Maeda 2017
Maeda 2017
Maeda 2017
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy, affecting the median nerve at the wrist. Acupuncture is a
minimally-invasive and conservative therapeutic option, and while rooted in a complex practice ritual, acupuncture overlaps
significantly with many conventional peripherally-focused neuromodulatory therapies. However, the neurophysiological mechan-
isms by which acupuncture impacts accepted subjective/psychological and objective/physiological outcomes are not well under-
stood. Eligible patients (n = 80, 65 female, age: 49.3 8.6 years) were enrolled and randomized into three intervention arms:
(i) verum electro-acupuncture ‘local’ to the more affected hand; (ii) verum electro-acupuncture at ‘distal’ body sites, near the ankle
contralesional to the more affected hand; and (iii) local sham electro-acupuncture using non-penetrating placebo needles.
Acupuncture therapy was provided for 16 sessions over 8 weeks. Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire assessed pain
and paraesthesia symptoms at baseline, following therapy and at 3-month follow-up. Nerve conduction studies assessing median
nerve sensory latency and brain imaging data were acquired at baseline and following therapy. Functional magnetic resonance
imaging assessed somatotopy in the primary somatosensory cortex using vibrotactile stimulation over three digits (2, 3 and 5).
While all three acupuncture interventions reduced symptom severity, verum (local and distal) acupuncture was superior to sham in
producing improvements in neurophysiological outcomes, both local to the wrist (i.e. median sensory nerve conduction latency)
and in the brain (i.e. digit 2/3 cortical separation distance). Moreover, greater improvement in second/third interdigit cortical
separation distance following verum acupuncture predicted sustained improvements in symptom severity at 3-month follow-up. We
further explored potential differential mechanisms of local versus distal acupuncture using diffusion tensor imaging of white matter
microstructure adjacent to the primary somatosensory cortex. Compared to healthy adults (n = 34, 28 female, 49.7 9.9 years
old), patients with carpal tunnel syndrome demonstrated increased fractional anisotropy in several regions and, for these regions
we found that improvement in median nerve latency was associated with reduction of fractional anisotropy near (i) contralesional
hand area following verum, but not sham, acupuncture; (ii) ipsilesional hand area following local, but not distal or sham, acu-
puncture; and (iii) ipsilesional leg area following distal, but not local or sham, acupuncture. As these primary somatosensory cortex
subregions are distinctly targeted by local versus distal acupuncture electrostimulation, acupuncture at local versus distal sites may
improve median nerve function at the wrist by somatotopically distinct neuroplasticity in the primary somatosensory cortex
following therapy. Our study further suggests that improvements in primary somatosensory cortex somatotopy can predict
long-term clinical outcomes for carpal tunnel syndrome.
1 Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, 02129, USA
2 Department of Radiology, Logan University, Chesterfield, MO, 63017, USA
3 Clinical Research Division, Korean Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon, 34054, South Korea
4 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Medford, MA, 02155, USA
Received August 11, 2016. Revised December 8, 2016. Accepted December 17, 2016. Advance Access publication March 2, 2017
ß The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email: [email protected]
S1 neuroplasticity from acupuncture in CTS BRAIN 2017: 140; 914–927 | 915
5 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA,
02114, USA
6 Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215, USA
7 Department of Pain Medicine, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Atrium Health, Boston, MA, 02215, USA
Correspondence to: Vitaly Napadow, PhD,
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
#2301 149 Thirteenth St.,
Charlestown, MA 02129,
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: carpal tunnel syndrome; nerve conduction studies; neuropathic pain; entrapment neuropathy; neuromuscular disease:
Abbreviations: BCTQ = Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire; CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome; DTI = diffusion tensor
imaging; S1 = primary somatosensory cortex
sham acupuncture; (iii) improvements in physiological out- anticoagulation therapy. Healthy control subjects, 20–65
comes immediately following verum acupuncture predict years old, were also recruited for baseline neuroimaging
long-term symptom reduction; and (iv) neuroplasticity in comparisons.
S1-adjacent white matter microstructure, as assessed by dif-
fusion tensor imaging (DTI), can also inform potential Study timeline
brain-based mechanisms by which local versus distal acu-
Following baseline clinical and MRI assessment, eligible sub-
puncture improves CTS outcomes. We hypothesized that jects were randomly assigned to one of three parallel study
while both verum and sham acupuncture reduce CTS arms (Fig. 1). We used computer generated permuted block
symptom severity, only verum acupuncture improves randomization (blocks of six), stratified by CTS severity
physiological outcomes and such changes predict long- (mild/moderate). The acupuncturist was informed of group al-
term clinical outcomes. Moreover, we hypothesized that location at the first treatment visit. The three intervention
improvement in median nerve conduction after acupuncture arms were (i) verum acupuncture ‘local’ to the more affected
is associated with plasticity in somatotopically-specific S1- hand; (ii) verum acupuncture at ‘distal’ body sites, contrale-
adjacent white matter microstructure targeted by local sional to the more affected hand; and (iii) sham acupuncture
using non-penetrating placebo needles. Brain MRI scans were
versus distal acupuncture.
obtained at baseline and post-therapy. Nerve conduction stu-
dies were obtained at baseline and after acupuncture therapy
while symptom severity, assessed with the Boston Carpal
Materials and methods Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire, BCTQ (Levine et al.,
1993), was additionally assessed at 3-month follow-up (see
Experimental design
This was a single-centre, blinded, placebo controlled, rando- Acupuncture treatment
mized parallel-group longitudinal neuroimaging study, pre-
registered with (NCT01345994). The study Subjects received 16 acupuncture treatments over 8 weeks
took place at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (SRH) and using a tapering schedule common to the clinic: three treat-
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, ments/week for 3 weeks; two treatments/week for 2 weeks;
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and one treatment/week for 3 weeks. Acupuncture was de-
(MGH), in Boston, MA from January 2009 to December livered to subjects in supine position by one of four trained,
2014. All study protocols were approved by MGH and licensed acupuncturists with at least 3 years of clinical experi-
Partners Human Research Committee and all subjects pro- ence. For the local acupuncture group, based on the protocol
vided written informed consent. used in our pilot study (Napadow et al., 2007b), a hybrid
design balanced standardized acupuncture therapy with more
ecologically valid individualized acupoint selection. For all sub-
Subjects jects, acupuncture needles were placed at acupoints TW5 and
PC7 (Fig. 1 for all point locations), on the dorsal and ventral
Patients with CTS, 20–65 years old, were recruited at MGH and aspects of the forearm of the more affected hand. Electrodes
SRH. Subjects were consented and evaluated by study physician were attached to these needles, and 2 Hz electrical stimulation
(blinded to allocation), who captured history of symptoms, exam- was performed for 20 min using a constant-current electro-acu-
ination for Phalen’s manoeuvre (Phalen, 1966) and Durkan’s sign puncture device (Acus II, Cefar). Current intensity was set to a
(Durkan, 1991), and nerve conduction studies (Cadwell Sierra percept level of ‘moderately strong but not painful.’
EMG/NCS Device). The latter evaluated median and ulnar, sen- Acupuncture needles were also inserted, and manually stimu-
sory and motor nerve conduction for both hands. Inclusion cri- lated, at three additional acupoints on the more affected fore-
teria for mild/moderate CTS subjects required a history of pain/ arm, chosen by the acupuncturist from HT3, PC3, SI4, LI5,
paraesthesia in median nerve innervated territories, greater than 3 LI10, and LU5, according to subjects’ individual presentation.
months duration, median sensory nerve conduction la- Manual stimulation at all locations was performed to induce
tency 43.7 ms for mild CTS, 44.2 ms for moderate CTS, and/ characteristic deqi acupuncture sensation (Kong et al., 2007).
or 40.5 ms compared to ulnar sensory nerve latency for both For the distal acupuncture group, electro-acupuncture was per-
mild and moderate CTS, with normal motor conductions. formed with needles placed at SP6 and LV4 on the lower leg
Subjects with 44.2 ms median nerve motor latency and 450% on the opposite side of the body to the more affected hand.
loss of motor amplitudes were considered to be ‘severe’ and Manual acupuncture was also performed at three additional
excluded from this study. For subjects diagnosed with bilateral acupoints: GB34, KD3, and SP5 on this limb. All verum
CTS, the more affected hand, by symptom report, was used for acupuncture needles were single-use disposable needles (0.20–
primary outcomes. Exclusion criteria were as follows: contraindi- 0.25 mm diameter, 20–40 mm length, stainless steel needle;
cations to MRI, history of diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, Asiamed) inserted 10–30 mm deep, depending on location.
wrist fracture with direct trauma to median nerve, current usage Additionally, to maintain credibility for this procedure, a
of prescriptive opioid medication, severe thenar atrophy, previous single non-insertive sham acupuncture needle (Streitberger
acupuncture treatment for CTS, non-median nerve entrapment, Needle; Asiamed) was placed at non-acupoint SH1 on the
cervical radiculopathy or myelopathy, generalized peripheral forearm of the more affected hand. For the sham acupuncture
neuropathy, severe cardiovascular, respiratory, or neurological group, non-insertive Streitberger needles were placed on non-
illnesses, blood dyscrasia or coagulopathy or current use of acupoints (SH1 and SH2) on the ulnar aspect of the more
S1 neuroplasticity from acupuncture in CTS BRAIN 2017: 140; 914–927 | 917
Figure 1 Study overview. (A) Study design of randomized control neuroimaging trial with acupuncture intervention; multi-modal assessments
were conducted at baseline, post-acupuncture, and 3-month follow-up. (B) Location of acupoints for all three study arms: local (verum, near the
more affected hand), distal (verum, near contralesional ankle), and sham (non-penetrating needles over non-acupoints near the more affected
hand). Acupoints where electrical stimulation was provided via electrodes attached to needles (i.e. electro-acupuncture) are marked (lightning
bolt). fMRI = functional MRI.
ANOVA were performed (IBM SPSS version 20, Chicago, IL) n = 65, 2.8 0.7, mean SD; male: n = 15, 2.3 0.5,
and Greenhouse–Geisser corrected for sphericity (when appro- P = 0.02), subsequent analyses used a repeated measures
priate). When the results for local and distal acupuncture analysis of covariance ANCOVA (factors: Time, Group),
groups did not differ (non-significant Group Time inter- controlling for age and sex. Furthermore, as there was no
action), we combined data from these two groups to produce
significant Group (local, distal acupuncture) Time (base-
a single ‘verum’ acupuncture group, which was then compared
line, post-therapy, 3-month follow-up) interaction for the
with the sham acupuncture. Post hoc testing was two-tailed for
verum versus sham contrasts, and single-tailed for follow-up two verum acupuncture groups [F(1.9,65.4) = 1.82;
individual group contrasts (e.g. local versus sham), when the P = 0.17], the local and distal acupuncture groups were
verum versus sham contrast was significant or trending. While merged into a single verum group for subsequent analyses.
randomization was stratified by CTS severity (i.e. nerve con- A repeated measure ANCOVA then found a trending sig-
duction studies), other outcomes were not used to stratify ran- nificance [F(2.0,102.2) = 2.39; P = 0.098] for the Group
domization. As previous studies have found that % change (verum, sham) Time (baseline, post-therapy, 3-month
scores, which effectively normalize difference scores by the follow-up) interaction. Post hoc testing demonstrated that
baseline value, are less sensitive to baseline differences than both verum ( 21.3 22.0%, mean SD, P 5 0.001, one-
absolute difference scores (Farrar et al., 2001; Jensen et al., sample t-test) and sham ( 22.7 22.6%, P = 0.001) acu-
2003; Hanley et al., 2006), the former were also used for puncture significantly reduced the BCTQ symptom severity
BCTQ and functional MRI outcomes. Significance was set at
scale score immediately following therapy (Fig. 2 and
alpha = 0.05.
Table 1), and did not differ (P = 0.92) controlling for age
and sex. Comparisons of baseline to 3-month follow-up
showed significant per cent improvement was retained for
Results verum ( 25.1 20.8%, P 5 0.001) and only a trending
A total of 80 CTS subjects [65 female, age: 49.3 8.6 improvement was retained for sham ( 11.1 24.7%,
years, mean standard deviation (SD)] were enrolled and P = 0.08) acupuncture, with a significant difference between
79 subjects with CTS were randomized into three acupunc- the two groups at follow-up (P = 0.04), controlling for age
and sex. Within the verum acupuncture group, both local
ture groups, local (n = 28, 22 female, age: 48.5 10.1
( 24.6 22.2%, P 5 0.001) and distal ( 25.6 19.7%,
years), distal (n = 28, 22 female, age: 49.9 8.4 years),
P 5 0.001) acupuncture demonstrated a significant reduc-
and sham (n = 23, 20 female, 50.6 7.8 years). There
tion of BCTQ symptom severity scale at the 3-month
was no significant difference in age or male/female distri-
bution between groups [F(2,76) = 0.37, P = 0.69. Fisher’s
exact test, P = 0.72]. Symptom duration (local = 9.9 8.9
years, distal = 6.8 6.6 years, sham = 9.4 9.3 years) also
did not differ significantly between groups [F(2,76) = 1.12,
P = 0.33]. Due to scheduling difficulties, a total of 65
subjects with CTS completed their post-therapy MRI evalu-
ation, and 56 subjects completed the BCTQ at 3-month
follow-up (Supplementary Fig. 2). No significant differences
were found between local, distal, or sham groups in sub-
jects’ perception of whether they received active acupunc-
ture, at baseline (Fisher’s exact test, n = 64, P = 0.29) or
after the final acupuncture session (Fisher’s exact test,
n = 62, P = 0.51), with 85% of subjects across all
groups reporting that they indeed thought they had
received active acupuncture. To provide better context for
DTI analyses, a cohort of 34 age- and sex-matched healthy
control subjects (28 female, age = 49.7 9.9 years) were
included for comparison with CTS subjects (baseline com-
parisons for clinical and functional MRI metrics were pre-
viously reported) (Maeda et al., 2014).
Data are shown as mean SD. Verum denotes combined local and distal acupuncture groups if local does not statistically differ from distal. Values in bold denote significance at
P50.05; values in italics denote trending significance, which may help guide the design of future research.
Figure 6 Post-therapy improvement in nerve conduction studies is associated with somatotopically-specific post-therapy
improvements in white matter microstructure. Longitudinal DTI analyses demonstrated somatotopic specificity for improvements fol-
lowing acupuncture therapy at distinct body sites (i.e. local versus distal acupuncture therapy arms). Specifically, reduction in median nerve latency
was associated with decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) near (i) contralesional hand area following verum, but not sham, acupuncture;
(ii) ipsilesional hand area following local, but not distal or sham, acupuncture; and (iii) ipsilesional leg area following distal, but not local or sham,
Following up on our pilot acupuncture neuroimaging electro-acupuncture interventions that do provide more
study for CTS (Napadow et al., 2007b), this study is the prolonged (compared to sham acupuncture) and regulated
first sham controlled neuroimaging acupuncture study for afference to the brain.
CTS. Other acupuncture clinical trials for CTS (Yao et al., Interestingly, while local and distal acupuncture therapy
2012), similar to our study, found no difference between did not differ in post-treatment change in median nerve
verum and sham acupuncture for symptom reduction—a conduction latency (and both showed improvements rela-
subjective/psychological outcome. However, our results tive to sham acupuncture), the mechanisms supporting
demonstrate that objective/physiological outcomes (both these improvements may be associated with distinct, soma-
at the wrist and in the brain) do show specific improvement totopically-mediated plasticity in S1-adjacent white matter
for verum acupuncture. Controversy persists as to whether (Fig. 7). Specifically, for CTS patients treated with local
or not acupuncture differs from placebo. Sham acupunc- acupuncture, improvements in median nerve latency were
ture, which certainly imparts afference via cutaneous recep- associated with reduction of fractional anisotropy, a DTI
tors and subsequent brain response (Huang et al., 2012) measure of white matter integrity, near ipsilesional S1-hand
may, as a sham device coupled with specific ritual, produce area. In contrast, for CTS patients treated with distal acu-
a stronger placebo effect than a placebo-drug pill, for in- puncture, improvements in median nerve latency were in-
stance (Linde et al., 2010). In fact, our results may be stead associated with reduction of fractional anisotropy
analogous to a sham-controlled study of albuterol inhaler near ipsilesional S1-leg area. A baseline comparison found
for asthma, which demonstrated that while sham acupunc- that CTS patients showed increased fractional anisotropy in
ture and placebo inhaler was as effective as an albuterol these S1-adjacent areas compared to healthy control sub-
inhaler in terms of symptom reduction, objective physio- jects, with concomitantly decreased radial diffusivity in the
logical outcomes (i.e. spirometry to assess forced expiratory same areas, suggesting that increased diffusion anisotropy
volume) did demonstrate significant improvement for albu- was due to reduced diffusion perpendicular to principle
terol (Wechsler et al., 2011); the authors suggested that white matter fibre direction. While the interpretation of
patient self-report of symptom severity may be less reliable such changes is not well understood, it may be compensa-
from a clinical management standpoint compared to object- tory, e.g. increased myelination (Beaulieu, 2002) as a form
ive physiological outcomes. Chronic pain disorders simi- of maladaptive neuroplastic response to CTS-associated
larly lack established biomarkers or objective outcomes afference. Neuronal activity can regulate myelination in
(Tracey, 2011). However, for CTS, a neuropathic pain dis- the brain (Baraban et al., 2016), and reduced radial diffu-
order, local peripheral nerve outcomes are well established sivity and increased fractional anisotropy is consistent with
and candidate S1-based outcomes have also been described. increased myelination, with the latter noted in human and
Our results suggest that such outcomes may be less suscep- animal models of learning (Blumenfeld-Katzir et al., 2011;
tible to sham acupuncture, which may instead modulate Zatorre et al., 2012). Thus, fractional anisotropy reduc-
known placebo circuitry (e.g. prefrontal cortex, ventral stri- tions (e.g. in S1-adjacent white matter for CTS) may be
atum etc.) (Wager et al., 2015). In turn, median nerve con- beneficial, and have been noted following sensorimotor
duction and S1 neuroplasticity may be more sensitive to training in musicians, ballet dancers, and car racing
924 | BRAIN 2017: 140; 914–927 Y. Maeda et al.
Figure 7 Schematic summarizing CTS response to acupuncture therapy. (A) While distal acupuncture at the leg can modulate median
nerve function via indirect S1 interhemispheric neuroregulatory pathways, local acupuncture can modulate median nerve function at the wrist via
both indirect (e.g. S1 influences on the central autonomic control of local vasa nervorum) and direct pathways (e.g. direct axon reflex mediated
control of local vasa nervorum). (B) Our results demonstrate that electro-acupuncture can produce improvement in symptoms, median nerve
function, and S1 neuroplasticity, with objective changes following therapy (median nerve function, functional S1 neuroplasticity) directly predicting
long-term symptom improvement.
gamers (Imfeld et al., 2009; Hanggi et al., 2010; Hofstetter acupuncture, ipsilesional S1-leg area is activated by distal
et al., 2013). In our study, improvements in median nerve acupuncture (Maeda et al., 2013b). Thus, clinically-relevant
latency following acupuncture were indeed associated with fractional anisotropy changes for both local and distal acu-
reduced fractional anisotropy in S1-adjacent white matter. puncture were not diffusely distributed throughout S1-ad-
While speculative, repetitive electrical stimulation in verum jacent white matter, but were instead localized to areas
acupuncture may reduce white matter myelination, though adjacent to S1 subregions specifically targeted by wrist
other mechanisms may also play a role (e.g. axonal mem- versus leg acupuncture. Notably, a combined sample of
brane, glial morphometry changes) to reduce fractional an- local and distal acupuncture treated CTS patients showed
isotropy and increase radial diffusivity in conjunction with that improvement in median nerve latency was associated
beneficial changes in peripheral median nerve function with reduction of fractional anisotropy near contralesional
(Beaulieu, 2002). S1-hand area following therapy. Hence, fractional anisot-
Our previous functional MRI results showed that while ropy reduction in this contralesional region likely plays a
ipsilesional S1-hand area is deactivated by local role in the common pathway for both groups in
S1 neuroplasticity from acupuncture in CTS BRAIN 2017: 140; 914–927 | 925
neuroregulatory control of peripheral nerve function in nerve conduction latencies, and suggests that brain neuro-
CTS (Fig. 7). Notably, while the associations between frac- plasticity following therapy can also be sustained.
tional anisotropy change and changes in median nerve la- Interestingly, we found that cortical D2/D3 separation in-
tency were provocative, we did not find group-level crease following verum acupuncture predicted sustained re-
improvements (i.e. reduction) in fractional anisotropy fol- duction in symptom severity at 3-month follow-up, thus
lowing acupuncture for any group. The lack of fractional linking improvements in S1 somatotopy with prediction
anisotropy reduction on a group level may have been due of long-term clinical outcomes. The fact that symptom se-
to a longer duration of time required for structural, in this verity reduction immediately after verum acupuncture did
case white matter, plasticity. Hence, correlations between not correlate with D2/D3 separation improvements suggests
median nerve latency improvements and fractional anisot- a more gradual mechanism by which S1 cortical plasticity
ropy reduction may have been driven by a subset of highly steadily affects plasticity in other brain regions that play an
responsive patients with faster changes in white matter important role in determining symptom severity ratings,
microstructure. Furthermore, while local acupuncture such as prefrontal cognitive and limbic affective brain re-
increased cortical representation D2/D3 separation distance gions. Alternatively, S1 plasticity may require time to affect
in contralesional S1-hand area, distal acupuncture did median nerve function, potentially by the central autonomic
not, suggesting that functional cortical re-mapping is control pathways noted above, and future studies should
downstream of peripheral nerve changes, as both local also assess long-term changes in median nerve conduction
and distal acupuncture improved nerve conduction latencies to better understand the interrelatedness of plasti-
study outcomes, and that, similar to above, a longer dur- city in the central and peripheral nervous system with pa-
ation of time is also required for functional plasticity fol- tient reported symptom outcomes.
lowing peripheral nerve improvements. Future Limitations to our study should be noted. Due to the
longitudinal studies should sample imaging outcomes at duration of therapy and human subjects research ethics
a greater number of time points and determine the tem- board stipulations, subjects were un-blinded as to treat-
poral order of peripheral versus central changes following ment group following post-therapy MRI scan session, po-
acupuncture therapy. tentially confounding our finding of worsening symptom
While the mechanism by which brain-based plasticity severity for sham acupuncture at 3-month follow-up.
might influence median nerve function in CTS is unknown, Therefore, links to long-term clinical outcomes were re-
possibilities include central autonomic control of the vascular stricted to the verum group only. Reduced symptom se-
tone for arterioles feeding the vasa nervorum of the median verity following verum acupuncture was found to be
nerve, as intraneural blood flow is known to be controlled by maintained 3-months following therapy, consistent with
sympathetic innervation (Lundborg, 1988). In fact, a recent prior clinical trials (Yang et al., 2011), and our data
neuroimaging meta-analysis noted S1 as part of a network of demonstrated that such long-term relief may depend on
brain regions regulating autonomic, particularly sympathetic, successful reversal of maladaptive plasticity in S1, i.e.
outflow (Beissner et al., 2013). In addition, our recent study D2/D3 separation distance (an objective measure). Thus,
in patients with chronic pain found that pain-evoked increase un-blinding post-therapy may not have confounded the
in S1 connectivity to the anterior/middle insula cortex was verum as much as sham acupuncture arm. In addition,
associated with reduced cardiovagal modulation (Kim et al., we did not correct for multiple regions of interest in our
2015). These studies link S1 with central control of auto- analyses linking nerve conduction study changes with lon-
nomic tone and future studies should explore if, for example, gitudinal changes in DTI metrics. However, these regions
S1-insula connectivity is also associated with both autonomic of interest were localized in white matter adjacent to dis-
(e.g. sympathetic) and median nerve conduction response to tinct somatotopically-defined subregions of S1. Thus,
acupuncture in CTS patients. Another mechanism by which we made regionally-bounded hypotheses for these
acupuncture, particularly local acupuncture, modulates comparisons as regions of interest were differentially tar-
median nerve vasa nervorum blood flow may be via anti- geted by different acupuncture intervention groups, allow-
dromic vasodilation following stimulation of spinal dorsal ing for a region of interest-specific hypothesis for each
roots–an effect mediated by calcitonin gene-related peptide group.
(Sato et al., 1994, 2000). Ultrasound studies have explored In conclusion, while both verum and sham acupuncture
median nerve hypervascularity (Ghasemi-Esfe et al., 2011; reduced CTS symptoms, verum acupuncture was superior
Ooi et al., 2014), a compensatory response to ischaemia to sham in producing improvements in both peripheral and
within the tunnel, and future studies should link median brain neurophysiological outcomes. Furthermore, improve-
nerve vascularity with neuroplasticity response to acupunc- ment in functional S1 plasticity immediately following acu-
ture therapy. puncture predicted long-term symptom relief. Interestingly,
We also found that CTS symptom reduction persists DTI analysis of white matter microstructure found that
3 months after cessation of verum acupuncture therapy. acupuncture at local versus distal acupuncture sites may
These improvements are in-line with previous clinical improve median nerve function at the wrist by somatoto-
trials of acupuncture for CTS (Yang et al., 2011), which pically distinct S1-mediated neuroplasticity following ther-
reported lasting improvements for both symptoms and apy. Our study suggests that acupuncture may improve
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