Gr3-T3-W4-Weekly Scheme
Gr3-T3-W4-Weekly Scheme
Gr3-T3-W4-Weekly Scheme
Term 3 Week 4
May 8th- 12th
Notes/ Events: Don't forget to mark your calendars for our English Day event on May 9th!
New Vocabulary: risky, grunted, crops, profit, scowled, plucked, tugged, hollered Reading Book page :466-467
Phonics: Homophones and Homographs Notebook pages 182, 197
Informative Writing: What are some ways to keep UAE sustainable? / First draft
SPEAKING & LISTENING: Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation to provide requested detailed
The students will study the following lessons in the class.
Vocabulary: eighths, equal parts, fourths, halves, sixths, thirds, whole, fraction, unit fraction, denominator, numerator
Lesson 3: What are some severe weather impacts? (Pages:449(Question No.5),463(Question No.2),464,465)
Important Note: Refer to all related power point presentations and worksheets uploaded on school portal I campus
Unit 1: Engineering Process
Learning Intention: Students will be able to explore practical instances of modern and ancient technology, as well as
defining the role of engineers in technological development.
Vocabulaire : la limonade – les spaghettis – le lait – les pop-corn- les pommes – le miel- le fromage –l'eau – jus d’orange -les
frites –les jours de la semaine – le petit dejeuner –le dejeuner – le gouter – le diner
● The Race
6.2 sprint
Students will be able to get introduced to styling a document and applying color themes
Arabic عنوان الدرس :أسلوب االستفهام
نواتج التعلم
*نواتج التعلم
يذكر الطالب أول من أسلم من أهل الرسول-صىل هللا عليه وسلم -وأصحابه -
يحدد الطالب الموارد الطبيعية يف دولة االمارات واستخدامها
ّ Pages (9-15)
Unit 5/ lesson1: )هيا نحتفل (مولود جديد
Arabic B
ّ - عجي-الشعر
Learning intentions: - الصي الهند حلق- - ضيف- حفل-
Learning intentions:
learning intention:
How are numbers used in everyday life?
Learning intentions:
Types of friendship
Benefits of friendship
: الكلمات الجديدة
: نواتج التعلم
. الت أوجدها هللا يف الطبيعة ولم يكن لإلنسان دور يف وجودها ر
يدرك الطالب أهمية البوات الطبيعية ي
Lesson Four: How the UAE Collectively Expresses its Cultural Identity
Learning intention