Ece 5299
Ece 5299
Ece 5299
The unit is intended at testing the student’s capacity to undertake independent research. The student
is expected to have gathered sufficient engineering knowledge over the preceding academic years to
enable him/her identify a viable research project and proceed with it to conclusion.
Course content
Each final year student will undertake a project approved by the departmental examiners over two
semesters. The chosen project must be from within the wider discipline of civil engineering. The
project will be carried out by students under the supervision of academic member (s) of staff.
Consultation with the supervisor will form part of the examination. The objective of the project will
be to synthesize the knowledge acquired in problem definition, analysis, design, construction,
evaluation, measurement and communication. Students will be expected to orally present their
progress periodically to the departmental examiners. The student will prepare a project report to be
submitted at the end of the second semester. The project will normally be undertaken by an
individual student but a group project may also be undertaken if the department considers it
sufficient. Where a group project is allowed, each member of the group will be expected to write a
separate report for examination purposes.
Laboratory experiments
Date collection or Laboratory work relevant to student research project
Mode of Delivery
Course assessment
1. Consultation 5%
2. Oral presentations 30%
3. Project report 65%
Course Reference Textbooks
Course Textbook
1. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’