Department of Computing, Information, and Mathematics Sciences and Technologies, Chicago State University, Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Citation: Khasawneh, E., Hodge-Zickerman, A., York, C. S., Smith, T. J., & Mayall, H. (2023). Examining the effect of inquiry-based learning versus
traditional lecture-based learning on students’ achievement in college algebra. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(1),
There has been increasing concern among policy makers and business leaders that college graduates lack the ability to think
critically, solve problems, collaborate, communicate effectively, and transfer knowledge to real world settings (AACU, 2015; Malik,
2018; U.S. Department of Education, 2014). 91% of employers say that critical thinking skills are required to meet the demands of
the 21st century and compete in the global market (AACU, 2013, 2015; Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2016). Critical thinking
skills are beneficial to students regardless of their major, and students cannot succeed in life without them (AACU, 2015; Franco
et al., 2018; Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2016; U.S. Department of Education, 2014).
It is necessary for institutions of higher education to align their curricula with economic changes and better prepare college
graduates to succeed in the workplace of the 21st century. Educators have the responsibility to shift the focus of their pedagogies
from preparing students to pass exams to preparing them to be life-long learners who are able to think critically, collaborate, solve
problems, and communicate effectively (Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, 2016; Eddy et al., 2015; Maron, 2016; Pienta,
2015). The accumulation of information and repeating it is not as important as the ability to find the information and use it in
different situations. The traditional learning format may not be the most effective method to prepare students for the new
information age. Students must draw on their knowledge, and through the process, they will often develop new understanding
(Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, 2016; Freeman et al., 2014). New pedagogies that reflect the changes in the economy
and the advancement in technology should be investigated. One alternative to the traditional way of teaching is inquiry-based
learning (Hayward et al., 2016; Kogan & Laursen, 2014; Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019; Rasmussen & Kwon, 2007).
The current study addressed the following research question: What effect does inquiry-based learning intervention have on
the mathematics achievement scores of students in a college algebra class? In this study, a college algebra course was designed
around inquiry-based learning as an instructional pedagogy. College algebra is a general education course that was intended to
teach students how to think critically, solve problems, communicate, and collaborate to succeed in their academic lives and their
future careers. A college algebra course was chosen because of the high failure rate in the United States (Larnell, 2016). Failure
This study is derived from the dissertation by Khasawneh (2016). Examining the effect of inquiry-based learning vs. traditional lecture-based learning
on critical thinking skills and students’ achievement in college algebra [Doctoral dissertation, Northern Illinois University].
Copyright © 2023 by Author/s and Licensed by Modestum. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 / 11 Khasawneh et al. / International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(1), em0724
rates are 55% higher using traditional teaching methods versus more active methods (Freeman et al., 2014). According to a report
“Common Vision” from the Mathematical Association of America (Saxe & Braddy, 2015), only 50 percent of students who are
enrolled every year in college algebra will finish their course successfully. Many students–in particular, students of color–will
repeat the course multiple times, and many will drop out of college because without college algebra they cannot complete their
graduation requirements (Larnell, 2016).
In a review of literature on the learning of college algebra, it has been suggested the reason college algebra is so difficult for
students is the many cognitive demands of college algebra (Wang, 2015). College algebra is where students must go from concrete
reasoning (using only numbers) to abstract thinking (where letters represent numbers) and this is a difficult shift in learning for
students (Kieran, 2006; Wang, 2015). For specific examples of student difficulties in college algebra see Herscovics and Linchevski
(1994), Kieran (2006), and Linchevski and Herscovics (1996).
Kieran (2006) discussed how literature on the teaching and the connection to the students’ difficulties in algebra learning was
sparse. This is still the case 30 years after this paper was published. Looking at Tunstall’s (2018) conclusions “no new data
concerning students’ pass rates in college algebra have been aggregated, so it is difficult to discuss (with any certainty) the effects
of reform” (p. 633). The current study does just this. The current study aims to contribute to this limited research base in reform
teaching of college algebra. The premise leading to the current research project was that a change of pedagogy may better serve
the one million students enrolled every year in college algebra (Chapko & Buchko, 2004; Conference Board of Mathematical
Sciences, 2016). Hence, inquiry-based learning in college algebra was studied in this research.
Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy that focuses on student engagement in sequenced and scaffolded
learning rather than the instructor transmitting content (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019; Lazonder, 2014), and where students are
active learners who learn by doing (Reiser & Dempsey, 2012). Students solve real-world problems that enable them to identify
problems, offer and examine solutions, and communicate their thoughts (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019). Inquiry-based learning
puts students in the driver’s seat. The students bring their prior knowledge and interests into the learning environment; “students
engage deeply with coherent and mathematical tasks and collaboratively process mathematical ideas” (Laursen & Rasmussen,
2019, p. 138). Collaboration allows students to provide responses to feedback and answer questions that help them build their
knowledge and solve problems at higher level than students who do not collaborate (Care et al., 2016). Students also participate
in setting goals, designing learning activities, and designing assessment (Magee & Flessner, 2012). Instructors participate in these
activities, “inquire into students’ thinking and foster equity in their design and facilitation choices” (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019,
p. 138), guide students, encourage students to reflect, explore more deeply, and become independent learners (Tofel-Grehl &
Callahan, 2014).
Inquiry-based learning allows the students to take ownership of their learning and encourages them to think for themselves
(Ketpichainarong et al., 2010; Magee & Flessner, 2012; Tofel-Grehl & Callahan, 2014). Inquiry-based learning also allows students
to ask questions and develop their own sense of their surroundings. Through these experiences, students develop deep
conceptual understanding in addition to procedural understanding (Lewis & Estis, 2020). Effective inquiry-based learning
encourages deep engagement in activities and provides opportunities to collaborate with peers through class presentation or
group-oriented work (Hassi & Laursen, 2015; Johnson et al., 2016; Kogan & Laursen, 2014; LaForce et al., 2016; Magee & Flessner,
Unlike traditional lecture-based learning, inquiry-based learning does not restrict students to what the instructor transmits.
Rather, it allows them to search, collaborate, evaluate their answers, and understand their thought processes (Darling-Hammond,
2008; Sawyer, 2006). Inquiry-based learning allows students to feel they are part of a group, and they are not isolated. They are
informed their instructor is there to guide them and lead them to become critical thinkers and problem-solvers (Darling-
Hammond, 2008; OECD 2009; Perkins, 2009; Sawyer, 2006). Inquiry-based learning helps students develop processing skills, deep
understanding of the mathematical concepts, and retain information longer (Celikten et al., 2012; Larsen et al., 2015; Simsek &
Kabapinar, 2010). Whereas traditional transmission-based (lecture) learning involves students are passive recipients of
information and the instructor is the main source of knowledge (Sawyer, 2006), inquiry-based learning is a student-centered
method that focuses on students’ active participation, and the instructor is a guide and facilitator. Inquiry-based learning
pedagogy assumes that students learn best when the subject is meaningful to them and they have the opportunity to engage in
authentic tasks that reflect the reality of the subject (Darling-Hammond, 2008; OECD, 2009; Perkins, 2009; Sawyer, 2006). The role
of the instructor is to create an environment that triggers students’ curiosity, encourages them to think critically, solve problems,
collaborate, communicate effectively, work with multiple perspectives, make good decisions, and be lifelong learners (Alberta
Education, 2010). The more traditional lecture-based way of teaching is focused on teaching the students procedural knowledge
(Perkins, 2009), whereas inquiry-based learning facilitates a deep understanding that occurs when students are active participants
and involved in shaping their learning experiences. Davis (2008) stated that the traditional way of teaching, which relies on rote
memorization and focused on teaching isolated facts, may allow students to pass a test but will leave them without understanding
and unable to use and apply the knowledge in different situations. Students need to be challenged and asked to apply what they
learn in real life situations and instructors need to provide them with continuous feedback and scaffolding in order for learning to
occur. Unlike the traditional lecture-based teaching, which focuses on summative assessment and on one right answer (Sawyer,
2006), inquiry-based learning provides students with formative and continuous feedback that can help students understand their
mistakes, improve their work, and better understand their thought process. It also can help instructors to adjust their pedagogy
to help students reach their goal and more deeply understand the task at hand.
In the current study, inquiry-based learning was implemented in the following manner. The instructor presented students with
problems that were purposely designed to deeply engage them with meaningful mathematical tasks (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019).
Then the students were required to identify issues and the underlying principles (Celikten et al., 2012; Kogan & Laursen, 2014;
Khasawneh et al. / International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(1), em0724 3 / 11
Kuech, 2004; Summerlee & Murray, 2010). Next, students collaborated together to process the mathematical ideas
(Ketpichainarong et al., 2010; Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019; Summerlee & Murray, 2010). While this was occurring, the instructor
inquired “into students thinking,” as well as fostered “equity in their design and facilitation choices” (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019,
p. 138). This process was repeated multiple times, which helped students develop deep conceptual understanding of the
mathematical content (Laursen & Rasmussen, 2019), practice how to communicate effectively, and share resources with each
other (Celikten et al., 2012; Kogan & Laursen, 2014; Kuech, 2004; Summerlee & Murray, 2010).
Theoretical Framework
The main principles of constructivist epistemology as elucidated in the theories of Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky guided the
theoretical framework and the design of the inquiry-based learning in this study. The key tenets of constructivism support the
pedagogical process of inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning is supported by the following shared ideas:
(a) learning is an active process that requires learners to be active participants in constructing their knowledge and to engage
physically and mentally in class activities (Dewey, 1916),
(b) learning is social activity, and does not happen in isolation, and social interactions with peers and instructors are vital to
the learner’s cognitive development (Dewey, 1916; Vygotsky, 1978),
(c) learning is a process whereby students learn by constructing meaning to their surroundings, and use what they learn to
build their new knowledge (Piaget, 1972; Vygotsky, 1978),
(d) the role of the instructor is to foster students’ construction of knowledge through inquiry,
(e) instructors are facilitators who support collaborative learning and manage student groups and class discussions,
(f) instructors are facilitators who design learning environments to facilitate the learning process, and help learners develop
critical thinking skills (Dewey, 1916; Piaget, 1972; Vygotsky, 1978), and
(g) learning is a lifelong process, and it takes time for learning to occur (Piaget, 1972; Vygotsky, 1978).
Thus, the strength of constructivism and inquiry-based learning allows students to ask questions and develop their own sense
of their surroundings; through these experiences, students develop deep conceptual understanding over procedural
understanding (Kogan & Laursen, 2014; Magee & Flessner, 2012).
Study Setting
The current study examined whether inquiry-based learning pedagogy had effects on mathematics achievement scores in a
college algebra class in comparison with a traditional, lecture-based method. The study was conducted during the first 12 weeks
of the semester at a medium-sized, urban university in the United States of America that was classified as a Predominantly Black
Institution. It enrolled a total of 4,340 undergraduate students, of whom 89.4% were considered underrepresented minority
students. Approximately 84.8% of students received aid in the form of Pell Grants from the U.S. Federal Government. 29.6% were
male students and 70.4% were female students. Approximately 82.6% of the student population was African American, 6.6% were
Hispanic, 2.9% were white, 0.8% were Asian, and 7.1% were from unknown ethnicity. Only 25% of the students were between
traditional college ages of 18 to 22 years. The average age of students was 28 years. The data were collected from students who
were enrolled in two college algebra sections taught by the same instructor (the lead researcher). One section was taught using
inquiry-based learning pedagogy and the other section using traditional lecture-based learning method. The two classes met on
the same day of the week (Mondays and Wednesdays), in the same physical classroom, each session was for one hour and 40
minutes, the inquiry-based learning section was 9:00 AM to 10:40 AM, and the traditional learning section was 11:00 AM-12:40 PM.
The sample size was based on the maximum capacity of each class, originally 50 students. The intervention section had 25
students and the comparison section had 25 students. However, two students dropped the inquiry-based learning class, and seven
students dropped the traditional learning class due to their inability to afford the Pearson’s MyMathLab online homework
software, which resulted in a sample size of 23 students for the inquiry-based learning section, and 18 students for the traditional
learning section.
The instructor used the same materials in both classes, so there were no demonstrable differences in this regard between the
two sections. The textbook used in the course was Essentials of college algebra with modeling and visualization (Rockswold et al.,
2014). In addition, Pearson Education’s MyMathLab was used, allowing students online access to the homework assignments and
exercises including guided solutions, sample problems, videos, and helpful feedback when students entered incorrect answers.
Both sections were assigned the same homework, and students in both sections used a graphic calculator (e.g., TI 83, TI 84, or TI
84 plus) for homework and exams. Topics covered in the course were introduction to functions and graphs, functions and
equations, quadratic functions and equations, nonlinear functions and equations, and exponential and logarithmic functions.
Research Design
The design of this quantitative study was a quasi-experiment with pre- and post-test. The research involved gathering and
analyzing data to examine whether inquiry-based learning had an effect on students’ mathematics achievement scores in college
algebra. The quantitative data were gathered using a pre-test (college algebra readiness exam) provided the first day of the study
and a post-test exam (mathematics achievement exam) provided the last day of the study. Analysis of covariance was used to
assess group differences in the outcome. The sample was a convenience sample and was not randomly assigned to the treatment
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condition due to the nature of the educational environment, as students self-enrolled in classes. The instructor had over 22 years
of teaching experience, participated in an inquiry-based learning workshop, and been teaching using inquiry-based learning for
over two years.
Inquiry-based section pedagogy
As previously discussed, inquiry-based learning refers to a teaching method where the main role of the instructor is to
facilitate, guide students, and ask probing questions that help the group solve problems (Ketpichainarong et al., 2010; Magee &
Flessner, 2012). The inquiry-based learning section of the participants was divided into six small groups of three to four students
each, where all members in each group would collaborate together to solve a given problem. The small groups were formed based
on the descriptive data that were collected. Thus, the groups were diverse in terms of gender, academic ability, age, and year in
college. Also, in order for the students to feel accountable and responsible towards the group, each member of the group took a
leadership role, rotating through the semester, asking questions, providing feedback, reflecting on the solutions, and discussing
the errors and unexpected outcomes. The main role of the instructor was to facilitate and guide students and ask probing
questions to help the group solve problems.
The following steps were implemented with the inquiry-based learning section:
(1) at the beginning of each lesson, the instructor presented an overview of the topic and demonstrated some examples using
the whiteboard,
(2) groups were formed, a leader for the group was selected by the group, and students were instructed to collaborate
together to solve a given problem,
(3) students were asked to think about the problem for five minutes individually before they joined their groups,
(4) the instructor moved between groups listening to their discussions, asking them to explain their strategies in order to
uncover their prior knowledge and understand their thought process,
(5) the instructor asked probing questions that engaged students in re-examining their thinking and allowed them to identify
the flaw in their strategies and interpretations,
(6) the instructor continued to be a facilitator who provided students with a safe environment that allowed them to share
their thought process; the instructor did not provide answers. Instead, hints were provided through probing questions,
(7) the steps were repeated multiple times throughout the lesson,
(8) at the end of the group discussions, the leader of each group was required to write a detailed solution on the whiteboard
(which was divided into six sections), explaining the process that led to the solution,
(9) the solutions were compared, and
(10) the members of each group presented their solutions to the whole class, answered questions, and provided
The instructor’s role throughout the presentations was to draw students’ attention to certain ideas materialized from the
presentations providing content knowledge. Discussion continued until the groups agreed on a solution or had a better
understanding of the solutions presented.
Lecture-based learning pedagogy
The term lecture-based learning refers to the traditional method of teaching where lecture is the main source for students’
learning. In the current study, students who engaged in lecture-based learning did not actively participate in the class; instead,
information was transmitted by the instructor to the students and the students’ primary role was to copy the notes that the
instructor wrote on the whiteboard. Students did not collaborate together in class to solve problems, nor did they interact with
the instructor other than to ask questions. There was no specific treatment for this traditional lecture-based learning section, if
students asked questions about a problem, the instructor wrote a detailed solution on the whiteboard while trying to re-explain
using different words what the instructor had already said.
Participants were 41 students enrolled in college algebra class: 23 in the inquiry-based learning section and 18 in the
traditional learning section. Participants were 59.4% female, 40.6% male. Reporting age, 46.74% were under 21 years old. Full-
time students comprised 90.77% of the sample. Regarding race, 78.02% self-identified as African American, 7.73% as white, and
14.25% as Hispanic. All participants were non-STEM majors, and a college algebra course was required by all to fulfill graduation
College algebra readiness test (pre-test)
To determine whether participants from both college algebra sections had similar mathematics abilities prior to the
experiment, the instructor-researcher developed and administered a pre-test (college algebra readiness test) to both sections and
compared the results. The test contained 25 multiple-choice items measuring students’ prior knowledge of mathematics basic
operations, equations, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, roots, radicals, and quadratic equations. The maximum
possible test score was 100 points, with students earning four points for each correct item. The reliability of scores from the college
algebra readiness test was assessed using test-retest reliability, whereby 23 students from a different college algebra section (not
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participants) were asked to take the test twice. The first time was the first day of classes and the second time was one week later.
Test-retest reliability for the scores was high, with r=.997. The content validity of college algebra readiness test was examined by
three experienced faculty members from the mathematics department, who agreed that the content of the test matched the
The mathematics achievement test (post-test)
A post-test (mathematics achievement test) was developed and administered by the researcher. The test contained 25
multiple-choice items that were a measure of mathematics ability. The test consisted of questions about linear functions,
quadratic functions, nonlinear functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. 20 students from another college
algebra section (not participants) were asked to take the test twice to determine reliability. The two tests were four days apart.
Test-retest reliability was r=.998, indicating strong reliability. The content validity of mathematics achievement test was examined
so that the content of the test matched the instructional objectives. Three experienced faculty members from the mathematics
department reviewed the test for content validity and agreed that the content matched the objectives.
Data Collection
Institutional Review Board approval was sought and granted, students were recruited, and the students’ signed informed
consent forms were received. Participants in both the inquiry-based learning and the traditional learning sections were asked to
complete a survey to provide the researcher with demographic data (e.g., age, gender, year in college, employment status, and
grade point average). The researcher explained that all students were required to participate in all activities in the class as part of
the college algebra curriculum, but only the data from the students who signed and submitted the informed consent form would
be included in the study. A college algebra readiness pre-test was administered to determine students’ initial knowledge of algebra
before the intervention and a mathematics achievement post-test was administered to measure students’ academic achievement
after the intervention.
Data Analysis
To determine if there was a statistically significant difference in mathematics achievement between the inquiry-based learning
section and traditional learning section, descriptive statistics were computed for both the intervention (inquiry-based learning)
and comparison (traditional learning) sections, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) carried out. Statistical significance was set
at an a priori level of α=.05. Analyses were carried out using SPSS version 23.
The dependent variable in the research question was the mathematics achievement test, the independent variable was the
instructional pedagogy (inquiry-based learning vs. TL), and the covariate was the college algebra readiness pre-test. The effect
size (η2) was calculated to determine the magnitude of the effect. The statistical assumptions of normality, homogeneity of
variance, and homogeneity of covariance were inspected and addressed.
In terms of the threats to internal validity, there were three primary potential threats in the study. The first threat was the
diffusion of treatment effect, “participants in the control and experimental sections communicate with each other. This
communication can influence how both sections score on the outcome” (Cresswell, 2014, p. 175). However, this threat can be
controlled by not informing the sections about each other, which the instructor followed. The second threat was testing effect,
“participants become familiar with the outcome measure and remember responses for later use” (Cresswell, 2014, p. 175). The
instructor controlled this threat by administering different exams before the intervention and after the intervention. The third
threat was the instrumentation threat, “the instrumentation changes between a pre- and post-test, thus impacting the scores of
the outcome” (Cresswell, 2014, p. 175). The instructor controlled this threat by using the same instrument for the pre- and post-
test eight weeks apart.
The study sought to examine whether inquiry-based learning had an effect on students’ mathematics achievement in college
algebra. This conclusion was supported by the students’ scores on the mathematics achievement test. To control for pre-existing
baseline differences between the groups, the researcher used a pre-intervention college algebra readiness pre-test as a covariate
when comparing the post-intervention mathematics achievement between the inquiry-based learning section and the traditional
learning section.
Table 1 summarizes the descriptive statistics for the dependent variable (mathematics achievement post-test) in the study.
Figure 1 provides a boxplot of this variable, which indicated no outliers. Shapiro-Wilk’s test was conducted on the model residuals,
and results indicated the residuals deviated significantly from normality (p=.043), with negative skewness (-2.20) and positive
kurtosis (3.72, see Figure 2). Next, the homogeneity of regressions slopes was evaluated by assessing whether the interaction
effect of the covariate (college algebra readiness pre-test) and the independent variable (instructional pedagogy) on the outcome
(mathematics achievement post-test) was statistically significant. The test revealed that the interaction term was not statistically
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significant, F(1, 35)=3.45, p=.07 indicating that the homogeneity of regression slopes assumption was met. Levene’s test was not
statistically significant, F(1, 37)=.06, p=.81, indicating the assumption of homogeneity of variance was met. Also, examination of a
scatterplot of the mathematics achievement post-test scores on the college algebra readiness pre-test scores showed that the
ANCOVA assumption of linearity between the dependent variable and the covariate was met.
ANCOVA results revealed the main effect of the instructional pedagogy was statistically significant, F(1, 38)=20.70, p<.001, with
a large effect size (η2=.35). The inquiry-based learning section showed significantly higher mean mathematics achievement post-
test scores than the traditional learning section when controlling for the college algebra readiness pre-test scores.
Table 2 provides the adjusted means, and Table 3 summarizes the ANCOVA findings for the mathematics achievement post-
Due to the violation of the normality assumption, and to cross-validate the ANCOVA results, a non-parametric procedure
recommended by Conover (1999) was carried out. This non-parametric ANCOVA using the ranked dependent variable and
covariate showed a statistically significant difference between the inquiry-based learning section and the traditional learning
section in favor of the inquiry-based learning section F(1, 38)=16.01, p <.001, with a large effect size (η2=.30) which paralleled the
results obtained from the ANCOVA carried out on the original scores.
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Table 3. ANCOVA mathematics achievement showing effects of college algebra readiness pre-test & instructional pedagogy on
mathematics achievement post-test
Source Type III sum of squares df Mean square F p-value η2
College algebra readiness pre-test 2,323.12 1 2,323.12 34.70 <.001 .41
Instructional pedagogy 1,826.71 1 1826.71 3.67 <.001 .35
Error 3,353.09 38 88.24
Total 218,240.00 41
Based on the findings of this current study, it was determined that the inquiry-based learning section participants’ mean
academic achievement score was significantly higher than the traditional learning section. Participants benefited from the
inquiry-based learning pedagogy, which was reflected by their superior abilities in constructing knowledge, explaining, reasoning,
questioning, and communicating with their instructor and their peers. This conclusion was supported by the student scores on
the mathematics achievement test. The results of this current study agree with studies conducted previously by other researchers
(Abdi, 2014; Akpullukcu & Gunay, 2011; Fishman et al., 2008; Gordon et al., 2001; Pandey et al., 2011; Summerlee & Murray, 2010).
Specifically, Akpullukcu and Gunay (2011) investigated the effect of inquiry-based learning versus the traditional method on
academic achievement in science. Their results revealed a significant difference in science achievement in favor of the inquiry-
based learning section. Similarly, Pandey et al. (2011) investigated the effectiveness of inquiry training model over a conventional
teaching method in teaching physical science to secondary students. Results showed a statistically significant effect of inquiry
training model over conventional teaching method on academic achievement. Also, the results of the current study were similar
to studies conducted to determine the effects of inquiry-based learning on pre- to post-test growth in student’s achievement.
Fishman et al. (2008) and Gordon et al. (2001) conducted a quasi-experiment study and concluded that inquiry-based learning
increased the science achievement among urban minority students. Also, Yildirim et al. (2014), who examined the effect of inquiry-
based learning on science achievement and scientific process skills, found a significant effect of an inquiry-based learning section
on science achievement and scientific process skills. Similar results were obtained from an action study conducted by Witt (2010)
to identify the impact of using inquiry-based or constructivist instruction in a middle school mathematics classroom on student
academic achievement. That study concluded that using inquiry-based or constructivist strategies was effective in increasing
student academic achievement. Similarly, Celikten et al. (2012) conducted a study to examine the effect of inquiry-based learning
vs. traditional learning on fourth grade science students. Their results showed the inquiry-based learning section had significantly
higher achievement scores than the traditional learning section.
The current study’s researchers expected inquiry-based learning pedagogy would have an effect on students’ academic
achievement. Anecdotally, the instructor/lead researcher observed increased engagement on the part of the students, and their
commitment to attend every class and be on time. Students communicated to the lead researcher that being a non-traditional
student with multiple responsibilities is not always easy, but they put forth more effort to come to class because they felt they
were learning, and they actually looked forward to the discussions with their peers. The lead researcher observed that the inquiry-
based learning students felt they were a part of their learning process, they enjoyed working together while discussing their
answers, explaining, and justifying to each other their approach in solving problems. One student wrote in a course reflection
assignment “being able to work individually and then as a group. I liked this because I got to use my own thinking process and
then gain other knowledge/understanding from my peers.” Another student indicated, “how the instructor had the students work
out the problem and then compared answers with the other students. It let me see was I doing the work correct.” A third student
commented, “I enjoy the group discussion part of class because we got to compare notes and different procedures on solving a
problem.” They liked the fact that they were given the opportunity to solve problems guided by their instructor, and they
appreciated the trust the instructor had in their abilities, which boosted their confidence and motivated them to work harder. A
student wrote “The way she asked us about the problem, I like this the most because she didn’t give us the answer, she keep giving
us hints on what we can do next to get to the answer.” To sum it all up, a student stated,
The aspects of the class I liked the most are: My professor first letting us try to solve the problem ourselves, then working
with our peers, and lastly, my professor going over the problem as a class. I like this method of teaching because it makes
me understand more and makes the work less complicated for those who are not great at algebra.
This current study contributes to the body of knowledge with findings that can motivate instructors to try pedagogies that
encourage students to be active participants in the classroom, while giving students a chance to be responsible for their learning
process. It adds to the knowledge of instructors in all subjects, especially mathematics instructors who struggle every day to
facilitate student engagement and allow students to take control of their own learning. The study addressed the impact of inquiry-
based learning on students’ mathematics achievement. It provided instructors with a description of inquiry-based learning
pedagogy and explained when and how this intervention was used to create learners who are capable of critical thinking and
Inquiry is no longer just the language of science and mathematics; it now contributes in direct and fundamental ways to
business, finance, health, and defense. For students, it opens doors to careers. For citizens, it enables informed decisions. For
nations, it provides knowledge to compete in a technological economy (National Research Council, 2007). Inquiry requires more
than an instructor working alone to implement an inquiry-based learning environment successfully; all stakeholders should be on
board and support the use of inquiry-based learning (Larsen et al., 2015). Instructors should be given the opportunity to get the
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appropriate training in order to learn how to implement inquiry-based learning successfully. All stakeholders should know that
the 21st century requires different skills than the 20th century. Focusing on rote memorization and on standardized tests does not
provide students with the skills needed to succeed. Schools should shift from focusing on skills that can be easily automated and
focus on skills that technology cannot replace, one of which is the skill of critical thinking. These skills will help open doors for
students in the workforce and in the global market. It is everyone’s responsibility to make students and instructors aware of the
importance of these skills, not only for themselves but also for their community and their country.
Instructors should be aware of their different responsibilities when adopting an inquiry-based learning environment. They
should change their plans from how much material they can cover to how can they demonstrate to students the relevancy of what
they are learning, and how they can apply skills in different situations. Instructors implementing inquiry-based learning no longer
are standing in front of classrooms transmitting information. They are facilitators who create an environment where everybody
can be active and motivated to learn. Instructors should focus on the learners, guide them how to learn, help them to be able to
self-direct, and take responsibility for their learning. When instructors achieve that, students will be more prepared and have a
better chance at graduating, joining the workforce, and becoming productive members of society (Blumberg & Pontiggia, 2011).
A final implication of this study is the potential impact of the inquiry-based learning pedagogy on retention of students
(Laursen et al., 2014). Retaining students in these introductory, ‘gatekeeper’ courses is necessary and has a potential to help
increase graduation rates. Even though retention was not the major focus in this study, there was an overall retention rate of 92%
for the inquiry-based learning section versus 32% for the traditional learning section. This is an important topic for future research.
Main Conclusions
Based on observations and conclusions of other literature, the researchers of this study believe that instructional pedagogies
based on constructivist principles should be integrated into curricula and should be implemented into the classroom. Instructors
should encourage students to be active participants in their learning process, they should consider students’ individual levels,
experiences, and interests. The lead researcher had been teaching for 21 years at the same institution and was able to experience
first-hand the change in students’ confidence in their ability to do mathematics. Implementing the constructivist principles using
inquiry-based learning in the classroom resulted in noticeable changes in the learning environment and the way students thought
and behaved toward the class. Students in the inquiry-based learning section remained attentive while listening to the instructor
lecturing for almost two hours and spent their time solving problems and collaborating with their peers knowing the instructor
was there to guide them and help them identify their strengths and their weaknesses.
Inquiry-based learning facilitated students’ learning and helped them take ownership of their learning and motivated them to
work harder, helped them develop more independent and sophisticated ways of reaching capability and confidence (Abdi, 2014;
Akpullukcu & Gunay, 2011; Fishman et al., 2008; Gordon et al., 2001; Pandey et al., 2011; Summerlee & Murray, 2010). Therefore,
learning by using inquiry-based learning pedagogy could be considered as a more exciting and meaningful way to increase
students’ level of academic achievement, whereas in a traditional lecture-based learning environment, students are passive
recipients of the knowledge dispensed by the instructor, and students rely on memorizing knowledge learned through rote
manipulation, which can quickly be forgotten.
In conclusion, to provide students with scaffolds to help them reach their potential, it is important to recognize diversity
among them, appreciate each student as an individual, understand their background and their thought process, make them feel
safe, respected, and valued so they can participate in the process without fear of being judged by their instructor or their peers.
To promote better learning, instructors should design questions that will cognitively engage students, enable them to tap into
their prior knowledge, and find the relevancy between their prior knowledge and the new knowledge they gained.
The current study had limitations: as a convenience sample, the sample was not selected randomly nor was random
assignment employed. The study was confidential, voluntarily, and students could choose to withdraw any time without penalty.
The study was delimited to students who were enrolled in the college algebra sections the lead researcher taught and it was
delimited to 12 weeks.
Possible Future Studies
Future research could include replication of a similar study in other mathematics courses such as pre-calculus, calculus, etc.
Because college algebra students often go into non-STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, it would be
interesting to conduct a similar study in mathematics courses where students desire to be in a STEM field upon graduation. In
addition, this study did not examine gender effects. Other studies have found that women outperform men in mathematics
courses when inquiry-based learning techniques are used (Cooper et al., 2015) in pre-calculus courses. Is the same true for college
algebra courses?
A qualitative study conducting interviews with students in both types of courses would also be of interest to the mathematics
education community. This would give a more in-depth understanding of why there are differences in achievement between
students in the traditionally taught college algebra classes and the inquiry-based college algebra courses. Overall, this study
provides insight into the teaching of college algebra, and it also provides a springboard for many other mathematics education
research studies on inquiry-based learning.
Khasawneh et al. / International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(1), em0724 9 / 11
Author contributions: All authors have sufficiently contributed to the study and agreed with the results and conclusions.
Funding: This study was funded by the Department of Mathematics at Chicago State University.
Ethical statement: Authors stated that the application for institutional review of research involving human subjects was reviewed by
Institutional Review Board at Northern Illinois University on 04-Sep-2015 and it was determined that it meets the criteria for exemption, as
defined by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR 46.101(b), 1 (Approval
ID # HS15-0250).
Declaration of interest: No conflict of interest is declared by authors.
Data sharing statement: Data supporting the findings and conclusions are available upon request from the corresponding author.
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