Dynamics of Chemically Reactive Magnetized Casson Nanofluid Flow Over A Sensor Surface Under Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation Effects
Dynamics of Chemically Reactive Magnetized Casson Nanofluid Flow Over A Sensor Surface Under Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation Effects
Dynamics of Chemically Reactive Magnetized Casson Nanofluid Flow Over A Sensor Surface Under Joule Heating and Viscous Dissipation Effects
The main novelty and uniqueness of the present numerical analysis is to explore the salient magneto-thermo characteris-
tic features of viscous incompressible electrically conducting magnetic dissipative Casson nanofluid flow over a sensor
surface engulfed between two parallel plates with Joule heating and chemical reaction effects under an external squeezing
mechanism. A novel Brownian motion and thermophoretic features are included in the thermal and mass diffusion equa-
tions to accurately simulate the magneto-hydrodynamics nano-behavior inside the boundary layer region. By virtue of this
considered flow mechanism, the developed nonlinear two-dimensional unsteady conservation equations are reduced to non-
dimensional and self-similar through suitable similarity transformations. Thus, the emerged nonlinear squeezed coupled
boundary value problem is then solved by employing a numerically efficient and robust Runge-Kutta 4th-order scheme
with a shooting technique (RK-4). The thermo-dynamic characteristic features of the developed various fluid parameters
are discussed through extensive graphical illustrations. The present graphical discussion states that the increasing magnetic
parameter significantly amplifies the Casson nanofluid flow and thermal diffusion process in the channel region. Increasing
plate gap parameter boosts up the nanofluid flow and thermal transmission mechanism. Thermal transport from the sensor
surface is advanced with rising Eckert number through Joule and viscous dissipation effects. Elevating Brownian motion
and thermophoretic numbers increases the thermal and concentration diffusion process. Skin friction coefficient decreased
with rising magnetic and squeezing numbers. Heat transport rate decreased with rising Brownian motion and thermophoresis
parameters. Conclusively, the main aim and objective of the current analysis is the inclusion of the Buongiorno nanofluid
model, Joule heating, viscous dissipation, and chemical reaction effects which generalizes the earlier findings and provides a
more redefined numerical analysis of heat and mass transport characteristics of Casson nanofluid flow past a sensor surface
under external squeezing mechanism.
Keywords Casson nanofluid · Magnetic number · Sensor wall · Ohmic dissipation · Brownian flow · Thermophoresis
Nomenclature Cfx Skin friction coefficient
M Magnetic parameter Nux Nusselt number
b Squeezed flow index Shx Sherwood number
fo Permeable velocity parameter Rex Local Reynolds number
Pr Prandtl number f, f′ Non-dimensional velocity components
Sc Schmidt number qw Wall heat flux (W m−2)
Ec Eckert number jw Wall mass flux (Kg m−2 s)
Kr Chemical reaction parameter k Thermal conductivity (W m−1K−1)
Nb Brownian motion parameter Cp Specific heat capacity (J Kg−1K−1)
Nt Thermophoretic parameter Tm Mean thermal field (K)
Bmo Uniform magnetic field (Am−1)
* Hussain Basha
u, v Velocity field along x- and y-axes (ms−1)
[email protected] x, y Dimensional xy-coordinate system (m)
h(t) Time-dependent channel height (m)
Department of Mathematics, Government Degree College, Dm Coefficient of Brownian motion (ms−2)
Sindhanur, Karnataka 584128, India
242 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
DT Thermophoretic diffusion coefficient (ms−2) mechanisms in view of industrial point including biosensors
t Time (s) and micro-cantilever advantageous.
T Dimensional temperature (K) Pertaining to these aforementioned physical flow mecha-
Tw Surface temperature (K) nisms in the various fields of engineering and microfluidics,
C Dimensional concentration (Kg m−3) for the first time, Stefan [5] described the mathematical mode-
Cw Wall concentration (Kg m−3) ling of the squeezed flow of viscous fluid between two parallel
plates with a higher level of external squeezing mechanism.
Greek symbols
The pioneering work of Stefan was continued by a number
α Thermal diffusivity (m2s−1)
of researches including Kuzma [6] who explored the iner-
μ Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
tial effects on the squeezed viscous fluid flow between two
ν Kinematic viscosity (m2s−1)
parallel plates by exhibiting the experimental validation of
ρ Fluid density (Kg m−3)
the closed-form solutions. Gupta and Gupta [7] discussed the
σ Electrical conductivity (S m−1)
Newtonian fluid flow through parallel plate regimes by deriv-
β Casson fluid parameter
ing the time-dependent type of the Navier-Stokes equations
η Non-dimensional transverse coordinate
under the external squeeze process. Their analysis witnessed
θ Non-dimensional temperature
that the produced similarity results are found to vary with the
ϕ Non-dimensional concentration
square root of the time component. Similar flow mechanism
Subscripts was discussed by Wang and Watson [8] by taking channel
∞ Free stream conditions height as an inverse square root of time via a perturbation
w Wall conditions scheme. Their study showed that for the increasing squeezed
flow parameter, the boundary layer exists with smaller vis-
cosity values. Bhattacharyya and Pal [9] explored the elec-
tro-magnetic incompressible time-dependent squeezed flow
1 Introduction between two parallel discs with a rotating lower disc through
the Hermitian finite difference technique. Their analysis
Despite of being simple, the squeezed flow of non-New- showed that increasing Lorentz force magnifies the torque
tonian Casson fluid models finds abundant applications in over the rotating disc. Time-dependent Newtonian fluid flow
chemical engineering, cooling of nuclear reactors, petroleum between two elliptic parallel plates was studied by Usha
industries, biophysical, polymer processing, injection mold- and Sridharan [10] through the multifold series method. It
ing, pharmaceutical, heat transport in tissues, thermal gen- is shown that increasing the Reynolds parameter raises fluid
eration, magnetized drug targeting, blood flow in vessels, flow adjacent to the wall.
and many more. Particularly, the present physical investiga- The research work presented in the above-cited literature
tion has a good number of applications in the field of micro- is very basic and more fundamental, and this non-progressed
fluidics like most of the biological and chemical sensors research is updated and more generalized by the pioneering
comprise the stretching surface as their sensor elements. An work of Khaled and Vafai [11] which deals with the analy-
example of this stretching element is the micro-cantilever sis of electro-magnetic Newtonian fluid flow over a sensor
sensor system, in which the sensor elements precisely detect sheet under the action of a time-dependent Lorentz force
the various bio-warfare agents, infections, viruses, hazards, field engulfed in the micro-cantilever regime with external
and diseases. More clearly, one of the micro-cantilever sur- squeezing mechanism. Their study witnessed that increasing
faces coated with the receptor or a sensor bends over the the plate gap parameter decreases thermal diffusion. Further,
required targeted molecule. Further, in many of the micro- Khaled and Vafai [12] elaborated their research to detect
fluidics experiments, the micro-cantilever apparatus is com- the influence of external oscillatory squeezing mechanism
monly positioned inside the thin film fluidic cells, and this on the two-dimensional magnetic Newtonian fluid flow
system is subjected to a higher level of external squeezing between parallel plates. Their study revealed that enlarg-
mechanism. Accordingly, in this physical problem, the fluid ing the Reynolds parameter enhances the instabilities inside
flow about a micro-cantilever sensor system is considered as the fluid flow region. Mustafa et al. [13] further generalized
the fluid flow past a stretching sheet. However, this physical the above physical fluid flow studies by including the com-
mechanism has a rich set of engineering and biomedical bined effects of thermal and mass diffusion thermo-dynamic
applications in the case of fluid flow about a micro-cantilever properties in the parallel plate regime under chemical reac-
sensor system initiated by an external squeezing process at tion impacts via homotopy method and showed that enlarg-
the boundary of fluidic cells. The research investigations ing magnetic number suppressed the velocity field. Hayat
of Lavrik et al. [1], Xu et al. [2], Engmann et al. [3], and et al. [14] described the effects of the Lorentz force field
Zhang et al [4] clearly discussed the above physical flow on the squeezed flow of two-dimensional electro-magnetic
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 243
second-grade fluid motion through suspended disc region, over a shrinking sheet under the action of Soret and Dufour
and it is found that enlarging magnetic number decreases effects with heat and mass transport conditions. Hussain
the flow field. Petrov and Kharlamova [15] discussed the et al. [28] explored the impact of a magnetic field on the
discretization of governing Navier-Stokes’ equations for the rotating hybrid nanofluid motion over stretchable sheets via
flow of viscous fluid under the impact of an external squeeze 2nd-order convergent scheme. Hussain et al. [29] demon-
mechanism between parallel plates. strated the action of nanoparticle shape factor on the flow
The time-dependent Lorentz force–influenced squeezed and thermal feature of Sutterby hybrid nanoliquid about a
viscous fluid flow through parallel plate region is discussed stretching sheet under radiation mechanism. Ai et al. [30]
by Khan et al. [16]. Their analysis witnessed that an enlarged explored the impacts of magnetic dipole and molecular inter-
magnetic number suppressed the fluid flow in the channel actions on the flow and heat transport features of fully devel-
region. The time-dependent magnetic Carreau fluid flow oped nanoliquid motion through normal ducts via the finite
over a sensor sheet under the out-side squeeze mechanism volume method. Hussain et al. [31] described the practical
is discussed by Khan et al. [17] through a robust RK-4 application and investigation of copper–zirconium dioxide/
scheme, and their discussion showed that increasing the ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid motion through solar col-
Carreau fluid parameter suppressed the fluid flow inside the lectors under thermal radiation influences. Hussain et al.
channel region. Salahuddin et al. [18] explored the thermo- [32] demonstrated the action of entropy generation effect on
fluidic behavior of a two-dimensional electro-magnetic the flow and thermal transport features of Williamson hybrid
Carreau-Yasuda fluid flow about a sensor wall under an nanofluid motion through the parabolic solar collector in the
out-side squeeze mechanism via the Runge-Kutta Fehlberg case of solar aircraft application. Further, Hussain et al. [33]
technique. Kumar et al. [19] studied the characteristics of studied the thermal radiation influence on the Williamson
tangent hyperbolic fluid flow over a sensor surface sus- hybrid nanoliquid motion over a stretchable surface under
pended between two parallel plates under electro-magnetic the presence of an entropy generation mechanism numeri-
viscous incompressible conditions via the RK-F scheme, cally. Hussain et al. [34] explored the effects of slip condi-
and their analysis showed that enlarging plate gap param- tions on the flow and thermal transport feature of hybrid
eter suppresses the fluid flow. Usha and Naduvinamani [20] nanofluid (ethylene glycol–based graphene and molybdenum
explored the effects of the Cattaneo-Christov flux models on disulfide) flow past a stretchable sheet numerically. Hafeez
the thermo-dynamic squeeze behavior of a time-dependent et al. [35] studied the buoyancy-driven magnetized Prandtl
Casson fluid flow between two parallel plates under the hybrid nanoliquid flow over a heated plate under the action
influence of Fourier and Fick’s laws. Naduvinamani and of Soret and Dufour effects with a porous material.
Usha [21] discussed the influence of radiation number on Due to the abundant applications of nanofluids in various
the squeeze flow of Casson fluid inside the parallel plate branches of medical and bioengineering, researchers paid
region through the RK-4 numerical scheme. Their discus- their valuable interest to enhance the heat transport features
sion showed that enlarging the radiation number retarded of traditional fluids in various physical mechanisms, and to
the thermal diffusion field. Naduvinamani and Usha [22] this end, the concept of a nanoparticle is devised. Pertaining
expressed the thermo-fluidic time-dependent flow features to this, Haq et al. [36] discussed the streamline analysis of
of Casson fluid inside the channel region under the action squeezed nanofluid flow past a sensor wall under the influ-
of Soret and Dufour impacts, and their study showed that an ence of an external squeeze mechanism with a transverse
increased Hartmann number boosted the thermal diffusion magnetic field. Their study revealed that the heat transport
field. Usha and Naduvinamani [23] discussed the Prandtl- rate was significantly amplified with intensifying nanofluid
Eyring fluid flow about a sensor wall suspended between two volume fraction. Effects of the Lorentz force on the flow
parallel plates. Usha et al. [24] elaborated their investigation of nanofluid through parallel plate regime are described by
to demonstrate the effects of variable thermal conductivity Hayat et al. [37]. The influence of heat source/sink effects
on the Williamson fluid flow past a sensor sheet under the on the flow of radiative nanofluid through the parallel plate
influence of an external squeezing mechanism. regime is studied by Dogonchi and Ganji [38]. The chemical
Nazir et al. [25] studied the thermo-dynamic behavior reaction effects on the flow couple stress nanofluid through
of magnetic hybrid nanofluid flow over a stretching surface parallel plate regime in a two-dimensional plane are dis-
with buoyancy-driven Soret and Dufour impacts with Joule cussed by Hayat et al. [39]. Their analysis witnessed that
dissipation and thermal radiation influences. Sajid et al. [26] increasing the Lorentz force field produces dual character
discussed the effects of magnetic field and thermal radia- for the flow field. Dogonchi and Ganji [40] deployed the
tion on the Buongiorno nanofluid flow model under chemi- Duan-Rach technique to demonstrate the time-dependent
cal reaction impacts. Further, their investigation includes nanofluid flow through a parallel plate regime, and it is noted
the Brownian motion and thermophoretic process. Parvin that the heat transport rate increased for the upsurging heat
et al. [27] described the flow of Maxwell nanofluid motion source parameter. The effects of entropy and magnetic field
244 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
on the flow of nanofluid through parallel plate regime are in the sensor system. It is recorded from their analysis that
discussed by Akmal et al. [41], and it is noted that entropy an enhanced Schmidt number decreases the mass transport
production booted with rising radiation number. Usha and rate. Shamshuddin et al. [55] demonstrated the influence
Naduvinamani [42] studied the action of the magnetic field, of temperature and concentration stratification on the mag-
Brownian, and thermophoretic effects on the time-dependent netic squeezed nanofluid motion over a stretching sensor
squeezed nanofluid flow through a parallel plate regime with plate under the action of chemical reaction and radiation
chemically reactive Ohmic dissipation. Usha et al. [43] dis- effects numerically.
cussed the influences of the Cattaneo-Christov flux model Conclusively, the aforementioned cited research work
effects on the squeezed flow of Casson nanofluid under the in this article described that the effects of Brownian
presence of magnetic Joule dissipation and chemical reac- motion and thermophoretic force combined with time-
tion impacts. Their illustration explored that amplifying dependent Lorentz force, Joule dissipation, and chemical
thermophoretic number retards the mass diffusion field and reaction on the flow of magnetic unsteady two-dimen-
magnifying Brownian number increases the concentration sional Casson nanofluid about a micro-cantilever sensor
field. The radiation-influenced Newtonian fluid flow between wall engulfed in a parallel plate regime with mass trans-
two parallel discs was studied by Basha [44] with suction/ port process under external squeezing mechanism are not
injection effects via the RK-4 technique. yet attempted. In addition to this, the main aim and objec-
Recently, Hussain et al. [45] studied the effects of thermal tive of this current numerical research work are to gener-
radiation and heat source/sink on the magnetized squeezed alize the earlier investigations in the literature and provide
hydromagnetic pseudoplastic Williamson fluid flow about a more appropriate multi-physical flow study related to
a sensor surface under the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux the biosensor designs for hazardous pathogen detection.
model. Zeid and Ouaf [46] explored the influences of Hall Further, the present MATLAB-based numerical research
current and porous medium on the squeezed motion of Cas- work is significantly encouraged by featuring more accu-
son nanoliquid between two parallel plates. Umavathi et al. rately the effects of Brownian and thermophoretic forces
[47] discussed the Robin boundary conditions on the time- combined with Joule heating, viscous dissipation, and
dependent squeezed motion of magnetic nanoliquid (lubri- chemical reaction under mass diffusion mechanism in
cant) through parallel discs. Sagheer et al. [48] described bioengineering of magnetic sensor machines. Here, in this
the impacts of radiation and temperature-dependent thermal article, the produced unsteady two-dimensional partial
conductivity on the squeezed motion of hyperbolic tangent differential equations representing the magnetic Casson
liquid about a sensor surface under the action magnetic force. nanofluid flow about a sensor surface engulfed in a paral-
Babu et al. [49] illustrated the influence of the magnetic field lel plate regime under an external squeezing mechanism
on the squeezed motion of water-based polyethylene glycol are rendered to non-dimensional form through appropri-
hybrid nanofluid past a sensor wall through statistical tech- ate scaling transformations and consequently solved by
nique. Salahuddin et al. [50] discussed the time-dependent deploying a numerically stable robust RK-4 technique.
two-dimensional viscous incompressible magnetic squeez- Finally, the comparison with the former research endorses
ing flow of a Maxwell fluid through an infinite parallel plate the accuracy and guarantee of the produced self-similar
regime under a porous medium. Gireesha et al. [51] analyzed MATLAB-based solutions.
the importance of magnetic Carreau liquid motion about a
sensor wall under the action of Ohmic dissipation, thermal
source/sink, and radiation effects numerically. Rafeek et al.
[52] generalized these previous studies by including the vis- 2 Rheology of Casson Fluid Model
cous dissipation effect in the thermal diffusion equation in
the case of Carreau fluid flow about a sensor surface sus- For an incompressible isotropic Casson fluid flow over the
pended in a parallel plate regime. sensor surface, the rheology equation of state is governed
Dasari et al. [53] explored the effects of entropy genera- by the relation [20–24]:
tion on the squeezed magnetic couple stress nanofluid flow
between two parallel plates under the action of viscous ⎧ � Py
2 𝜇 + √ eij , 𝜋 > 𝜋c
⎪ B
dissipation with an external squeeze mechanism. Basha 𝜏ij = ⎨ � 2𝜋 �
Py (1)
et al. [54] numerically described the influence of mag- ⎪ 2 𝜇B + √2𝜋 eij , 𝜋 < 𝜋c
⎩ c
netic field and viscous dissipation on the time-dependent
two-dimensional viscous incompressible non-Newtonian Pertaining to Eq. (1), further, for the Casson fluid flow,
second-grade fluid flow about a sensor wall with an out- authors have chosen the critical condition based on the
side squeezing process. Their study significantly discussed existing literature as π > πc and have the following relation:
the heat and mass transport feature of second-grade fluid
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 245
246 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
T, and C be the fluid temperature and concentrations; time Vafai [11]. Finally, by(deploying
) the forgoing predictions and
is indicated with t; ρ, ν, and k signify the fluid density,
√ kin- the elimination of − 𝜌 𝜕x term from Eqs. (5) and (6), results
1 𝜕p
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 247
( ) ( )
therefore, the fluid velocity vanishes at the wall. Also, vo(t) b𝜂 b
𝜙�� (𝜂) + Sc f (𝜂) + 𝜙� (𝜂) − Sc f � (𝜂) +
signifies the characteristic reference velocity on the sensor 2 2
( )
wall when permeable surfaces are involved. Further, it is 𝜙(𝜂) +
Nt ��
𝜃 (𝜂) + Sc Kr 𝜙(𝜂) = 0
presumed that the surface thermal flux (q(x)) and concentra- Nb
tion flux (j(x)) are described as a function of x-coordinate. Pertaining to Eq. (11), the articulated boundary conditions
Case (ii): possibly outside the boundary layer (y → ∞) (that of Eq. (10) under η are shown below:
is, far away from the wall of the sensor), it is presumed that }
the fluid velocity, thermal, and mass diffusion fields are f (0) = −fo , f � (0) = 0, 𝜃 � (0) = −1, 𝜙� (0) = −1 at 𝜂 = 0
presumed to be ambient velocity U(x, t) (function of x and f � (∞) → 1, 𝜃(∞) → 0, 𝜙(∞) → 0 at 𝜂 → ∞
t), ambient thermal field (T∞), and ambient mass diffusion (15)
field (C∞), respectively, and it is the same as the tempera- Here, in Eqs. (12)–(15), the superscript “prime” signifies
ture and concentration of the liquid outside the boundary the derivative of the dependent variables f, θ, and ϕ with
layer. Further, to produce the anticipated similarity numeri- respect to η. Also, the emerged physical parameters controlling
cal solutions of the investigated physical problem, authors 𝜎 B2
the Casson nanofluid flow are defined as follows: M = m 𝜌 mo
have chosen the appropriate scaling transformations for the
(magnetic parameter), b (squeezed flow index), Pr = 𝛼𝜈 (Prandtl
non-dimensionalization purpose which are listed below [11,
number), Sc = 𝜈 (Schmidt number),
12, 18, 19, 23, 24, 36, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54]: ( )( )( Dm )√
(𝜌cp )p
(Brownian motion parame-
Dm jo x 𝜈
� Nb =
⎫ (𝜌c(
p )f )a Dm a
U = ax, u = axf � (𝜂), 𝜂 = y a𝜈 , f (𝜂) = √𝜓 , a = s+bt 1
, ( )( )√
√ √
x a𝜈 ⎪ ter), Nt =
(𝜌cp )p DT qo x 𝜈
(thermophoresis param-
v = −f (𝜂) a𝜈, 𝜃(𝜂) = � qo x �√ 𝜈 , vo (t) = vi a, q(x) = qo x, ⎪ (√𝜌cp )f Tm k a
⎬ 2𝜋c
k a
√ ⎪ eter), 𝛽 = 𝜇B P (Casson fluid parameter), fo = √i (perme-
𝜙(𝜂) = � jo x �√ , Bm (t) = Bmo a, j(x) = jo x. ⎪ y 𝜈
able velocity parameter), Ec = �√ (Eckert number),
Dm a ⎭ �
qo x 𝜈
Cp k a
248 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
small Prandtl numbers are free-flowing liquids with high ther- viscous, temperature, and mass diffusion at the boundary of
mal conductivity and are therefore a good choice for heat- the sensor surface suspended between parallel plate regime.
conducting fluids, and details can be found in the literature Pertaining to the importance of physical quantities in indus-
of Mustafa et al. [13] and Naduvinamani and Usha [21]. The tries, the required dimensionless equations of the skin friction,
concepts of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reac- Nusselt, and Sherwood numbers are discussed and defined
tions play a vital role in computational fluid dynamics for below [11, 12, 18, 19, 23, 24, 36, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54]:
reactor design and can be understood with the help of reaction 𝜏w
engineering. However, the size and design of the reactor need Cf = 1 (16)
deep knowledge of the heat and mass transfer process. Here, 2
𝜌U 2
in this article, the homogenous chemical reaction is deployed
through the chemical reaction parameter Kr. It is clear that xqw
Kr > 0 signifies the destructive reaction, Kr < 0 indicates the
Nux = √
qo x 𝜈a (17)
generative reaction, and Kr = 0 stands for the no chemical
reaction. The literature of Mustafa et al. [13] and Naduvi-
namani and Usha [21] clearly described this mechanism. xjw
Brownian motion and thermophoresis are the heat and Shx = √
mass transport mechanisms of movement of small-sized jo x 𝜈a
nanoparticles in the way of falling temperature and con-
centration gradients and affect the small particles related to Here, in Eqs. (16)–(18), the expressions of wall gradients
the bulk surfaces. Brownian motion resembles the random τw, qw, and jw are defined as below:
motion of nanoparticles in the based fluids. The Brown- � �� � ⎫
ian movement, also called the Brownian motion, is defined 𝜏w = 𝜇 1 + 𝛽1 𝜕u ⎪
as the uncontrolled or erratic movement of particles in a � �𝜕y ⎪
qw = −k 𝜕T ⎬ (19)
fluid due to their constant collision with fast-moving fluid �𝜕y � ⎪
molecules. This random motion amplifies the nanoparti- jw = −Dm 𝜕C ⎪
cle collision with the base fluid molecules, and as a result,
molecular kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy,
The dimensionless equations of engineering quantities of
and hence, the temperature profile amplifies. Commonly,
interest are derived by letting Eq. (11) into Eqs. (16)–(18)
the random motion of particles is noticed to be stronger in
through suitable deployment of Eq. (19), which provides the
smaller-sized particles, less viscous fluids, and at larger
final equations as follows:
temperatures. Physically, the thermophoresis acts against
� � �
thermal gradients, so that the liquid particles move from 1 √ 1 ��
the region of larger temperature to the region of smaller C Rex = 1 +
2 f 𝛽
f (𝜂) (20)
temperatures. Since the thermophoresis mechanism acceler-
ates the particle motion from the hotter region to the cooler
region, accordingly, thermal diffusion amplifies quickly from Nux �
√ = −𝜃 � (𝜂) 𝜂=0 (21)
the warmer surface to the working fluid region and hence Rex
affects the thermal and concentration profiles. The detailed
explanation on these physical effects can be noticed in the Shx �
literature of Abdelmalek et al. [56]. √ = −𝜙� (𝜂) 𝜂=0 (22)
3.1 Engineering Quantities of Interest Equations (20)–(22) demonstrate the resultant equations
of the skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt and Sherwood
The present physical problem discussed here finds its abun-
numbers.( 2Further,
) here, in Eqs. (20)–(22), the parameter
dant engineering and industrial applications in the case of
Rex = 𝜈 represents the local Reynolds number.
a micro-cantilever sensor surface prompted by an external
squeezing mechanism at the boundaries of the fluidic cells.
The pioneering work of Khaled and Vafai [11] described the
plentiful applications of fluidics and micro-fluids in modern
4 Solution Methodology
CFD technology. By virtue of this, the essential wall gradi-
The derivation of nonlinear, coupled, two-dimensional,
ents emerged in Eqs. (12)–(14) are wall shear stress, heat and
viscous incompressible partial differential equations with
mass transport rates at the sensor surface. However, these wall
associated boundary conditions signifying the magnetic
gradients point out the essential hiding information about the
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 249
( ) ( ) ( ) }
Ohmic dissipative Casson nanofluid flow about a micro- 𝜒7 = − Pr 𝜒1 + b2 𝜂 𝜒6 + Pr 𝜒2 + b2 𝜒5 − 1 + 𝛽1 Pr Ec 𝜒32 −
cantilever horizontal sensor surface engulfed in a parallel ( )
M Ec Pr 𝜒12 − Pr Nb 𝜒6 𝜒9 + Nt 𝜒62
plate regime under the influence of viscous dissipation
and chemical reaction effects has been demonstrated in
the previous sections. Further, the closed-form solutions Similarly, the set of 1st-order differential equations taken
of these boundary layers in Eqs. (12)–(14) with applicable from the Casson nanofluid mass diffusion in Eq. (14) is
conditions in Eq. (15) are very difficult to generate through shown below:
analytical methods. However, these coupled nonlinear }
𝜙𝜂 = 𝜒8� = 𝜒9
ordinary differential equations can be solved by deploying 𝜙𝜂𝜂 = 𝜒9� = 𝜒10 (27)
the best suitable advanced numerical techniques. Pertain-
ing to this, the authors implemented a robust and numeri- Here, in Eq. (27), the χ10 value is calculated with the help
cally efficient MATLAB-based Runge-Kutta fourth-order of the below-listed relation obtained from Eq. (14):
scheme with a shooting technique (RK-4), since the RK-4 ( ) ( ) ( )
scheme is very versatile and employed for many of the b
𝜒10 = −Sc 𝜒1 + 𝜂 𝜒9 + Sc 𝜒2 +
𝜒8 −
𝜒 − Sc Kr 𝜒8
2 2 Nb 7
magnetic computational fluid dynamics (CFD) flow prob- (28)
lems by Usha et al. [43], Rafeek et al. [52], and Basha
et al. [54]. Further, the RK-4 scheme is very effective in Also, the articulated boundary conditions expressed in
rendering the multi-degree, nonlinear, multi-order, ordi- Eq. (15) are described with these new transformations are
nary differential equations into a group of first-order ordi- shown below:
nary differential equations. For the accurate numerical }
𝜒1 (0) = −fo , 𝜒2 (0) = 0, 𝜒6 (0) = −1, 𝜒9 (0) = −1 at 𝜂 = 0
simulations, authors have selected η = 5 to be the suitable 𝜒2 (∞) → 1, 𝜒5 (∞) → 0, 𝜒8 (∞) → 0 as 𝜂 → ∞
boundary, and this boundary is assumed to be far from (29)
the velocity, temperature, and concentration boundary lay-
However, the emerged magnetic Casson fluid flow in Eqs.
ers relating to η∞. Further, the selected boundary η = 5 is
(12)–(14) with conditions in Eq. (15) is solved by render-
numerically appropriate to generate the CFD behavior of
ing BVP into an IVP with the proper selection of unknown
various emerged parameters in the suspended parallel plate
values of the initial conditions till the boundary conditions
regime. Pertaining to these assumptions, the rendered 1st-
are satisfied. Consequently, the suppressed IVP is thor-
order ordinary differential equations with regard to gov-
oughly solved by deploying a robust RK-4 technique. Fur-
erning equations are shown below.
ther, authors have adopted the 1 0−5 error tolerance with step
The set of 1st-order differential equations that emerged
length 0.01 to produce reasonable similarity results.
from the nonlinear Casson nanofluid momentum in Eq.
(12) is listed below:
f = 𝜒1 ⎫ 5 Results Analysis
f𝜂 = χ�1 = 𝜒2 ⎪
f𝜂𝜂 = 𝜒2� = 𝜒3 ⎬ (23) The nonlinear visco-elastic shear-thinning magneto-thermo
f𝜂𝜂𝜂 = 𝜒3� = 𝜒4 ⎭ behavior of non-Newtonian Casson nanofluid flow about
a micro-cantilever sensor surface engulfed in a squeezing
Here, in Eq. (23), the χ4 value is evaluated with the fol- regime under the action of Joule heating and viscous dis-
lowing relation obtained from Eq. (12): sipation with chemically reactive mass diffusion mecha-
nism is demonstrated in terms of various physical param-
⎛ ⎞
⎜ −1 ⎟�� b
� � � � eters. Further, the numerical demonstration is carried out
𝜒4 = ⎜ � � ⎟ 𝜒1 + 𝜂 𝜒3 + b − M − 𝜒2 𝜒2 + (1 − b + M) for the different parametric values in the suspended parallel
⎜ 1+ 1 ⎟ 2
⎝ 𝛽 ⎠ regime and expressed by virtue of velocity, temperature,
(24) and concentration diffusion profiles along with the engi-
Further, the set of 1st-order differential equations gener- neering quantities of interest. However, newly emerged
ated from the nonlinear energy in Eq. (13) is shown here: non-dimensional parameters include magnetic number (M),
} squeezed flow index (b), Casson fluid parameter (β), perme-
𝜃𝜂 = 𝜒5� = 𝜒6 able velocity parameter (fo), Prandtl number (Pr), Schmidt
𝜃𝜂𝜂 = 𝜒6� = 𝜒7 parameter (Sc), thermophoretic number (Nt), Brownian
motion number (Nb), Eckert number (Ec) and chemical
Here, in Eq. (25), the χ7 value is articulated with the reaction parameter (Kr). Further, the ranges of considered
below equation generated from Eq. (13): physical parameters are chosen as follows: 0 ≤ b ≤ 3.5,
250 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
0 ≤ M ≤ 3.2, −0.6 ≤ fo ≤ 0.6, 0.1 ≤ β ≤ 1.4, 0.1 ≤ Nb ≤ 1.1, in the channel regime. Figures 3 and 4 designate the effects of
0.01 ≤ Nt ≤ 0.12, 0 ≤ Ec ≤ 1.5, 0.5 ≤ Pr ≤ 1.9, 0.5 ≤ Sc ≤ 3.4, plate gap number on the thermal and concentration distribution
and −0.6 ≤ Kr ≤ 0.6. fields against η. It is noted that the augmenting b significantly
suppressed the temperature and concentration fields. However,
(i) Effect of squeezed flow index (b) on flow profiles these decaying trends in thermal and mass diffusion can be
well( understood ) with( the help ) of the ter ms
Figures 2, 3, and 4 explored the upshots of plate gap param- + Pr f (𝜂) + 2 𝜃 (𝜂), − Pr f (𝜂) + 2 𝜃(𝜂) in Eq. (13) and
b𝜂 � � b
( ) ( )
eter (b) on the Casson nanofluid flow, thermal, and mass dif-
+Sc f (𝜂) + b𝜂2 𝜙� (𝜂) , −Sc f � (𝜂) + b2 𝜙(𝜂) in Eq. (14)
fusion fields against η under the effect of the external squeez-
ing mechanism. Figure 2 depicts the performance of Casson respectively. Physically, greater plate gap parameter values
nanofluid velocity for the various values of plate gap parameter significantly suppressed the squeezed forces on the velocity
against η. It is noted from this graph that increasing the plate field, this causes to retard the kinetic energy of the Casson
gap parameter decreases the velocity field in the sensor sheet nanofluid molecules, and this situation reduces the heating due
boundary layer regime. Physically, a small upsurge in the to friction and molecular diffusion process in the channel
squeezed flow index results in the magnified kinetic energy of region. Consequently, this mechanism causes the decay of the
the fluid particles; however, there is a reverse relationship thermal and mass diffusion fields in the sensor region. Also,
between the squeezed flow strength (a) and plate gap param- the decaying molecular heat conduction offers cooling of the
eter (b). Thus, based on this h(t) = (s+bt) sensor surface for the higher b values [52]. Further, the thermal
1∕b , one can predict that
and mass diffusion boundary layer thickness decreased for the
if b = 0, then the parallel plates are at a fixed distance ho, and
increasing b.
if b > 0, the plate gap is reduced, and this situation causes the
acceleration of the momentum transmission, and consequently, (ii) Influence of magnetic number (M) on flow profiles
diminished velocity is (recorded. Further,
) it is witnessed from
Eq. (12) that the terms f (𝜂) + b𝜂2 f �� (𝜂), −(b − M − f′(η))f′(η),
Figures 5, 6, and 7 depict the impact of magnetic num-
and +(1 + M − b) exert their direct effect on the velocity diffu- ber (M) on the velocity, thermal, and mass diffusion pro-
sion in the sensor regime. It is clear from Eq. (12) that the files against η. Figure 5 illustrates the characteristic veloc-
enhanced plate gap number considerably retards the ambient ity profile for the different values of magnetic parameter
fluid velocity and accordingly velocity transmission decayed M against η. It is recorded that accelerating magnetic
satisfying the relation h(t)= ho e^(-st)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 251
2 b=2.2
Absence of squeezed flow index
( )
satisfying the relation h(t)= ho e^(-st)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
number boosts up the velocity distribution in the channel the Lorentz force terms −(b − M − f ′ (η))f ′ (η) and
region. Also, the thickness of the velocity boundary layer +(1 + M − b) in momentum Eq. (12). According to the
𝜎 B2
decreases. Physically, the magnetic force is modified by relation M = m𝜌amo , increasing magnetic number decreases
1.6 b=0.8
1.4 b=2.2
1.2 Absence of squeezed flow index
satisfying the relation h(t)= ho e^(-st)
( )
Presence of squeezed flow index
satisfying the relation h(t)=(s+bt)^(-1/b)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
252 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
f( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
the velocity field. However, in this particular case, the magnifies the Lorentz force and offers larger and larger
velocity profile increased; this enhancement in the velocity resistance to the fluid flow in the channel region but due
field is due to the fact that increasing magnetic number to the motion of upper plate under the external squeezing
2 M=1.8
Non-magnetic Casson nanofluid flow M=2.5
Magnetic Casson nanofluid flow
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 253
1.2 M=2.5
( )
0.8 Non-magnetic Casson nanofluid flow
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
that cancels out this resistive magnetic body force field. regime [52]. Figure 6 demonstrates the action of the mag-
Consequently, fluid flow around the sensor wall increases netic parameter on the thermal diffusion profile in the
and hence amplifies the velocity distribution in the channel channel region against η. It is recorded from this graph that
f o=-0.6
f o=-0.4
f o=-0.2
Magnetic nanofluid flow f o=0.0
f( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
254 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
augmenting magnetic number amplifies the temperature field increases, and momentum boundary layer thickness
distributions in the channel regime. Physically, for the augments causing the Casson fluid flow to be more
enlarging magnetic number, it is observed that the velocity attached to the sensor wall in the micro-cantilever system.
fo =-0.6
1.6 fo =-0.4
fo =-0.2
fo =0.0
Magnetic nanofluid concentration
field under injection case
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 255
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
This situation causes an upsurge in the convective heat It is recorded that magnifying fo suppressed the velocity
transport coefficients. Accordingly, boosted heat transfer profile. Physically, enlarging permeable velocity number
coefficient accelerates the temperature field in the flow considerably affects the working fluid flow to be attached
region. Also, this enhancement is due to the presence of more on the sensor surface, which causes the reduction in
Ohmic heating and viscous dissipation in the flow region. the molecular velocity of the fluid particles, and hence, fluid
Figure 7 demonstrates the action of the magnetic number velocity decreases.
√ Also, it is clear that, according to the
on the mass diffusion field. It is recorded that an enlarged relation fo = 𝜈 , an increment in fo amplifies the kinematic
magnetic number decreases the nanoparticle concentration viscosity of the fluid which in turn offers more resistance to
distribution; hence, the mass diffusion profile behaves as the fluid flow over the sensor surface; thus, the velocity pro-
the decaying function of the magnetic parameter. file exhibits the decaying trend. Also, momentum boundary
layer thickness is suppressed for the enlarging fo. Figure 9
(iii) Impact of permeable velocity parameter (fo) on flow
describes the impact of fo on the temperature field against η.
It is recorded that magnifying fo amplifies the thermal distri-
bution in the channel regime. Physically, for the larger values
Figures 8, 9, and 10 illustrate the action of permeable of fo, temperature boundary layer thickens and bounds on
velocity number on velocity, thermal, and concentration the sensor surface causing velocity drop but enhancing the
transmission fields against η. Here, in this case, the effect thermal conductivity of the fluid, and accordingly, tempera-
of fo on flow profiles is defined through the boundary condi- ture profile rises. Also, according to the formula fo = 𝜈 ,
tion in Eq. (15). It is clear that fo > 0 signifies the suction increasing fo amplifies the kinematic viscosity of the fluid,
mechanism, fo < 0 shows the injection case, and fo = 0 stands increases frictional heating, and releases more thermal
for the no suction/injection process. Figure 8 explores the energy into the working fluid, and consequently, the tem-
effect of fo on velocity distribution in the channel regime. perature profile shows an increasing trend. Figure 10 depicts
256 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
2 =0.5
Magnetic nanofluid thermal field
( )
under Newtonian case
Magnetic nanofluid thermal field
under non-Newtonian case
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
the influence of fo on mass diffusion profile against η in the for the magnifying values of fo, blowing mechanism exists
channel region. It is recorded that enhanced fo increases the and causes the liquid to settle on the sensor surface; as a
concentration diffusion in the sensor system. Physically, result, working fluid velocity diminished but enhanced
1.8 =0.2
1.6 =0.5
1.4 -->
Magnetic nanofluid concentration
field under Newtonian case
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 257
2.5 Nb=0.5
( )
Magnetic Casson nanofluid flow
under Brownian motion effect
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
coefficient of mass diffusion which causes the increment of the concentration boundary layer thickness is increased by
the mass diffusion in the micro-cantilever system. Further, amplifying fo.
1.4 Nt=0.09
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
258 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
2.5 Ec=0.6
2 Ec=1.5
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1.4 Pr=1.4
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 259
(iv) Effect of Casson fluid parameter (β) on flow profiles of associated Casson nanofluid concentration in the channel
regime, and hence, the mass diffusion profile magnifies.
Figures 11, 12, and 13 explore the action of the Casson (vi) Effects of the Eckert number (Ec) and the Prandtl
nanofluid parameter (β) on the velocity, thermal, and mass dif- number (Pr) on temperature profile
fusion fields against η in the sensor region. Figure 11 describes
the impact of β on the Casson nanofluid velocity field against
Figure 16 describes the influence of the Eckert number
η. It is noted that enlarged β significantly increases the nano-
(Ec) on thermal diffusion field is against η. The heat dis-
fluid motion in the channel regime. Physically, enhanced β
sipation in the given physical system is primarily evalu-
considerably amplifies the dynamic viscosity of the working
ated in terms of the Eckert number. The greater values of
fluid, and accordingly, velocity field decreases. But, here, in
the Eckert number show the advective transport process
this case, the opposite trend is observed, since the motion of
which produces considerable effects on heat transfer phe-
the upper plate under the external squeezing cancels out this
nomena when compared to the enthalpy changes in the
resistive viscous force and consequently amplifies the veloc-
given physical system or medium. However, it is noticed
ity field. Thus, nanofluid velocity behaves as an amplifying
from Fig. 16 that the thermal profile is an increasing
function of β. Figures 12 and 13 describe the action of Casson
function of the Eckert number. The physics behind this
fluid number on thermal and mass diffusion fields against η. It
observation can be cleared from( the terms
) in Eq. (13)
witnessed from these graphs that amplifying the β decreases ( )2
the thermal and mass diffusion fields in the flow region. Physi- such as +M Ec Pr (f ′(η)) 2 and + 1 + 𝛽1 Pr Ec f �� (𝜂) .
cally, enlarged β increases the working fluid viscosity, and this Physically, the enlarged Eckert number significantly
viscous resistance is canceled due to the presence of an exter- amplifies the velocity gradients in the sensor regime
nal squeezing mechanism; consequently, coefficient thermal which in turn accelerates the sliding of the fluid layers,
diffusion decreases, and hence, temperature field decreases. this situation releases more thermal energy into the work-
Similarly, concentration diffusion behaves as a decreasing ing fluid in the sensor system, and accordingly, tempera-
function of Casson fluid parameter. Also, thinning of the mass ture field augments. Further, this upsurge in the thermal
diffusion boundary layer is recorded for the magnifying β. field is obvious because Ec has a direct impact on the heat
dissipation process which in turn enhances the thermal
(xxii) Effects of Brownian motion (Nb) and thermophoretic field. Also, the thermal boundary layer thickness
parameter (Nt) on temperature and concentration decreases upon the increment in the Eckert number. In
profiles addition to this, the second term on the right-hand side of
Eq. (7) represents the viscous dissipation effect which is
Figure 14 explores the effect of Brownian motion num- always positive and indicates a source of heat owing to
ber Nb on the heat diffusion profile against η. It is found that the frictional forces among the fluid particles. Further,
enlarging Nb boosts up the temperature diffusion in the micro- the irreversible process by means of which the work done
cantilever sensor system. Also, enlarging Nb boosts up the by a fluid on neighboring fluid layers owing to the action
temperature diffusion process in the boundary layer region. of shear forces is transformed into heat, and it is defined
Physically, amplifying the Brownian motion parameter sig- as viscous dissipation [21]. Viscous dissipation effect has
nificantly enhances the molecular nanoparticle random motion a greater impact in the field of science and engineering
and produces molecular micro-mixing which results in the such as polymer processing, injection molding, and aero-
enhanced Casson nanofluid thermal conductivity. Accord- dynamics. Figure 17 depicts the effect of the Prandtl num-
ingly, this situation shifts nanoparticles from a cooler sensor ber (Pr) on the thermal diffusion profile against η. It is
surface region to a quiescent liquid region. This augmenta- recorded that enlarging the Prandtl number decelerates
tion in thermal conductivity and nanofluid convection boosts the thermal diffusion field in the boundary layer regime.
up the thermal diffusion, and consequently, the temperature Physically, this is due to the reason that increasing the
profile increases. This result plays a key role in industrial Prandtl number suppresses the working fluid thermal dif-
and thermal engineering, particularly in the enhancement of fusivity which in turn causes the temperature drop inside
machine productivity and efficiency [56]. Figure 15 describes the channel regime. Also, temperature boundary layer is
the impact of the thermophoretic number Nt on the mass dif- diminished for the enlarging Prandtl number. Further, it
fusion field against η. It is recorded that the increased thermo- is clear that the lower Prandtl number fluids conduct the
phoretic parameter boosts up the mass diffusion field in the heat much faster when compared to the higher Prandtl
sensor region. Physically, magnified Nt enhances the associ- number fluids; thus, the deployment of the higher Prandtl
ated thermophoretic forces and causes the larger mass diffusion number Casson fluids achieves a greater rate of cooling
260 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
1.4 Sc=2.2
( )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
of the sensor surface in the micro-cantilever squeezing Figure 18 describes the influence of the Schmidt number
regime [13]. (Sc) on the concentration diffusion profile of Casson nano-
fluid against η. It is recorded that enhancing the Schmidt
(vii) Effects of the Schmidt number (Sc) and chemical
number suppressed the concentration distribution in the
reaction parameter (Kr) on concentration profile
3 Kr=-0.2
2.5 Kr=0.4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 261
Skin-friction coefficient
1.08 M=0.4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Squeezed flow index
channel regime. Physically, according to the formula, regime, and consequently, the decreased mass diffusion coef-
Sc = D𝜈 , enlarging the Schmidt number significantly ficient causes the decay of the concentration profile in the
boundary layer regime. Further, the thickness of the mass
reduced the coefficient of mass diffusion in the channel
Skin-friction coefficient
Skin-friction coefficient for non-Newtonian case
0.9 =2.0
0.8 =2.3
Skin-friction coefficient for Newtonian case
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Magnetic number
262 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
3.5 0.9
Nb=0.9 0.8
2 0.7
1.5 Kr=-0.6
0.6 Kr=-0.2
0.55 Kr=0.2
0.5 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Thermophoretic number Schmidt number
diffusion boundary layer decreased in the suspended channel stands for no chemical reaction process, and Kr > 0 and
region. However, these decaying concentration features are Kr < 0 signify the destructive and generative chemical reac-
u n(d e r s t o o d) w i t h d(i f fe r e n t) t e r m s s u c h a s tion processes, respectively. It is recorded from this graph
Sc f (𝜂) + b2 𝜂 𝜙� (𝜂) − Sc f � (𝜂) + b2 𝜙(𝜂) in Eq. (14); here, that enlarging Kr suppressed the nanoparticle concentration
field and decreasing Kr boosts up the magnitude of the con-
in this case, the Schmidt number has a direct influence on
centration field in the boundary region. This fact is cleared
the mass diffusion profile. Figure 19 demonstrates the influ-
with the term +Sc Kr ϕ(η) in Eq. (14). Also, the mass diffu-
ence of chemical reaction number (Kr) on Casson nanofluid
sion boundary layer is diminished for the amplified Kr.
mass diffusion field against η. Here, in this case, Kr = 0
Heat transfer rate
1.1 =1.9
Heat transfer rate for non-Newtonian case =2.2
1.08 Heat transfer rate for Newtonian case -->
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Magnetic number
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 263
0.65 =1.8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Magnetic number
(viii) Effect of physical parameters on engineering quanti- number amplifies the Nusselt number in the flow regime.
ties of interest This is due to the reason that the increased magnetic number
enlarges the associated Lorentz forces in the flow region, and
Figures 20 and 21 depict the influence of magnetic num-
these forces are resistive in nature and cause the dissipation
ber, plate gap parameter, and Casson fluid number on the
of more thermal energy in the system, and consequently, the
skin friction profile. Figure 20 illustrates the impact of the
heat transfer rate amplifies. Further, heat transfer rate is higher
magnetic number on the skin friction profile against the plate
in the case of non-Newtonian Casson fluid when compared
gap parameter. It is recorded that accelerated magnetic vari-
to the Newtonian case which is clearly depicted in Fig. 23.
able and plate gap number retard the skin friction coefficient.
Figures 24 and 25 illustrate the influence of chemical reac-
Physically, amplified plate gap number decreases the Cas-
tion number, the Schmidt number, and magnetic and Casson
son fluid velocity distribution, since skin friction is mainly
fluid parameters. It is witnessed from Fig. 24 that the enlarged
measured in terms of velocity gradients, and consequently,
chemical reaction number and the Schmidt number retard the
the skin friction profile decreases. Figure 21 represents the
Sherwood number. Since the Sherwood number is completely
skin friction coefficient for different values of Casson fluid
described in terms of concentration gradients, it is recorded
number against the magnetic parameter. It is witnessed that
that an increased Schmidt number decreases the mass diffu-
increased β and M significantly decreased the skin friction
sion field which in turn causes the decay of the mass transfer
profile. Also, it is recorded that viscous Casson fluid has
rate. From Fig. 25 it is depicted that the amplified Casson
higher skin friction values when compared to the Newtonian
fluid parameter increases the mass transport rate, whereas the
fluid, and this fact is clearly described in Fig. 21. Figures 22
raised magnetic number decelerates diminished the Sherwood
and 23 illustrate the influence of Brownian motion param-
number in the flow regime. Also, it is noted that the Sherwood
eter, thermophoretic number, and magnetic and Casson fluid
number has higher values in the case of Newtonian fluid when
parameters. It is witnessed from Fig. 22 that the enlarged
compared to the viscous non-Newtonian Casson fluid, and this
Brownian motion and thermophoretic parameters amplify
fact is clearly described in Fig. 25.
the Nusselt number in the channel, since enhanced Nt aug-
ments the associated thermophoretic forces which in turn is
5.1 Runge‑Kutta Numerical Code Validation
responsible for the enhanced heat transfer rate. From Fig. 23
it is depicted that the amplified Casson fluid number decayed
The numerical accuracy of the similarity solutions of the
the heat transmission rate, whereas the increased magnetic
representative nonlinear coupled magnetic Casson nanofluid
264 BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267
Pr = 0.71
Pr = 2.0
Pr = 6.7
Fig. 26 Validation of current similarity solutions with the existing results of Khaled and Vafai [11] and Usha et al. [23]
flow about a horizontal sensor surface is validated by com- chemically reactive squeezed flow of Casson nanofluid about
paring them with the published pioneering results of Khaled a micro-cantilever horizontal sensor surface engulfed in par-
and Vafai [11] and Usha et al. [23] for temperature for dif- allel plate regime under Lorentz force which has been dem-
ferent values of the Prandtl number. Figure 26 demonstrates onstrated numerically by deploying a robust and efficient
this validation for various parametric values of Pr in the MATLAB-based RK-4 technique. Also, the microscopic
absence of Joule heating, viscous dissipation, and nanofluid flow features of Casson nanofluid are explored through the
concept. Further, Fig. 26 clearly furnished that the MAT- Brownian motion and thermophoresis parameters. However,
LAB-based RK-4 numerical code is highly accurate and pro- the current physical problem is greatly motivated by the
duces reliable solutions for the nonlinear thermo-magnetic practical applications of the sensor mechanism in microflu-
fluid flow problems. Finally, this validation recommends the idics, at the boundary of the fluidic cells. The hidden physics
guarantee of the produced MATLAB-based similar solu- in this flow mechanism is described through the parametric
tions in the sensor regime. Further, the suspended micro- analysis and graphical illustrations. The emerged key fea-
cantilever channel regime is considerably cooled with an tures corresponding to the current investigation are here:
accelerating Prandtl number.
• Increasing Prandtl number decelerates the thermal pro-
file in the channel regime. The smaller Prandtl number
6 Concluding Remarks Casson nanofluids conduct the heat in a much faster way
when compared to the higher Prandtl number liquids.
The main focus of this research paper is to explore the Thus, the deployment of the higher Prandtl number
dynamics of Joule heating and viscous dissipation on nanoliquids is greatly employed in the cooling of sensor
the two-dimensional unsteady viscous incompressible surfaces [11].
BioNanoScience (2024) 14:241–267 265
• Magnifying Brownian motion parameter increases the currently paying full attention to report the numerical simi-
temperature profile in the flow regime. This specific larity results immediately.
nature of the thermal field has a significant impact on
Acknowledgements The author Dr. Hussain Basha wishes to express
the engineering designs of biosensors, mainly in the his gratitude to the reviewers who highlighted the important areas for
improvement of device efficiency and productivity [56]. improvement in the earlier draft of this article. Their suggestions have
• Increasing magnetic interaction parameter significantly served specifically to enhance the clarity and depth of the interpretation
enhanced the Casson nanofluid velocity field owing to of results in the revised manuscript.
the free stream influence, magnifies the thermal dif- Author Contribution H.B. wrote the initial and final draft of the man-
fusion, and consequently increases the thickness of uscript, including mathematical formulation, numerical simulations,
the temperature boundary layer. This specific result is results and conclusions, validation of the results and formatted the
useful in the tuning of the velocity field in the desired manuscript to Journal specifications and designed the research concept.
direction [52]. Funding None.
• Boundary layer flow Casson nanofluid is strongly
diminished for the enhancing values of squeezed flow Data Availability This manuscript has no associated data.
index. Also, larger squeezing disturbances significantly
decreases the thermal and concentration diffusion pro- Declarations
cess in the channel regime. Research Involving Humans and Animals Statement None.
• Viscous dissipation and magnetic Joule heating effects
through the Eckert number significantly boosted the Consent for Publication Additional informed consent was obtained
thermal transport process over the sensor surface in the from all individual participants for whom identifying information is
included in this article.
channel region.
• Amplifying the permeable velocity parameter decreases Informed Consent None.
the Casson nanofluid velocity and enhances the tem-
perature and concentration transport process. Conflict of Interest None.
• Increased squeezed flow index and magnetic number
decreases the skin friction on the sensor surface.
• Heat transport process boosted from the sensor sur- References
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