10.1515 - Cls 2024 0004
10.1515 - Cls 2024 0004
10.1515 - Cls 2024 0004
Research Article
Najib Zemed*, Kaoutar Mouzoun, Hanane Moulay Abdelali, Toufik Cherradi, Azzeddine Bouyahyaoui
Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2 Najib Zemed et al.
unified formulation. Also, Civalek [9] proposed a method of metamodels, there are response surface methods (RSMs)
discrete singular convolution to obtain frequencies and [24–27], artificial neural networks (ANNs) [28–30], radial
buckling loads of composite plates. By utilizing geometric basis functions [31–33], Kriging (also known as Gaussian
transformation, he then compared the obtained results process) [34,35], support vector machine (SVM), and sup-
with those of other numerical methods. However, con- port vector regression (SVR) [36,37].
ducting reliability and sensitivity analyses on these plates Over the past few decades, extensive research has
under uncertain conditions can be exceptionally challen- been conducted on the failure and sensitivity of composite
ging, especially when dealing with numerous high-dimensional materials. For example, Huh [26] employed the stochastic
uncertainty variables. Ensuring the structural integrity and per- finite element method (SFEM) to assess the reliability of
formance of these materials necessitates a meticulous task relia- angled plies, comparing results with other reliability methods
bility and sensitivity assessment of laminated composite plates such as the β-method. The LSF used in this context was based on
within a high-dimensional uncertainty framework. the Tsai-Wu, Hoffman, and Tsai-Hill criteria. Similarly, Onkar
The reliability of composite materials fundamentally et al. [38] utilized SFEM for reliability analysis, employing the
relies on the use of a limit state function (LSF). This func- Tsai-Wu and Hoffman criteria as failure criteria for orthotropic
tion plays a crucial role by establishing a relationship plates with random material properties and random loads.
between the state of the structure and the applied loads. Furthermore, recent research on composite reliability has fre-
Reliability analysis is typically performed using two main quently employed metamodels to reduce computational costs.
approaches: simulation methods and moment methods. For instance, Lopes et al. [39] employed an ANN to replace the
Moment methods are employed to estimate a reliability LSF based on the Tsai-Wu failure criterion, demonstrating sig-
index, often defined as the distance from the origin to nificant computational efficiency. Dey et al. [40] focused on
the most probable failure point (MPFP). This index is cal- quantifying thermal uncertainty in the frequency responses of
culated using algorithms such as the first-order reliability laminated composite plates, using a surrogate model called high-
method (FORM) or the second-order reliability method dimensional model representation to propagate thermal, ply-
(SORM) [10,11], which rely on linear and nonlinear approx- level, and material uncertainties in frequency responses. Chen
imations based on Taylor series expansion of the LSF and Jia [41] investigated interlaminar stress analysis and LSF
around the MPFP to estimate the reliability index. While approximation methods for assessing the reliability of composite
these techniques are fast and efficient, they may lack pre- structures, discussing the use of surrogate methods such as SVM,
cision for highly nonlinear problems. To overcome this RSM, and ANN to approximate the true implicit LSF. Momeni
limitation, Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) have become Badeleh et al. [42] have introduced an advanced mesh-free finite
the preferred and widely used method in various fields volume approach, utilizing it to actively manage the vibrations
[12]. MCS involves generating random samples from prob- of a temperature-dependent piezoelectric laminated composite
ability distributions to model uncertain parameters, fol- plate based on the principles of first-order shear deformation.
lowed by performing repeated simulations to estimate The findings indicated a reduction in the reliability of the com-
the reliability of a system or process. Although this method posite plate with rising temperatures. Martinez et al. [43] con-
is highly effective, it can be costly when the probability of ducted a reliability analysis on a smart laminated composite
failure is very low. To address this issue, several specia- plate comprising a graphite/epoxy cross-ply substrate with a
lized sampling techniques have been developed based on piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite actuator layer under
MCS, such as importance sampling (IS) [13–17], subset static electrical and mechanical loads. In their study, they devel-
simulation [18,19], directional simulation [20,21], and line oped a finite element (FE) model in COMSOL Multiphysics,
sampling [22,23]. While these approaches require fewer coupled with an ANN and integrated with MCS as well as first-
simulations than the MCS, they can still be computationally and second-order reliability methods (FORM/SORM). Haeri and
intensive, especially for complex models that demand sig- Fadaee [44] proposed an efficient and accurate reliability
nificant evaluation time. analysis approach for laminated composites called AKM-
For this reason, since the 1990s, several simulation MCS, employing an advanced Kriging model to approximate
techniques based on metamodels rather than the original the mechanical structure and applying the Tsai-Wu criterion
model have been developed to reduce the number of to define LSF. This approach demonstrates high computa-
necessary evaluations of the LSF. The goal of these techni- tional efficiency and accuracy. Mathew et al. [45] introduced
ques is to create a substitute model Y(X) that provides an an innovative approach that combines ANN with the SORM
explicit function to approximate the original performance and IS to accurately estimate failure probabilities and sen-
function. This substitute model is then used in place of the sitivities of variable stiffness composite laminate plates
original function in reliability methods. Among these while considering multiple sources of uncertainty. The
Reliability and sensitivity assessment of laminated composite plates 3
results demonstrate a high level of accuracy in reliability these materials. It relies on the analysis of stresses, loads,
estimates and sensitivity studies. Finally, Zhou et al. [46] and the study of interactions within the composite structure,
proposed an adaptive Kriging-based approach for the relia- while seeking to anticipate potential failure modes. Several
bility and sensitivity analysis of composite structures with failure criteria have been developed to assess the strength of
uncertainties, using Kriging to approximate the structural composites in various loading scenarios. These criteria are
response. This method is applied to composite beams, plates, generally categorized into two main groups:
and random structures, yielding accurate results and effi- – Simple limit failure theories, such as the maximum
cient reliability evaluation. stress criterion,
Furthermore, to ensure the reliability of composites, it – Interaction theories, such as the Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu
is essential to investigate the contributions of uncertain criteria.
variables to the behavior of the composite material. This
allows for a more precise adjustment of the parameters
that have the most significant impact on the probability of 2.1 Maximum stress criterion
failure, a process commonly achieved through the theory of
failure probability sensitivity analysis. There are two main The maximum stress criterion is one of the primary
types of sensitivity analysis [47]: local reliability sensitivity failure criteria used to assess the strength of composite
analysis and global reliability sensitivity analysis. Local materials. This criterion is based on the concept that
reliability sensitivity analysis focuses on quantifying the failure occurs when a material exceeds its maximum
local effects of distribution parameters of random input stress-carrying capacity in one of its directions. In other
variables on the failure probability [48]. Its objective is to words, if any of the principal stresses applied to a com-
rank these distribution parameters based on their impact on posite material exceeds its corresponding strength,
the failure probability. On the other hand, global reliability failure occurs.
sensitivity analysis assesses the contributions of uncertain- To apply this criterion, the principal stresses computed
ties present in the input variables to the failure probability within the structure are compared with the material’s
[49]. It ranks these sources of uncertainty based on their maximum strengths in each direction. Failure happens
impact on the failure probability. when one of the following inequalities is not satisfied:
This article introduces an approach to analyze the
− Xc > σ1 > Xt , − Yc > σ2 > Yt , − Zc > σ3 > Zt
reliability and local sensitivity of the failure probability (1)
σ4 > R, σ5 > S , σ6 > T ,
of composite materials using an LSF that incorporates
the criteria of maximum stress, Tsai-Hill, and Tsai-Wu. where σ1, σ2, and σ3 represent the principal components of
The reliability methodology relies on an active learning normal stresses, and σ4, σ5, and σ6 represent the principal
method that combines MCS with a metamodel resulting components of shear stress, while Xt, Yt, Zt, Xc, Yc, and Zc
from a weighted combination of three metamodels: ANN, correspond to the ultimate tensile and compressive strengths
SVR, and Kriging. The weighting coefficients for these three of the lamina in the 1, 2, and 3 directions, and R, S, and T
metamodels are determined through a heuristic method denote the ultimate shear strengths of the lamina in the 2–3,
(Goel et al.). This approach provides valuable insights into 1–3, and 1–2 planes, respectively.
the behavior and performance of laminated composites, For a 2D in-plane stress state (σ3 = 0, σ4 = 0, σ5 = 0),
contributing to the enhancement of design and decision- which is often the case for laminates, the maximum stress
making processes while considering uncertainties related failure criterion is expressed as follows:
to material properties. Two applications on flat composite
− Xc > σ1 > Xt , − Yc > σ2 > Yt , σ6 > T . (2)
laminates were used to test this method and to demonstrate
its effectiveness.
interactions between stresses and strains that occur in an 3 Reliability and probability of
anisotropic material.
The failure condition according to the Tsai-Hill cri-
failure sensitivity theory
terion is defined as follows:
3.1 Failure probability
CritTsai − Hill
σ1 2 σ2 2 σ3 2 1 1 1
= ⎛ ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ − ⎛ 2 + 2 − 2 ⎞σ1σ2 The failure probability of structures is defined through the
⎝X⎠ ⎝Y ⎠ ⎝Z⎠ ⎝X Y Z ⎠
LSF G(x). This probability is defined as the percentage of
1 1 1 (3)
− ⎛ 2 + 2 − 2 ⎞σ2σ3 the region in which the LSF G(x) is less than zero. It is
⎝Y Z X ⎠
calculated using the following integral:
1 1 1 σ4 2 σ5 2 σ6 2
− ⎛ 2 + 2 − 2 ⎞σ1σ3 + ⎛ ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ < 1,
⎝R⎠ ⎝S⎠ ⎝T ⎠
⎝Z X Y ⎠ Pf = ∫ fx dx , (8)
G (x ) ≤ 0
where the values of X, Y, and Z represent Xt, Yt, Zt or Xc, Yc,
and Zc depending on the sign of σ1, σ2, and σ3. where fx represents the joint density of the input random
For a 2D in-plane stress state (σ3 = 0, σ4 = 0, σ5 = 0), the variables.
Tsai-Hill failure criterion is expressed as follows: The failure probability can be expressed as follows:
2 2 2
σ1 σ2 σ1σ2 σ6 ∫
CritTsai − Hill = ⎛ ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ − ⎛ 2 ⎞ + ⎛ ⎞ < 1. (4) Pf = IDf (x )fx dx = E fx[IDf (x )]Ω , (9)
⎝X⎠ ⎝Y ⎠ ⎝ X ⎠ ⎝T ⎠ Ω
probability by the researcher [48]. To achieve this, the set of metamodels designed to simulate the LSF G(X). These
gradient of the failure probability with respect to these metamodels are subsequently utilized to assess the prob-
variables is evaluated: ability of failure and its sensitivity, replacing the LSF itself.
∂Pf This approach is typically characterized by five key features:
= IDf (x )
dx , (12) 1) The formulation of an LSF specifically adapted to com-
Ω posite laminates based on failure criteria.
where θi represents the parameter of the probability dis- 2) The construction of an average and robust metamodel,
tribution function of the ith random variable. which combines three distinct metamodels weighted by
Furthermore, to ensure a fair comparison of the sen- coefficients.
sitivities of all random variables in the studied system, it is 3) The use of an active learning method through a pro-
necessary to standardize these sensitivities with respect to posed learning function enables the intelligent selection
the probability of failure, making them dimensionless. A of samples to be added to the experimental plan.
normalization method proposed by Wu and Mohanty [54] 4) The evaluation of a stopping criterion tailored to this approach
is expressed as follows: ensures proper convergence of results towards the exact
5) The estimation of the probability of failure and the local
∂Pf /Pf σi ∂fx sensitivity of the probability of failure using MCS, in con-
S θi =
∂θi /σi
= IDf (x )
Pf ∂θi
dx , (13)
Ω junction with the constructed average metamodel.
The proposed reliability and sensitivity approach is based To construct a consolidated average metamodel from mul-
on an ensemble of metamodels, involving the creation of a tiple metamodels, the commonly used method is the
6 Najib Zemed et al.
metamodel ensemble approach, which has been recently experiments (DoEs) except the pair (x(k), y(k)), and NDoE is
incorporated into structural reliability analysis by the total number of DoE, and α and β are two parameters
researchers [56,57]. This approach involves training mul- that need to be defined. In this article, the same parameter
tiple metamodels using the same sample points and then values as those used by Goel et al. [58] have been applied,
combining them to obtain a more accurate prediction than α = 0.05 and β = −1.
what each individual model could provide separately. The
combination of these metamodels is achieved by deter-
mining the weights associated with each of them.
In the literature, there are two primary strategies for 4.3 UEM learning function
determining these weights. First, there is global weighting,
where the weights wi are constant for each metamodel ŷi. The accuracy of determining the failure probability largely
This includes methods such as weight calculation based on depends on the precise classification of points near the
root-mean-square error (RMSE) [58], Bayesian model aver- system’s state limit, where Y(x) = 0. To ensure this preci-
aging [59], or determining weights using an optimization sion, Echard et al. [53] implemented the U-learning func-
problem [42]. Second, there is local weighting, where the tion, which was developed in the context of the AK-MCS
weights depend on input values X. An example of this is algorithm. This function identifies points that may poten-
variance-based local weighting [60]. tially cross the predicted separator of the metamodel
In this article, the method of weight calculation based on Ŷ(x) = 0 incorrectly.
RMSE [58] is employed. This method suggests the calculation In this article, an adaptation of this LSF has been intro-
of the average metamodel using the following formula: duced. It involves the introduction of a minimum distance
M between the studied point and the points already present
Yˆens(x ) = ∑ wi(x )yˆi (x ), (19) in the design of experiments. This adaptation aims to
i=1 achieve a balanced distribution of all samples in the space,
where Ŷens(x) represents the global prediction of the EM at preventing excessive point concentration in a single area
given x, ŷi represents the output of the ith meta-model at and ensuring a uniform distribution. This learning func-
the specific point x, M stands for the total number of sur- tion is defined as follows.
rogates employed in the EM, and wi corresponds to the ∣ Yˆens(x )∣
weight assigned to the ith meta-model. UEM(x ) = , (25)
VYˆens(x ) d min(x )2
Moreover, this approach enables the detection of regions
where substantial prediction errors may occur by computing d min (x ) = min ‖x − xd‖2 , (26)
xd ∈ DoE
the variance VŶens(x ) of the EM, defined as follows:
M where Ŷens(x) represents the global prediction of the EM
VYˆens(x ) = ∑ wi(x )( yˆi (x ) − Yˆens(x ))². (20) at given x, VŶens(x ) is the variance of the metamodel in x,
i=1 and d min (x ) is the minimal distance, calculated using the
The weights are computed using a heuristic formulation Euclidean norm, between the point x and the nearest point
that employs a “leave-one-out” cross-validation strategy to in the DoE.
determine the RMSE. The weight calculation is as follows:
wi = M , (21)
∑i = 1wi* 4.4 Stopping criterion for the algorithm
wi* = (Ei + αE̅ ) β , (22)
The stopping criterion adopted in this method is based on
1 the evolution of the failure probability values over the last
E̅ = ∑ Ei , (23)
five iterations and is proposed as follows:
M i=1
NDoE ⎛ P fi − k − 1 − P fi − k ⎞
Ei = RSME = ∑ (Y (k ) − Yˆ (k )) , (24) εmax = max ⎜
P fi − k
⎟ < εstop, for i ≥ 5, (27)
NDoE k=1
k = 0,1,2,3,5 ⎝ ⎠
where Y(k) represents the real response at a given point x(k), where i represents the value of the last iteration and P fi − k − 1
Ŷ(k) represents the predicted response obtained from the and P fi − k represent the failure probabilities for iterations
ith surrogate model trained using all points of the design of (i−k−1) and (i−k), respectively.
Reliability and sensitivity assessment of laminated composite plates 7
4.5 Calculation of failure probability and its nonlinearity in the output of a neuron, and in this study,
sensitivity we use the sigmoid function as activation function, which
is defined as follows:
The UEM learning function is computed for all points in the 1
population. The point with the lowest value is then incor- f (x ) = . (30)
1 + e −x
porated into the DoE. The best next point, denoted as X*, is
At the level of each neuron, a weighted set of inputs
then determined by:
from the previous layer is summed, and the activation
X * = argmin(UEM(x )) . (28) function is applied to this sum as follows:
At each iterative step, X* is identified and incorporated zil = ∑j wijlalj − 1 + bil and a il = f(zil ) , (31)
into the DoE. Subsequently, metamodels are refined using
where, wijl represents the weight of the connection between
this new DoE, and the failure probability is calculated at
neuron j in layer l − 1 and neuron i in layer l , a lj − 1 is the
each iteration according to the following expression:
activation of neuron j in layer l − 1, and bil the bias term in
N neuron i in layer l .
IYˆens(x ) ≤ 0(xi )
Pˆ f = ∑ .
Considering that the sigmoid function is sensitive in
i=1 N
the interval [−1,1], we proceed to normalize all inputs and
Then, the local sensitivity of the failure probability is outputs (targets) as described by Rafiq et al. [61]:
calculated according to the following expression: For inputs:
σi IYˆens(x ) ≤ 0(xi ) ∂fxi X − Xmin
Sˆθi = ∑ . (29) S=2× − 1, (32)
Pf i = 1 N fxi∂θi Xmax − Xmin
In this section, the theories of the metamodels used in the where out is the normalized value of the targets T, and Tmin
ensemble metamodel method are presented, namely, ANN, and Tmax are the minimum and maximum values, respec-
SVR, and Kriging. tively, of the targets.
In this study, an ANN was employed, featuring three
hidden layers, each comprising 20 nodes. To determine the
problem’s weight values, the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)
5.1 ANN algorithm implemented in MATLAB was utilized to address
the nonlinear least squares problem.
ANNs, a subset of machine learning, form the cornerstone
of deep learning algorithms. They draw their name and
structure from the human brain, aiming to simulate how 5.2 SVR
the human brain processes information. These networks
consist of layers of nodes, including an input layer, one or SVR is an evolution of the SVM that expands its capabilities.
more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node is It introduces the concept of an ε-insensitive tube, as illu-
interconnected with others and is assigned an associated strated in Figure 2. Within this tube, deviations from the
weight (Wi), as depicted in Figure 1. target output are allowed without any penalties, while out-
Each neuron transforms the input into an output using side the tube, penalties are applied to deviations. SVR is
an activation function, which has the role of introducing a fundamentally a machine learning algorithm [36] that
8 Najib Zemed et al.
Wi Wi
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
. . . .
. . .
Input n . . .
relies on a loss function Lε called e-insensitive function. This approximation assumes that all inputs exist inside
This function is designed to handle cases where we are the ε-tube, but this is not always the case, so slack variables ξi,
less concerned with small deviations within the ε tube ξi* are introduced, and this optimization problem becomes:
but want to penalize larger deviations outside it, making n
SVR particularly useful for robust regression tasks. This Min ‖w‖2 + C ∑ (ξi + ξi*)²
loss function Lε is defined as follows: i=1
⎧ yi − b − 〈w , xi〉 ≤ ξi + ε (37)
⎧ 0
Lε ( y ) = max ⎨ (34) S.t⎨ − yi + b + 〈w , xi〉 ≤ ξi* + ε
⎩|y − f ( x )| − ε. ⎪
⎩ ξi* and ξi ≥ 0.
where the constant C > 0 plays a crucial role in determining function Φ is not needed, thanks to the kernel trick which
the balance between achieving a flat approximation (small w) allows us to use the kernel function K, defined as follows:
and the tolerance level for deviations exceeding ε.
K (x , x ′ ) = 〈φ(x ) , φ(x ′)〉. (44)
To solve the optimization problem with the linear con-
straints, the Lagrangian function is used: This function K represents the dot product between
n two projections. In this context, the Lagrangian optimiza-
Min L = + C ∑ (ξi + ξi*)2 tion problem can be expressed as follows:
2 i=1
n 1 n
− ∑ αi(ξi + ε − yi + b + 〈w , xi〉) Max L = − ∑ (αi − αi*)K (xi , xj )(αj − αj*)
2 i,j= 1
(38) n n
behavior of the limit function. Subsequently, the technique These two equations lead to:
known as the best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) is uti-
βˆ = (F T R(θ )−1 F )−1F T R(θ )−1 F , (55)
lized to optimally estimate the value of this model at a
specific point. The Kriging function is written as a realiza- 1
σˆ 2 = (Y − 1β )−1R(θ )−1 (Y − 1β ) . (56)
tion of a random function as described by [64]. n
G (x ) = F (x )T β + z(x ) , (50) However, the two parameters in Eqs. (55) and (56)
depend on the correlation parameter θ, so it is first neces-
where F (x ) = [{ f1 (x )},…,{ fp (x )}]represents the basic func- sary to obtain it using maximum likelihood estimation:
tions and β = {β1,…, βp} is the vector of regression coeffi-
cients, and in this article, ordinary Kriging is chosen, which θˆ = arg minθ − log L(β , σ 2 ,θ ) . (57)
means that F (x ) is a vector of ones and the product
By expanding the optimization problem of the Eq. (57)
F (x )T β = β is a scalar.
and eliminating the constant terms, the likelihood function
Z(x) is a stationary Gaussian process that has an
is reduced to:
unknown form, zero mean and the following covariance
functions between two points of space:
θˆ = arg min θ⎛ det(R(θ ))n σ̂ 2⎞.
⎝ ⎠
cov(xi , xj ) = σ 2Rθ (xi ,xj ) , (51)
After the determination of the parameter θ, the best
where σ is the variance of the process and σ 2Rθ (xi ,xj ) is the
linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) is used to determine Gˆ (x )
autocorrelation function between the points xi and xj .
the estimation of the response G(x) and to determine σ Ĝ2(x )
In this type of Kriging, the Gaussian process is sta-
tionary, which means that the autocorrelation function R the variance of Gˆ (x ) at the point x.
depends only on the difference between the points and on Gˆ (x ) = β + r (x )T R(θ )−1 (Y − 1β ) , (59)
a set of hyperparameters θ ∈ +n , and this correlation
model can be formulated as follows: where r (x ) = {Rθˆ(x ,xi )}i = 1, … , n
Figure 3: Algorithm of the methodology used for calculating the reliability and sensitivity of composite materials.
validating the obtained results by comparing them with models based on different theories or concepts. Alternatively,
analytically calculated results. Subsequently, the second running it within a different finite element software is also a
substage aims to determine the optimal mesh size. It is well viable approach.
known that a finer mesh yields more precise results, albeit
often at the cost of longer computational time. Therefore, a
convergence study becomes necessary, employing various 6.2 Stage 2: reliability analysis
mesh sizes to ascertain the optimal size that provides both
adequate accuracy and reasonable computation time. The objective of this stage is to achieve a precise estimation
Moreover, in the absence of precise analytical results, of failure. It includes the following steps:
it is conceivable to assess the model’s validation and conver- 1. Generate the Monte Carlo population S using Latin
gence by comparing it to other established finite element hypercube sampling (LHS) technique.
12 Najib Zemed et al.
2. Select from S a number N0 (e.g., N0 = 12) of points X = stopping criterion rather than its original one to ensure a
{X1,…, X N0 }, and calculate the corresponding system fair and consistent comparison.
responses for the initial N0 points, Y = {Y1,…,YN0 }; Local sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the
3. Build the three metamodels Kriging–ANN–SVR using {X, sensitivity of failure probability with respect to changes
Y} and determine the metamodel mean Yˆens(x ) and its in the mean and standard deviation of input variables.
variance VŶ ens(x ) This sensitivity was calculated using the reliability results
4. Estimate the failure probability Pf using the equation: obtained from the three methods employed to evaluate the
N laminate’s reliability. A positive sensitivity indicates that
IYˆens(x ) ≤ 0(xi )
Pf ≈ ∑ . (61) when the mean of a variable increases, the probability of
i=1 failure also increases, while a negative sensitivity suggests
5. Evaluate the stopping criterion in Eq. (46). If the condi- the opposite, namely, that an increase in the mean of a
tion is met, proceed to the next stage; otherwise, find the variable decreases the probability of failure.
best point X* from all points in S to add it to the DoE, by
minimizing the learning function UEM. Then calculate the
response Y(X*). Next, update the X = {X ∪ X*} ,
Y = {Y ∪ G (X*)} and return to step (3). 7.1 Techniques and applications utilized
6. Calculate the coefficient of variation of Pf using Eq. (11)
and check if CoV < 0.05 proceed to stage 3; otherwise, 7.1.1 Tools and software
expand the population by adding Snew to S, and return
to step (1). The simulations were conducted using the ANSYS APDL software
with the SHELL181 finite element, which provides six degrees of
freedom at each node, as illustrated in Figure 4. This software
was used to model the laminates. Furthermore, the necessary
6.3 Stage 3: reliability sensitivity analysis codes for performing reliability analysis and sensitivity analysis
were developed within the MATLAB environment. A coupling
Once the failure probability calculation algorithm is com- between the two software tools was established.
pleted, the sensitivity of the failure probability with respect
to a given parameter θi is estimated using the following
σi IYˆens(x ) ≤ 0(xi ) ∂fxi
Sˆθi = ∑ . (62)
Pf i = 1 N fxi∂θi
This element is based on the FSDT, which assumes that 7.2 Convergence analysis and validation of
the transverse deformation through the thickness is con- the FE model
stant and also takes into account the transverse shear dis-
placement. The parameter settings and assumptions used A FE validation study was conducted to confirm the accu-
for this element in ANSYS are as follows: racy of the model. Furthermore, a convergence study was
– KEYOPT(1) = 0: This parameter is set to include both carried out by varying the mesh size (2 × 2), (4 × 4), (6 × 6),
membrane forces and moments in the calculation of (8 × 8), and (10 × 10) to determine the optimal mesh,
the element stiffness. allowing for precise analytical results while minimizing
– KEYOPT(3) = 0: It is set to zero to utilize reduced inte- resource utilization and computation time. Precise deflec-
gration, which reduces computational time while main- tion values for the plates were extracted from the research
taining acceptable accuracy. of Reddy and Pandey [65,66]. The properties of the epoxy
– KEYOPT(5) = 1: This option selects the standard formula- graphite material T300/5208 and the applied force for this
tion of the shell under the FSDT theory. validation are presented in Table 1.
– KEYOPT(8) = 3: By setting this parameter to 3, results are The results, presented in Table 2, indicate that the max-
computed at the top, bottom, and mid-plane of each imum deflection values obtained from numerical simula-
layer, allowing us to subsequently assess failure criteria tions of the plate are nearly equal to the exact solutions.
at three points for each layer, aiming to ensure more This confirms the validation of the FE-based model. Further-
reliable results. more, in the analysis of results convergence based on mesh
– KEYOPT(9) = 0: No subroutine is used to provide initial size, the choice was made to use the (8 × 8) mesh for all
thickness, meaning that thickness data is directly defined subsequent steps. This selection is justified by its ability to
within the model. provide sufficiently accurate results compared to the exact
– KEYOPT(10) = 0: By default, the normal stress is assumed solution while exhibiting minimal differences compared to
to be zero. the next mesh size, which is (10 × 10).
– KEYOPT(11) = 0: The standard orientation axes of the
element are used by default.
Table 1: Applied force and mechanical properties of epoxy graphite material T300/5208
Laminate Solution found by FEM (mm) Exact solution (mm) [58] Error (%)
7.3.1 Reliability analysis of the composite plate the AK-MCS method. It can be observed that the proposed
method rapidly converged to the exact solution starting
The reliability results for the laminate are presented in from the 86th iteration, and the algorithm did not require
Table 4. The exact probability was computed using the many simulations to meet the stopping criterion, as it
MCS method with 100,000 simulations. It is noteworthy reached it after only about 16 additional simulations. In
that the proposed method yielded results very close to the contrast, the AK-MCS method required a much higher
exact value, with an estimation error of only 2.27% com- number of simulations to meet the same stopping criterion.
pared to the MCS method. Furthermore, it is important to Figure 7 presents the evolution of weighting coeffi-
highlight that the proposed method required only 102 simu- cients associated with the three metamodels used in the
lations to achieve this probability, which is significantly proposed method. Overall, it can be observed that the Kri-
fewer than the simulations needed by the AK-MCS method. ging metamodel dominates in the initial and final segments
Figure 6 illustrates the evolution curve of the esti- of the curve, while in the central part of the curve, covering
mated failure probability using the proposed method and approximately one-third, the SVR metamodel takes prece-
dence at certain points. On the other hand, the ANNs meta-
model consistently maintains low weights in comparison to
the other two, except in 3 out of the 102 iterations where it
outperforms the other two metamodels.
Table 3: Random variable distribution of the antisymmetric angle-ply [−45°, 45°, −45°, 45°]
effect on the failure probability. As for the remaining vari- becomes feasible to significantly diminish the probability
ables, their impact on the failure probability is negligible. of failure. This proactive approach will bolster the overall
To enhance reliability and reduce the probability of resilience of the structure and promote a more dependable
failure of this composite plate, it is imperative to take performance of the composite plate.
appropriate measures. Based on the results of our sensi-
tivity analysis, it is evident that enhancing the robustness
of critical variables is essential. Specifically, by prioritizing 7.4 Laminates with hole under in-plane
the optimization of the thickness t of the laminate layers loading
and selecting high-quality composite materials character-
ized by high Young’s modulus E11 and optimal maximum The second example is a laminated composite plate com-
strengths (YT/ZT and YC/ZC), while ensuring that dimensions prising 4 layers, arranged in a symmetric cross-ply config-
(length and width) align with the required specifications, it uration [0°, 90°, 90°, 0°], made of graphite/epoxy T300/5208,
Figure 9: Sensitivity of failure probability to the standard deviation of variables for example 1.
Table 5: Random variable distribution of the symmetric cross-ply [0°, 90°, 90°, 0°]
Table 6: Results of reliability analysis for the symmetric cross-ply [0°, of the edge under a uniformly distributed load revealed con-
90°, 90°, 0°] sistency between the two approaches.
Regarding meshing, a specific strategy was employed,
Method Number of calls Pf Error (%) with an increase in density near the central hole and a
MCS 50,000 0.0339 — decrease in other areas. To assess mesh convergence, var-
AK-MCS [53] 12 + 241 = 253 0.0396 16.81 ious mesh sizes were utilized, gradually decreasing. The
Proposed method 12 + 142 = 154 0.0308 9.14 optimal mesh size was chosen by observing that the lateral
displacement results of the specified node showed no
Figure 13: Sensitivity of failure probability to the mean of variables for example 1.
significant improvement for smaller meshes, while main- 7.4.1 Reliability analysis of the composite plate
taining stability for the larger mesh.
In this example, the maximum strengths in different The reliability results for the laminate are presented in
directions are considered constant and are presented in Table 6. The exact probability was computed using the
Table 1. The variables in this problem are the length, the MCS method with 50,000 simulations. It is observed in
width, the thickness of each layer, the radius of the hole, the table that the proposed method yielded an acceptable
the fiber orientation for each layer, the elastic modulus in result with an error of 9.14%, and it achieved this with only
different directions, Poisson’s ratio in direction 12, and the 154 simulations. In contrast, the AK-MCS method required
applied linear force. The probability distributions of these a larger number of simulations to produce a result with a
variables are presented in Table 5. greater error than the proposed method.
Figure 14: Sensitivity of failure probability to the standard deviation of variables for example 2.
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