co-ordinator
4 Prof. Prashant P Parhad NAAC Co - ordinator


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