Gr3-T3-W4-Weekly Scheme

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Gr3 Weekly Scheme

Term 3 Week 4
May 8th- 12th

Notes/ Events: Don't forget to mark your calendars for our English Day event on May 9th!

Science Quiz Math Quiz

Refer to the science portion Refer to the

below for the Required science portion
material below for the
Required material


English Project Submission

Prepare a one-minute speech on

sustainability with a clear
introduction, main point, and
conclusion. You can use visuals
and props to enhance your

Subject Class Work /Assignments/Resources/ New Vocabulary

English Journeys: Reading: Unit 3- Lesson 12 Tops and Bottoms Reading Book pages 431- 453
Audio Visual:

New Vocabulary: risky, grunted, crops, profit, scowled, plucked, tugged, hollered Reading Book page :466-467

Phonics: Homophones and Homographs Notebook pages 182, 197

Informative Writing: What are some ways to keep UAE sustainable? / First draft

Grammar: Complex Sentences

SPEAKING & LISTENING: Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation to provide requested detailed

Math Math Quiz-1, Term 3: Required Material

Chapter 7: Division Facts and Strategies

Lesson 1: Divide by 2 (Pages 365, 366, 367)

Lesson 2: Divide by 10 (Pages 371, 373, 374)

Lesson 3: Divide by 5 (Pages 377, 378, 379)

Lesson 4: Divide by 3 (Pages 383, 384, 385)

Online Resources: Divide by 10 (practice) | Intro to division | Khan Academy

Divide by 5 (practice) | Intro to division | Khan Academy

Divide by 3 (practice) | Intro to division | Khan Academy

Divide by 2 (practice) | Intro to division | Khan Academy

The students will study the following lessons in the class.

Chapter 8: Understand Fractions

Lesson 1: Equal Parts of a Whole (Page 443, 445)

Lesson 2: Equal Shares (Page 449, 451)

Lesson 3: Unit Fractions of a Whole (Page 455, 457)

Lesson 4: Fractions of a Whole (Page 461, 463)

Vocabulary: eighths, equal parts, fourths, halves, sixths, thirds, whole, fraction, unit fraction, denominator, numerator

Online: Think Central:

Khan academy: Understand fractions | 3rd grade | Math | Khan Academy

Science Science Quiz Required Material:

Unit-7: Weather and Patterns

Lesson 1: How is weather measured? (Pages:406,419(Question No.2),420,421)

Lesson 3: What are some severe weather impacts? (Pages:449(Question No.5),463(Question No.2),464,465)

Lesson 4: What are some types of climates? (Pages:487,490,491,492)

Important Note: Refer to all related power point presentations and worksheets uploaded on school portal I campus

Next week, students will be learning about:

Unit 1: Engineering Process

Lesson 1: How Do We Define a Problem? Pages (7,8,9,19,20,21)

Learning Intention: Students will be able to explore practical instances of modern and ancient technology, as well as
defining the role of engineers in technological development.

Vocabulary Words: constraint -criteria -design -engineer - engineering

French Leçon 2: Les aliments p 34

 Les élèves vont savoir Les aliments en Français.

 Les élèves vont savoir decrire les repas en Français .

Vocabulaire : la limonade – les spaghettis – le lait – les pop-corn- les pommes – le miel- le fromage –l'eau – jus d’orange -les
frites –les jours de la semaine – le petit dejeuner –le dejeuner – le gouter – le diner

ICT Digi champs

Unit 6 My First Story/MS Word

● The Race

6.2 sprint

Students will be able to get introduced to styling a document and applying color themes

‫‪Arabic‬‬ ‫عنوان الدرس‪ :‬أسلوب االستفهام‬

‫نواتج التعلم‬

‫ـ يحدد الطالب أدوات االستفهام‬

‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬
‫صحيحا تحدثا وكتابة‬ ‫استخداما‬ ‫ـ يستخدم الطالب أدوات االستفهام‬

‫‪Islamic A‬‬ ‫موضوع الدرس‪ :‬بدء الدعوة إىل اإلسالم‬

‫*نواتج التعلم‬

‫يتعرف الطالب كيف بدأ الرسول الدعوة إىل اإلسالم‪-‬‬

‫يذكر الطالب أول من أسلم من أهل الرسول‪-‬صىل هللا عليه وسلم‪ -‬وأصحابه ‪-‬‬

‫‪Social Studies A‬‬

‫والبشية لدولة االمارات‬ ‫درس الخصائص الطبيعية‬

‫عنوان الدرس ‪ :‬الموارد الطبيعية يف بالدي‬

‫نواتج التعلم ‪:‬‬

‫يحدد الطالب الموارد الطبيعية يف دولة االمارات واستخدامها‬

ّ Pages (9-15)
Unit 5/ lesson1: ‫)هيا نحتفل (مولود جديد‬
Arabic B

ّ - ‫ عجي‬-‫الشعر‬
Learning intentions: - ‫الصي الهند‬ ‫حلق‬- - ‫ ضيف‬- ‫حفل‬-

 Read and write new vocab: ‫مبوك‬ ّ - ‫ مبارك‬- ‫مولود‬..

‫ ر‬- ‫االسالمة‬
 Create sentences about an animals
 Using vocabulary to talk about the (Newborns).

Islamic B Mutual Mercy

Learning intentions:

 To read the noble Hadith from memory.

 To 4 find out the most important Prophet’s guidelines in the noble Hadith.
 To indicate the characteristics of Muslim society

Social Studies B Lesson 2: Number systems

learning intention:

the student will be able to know

How are numbers used in everyday life?

What different types of number systems are there?

What would life be like without numbers?

Civics Lesson five: friendship

Learning intentions:

 Types of friendship
 Benefits of friendship

‫ الموارد الطبيعية يف بالدي‬: ‫عنوان الدرس‬

Moral Education

: ‫الكلمات الجديدة‬

‫ حقول النفط‬- ‫الموارد الطبيعية‬

: ‫نواتج التعلم‬

. ‫الت أوجدها هللا يف الطبيعة ولم يكن لإلنسان دور يف وجودها‬ ‫ر‬
‫يدرك الطالب أهمية البوات الطبيعية ي‬

Unit 2 Understanding the UAE culture

Lesson Four: How the UAE Collectively Expresses its Cultural Identity

Learning intention

• Conduct simple cultural mapping

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