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E- Tender R&B division leh 15 of Leh of 2024-25, Dated: 11-06-2024

For and on behalf of the President of India, Executive Engineer PWD R&B Division
Leh, Union Territory of Ladakh, invites application through Limited E-Tender Engagement of
consultant for preparation of detailed project report for below mentioned work for UT Ladakh. The
interested empaneled consultants/ firms may participate.

Name of Work Cost of Earnest Money/ Time & Date

S. Project Adv. Time Class of Contract
No T/Doc. Bid Security of Opening of
cost of ( Rs Cost of
(Rs.) (Rs.) tender
. in lacs) (Lacs comple
(Technical Bid)
2 5 6 8
1 3 4 7 9

Hiring of consultant Rs 1134.80
24-06-2024 at Empaneled Consultan
For construction of Rs.22700 2.00Pm in the N0:CE/PW/ R&B/151
Directorate Office and lacs Rs11.35/ Rs.1000/- 45days Office of Dated 16-04-2022
Staff Quarter of Sheep - lacs Executive
Husbandry Engineer R&B
Department leh. Division Leh


1. Date of Issue of Tender Notice 11-06-2024

2. Period od downloading of bidding documents 11/06/2024 From 18.00 pm to 22/06/2024 , 4 pm
Online Bid submission start date 11/06/2024
Online Bid Submission End Date 22/06/2024 Up to 4:00 pm

24/06/2024 up to 2:00pm in Office of the Executive Engineer R&B division Leh.

5. Date & time of opening of tender
Special Condition
The rate to be coated by bidder shall be consider as percentage only.

1) Registration Certificatere renewed upto date .

2) EMD (No Bid Security declaration/ MSME shall not be entertained)
7. Scan Copy Of: 3) Scan Copy of Cost of Tender document inform of DD/GR/online
4) GST last return Certificate
5) PAN Card along with contact numbers
6)An Affidavit 1st class magistrate / notary should be mentioned name of work
and tender id.

PWD (R&B) . Division Union Territory of Ladakh has the mandate to Designing, Planning complete proposal
for Construction of above work. Therefore, for bringing in more efficiency in the working and to save time, the PWD (R&B)
Department intends to engage consultants/ firms already empaneled with Chief Engineer R&B Ladakh for design,
planning and complete proposal for the work.
The consultants/ firms should already be empaneled with Chief Engineer R&B Ladakh The Design services shall
include but not be limited to Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Sanitary, Landscaping and design of all other
relevant services required to make the building habitable & functional besides, preparation of cost estimate and all other
works specified in “Scope of Work.”

a) Electrical, electronic, communication and Point Layout design and drawings with B.O.Q.
b) Heating, ventilation & Air-conditioning and other mechanical systems design and drawings withB.O.Q.
c) Design and drawings of Fire detection, fire protection and security alarms with BOQ
d) Inspection, supervision and evaluation of works as and when required.
e) Any other specific requirements of the project.
f) Preparation of Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Schedule of Specifications.
g) Assisting PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh in preparation of tender document and later inthe processing of
the tender bids received till finalization of award.
h) The design of buildings should be winter friendly especially sanitary plumbing, drainage andwater supply
i) Requirement for accessibility for person with disabilities should be incorporated in the design as per norms
j) Design for green building as far as possible.
k)DPR Copies ( 5 Nos ) should reach to this office 20 days after to issues of allotment .
1. Hiring of consultant for Construction of Directorate Office and Staff Quarter of Sheep Husbandry Department

1. Actional Performance Security:- The additional Performance Security/Unbalanced

Bid shall be
Rationalized as under :-
S.No Percentage of Unbalanced bid viz-a viz Adv. Additional Performance Security to be
Cost. deposited by L1 bidder over and above the
normal performance security.
1. Upto 10% Below of Adv. Cost Nil
2. More than 10%to20% Below of Adv. Cost 5%oftheAdv.Cost
3. More than 20 % to 25% Below of Adv. Cost 7.5% of the Adv. Cost
4. More than 25 % to 30% Below of Adv. Cost 10 % of the Adv. Cost
Beyond 30% Below of Adv. Cost 12.5% of the Adv. Cost
01. The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria,specifications, Drawings, bill of
quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the
departmental website www.ladakhtenders.gov.in as per schedule of dates given below:-
a) Bids must upload with cost of Tender document in shape of Govt. Receipt E-challan and treasury challan/ online payment
(NEFT/RTGS in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division Leh having current account
0069010200000756 of , IFSC:JAKA0PRIEST of J and K Bank Leh
02. Earnest money /Bid security in shape of CDR/FDR/ BG pledged to, Executive Engineer R&B division Leh
Payable at Leh.
03. Bidders can resubmit / withdraw the bids as specified.
04. The date and time of opening of Financial-Bids shall be notified on Web Site www.ladakhtenders.gov.in and
conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e- mail message on their e-mail address. The Financial-bids of
Responsive bidders shall be opened online in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B division Leh . The bids
for the work shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids.
1. The applicants are strictly advised to submit only the required/relevant documents and shouldavoid submitting
irrelevant documents in order to save time.
2. The applicants are requested to furnish all information and documents as called for in thisdocument. The
details should be typed or filled in ink.
3. All accompanying documents must be clearly initialed by the Authorized Signatory.
4. Any bid received after the closing of due date and time shall not be considered. PWD(R&B), Union
Territory of Ladakh shall retain all the documents submitted by the applicant.
5. All bids submitted by the applicants by due date and time shall be opened online in the Office of the Executive
Engineer R&B division Leh
A.M in the presence of such applicants who choose to attend the opening process.
6. The bidder may properly check the documents before submission to ensure that all informationas asked for is
7. The bids shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening.
8. Executive Engineer, PWD R&B Division Leh
10. also reserves the right to remove recommend for removal of the consultant from the panel if hefails to provide
services as per requirement of the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh besides forfeiting the EMD.
11. The Stages for payment as mentioned in S. No. 6 shall remain same for every assignment / project.
12. The rate is to be quoted in percentage.
6. Schedule of Services:
The Architect shall after taking instructions from the client render the following services:-
a) Ascertain client’s requirements, examine site constraints & potential and prepare a design brieffor
client’s approval.
b) Prepare conceptual design with reference to requirements given by PWD (R&B), Union
Territory of Ladakh.
c) Prepare detailed project report required for Accord of Administrative Approval
d) Preliminary Design and Drawings:-
Modify the conceptual designs incorporating required changes and prepare the preliminary drawings,
sketches for client’s approval along with preliminary estimate of cost on plinth area basis.
e) Drawings for client’s / statutory approvals:-
Prepare drawings necessary for clients / statutory approval and ensure compliance to codes, standards and
legislations as applicable and assist the client in obtaining the statutory approvals thereof, if required
f) Prepare and submit at least 06 sets of as built drawings including services and structure in hardand soft
g) The consultant/architect/Engineer/Firm shall perform all other duties and functions as specifiedby the
h) Paying periodic site visits during execution of work as per the requirement and /or on demand of PWD
(R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh.
i) On the basis of on-site observations, the architect/Firm shall look into the architectural defectsand
deficiencies in the work of contractor. Such defects shall be intimated to PWD (R&B), Union Territory
of Ladakh for timely rectification by the contractor.
j) The Architect/Firm may advise PWD (R&B) to reject the work which does not conform to the
Engineering specifications.
k) Architect/Firm shall review shop drawing and other submissions of the contractor forconformance
with design concept of the project.
l) Architect/Firm shall issue necessary clarifications, detail drawings, revisions etc. those may berequired
for smooth progress of work at site.

A. The successful Architectural Firms shall be required to provide services in respect of thefollowing
fields for works listed below:
1. Taking client’s instructions and preparation of design brief.
2. Preparation of detailed Project report for accord of administrative approval and also
submission of detailed estimate for technical sanction of the project.
3. Preparation of detail Architecture Drawings.
4. Site evaluation, analysis and impact of existing and / or proposed development onits immediate
5. Topographical contour survey of land and soil investigation required for structural designing.
6. Structural design with design calculations.
7. It will be a sole responsibility of the Architect /Firm to get the structural Design approved and
vetted from IIT Delhi/ IIT Roorkee / NIT/ Design Directorate/ equivalent institutions as per the
directions of PWD (R&B).The vetting fees if any, shall be paid by the PWD (R&B), Union Territory
of Ladakh.
8. Sanitary, plumbing, drainage, water supply, sewerage & landscape etc. design and drawings with
9. Electrical, electronic, communication and Point Layout design and drawings.
10. Heating, ventilation & Air-conditioning and other mechanical systems design and drawings.
11. Design/capacity of Elevators if required.
12. Design and drawings of Fire detection, fire protection and security alarms with BOQ.
13. Inspection, supervision and evaluation of works.
14. Any other specific requirements of the project.
15. Preparation of Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Schedule of Specifications.
16. Assisting PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh in preparation of tender documentand
later in the processing of the tender bids received till finalization of award.
17. The design of buildings should be winter friendly especially sanitary plumbing, drainageand
water supply system.
18. Requirement for accessibility for person with disabilities should be incorporated inthe design as
per norms.
19. Design for green building as far as possible.

b) Construction Stage:-
1) Design, prepare and issue working drawings and details for proper execution of works for civil works
and allied services, during construction. The structural design shall have to be submitted in hard & soft
copies including design calculations to PWD (R&B) department, Union Territory of Ladakh.
2) Inspect, supervise and evaluate the construction works during execution and wherever necessary, clarify
any decision, offer interpretation of the drawings / specifications.
Key deliverables
Description Fee payable

Stage 1 T+15 days

20% of the total fees payable on
Upon Submission of conceptual
cost estimate.
drawings and approval of DPR
Stage 2 T+25 days
35% of the total fees payable on cost
Upon submission of cost estimate and
estimate less payment already made up
schedule of quantities (BOQ) sufficient to
to Stage 1.
invite tenders.
T+60 days 45% of the total fees payable on
Stage 3
accepted tender cost less payment
Upon allotment of works to the
already made
up to Stage 2.
Stage 4 T+60 days
60% of the total fees payable on
On submitting detailed working drawings
accepted tender cost less payment
and other details of the services required for
already made
commencement of
up to Stage 3.
work at site.
Stage 5
During execution of the work : 70 % of the total fees payable as
a) On completion of 20% of the work per accepted tender cost
b) On completion of 40% of the work
less payments already
c) On completion of 60% of the work
d) On completion of the 80% of work
made up to Stage 4.
e) On Physical completion of work 75 % of total fees payable
as per accepted tender
cost less payment already
made up to Stage 5(a)
80 % of total fees payable
as per accepted tender
cost less payment already
made up to Stage 5(b)
85 % of total fees payable
as per accepted tender
cost less payment already
made up to Stage 5(c)
90 % of total fees payable
as per
total work done cost less
payment already made up
to Stage 5(d)
Stage 6 100 % of the fees payable
On furnishing of work on actual total work done
completion certificate by the
cost less payment already
up to Stage 5.
Note: In case any of the components of the services mentioned above are not demanded
by PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh this shall not have any bearing on the fee

i. The PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh reserves the right to terminate this contract at any
time by giving one months notice to the Architect without assignment any reasons. In that case,
accounts will be settled in accordance with the terms and conditions and stipulations of this
allotment of work for the work done upto the stage of termination, PWD (R&B), Union Territory
Of Ladakh may rescind the contract on failure of the Architect/Engineer/consultant/ firm to
complete any stage(S) unless period for performance of such stage(s) is extended by the PWD
(R&B), Union Territory Of Ladakh on the written request made by the Architect, giving reasons for
delay/non performance within the prescribed time. Grant of extension is sole discretion of the
PWD (R&B),Union Territory of Ladakh.
ii. If any delay is caused in granting approval or making payment to the Architect/Engineer/consultant/
firm by the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh, Firm shall be entitled to extension in time for
execution of the contract. No claim or compensation or damages on this account shall be admissible
against the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh.
iii. The Architect shall have full responsibility for items of work, described in the scope of work. PWD
(R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh will have full access to the details of the features for the purpose
of scrutiny for satisfying themselves as to their correctness and soundness. The structural engineers
of the building will render all possible help for the above scrutiny. Any approval/scrutiny of
drawing/designs by the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh shall not absolve the firm of
their responsibility and firm will be liableto rectify the same without any extra charges.

iv. The Firm shall not make any deviation, alteration or omission from the approved drawings,
without prior consent of the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh.
v. The Firm shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of their duties and
shall exercise such general superintendence and the inspection in regard to such works as may be
necessary to ensure that works are being executed in accordance with contract documents and
shall endeavor to guard the interest of the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh against the
detects and deficiencies in the workof the contract.

vi. The PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh shall have the liberty to postpone or not to execute
any work and the firm shall not entitle to any compensation for non-executedpart of the work
except that the fees of the firm upto the stage of work then completed.
The Architect/Consultant/ Engineer/ Firm shall help the contractor and the PWD (R&B), Union Territory of
Ladakh in the preparation of PERT chart and critical path method necessary to control and guide the
various operations involved in the project.
vii. The Consultant/Architect/Engineer/firm should have sufficient knowledge about prevailing
Indian Standards i.e National building code of building services, IS 456 for RCC, IS 875 part I
&II IS13920 for earth quick structures,
viii. The consultant / Architect/Engineer/ firm should have sufficient experience in designing of
building structures of various types i.e R.C.C. framed and Load Bearing Structures and shall
furnish a certificate of completion as per the respective professionals.
ix. The consultant / Architect/Engineer/ firm should have a licensed software with respect to their
professional works i.e. AutoCAD, Microsoft project, Primavera, staid, Google sketch up, Refit
for 3D presentation.


a) Litigation History
The Applicant should provide accurate information on any litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts
completed or under its execution over the last two (02) years ending 2018-19. A consistent history of
litigations against the Applicant may result in disqualification of the application for empanelment, at the
discretion of Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B), and Union Territory of Ladakh.

b) Disputes Resolution
If any dispute arises between Engineer-In- charge of works and Architect/Firms/Architect; initially
dispute shall be resolved at the level of Superintending Engineer, PWD (R&B), Union Territory Of
Ladakh. If dispute still remains unresolved, then the dispute shall be referred to the Chief Engineer,
PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh and his decision in this regard will be final and binding on the

The contract will be liable to be cancelled by the Executive Engineer, PWD (R&B) Division Leh Union
Territoryof Ladakh on following grounds:
a) If Technical flaws are noticed persistently.
b) If the preliminary/detailed estimates are not found to be based on good engineeringpractices
and sound technical knowledge.
c) Non completion of assigned job within stipulated/extended time limit or performance not to the
satisfaction of Engineer in charge.
d) Deployment of inadequate/ in-experienced staff/Key personnel as observed by
Engineer in charge.
e) Willful disobedience of the instructions of Engineer in Charge.
f) Also any additional work, directed by the Department or higher authorities, in
additional to The above assigned work but related to the project, the Architect has to
provide services forthe additional work on the same terms and conditions as are for the
original work. The Architect will be entitled to the remunerations on the same rate as
applicable to the original work.
No subletting of work is allowed.


The PWD (R&B), Union Territory of Ladakh shall notify its program of inspection to the Architect/Firm who
will depute their respective representatives to be present during the site inspections.

a) In case of delay in completion of the work beyond stipulated period of completion a penalty at the rate of 0.5%
per week (on prorate basis) of the value of the contract shall be imposed on the bidder subject to a maximum of
10% of the contract value.
b) If the consultant does not attend office of Executive Engineer, R&B Division, leh ladakh within seven days
from the date of telephonic request made to him/her or from the date of issuance of letter, whichever is earlier, the
consultant will be liable to pay penalty 0.5% of the allotted amount per week of delay (on prorata basis).

(Note):- The Department can cancel the contract at any

time if required without assigning any reason thereof.

No:-R&B/CC/E-tender/1291-95 Sd/ S Executive Engineer ,
Dated:- 11/06/2024 T.O R&B Division, Leh
Copy to the: -
1. Commissioner Secretary to Govt. PW (R&B), UT Secretariat Ladakh
2. Chief Engineer PW(R&B) Department UT Ladakh.
3. Deputy Commissioner/CEO LAHDC Leh.
4. Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Leh for information and necessary action.
5. Joint Director Information department for publication of tender notice in two leading
Daily Newspaper.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by MEHDI ALI
Date: 2024.06.11 14:46:01 IST
SBD:-2018 Location: Ladakh UT
Page 9

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