Drug Calculation
Drug Calculation
Drug Calculation
An inotrope is an agent that alters the force or energy of muscular contractions. Negatively inotropic agents weaken the
force of muscular contractions. Positively inotropic agents increase the strength of muscular contraction.
Medications in the critical care area can be ordered by milliliters per hour (mL/hr), drops per minute (gtt/min) (using a
microdrop set), micrograms per kilogram per minute (mcg/kg/min), or milligrams per hour (mg/hr)
Calculation of Dose in g/kg/min
Required Dose(mcg)×60(Minutes)×Client wt(kg)xStock volume (mL) = Required
dose (μg/kg/min)
Stock dose (mg) × 1000
Calculation of Dose in g/kg/min
Q:A patient with impaired renal function is to receive 2 mcg/kg/min. You have 800 mg of Dopamine and a 500 mL IV bag of
Normal Saline, along with a 60 gtt IV tubing set.Your patient weighs 250 Lbs. How many gtts/ minute will you give?
Q:Dobutamine advised 10 mcg/kg/min. Patient weighs 55 kg.Available Dopamine 250 mg diluted in 50 ml NS?
Q:Administer Dopamine 5 mcg/kg/min. Patient weighs 210 lb (95 kg). Available is Dopamine 200 mg in 250 ml Normal
Saline. How many ml/hr will the nurse administer?
L to mL mL → L → kL ( ÷ by 1,000 ) mL ← L ← kL ( x by 1,000 )
Medication Calculations
Required dose
Stock dose = No. of tablets to be given
Medication Calculations
Q:A client is ordered 450 mg soluble aspirin. ‘Disprin’ tablets containing 300 mg aspirin are available. How many tablets
will you give?
Q: Tab.Paracetamol Ordered dose is 200 mg . Available dose is 650mg How many tablets would nurse should administer?
Q: Tab.Paracetamol Ordered dose is 200 mg . Available dose is 650mg How many tablets would nurse should administer?
Liquid Medications
Required dose X Stock volume = Volume to be given
____________ _____________
Stock dose given 1
Liquid Medications
Q: Epinephrine 0.3 mg 1:10,000 IVP is ordered for a pediatric patient. It is supplied 1 mg/10 mL. How many mL will you
need to give
Q: Amiodarone is ordered 150 mg IVP over 10 minutes. It is supplied 200 mg/ 10 mL.How many mL will you need to give?
Fluid Calculation
Total amount of the fluid X IV Drip set(gtt) = gtt/min
Time period mins
A Physician orders ringer lactate to be given 30mL/hour.You are using a 60 gtt IV tubing set.How many gtts/minute will you
give ? _____ gtts/minute.
Drug Calculation
Dose in hand = Desired dose
Quantity in hand Desired Quantity
Concentration of the Drug
Q:Lidocaine is ordered at 2 mg/ml. It is supplied 2g/500 mL. What is the concentration?
Q:Morphine is ordered 5 mg. It is supplied 10 mg/ 4 mL. What is the concentration?
Volume Weight - Total Dosage of the Medication available Volume - Quantity
Available in ml
Diazepam Ordered dose is 5 mg .Supplied dose is 10 mg/2 ml.What is the concentration of the drug ?
10 mg
2 ml = 5mg/ml
500 ml NS To be infused with in 8 hrs .How many drops/ min will you adjust ?
500ml X 20 gtt
8 hoursX 60 min =20.8= 21 gtt/min
FFP 110 ml to be infused within 30mins. How many drops/min will you adjust ?
110ml X 20gtt
30 min = 73.3 =73 gtt/min