Supernatural Gospel Revelations The New Birth The New You

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Chapter 11: BORN AGAIN - YOU HAVE NOW 52






Chapter 14: GROWING IN FAITH 62








Chapter 19: BAPTISM WITH FIRE 88





For many Christians, their life long goal is to become

more like Christ. Scripture memorization, Bible study
classes, and serving others are all wonderful ways to
grow in faith and improve ourselves, but what if these
good works and self-improvement programs is in fact
not contributing to the biblical way of salvation?

In this book I am going to show you the biblical way of

salvation. Firstly there must be a hunger and thirst for
righteousness and a godly sorrow that would lead to
confession of sins which would lead to repentance and
receiving Jesus as Saviour which result in the new birth
and transformation. But the wonderful journey of
salvation does not end after being set free and born
again in the Spirit; this is only the beginning of Faith.
The new born believer will be crossing the stormy sea in
a boat with Jesus and will also be baptized with the Holy
Spirit. The mature disciple will then put on the full
armor of God and be able to do the same things Jesus

John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and

he will give you another Helper, to be with
you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth,
whom the world cannot receive, because it
neither sees him nor knows him. You know
him, for he dwells with you and will be in

If you want to become like Christ, the place to begin is

self-denial. This old flesh of ours is born with selfishness
and a sin nature. We are not meant to rule ourselves.
The only way we can experience our full potential in
Christ is by inner transformation, that is, the new birth
within. The term “new birth” or being “born again” is
preached in many other terms like transformation,
conversion, change of mind, renewal, surrender, the
turning point ect. It is impossible to develop a godly
character and behavior without the Holy Spirit’s
indwelling presence. The Holy Spirit wants to lead us
into obedience to God, but our flesh desires its own way
(Gal. 5:17) God promises that if we’ll walk by the Spirit,
letting Him lead the way, we won’t carry out the desires
of the flesh (Gal. 5:16).



Many Christians are looking to their pastors and leaders

to take strong stands on all types of issues with no
compromise. The Church may lose a few people at the
outset for offending them, but the word will then get out
that we are preachers that will not compromise the
truth and Word of God, and we will then end up drawing
more people to enter the Kingdom of God as a result.

The verses below state that the true wise man of God
will not show partiality in judgment on topics such as
these, especially if you are in a position of counseling or
leadership within the Body of Christ.

Proverbs 24:23 “These things also belong to the

JUDGMENT. He who says to the wicked, “You are
righteous,” him the people will curse; nations will
abhor him. But those who rebuke the wicked will
have delight, and good blessing will come upon
them. He who gives a right answer kisses the lips.”

Proverbs 28:21,23 “TO SHOW PARTIALITY IS NOT

GOOD, because for a piece of bread a man will
transgress … He who rebukes a man will find more
favor afterward than he who flatters with the

Romans 2:11 For God shows no partiality.

We are working for God, not for man. The only thing
that matters is that we speak God’s Truth as leaders
within His body, and not what the people want to hear.
We will be eventually judged by God for our words – not
by people. Study the prophets of the Old Testament –
not one of them used any mixed words of comfort
counseling when God had them to call out the evil that
His people were engaging in.

2Timothy 4:3 The time will come when people

will not listen to the true teaching. But people will
find more and more teachers who please them.
They will find teachers who say what they want
to hear.

Jeremiah 23:16 Thus says the LORD of hosts:

"Do not listen to the words of the prophets who
prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They
speak visions of their own minds, not from the
mouth of the LORD. 17 They say continually to
those who despise the word of the LORD, 'It shall
be well with you'; and to everyone who
stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, 'No
disaster shall come upon you.'"

Jeremiah 23:22 But if they had stood in my

council, then they would have proclaimed my
words to my people, and they would have turned
them from their evil way, and from the evil of
their deeds.

Many church goers are going into captivity and are

being destroyed for lack of knowledge and guidance
from their pastors and counselors. The truth will set
these people free – but we first have to tell them what
the truth really is before it can start to work to set them
free. God’s Word and Truth is your sword – do not be
afraid to use it to set these captives free!

Firstly, the Gospel of Repentance saves souls and the

Gospel of Grace keeps them. Yet we hear both in church
so the church goers can leave with a satisfying
conscious about their relationship with God. The word
“saved” does not mean a person convert their religion
to Christianity; neither does it mean to truly “know”
Jesus died on the Cross for your sins. To be saved
means to be truly converted by sorrow and repentance
to receive Christ as your Savior. In other words to be
born-again and received the Holy Spirit so you can now
life the new life with Christ in you.



Once the Holy Spirit starts to move in an effort to try

and get someone to accept Jesus, something very
profound will start to happen next. The Bible tells us
that one of the main jobs of the Holy Spirit is to bring
“conviction” to the sinner.
God the Father will draw the sinner to Jesus through the
Holy Spirit. The verse below specifically tell us that no
one can come to Jesus to receive His gift of eternal
salvation unless God the Father first starts to draw that
person to Him. And how does God actually “draw” this
sinner to Jesus? We will be looking at some verses that
show us exactly what is occurring when God starts to
move in on someone in an effort to try and get them
saved and set free from their bondage.

John 6:44 No one can come to me unless

the Father who sent me draws him. And I will
raise him up on the last day.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by

hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do

hunger and thirst after righteousness: for
they shall be filled.

My dear friend as much as I want to approach you with

the great love of God, I want to, at the same time,
open up your heart for the conviction of the Holy Spirit,

all for the sake of your salvation. For this reason I don’t
even give a list of sinful deeds, not even the most
gruesome sins such as rape, homosexuality, mass
murder or a list of witchcraft as in the New Testament.
Please bear with me through this chapter. This book is
not meant to condemn people, but to open up their
hearts to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Micah 3:8 But as for me, I am filled with

power, with the Spirit of the LORD, and with
justice and might, to declare to Jacob his
transgression and to Israel his sin.

2 Corinthians 7:8 For even if I made you

grieve with my letter, I do not regret it--
though I did regret it, for I see that that letter
grieved you, though only for a while. 9 As it is,
I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but
because you were grieved into repenting. For
you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no
loss through us. 10 For godly grief produces a
repentance that leads to salvation without
regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.

What this means is that we cannot begin to accept

Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior unless we
can see and realize that we are truly sinners in need of
a Saviour. If we cannot see and admit that we are truly
sinners, then a person will not be able to see the need
to accept what Jesus did for him when He died on the

John 16:6 But you are filled with sadness
because I have told you all this. 7 Let me
assure you, it is better for you that I go away.
I say this because when I go away I will send
the Helper to you. But if I did not go, the
Helper would not come. 8 "When the Helper
comes, he will show the people of the world
how wrong they are about sin, about being
right with God, and about judgment. 9 He will
prove that they are guilty of sin, because they
don't believe in me. 10 He will show them
how wrong they are about how to be right
with God. The Helper will do this, because I
am going to the Father. You will not see me
then. 11 And he will show them how wrong
their judgment is, because their leader has
already been condemned. 12 "I have so much
more to tell you, but it is too much for you to
accept now. 13 But when the Spirit of truth
comes, he will lead you into all truth. He will
not speak his own words. He will speak only
what he hears and will tell you what will
happen in the future. 14 The Spirit of truth
will bring glory to me by telling you what he
receives from me. 15 All that the Father has is
mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will tell
you what he receives from me. 16 "After a
short time you won't see me. Then after
another short time you will see me again." 17
Some of the followers said to each other,
"What does he mean when he says, 'After a
short time you won't see me. Then after
another short time you will see me again'?
And what does he mean when he says,

'Because I am going to the Father'?" 18 They
also asked, "What does he mean by 'a short
time'? We don't understand what he is
saying." 19 Jesus saw that the followers
wanted to ask him about this. So he said to
them, "Are you asking each other what I
meant when I said, 'After a short time you
won't see me. Then after another short time
you will see me again'? 20 The truth is, you
will cry and be sad, but the world will be
happy. You will be sad, but then your sadness
will change to happiness. 21 "When a woman
gives birth to a baby, she has pain, because
her time has come. But when her baby is
born, she forgets the pain. She forgets
because she is so happy that a child has been
born into the world. 22 It is the same with
you. Now you are sad, but I will see you
again, and you will be happy. You will have a
joy that no one can take away. 23 In that day
you will not have to ask me about anything.
And I assure you, my Father will give you
anything you ask him for in my name. 24 You
have never asked for anything in this way
before. But ask in my name, and you will
receive. And you will have the fullest joy
possible. 25"I have told you these things,
using words that hide the meaning. But the
time will come when I will not use words like
that to tell you things. I will speak to you in
plain words about the Father.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to open up that person’s

mind and heart. Once that person’s mind and heart has

been properly opened up – then the Holy Spirit can start
to work with them to show them that they are truly a
sinner, and that there is no saving grace for them in the
natural sinful state in which they were born into this
world with.

The Bible is emphatically clear that every single one of

us, with no exceptions, has been born into this world in
sin and in iniquity. In other words, we have all been
born into this world from our mother’s womb with a sin
nature ingrained in us.

Although we are clothed with the flesh by our mothers,

we have the sin nature from our earthly fathers. Also for
this reason a Jew must have a Jewish father to be a
Jew. We know Jesus was the adopted son of Joseph
from the tribe of Judah. (Heb 7:14) As a result, we
know Jesus was born sinless and that God is His Father
and He is the righteous Son of God, made in the image
of God. Jesus was born from God clothed with the flesh
from His mother, a Jewish Levite. (Luke1:5&36) So we
know the body of Jesus served as the temple of God
and He is our High Priest. (Heb 5:10)

The Bible says that all men and all women have sinned
and have fallen short of the glory of God. Now because
of this sinful state and nature that we have all been
born into this world with, it now becomes the work of
the Holy Spirit to enlighten us and to show us the real
truth of the matter.

The Holy Spirit will now start to convict the sinner. He
will show the person what a sinner they have been all of
their life. He will show and point out certain sins of their
past and present and how these sins and behaviors are
totally unacceptable in the eyes of God the Father. He
will also show them how powerless and helpless they
really are in their natural state and that they are not
able to pull themselves out of their sinful state by self

Once you begin to see what a hopeless and miserable

sinner you really are and that you do not have the
power or capacity within your own being to change
yourself for the better, then you will become open to
receiving the truth of the Gospel.

Once you fully see and realize that you have been born
into this world as a sinner and that you have been living
all of your life as a sinner, then you will be ready to
accept God’s free gift of eternal salvation through His
Son Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on that cross.
Then you will see that it is the grace, mercy, love, and
goodness of God and Jesus that will save you from
yourself and set you free from your sinful state.

You will see that God the Father is now willing to grant
you a pardon and make a way of escape for you from
the eventual fires of a real, live, living hell if you are
willing to believe on His Son Jesus Christ and His death
on the cross.

No matter what has happened to you in your past, no
matter how many sins you may have committed, and no
matter how bad and how vile some of those sins may
have been, any kind and all kinds of sins – God can fully
forgive you of all of your sins. Whoever you are, if you
have some bad addiction as a stronghold over you,
Jesus can set you free.

The following powerful Bible verses is showing us that

we have all been born into this world as corrupt sinners
– and that having true sorrow and a repentant heart will
be the key to being able to receive God’s gift of eternal
salvation through His Son Jesus Christ and lead you to
be become born again.

2 Corinthians 7:10 “For godly sorrow produces

repentance to salvation …”

Acts 3:19 “Repent therefore and be converted, that

your sins may be blotted out, so that times of
refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Luke 13:5 “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you
will all likewise perish.”

Psalms 51:5 “Behold, I was brought forth in

iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.”

Romans 3:23 “… for all have sinned and fall short of

the glory of God …”

Romans 3:10 As it is written: “There is none

righteous, no not one …”
Isaiah 64:6 “But we are all like an unclean thing,
and all our righteousness are like filthy rags; we all
fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind …”

Now I am sharing the truth of His Word with you: it’s

the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ that He washed all their sins away on
the Cross, all your sins forever, your past , present and
even your future all your sins from the day you become
a born-again believer.



Jesus said we must first seek the kingdom of God, then

all other things we need will be given to us also
(Matthew 6:31-33). So what are we praying for? Are we
actually praying for all kinds of things to be added or
given to us or are we instead praying to receive the
kingdom first? But what is the kingdom? My friend, the
Kingdom of God is peace, righteousness and joy in the
Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) The Kingdom of God is the
Presence of the Holy Spirit ruling within you.

Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded

of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God
should come, he answered them and said,
The kingdom of God cometh not with
observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo
here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom
of God is within you.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the

kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the
whole world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come.

Revelation 11:15 Then the seventh angel

blew his trumpet, and there were loud
voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of
the world has become the kingdom of our
Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign
forever and ever."

Revelation 21:3 And I heard a loud voice
from the throne saying, "Behold, the
dwelling place of God is with man. He will
dwell with them, and they will be his
people, and God himself will be with them
as their God.

My friend this happens to a person the day he/she

becomes born-again. This is the day the Holy Spirit
come to live inside of you. This happens the day you
receive Jesus, the day of your salvation, the day you
are saved. So now I am asking you if you have been
saved. The word of God teaches throughout about self-
righteousness not qualifying for salvation. If you say
that as long as you can remember you have been a
good person, then unfortunately I have to say this: by
being righteous we cannot be saved, even if you say
that you’ve kept the commandments, it will not qualify
for salvation, otherwise you are saying that Jesus
needed not to pay for your sins because you’ve
managed to keep the commandments yourself:

Titus 3:5 “Not by works of righteousness

which we did ourselves, but in the
measure of His mercy, He gave us
salvation, through the washing of the new
birth and the giving of new life in the Holy

My friend this is the truth, Jesus came only for sinners

not righteous people and the only way to God the
Father is through Jesus. Without the Grace of Jesus
Christ we cannot go to the Father. My friend you cannot
say to Jesus one day that He knows you have been
good. We must confess that we are sinners, have
sorrow, confess to Jesus and repent. The Lord wants a
broken heart, a heart that needs mercy and salvation.
Search your heart. Have you become a new person
when you came to faith in Jesus? The Word of God
teaches that a person who received Jesus Christ as his
Savior is a new person, the old person is crucified. The
difference in a saved person is like day from night, like
light from darkness. If you have been the same person
since you can remember or if you say that you’ve
become older and therefore becoming a better person
or even if you are a priest, even if you are a church
member, even if you run a charity, the Word of God
clearly teaches that the only way to salvation is by
Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. If you are not sure
of your salvation now, this moment, please don’t wait to
see what will happen at judgment day, for the day the
Lord will return the reward will be given to those who
have faith, and judgment to those who did not believe
while they lived, faith has 100% assurance of salvation.
If you have not this assurance, if you don’t know the
day that Jesus saved you, the day you became a new
person in Christ please call upon the Lord Jesus Christ

Galatians 5:24 And those who are

Christ's have put to death on the cross the
flesh with its passions and its evil desires.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone

is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old
things passed away; behold, all things
have become new.
Before we can go further there is one very important
thing that must be dealt with first and that is the
subject of un-forgiveness.



Unforgiveness is a trap the devil uses to hold any

person in captivity! As a result the person never seems
to reach God or receive forgiveness for their sins for
once and for all. Therefore it is the very first step to
receiving deliverance and forgiveness of our own sins.

Forgiveness for another person’s trespasses is the very

first thing God requires from us before we come to Him
for forgiveness of OUR sins. When a person hates
someone else the devil already has a stronghold that
holds the unforgiving person in captivity. The following
Bible verses show how we can be trapped by un-

Matthew 6:14 "For if you forgive men their

trespasses, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men
their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.

1John 4:20 If anyone claims, "I love God,"

and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who
does not love his brother whom he has seen,
how is it possible for him to love God whom
he has not seen? 21 And this commandment
we have from Him: that he who loves God
should love his brother also.
Leviticus 19:17 "You shall not hate your
brother in your heart, but you shall reason
frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur
sin because of him.

2Corintians 2:10 And to whom you forgive

anything, I also forgive; for if indeed I have
forgiven anything, the one whom I have
forgiven, I have done so for your sakes in the
presence of Christ,11 lest we be taken
advantage of by Satan; for we are not
ignorant of his devices.

According to the verses above unforgiveness is an

actual device or stronghold of satan. The devil uses
people to get us to hate them for what he has done to

Ephesians 6:12 For our fight is not against

flesh and blood, but against authorities and
powers, against the world-rulers of this dark
night, against the spirits of evil in the
1John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother
is a murderer, and you know that no
murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

The words: “I forgave, but I will never forget” Make

sure you have forgiven:

Jesus in HEBREWS 8:12 “For I will be
merciful regarding their wrong deeds,
and I will never again remember their

Remember the words of Jesus on the cross “Father

forgive them for they don’t know what they do”. Jesus
asked God to forgive the people, before his death. This
is also a part of the blueprint of our salvation and our
old man being crucified with Christ. We MUST FIRST
FORGIVE to be forgiven. Break yourself loose from the
trap of unforgiveness with this powerful prayer to
1. Go on your knees and pray for those people by their
names (very important to say their names, each one)
2. Ask God to forgive all their sins and to forgive them
(name) for what they have done to you
3. Ask God to make you love them(name) then ask God
to bless the person
4 Ask God to change their(name) hearts so they will not
heart you again
5. Now, ask the Lord to help you to never ever think of
their(name) wrong doings again.


God will answer this prayer, because in God’s eyes

LOVE is the biggest Commandment. Do this prayer and
see how God reaches out to you. If for any reason you
find it difficult to say this prayer or start shaking then I
urgently need you to ask someone to pray this for and
with you to be released. If there is more than one
person who did you wrong in the past please do a
prayer for each of them saying their names to the Lord.
I was not aware of the hate I still carried against other
people. This prayer was very difficult for me. I was
really struggling, but after this prayer I was finally
released and the Lord changed my heart and feelings
toward them. Not long after this the Lord forgave all my
sins, forever, I was born again, only to realize
afterwards that the Lord placed that instruction to
forgive those people. GLORY TO GOD OUR FATHER




Have you ever reached that point in your life where you
developed such hate for sin that you want to ask the
Lord Jesus to take your life, or maybe you are
struggling with an addiction, maybe you have some
habit that no one knows about? You don’t want to do it
but you keep on doing it and for the first time in your
life you realize where you are going to end up one day.

God can now wipe your slate fully clean. He can also
help clean up any thing from your past that may be
trying to hold you back from being able to go ahead into
the divine destiny that He now has set up for you and
your life. The following Bible verses powerfully explains
the need to be saved, born-again and set free.

John 8:34 Jesus answered them, "Most

assuredly I say to you, that everyone that
practices sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave
does not remain in the house forever, but a
son remains forever. 36 Therefore if the Son
sets you free, you will be truly free.
Galatians 5:19 The wrong things the sinful
self does are clear: committing sexual sin,
being morally bad, doing all kinds of shameful
things, 20 worshiping false gods, taking part
in witchcraft, hating people, causing trouble,
being jealous, angry or selfish, causing people
to argue and divide into separate groups, 21
being filled with envy, getting drunk, having
wild parties, and doing other things like this. I
warn you now as I warned you before: The
people who do these things will not have a
part in God's kingdom.
Romans 6:1 What may we say, then? are we
to go on in sin so that there may be more
grace?2 In no way. How may we, who are
dead to sin, be living in it any longer?3 Or are
you without the knowledge that all we who
had baptism into Christ Jesus, had baptism
into his death?4 We have been placed with
him among the dead through baptism into
death: so that as Christ came again from the
dead by the glory of the Father, we, in the
same way, might be living in new life.
Romans 8:7 Why is this true? Because
anyone whose thinking is controlled by their
sinful self is against God. They refuse to obey
God's law. And really they are not able to
obey it. 8 Those who are ruled by their sinful
selves cannot please God.9 But you are not
ruled by your sinful selves. You are ruled by
the Spirit, if that Spirit of God really lives in
you. But whoever does not have the Spirit of
Christ does not belong to Christ.
1John 3:24 Whoever keeps his
commandments abides in God, and God in
him. And by this we know that He abides in
us, by the Spirit whom He has given us

1John 2:3 Now by this we know that we have
come to know Him, if we keep His
commandments.4 He who says, "I have come
to know Him," and does not keep His
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not
in him.5 But whoever keeps His word, truly
the love of God is perfected in him. By this we
know that we are in Him.6 He who claims to
abide in Him ought himself also to walk just
as He walked.6 Everyone who abides in Him
does not sin; everyone who sins has not seen
Him nor has he known Him.7 Little children,
let no one deceive you. The one who practices
righteousness is righteous, just as He is
righteous.8 He who practices sin is of the
devil, for the devil has been sinning from the
beginning. For this reason the Son of God
appeared, that He might destroy the works of
the devil.



All people are first born sinners, we are not born saved
people, for this reason we must be born again:

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him,

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless someone
is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
God." 4 Nicodemus said to him, "How can a
man be born when he is old? Can he enter a
second time into his mother's womb and be
born?"5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to
you, unless one is born of water and the
Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and
that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
1Jonn 3:9 No one who has been born of God
practices sin, because His seed abides in Him;
and he cannot sin, because he has been born
of God.

At some point in life a person is born again when he

comes to faith in Jesus and what He did on the Cross,
while the person is still living a sinful live but reaches a
repentant state:

Romans 5:8 “ But God demonstrates His

own love toward us, in that while we were
still sinners, Christ died for us”
John 7:38 If anyone believes in me, rivers
of living water will flow out from their
heart. That is what the Scriptures say." 39
Jesus was talking about the Spirit. The
Spirit had not yet been given to people,
because Jesus had not yet been raised to
glory. But later, those who believed in
Jesus would receive the Spirit.

Paul came to faith while he was still a sinner. Paul did

not receive the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost that
happened long before he went to Damascus.
Confrontation brings transformation. In other words the
man of sin must be exposed and confronted. This
happened to Paul that day on his way to Damascus,
when he had that personal encounter with Jesus. For a
person to be born-again in the Spirit, he must first be
convinced (convicted by the Holy Spirit) that he is a
sinner by hearing and believing the word of God. The
following Bile verses remarkably refer to the new birth
that must take place within a person:

Jesus in John 14:26 But the Helper, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My
name, He will teach you all things, and will
remind you of all things which I said to you.
John 16:7 “But what I am saying is true: my
going is for your good: for if I do not go away,
the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I
will send him to you. 8 And he, when he
comes, will make the world conscious of sin,
and of righteousness, and of being judged: 9
Of sin, because they have not faith in me;”
John 16:20 I tell you for certain that you will
cry and be sad, but the world will be happy.
You will be sad, but later you will be happy.21
When a woman is about to give birth, she is in
great pain. But after it is all over, she forgets
the pain and is happy, because she has
brought a child into the world.
1John 3:24 And the one who keeps His
commandments abides in Him, and He in him.
And by this we know that He abides in us,
from the Spirit whom He gave us.
1John 2:3 Now by this we know that we have
come to know Him, if we keep His
commandments.4 He who says, "I have come
to know Him," and does not keep His
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not
in him.5 But whoever keeps His word, truly
the love of God is perfected in him. By this we
know that we are in Him.6 He who claims to
abide in Him ought himself also to walk just
as He walked.
1John 3:6 Everyone who abides in Him does
not sin; everyone who sins has not seen Him
nor has he known Him 7 Little children, let no
one deceive you. The one who practices
righteousness is righteous, just as He is
righteous.8 He who practices sin is of the
devil, for the devil has been sinning from the
beginning. For this reason the Son of God
appeared, that He might destroy the works of
the devil.
1Jonn 3:9 No one who has been born of God
practices sin, because His seed abides in Him;
and he cannot sin, because he has been born
of God.
1John 3:10 By this the children of God and
the children of the devil are manifest:
Everyone who does not practice righteousness
is not of God, nor is he who does not love his
1John 4:13 And His Spirit which He has
given us is the witness that we are in Him and
He is in us.
1John 5:1 Everyone who has faith that Jesus
is the Christ is a child of God: and everyone
who has love for the Father has love for his
child.2 In this way, we are certain that we
have love for the children of God, when we
have love for God and keep his laws.
Ezekiel 36:27 I will put my Spirit inside you
and change you so that you will obey my
laws. You will carefully obey my commands.
Zechariah 4:6 He said, "This is the message
from the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Your help will
not come from your own strength and power.
No, your help will come from my Spirit.' This
is what the LORD All-Powerful says.
Galatians 5:16 But I say, Go on in the Spirit,
and you will not come under the rule of the
evil desires of the flesh.17 For the flesh has
desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit
against the flesh; because these are opposite
the one to the other; so that you may not do
the things which you have a mind to do.

Galatians 5:24 And those who are Christ's
have put to death on the cross the flesh with
its passions and its evil desires. 25 If we are
living by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us be
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness
which we did ourselves, but in the measure of
His mercy, He gave us salvation, through the
washing of the new birth and the giving of
new life in the Holy Spirit,”
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in
Christ, he is a new creation; the old things
passed away; behold, all things have become
Colossians 3:9 Do not lie to one another,
seeing that you have put off the old self with
its practices 10 and have put on the new self,
which is being renewed in knowledge after the
image of its creator.




As we have seen in the previous Bible verses

mentioned, the Bible teaches that a person cannot be
saved by keeping the Commandments, yet the Bible
teaches keeping the Commandments is the evidence
you are saved.
In my own words I would explain it like this;
that a Spirit-filled person in Jesus actually walks
and live according to the commandments. In
this explanation I use the term “Law” referring
to the “Ten Commandments” on stone. But let
us now take a closer look at the true meaning
and purpose of the Law.

God gave the Law to His people to keep because Adam’s

sin resulted in death, but because God’s people couldn’t
keep the Law so it still resulted in death for them, but
the Spirit of God gives Life

2Corinthians 3:6 Who has made us able to

be servants of a new agreement; not of the
letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter gives
death, but the Spirit gives life.
Galatians 2:16 Being conscious that a man
does not get righteousness by the works of
the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ, we
had faith in Christ Jesus, so that we might get

righteousness by faith in Christ, and not by
the works of the law: because by the works of
the law will no flesh get righteousness.

This is the most important message that must be

understood in order to know the Love and the will of
God for His children, that is: The promise of salvation to
Abraham - the GIFT of the Holy Spirit, in order to fulfill
the Law

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put my Spirit inside you

and change you so that you will obey my
laws. You will carefully obey my commands.
Zechariah 4:6 He said, "This is the message
from the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Your help will
not come from your own strength and power.
No, your help will come from my Spirit.' This
is what the LORD All-Powerful says.

Throughout the new testament, the Jewish people’s way

of trying to keep the commandments of God by their
own power couldn’t be stressed enough, therefore the
new testament is rejected by some Jews, because they
know that keeping God’s Law will bring them salvation
and eternal life. However many Christians who accept
the New Testament Gospel still try to keep the
Commandments of God, but believe in the Grace and
Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins. However the
important thing to notice about these people is that all
of them is still trying to keep God’s Commandments
because Jesus did not take the Law away. But how will
a person be able to keep the law but also believe Jesus
died for their sins at the same time? The truth is that
they cannot keep the Law by own power, because Jesus
came to fulfill the law:

Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I came to

abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not
come to abolish, but to fulfill.18 For assuredly
I say to you, until heaven and earth may pass
away, one iota or one tittle shall by no means
pass away from the law until all things are
fulfilled.19 Whoever therefore shall break one
of the least of these commandments, and
shall teach men thus, will be called least in
the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does
them and teaches them, he shall be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.20 For I say
to you, that unless your righteousness
exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and
Pharisees, you shall by no means enter the
kingdom of heaven.

“Until the law be fulfilled”…and Jesus fulfilled the law,

He kept every single commandment to the last one, and
it was accomplished, He fulfilled it. He did not come to
declare a new law and leave the first law
unaccomplished or unfulfilled. Now seeing that fulfilling
the commandments would give life unto men, He gave
us life. And seeing that death came because of the sin
of Adam, likewise life came because of the
righteousness of Christ, the second Adam (1 Cor 15:45)

John 19:28 After this, Jesus, knowing that all
was now finished, said (to fulfill the
Scripture), "I thirst." 29 A jar full of sour wine
stood there, so they put a sponge full of the
sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to
his mouth. 30 When Jesus had received the
sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he
bowed his head and gave up His spirit.

John the Baptist refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God, but

this dramatic event also paints a picture of an ox and a
wooden cross, the Aleph and the Tav, the first and last
letters of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet in Pictographs.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus refer to Himself as the
Aleph and the Tav, that is, Alpha and Omega in Greek
translation. This is why John refer to Jesus as the Word
of God (Eloh AT) in John1:1 that is, in Hebrew A-T or
the complete alphabet A-Z in English. God’s Word
(Elohim AT) in Gen1:1 is PLURAL Gods Eloh is a title
for one God. Aleph is 1 and Tav 22

Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD

our God, the LORD is one.

Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour,

Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli,
lama sabachthani; that is, "My God, My God,
why did You forsake Me?" Psa. 22:1

The Holy Spirit is send by God to manifest in the flesh of

His people to abide with them forever, of whom Jesus
Christ became the first born among the people, to

receive the Holy Spirit in fullness. Jesus Christ being the
first among all people, the perfect Son of God, the
Righteous One, the Beloved Son of God, the Messiah
born from God, to live among the people. Jesus Christ
brought that life–giving Spirit to be with the people,
that is, God with us. Jesus Christ was the first among
the people to keep the Law of God, by the power of the
Holy Spirit; thereby He defeated death also proven by
His resurrection. We are to become followers of Jesus,
also to receive the Holy Spirit, to do even greater
things, to become righteous as He was. Hallelujah
Praise and thanks to God the Father for His Son!

Titus 3:3 We used to be stupid, disobedient,

and foolish, as well as slaves of all sorts of
desires and pleasures. We were evil and
jealous. Everyone hated us, and we hated
everyone.4 God our Savior showed us how
good and kind he is.5 He saved us because of
his mercy, and not because of any good
things that we have done. God washed us by
the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave us new
birth and a fresh beginning.6 God sent Jesus
Christ our Savior to give us his Spirit.

These verses above refer to the result of the work of

Jesus Christ within the people who received the Holy
Spirit after they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.




This is another important verse in the Bible that must

be explained.

1John 3:8 He who practices sin is of the

devil, for the devil has been sinning from the
beginning. For this reason the Son of God
appeared that He might destroy the works of
the devil.

Jesus came to restore or establish the Kingdom of God

among men, by being the complete Sacrifice for their
past sins, allowing the people to receive the Holy Spirit
and to destroy the sin nature among the people. To the
people still living with their old sin nature this message
sounds impossible to believe, but to those who received
the Holy Spirit it is faith and testimony of the power of
righteousness given by God through their faith in Jesus.

Romans 3:31 Do we destroy the Law by our

faith? Not at all! We make it even more

Romans 8:3 The law was without power

because it was made weak by our sinful
selves. But God did what the law could not

do: He sent his own Son to earth with the
same human life that everyone else uses for
sin. God sent him to be an offering to pay for
sin. So God used a human life to destroy sin.4
He did this so that we could be right just as
the law said we must be. Now we don't live
following our sinful selves. We live following
the Spirit.5 People who live following their
sinful selves think only about what they want.
But those who live following the Spirit are
thinking about what the Spirit wants them to
do.6 If your thinking is controlled by your
sinful self, there is spiritual death. But if your
thinking is controlled by the Spirit, there is life
and peace.7 Why is this true? Because anyone
whose thinking is controlled by their sinful self
is against God. They refuse to obey God's law.
And really they are not able to obey it. 8
Those who are ruled by their sinful selves
cannot please God.9 But you are not ruled by
your sinful selves. You are ruled by the Spirit,
if that Spirit of God really lives in you. But
whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ
does not belong to Christ.

These verses above clearly explain that a person must

become born again. But let us look at another related
bible verse that are terribly misunderstood.

1John 2:1 My little children, these things I

write to you, that you may not sin. And if
someone should sin, we have an Advocate
with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
This verse is very important to be understood correctly.
First of all John was writing to the people not living in
sin anymore, that is, those who were already born again
by faith in Jesus Christ, who lived the new righteous life
in Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit living within them.
Here it is very important to know that John was not
talking to people still living with their old sin nature.
John did not tell sinners that if one of them should go
on sinning, that Jesus would be their Advocate or
Excuse. John spoke to the children of God living their
new life in the Holy Spirit. John did not teach to sinners
that even if their sin continues it will fall under grace,
and this is exactly not what he meant or said, but John
was saying that if one of them who are no longer a
slave to sin, accidentally might sin again, then Jesus
would be the Advocate before the Father, for that
person He already cleaned. This is exactly the same as
Paul wrote to the people who were saved and no longer
slaves to sin anymore in Romans:

Romans 6:11 Likewise you also, consider

yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive
to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.12 Therefore
do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that
you should obey it in its lusts,13 nor present
your members as instruments of
unrighteousness to sin, but present
yourselves to God as being alive from the
dead, and your members as instruments of
righteousness to God.14 For sin shall not be
master over you, for you are not under law
but under grace.15 What then? Shall we sin
because we are not under law but under

grace? Certainly not!16 Do you not know that
to whom you present yourselves as obedient
slaves, you are slaves to whom you obey,
whether of sin resulting in death, or of
obedience resulting in righteousness?17 But
thanks be to God, that though you used to be
slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from your heart
that form of doctrine to which you were
delivered.18 And having been freed from sin,
you became enslaved to righteousness.19 I
speak in human terms on account of the
weakness of your flesh. For just as you
presented your members as slaves to
uncleanness, and to lawlessness resulting in
more lawlessness, so now present your
members as slaves to righteousness resulting
in sanctification.20 For when you were slaves
of sin, you were free in regard to
righteousness.21 So what fruit did you have
then of which things you are now ashamed?
For the end of those things is death.22 But
now having been freed from sin, and having
become enslaved to God, you have your fruit
resulting in sanctification, and the outcome,
eternal life.

The Holy Spirit is given by God the Father to all people

who comes to faith in His beloved Son as their Sacrifice
and Savior. Because of Jesus we are enabling to receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit, to become children of God the
Father, brothers and sisters of Christ.



Now let us look at another one of the most important

but misunderstood passages in the Bible

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore let us leave the

elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to
maturity, not laying again a foundation of
repentance from dead works and of faith
toward God, 2 and of instruction about
washings, the laying on of hands, the
resurrection of the dead, and eternal
judgment. 3 And this we will do if God
permits. 4 For it is impossible, in the case of
those who have once been enlightened, who
have tasted the heavenly gift, and have
shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted
the goodness of the word of God and the
powers of the age to come, 6 and then have
fallen away, to restore them again to
repentance, since they are crucifying once
again the Son of God to their own harm and
holding him up to contempt.

In the verses above Paul is speaking about preaching to

an already born again, Spirit filled church. Paul actually
This Paul said (Note he says ”If God permits”) not to
preach the foundation of faith, that is, the Gospel of
repentance to those who already received the Holy
Spirit by faith in Christ because they cannot repent
again. It is not possible for born again believers to
repent again and come to faith in Jesus again.
Preachers must understand that there are still millions
of unsaved people, addicted and enslaved to all kinds of
visible as well as invisible sins, also those in the heart
and mind, therefore the Gospel of Repentance MUST BE

The Gospel of Grace cannot be presented as an

because it was the law and the Gospel of repentance
that led me to Christ and to become born again. But
Glory to God for the Revelation: There is a balance of
grace and repentance in the Gospel, like a scale. But
sadly, because of the lack of understanding, it causes
confusion and dispute among the Christians and even
delays the salvation of many!

I have a personal message for the “Grace, no Law”

preacher. Among those that follow you, there are many
that haven’t come to seek for mercy from Jesus,
because many are delayed. John the Baptist was the
greatest among men because he prepared a way for the
people to come to Jesus through repentance, even if he
only lived to foresee the promised coming of the
Kingdom of the Spirit among men. (Referring to John
himself being baptized with the Holy Spirit) I mean John
was actually preaching Repentance to sinners (those
outside the Kingdom) to come in, and Paul was
preaching Grace to the saved (those inside the
Kingdom), building on their faith in the Hebrews 6
Well what should we do then? Can we preach grace to
the wicked still living in sin, or can we preach
repentance to those living the new life in the Spirit?

Jesus in Luke 5:32 I have not come to call

the righteous but sinners to repentance."

Jesus in Matthew 9:13 Go and learn what

this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.'
For I came not to call the righteous, but



Galatians 3:24 In fact, the Law was our

teacher. It was supposed to teach us until we
had faith and were acceptable to God. 25 But
once a person has learned to have faith, there
is no more need to have the Law as a teacher.

The false Grace preacher say: “You are under Grace,

there is no Law anymore” backing with quote from
Scripture: Galatians 5:4 You are cut off from Christ, you
who would have righteousness by the law; you are
turned away from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit by
faith are waiting for the hope of righteousness.
But did Paul preach to a Jew or a gentile? When Paul
UNDER GRACE” Then he is not preaching to a Gentile
but a Jewish convert who still tries to keep the law,
because the gentiles had no law!

Romans 2:4 Or do you presume on the

riches of his kindness and forbearance and
patience, not knowing that God's kindness is
meant to lead you to repentance? 5 But
because of your hard and impenitent heart
you are storing up wrath for yourself on the
day of wrath when God's righteous judgment
will be revealed. 6 He will render to each one
according to his works: 7 to those who by
patience in well-doing seek for glory and
honor and immortality, he will give eternal
life; 8 but for those who are self-seeking and
do not obey the truth, but obey
unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.
9 There will be tribulation and distress for
every human being who does evil, the Jew
first and also the Greek, 10 but glory and
honor and peace for everyone who does good,
the Jew first and also the Greek. 11 For God
shows no partiality. 12 For all who have
sinned without the law will also perish without
the law, and all who have sinned under the
law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not
the hearers of the law who are righteous
before God, but the doers of the law who will
be justified. 14 For when Gentiles, who do not
have the law, by nature do what the law

requires, they are a law to themselves, even
though they do not have the law.
For this reason it was necessary that the law was also
given to the gentiles in order for them to accept and
believe the good news of Christ so they could come to
repentance. So can we preach a gospel of grace to
sinners for repentance unto salvation?

John 10:1 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who

does not enter the sheepfold by the door but
climbs in by another way, that man is a thief
and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the
door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him
the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his
voice, and he calls his own sheep by name
and leads them out. 4 When he has brought
out all his own, he goes before them, and the
sheep follow him, for they know his voice.

You might be surprised to hear this, we were not freed

from keeping Ten Commandments, but we were placed
under a new Law, that is, the “Law of the Spirit”. And
this is how the Law of Righteousness (Referring to the
10 Commandments) are fulfilled; by the Spirit.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put my Spirit inside

you and change you so that you will obey
my laws. You will carefully obey my


Galatians 3:18 Can following the law give us

the blessing God promised? If we could
receive it by following the law, then it would
not be God's promise that brings it to us. But
God freely gave his blessings to Abraham
through the promise God made. 19 So what
was the law for? The law was given to show
the wrong things people do. The law would
continue until the special Descendant of
Abraham came. This is the Descendant
mentioned in the promise, which came
directly from God. But the law was given
through angels, and the angels used Moses as
a mediator to give the law to the people. 20
But when God gave the promise, there was no
mediator, because a mediator is not needed
when there is only one side, and God is one.
21 Does this mean that the law works against
God's promises? Of course not. The law was
never God's way of giving new life to people.
If it were, then we could be made right with
God by following the law. 22 But this is not
possible. The Scriptures put the whole world
in prison under the control of sin, so that the
only way for people to get what God promised
would be through faith in Jesus Christ. It is
given to those who believe in him.

1Peter 1:14 In the past you did not have the
understanding you have now, so you did the
evil things you wanted to do. But now you are
children of God, so you should obey him and
not live the way you did before.

“When it comes to knowing truth from error, the most

important thing that we must know and learn is that the
Holy Spirit is our COMFORTER, but satan is a
TROUBLER. The Holy Spirit is our SANCTIFIER, but
satan is a TEMPTER. The Holy Spirit CONVICTS the
unbeliever, but satan ACCUSE the believer”

This is the most important knowledge in order to

recognize a true preacher from a false one. If we look
very carefully we can see that the devil will not convict
an unbeliever of sin so that person might then repent
and turn to Jesus for salvation. Sadly enough, some
people mistake the conviction of sin as judgment. It is
not a case of judgment when people are called by
conviction, the judgment will come on the last day for
not coming to believe! The following Bible verses
confirms this truth:

John 16:7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth:

it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I
do not go away, the Helper will not come to
you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8 And
when he comes, he will convict the world
concerning sin and righteousness and
judgment: 9 concerning sin, because they do
not believe in me;

The conclusion is that the Law (referring to the Ten
Commandments) were given to expose to people that
they are sinners, and to show them what they are not
capable of following them, thereby leading the people in
sorrow to except the gift of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy
sacrifice for their sins, thereby receiving the Holy Spirit
to guide them in righteousness back to God, receiving
eternal life. Sin is CONVICTED, Unbelief is JUDGED,
don’t be confused between these two!




A real big lie from satan is to sacrifice yourself or take

your own life even the lives of others. The Truth is Jesus
Christ gave His Life so you can live! He shed His Blood
so that you may live. He was the complete sacrifice in
your place and the only one!

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all of you who

are weary and loaded down with burdens, and
I will give you rest. 29 Place my yoke on you
and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls.

Hebrews 10:14 Because by one offering He

has made complete for ever those who are
made holy

But why am I feeling this way? God is calling you! Your

God loves you, now hear His voice:

Proverbs 8:35 By finding Me, you find life,

and the Lord will be pleased with you.
Proverbs 8:36 But if you don't find Me, you
hurt only yourself, and if you hate Me, you
are in love with death.
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His
disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross,
and follow Me.

What does it mean to take up my cross? It means to

surrender to the Lord and give up your own efforts and
let the Spirit of God come live inside you:

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with

Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ
lives in me; and the life which I now live in
the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me, and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 5:24 And those who are Christ's
have put to death on the cross the flesh with
its passions and its evil desires.

Now it is time for you to come to faith my beloved:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that

He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life.17 For God did not send His
Son into the world to condemn the world, but
so that the world might be saved through
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness
which we did ourselves, but in the measure of
His mercy, He gave us salvation, through the

washing of the new birth and the giving of
new life in the Holy Spirit”

A person must have purposed in his heart that he is

ready to make a total and complete surrender to the
Lord. A dying to self must take place, a complete
surrender. In other words the old man of sin must be
crucified with Christ.

My dear friend no matter what you have done in the

past, no matter what kind of sin or addiction you are
into right now, if you feel convicted and you are ready
to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior and be born
again, just ask Jesus to set you free. If you want to be
free and forgiven, and become a new person with a new
beginning, all you need to do is to ask Him. When you
are tired and weary of life, call unto Jesus, He will
answer, He did answer from the Cross.

Prayer for surrender:

Heavenly Father I come to confess today that I

have been a slave and a sinner all my life. Lord I
surrender my life to you now and I need to be
free. Lord Jesus You are the Son of God and my
Lord. Wash me by your precious blood and remove
all my trespasses from this day forward. Lord,
today I confess to you that I have forgiven all
those that I carried a hate against and those that
did me wrong. Lord, my ears are closed to the
insults of those coming against me and open to
your Holy Word so that your peace abides with
me. I cut off from my life all generational sins,
bonds, curses, deceases and pride by the blood of
Jesus and my soul are healed by your wounds in
Jesus name. Lord, today I confess I have no lucky
charms and I have no possessions or graven
ornaments that I consider too valuable to let go.
Lord, you are the only God in my life. Lord, I
confess that my life, my health and wealth is
completely in your hands Lord. I depend on you
alone Lord, on you alone Lord, for rain, blessings
and prosperity. Lord I ask that your Holy Spirit
come live inside me that I may live according to
your will and Word so that I may proclaim your
Name and Word everywhere I go for all the days
of my life. Lord, thank you for forgiving all my
trespasses by your Holy sacrifice and that you will
not remember them anymore according to your
faithful Word. Thank you Lord in Jesus name,




This Spirit that God will now be putting into you will be
the Holy Spirit Himself. As you will see in several of the
verses I will list in the next chapter, each person who
gets saved and born again receives the Holy Spirit at
the exact moment of their conversion. And then the
Bible takes it one step further. It says that we are then
“sealed” with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

As a result of receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and

Saviour, not only are all of your sins fully forgiven, not
only will you go straight to heaven when you die and
cross over – but you have now become a brand new
creation in the Lord.

All old things have now passed away and all things have
now been made brand new! You have now been given a
brand new life with a brand new start, along with a
brand new heart and a brand new Spirit being put into
you by God the Father. You are now a son/daughter of
God. The next verses also confirm this transformation:

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is

in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have
passed away; behold, all things have become

Colossians 1:13 “He has delivered us from
the power of darkness and translated us into
the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom
we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins.”

Ephesians 1:13 “In Him you also trusted,

after you heard the word of truth, the gospel
of your salvation; in whom also, having
believed, you were sealed with the Holy
Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of
our inheritance until the redemption of the
purchased possession, to the praise of His

Ephesians 4:30 “And do not grieve the Holy

Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for
the day of redemption.”

2 Corinthians 1:21 “Now He who establishes

us with you in Christ and has anointed us is
God, who also sealed us and given us the
Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.”

2 Corinthians 5:5 “Now He who has prepared

us for this very thing is God, who also has
given us the Spirit as a guarantee.”

As a result of having the Holy Spirit now literally living

on the inside of you – you have now become a brand
new creation and you have now been made fully alive!

As my new life as a born again Christian began, I
realized the even greater need for grace. In fact, we
enter the Kingdom by repentance then live in the
Kingdom by Grace. This is where I learned the true
meaning and measure of God’s grace.

I learned that grace begins with, or comes with

salvation and faith in Christ. This grace strengthens and
builds our faith, so much so, that we become resistant
to temptations as we mature in Christ. God will now
lead you into His perfect plan and destiny for your life.

God, through His Holy Spirit, will now be guiding the

journey that He wants you to follow in this life. God will
be letting you know exactly what your call, what your
purpose, and what your divine destiny is going to be in

Your brand new life will now have real meaning and
purpose to it – because you will now be finding out
exactly why God created you in the first place and
exactly what God wants to do with your life. You can
now finally let go of all of your past mistakes, along with
all of the hurts and heartaches of your past, and grow in




I remember that Sunday morning in November of 2008

when I was born again, that from that day an
overwhelming peace came upon me. Apart from this
peace, I still carry today; I was also miraculously healed
from asthma and all sorts of addictions since that day.
However, what you have to realize is that this
sanctification process in the Lord will not occur

God will now sanctify you slowly and progressively over

the course of your entire life. As such, we have to have
patience with the way God will want to work out this
new part of our walk with Him. Each of us is unique in
the way God created us all. God has a different call and
purpose for each of us in His Body and His Kingdom in
this world. But Praise God that everything will fall into
place and make sense as we progress in Him.

Galatians 5:1 We have freedom now,

because Christ made us free. So stand strong
in that freedom. Don't go back into slavery

Romans 6:22 But now having been freed

from sin, and having become enslaved to
God, you have your fruit resulting in
sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.

1Peter 1:14 As obedient children, do not be
conformed to the passions of your former
ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is
holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16
since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am

God’s highest and ultimate aim for all of us is to make

us into a better and more holy people. He wants to
transform us into the express image of His Son Jesus.
He wants to set us apart and consecrate us to Himself
so He can make us into more holy instruments of
righteousness for His use. This is not so people can see
us, but so people can give the Glory to God.

However, before God will allow this sanctification

process to really kick into full gear through the Holy
Spirit – He wants you to fully understand exactly what
He is doing and why He is doing it. You have to have
the knowledge as to what God is doing and exactly why
He is doing it. God loves to transmit knowledge to His

As such, we have to learn how to have patience with the

Lord in this area and not get too frustrated when we are
not changing and transforming as fast as we would like
in Him. The Apostle Paul also called upon children of
God, not to lose hope and faith in Christ during a storm.

There may be days that you will feel like your ship is
sinking, but in fact your helper is coming! All storms
eventually come to an end so the question is how it will

affect your faith, and keeping your faith will determine
the victory.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-
control; against such things there is no law.

You also have God’s supernatural power available to you

to help transform and sanctify you. Another incredible
benefit that you will get as a result of having the Holy
Spirit now residing on the inside of you is that you will
now be given a brand new heart. In Ezekiel, God says
that He will take out your heart of stone, which is a hard
type of heart, and replace it with a heart of flesh, which
is tender type of heart that is now capable of feeling
compassion and empathy for other people. This is so we
can go out and sow the Love of God in us, out to others.
A person who truly fellowships with God, who has truly
repented and experienced the atoning work Jesus,
reaches out in compassion to others.

Most newborns cannot completely understand the entire

Bible the first time or two they read it. They need
immediate help after they are saved and are trying to
learn more about God and all of His ways, but most
importantly what happens now!




As we have seen in the beginning of this book that all

people are first born as sinners. However I believe we
are not tempted into doing sin from our first birth, but
that we do sin by natural nature, even as young
children. I believe that temptation really begins after we
become born again in the Spirit. The devil does not
bother to tempt sinners to do sin, however he cannot
wait to tempt a newborn saint, with a newly washed
robe, to do sin again. But take heart, our Lord Jesus
defeated the devil!

In the following verses we can see that the devil also

tried, but failed, to tempt Jesus just after Jesus
received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the

Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the
devil. 2 And after fasting forty days and forty
nights, he was hungry. 3 And the tempter
came and said to him, "If you are the Son of
God, command these stones to become loaves
of bread." 4 But he answered, "It is written,
"'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that comes from the mouth of
God.'" 5 Then the devil took him to the holy
city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple
6 and said to him, "If you are the Son of God,

throw yourself down, for it is written, "'He will
command his angels concerning you,' and "'On
their hands they will bear you up, lest you
strike your foot against a stone.'" 7 Jesus said
to him, "Again it is written, 'You shall not put
the Lord your God to the test.'" 8 Again, the
devil took him to a very high mountain and
showed him all the kingdoms of the world and
their glory. 9 And he said to him, "All these I
will give you, if you will fall down and worship
me." 10 Then Jesus said to him, "Be gone,
Satan! For it is written, "'You shall worship the
Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'"
11 Then the devil left him, and behold, angels
came and were ministering to him.

Now look very carefully at the scripture above. The very

first thing that satan, with his temptation approach,
asked Jesus, is whether Jesus really is the Son of God.
This could very well be the same case with the new-
born child of God. The devil wants the born-again child
of God to question whether he or she really are or have
become the son or daughter of God. In the same verse,
another thing we see is that the devil wants Jesus to
perform a miracle in order to prove His Identity. We can
see that performing miracles cannot prove one’s status
as a child of God, otherwise Jesus would have turned
those stones into bread, and instead Jesus spoke the
word of God against those accusations. Likewise as
born-again children of God we can do exactly the same.
The next thing we see is that the devil wants Jesus to
commit suicide and then try to convince Jesus that He
would be saved by God by attempting so. This is also a
very important fact we can learn regarding suicide. In
the devil’s last approach, he offers to Jesus all the
wealth and power of the world if Jesus would worship
him. As we also know that money is the root of all evil
(1Titus 6:9-10). Then again, Jesus provoked and
defeated the devil by speaking the word of God.

1Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful.

Your adversary the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9
Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that
the same kinds of suffering are being
experienced by your brotherhood throughout
the world. 10 And after you have suffered a
little while, the God of all grace, who has
called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will
himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and
establish you.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains
steadfast under trial, for when he has stood
the test he will receive the crown of life, which
God has promised to those who love him. 13
Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am
being tempted by God," for God cannot be
tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to
God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from
you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw
near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners,
and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9
Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your
laughter be turned to mourning and your joy

to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the
Lord, and he will exalt you.

My journey first started out as having faith in Jesus,

which, after many trails and failures turned to an
endless hope in Him. Eventually it all led to an
everlasting love for Him because I never knew what
true love was until I discovered that It’s not a feeling,
but a person. God is Love; He is the source of Love. His
promises never fail, He forgives and He loves



After we get saved, God expects us to start growing in

the knowledge that He wants to transmit to us. And the
only way we can spiritually grow is by seeking after the
knowledge that will cause this growth to occur! You will
grow in the knowledge of God through your own
personal walk that you have with Him, along with
learning from other Christians, especially those who are
anointed and gifted to be able to teach from His Word.

God has arranged to have all of the spiritual knowledge

that we will ever need about Him, His Son, and His
Spirit to all be contained in one book, the Bible. God is
also using some very curious secrets and parables in
many Bible verses. You can really tell that He is trying
to let all of us know the extreme importance of seeking
and growing in this knowledge. The reason for this is
that God’s ultimate aim for us after we get saved is our
sanctification and transformation unto holiness. He
wants to transform us into the express image of His Son
Jesus and be a more holy people.

1Peter 1: 15 Be holy in everything you do,

just as God is holy. He is the one who chose
you. 16 In the Scriptures God says, "Be holy,
because I am holy."

There is one major secret I have learned from the Lord

on getting Him to release more of His knowledge to us –
is that we have to be willing to go into some type of
seeking mode with Him to get it. The Bible says to ask –
and then you will receive. Seek – and then you will
find. Knock – and then the door will be opened to you.

Notice in all three of these conditions that you have to

be the one to initiate it. You have to be the one to ask,
to seek, and to knock. If you do – then God will answer
you, open doors for you, and let you find the answers to
your questions and problems. If you are troubled over a
particular issue, you can just start looking on what God
had said on that issue, and you will see how the Holy
Spirit will help you in the matter. (Joshua 1:8)

You cannot become more holy, more transformed, and

more sanctified unless you are spiritually growing. And
you cannot start to spiritually grow unless you are first
seeking after the knowledge that will cause this spiritual
growth to occur in the first place!

About keeping the Sabbath, some preachers claim that

Jesus made an excuse for one of the Ten
Commandments, that is, for keeping the Sabbath

Mark 2:27 And he said to them, "The Sabbath was

made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the
Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."

Jesus did not make an excuse for Sabbath. The Sabbath

was given to man as a memorial day of rest, to
remember that God had rested. Sabbath was given so
that man can rest not God. God already rested on the
7th day of creation, that is, the day (or 1000years) after
the creation of Adam. This means God is working on

man’s Sabbath day. God does not rest on man’s
Sabbath but the people complained that God is working
miracles and healing people on their Sabbath.

This means we have to spend daily quality time in the

Bible and have a through study and understanding of
His Word before God can really use us to teach and
educate others.



1. MEDITATION - This is a very powerful tool that you

must never allow anything to deprive you of. King
David tells us that we have to meditate on the word
of God. To meditate does not mean to wait for God to
talk to you. Meditation is still going further and
digging deeper in the word, you can take a verse or
subject and ponder on it over and over in your heart.

2 Peter 3:18 “… but GROW in the grace and

KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus

To meditate means to think about and to try and

figure out what the different Scripture verses mean
and how they can apply to your daily life. The Spirit
of God inside of you will then help you to shed light
on that subject you are meditating on, and you will
begin to understand it, whether by the gift of
knowledge, dreams or visions, prophecy etc. Every
time a newborn do some bible study, the Holy Spirit
may suddenly open and reveal the meaning! Here is
a simple example why Bible study is so exciting, just
look at the following revelation:

Exodus 34:28 Moses stayed there with the

LORD for 40 days and 40 nights. Moses did
not eat any food or drink any water. And he
wrote the words of the agreement (the Ten
Commandments) on the two stone tablets.

Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the
Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by
the devil. 2 And after fasting forty days and
forty nights, he was hungry.

From the verses above we can see that both Moses and
Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights. Moses wrote the
words of the Ten Commandments on 2 stones and Jesus
spoke the word against stones becoming bread for Him
to eat and refers to the Word of God as His true bread
in the Matthew 4 scripture.

Studying the word of God will take us deeper into

understanding the word, but most importantly it will
help us to understand the ways and the BIG love of the
Father Himself. Like prayer, I can also describe bible
study like having a 2-way conversation with the Father
on a particular verse or subject for a better
understanding, which is exactly what a loving
relationship needs.

Furthermore, reading the word of God is like breathing

in and prayer like exhaling out. Likewise we need to do
both to stay alive. I have found that the Holy Spirit will
literally guide your thoughts into the revelation that you
are seeking after as you are trying to figure something
out. In other words, you will find the knowledge as you
are seeking after it. Let’s look at another revelation.

Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in

our image, after our likeness.

Gen 2:9…”The tree of life was in the midst of the
garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil.”

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the

man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree
of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for
in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

Gen 3:4 But the serpent said to the woman,

"You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that
when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Gen 3:22 Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the

man has become like one of us in knowing good
and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and
take also of the tree of life and eat, and live

Gen 3:7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and

they knew that they were naked. And they sewed
fig leaves together and made themselves

Mark 11:13 He saw a fig tree with leaves. So he

went to the tree to see if it had any figs growing
on it. But he found no figs on the tree. There
were only leaves, because it was not the right
time for figs to grow. 14 So Jesus said to the
tree, "People will never eat fruit from you again."
His followers heard him say this.

John 6:32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily,
verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that
bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the
true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God
is he which cometh down from heaven, and
giveth life unto the world.

John 6:50 But the bread from heaven has come

down, so that no one who eats it will ever die. 51
I am that bread from heaven! Everyone who eats
it will live forever. My flesh is the life-giving
bread that I give to the people of this world.

Rev 2:7 If you have ears, listen to what the

Spirit says to the churches. I will let everyone
who wins the victory eat from the life-giving tree
in God's wonderful garden.

Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their

robes, so that they may have the right to the
tree of life and that they may enter the city by
the gates.

In Gen 2:9 there were 2 trees in the middle of the

Garden of Eden, one forbidden & one not. In Gen 2:16
God gave the instruction to Adam not to eat from the
Tree of Knowledge before Eve was created. We cannot
find that God Himself commanded Eve also not to eat of
the Tree of Knowledge. However if we look carefully we
can see that Adam disobeyed God but Eve disobeyed
Adam, therefore God said to eve that Adam will rule
over her as a consequence.

In Gen 1:26 God created Adam in his own image. In
Gen 3:22 Adam became like God after he ate of the
Tree of Knowledge

In Gen 3:7 Adam and eve covered themselves with the

leaves of a fig tree after they have taken the forbidden
fruit. In Mark 11:13 Jesus cursed a fig tree from bearing
fruit ever again, however the tree Jesus spoke to was
not even suppose to bear fruit. I don’t know if this was
just a coincidence of hunger, however this could be a
spiritual revelation about the Tree of Knowledge.
However I just want to add the following verses in

Numbers 21:8 And the LORD said to Moses,

"Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and
everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall
live." 9 So Moses made a bronze serpent and set
it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he
would look at the bronze serpent and live.

John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven

except he who descended from heaven, the Son
of Man. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted
up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have
eternal life.

2Kings 18:3 And he did what was right in the

eyes of the LORD, according to all that David his
father had done. 4 He removed the high places
and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah.
And he broke in pieces the bronze serpent that

Moses had made, for until those days the people
of Israel had made offerings to it

In Num 21:8 above Moses erected an Idol snake on a

pole so that the people may look unto it for healing. In
John 3:13 Jesus confessed that the He Himself must
also be lifted up so the people can look unto Him for
everlasting life. In 2 Kings 18:3 King Hezekiah broke
down the idol snake that Moses erected because the
people worshipped it. So to conclude - on the one hand
we have Moses giving the people the Ten
Commandments of knowing good and evil and on the
other hand we have Jesus giving the people everlasting
life. However I discuss these in much more detail in my
next book “Supernatural Gospel Revelations – Bible
Study with the Holy Spirit”

As you will see in some of the Scripture verses I will list

below, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to teach us all
things in this life. In other words, the Holy Spirit is our
personal Guide and Teacher in this life. For example,
look at the following revelation:

Matthew 26:75 And Peter remembered the saying

of Jesus, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny
me three times." And he went out and wept

John 21:17 A third time Jesus said, "Simon, son

of John, do you love me?" Peter was sad because
Jesus asked him three times, "Do you love me?" He
said, "Lord, you know everything. You know that I

love you!" Jesus said to him, "Take care of my

In the Matthew verse above, before Jesus was crucified,

Peter denied knowing the Lord Jesus 3 times and a
rooster crowed. In the John verse above, after the
resurrection, Peter confessed his love for Jesus 3 times!
For me personally this must be one of the most
heartbreaking encounters that any person could have
with Jesus. One can just imagine how Peter felt when he
had to face Jesus asking him that question the 3rd time,
but still the Lord Jesus loved him!

You will start getting “inner knowings” as to what

certain things may mean. The Holy Spirit can also give
you “inner visions” in your mind’s eyes when He is
trying to communicate knowledge to you on something
specific. They say a picture paints a thousand words.
The Holy Spirit can and will communicate to you if you
are open and hungry to receiving this kind of direct
supernatural revelations from Him.

2. MEMORIZE - commit the scripture into memory, so

that when occasions demands you will have the right
and powerful thing to say to have victory over the
enemy. Jesus knew, and quoted the scriptures, and He
was able to defeat the devil. We can do the same
whenever we are faced with situations upon which we
want to have victory. You will discover that for each
scripture that Jesus quoted, the devil did not have an
answer. (Matthew 4:1)

I cannot stress enough the importance of memorizing
scripture. One can just imagine what would happen if
the devil poses a question and a Christian cannot give
an answer from God’s word to stand against the devil.
Also it is very important that every teaching and
commentary we listen to must be confirmed by the
Scriptures in context.

Let me give another example. If a preacher says to you

“On day one of creation God created the heavens and
the earth”. If we know the scripture, then we can
immediately identify this as a false statement, because
on day one of creation God created the Light. (Genesis
1:3) This is the Light within that John spoke of in John
1:3-10. Also Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning” does not
refer to the first creation day, but rather an unknown
time in the past that could be billions of years ago. That
is why earth was void and dark but existed before day
one when God said let there be Light. This Light also
does not refer to the sun, because the sun and moon
were created on day 3 (Genesis 1:13-14). For this
reason it was night then day, not day then night.

We must also consider that one day in God’s time is a

thousand years in men’s time. (2 Peter 3:8) In this case
we can consider that Adam could have been created in
year 6 thousand of creation, that is, on day 6 of
creation in Genesis if we take the creation days
prophetically. This could mean that day one of creation
was almost 12 thousand years ago if we include the 7th
day (1000 years) of rest. However this deeper study of
God’s word by the guidance of the Holy Spirit combined
with His gift of knowledge and wisdom can be written in
a complete set of books on its own.



1. PRAYER - We all now that communication is one of

the most important aspects of a loving relationship.
Many times we might not always know what to say or
pray, thankfully Lord Jesus provided for us in all our
short comings and weaknesses. Below are some
powerful verses from the Bible about prayer.

Mathew 6:6 But when you pray, you should

go into your room and close the door. Then
pray to your Father. He is there in that private
place. He can see what is done in private, and
he will reward you. 7 "And when you pray,
don't be like the people who don't know God.
They say the same things again and again.
They think that if they say it enough, their
God will hear them.

Mathew 26:41 Watch and pray that you may

not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is
willing, but the flesh is weak."

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood alone, away

from the tax collector. When the Pharisee
prayed, he said, 'O God, I thank you that I am
not as bad as other people. I am not like men
who steal, cheat, or commit adultery. I thank
you that I am better than this tax collector.
12 I fast twice a week, and I give a tenth of
everything I get!' 13"The tax collector stood
alone too. But when he prayed, he would not
even look up to heaven. He felt very humble
before God. He said, 'O God, have mercy on
me. I am a sinner!' 14 I tell you, when this
man finished his prayer and went home, he
was right with God. But the Pharisee, who felt
that he was better than others, was not right
with God. People who make themselves
important will be made humble. But those
who make themselves humble will be made

Romans 8:26 Also, the Spirit helps us. We

are very weak, but the Spirit helps us with our
weakness. We don't know how to pray as we
should, but the Spirit himself speaks to God
for us. He begs God for us, speaking to Him
with feelings too deep for words.

The Lord’s Prayer should be prayer not merely as

a repetition of words. It should be prayed from
the deepest of our hearts. I personally think that
even one word coming from the heart means

2. FASTING - The subject of fasting is in fact another

very important “tool” for growing in faith.

The bread that we eat is to nourish our body, to make

us to grow and to give us physical strength, thus
anyone that feeds only on the physical food can be
healthy physically and looking fresh, but the physical
body is not the only thing that makes up a man. Man is
made up of three entities, which are spirit, soul, and
body.( 1 Thess. 5:23)
Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word
that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4) We
need much more than the physical bread for our
survival, we also need to feed our spirit in order to
prevent us from dying spiritually. The physical food that
we eat can only nourish the body and do no more,
feeding only our body with no regard for the remaining
two entities will leave us spiritually poor and weak.

Many people, including Christians do not know this

truth, hence they neglect their spirit and concentrate on
caring for the flesh or the physical body alone, Jesus is
trying to remind us of this very important truth.
Jeremiah said in chapter 15 verse 16, “When your
words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my
heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God

Jesus was building His spiritual strength when He fasted

for 40 days and night, and after the fasting, the devil
came and tried to tempt Him to turn stone to bread
referring Him to the hunger of His flesh or physical
body, but Jesus reminded Him that man need much
more than the physical bread for survival.

For the flesh, fasting is starving and like punishment,

therefore it is least practiced by people to seek the
presence and power of God. In spiritual terms eating
food is a method of satisfying the flesh with its desires.
The flesh eats food in order to stay strong and alive, as
a matter of fact so strong that the flesh is battling
against the willing Spirit within us.

The words: “my Spirit is willing to, but my flesh is so
weak against the temptations” is in fact the result of
NOT Fasting because the desires of the flesh is stronger.
When a person is fasting the flesh becomes weaker and
the willing Spirit within us stronger. In other words the
Spirit becomes stronger than the flesh because the flesh
is learning to obey the Spirit. The practice of fasting is
also a powerful tool for casting out evil spirits!

Matthew 17:18 And Jesus rebuked the

demon, and he departed out of him. And the
child was cured from that very hour.19 Then
the disciples came to Jesus apart, and said,
Why could we not cast him out? 20 And Jesus
said to them, Because of your unbelief. For
truly I say to you, If you have faith like a
grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this
mountain, Move from here to there. And it
shall move. And nothing shall be impossible to
you.21 However, this kind does not go out
except by prayer and fasting.

Yes, the Bible also teaches that overeating is a sin

(Proverbs 23:21). From the beginning the desires of our
flesh is an enemy of our will. Fasting is also a powerful
tool for teaching the flesh to suppress its desires. The
most important thing of Fasting is Prayer, without
praying, fasting means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

The first 2 days, for me, was always the most difficult
each time. I experienced that when I prayed when the
strong hunger came over me, the hunger would actually

disappear, by the power of the Holy Spirit in me, my will
becoming stronger against satisfying the hunger!

Both the time and menu for fasting is much different for
each person depending on their normal eating habits
and intervals, for example a person eating 6 meals a
day would be fasting 4 hours after skipping a meal, but
a person eating one meal per day would only be
starving after 24 hours since this last meal, which
means he is actually beginning fasting 24 hours after
his last meal although he didn’t eat for 24 hours.

A person cannot say that he had fasted today because

he forgot to take breakfast this morning! Fasting should
be scheduled, for example 1 day a week or 4 days every
month etc. Fasting should be for the Lord. It should be
a heart committed appointment with the Lord, not to be
missed or cancelled for another day.

Since I have not fasted for many days at a time I only

took fluids while fasting, water and pure fruit juice, but
no food. I would say that a person is indeed fasting
when he is craving for food, but be willing not to. It’s
like forcing your body to go the gym for a physical
exercise when you are utterly tired. Spiritually it works
exactly the same, to exercise the desires and will of
your flesh not to eat when you are hungry.

I personally recommend taking fluids and skipping

meals. Some people suggest replacing meals with fruit
etc. I personally do not fast by replacing a meal with
other food whether it is fruit or veggies, thereby still
satisfying the hunger, those desires of the flesh, with
food. But let us look at some examples of fasting in the
following Bible verses:

1Samuel 7:6 “They got water and poured it

out before the LORD. In this way they began
a time of fasting. They did not eat any food
that day, and they confessed their sins”

Leviticus 23:32 “It will be a special day of

rest for you. You must not eat food. You will
start this special day of rest on the evening
following the ninth day of the month. This
special day of rest continues from that
evening until the next evening."

Joel 2:12 "Yet even now," declares the

LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with
fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;

In the verses above, fasting was a day of sorrow,

confession of sins and no eating. However Isaiah 58
reveals that there is also a type of fasting that should
be evident as a day-to-day lifestyle.

Isaiah 58:6–7 “Is not this the kind of fasting

I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the
oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it
not to share your food with the hungry and to
provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when

you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to
turn away from your own flesh and blood?"

Just a precaution is to never ever stay without fluids.

When a person experience dizziness I recommend
immediate stopping fasting. Headaches are a common
symptom of dieting so the same symptoms may occur
for fasting. No medication should be taken during
fasting; I had a personal vision and revelation in this
regard. Medication is drugs, this includes appetite
suppressants. If you suffer any medical condition
especially diabetics, I suggest NO FASTING, but rather
following the biblical alkaline diet and a powerful healing
in Jesus Name! The same for anyone using medication.
Remember that prayer is the key against those sudden
hunger desires!



The Bible tells us that we are all born of the Holy Spirit
at the moment of our salvation and that we are
“sealed” with the Holy Spirit the minute we accept
Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. In other
words a person receives the Holy Spirit at the time of
salvation. However the person is not necessarily
baptized with the Spirit at the same time, although it
can. In many cases, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a
distinct and separate experience following the indwelling
of the Holy Spirit that occurs at salvation. As one writer
said, “Salvation is God's gift to the sinner and the Holy
Spirit is God's gift to the believer.” A born again person
in Christ Jesus must move into the deeper experience of
being filled or baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized

will be saved, but whoever does not believe
will be condemned.

Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass

afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all
flesh; your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.

1Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of

the Spirit is given to every man to profit
withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the
word of wisdom; to another the word of
knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another

faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts
of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another
the working of miracles; to another prophecy;
to another discerning of spirits; to another
divers kinds of tongues; to another the
interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these
worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit,
dividing to every man severally as he will.

In the Bible, John Baptized with water but Paul tells us

in Ephesians 4:5 that there is only one baptism. Paul
spoke of the Holy Spirit baptism, since most of the
believers we already baptized with water, by John. So
being baptized with the Holy Spirit is not the same as
water baptism.

1Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we

were all baptized into one body--Jews or
Greeks, slaves or free--and all were made to
drink of one Spirit.

Acts 8:14 Now when the apostles at

Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received
the word of God, they sent to them Peter and
John, 15 who came down and prayed for them
that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 for
he had not yet fallen on any of them, but they
had only been baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus. 17 Then they laid their hands on
them and they received the Holy Spirit.

Acts 19:2 And he said to them, "Did you

receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
And they said, "No, we have not even heard

that there is a Holy Spirit." 3 And he said,
"Into what then were you baptized?" They
said, "Into John's baptism." 4 And Paul said,
"John baptized with the baptism of
repentance, telling the people to believe in the
one who was to come after him, that is,
Jesus." 5 On hearing this, they were baptized
in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when
Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy
Spirit came on them, and they began
speaking in tongues and prophesying. 7 There
were about twelve men in all.

But what is the mystical meaning of the water baptism?

One day while I still was studying and wondering and
about the water baptism I had a vision. I saw John the
Baptist scoop the water of the Jordan and pour it over
those who confessed their sins then I saw John scooping
up that same water and pour that upon Jesus then
immediately I saw the vision of the spear piercing the
side of Jesus on the Cross. However I knew the people
was immersed. At that very moment I realized that the
Holy Spirit had just revealed to me the meaning of the
water baptism and the reason why Jesus also had to be
baptized with that water and He took that water to the

John 19:34 But one of the soldiers pierced

his side with a spear, and at once there came
out blood and water. 35 He who saw it has
borne witness--his testimony is true, and he
knows that he is telling the truth--that you
also may believe.

Romans 6:3 Do you not know that all of us
who have been baptized into Christ Jesus
were baptized into his death? 4 We were
buried therefore with him by baptism into
death, in order that, just as Christ was raised
from the dead by the glory of the Father, we
too might walk in newness of life.

1Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even

baptism do also now save us, not the putting
away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer
of a good conscience toward God, by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ

Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is when a believer in

Jesus Christ receives extraordinary power for Christ-
exalting ministry. This would include boldness to
proclaim the gospel, signs and wonders, healing of the
sick and casting out/off the evil/unclean spirits.

Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany

those who believe: in my name they will cast
out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
18 they will pick up serpents with their hands;
and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not
hurt them; they will lay their hands on the
sick, and they will recover."

In the verses below, the disciples were already born

again and converted and had the Holy Spirit dwelling in
them, but they had still to wait for the baptism with the
Holy Spirit:

John 20:18 Mary Magdalene came and told
the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and
that he had spoken these things unto her. 19
Then the same day at evening, being the first
day of the week, when the doors were shut
where the disciples were assembled for fear of
the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst,
and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 20
And when he had so said, he shewed unto
them his hands and his side. Then were the
disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. 21
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto
you: as my Father hath sent me, even so
send I you. 22 And when he had said this, he
breathed on them, and saith unto them,
Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

Luke 24:49 And behold, I am sending the

promise of my Father upon you. But stay in
the city until you are clothed with power from
on high." 50 Then he led them out as far as
Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed
them. 51 While he blessed them, he parted
from them and was carried up into heaven.

Acts 1:4 And while staying with them he

ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem,
but to wait for the promise of the Father,
which, he said, "you heard from me; 5 for
John baptized with water, but you will be
baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days
from now."

Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came,
they were all together in one place. 2
Suddenly a noise came from heaven. It
sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise
filled the whole house where they were
sitting. 3 They saw something that looked like
flames of fire. The flames were separated and
stood over each person there. 4 They were all
filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to
speak different languages. The Holy Spirit was
giving them the power to do this.

Acts 4:29 And now, Lord, look upon their

threats and grant to your servants to continue
to speak your word with all boldness, 30 while
you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs
and wonders are performed through the name
of your holy servant Jesus." 31 And when
they had prayed, the place in which they were
gathered together was shaken, and they were
all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to
speak the word of God with boldness.



In the Biblical story of the tower of Babel, God

separated the evildoers from His Hebrew speaking
people by bringing confusion by means of strange
tongues (different human languages). Now in the New
Testament God gave tongues in order to gather them
back again unto Himself.

Genesis 11:5 Then the LORD came down to

see the city and the tower. 6 The LORD said,
"These people all speak the same language.
And I see that they are joined together to do
this work. This is only the beginning of what
they can do. Soon they will be able to do
anything they want. 7 Let's go down and
confuse their language. Then they will not
understand each other." 8 So people stopped
building the city, and the LORD scattered them
all over the earth. 9 That is the place where
the LORD confused the language of the whole
world. That is why it is called Babel. And it
was from there that the LORD caused the
people to spread out to all the other places on

Isaiah 28:11 So God will use this strange

way of talking, and he will use other
languages to speak to these people.

Zephaniah 3:9 Then I will change people

from other nations so that they can speak the

language clearly and call out the name of the
LORD. They will all worship me together,
shoulder to shoulder, as one people. 10 People
will come all the way from the other side of
the river in Ethiopia. My scattered people will
come to me. My worshipers will come and
bring their gifts to me.

Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came,

they were all together in one place. 2
Suddenly a noise came from heaven. It
sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise
filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3 They saw something that looked like flames
of fire. The flames were separated and stood
over each person there. 4 They were all filled
with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak
different languages. The Holy Spirit was giving
them the power to do this. 5 There were some
godly Jews in Jerusalem at this time. They
were from every country in the world. 6 A
large crowd came together because they
heard the noise. They were surprised because,
as the apostles were speaking, everyone
heard in their own language. 7 They were all
amazed at this. They did not understand how
the apostles could do this. They said, "Look!
These men we hear speaking are all from
Galilee. 8 But we hear them in our own
languages. How is this possible? We are from
all these different places: 9 Parthia, Media,
Elam, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia,
Pontus, Asia, 10 Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt,
the areas of Libya near the city of Cyrene,
Rome, 11 Crete, and Arabia. Some of us were
born Jews, and others have changed their
religion to worship God like Jews. We are from
these different countries, but we can hear
these men in our own languages! We can all
understand the great things they are saying
about God."

1Corinthians 12:8 For to one is given

through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom,
and to another the utterance of knowledge
according to the same Spirit, 9 to another
faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of
healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the
working of miracles, to another prophecy, to
another the ability to distinguish between
spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to
another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All
these are empowered by one and the same
Spirit, who apportions to each one individually
as he wills.

1Corinthians 12:28 And God has appointed

in the church first apostles, second prophets,
third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of
healing, helping, administrating, and various
kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all
prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work
miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing?
Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31
But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will
show you a still more excellent way.

If we study the scriptures closely there is also a
tongue of angels, that is, supernatural tongues
that cannot be interpreted by men.

1Corinthians 13:1 If I speak in the tongues

of men and of angels, but have not love, I am
a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

1Corinthians 14:2 For one who speaks in a

tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one
understands him, but he utters mysteries in the
Spirit. 3 On the other hand, the one who
prophesies speaks to people for their up building
and encouragement and consolation. 4 The one
who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the
one who prophesies builds up the church. 5 Now I
want you all to speak in tongues, but even more
to prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater
than the one who speaks in tongues, unless
someone interprets, so that the church may be
built up. 6 Now, brothers, if I come to you
speaking in tongues, how will I benefit you unless
I bring you some revelation or knowledge or
prophecy or teaching? 7 If even lifeless
instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not
give distinct notes, how will anyone know what is
played? 8 And if the bugle gives an indistinct
sound, who will get ready for battle? 9 So with
yourselves, if with your tongue you utter speech
that is not intelligible, how will anyone know what
is said? For you will be speaking into the air. 10
There are doubtless many different languages in
the world, and none is without meaning, 11 but if
I do not know the meaning of the language, I will

be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a
foreigner to me. 12 So with yourselves, since you
are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to
excel in building up the church. 13 Therefore, one
who speaks in a tongue should pray for the power
to interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit
prays but my mind is unfruitful. 15 What am I to
do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with
my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but
I will sing with my mind also. :16 Otherwise, if
you give thanks with your spirit, how can anyone
in the position of an outsider say "Amen" to your
thanksgiving when he does not know what you are
saying? 17 For you may be giving thanks well
enough, but the other person is not being built up.
18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than
all of you. 19 Nevertheless, in church I would
rather speak five words with my mind in order to
instruct others, than ten thousand words in a
tongue. 20 Brothers, do not be children in your
thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be
mature. 21 In the Law it is written, "By people of
strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I
speak to this people, and even then they will not
listen to me, says the Lord." 22 Thus tongues are
a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while
prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for
believers. 23 If, therefore, the whole church
comes together and all speak in tongues, and
outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say
that you are out of your minds? 24 But if all
prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he
is convicted by all, he is called to account by all,
25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so,

falling on his face, he will worship God and declare
that God is really among you. 26 What then,
brothers? When you come together, each one has
a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an
interpretation. Let all things be done for building
up. 27 If any speak in a tongue, let there be only
two or at most three, and each in turn, and let
someone interpret.

One day while I was studying the Word of God and

trying figure out the meaning of speaking in tongues, I
started praying to God asking Him for the gift of
tongues(other languages) as according to His Word.
While I was praying, the voice of God came to me
asking “Can you speak Spanish?”, I said “No Lord”,
again the Lord asked “Can you speak French” , I replied
“No Lord”, again the Lord asked “Can you speak
Portuguese” , I replied “No Lord” then Lord said “Now I
want you to create your own language, a language
which does not exist”. I thought ok, but what is it
suppose to sound like if I don’t even know what any
other language sounds like. At that moment I decided to
do what God said and create my own language that
does not exist, one that not even my mind can
understand. I started saying anything as strong and
loud as I can and continued to do so for a minute. Then
all of a sudden I realized that I was saying the same
words over and over and they sound the same all the
time, even if I tried to create something else. At that
moment the Lord said to me “Now this is your own spirit
language, and each person has his own”. Then I started
laughing because I was so shocked and surprised at
what just happened.

That same afternoon I approached my friend and told
him the very same words that the Lord had spoken to
me. I told him to create his own language that doesn’t
exist. He tried to create his own language, and made
some bubbling sounds for a minute. Then I asked him
to create another different language of his own and as
shocking as it came, he surely spoke the very same
sounds again as his first, but different from my own
created language!

This confirmed that each person indeed also have their

own spiritual language, one that cannot be interpreted!
I believe this is the other tongue that Paul referred to as
“the tongues of angels” also the tongue “that speaks
mysteries in the Spirit”.

However, speaking in tongues of men, that is, foreign

languages without knowing that language is indeed a
gift of the Spirit to those He will for the purpose of
spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles. This is why Paul
said speaking in a spiritual tongue only builds up oneself
but speaking in another tongue(foreign language) can
build up the church because it can be interpreted.



The baptism with fire is not a common subject spoken

of in most Christian churches these days. Both John and
Jesus also spoke about a baptism with fire. However,
the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the baptism with
fire are somehow linked according to the words of John.
I want to discuss this in order to reveal it’s deeper
meaning and how these two actually work together.

Luke 3:16 John answered them all, saying, "I

baptize you with water, but he who is mightier
than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I
am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 17 His
winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his
threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his
barn, but the chaff he will burn with
unquenchable fire."

Luke 12:49 Jesus continued speaking: "I

came to bring fire to the world. I wish it were
already burning! 50 There is a kind of baptism
that I must suffer through. I feel very troubled
until it is finished.

The baptism with fire refers to the Holy Spirit’s work as

the purifier of evil, because of the exhortation “Do not
quench the Spirit” found in 1Thessalonians 5:19. This
means the casting out of evil spirits happens first and
then the baptism with the Holy Spirit, in other words
the first in preparation of the next. The command to the
believer is to not put out the Spirit’s fire by suppressing
His ministry, because the “Fire of God” consumes all evil
in the invisible/spiritual realm.

Matthew 12:28 But if it is by the Spirit of

God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you. 29 Or how can
someone enter a strong man's house and
plunder his goods, unless he first binds the
strong man? Then indeed he may plunder his
house. 30 Whoever is not with me is against
me, and whoever does not gather with me

For this reason a person should not confuse the physical

fire of hell with the fire of God’s presence, that is, when
the pastor says “Holy Spirit fire!” when he casts off
some evil spirits. The pastor is merely preparing the
peoples by casting out/off the evil spirits and

Malachi 3:2 But who can endure the day of

his coming, and who can stand when he
appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like
fullers' soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and
purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of
Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and
they will bring offerings in righteousness to the

Hebrews 12:27 This phrase, "Yet once

more," indicates the removal of things that are
shaken--that is, things that have been made--
in order that the things that cannot be shaken

may remain. 28 Therefore let us be grateful
for receiving a kingdom that cannot be
shaken, and thus let us offer to God
acceptable worship, with reverence and awe,
29 for our God is a consuming fire.

However, one should also not assume that people are

being baptized with the Holy Spirit when the pastor says
“Holy Spirit fire”. No one can baptize a person with the
Holy Spirit but God Himself, and this can only happen to
a born again person who came to faith and received the
Lord Jesus as their Savior. For this is the very reason
why Paul said what he said in the following verses:

1Corinthians 1:14 I thank God that I didn't

baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius.
15 Not one of you can say that you were
baptized in my name. 16 I did baptize the
family of Stephanas, but I don't remember if
I baptized anyone else. 17 Christ did not
send me to baptize. He sent me to tell the
good news without using big words that
would make the cross of Christ lose its

In the book of Exodus the Angel of God appeared to

Moses as Fire in a burning bush, but the Fire of God did
not consume the physical bush (Exodus 3:2)

Also in the book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and

Abednego was thrown into the oven of physical fire but
with the presence of Jesus with them, the fire did not

consume their physical bodies and they miraculously
came out unharmed. (Daniel 3:23-26)

In the book of 1 Kings, Elijah prayed to God to reveal

himself to the people as the true God by means of fire
(1Kings 18:24)




I conclude this chapter with a dream I had recently. I

saw many different churches and denominations of
Jesus on the earth. Some were Reformed, Protestant,
Apostolic, Baptist, Pentecostal and some worked
healings, Miracles and revivals etc. Then the Lord asked
me “What do you see”, I was somewhat discouraged at
the scene of right and wrong, and I said “Lord, I see
your church are divided”. The lord replied with a soft
voice “They are not divided. Those you see that are
many, they are those who preach My Word, many
people go there to find me but they cannot find me
because they do not preach of the new birth, and those
other churches (pointing) are the ones who found me
but they realized the need to be baptized and those
other churches of mine there, they are the ones that I
have baptized and now they operate in my power and
they are the few of them all. This is how all of them
progress in me”

Now after this dream I was somewhat surprised,

however I have to mention that there are also those
with no part anymore, who once was but were led
astray. I saw more churches and denominations than I
have mentioned that are all part of the Body of Christ,
but they definitely do not include some Roman Catholic
Church. For the sake of peace, that is all I can say.
About the beloved Jews, they study the Tree of
Knowledge, that is, the Torah of Moses. But there is
also a Tree of Everlasting life, that is, the Gospel of
Messiah. Hence, God put both in the garden!

1Corinthians 1:10 Brothers and sisters, by

the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, I beg
all of you to agree with each other. You
should not be divided into different groups. Be
completely joined together again with the
same kind of thinking and the same purpose.
11 My brothers and sisters, some members of
Chloe's family told me that there are
arguments among you. 12 This is what I
mean: One of you says, "I follow Paul," and
someone else says, "I follow Apollos." Another
says, "I follow Peter," and someone else says,
"I follow Christ." 13 Christ cannot be divided
into different groups. It wasn't Paul who died
on the cross for you, was it? Were you
baptized in Paul's name?

God is Spirit, we don’t see Him, and no one ever saw
Him, but through Christ we come to know Him. Jesus
came to open our eyes to see God the Spirit. His
Holiness shines brighter than all the light of the whole
universe. Can you see Him? Can you see the wind blow
when He passes by? Can you hear His footsteps next to
you when you walk alone, can you hear His voice in the
thunder, did you see how He feed the birds and flowers
with rain, did you feel the overwhelming peace in His
presence, but most of all can you see His Great Love for
us, to take us back to Himself and give us Everlasting

In loving memory of my father

Johannes Jacobus Petrus Mostert
3 December 1957 - 5 July 2015


“All you newborns in Christ, you know the voice of your

Shepherd Jesus follow Him. Always remember the day
He set you free from your slavery. You are now walking
in the loving Grace of God. The words of truth are hard
against the sinful, but the righteous fear them not and
love the truth because they are already free. My dear
friend, God loves you so much. In times of trouble, trail
and testing, praise and exalt Him even more! Though it
be sickness, poverty, even facing death like Job, He, the
Lord will save you! Hold on to Him with all your
strength. Lord Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our

This book is for you, with love. May the words of this
book be fruitful and give all the Glory, Worship and
Praises, to God the Father, forever and ever Amen!”

Bible texts are quoted from CEV, ERV, ESV and KJV

Written over a period of 7 years, after being
born again, I believe that this book could be
one of the most powerful and inspirational
biblical counseling guides, not only to the
individual reader but also to Pastors and
leaders within all Christian churches. In this
book the reader will discover the real
purpose of the law, the full meaning of the
new birth and the biblical way of salvation.
But the wonderful journey of salvation does
not end after being set free and born again
in the Spirit; this is only the beginning of
Faith. The new born believer will be crossing
the stormy sea in a boat with Jesus and will
also be baptized with the Holy Spirit. The
mature disciple will then put on the full
armor of God and be able to do the same
things Jesus did. This book is dedicated to
those who are seeking to finally understand
the Biblical salvation!

To you with Love

J.C Du Plessis

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