Doctor Manual
Doctor Manual
Doctor Manual
EN User handbook Edition Language
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................5
1.1. Goal.................................................................................................................................5
1.2. Platforms supported . ......................................................................................................5
2. General characteristics of the application..........................................................................6
2.1. Graphic interface structure..............................................................................................6
2.1.1. Toolbar.................................................................................................................7 SetUp.....................................................................................................7 Connection button..................................................................................8 Statistics.................................................................................................8
2.1.2. Status bar;............................................................................................................9
3. Connection...........................................................................................................................10
3.1. Connection with the appliance.......................................................................................10
4. Tests Management...............................................................................................................11
4.1. Introduction to tests....................................................................................................... 11
4.2. Single Test.....................................................................................................................12
4.2.1. Selection............................................................................................................12
4.2.2. Implementation...................................................................................................12 Instant message window......................................................................13 Test start window..................................................................................14 Test result window................................................................................14
4.3. Automatic test sequences..............................................................................................15
5. Help.......................................................................................................................................16
5.1. Description of the Help function.....................................................................................16
6. Doctor NP – Dishwashing...................................................................................................17
6.1. Components test . .........................................................................................................17
6.1.1. Door test.............................................................................................................18
6.1.2. Anti-overflow system test...................................................................................18
6.1.3. Turbidity sensor test...........................................................................................18
6.1.4. Water filling test (Solenoid valve + pressure switch + turbine)...........................19
6.1.5. Wash Motor Test (+water filling circuit)..............................................................20
6.1.6. Alternate Motor Test (+water filling circuit).........................................................21
6.1.7. NTC temperature sensor test (+water filling circuit) ..........................................22
6.1.8. Drain Pump Test (+ filling circuit)........................................................................23
6.1.9. Dispenser Solenoid Valve Test...........................................................................23
6.1.10. Regeneration Solenoid Valve Test.....................................................................24
6.1.11. SPECIAL TEST - Total Test................................................................................24
6.2. Interface test..................................................................................................................27
6.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display.........................................................................................28
6.2.2. Buttons Test.......................................................................................................28
6.3. Monitoring parameters...................................................................................................30
6.4. Statistics.........................................................................................................................31
6.4.1. Last Cycles Statistics ........................................................................................31
6.4.2. Global Statistics ................................................................................................33
6.4.3. Faults.................................................................................................................34
6.4.4. Pre faults ...........................................................................................................35
6.4.5. Black box............................................................................................................35
6.4.6. How to read statistics.........................................................................................35
7. Doctor NP – Washing...........................................................................................................37
7.1. Components test............................................................................................................37
7.1.1. Door lock............................................................................................................37
7.1.2. Motor..................................................................................................................37
7.1.3. Status pressure switch.......................................................................................38
7.1.4. Linear pressure switch.......................................................................................38
7.1.5. Wash EV............................................................................................................39
7.1.6. Wash temperature sensor..................................................................................39
7.1.7. Wash heater.......................................................................................................39
7.1.8. HOT EV..............................................................................................................40
7.1.9. Prewash EV.......................................................................................................40
7.1.10. Fabric Softener EV.............................................................................................40
7.1.11. Drain pump.........................................................................................................41
7.1.12. Drying heater and fan .......................................................................................41
7.1.13. Drying EV...........................................................................................................42
7.2. Interface test..................................................................................................................42
7.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display.........................................................................................43
7.2.2. Knob test............................................................................................................43
7.2.3. Buttons Test.......................................................................................................44
7.2.4. Selector test.......................................................................................................45
7.3. Special Tests . ...............................................................................................................46
7.3.1. SPIN CYCLE test...............................................................................................47
7.3.2. Monitoring parameters.......................................................................................48
7.4. Statistics.........................................................................................................................49
7.4.1. Aracadia.............................................................................................................49 Information of global utilization ...........................................................49 Cycles information ..............................................................................51 Information on faults. ..........................................................................52 Information on Prefaults ......................................................................53 Information on most recent cycle ........................................................53 BlackBox Information ..........................................................................53
7.4.2. Arcadia 2............................................................................................................54 Information of global utilization ...........................................................54 Cycles information ..............................................................................56 Information on faults. ..........................................................................56 Information on Prefaults ......................................................................56
7.5. Tips ...............................................................................................................................57
8. Doctor NP - Cooling.............................................................................................................58
8.1. Components test............................................................................................................58
8.1.1. Test on the FZ and FR fan.................................................................................59
8.1.2. Dampers test......................................................................................................60
8.1.3. Sensors Test (FR air, evaporator, FZ air)...........................................................62
8.1.4. Defrost heating elements...................................................................................63
8.1.5. “Ever Fresh” Test................................................................................................64
8.1.6. Lamp Test...........................................................................................................65
8.1.7. Solenoid Valve Test............................................................................................66
8.1.8. Compressor test.................................................................................................66
8.2. Interface test..................................................................................................................67
8.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display.........................................................................................67
8.2.2. Buttons Test.......................................................................................................68
8.3. Special Tests..................................................................................................................69
8.3.1. Global Test.........................................................................................................69
8.3.2. Defrost elements test (No-Frost products only).................................................70
8.3.3. Internal Temperatures Graph.............................................................................70
8.4. Monitoring Parameters (sensors)..................................................................................73
8.5. Statistics.........................................................................................................................74
8.5.1. Global utilization information..............................................................................74
8.5.2. Fault information................................................................................................74
8.5.3. Daily statistics....................................................................................................75
9. Doctor NP – Induction Hobs...............................................................................................78
9.1. Components test............................................................................................................78
9.1.1. Inductors test......................................................................................................79
9.1.2. Fan test..............................................................................................................79
9.2. Interface test..................................................................................................................80
9.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display.........................................................................................80
9.2.2. Buttons Test.......................................................................................................81
9.3. Monitoring parameters ..................................................................................................83
9.4. Statistics.........................................................................................................................84
9.4.1. Global:................................................................................................................84
9.4.2. Last cycles:........................................................................................................86
9.4.3. Last fault:............................................................................................................88
9.5. Tips ...............................................................................................................................89
1. Introduction
1.1. Goal
Doctor is a software application operating within the Indesit Company Remote Assistance project
and it is designed to facilitate domestic appliance Assistance service personnel in relation to the
functions controlled by the Main circuit board and the display.
The aim of this document is to supply a user handbook for the Doctor application by describing its
salient characteristics. Special attention must be reserved for the user graphic interface (access
point for all software functions), the description of the tests, and reading of statistics.
2. General characteristics of the application
2.1. Graphic interface structure
When the application is opened the following graphic interface is displayed:

Fig 1
As can be seen from the figure, the interface is divided into four separate logical parts:
1. Toolbar;
2. Hardware Configuration;
3. Tests Management;
4. Status bar.
Each part will be analyzed in detail in the relative chapters.
2.1.1. Toolbar
The toolbar contains the following functions/icons:
●● SetUp
●● Connection button
●● Statistics SetUp
In normal circumstances the technician performs SetUp procedures only at the first start-up.
The software SetUp involves defining the required configuration parameters:
●● COM port to be used for communication with the appliance.
●● Language.
Select SetUp to choose the parameter to be defined, as shown in the following figure:
Incorrect assignment of the port can generate a COM port open message or a generic communication
error message.
Language selection
The default language is English. To change language choose from among the 13 languages
currently present. (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, Czech, Hungarian, German,
Polish, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese).
7 Connection button
The connection is launched by means of the connection button identified by a PC icon and located
immediately to the right of the “SetUp” button Statistics
As soon as the connection has been established you can open the statistics window by clicking
on the icon
2.1.2. Status bar;
The Status Bar is utilized to inform the technician of the application status in terms of operating
For example, during the tests the Status Bar indicates the stage of the routine currently in progress
(E.g.: Wait pressure switch full) and the relative result.
The structure is read-only, and it always shows either:
●● A help message showing the next action required;
●● The result of the last operation performed;
Anyway, the Status Bar is a point of reference for correct utilization of the software.
Fig 3
3. Connection
3.1. Connection with the appliance
Choice of the COM used for the connection; pressing the connection button starts the communication:
●● all the information associated with the setting is uploaded in the interface;
●● the button to open the tests management window is enabled;
●● the statistics icon is enabled.
If the connection is successful, the result will be an interface such as the one shown in the figure.
Any communication errors are signaled by means of messages displayed on pop-up windows and
on the Status Bar.
4. Tests Management
4.1. Introduction to tests
Once the connection with the appliance has been established, clicking the “Test...” button opens
the following tests management window (the example for WM and DW is shown below):
The user can choose from among different types of tests on the appliance:
●● Single Test;
●● Automatic Test (Main automatic test and Display automatic test);
●● Special test (special tests differ in accordance with the product)
●● Advanced Monitor
For the DW doctor the Main automatic test is not present, although the individual tests include
the TOTAL TEST, which is a special test that constitutes a sequence of tests without the facility to
skip to the next routine.
4.2. Single Test
4.2.1. Selection
To perform a test in single mode:
1. Select the test by mens of the drop-down menu at the top of the tests management window;
Fig 7
2. Press the run button ;
Before starting the test, the STOP and Forward function buttons are disabled: these options are
enabled only during execution of the test.
4.2.2. Implementation
Display of the execution status of a test and the relative result is provided on the right of the graphic
●● The currently running test is highlighted by a yellow arrow in the LED ;
●● If the test ends successfully:
-- the string “Test OK: No Errors” appears on the line associated with the test;
-- the LED associated with the test shows GREEN .
●● If the test ends unsuccessfully:
-- the string “Test Fail:” followed by the cause of failure appears on the line associated with
the test;
-- the test LED shows RED .
The following three figures illustrate the situations described above. example for cooling
Fig 11
13 Test start window
This window type is used when indications must be provided for the technician concerning the
operations required prior to execution of the test. Example illustrated below:
Fig 12
Fig 13
4.3. Automatic test sequences
The software allows management of two automatic test sequences:
●● One responsible for execution of all the tests associated with the functional elements controlled
by the Main board, TestAutomaticoMAIN.
●● One responsible for execution of all the tests associated with the interface components,
Selection of one of the two sequences is achieved by pressing the relative button.
Execution follows the rules described previously for the Single Test mode, with certain specificities:
●● The execution follows the display list sequentially;
●● Execution is suspended at the time of the first failure (first fault identified);
●● To suspend execution and force the test result to Fail (STOP button ).
●● To force the program to go to the next test, interrupting the current test and setting it to Fail
status , press Passed button (>> button).
5. Help
5.1. Description of the Help function
The software has an online help function linked to the faults and tests. The function is designed
to aid technicians during repairs by deciphering the fault codes and proposing actions to take in
accordance with the result of a given test.
To access the help function double-click the fault or the line associated with the component in
question: the software will display a Dialog box containing the relative information.
Fig 14 Fig 15
6. Doctor NP – Dishwashing
The user can choose from among different types of tests on the appliance:
●● Single Test;
●● Automatic Test (Total test and Display automatic test);
Use single test when the diagnostic procedure indicates that the component is faulty and you
intend to test it.
Use total test when:
●● No faults can be found
●● The appliance is to be tested following repair
Conditions before starting the test:
●● tank should not be hot;
●● dispenser door closed;
●● dishwasher empty;
●● correct water fill and drain connections.
6.1.1. Door test
Designed to check correct door closing function.
Message “open door” is displayed for several seconds. Operation must be performed within 30
Message “close door” displayed. Operation must be performed within 30 seconds.
(if test fails the software will indicate: door microswitch problems)
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Failure of a test could have other causes than the tested component. If the error message
shows a problem on another component, perform single test on component in question.
If error message is consistent with tested component, perform following checks:
¾¾Check for bad contact on connector CN07 - FULL pins 1, 2 and 3
¾¾Check turbidity sensor wiring
¾¾Replace sensor
¾¾Replace Main PCB
¾¾Water in air trap
¾¾Air trap damaged
6.1.6. Alternate Motor Test (+water filling circuit)
Designed to check correct operation of alternate washing motor (if present).
Message displayed at start of test: Alternate and wash motor test. Fit transparent door (if possible)
and simulate closing of the door with the service lance. Take care not to damage the serial key.
Press START.
Stages of the test:
●● aquastop sensor status is checked
●● door closed check
●● drain pump started
●● filling solenoid valve [ev] operated until reaching the Full Pressure Switch [PP]
●● water filling up to 4 liters
●● a pop-up window is displayed with the message: warning alternative wash check, 20 seconds
both outlets,
●● the wash motor + alternate motor are activated, both outlets.
●● a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: top only washing, 20 seconds
●● wash motor started + alternate wash motor, top delivery position 20 seconds
●● a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: bottom only washing, 20 seconds
●● Wash motor started + alternate wash motor, bottom outlet position 20 seconds
●● A pop-up window is displayed with the following message: alternate motor functioning
efficiently? Yes No…
●● drain pump started
6.1.7. NTC temperature sensor test (+water filling circuit)
The test is designed to check correct operation of the heating circuit and temperature sensor.
Stages of the test:
●● aquastop sensor status is checked
●● door closed check
●● feedback requested from heating circuit
●● feedback requested from NTC (negative result if temperature < 0° or > 100°C)
●● drain pump started
●● filling solenoid valve [ev] operated until reaching the Full Pressure Switch [PP]
●● water filling up to 4 liters
●● washing motor (if BLDC 2500 rpm)
●● NTC temperature is read and stored
●● heating element switched on and water heated up to delta T° 10 °C higher than first reading
(timeout 8 minutes)
●● a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: temperature comparison with manual
●● drain pump started
6.1.8. Drain Pump Test (+ filling circuit)
Designed to check correct operation of drain pump.
Stages of the test:
●● aquastop sensor status is checked
●● door closed check
●● drain pump started
●● filling solenoid valve [ev] operated until reaching the Full Pressure Switch [PP]
●● water filling up to 4 liters
●● drain pump operated until Empty Pressure switch + 10 seconds
6.1.10. Regeneration Solenoid Valve Test
Designed to check correct operation of the regeneration solenoid.
¾¾The following Pop-up window is displayed: Open door, insert service lance, remove salt
cover and tank filter. Press start to start the test.
¾¾The following Pop-up window is displayed: Warning. If no water is delivered from the well,
fail. If water flows from salt container, OK
¾¾Drain pump started
¾¾Regeneration Solenoid Valve [ev] activated and pop-up window displayed: regeneration
ev active. Press Start to start the test
¾¾Regeneration ev + filler ev activated and window displayed: regeneration ev + filling ev
¾¾Check the position of water egress.
¾¾Pop-up displayed: with selectable “Yes/No” and prompt “Water flowing from salt container?”;
if yes, test OK
¾¾Drain pump started
4. fit transparent door + position door closer lance (not essential for the test)
5. start test
The Status Bar shows the test progress, with “Test x of y” at the start of each test
Door test
-- Message “open door” is displayed for several seconds. Operation must be performed within
30 seconds.
Message “close door” displayed. Operation must be performed within 30 seconds.
Wash Motor Alternate Motor (Filler Solenoid Valve + Pressure switch + Turbine + Wash Pump)
-- aquastop sensor status is checked
-- The following message is displayed: Alternate and wash motor test. Fit transparent door (if
possible) and simulate closing of the door with the service lance. Take care not to damage
the serial key. Press START.
-- a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: warning, alternate wash check, 20
seconds, both delivery outlets,
-- the wash motor + alternate motor are activated, both delivery outlets.
-- a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: wash top only, 20 sec.
-- wash motor started + alternate wash motor, top delivery position 20 seconds
-- a pop-up window is displayed with the following message: wash bottom only, 20 sec.
-- Wash motor started + alternate wash motor, bottom delivery position 20 seconds
-- A pop-up window is displayed with the following message: alternate motor functioning
efficiently? Yes No…
NTC test
-- feedback requested from NTC (negative result if temperature < 0° or > 100°C)
-- Display of NTC temperature reading
NTC temperature sensor test (+ Filler Solenoid Valve + Pressure switch + Turbine + Wash Pump)
-- aquastop sensor status is checked
-- feedback requested from heating circuit
-- feedback requested from NTC (negative result if temperature < 0° or > 100°C)
-- wash motor (if BLDC 2500 rpm)
-- NTC temperature is read and stored
-- heating element switched on and water heated up to delta T° 10 °C higher than first reading
(timeout 7 minutes)
-- A pop-up window is displayed with the following message: compare temperature reading with
manual sensor
Regeneration solenoid
-- The following Pop-up window is displayed: Open door, insert service lance, remove salt cover
and tank filter. Press start to start the test.
-- The following Pop-up window is displayed: Warning. If no water is delivered from the well, fail.
If water flows from salt container, OK
-- drain pump started
-- Regeneration Solenoid Valve [ev] activated and pop-up window displayed: regeneration ev
active. Press Start to start the test
-- Regeneration ev + filler ev activated and window displayed: regeneration ev + filling ev active
-- Check the position of water egress.
-- Pop-up displayed: with selectable “Yes/No” and prompt “Water flowing from salt container?”; if
yes, test OK
-- drain pump started
If total test fails, perform single test relative to stage in which total test was blocked.

Fig 16
6.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display
The test is designed to check correct operation of the LEDs (or the display) present on the appliance
interface. During the test all LEDs present are illuminated and a pop-up is displayed to prompt the
technician to confirm the illumination of the LEDs.
Fig 17
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check for bad contact on connector CN08 - STRIP/FULL pins 1, 2, 3 and 4
¾¾Main board/user wiring faulty
¾¾User faulty
Fig 18
During the test press all the buttons one at a time and check that they are working correctly, as
identified by a color change of the icon and a tick in the associated CheckBox.

Fig 19
The conclusion and result of the test are established by the technician who selects the conclusion
button on the basis of the results: KO or OK.
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check for bad contact on connector CN08 - STRIP/FULL pins 1, 2, 3 and 4
¾¾Main board/user wiring faulty
¾¾User faulty
Fig 20
This window provides access to some key information, read directly from the Main PCB.
Pressure switch (empty 0; full 1)
Temperature NTC: degrees C° as detected by the NTC sensor
Anti-overflow system (closed 0 normal position; open 1 in alarm)
Regenerate ----read statistical data
Door (open 0; closed 1)
Heating element (off; on)
6.4. Statistics
The statistics are read during connection of the appliance. The statistics are displayed in a specific
window that is opened by means of a button on the main panel toolbar .
For each cycle the data are organized in accordance with the following structure
○○ Cycle
Number of cycle executed
○○ Dishes rack
rack setting chosen by user
possible values: 0- Washes on both racks
1- Washes on top rack
2- Washes on bottom rack
○○ regeneration count
Indicates presence or absence of salt.
Value 0 indicates salt is present.
Value 8 indicates salt is absent.
○○ function
displayed on each function of the appliance (e.g. night option function, extra dry function,
etc.) the status of the function, and the ON/OFF value value is displayed.
○○ turbidity
Percent turbidity (0-100)
Value 0 - minimum dirt level
Value 100 - maximum dirt level
○○ turbidity calibration
Not relevant for the technician
Saved in one bit of each element if the corresponding reading was executed with calibration
PWM (value 0) or default PMW (value 1).
If the turbidity sensor is not present the elements remain on 0.
○○ Restore
number of times in which the appliance had to replenish the water (with respect to the
preset quantity) to ensure dynamic balance.
○○ KO Restore
number of times in which the appliance skipped the cycle stage (prewash or wash or rinse)
because dynamic balance was not reached (full dynamic pressure switch). This occurs
when replenishment reaches 5.5 liters and full pressure switch has not yet been reached.
Probably problems with hydraulic circuit (clogged filters, pressure switch calibration)
○○ Duration
cycle duration in minutes.
The possible delay set for starting, or the intervals in which the cycle is in PAUSE status
are not included.
○○ alarm code
○○ alarm subcode
○○ pre-alarm code
○○ pre-alarm subcode
○○ cycle executed
cycle executed [i] indicates the number of times of execution of the cycle that occupies
the i-th position of the selector.
○○ cycle restore ko
number of cycles in which at least one Restore KO has occurred
○○ Functions
Each buffer element indicates the number of cycles in which a certain user function has
been selected
6.4.3. Faults
This section contains information concerning the last 5 faults that occurred on the appliance. The
order is from the most recent fault to the oldest.
Whenever a new fault occurs, if the code or subcode are different from those of the most recent
stored fault saved fault, the list is scrolled, deleting the oldest information and adding the information
relative to the new fault at the beginning. If the code or subcode coincide with those of the most
recent fault, only the most recent fault Occurrence field will be incremented; this field records the
number of consecutive times the fault occurred. As the list scrolls it also retains, for each recorded
fault, also the information concerning the number of times it has recurred.
For each fault, the information is arranged in accordance with the structure:
○○ code
○○ subcode
○○ occurrence: number of times the fault recurred
6.4.4. Pre faults
This section contains information concerning the last 5 prefaults that occurred on the appliance.
The order is from the most recent prefault to the oldest.
With regard to the storage routine, the same logic is applicable as for the Faults, with the sole
difference that the prefault is recorded in PreFault[] at the time it occurs.
For each fault, the information is arranged in accordance with the structure:
○○ code
○○ subcode
○○ occurrence: number of times the fault recurred
If the customer reports excessive foam, check the cycle performed by the customer (especially if
a rapid cycle has been used), the turbidity sensor value (if “0” the customer is probably prewashing
the dishes) and ask whether he is using too much detergent or multifunction tablets. If these
conditions are fulfilled, advise the customer to stop prewashing the dishes and/or to stop using
multifunction tablets.
If the customer reports that the cycle finishes in 10 minutes with poor washing results, check
to see whether Restore or KO Restore routines have occurred in the last 8 cycles; if so, check
for possible clogged filters, if the pressure switch, if the pressure switch is subject to calibration
problems, advise the customer to load cook pots in the correct position.
7. Doctor NP – Washing
7.1. Components test
7.1.2. Motor
●● Door Lock Activation
●● The motor is started and run at 40 rpm in a COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction
●● Occurs if this condition is fulfilled
●● If it is, the motor is stopped and the system waits for it to be switched off
●● The motor is started and run at 40 rpm in a CLOCKWISE direction
●● Occurs if this condition is fulfilled
7.1.3. Status pressure switch
This test is based on the following steps:
●● Door lock
●● Verification of the pressure switch full/empty criterion:
a. IF empty → pressure switch full procedure by means of wash solenoid valve
b. IF full → pressure switch empty procedure
7.1.5. Wash EV
This test is based on the following steps:
●● Door lock
●● Pressure switch empty procedure
●● Pressure switch full procedure by means of WASH solenoid valve
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾contacts of wash heater motor connector on board
¾¾wash heater: the 1800W 230V heating element is between 22.5 and 27.5 ohm
7.1.8. HOT EV
Test is analogous to Wash EV test except that in the filling stage the hot water EV is utilized instead
of the WASH EV
7.1.9. Prewash EV
Test is analogous to previous test except that in the filling stage the PREWASH solenoid valve is
used instead of the WASH solenoid valve
7.1.11. Drain pump
This test is based on the following steps:
●● Door Lock Activation
●● Check feedback with pump stopped
●● Pressure switch full procedure by means of WASH solenoid valve
●● Pump pilot control start-up, check feedback: in addition to a fault on the feedback system, the
condition of triac open/triac in diode mode can be distinguished
●● If the empty condition is not reached during the emptying timeout the result of the test is negative
¾¾renew dryer heating element
¾¾renew main PCB
7.1.13. Drying EV
Structure is similar to that of the other tests performed on the solenoid valves, summarized as
●● Door lock
●● Once pressure switch empty is reached, PRE-filing stage starts via washing EV; this is exclusively
to shorten time because filling exclusively with the drying EV would take too long
●● Once the PRE-FILLING time has terminated filling continues by activating the drying EV
●● Check filling by means of the full status criterion
7.2.1. Test on LEDs/Display
The test is designed to check correct operation of the LEDs (or the display) present on the
appliance interface. During the test all LEDs present are illuminated and a graphic Dialog prompts
the technician to confirm the situation after visually checking on the appliance.
During execution of the test the technician must simply turn the knob(s) on the appliance graphic
interface and check that the relative control value changes in the foregoing graphic Dialog.
Reading of a new setting is accompanied by illumination of the associated LED in the graphic Dialog.
The conclusion and result of the test are established by the technician who selects the conclusion
button on the basis of the results: Fail or OK.
The conclusion and result of the test are established by the technician who selects the conclusion
button on the basis of the results: Fail or OK.
During the test the technician must move the selector through all 16 settings and check the graphic
Dialog to ensure the software is reading each new position. Each position is associated with a LED
which illuminates when the position is read.
The test terminates by pressing the OK button and the result is established on the basis of analysis
of the positions read:
●● If all positions were detected (all LEDs illuminated) the test is passed
●● If some positions were not detected (some LEDs off) the test fails

The monitoring panel shows:
●● values of input voltage Vln (1)
●● value of target spin speed. The selected value is shown in the Centr SETT (2) field; if the washing
machine is not equipped with a spin speed control this field will show the maximum declared
speed and the test will simply check whether or not said speed is reached
●● the current appliance speed Centrif (3)
●● the test performs these steps (must be executed with empty drum):
1. Door Lock Activation
2. Empty drum
3. Start motor in distribution then in spin modes
4. Monitor speed of tacho generator and technician checks whether set speed is reached or not
-- In the case of appliance with brush motor → During test technician can change spin value
either with the relevant button or knob.
-- In the case of a Three-phase appliance → test is performed by setting only the maximum
speed (disregarding any settings imposed by the technician). The spin speed value cannot
be altered. The speed is reached with the following sequence:
»» from 0 rpm to 90 rpm with ramp time of 1sec
»» from 90 rpm to 350 rpm with ramp time of 1sec
»» from 350 rpm to top speed with ramp time of 30sec
This window provides access to some key information, read directly from the Main PCB:
●● The motor speed in rpm is monitored (if the motor is off the value displayed is 0 rpm)
●● The temperature monitored by the wash sensor is displayed in °C
●● Pressure switch status (full/empty)
●● The on/off status of loads at that time for the following components: solenoid valves, heating
element, drain pump and door lock
7.4. Statistics
7.4.1. Aracadia
●● Cycles with Blackout
Saves the number of power losses (Blackouts)
●● Cycles with Overflow
Saves the number of Overflows
●● Cycles with Delayed Start
Saves the number of times a cycle has been set with delayed start
●● Extra Rinse in position 1 =OFF
Saves the number of times the cycle with the Extra Rinse option not active has been selected
●● Extra Rinse in position 2 =ON
Number of times the cycle with the Extra Rinse option active has been selected
* This part is repeated for all options present on the appliance (this field varies for each appliance
●● Spin in position 1
Spin in position 2
Spin in position ...
Saves the number of cycles with spin set in position 1, 2,….
●● Temperature in position 1
Temperature in position 2
Temperature in position ...
Saves the number of cycles with temperature set in position 1, 2,….
●● Total Water Filling 0 - 10 l
Number of cycles with water filling up to 10 l
●● Total Water Filling 10 - 15 l
Number of cycles with water filling from 10 to 15 l
●● Total Water Filling 15 - 20 l
Number of cycles with water filling from 15 to 20 l
●● Total Water Filling > 20 l
Number of cycles with water filling more than 20 l
●● Imbalance < 1/7 Level 2
Number of imbalances less than 1/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 1/7 - 2/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 1/7 and 2/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 2/7 - 3/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 2/7 and 3/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 3/7 - 4/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 3/7 and 4/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 4/7 - 5/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 4/7 and 5/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 5/7 - 6/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 5/7 and 6/7 of second level
●● Imbalance 6/7 - 7/7 Max. level
Number of imbalances between 6/7 and 7/7 of second level
●● Imbalance > Max. Level
Number of imbalances greater than level 2
●● Speed > Target
Number of cycles in which the appliance has reached target speed
●● Speed 1 - 50 RPM < Target
Number of cycles wherein the appliance has failed to reach the set target (no more than 50 rpm
below target speed)
●● Speed 51 - 100 RPM < Target
Number of cycles wherein the appliance has failed to reach the set target (from 51 to 100 rpm
below target speed)
●● Speed 100 RPM or more < Target
Number of cycles wherein the appliance has failed to reach the set target (more than 100 rpm
below target speed)
●● Antifoam
Number of antifoam procedures
●● Rebalancing
Number of rebalancing procedures
●● Duration (min)
Duration of most recent cycle in minutes
●● On/Off UI Bitmap function
If 0 = no wash options selected
If 0 ≠ wash options selected
●● Cycle executed
Penultimate cycle executed
●● Spin setting
Spin level set by user
●● Max. spin Reached
Spin speed reached by appliance
●● Set temperature
Temperature set by user
●● Antifoam
Number of antifoam procedures
●● Rebalancing
Number of rebalancing procedures
●● Duration (min)
Duration of most recent cycle in minutes
●● On/Off UI Bitmap function
If 0 = no wash options selected
If 0 ≠ wash options selected
“The same information is given for the last 5 cycles executed”
●● Occurrence
Number of times the fault recurred
●● Code
Penultimate Fault code
●● Subcode
Penultimate Fault subcode
●● Occurrence
Number of times the fault recurred
●● Code ...
“The same information is given for the last 5 Faults that occurred”
7.4.2. Arcadia 2
●● Cycles with spin limitation (no rebalance)
Records number of cycles with spin limitation (not due to imbalance)
●● Cycles with Delayed Start
Saves the number of times a cycle has been set with delayed start
●● Extra Rinse in position ON
Records the number of times the cycle with the Extra Rinse option has been selected
●● Super Wash in position ON
Records the number of times the cycle with the Super Wash option has been selected
* These fields are repeated for all options present on the appliance (this field varies for each
appliance type)”
●● Spin in position 0
Spin in position 600
Spin in position ...
Records number of cycles with spin cycle set to 0 rpm, 600 rpm ...
●● Temperature in position 0°
Temperature in position 30°
Temperature in position ...
Records number of cycles with temperature set to 0°, 30° … 90°
●● Total Water Filling 0 - 15 l
Total Water Filling 15 - 20 l
Total Water Filling 20 - 25 l
...Total Water Filling > 40 l
Records quantity of water filled in liters during each cycle
●● Speed > target
Number of cycles in which appliance has reached set target speed
●● Speed 1 - 100 RPM < Target
Number of cycles wherein the appliance has failed to reach the set target (no more than 100 rpm
below target speed)
●● …. Speed 600 RPM or more < Target
Number of cycles wherein the appliance has failed to reach the set target (600 rpm or more
below target speed)
●● Total number of cycles
Records total number of cycles executed by appliance
55 Cycles information
●● Cotton 40°
Last cycle executed
●● Spin setting
Spin level set by user in rpm
●● Max. spin Reached
Spin speed reached by appliance in rpm
●● Set temperature
Temperature set by user in °C
●● Antifoam
Number of antifoam procedures
●● Rebalancing
Number of rebalancing procedures
●● Duration (min)
Duration of most recent cycle in minutes
●● Prefault
Indicates code and subcode of Prefault that occurred during most recent cycle
“The same information is given for the last 5 cycles executed”
7.5. Tips
Tips on optimal use of the software
The following suggestions are designed to facilitate use of the software:
1. Always check that there is no laundry in the washing machine. If laundry is present, remove it
before starting the application.
2. Always check that the door is closed The door must be closed for all tests except for User
Interface checks.
3. During the solenoid valves test, when so permitted by the washing machine model, you can
open the detergent drawer to check the correct flow of water.
4. During the motor test, when so permitted by the washing machine model, always check that
the drum turns first in one direction and then in the other.
5. If water remains in the drum while performing single tests, before terminating the procedure it
is good practice to run the pump test or successively (after reset) run the drain program.
6. If the appliance is new, failure to reach the set maximum spin speed in the initial wash cycles
is to be considered normal.
7. If the set spin value or the maximum value do not correspond to the value printed on the appliance
fascia, possible explanations are:
a. In the setting file lower speeds have been set than the printed speed values. In this case
the difference will be minimal (a few tens of rpm).
b. The MAIN board has been programmed with an incorrect setting file; before programming
the board perform a global check of appliance operation.
8. At the end of the procedure it is always advisable to perform an appliance reset: disconnect the
power supply, wait for a few seconds (use this interval, for example, to remove the Hardware
Key) then reconnect the appliance to the power supply.
8. Doctor NP - Cooling
8.1. Components test
Fig CL1
Some tests are executed in a manner that is transparent for the technician who, once the routine
has been started, simply waits for the result without taking any action, while other tests require the
technician to interact with the appliance.
Tests that call for action by the technician during execution include interface tests and certain
functional tests. In the following headings these tests are analyzed, with details of the technician’s
The sequence of tests of which the functional test is composed differs on the basis of the static
model or NF. The software must check for the presence of components and follow the order shown
In the case of an NF product the sequence is:
FZ fan
FR fan
FR damper
CCZ damper
sensors (1 line for each sensor)
defrost heating elements
In the case of a static product the sequence is:
FR fan
sensors (1 line for each sensor)
solenoid valve 1
solenoid valve 2
Fig CL2
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check the efficiency of the contacts on connector J6 - STRIP/FULL; E1 - ENTRY SEGMENT
on the board
¾¾Check continuity of wiring connector J6 pins 2 and 1 or E1 pins 1 and 8, ensuring that the
impedance value is compatible with the value given in the relevant table
¾¾Check correct connection of the freezer fan on the freezer compartment wiring junction box
¾¾Renew freezer fan unit
¾¾Renew main PCB
¾¾Check the efficiency of the contacts on connector J2 - STRIP/FULL; E1 - ENTRY
SEGMENT; L2 - STATIC BOARD on the board
¾¾Check continuity of wiring connector J2 pins 3 and 1 or E1 pins 1 and 8 or L2 pins 5 and 7,
ensuring that the impedance value is compatible with the value given in the relevant table
¾¾Check correct connection of the fridge fan in the fridge compartment junction box
¾¾Renew fridge fan unit
¾¾Renew main PCB
Fig CL3
If the result is positive the damper is reopened and message is displayed to prompt the technician
to check that this effectively occurs.
Fig CL4
The fan switches off in the final step of the test.
Static products are not equipped with the damper.
8.1.3. Sensors Test (FR air, evaporator, FZ air)
The test must check correct connection of the input by reading the impedance of the NTC sensor.
The range of impedance values in which the sensor must fall in order to function correctly is
retrieved from the setting file.
This type of test identifies two cases:
●● Sensor short circuit (sensor impedance close to 0 Ohm, corresponding to the threshold
temperature of -40°C)
●● Sensor open circuit (sensor impedance less than 5kOhm, corresponding to the threshold
temperature of +40°C)
¾¾Remove the wires from the NTC sensor on the connector side. Caution: do not remove
the wires from other sensors that are not causing problems!
¾¾Renew main PCB
¾¾Check efficiency of contacts on connector J12 on the FULL PCB
¾¾Check NTC sensor, ensuring that the impedance value read on pins 3 and 4 of wiring
connector J12 is compatible with the values in the temperature-impedance correlation
table (also heat the sensor by holding it with your hand where possible and checking the
change in the impedance value)
¾¾Remove the wires from the NTC sensor on the connector side. Caution: do not remove
the wires from other sensors that are not causing problems!
¾¾Renew main PCB
8.1.5. “Ever Fresh” Test
This test initially checks the correct load connection, after which the pump is started and the
technician is prompted to check correct operation.
Fig CL5
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check efficiency of contacts on connector J4
¾¾Check correct connection of the pump
¾¾Check continuity of the pump wiring
¾¾Check continuity of the pump winding
¾¾Replace vacuum pump
¾¾Replace PCB
8.1.6. Lamp Test
In this case the first action is checking of correct connection of the load after which the lamp is
connected and the technician is prompted to perform a check by means of massages.
The lamp switches off and the technician is prompted to check that it is effectively off.
Fig CL6
The lamp switches on and technician is prompted to check it is effectively on.
Fig CL7
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check for bad contact on connector J9, pins 3 and 5
¾¾Check that the lamp is wired in
¾¾Check whether the wiring is interrupted
¾¾Check for possible burnt out lamp
¾¾Check for bad contact on connector J2 - STRIP/FULL pins 4 and 6; E1 - ENTRY SEGMENT
pins 3 and 4; L2 - STATIC BOARD pins 3 and 8
¾¾Check that the lamp is wired in
¾¾Check whether the wiring is interrupted
¾¾Check for possible burnt out lamp
Important! If the thermal cut-out trips, the feedback result should be “not connected” and the test
fails. Make sure the compressor has not just stopped – in which case wait for around 10 minutes
and then repeat the test.
Fig CL8
User handbook Edition Language
8.2.2. Buttons Test
The test is designed to check correct operation of the buttons on the appliance user interface by
means of a graphic screen that self-configures on the basis of the information stored in the display
During the test the technician must press each button in sequence and check that the software is
reading each press.
Pressing a button can be confirmed by the change of the relative icon (icon becomes darker to
simulate a press) and it remains indicated in the associated CheckBox.
Fig CL9
The conclusion and result of the test are established by the technician who selects the Fail or OK
button on the basis of the test performed.
8.3. Special Tests
FigCL10 FigCL11
The “Current” text box shows the stage of the global test currently in execution.
There are 3 columns in the central part. The first column contains the names of the various sensors,
while the other two show the values measured by the sensors.
The second column shows the values measured at the start of each stage of the test. Each stage
can be selected at any time by means of the combo box at the top of the column.
The third and final column contains the current values of the sensors, read at 2 second intervals.
8.3.2. Defrost elements test (No-Frost products only)
The defrost block is composed of one or two heating elements wired in parallel; failed operation
of either of the two elements cannot be detected automatically. This test therefore simulates a
defrost procedure.
The maximum duration is 5 minutes and the test can be suspended by the technician, by pressing
the STOP button, or by the program, if the freezer evaporator maximum temperature value increases
excessively. The technician must check correct operation of the test by touching the heated part
or by observing the variation in sensor temperature shown also on the status bar:
Graphs are displayed showing the temperature curves for each NTC probe. Each of the above
events is shown by a vertical line (a broken line if the event occurred in normal operating conditions,
a continuous line if the event occurred after a power loss condition).
The status of the Super Freezer [SF] function at the time of occurrence of the event is displayed
above the graph area, in the points corresponding to the event:
-- 0 = function inactive
-- 1 = function active
Each intersection between a vertical line (broken or continuous) and graph curve corresponds to
the temperature logged at the time of the event. Click on the point to display details of the logged
The temperature scale (vertical axis) is adapted to match the results shown on the graph. To obtain
a more detailed scale level, press the button in the bottom left corner to open a window in
which the graphs to display can be selected:
If a single NTC probe is selected only the graph relative to the selected probe will be displayed,
so, especially in the case of the Refrigerator Air probe, this produces a significant reduction of the
vertical axis temperature range.
The button corresponds to the cumulative Compressor Run time display window (Time ON)
and the compressor Number of Stops (Go OFF). These calculations are performed separately for
each of the three days monitored.
The button produces a landscape display on the palmtop device screen. When the button
is pressed again the screen returns to portrait display mode.
8.4. Monitoring Parameters (sensors)
The purpose of this test is to display the temperature recorded by the sensors in real time. The
window will display the name of the sensor and the relative value. The reading is refreshed once
every 2 seconds.
Fig CL12
8.5. Statistics
Fig Cl13
The statistics must be saved in the internal memory of the Main PCB. Statistics are values selected
by the main board firmware representing certain of the product’s functional parameters.
Important! Reprogramming the main board deletes all recorded statistical data.
Statistics can be divided into 3 categories:
●● Global Statistics: representative of the entire product life.
●● Fault Statistics: concern the history Faults recorded during operation of the product
●● Daily statistics: relative to the last recorded seven days of operation.
N° of times voltage dropped below threshold (154V): counts how many times the voltage was
outside the correct operating range. Indicates the supply conditions of the product.
N° of times voltage exceeded threshold (265V): counts how many times the voltage was outside
the correct operating range. Indicates the supply conditions of the product.
Previous fault: shows last 5 Faults recorded in the memory of the main board (if present)
N° of DEFROST heating element activations: counts the number of times the defrost heater
has been activated (number of defrost cycles executed)
Longest defrost cycle duration (hours, min, sec): signals duration of longest defrost cycle in
the day
TOTAL duration of DAILY defrost cycles (hours, min, sec): shows total duration of defrost
cycles in the day
N° of cold requests for FRIDGE compartment: counts how many times the fridge compartment
(FR) has requested COOLING
N° of cold requests for FREEZER compartment: counts how many times the freezer compartment
(FZ) has requested COOLING
N° of cold requests for SPECIAL compartment: counts how many times the special compartment
(SP) has requested COOLING
Total duration of cold requests for FRIDGE compartment (hours, min, sec): indicates the time
for which the fridge compartment has requested COOLING during the day
Total duration of cold requests for FREEZER compartment (hours, min, sec): indicates the
time for which the freezer compartment has requested COOLING during the day
Total duration of cold requests for SPECIAL compartment (hours, min, sec): indicates the
time for which the special compartment has requested COOLING during the day
Minimum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the FRIDGE compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C): indicates
temperature control - the MINIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles) for the
fridge (FR), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the user interface
Minimum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the FREEZER compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C):
indicates temperature control - the MINIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles)
for the freezer (FR), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the user interface
Minimum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the SPECIAL compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C):
indicates temperature control - the MINIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles)
for the special compartment (SP), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the
user interface
Maximum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the FRIDGE compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C): indicates
temperature control - the MAXIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles) for the
fridge (FR), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the user interface
Maximum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the FREEZER compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C):
indicates temperature control - the MAXIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles)
for the freezer (FZ), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the user interface
Maximum threshold (cut-in/cut-out) of the SPECIAL compartment AIR sensor (°C / °C):
indicates temperature control - the MAXIMUM of the THRESHOLD (compressor start/stop cycles)
for the special compartment (SP), indirectly indicates the temperature set by the customer on the
user interface
If the MIN and MAX thresholds are identical – this means that appliance temperature control was
normal (alarm mode not active) and that the customer has not changed the temperature settings
on the day in question.
N° openings of FRIDGE door: counts the number of times the fridge (FR) door has been opened.
Total time for which the FRIDGE door has remained open (hours, min, sec): counts the total
time that the fridge door remained open.
N° FREEZER temperature alarms: records the number of trips of the alarm (A1 or A2) in the
freezer compartment (FZ)
Max temperature reached in the FREEZER alarm situation: indicates the maximum measured
temperature during the alarm condition
N° of times the SUPER FR cycle has terminated correctly: counts the number of times the
special SUPER FRIDGE functions have terminated correctly
N° of times the SUPER 24 cycle has terminated correctly: counts how many times the special
SUPER FREEZER functions have terminated correctly
N° of times the ICE PARTY cycle has terminated correctly: counts how many times the special
ICE PARTY functions have terminated correctly
N° of EverFresh function activations: indicates the number of activations of the EVER FRESH
N° of AquaCare function activations: indicates the number of activations of the AQUA CARE
Total time for which the EverFresh function remained active (hours, min, sec): indicates the
total operating time of the EVER FRESH function
Total time for which the AquaCare function remained active (hours, min, sec): indicates the
total operating time of the AQUA CARE function
Total time for which the compressor remained active (hours, min, sec): total running time of
the compressor
N° of compressor compressor stop cycles: to number of compressor starts
The most important items in the statistics are underlined – those that allow direct
analysis of product performance during operation and the causes of any deficiency
in performance.
9. Doctor NP – Induction Hobs
9.1. Components test
Available tests:
Fig 1
Top left Ind.: test of top left inductor
Top right Ind.: test of top right inductor
Bottom left Ind.: test of bottom left inductor
Bottom right Ind.: test of bottom right inductor
Central left Ind.: test of central left inductor
Central right Ind.: test of central right inductor
Fan: cooling fan test
LED – Display: display test
Buttons: controls test
9.1.1. Inductors test
The number of inductor tests varies in accordance with the type of hob. This type of test can be
performed only in the presence of at least one ISI type hot plate. At the start of the test the program
prompts the technician to place a pot of the correct diameter filled with water on the hot plate to
be tested by means of a window of the following type:
Fig 2
Once the start button has been pressed the actual automatic test starts:
●● the booster is activated
●● a check is performed to ensure the pot is positioned correctly
●● the absence of faults is verified
●● after 30s a check is performed to verify a temperature change of at least 10°C on the inductor
The test terminates with Test OK or Test Fail.
Fig 3
Suggestions if test fails:
¾¾Check that the fan is correctly wired and that the wiring is in good condition
¾¾Check that the fan is functioning correctly, setting the maximum power
¾¾Check that the NTC of the heat sink is not uncalibrated
¾¾Reprogram the Display PCB
¾¾Switch over the 2 power boards and if the hob functions, renew the defective board
¾¾Renew the Display PCB
¾¾Disconnect power supply from appliance, wait for 2 minutes and then reconnect it
¾¾Change display PCB
Fig 4
During the test the technician must press all the buttons in sequence. The software will confirm
the effective pressure of the buttons of the TOUCH board by means of a specific graphic interface.
Pressing a button can be confirmed by the change of the relative icon (icon becomes darker to
simulate a press) and it remains indicated in the associated CheckBox.
Fig 5
The conclusion and result of the test are established by the technician who selects the conclusion
button on the basis of the results: KO or OK.
9.3. Monitoring parameters
Selecting “monitoring parameters” from the “special tests” opens the following window, with all the
available information for the product in real time:
Fig 6
Temp. °C top/bottom/central right/left Ind.:
shows the temperature in degrees of the NTC of the top/bottom/central inductor on the right/left
Temp. °C visual:
represents the temperature value in degrees of the visual board NTC
Fan speed:
represents the % value of cooling fan speed and is one of the following: 0, 40%, 60% 80%, 100%
Voltage (V):
represents a mains voltage drop interval: <150V, 150-254 V, >254V
9.4. Statistics
On entering the statistics function several consistent data groups are displayed:
Fig 7
9.4.1. Global:
The product life is recorded in Global. The operating time of the product appears here plus a list
of all the most significant items, with the number of times, including zero, when the event has
occurred shown alongside.
Fig 8
Operating time (hours):
represents the total operating time, expressed in hours, when at least one hot plate has been in
LH Ind
RH Ind
LH heat sink
RH heat sink
9.4.2. Last cycles:
The “last cycles” describe the last two utilization cycles of the hob (LAST CYCLE, LAST SECOND
CYCLE); each of the cycles starts with activation of a hot plate and ends when all the hot plates
are off. The values reached by the components are recorded together with the values holding time.
Fig 9
DOWN/UP/MIDDLE RH/LH Ind.Level 5÷8 (#):
DOWN/UP/MIDDLE RH/LH Ind.Level 5÷8 (min):
represent the number of times and total minutes in which the right/left bottom/top/central inductor
has operated between power levels 5 and 8.
RH/LH Fault Heat Sink:
Visual Fault:
each fault is associated with a code, subcode and, if necessary, e.g.: Down LH Fault Ind. F06.02:
4, (cf. SQG_CK_20).
Important: for the times estimate, the sensitivity is one minute. The times error tolerance is
+1 minute. For example, the reading:
DOWN LH Ind. Max Level (#): 1
DOWN LH Ind. Max Level (min): 0
Means that the bottom inductor on the right has been utilized at full power just once during cooking,
for a time of less than one minute.
It may occur that Max Power is reached by switching on the booster; in this case, in addition to
the above information, also the following wording will be appended:
DOWN LH Booster (#): 1
DOWN LH Booster (min): 1
In this case, the +1 minute tolerance is on the booster! This means that the Max level has been
reached with the booster and has been active for less than one minute.
Fig 10
If there are no faults, when “last fault” is selected the message “no fault” will appear.
If Faults are present, the 3 Last Faults will be shown with the subcodes for each inductor and for
the entire hob, with the relative information in the values field.
Example: Down LH Fault Ind. F06.02: 4, (cf.: SQG_CK_20). Specifically, the first fault displayed
will be the last one that occurred in chronological order.
9.5. Tips
Tips on optimal use of the software
The following suggestions are designed to facilitate use of the software:
1. Make sure you have pots available of the correct diameter to cover the entire hot plate.
2. Take steps to ensure operation of the fan can be checked by lifting the hob from the work surface.
3. The statistics section is available from Firmware version 4.3.4
User handbook Edition Language