Su 12208438
Su 12208438
Su 12208438
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Life of Higher
Education Students: A Global Perspective
Aleksander Aristovnik * , Damijana Keržič , Dejan Ravšelj , Nina Tomaževič and
Lan Umek
Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
[email protected] (D.K.); [email protected] (D.R.); [email protected] (N.T.);
[email protected] (L.U.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 19 August 2020; Accepted: 6 October 2020; Published: 13 October 2020
Abstract: The paper presents the most comprehensive and large-scale study to date on how students
perceive the impacts of the first wave of COVID-19 crisis in early 2020 on various aspects of their
lives on a global level. With a sample of 30,383 students from 62 countries, the study reveals
that amid the worldwide lockdown and transition to online learning students were most satisfied
with the support provided by teaching staff and their universities’ public relations. Still, deficient
computer skills and the perception of a higher workload prevented them from perceiving their
own improved performance in the new teaching environment. Students were mainly concerned
about issues to do with their future professional career and studies, and experienced boredom,
anxiety, and frustration. The pandemic has led to the adoption of particular hygienic behaviours
(e.g., wearing masks, washing hands) and discouraged certain daily practices (e.g., leaving home,
shaking hands). Students were also more satisfied with the role played by hospitals and universities
during the epidemic compared to the governments and banks. The findings also show that students
with certain socio-demographic characteristics (male, part-time, first-level, applied sciences, a lower
living standard, from Africa or Asia) were significantly less satisfied with their academic work/life
during the crisis, whereas female, full-time, first-level students and students faced with financial
problems were generally affected more by the pandemic in terms of their emotional life and personal
circumstances. Key factors influencing students’ satisfaction with the role of their university are also
identified. Policymakers and higher education institutions around the world may benefit from these
findings while formulating policy recommendations and strategies to support students during this
and any future pandemics.
1. Introduction
In early 2020, the COVID-19 (caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus) pandemic shocked the world,
almost bringing it to an unprecedented stop. The new coronavirus apparently started to spread (1) in
China during December 2019, before moving to Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea (first confirmed
cases on 20 January 2020), then to the United States, Vietnam, Singapore (2), and, at the end of January
2020, to Australia, Nepal, Europe (first cases in France on 25 January 2020 and later in Germany, Finland,
Italy etc.), Malaysia, Canada, the Middle East, and other countries of the Western Pacific Region and
South-East Asia Region, and (3) onwards to Russia, Africa, and Latin America [1]. On 11 March 2020,
the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a pandemic [2]. By 31 July 2020,
COVID-19 had spread across 217+ countries and territories, with almost 17.1 million confirmed cases
and 668,073 deaths. America then had confirmed 9.15 million cases, Europe 3.31 million, South-East
Asia 2 million, Eastern Mediterranean 1.53 million, Africa 0.75 million, and the Western Pacific
0.31 million cases [1]. The dire consequences of this pandemic are already being seen in a historic
recession in most developed parts of the world, e.g., in the USA where in the second quarter of 2020,
according to an early estimate, GDP plummeted annually by 32.9% [3] while in the euro area GDP
plunged by 12.1% and in the European Union (EU) by 11.9% over the previous quarter [4].
As far as health is concerned, the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory
syndrome-coronavirus-2) has affected all age groups, with the worst manifestations and highest death
rates being found among older individuals and patients with comorbidities [5,6]. Besides bringing to the
fore many (existing) problems and challenges in the area of health, the COVID-19 pandemic has created
all manner of unanticipated turbulence in society and the economy [7–10], like previous pandemics
in history. Over the last few hundred years, pandemics, e.g., the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu,
SARS, Ebola, influenza A (H1N1) etc., have been responsible for significant changes in geopolitical and
demographic situations by altering patterns of migration, travel, urbanisation, trade, and technology
use [11–13]. A few months into the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it has become clear
that the corona crisis and its many consequences on all levels will last for years, thereby thoroughly
impacting our lives forever. The challenges created by COVID-19 will in one way or another affect
each and every one of us—the wellbeing of all groups in society in every affected country and
globally [8,13,14].
Although they are young and thereby generally not in any of the specific risk groups at risk
of coronavirus infection due to the serious health consequences it might bring, students are still a
population group that has experienced dramatic effects of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
in the first four or five months of 2020 and therefore huge changes to their everyday lives and,
perhaps even more alarmingly, to their prospects for their immediate and distant future. Most countries
affected by the pandemic were able to slow down the spread of the coronavirus with varying degrees of
success, including by imposing drastic measures like banning public events and gatherings, workplace
closures, stay-at-home restrictions, restrictions on domestic and international transport, testing and
contact tracing, and shutting educational institutions down [15,16]. Physically closing educational
institutions (schools, universities) proved to be an efficient way of minimising the spread of the virus,
yet it has led to many challenges [15,17] for both students and teachers, but also their families, friends,
employers, and thus society and the global economy. Moreover, once they reopen after the lockdowns,
educational institutions will not encounter the same situation they experienced before the COVID-19
pandemic. The norms that guide many parts of our lives will need to be reformulated in detail in the
post-pandemic context [18] and are likely to result in drastic changes to the way in which the future
workforce is educated [19].
As of 1 April 2020, the number of learners required to stay at home due to the closure of
their educational institution on all levels reached a peak of 1.598 billion from 194 countries [20].
The pandemic has had a big impact on higher education students’ practices regarding academic
work and life (e.g., the switch to online lectures/tutorials, closed libraries, changed communication
channels for teachers’ and administrative support, new assessment methods, different workloads
and performance levels. etc.) [7,12,15,21–27] and social life (closed dorms and therefore moving back
home, no meetings with friends, university colleagues or relatives, no parties, no traveling, remaining
trapped abroad, etc.) [7,28–31], as well as their personal financial situation (loss of student job, worries
about their own financial situation, future education and career) [14,32,33] and emotional health
(fears, frustrations, anxiety, anger, boredom, etc.) [7,14,28,29,34]. On top of the many challenges,
the pandemic has led to some more positive changes in habits and mindsets, like paying greater
attention to personal hygiene, taking care of one’s own health (quitting smoking, eating organic food
sourced locally) and of one’s relatives, especially of those in risk groups, spending more time to do
sports, etc. [30,33,35].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 3 of 34
Several papers have already been published by researchers around the world presenting studies
on various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, particularly its consequences for physical
and mental health, the economy, society, and the environment. The biggest limitations of these
studies about student life while their higher education institution is physically closed are generally:
(1) The data derive from early stages of the pandemic; (2) a relatively small sample; and (3) focusing
chiefly on a restricted number of aspects of a student’s life. Indeed, most studies are limited to
academic work or life issues [36,37], a student’s mental health [38–43], or a combination of both [44].
In addition, most studies concentrate: (1) On a single higher education institution and/or country
(e.g., from Asia: China [7,29], India [45], Pakistan [46], Philippines [47] Saudi Arabia [26], Vietnam [48];
from Europe: Germany [36], Spain [49], Switzerland [33], Ukraine [50]; from Africa: Ghana [15];
from North America: the USA [51,52]); and/or (2) on a single academic field (e.g., medical students
from Iran [53], Mexico [54], the Philippines [55], Saudi Arabia [56], Turkey [57], the USA [19,58] and
nursing students from Croatia [59], England [60], Israel [61], and the USA [62]). Only a few surveys
include student samples from more than one university or country (e.g., Russia and Belarus [63],
Sub-Saharan Africa [64]). After studying existing literature, we concluded that no comprehensive
large-scale survey on how students from around the world have experienced the unexpected and
unprecedented crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on their present and future life has not
been conducted yet. Thus, our study presents a novel, original, and current contribution to the field of
knowledge on higher education in the global health crisis caused by COVID-19 [65] by focusing on
student life during the first wave of the pandemic.
The goal of this paper is to highlight the main results of a global survey on impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic on the life of higher education students that was carried out by an international consortium
of universities, other higher education institutions, and students’ associations. The questionnaire
is based on and extends the European Students’ Union Survey [66] and targeted higher education
students with respect to what student life looked like during the pandemic, including teaching and
learning, their social contacts, habits/routines, as well as how they were coping with the situation
emotionally and financially, and what they were expecting by way of support measures from various
institutions, e.g., universities, the government, banks, etc. (see Aristovnik et al. [67]). The purpose of
the study was to shed light on the ways the COVID-19 crisis has impacted student life and to design a
set of recommendations for policymakers and higher education institutions concerning how students
can be supported during the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to understand the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted a range of aspects of
student lives, the following research questions were addressed:
R1: How have students around the world been satisfied with different aspects and elements of student
life during the COVID-19 pandemic and how have they perceived them?
R2: Are there any socio-demographic and geographic differences in:
• . . . students’ satisfaction with and perception of selected elements of academic work and
academic life due to the transition from onsite to online lectures? (R2.1)
• . . . students’ perception of the COVID-19 pandemic’s consequences for their social and
emotional life, personal circumstances and habits? (R2.2)
• . . . students’ satisfaction with the role of selected institutions and their measures during the
COVID-19 pandemic? (R2.3)
R3: How do selected socio-demographic, geographic, and other factors determine the students’
satisfaction with the role of their university during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The remaining sections of this paper are organised as follows. In the next section, the research
design and methods are presented, including the study participants and procedure, data. and variables,
along with the background to the statistical analyses. The third section describes the primary empirical
results of the global student questionnaire survey and the application of logistic regression analyses.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 4 of 34
The paper ends with a discussion and conclusions in which the main findings, limitations, and future
research avenues are considered.
2.2. Measures
The data were obtained through a web-based comprehensive questionnaire composed of 39
mainly closed-ended questions, covering socio-demographic, geographic, and other characteristics
as well as different aspects/elements of higher education student life, such as academic online work
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 5 of 34
and life, social life, emotional life, personal circumstances, change in habits, the roles and measures of
institutions, as well as personal reflections on COVID-19 [67].
The questionnaire was originally divided into seven sections. The first section comprised eight
questions on the socio-demographic and academic characteristics of the students, e.g., country and
institution of study in the northern hemisphere spring semester of 2020, level and field of study,
citizenship, age, and gender (see Table 1). The second section asked students about their academic life
and included 12 questions on how the COVID-19 pandemic had affected their experiences with teaching
(lectures and tutorials/seminars), supervisions/mentorships, assessment and workload, teaching and
administrative support, as well as their own performance and expectations. This was followed by a
segment covering the infrastructure and skills for studying from home, including two questions on
the conditions for studying from home (workspace, equipment, an Internet connection etc.) and a
student’s computer skills.
The fourth section concerned social life and covered two questions on the students’ support
network during the COVID-19 pandemic and who they would first turn to in different situations.
The next segment concerned emotional life with one question inquiring into students’ emotions since
the outbreak of the pandemic. The sixth section asked students about their general circumstances
with 13 questions on worries, financial circumstances, support measures, and behaviours. Finally,
the last section invited general reflections through one open-ended question about thoughts on the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Individual aspects/elements of student life (i.e., satisfaction, agreement, importance, or frequency)
were measured on a 5-point Likert rating scale ranging from 1 (lowest value) to 5 (highest value) [72].
Where relevant, an additional option “not applicable” was offered to the respondents. Descriptive
statistics were calculated using continent- or country-level post-stratification and population weights
while other empirical considerations were grounded on unweighted student-level survey data.
Detailed methodological notes as well as the full version of the questionnaire are available in the
Methodological framework of the global survey (see Aristovnik et al. [67]).
the categorical predictor data so that the regression coefficients of the newly created dummy variables
would be meaningful for identifying between-group differences [78]. The ordinal regression analysis
together with the testing of multicollinearity was performed in SPSS 26.0, while a Spearman correlation
heatmap was designed by using Python’s most powerful visualisation libraries, i.e., Matplotlib and
Seaborn [79,80].
3. Results
The socio-demographic and other characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1.
Approximately two-thirds of the sample of 30,383 higher education students was female (65.6%) and
more than half (54.9%) of the population fall in the age range of 20–24 years. Most of the respondents
were domestic (94.1%), full-time (88.1%), and first-level (80.5%) students. A little over one-third of the
participants (37.0%) were studying social sciences, followed by applied sciences (31.1%) and natural
and life sciences (21.7%). A scholarship was not held by 70.8% of the respondents in 2019/2020 and just
over half of them (52.6%) had been able to pay the overall costs of their study before the COVID-19
pandemic. Due to the pandemic, onsite classes had been cancelled for 86.7% of the respondents and
61.7% of them had lost a paid job. As already presented in more detail (Section 2.1), the majority of
respondents came from Europe (44.9%), followed by Asia (23.7%), South America (14.4%), Africa (8.6%),
North America (7.8%), and Oceania (0.6%).
must be ensured, as pointed out by the authors of studies in countries where online learning was
still not widespread before the COVID-19 pandemic [26,55,64,83]. In our survey, students were asked
about their attitudes to different online forms of teaching and learning, including their satisfaction
with the organisation and support of their institutions after the cancellation of onsite classes due to the
physical closure of their higher education institution.
On the global level, 86.7% of students reported that the onsite classes had been cancelled due to
the COVID-19 pandemic (see Table 1). Consequently, several different forms of online lectures were
established. The most dominant forms of online lectures were real-time video conferences (59.4%),
followed by asynchronous forms: Sending presentations to students (15.2%), video recording (11.6%),
and written communication using forums and chats (9.1%). The rarest form was audio recording
(4.7%), which is not surprising since learning platforms and videoconference systems (e.g., Moodle,
Zoom, MS Teams, BigBlueButton, etc.) are widespread and have been freely available for quite some
time. On the global level, the students were the most satisfied with real-time video conferences (3.30),
followed by video recording (3.26), sending presentations (3.10), and written communication (3.14),
while they were the least satisfied with audio recording (2.98). The greatest satisfaction with all of the
presented forms was found in Oceania, North America, and Europe (e.g., Malta), followed by Asia
and South America, while students from Africa (e.g., Egypt and South Africa) appeared to be the least
satisfied with the forms of their online lectures (except written communication), which might be due
to the unequally developed ICT infrastructure across the continent where many higher education
institutions were unable to deliver lectures online and simultaneously many students had limited
access to the Internet (see Owusu-Fordjour et al. [15], Anifowoshe et al. [64], Kapasia et al. [45]).
The impact of socio-demographic factors was generally the same as for the majority of aspects/elements,
as explained in Section 3.1 (see Table A1 in Appendix A).
country rankings, Pakistan stands out by ranking among the bottom countries on all scales concerning
the online delivery
Sustainability 2020, 12, x mode
Aristovnik et al. [82]), which is related to negative experiences with 9 ofthe
rapid transition to online classes [46,83].
Studying from fromhomehome commonly
commonly requires greater
requires self-discipline
greater and motivation
self-discipline to follow
and motivation tothrough
online lessons, particularly in the earlier period when students are
through online lessons, particularly in the earlier period when students are getting used to the getting used to the new system,
whichaffectmightthe feeling
affect of an of
the feeling increase
an increasein study
in studyobligations.
obligations. OnOnthetheother
hand, lecturers
unfamiliar with the new mode of delivery could overload their students with study materials and
assignments. Therefore, the students were asked to compare their workload before the onsite classes
were cancelled
cancelled with withthethenewnewcircumstances
circumstancesafter after thethe lockdown.
lockdown. On On the global
the global level,level, slightly
slightly less
less than
one-third of the students (30.8%) reported that their study workload had become smaller or
one-third of the students (30.8%) reported that their study workload had become smaller
significantly smaller,
smaller, although
although the share of students with the same workload workload was was even
even lower
lower (26.6%).
The biggest proportion of students reported that their workload had become larger or significantly
larger (42.6%).
(42.6%).An Anincrease
increase in inworkload
workload waswasreported by students
reported from Oceania
by students (59.8%),(59.8%),
from Oceania Europe (58.0%),
and North
(58.0%), and America (54.7%), while
North America (54.7%),in South
while America,
in South Asia, and Asia,
America, Africa, theAfrica,
and workload the had decreased
workload had
(see Figure 1). On all three continents, the key challenges
decreased (see Figure 1). On all three continents, the key challenges are problems with anare problems with an underdeveloped
Internet network,Internet
underdeveloped lack of and inexperience
network, lack of inandusing ICT equipment,
inexperience in usingand ICTthe fact that the
equipment, and only
fact that
the onlyfor participating
available devicesin online classes are mobile
for participating in online phones [15,44–46,64,87].
classes are mobile phones Almost[15,44–46,64,87].
80% of students
Almost Germany
80% of (76%),
students Portugal
from Germany(77%), Malaysia (78%), and
(76%), Portugal Mexico
(77%), (73%) reported
Malaysia (78%), and having
(73%) or
reported havinglarger workloads.
larger The same
or significantly was workloads.
larger revealed forThe female
same students, first-level
was revealed (undergraduate)
for female students,
students, and
first-level arts studentsstudents,
(undergraduate) (see Table and A1arts
in Appendix
students (see A). Table
A1 in also found it A).
Appendix difficult to focus
Students also
found onlineto
difficult teaching
focus duringin comparison
the onlinetoteaching
onsite teaching and reported
in comparison perceiving
to onsite teachingaand worse study
perceiving a worse since the onsite
study classes had
performance beenthe
since cancelled, although
onsite classes had they
beenhad adapted
cancelled, quite well
although theytohad
new teaching and learning experience (for details, see Aristovnik et al. [82]).
adapted quite well to the new teaching and learning experience (for details, see Aristovnik et al. [82]). Undergraduate students
found it more difficult
Undergraduate students to focus,
foundwhile it moregraduate
to focus,and social
while sciences
graduate studentsand
students were evensciences
social able to
improve their
students wereperceived
even ableperformance
to improve their (see Table A1 inperformance
perceived Appendix A)(see (for Table
more, 1Asee in
Appendix et al.
While studying isolated at home, students may face a lack of self-discipline
more, see Gonzalez et al. [27]). While studying isolated at home, students may face a lack of self- or an inappropriate learning
discipline or an [86], which evokes
inappropriate a feeling
learning of work overload
environment [86], whichandevokes
thus aahigher
feelinglevel of stress
of work [36].
and thus a should therefore
higher level of stress carefully balance should
[36]. Lecturers online therefore
teaching carefully
and self-learning of students
balance online teaching while
self-learning andof designing
students the while teaching
planningandand learning
the teaching and learning process.
larger workload satisfied with teaching staff support satisfied with PR support
Figure 1. Change
Change inin study
study workload
workload (%
(% of
of students
students with
with aa larger
larger or
or significantly
significantly larger workload) and
student satisfaction with the teaching
teaching staff
staff and PR support (% of satisfied or very satisfied students)
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In aacrisis
In crisissuch
COVID-19 pandemic,
COVID-19 manymany
pandemic, questions emerge,
questions and students
emerge, need theneed
and students support
of various services. The survey results show that the students, regardless of the continent, were
support of various services. The survey results show that the students, regardless of the continent, the
were the most satisfied with the support of the teaching staff; overall, 57.6% of students were satisfied
or very satisfied (the highest-ranked Oceania—78.8%, the lowest Africa—33.2%) (see Figure 1). The
lowest satisfaction levels with the support were found for finance and accounting, 30.2% (the lowest-
ranked Africa—21.1%) and international offices, 26.0% (the lowest-ranked Africa—13.6%). The
Philippines ranked at the bottom of satisfaction with the teaching staff, which is consistent with a
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 10 of 34
most satisfied with the support of the teaching staff; overall, 57.6% of students were satisfied or very
satisfied (the highest-ranked Oceania—78.8%, the lowest Africa—33.2%) (see Figure 1). The lowest
satisfaction levels with the support were found for finance and accounting, 30.2% (the lowest-ranked
Africa—21.1%) and international offices, 26.0% (the lowest-ranked Africa—13.6%). The Philippines
ranked at the bottom of satisfaction with the teaching staff, which is consistent with a survey in which
almost 94% of students reported poor communication with the teaching staff [55]. The impact of
socio-demographic factors on satisfaction with the support of the teaching staff was similar to that
mentioned above; female students and students from the social science expressed greater satisfaction
(see Table A1 in Appendix A).
in an unfamiliar situation. During the period of closure, they were living in environments with
varying circumstances and had different options to keep their social life as close to ‘normal’ as possible.
Some were at a higher risk of social isolation and the consequent development of mental health
disorders, e.g., those who were living by themselves in this period [33]. In our survey, students were
asked about the frequency of their online communication with specific people during the COVID-19
pandemic. On the global level, students communicated online at least once a day with: (1) Close family
members (52.0%)—primarily Asian and European students; (2) someone they live with, e.g., a roommate
(47.8%), as mainly reported by students from Oceania and North America; or (3) they relied on social
networks (45.8%)—mostly students from South and North America. The least frequent were online
communications with administrative staff at the university (2.8%) and voluntary organisations (3.7%);
in both cases, the lowest shares were detected in both Americas.
Students would first turn to the following social groups to talk about the COVID-19 crisis: A close
family member (45%), someone they live with (e.g., a roommate) (29%), a more distant family member
(6%), a close friend (5%), etc. The impact of socio-demographic factors on the self-assessment of social
life during the period of the higher education institution’s closure was generally the same as for the
majority of other aspects/elements included in the survey, as explained in Section 3.1 (see Table A3
in Appendix A), except in the case of level of study where first-level (undergraduate) students more
frequently contacted their close friends and relied on social networks for online communication than
second-level (postgraduate) students. Since social support is vital for the mental health of higher
education students, it should be efficiently offered and carefully maintained during a time of isolation
and/or quarantine [7,33,88].
Shaking hands
South America
Leaving the house
North America
for unnecessary
Wearing a mask
Washing your
hands Africa
3.1.6. Emotional
3.1.6. Emotional Life Life
The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily influenced the emotional wellbeing and thus mental health
The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily influenced the emotional wellbeing and thus mental health
of people all around the globe [14,30,40,93]—either directly in terms of health issues or indirectly in
of people all around the globe [14,30,40,93]—either directly in terms of health issues or indirectly in
relation to
relation toits
economicand andsocial
social consequences.
consequences. This
Thisis also true
is also for for
true students, although
students, although on average
on averagethey
are not the most endangered group of the population [7,29] as far as the
they are not the most endangered group of the population [7,29] as far as the physical health aspects physical health aspects of the
pandemic is concerned. However, many of them have experienced
of the pandemic is concerned. However, many of them have experienced unbearable psychological unbearable psychological pressure,
especially especially
pressure, due to the due pandemic’s impacts onimpacts
to the pandemic’s daily life,
onthe economic
daily life, theeffects,
economicand effects,
the delays andintheacademic
in academic activities [7]. In our study, the frequency of the positive emotions felt by the outbreak
activities [7]. In our study, the frequency of the positive emotions felt by the students since the students
of COVID-19
since the outbreak was as of follows:
COVID-19 Hopeful
was as (39.4%),
follows: joyful
Hopeful (29.7%),
(39.4%), proud
joyful (26.5%),
(29.7%), and relieved
proud (17.9%).
(26.5%), and
The negative
relieved emotions
(17.9%). experienced
The negative by theexperienced
emotions students were by boredom
the students (45.2%),
boredom (39.8%),
(45.2%), frustration
(39.8%), anger (25.9%),
frustration hopelessness
(39.1%), (18.8%),hopelessness
anger (25.9%), and shame (10.0%).
(18.8%),The andhighest
(10.0%). of anxiety
The highest were
found in
levels of South
anxiety America (65.7%)inand
were found Oceania
South America(64.4%), followed
(65.7%) and by North (64.4%),
Oceania America followed
(55.8%) and byEurope
(48.7%). Least anxious were students from Africa (38.1%) and
America (55.8%) and Europe (48.7%). Least anxious were students from Africa (38.1%) and Asia (32.7%). A similar order of
continents was found for frustration as the second-most devastating
(32.7%). A similar order of continents was found for frustration as the second-most devastating emotion. On the other hand,
On thepositive emotions,
other hand, while North
analysingAmerica appeared
positive emotions,to beNorththe continent
Americawith the most
appeared to bejoyful
continent with the most joyful students (34.5%) and Asia with the most hopeful ones (42.2%)show
students (34.5%) and Asia with the most hopeful ones (42.2%) (see Figure 3). Other findings (see
that different
Figure 3). Other socio-demographic
findings show that factors had influenced
different emotional factors
socio-demographic wellbeing had(the top four emotional
influenced emotions)
differently than described in Section 3.1 (see Table A4 in Appendix A).
wellbeing (the top four emotions) differently than described in Section 3.1 (see Table A4 in Appendix Male students were feeling
more hopeful, first-level students were feeling more bored, while students
A). Male students were feeling more hopeful, first-level students were feeling more bored, while of the arts and humanities
were feeling
students more
of the anxious
arts and frustrated.
and humanities wereSimilar
feelingnegative emotions
more anxious and were also noticed
frustrated. among
Similar those
students unable to pay their overall costs of study before the COVID-19
emotions were also noticed among those students unable to pay their overall costs of study before pandemic. The relatively high
level of negative emotions and relatively low level of positive emotions
the COVID-19 pandemic. The relatively high level of negative emotions and relatively low level of indicates that the pandemic
itself and emotions
positive the measures taken by
indicates the the
that various governments
pandemic itself (e.g.,
and cessation
the measures of public
takenlife, by
thebans, etc.)
will have specific short- and long-term impacts on the education and mental
governments (e.g., cessation of public life, travel bans, etc.) will have specific short- and long-term health of students [7,33,39].
The accompanying
impacts on the educationeffects of andCOVID-19 will continue
mental health to profoundly
of students [7,33,39]. influence students’ emotional
The accompanying effects of
wellbeing; meanwhile, emotional wellbeing has a crucial
COVID-19 will continue to profoundly influence students’ emotional wellbeing; role to play in combating the pandemic
meanwhile, [94].
This implies that government, health professionals, higher education
emotional wellbeing has a crucial role to play in combating the pandemic [94]. This implies thatinstitutions, student organisations,
and NGOs should
government, healthallprofessionals,
collaborate onhigher the process of designing
education institutions,timely and efficient
student psychological
organisations, and NGOs and
financial support services for students.
should all collaborate on the process of designing timely and efficient psychological and financial
support services for students.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 13 of 34
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 34
Bored Anxious Hopeful Frustrated
Emotions most
Figure 3. Emotions most frequently
frequently expressed
expressed by
by students
students during
during the COVID-19 pandemic (% of
students who felt emotion often or always).
Studying issues Future education Personal finances Professional career
in the future
Figure 4. Personal
COVID-19 pandemic
mostfrequently expressed
frequently by by
expressed students (%
of students
(% worried
of students most
worried of the
most time
of the or all
time of the
or all time).
of the time).
3.1.8. Role of
3.1.8. Role of Institutions
As for
for exploring
exploring the the role
role played
played by by different
different institutions
institutions (i.e.,
(i.e., government, universities, banks,
government, universities, banks,
hospitals), we we asked
asked students
students how how satisfied
satisfied they
they werewere withwith their
their responses
responses during
during the the lockdown
period of COVID-19. While the impact of different socio-demographic factors on satisfaction with
of COVID-19. While the impact of different socio-demographic factors on satisfaction with the
institutions’ role is largely the same as for most other aspects/elements
institutions’ role is largely the same as for most other aspects/elements (see Table A5 in Appendix A), (see Table A5 in Appendix A),
in general, the
in general, the students
studentswere wereby byfarfarthe
satisfiedwith with the
the role
role of of hospitals
hospitals with
with two-thirds
two-thirds of
of all
all respondents being satisfied (or very satisfied) with their response,
respondents being satisfied (or very satisfied) with their response, especially in Sri Lanka with even especially in Sri Lanka with
94.6%94.6% (see Figure
(see Figure 5 and 5Aristovnik
and Aristovnik et al.In
et al. [82]). [82]).
fact, In fact, satisfaction
satisfaction with hospitals
with hospitals was found wastofound
be in
thebe in on
lead theall lead on all continents,
continents, except Oceania except(i.e.,
Oceania (i.e., Newwhere
New Zealand) Zealand) where with
satisfaction satisfaction with the
the government
prevails at 90.7%. prevails
It is at 90.7%.that
obvious It is obvious
since globallythathealthcare
since globally healthcare
providers providers
are working harder are than
harder than ever to keep citizens safe this may act as a starting point
to keep citizens safe this may act as a starting point for providers to rebuild the nation’s (including for providers to rebuild the
nation’s (including students’) satisfaction and trust in healthcare [97].
students’) satisfaction and trust in healthcare [97]. Universities came in second with 47.2% of students Universities came in second
with 47.2% of
expressing students expressing
satisfaction satisfaction
with their response. with their
Oceania hadresponse.
the highest Oceania had the
satisfaction highest
with satisfaction
the university’s
responsethe university’s responseby
(with 60%), followed (with
a tie60%),
between followed
North by a tie between
America and Europe North America
(with aroundand 53%),Europe
(with around 53%), with Africa significantly lagging behind with only
Africa significantly lagging behind with only 29.2%. Interestingly, students in Africa were generally 29.2%. Interestingly, students in
Africa were generally
more satisfied with how more satisfied
banks had with how banks
responded to thehad responded
crisis than with to the crisis than
universities andwith universities
and governments. On the other hand, students in South America
On the other hand, students in South America expressed extremely low levels of satisfaction expressed extremely low levels
with the
of satisfaction with the government (12.1%; Ecuador and Chile
government (12.1%; Ecuador and Chile even with less than 8%) and banks (16.8%; Chile with only even with less than 8%) and banks
(16.8%; Chile with
9.0%). Indeed, globalonly 9.0%).satisfaction
student Indeed, global withstudent satisfaction
governments with governments
and banks and banks
is generally relatively lowis
generally relatively low with only 41.1% and 37.1% being satisfied
with only 41.1% and 37.1% being satisfied (or very satisfied), respectively. This is not surprising as(or very satisfied), respectively.
not surprising
(including as students)
most citizens (including
generally do notstudents)
trust theirgenerally
governments do not andtrust their
banks governments
(see Eurofound
and banks (see Eurofound [8]), despite both institutions having
[8]), despite both institutions having responded by offering extra support to both citizens responded by offering extra support to
both citizens and businesses during the
businesses during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic [44]. worst of the COVID-19 pandemic [44].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 15 of 34
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 34
Banks Government University Hospitals
Figure 5. Student satisfactionwith
selected institutions
institutions during
during thethe COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic
pandemic (%
(% of satisfied
of satisfied or very
or very satisfied
satisfied students).
hopeful (e.g.,2020, 12, x FOR PEER“hope”,
“normal”, REVIEW “future”, “positive”). Students also expressed the importance 16 of 34
of places (e.g., “home”, “work”, “country”), institutions (e.g., “government”, “university”), social
places (e.g., “home”, “work”, “country”), institutions (e.g., “government”, “university”), social
groups (e.g., “family”, “friend”, “parent”), and social activities (e.g., “social”, “distancing”, “studying”,
groups (e.g., “family”, “friend”, “parent”), and social activities (e.g., “social”, “distancing”,
“studying”,In relation to academic
“learning”). life,tothey
In relation also highlighted
academic thehighlighted
life, they also terms “student”, “online”,
the terms “class”,
“online”, “class”, “school”, and “education”. Not surprisingly, they used a few words closely related like
and “education”. Not surprisingly, they used a few words closely related to COVID-19
“virus”, “health”,like
to COVID-19 “mask”,
“virus”,“lockdown”, and “lockdown”,
“health”, “mask”, “vaccine”. These findingsThese
and “vaccine”. are generally
findings areconsistent
generally with
previouswith some previous
empirical surveysempirical
(see Wang surveys (see Wang
and Zhao and Zhaoet[40],
[40], Khattar Khattar et al. [102]).
al. [102]).
Figure 6. Word
Figure cloud
6. Word cloudofofthe
thestudents’ reflectionson
students’ reflections onthe
COVID-19 pandemic.
regression, 7948 valid full student responses were considered in the analysis. Assuming that data were
missing at random, we proceeded by estimating the parameters. The goodness-of-fit statistics for the
proposed empirical model proved to be adequate, as suggested by a Nagelkerke R2 value of 0.386 [109].
The results of the ordinal logistic regression are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Ordinal logistic regression for factors influencing the students’ satisfaction with the role of
their university during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dependent Variable
B SE Wald Sig. OR
Satisfaction with University a
Recorded videos a −0.176 *** 0.021 170.826 0.000 1.193
Information on exams a −0.252 *** 0.020 160.362 0.000 1.287
Teaching staff a −0.662 *** 0.026 639.421 0.000 1.939
PR (websites, social media information) a −0.492 *** 0.025 402.468 0.000 1.636
Bored a −0.060 *** 0.019 110.132 0.001 0.941
Hopeful a −0.231 *** 0.021 125.165 0.000 1.260
Study issues a −0.045 *** 0.019 115.764 0.016 0.956
Gender b −0.074 *** 0.045 112.725 0.099 1.077
Citizenship c −0.019 *** 0.091 110.045 0.832 0.981
Status d −0.016 *** 0.070 110.052 0.819 1.016
Master’s degree e −0.034 *** 0.064 110.273 0.601 1.034
Social sciences e −0.196 *** 0.045 119.282 0.000 1.217
Scholarship e −0.168 *** 0.046 113.224 0.000 1.183
Ability to pay e −0.190 *** 0.043 119.653 0.000 1.209
Africa e −0.144 *** 0.117 111.517 0.218 1.155
Asia e −0.046 *** 0.073 110.393 0.531 1.047
Europe e −0.149 *** 0.065 115.360 0.021 1.161
North America e −0.094 *** 0.086 111.215 0.270 0.910
Oceania e −0.314 *** 0.251 111.557 0.212 0.731
Note: B—regression coefficient; SE—standard error; OR—odds ratio. Measurement: a 5-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 (lowest value) to 5 (highest value); b 1—Male, 0—Female, c 1—Domestic, 0—Foreign; d 1—Full-time,
0—Part-time; e 1—Yes, 0—No. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
The results confirm that satisfaction with recorded videos as one of the most exposed forms of online
lectures has a positive effect on the students’ satisfaction with the role of their university during the
COVID-19 pandemic (B = 0.176; OR = 1.193; p < 0.001). More specifically, a one-unit (scale) increase in
student satisfaction with recorded videos leads to a 0.176-increase in the log-odds of having a higher
level of overall satisfaction with the university, while the other predictor variables in the model are
held constant. Equivalently, a one-unit increase in satisfaction with recorded videos would increase
the probability of overall satisfaction with the university by 19.3%, while keeping other variables
in the model constant. A positive and significant influence is also observed for satisfaction with
teaching support in terms of providing sufficient and adequate information on exams or the examination
procedure during the crisis (B = 0.252; OR = 1.287; p < 0.001), since a one-unit increase in student
satisfaction with the information given about exams would lead to a 28.7%-increase in the probability
of being in a higher category of overall satisfaction with the university, while keeping the other model
predictor variables constant.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and support staff have played a key role in maintaining
students’ satisfaction with the university, as established by the highest positive and highly significant
coefficients for satisfaction with the teaching staff (B = 0.662; OR = 1.939; p < 0.001) and PR (websites,
social media information) (B = 0.492; OR = 1.636; p < 0.001). This implies that a rise in satisfaction with
the lecturers and public relations by one unit (while the other predictor variables in the model are held
constant) increases the probability of being at a higher level of satisfaction with the university by 93.9%
and 63.3%, respectively.
Moreover, emotional life and selected personal circumstances were also identified as important
drivers of student satisfaction with the role of their university during the pandemic. Namely, boredom has
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 18 of 34
a negative impact (B = −0.060; OR = 0.941; p = 0.001), while hopefulness (B = 0.231; OR = 1.260; p < 0.001)
is identified as a positive driver of the students’ overall satisfaction with the university. In addition,
concerns about study issues (lectures, seminars and practical work) were found to have a negative and
significant effect on the students’ satisfaction with the role of their university during the COVID-19
pandemic (B = −0.045; OR = 0.956; p = 0.016).
With regards to socio-demographic factors, the regression coefficients for gender, citizenship, status,
and level of study were not statistically significant, implying that these predictors are not important
determinants of the students’ satisfaction with the role of the university during the pandemic. However,
field of study proved to be an important determinant of the students’ satisfaction with the university
since the results suggest that students from the social sciences (p < 0.001) have a 21.7% greater chance of
attaining better overall satisfaction with the university compared to their counterparts, keeping the
other model variables constant. Further, the financial perspective also emerged as a crucial driver of the
students’ satisfaction with the university. As indicated by the results, students receiving a scholarship
(B = 0.168; OR = 1.183; p < 0.001) and with a higher ability to pay (B = 0.190; OR = 1.209; p < 0.001) have
a greater chance of reaching a higher level of overall satisfaction with their university compared to
students who have financial problems.
Finally, the geographical perspective was also found to be important for explaining the variation
in the overall satisfaction of students with the university, especially in Europe for which a positive and
significant coefficient was found (B = 0.149; OR = 1.161; p = 0.021). More specifically, students from
Europe may have 16.1% higher chances of attaining better overall satisfaction with their university
compared to students from other continents, keeping the other variables constant in the model.
4. Discussion
While the world was facing up to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, higher education
institutions were crucially affected at their core: The students. For them, the period was undoubtedly
unprecedented and very stressful as onsite classes were moved online, semesters were postponed,
examinations adjusted, etc. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for in-depth studies about the ways
the pandemic crisis has impacted students’ lives around the world. After performing an extensive
overview of the state-of-the-art literature, we may conclude that our paper is the first large-scale global
survey among students from different study perspectives since the COVID-19 outbreak. In our study
conducted between 5 May and 15 June 2020, we attempted to illustrate what student life looked like
during the COVID-19 pandemic from academic, social, emotional, financial, and other perspectives.
In this respect, the study offers a number of valuable and unique detailed insights into student life
during the lockdown period.
First, the students’ academic work and academic life aspects were studied. Due to the physical
closure of higher education institutions, the majority of teaching and learning processes went online,
i.e., 86.7% of all respondents claimed that their onsite classes had been cancelled and substituted with
online lectures in the form of real-time video conferences, sending presentations to students, video
recordings, and written communication (forums and chats). The students were the most satisfied with
real-time video conferences, video recordings, and written communication, with Oceania and Europe
emerging as global frontrunners while developing countries (from Asia and Africa) significantly lagged
behind. The study of Kamarianos et al. [25] also confirmed that in a given situation, being a student
(Generation Z), thus digitally much more literate than previous generations, helped considerably in
overcoming the difficulties of the transition from onsite to online learning. There was not much time
to prepare in order to reorganise the teaching and learning processes; the transition had to be quick
and efficient [44]. The results of our survey further demonstrate that on the global level, students
were quite satisfied with the organisation of all three segments of the pedagogical process: Lectures,
tutorials/seminars, and mentorships. When comparing the workload before the transition from onsite
to online, somewhat less than half the respondents reported that in the new learning environment
their workload had become larger or significantly larger—the biggest increases in workload were
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 19 of 34
reported in Oceania and Europe and the smallest in Asia and Africa, both most probably due to
the underdeveloped Internet network and a lack of computer skills [15,44,45,47,64,87]. However,
we cannot attribute all negative consequences to the development level of digital infrastructure and
skills in specific parts of the world because studying isolated online at home can bring many challenges,
e.g., a lack of motivation and the need for greater self-discipline and self-initiative, which means that
one has to efficiently adapt one’s studying habits in order to minimise the stress and the feeling of
work overload [36,46,86]. Besides being satisfied with the support of the teaching staff, regardless
of the continent the students were also satisfied with, the university’s information obtained on
websites and social media, which indicates the importance of efficient communication from higher
education management.
Concerning the availability of the infrastructure needed to efficiently study from home,
three-quarters of the respondents had computers where, not surprisingly, students from advanced
countries prevailed (e.g., Oceania, North America, Europe). It is alarming that almost half the
respondents did not have a quiet place to study and one-third had no regular access to printers,
where the African, Asian, and South American students reported the lowest results. A good Internet
connection as a key element in efficient online learning (also see Owusu-Fordjour et al. [15], Adnan and
Anwar [46], Baloran [47], Anifowoshe et al. [64], Ali [83], and Kapasia et al. [45]) was available to just
60% of the respondents (29% in Africa, and even the best-ranked continent, i.e., Oceania, showed 71%).
Students were also asked about their confidence in the computer skills needed for efficient online study.
They expressed confidence in their skills of using online communication platforms, browsing online for
information, and sharing digital content. Yet they were not confident in the skills of adjusting advanced
settings of some software and programmes, as well as using online teaching platforms (BigBlueButton,
Moodle, Blackboard, GoToMeeting, etc.). This finding calls for the introduction of intensive training
prior to the start of the upcoming semesters in both hemispheres. The results also show there are
large differences in the availability of digital equipment and the development of computer skills
between students from the developing and developed parts of the world [15,64,87,110], and that
even on the most advanced continents (in our case, Europe and Oceania) students do not have equal
opportunities to study online efficiently due to different living conditions, domestic duties, and other
factors (also see UN [111]). In the segments of student academic work and life described above,
socio-demographic factors appeared as the important predictors of satisfaction with and perception of
specific segments. In general, like in the case of other life aspects of students, female, full-time students,
studying on the second level, studying the social sciences, having a scholarship, without financial
problems, and not having lost a student job due to the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be more
satisfied and assessed the studied elements in a more positive way. Indeed, the empirical findings
confirm that undergraduate students and students with financial problems (particularly from Africa
and Asia) are finding it harder to cope with the pandemic’s consequences for their academic work
and lives.
The above-mentioned quick and radical changes in teaching and learning processes have produced
significant consequences for students’ mental health, i.e., feeling specific emotions and worries.
The analysis of the emotions felt by the students showed they were frequently feeling bored, anxious,
and frustrated, but also hopeful and joyful. The highest levels of anxiety were detected in South
America (Brazil) and Oceania. As reported by Pather et al. [112], the higher level of anxiety of students
from the southern hemisphere, e.g., from New Zealand and Australia (the same in South America,
e.g., Argentina, Brazil), may be attributed to the fact that the start of the pandemic coincided with
the beginning of the 2020 academic year, whereas in the northern hemisphere the academic year was
nearing its end, i.e., students from the southern hemisphere were probably more worried about the
curriculum delivery and assessment for the entire study year, not only its finish. A similar ranking of
continents as for anxiety was found for frustration as the second-most devastating emotion. On the
other hand, when analysing positive emotions, North America appeared to be the continent with the
most joyful students and Asia with the most hopeful students. In order to protect students’ mental
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 20 of 34
to Aksoy et al. [115] the current epidemic could lead to the further erosion of satisfaction and trust
in political leaders and institutions and may leave behind a long-lasting political scar on the current
young generation. The selected socio-demographic factors influenced the level of satisfaction with
institutions in the same way as was described by way of a general observation.
Governments, banks, and universities introduced different support measures for their citizens
(see Cao et al. [7], Eurofound [8], and Yeo and Kim [116]), thus and also for students in order to minimise
their distress, specifically in the socio-economic aspects of their lives, i.e., offering free public transport,
freezing rents, deferring student loan payments, etc. Students from all over the world reported on
the importance of measures, such as emergency support for the vulnerable population (e.g., in South
America and Europe), childcare for workers (e.g., in South America and Africa), deferring student
loan payments (e.g., in South and North America), and deferring or reducing payments and financial
assistance. Interestingly, free public transport was perceived to be the least important, most probably
because people (including students) were asked to stay home during the first weeks of the pandemic
outbreak. Female students, arts students, students with a scholarship, and those with a lower living
standard assessed the mentioned measures as being more important than other socio-demographic
groups. Logically, the international students emphasised the importance of financial assistance for
renters. When summarising the above findings as a basis for decision-making on work in the upcoming
semester, it is important for the universities’ authorities that the majority of students have a good
opinion on the work being done by their universities, as also discovered by Huckins et al. [42],
Goel et al. [110], and Misirlis et al. [117].
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has tested academic systems around the world
and that universities had to rapidly transform traditional forms of education to exclusive online
education [12]. The ordinal logistic regression results show the students’ satisfaction with the role
of their university during COVID-19 has been significantly influenced by various academic, mental,
and socio-demographic factors. Students who were more satisfied with the new form of education
(e.g., recorded videos as a form of online lectures), with the teaching support (e.g., by providing
sufficient and adequate information on exams or the examination procedure during the crisis),
and university public relations (e.g., by providing regular updates and information on websites
and social media) show greater satisfaction with the role of their university during the pandemic
(see Sahu [44]). In addition, the mental aspect also had an impact since less bored, more hopeful,
and students with less of a concern about study issues demonstrated greater satisfaction with their
university’s measures (see Händel et al. [36]). Not surprisingly, social science students, students
with better financial conditions (scholarship recipients and those with a higher ability to pay costs),
and students from Europe appeared to be more satisfied with the way their university had coped with
the pandemic.
According to the presented results of the global study, in the context of academic work/life
the COVID-19 crisis has apparently had a strong impact on male students, part-time students,
undergraduate students, applied sciences students, and students with a lower living standard
(those unable to pay their costs, without a scholarship, and who lost their job due to the pandemic).
The geographical differences in the results are alarming, especially for Africa and Asia [15,45,64,83]
and should be understood as an important signal for international, national, and higher education
authorities to ensure they appropriately respond with adequate policy recommendations concerning
different aspects of student life in order to minimise the gap in students’ opportunities among different
parts of the world. Further, when considering emotional life and personal circumstances, predominantly
female, full-time, undergraduate students and students with financial problems were affected more
negatively by the pandemic. Our findings corroborate the concerns of international institutions like the
United Nations [111], which stress the importance of the efficient delivery of educational programmes
in order to avoid digital, social, economic, and gender inequalities. Policymakers on all levels should
provide investments in digital literacy and infrastructure, while education institutions should provide
flexible delivery methods, digital platforms, and modernised user-friendly curricula to both students
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 22 of 34
and teachers. All authorities involved in higher education systems and the wellbeing of students as
an extremely important segment of the population should prepare a set of proactive measures in the
higher education arena so as to ensure the proper support for students and their healthy development
in these ever-changing circumstances caused by the pandemic.
Several limitations of the present study should be noted. First, the majority of aspects in the
questionnaire were in the form of students’ self-report. This kind of process is usually complex
and requires both recall and insight, where a recall bias and social desirability bias may be caused
by the self-reported property of the research [89,95]. It is reasonable to assume that some students
might under/overestimate their satisfaction with and perception of the selected aspects/elements of
their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, the responses from some countries/continents
were low (e.g., New Zealand/Oceania) or quite limited (e.g., the USA and Canada/North America)
as one or few countries from a single continent made up most of the sample, while there were no
participants from other countries. As a result, these findings may be biased to some extent and therefore
caution should be taken while generalising the results to those countries/continents not included in the
sample. Third, the study was carried out in various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in different
countries/continents—it was advanced more in some regions than in others, with varying sizes of
magnitude. Further, as the data collection was mainly conducted in May 2020 while the declaration of
a pandemic was still in force in most countries included in the sample, access to the survey participants
was relatively limited. Finally, identified socio-demographic and geographic differences in students’
perceptions are not necessarily just a reflection of the COVID-19 pandemic but also of some other
factors (e.g., differences in digital transformation of higher education, economic development, cultural
and religious background, political circumstances etc.).
Notwithstanding the above limitations, the findings of our global survey are extremely important
since to date only a few comparative studies that analyse the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on
different aspects on student life have been performed. Therefore, the present study importantly fills
this gap and points to avenues for future research, such as: (1) Focusing further empirical analysis on
each studied aspect/element of student life separately and in more detail from different (comparative)
perspectives on regional, national, and/or institutional levels; and (2) extending a similar survey to
teaching staff and other employees at higher education institutions by performing a global study on
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their professional and private lives.
5. Conclusions
In the period of just a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus has
radically transformed the lives of masses of people around the globe, including higher education
students. In this respect, this comprehensive global study provides systematic meaningful insights into
students’ satisfaction and perception of different aspects of their lives during the pandemic, including
their opinions on the immediate and distant future. We found that teaching staff and universities’
public relations offered students the most important support at the university during the pandemic.
On the other hand, the lack of computer skills and the perception of a relatively higher workload
prevented students from perceiving a higher performance while adapting to the ‘new normal’; namely,
education from a distance. During the lockdown, students primarily raised concerns about their
future professional career and study issues and were mainly bored, anxious, and frustrated. They also
changed some of their hygienic behaviours such as regularly wearing masks and washing hands,
and daily routine habits like leaving home and shaking hands. While the role of both hospitals and
universities appears to be positive, governments and banks did not meet the students’ expectations
during the pandemic.
Socio-demographic (and geographic) factors also played an important role in the students’
perception of different aspects of academic work/life as the empirical results suggest that the transition
from onsite to online lectures due to the Covid-19 crisis had a stronger effect on males, part-time
students, undergraduate students, applied sciences students, students with a lower living standard,
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 23 of 34
and students from less developed regions (in Africa and Asia), while the pandemic generally had a
greater effect on students who were female, full-time, undergraduate and had financial problems with
respect to their emotional life and personal circumstances. Further, in order to illuminate the factors
that influence students’ satisfaction with the role of their university during the pandemic, an ordinal
logistic regression was applied. The results demonstrate that more hopeful and less bored students,
students who were more satisfied with their academic work/life, social science students, students
with a better living standard (with a scholarship and/or the ability to pay the overall costs of study),
and those who were studying in Europe showed greater satisfaction with the role and measures of their
university during the COVID-19 crisis. These findings importantly call for public and higher education
authorities to closely collaborate (together with other stakeholders) and urgently pay attention to
vulnerable student groups while seeking to resolve the diverse, mostly negative, consequences of the
prolonged COVID-19 measures around the world.
Appendix A
Table A1. Relationships between socio-demographic and geographic characteristics and aspects/elements of student life (from onsite to online lectures and academic work).
Socio-Demographic and Geographic Characteristics Gender Citizenship Status Level of Study Field of Study Scholarship Ability to Pay Lost Job Continent
Male/ Full-/ First/Second/ Arts/Social/
Aspects/Elements Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No AF/AS/EU/NA/OC/SA
Female Part-time Third Applied/Natural
Satisfaction with forms of online lectures
Female *** No ** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Video conferences OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.13) (0.16) (0.3) (0.17) (0.26) (0.27)
Female *** Second *** Natural ** Yes *** No ***
Recorded videos OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.12) (0.25) (0.14) (0.22) (0.27)
Female ** No * Second *** Social ** No ***
Presentations to students OC > AS > EU > SA > AF > NA ***
(0.08) (0.15) (0.18) (0.10) (0.28)
Adaptation and performance in the new teaching environment
Full *** First *** Yes *** No *** Yes ***
Difficult to focus OC > SA > NA > AF > EU > AS ***
(0.20) (0.36) (0.18) (0.12) (0.24)
Second *** Social *** No * Yes *** No ***
Adaptation to new learning experience EU > OC > AS > NA > SA > AF ***
(0.35) (0.17) (0.08) (0.23) (0.27)
Second *** Social *** Yes *** No *
Improved performance EU > AS > OC > SA > NA > AF ***
(0.19) (0.18) (0.12) (0.16)
Teaching support and study workload
Female *** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Timely response OC > EU > SA > NA > AS > AF ***
(0.08) (0.17) (0.14) (0.16) (0.22)
Second *** Social*** Yes *** No ***
Open to suggestions OC > SA > EU > NA > AS > AF ***
(0.14) (0.14) (0.17) (0.19)
Female ** Social *** Yes *** Yes *** No ***
Information on exams OC > NA > EU > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.09) (0.25) (0.13) (0.14) (0.30)
Female *** First *** Arts *** Yes ***
Extent of study workload NA > OC > EU > SA > AF > AS ***
(0.10) (0.18) (0.10) (0.05)
Satisfaction with support of teaching and support staff
Female *** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Teaching staff OC > NA > EU > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.10) (0.17) (0.21) (0.21) (0.22)
Female *** Social *** Yes ***
PR (websites, social media information) OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.15) (0.16) (0.15)
Female * Social * Yes *** No ***
Tutors OC > SA > EU > NA > AS > AF ***
(0.08) (0.11) (0.20) (0.27)
Note: Differences between the top and bottom groups are shown in parentheses. Continent codes: AF—Africa; AS—Asia; EU—Europe; NA—North America; OC—Oceania;
SA—South America. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Statistically non-significant differences are not reported.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 25 of 34
Table A2. Relationships between socio-demographic and geographic characteristics and aspects/elements of student life (academic life).
Socio-Demographic and Geographic Characteristics Gender Citizenship Status Level of Study Field of Study Scholarship Ability to Pay Lost Job Continent
Full-/ First/
Male/ Arts/Social/
Aspects/Elements Yes/No Part- Second/ Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No AF/AS/EU/NA/OC/SA
Female Applied/Natural
time Third
Access to infrastructure for studying at home
Female * No ** Full *** Second *** Social *** Yes *** Yes *** No ***
Computer a OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(3) (6) (5) (15) (7) (3) (14) (9)
Full *** Second *** Yes *** No ***
Required software and programmes a OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(7) (11) (18) (12)
No * Second *** Social * Yes *** No ***
Good Internet connection a EU > OC > NA > AS > SA > AF ***
(7) (11) (7) (18) (15)
Confidence in computer skills
Male *** Full *** Second *** Social ** Yes *** No ***
Browsing online information OC > EU > NA > SA > AF > AS ***
(0.12) (0.19) (0.34) (0.09) (0.22) (0.30)
Male *** Full *** Second *** Yes *** No ***
Sharing digital content OC > EU > NA > SA > AF > AS ***
(0.15) (0.13) (0.26) (0.23) (0.28)
Male *** No *** Full ** Second * Social *** Yes *** Yes *** No ***
Using online teaching platforms OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.11) (0.23) (0.13) (0.18) (0.17) (0.11) (0.32) (0.27)
No * Full *** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Using online collaboration platforms OC > EU > NA > SA > AS > AF ***
(0.14) (0.14) (0.29) (0.17) (0.29) (0.29)
Note: Differences between the top and bottom groups are shown in parentheses difference is measured in percentage points). Continent codes: AF—Africa; AS—Asia; EU—Europe;
NA—North America; OC—Oceania; SA—South America. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Statistically non-significant differences are not reported.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 26 of 34
Table A3. Relationships between socio-demographic and geographic characteristics and aspects/elements of student life (social life and change in habits).
Socio-Demographic and Geographic Characteristics Gender Citizenship Status Level of Study Field of Study Scholarship Ability to Pay Lost Job Continent
Full-/ First/
Male/ Arts/Social/
Aspects/Elements Yes/No Part- Second/ Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No AF/AS/EU/NA/OC/SA
Female Applied/Natural
time Third
Online communication with social groups
Full *** Second *** Yes ***
Close family member a EU > OC > AS > AF > NA > SA ***
(6) (11) (5)
Female *** No * Social * Yes *** No **
Someone I live with (e.g., a roommate) a OC > EU > SA > NA > AF > AS ***
(10) (6) (7) (5) (6)
Female *** Full *** First *** Yes *
Close friend a EU > OC > NA > AF > AS > SA ***
(6) (10) (14) (3)
Female *** Yes *** First *** Yes *** Yes ***
Social networks a SA > NA > EU > AS > AF > OC ***
(5) (7) (11) (5) (4)
Change in habits in daily life
Female *** Full ** No ***
Wearing a mask outside a SA > AS > NA > EU > AF > OC***
(7) (4) (3)
Female * No ** No **
Washing hands a
(4) (4) (9)
Female *** Full *
Leaving home unnecessarily a OC > SA > NA > AF > EU > AS ***
(7) (4)
No *
Shaking hands a SA > OC > NA > AF > EU > AS ***
Note: Differences between the top and bottom groups are shown in parentheses (a difference is measured in percentage points). Continent codes: AF—Africa; AS—Asia; EU—Europe;
NA—North America; OC—Oceania; SA—South America. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Statistically non-significant differences are not reported.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 27 of 34
Table A4. Relationships between socio-demographic and geographic characteristics and aspects/elements of student life (emotional life and personal circumstances).
Socio-Demographic and Geographic Characteristics Gender Citizenship Status Level of Study Field of Study Scholarship Ability to Pay Lost Job Continent
Full-/ First/
Male/ Arts/Social/
Aspects/Elements Yes/No Part- Second/ Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No AF/AS/EU/NA/OC/SA
Female Applied/Natural
time Third
Felt emotions
Full *** First *** No *** Yes ***
Bored a
(11) (11) (4) (9)
Female *** Arts *** Yes *** No *** Yes ***
Anxious a OC > NA > SA > EU > AF > AS ***
(16) (11) (7) (4) (8)
Male *** Yes * No ***
Hopeful a
(4) (3) (10)
Female *** Full *** Arts ** Yes *** No ** Yes ***
Frustrated a OC > NA > SA > EU > AF > AS ***
(11) (10) (9) (5) (3) (9)
Felt worries
Female *** Yes ** No *** Yes ***
Professional career in the future a NA > SA > AF > AS > EU > OC ***
(4) (3) (11) (9)
Female *** Full *** No ***
Study issues a EU > AF > OC > NA > SA > AS ***
(9) (6) (5)
Part *** No *** Yes ***
Personal finances a AF > SA > NA > AS > EU > OC ***
(6) (21) (14)
Female *** First *** No *** Yes ***
Future education a NA > SA > AF > AS > EU > OC ***
(6) (11) (9) (10)
Note: Differences between the top and bottom groups are shown in parentheses (a difference is measured in percentage points). Continent codes: AF—Africa; AS—Asia; EU—Europe;
NA—North America; OC—Oceania; SA—South America. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Statistically non-significant differences are not reported.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 28 of 34
Table A5. Relationships between socio-demographic and geographic characteristics and aspects/elements of student life (role of institutions and measures of
Socio-Demographic and Geographic Characteristics Gender Citizenship Status Level of Study Field of Study Scholarship Ability to Pay Lost Job Continent
Full-/ First/
Male/ Arts/Social/
Aspects/Elements Yes/No Part- Second/ Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No AF/AS/EU/NA/OC/SA
Female Applied/Natural
time Third
Satisfaction with institutions
Female *** No *** Full *** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Government OC > EU > AS > AF > NA > SA ***
(0.17) (0.39) (0.18) (0.30) (0.31) (0.17) (0.37)
Second *** Social *** Yes *** Yes *** No ***
University OC > EU > SA > NA > AS > AF ***
(0.15) (0.24) (0.11) (0.23) (0.28)
Female *** No *** Full ** Second *** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Banks OC > AS > EU > AF > NA > SA ***
(0.11) (0.19) (0.12) (0.14) (0.17) (0.15) (0.25)
Female *** Full *** Second ** Social *** Yes *** No ***
Hospitals OC > EU > AS > AF > NA > SA ***
(0.10) (0.24) (0.17) (0.21) (0.18) (0.20)
Importance of measures by institutions
Female *** Arts *** Yes *** No ***
Emergency support for vulnerable population SA > NA > AF > EU > AS > OC ***
(0.14) (0.22) (0.11) (0.20)
Female *** Arts * Yes * No ***
Childcare for essential workers SA > AF > NA > EU > OC > AS ***
(0.15) (0.15) (0.08) (0.18)
Female *** No *** Arts *** Yes *** No ***
Financial assistance for renters OC > SA > AF > EU > NA > AS ***
(0.13) (0.19) (0.26) (0.10) (0.31)
Female *** Arts *** Yes *** No ***
Deferred monthly payments SA > NA > AF > EU > AS > OC ***
(0.13) (0.15) (0.13) (0.21)
Note: Differences between the top and bottom groups are shown in parentheses. Continent codes: AF—Africa; AS—Asia; EU—Europe; NA—North America; OC—Oceania;
SA—South America. Significance: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Statistically non-significant differences are not reported.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 8438 29 of 34
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