Uma Abordagem Simplificada para Os Efeitos Da Taxa de Penetração Do Piezocone
Uma Abordagem Simplificada para Os Efeitos Da Taxa de Penetração Do Piezocone
Uma Abordagem Simplificada para Os Efeitos Da Taxa de Penetração Do Piezocone
7 306
4 authors, including:
Samir Maghous
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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All content following this page was uploaded by Gracieli Dienstmann on 15 July 2019.
The influence of factors controlling the rate of penetration during piezocone tests (CPTU) is addressed
in the present paper, including a critical appraisal of measurements adopted as input in existing
dimensionless analysis. From a heuristic approach, a method is proposed to identify possible
consolidation effects taking place during penetration using the velocity factor, V h . Defined as a direct
function of probe size, d, penetration rate, v, and dissipation time, t50, the dimensionless velocity factor
V h is used to demonstrate that normalisation of cone penetration velocity is an important step for
assessment of soil properties and for comparative performance of data from different geomaterials.
An application is reported to illustrate the normalisation of measured data in soils within the
permeability range from 105 to 108 m/s.
w: % Gs: g/cm 3
e0 γ: kN/m3 Clay: % Silt: % Sand: %
Depth: m
57 mm/s
Depth: m
–4·75 –4·75
–5·00 –5·00
–5·75 –5·75
–6·00 –6·00
ueq –6·00
Fig. 1. Typical SCPTU profiles computed at different penetration rates (Sosnoski, 2016): (a) tip resistance; (b) pore pressure u2 and u0; and
(c) pore pressure ratio Bq
appears to indicate that these tests are essentially undrained.
CPTU dissipation test results in the silty gold tailings are
k = 1 × 10–6 m/s k = 6 × 10–8 m/s
0·4 presented in Fig. 2, in which pore pressure decay is shown to
reduce monotonically with time. The measured excess pore
0·2 pressure values Δu2 ¼ u2 u0 were rendered dimensionless by
normalising with the maximum initial excess pore pressure,
0 Δu2max ¼ u2max u0, providing direct comparisons for
1 10 100 1000 tests performed at different depths and penetration rates.
Time: s
Tailings dissipation was not homogeneous, with the time for
Fig. 2. Normalised dissipation tests at Fazenda Brasileiro tailings 50% dissipation (t50) from the CPTU tests typically varying
predominantly between 10 and 50 s, indicating the possibility
of partial drainage taking place during penetration.
u2, and pore pressure ratio, Bq. The soil profile characterises Robertson (2012) and DeJong & Randolph (2012) suggested
silty layers where excess pore pressures are relatively high, a threshold for partial drainage defined by t50 values lower
yielding Bq values in the 0·3–0·6 range. Some thin, drained than about 30 to 50 s.
layers were detected at penetration depths corresponding to The normalised resistance Q ¼ (qc σv0)/σv0 ′ and normal-
3, 5, 6 and 7 m. Comparisons with piezocone tests spaced at ised pore pressure U ¼ (u2 u0)/σv0′ plotted against V h are
1·5 m intervals carried out under several different pene- shown in Fig. 3. In the latter expression σv0 and σv0 ′ are the
tration rates ranging from 0·1 mm/s to 57 mm/s are also total and effective vertical pressures, respectively. Owing to
presented in Fig. 1. Considerable excess pore pressure Δu was spatial variability, stratigraphic features were aligned by
30 Empirical Empirical
25 lower boundary upper boundary
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10 100
Normalised velocity, Vh
Normalised pore pressure (Δu2/σ 'v)
1·0 lower boundary Empirical
upper boundary
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10 100
Normalised velocity, Vh
Fig. 3. Normalised piezocone test data over 3 to 5 m penetration depths: (a) normalised velocity plotted against normalised resistance;
(b) normalised velocity plotted against normalised pore pressure (the best-fit line coefficients are given in Table 2)