The Entreprenuerial Mind Syllabus
The Entreprenuerial Mind Syllabus
The Entreprenuerial Mind Syllabus
CAS / Soc.Sci.
Social transformation for a caring community and an Prepared by:
ecologically balanced country Revision
VISION Subject Professor
An eminent center of excellent higher education towards Semester/
societal advancement First Semester of
A.Y. 2023-2024
Approved by: Year
To nurture a vibrant culture of academic wellness responsive to DR. CONCESA CORTEZ DR. JUAN C. BIRION Effective
August 30, 2023
the challenges of technology and global community Dean, CAS VP for Academic Affairs Date
II. COURSE CODE : GEE 24 Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the
A. Cognitive
IV. PRE-REQUISITE : None 1. critically analyze noteworthy speeches, either written or oral,
based on recommended course concepts; and
V. COURSE DESCRIPTION : Upon completion of this course, students will develop an 2. identify /describe concepts and theories related to public
“Entrepreneurial Mindset”, the underlying beliefs and assumptions that drive the behaviors that allow speaking (exam)
entrepreneur to succeed. Specifically, this course will help the students in building their passion of
creating their own business. In today’s global entrepreneurial economy, all members of the society B. Affective
whether self-employed or employed by others will benefit from understanding and embracing an 1. understand the rhetorical principles that underline form, content,
entrepreneurial mind-set. context, and effectiveness of communication choices in formal
speeches or social interactions; and
2. consider audience diversity and achieve audience involvement;
▪ Create draft (working) and full-sentence (formal) outlines for the informative and persuasive speeches
using credible research, verbal attribution of sources, and MLA citation.
C. Psychomotor
▪ Create and effectively utilize visual aids or other multimedia support for at least one speech.
1. present well-organized oral messages practicing sound
▪ Perform four speeches, one of each from the following categories: informative, persuasive, icebreaker,
impromptu, and skill-building speech. reasoning and advocacy that depend on the effective discovery,
▪ Critically evaluate student speeches, including peer evaluation, self evaluation, or both. critical evaluation, accurate presentation, and clear reporting of
▪ Apply a theoretical framework in the preparation of the persuasive speech, including ethos, pathos, and relevant information and supporting evidence. This is based on
logos. informative and persuasive speeches containing an organized
▪ Demonstrate proficiency in direct eye contact, appropriate speaking volume, and body control. outline, credible research, and a citation page. (Two
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▪ Speak extemporaneously (with minimal notes) for the required informative and persuasive speech presentations);
assignment. 2. given the demographics of a particular audience, the student will
▪ Utilize anxiety reduction techniques during public speaking situations. be able to create an outline and deliver an informative and
▪ Formulate effective search strategies for conducting research. persuasive presentation that reflects extemporaneous public
▪ Evaluate the reliability of research sources. address; and
▪ Synthesize evidence from multiple research sources on a single topic. 3. demonstrate and evaluate verbal and nonverbal delivery skills in
▪ Utilize appropriate speech organization, including introductions, conclusions, previews, reviews,
concert with course instructions
transition statements and clear, well-ordered main points
1. To orient students about the city’s and 1. TCU Mission/Vision/Goals and Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face None 1. Realization of the Week 1
university’s mission, vision, goals, and Objectives Online Lecture-Discussion importance of developing a 3 hours
objectives. 2. Objective of the course Instruction 2. Group Dynamics sense of unity and
2. Establish a connection and trust between 3. Presentation and discussion of Activities responsibility, and;
the teacher and the students. the course syllabus. 2. Acquiring a positive
3. To set students’ and professor’s 4. Requirements/Grading system outlook in life amidst
expectations about the course. 5. Planning, grouping, and adversities
scheduling of activities 3. Identify the strengths and
weaknesses of students on
this subject.
At the end of the chapter, the students should Entrepreneurship Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face 1. Quiz Recitation during Week 2
be able to: Online Lecture-Discussion online class 3 hours
• Entrepreneurship Instruction 2. Recitation Chapter quiz
1. Identify the origin and nature of contemporary views with 3. Socratic Method
Entrepreneurship their process and
2. Distinguish newness from innovation approach.
3. Enumerate the broad impact of • Definition of
Entrepreneurship upon the economy entrepreneur and
4. Determine contemporary views on entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship. • Entrepreneurial
• Socio-economic
benefits from
• Attributes, qualities and
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characteristics of an entrepreneur.
At the end of the chapter, the students should Appraising yourself for an Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face 1. Role Play 1. Presentation of Week 3-4
be able to: Entrepreneurial Career Online Lecture-Discussion Teacher-Made their homework 6 hours
• Assessing your Instruction 2. Recitation Criteria
1. Identify important characteristics or personal entrepreneurial 3. Socratic Method
entrepreneurial competencies which competencies.
you have to develop or strengthens • PEC’s Self rating
2. Enumerate guidelines that are • Developing
important in entrepreneurship yourself for
3. Identify the tools and behavior Entrepreneurship
associated with successful
At the end of the chapter, the students should Search for Business Opportunity, Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Introductory 1. Recitation during Week 5
be able to: Ideation, Innovation and Creativity. Online Lecture-Discussion Speech online class 3 hours
Instruction 2. Recitation
1. Discuss entrepreneurial activities in • Search for 3. Socratic Method 2. Chapter quiz
search of business opportunities business opportunity
• Ideation
2. Describe the concept of ideation, • Entrepreneurial
innovation and creativity creativity
3. Discuss the factors to consider in • Environmental
evaluating the business potential of an stimulants for creativity
idea. • The concept and impact of
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At the end of the chapter, the students should Entrepreneurs trends and issues Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Listening 1. Recitation during Week 6-7
be able to: Online Lecture-discussion-guided Behavior for Our online class 6 hours
• Successful entrepreneurs Instruction writing workshop Speech Class
1. Motivate and inspire students to be 2. Recitation
the future entrepreneurs 3. Socratic Method
2. Encourage the readers to apply the
theories discuss, thereby, providing
them the opportunity to become self-
3. Identify the entrepreneurial qualities
demonstrated by successful
4. Discuss managerial skills and practice
exercised by the successful
At the end of the chapter, the students should Increase participant’s awareness of Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Informative 1. Recitation Week 8-9
be able to: different forms of business Online Lecture-Discussion Speech during online 6 hours
ownership, thereby allowing them Instruction 2. Recitation class
1. Examine some reasons why audience to choose the right form of 3. Socratic Method
analysis is important; organization in putting up a new 2. Chapter quiz
2. Describe three different types of
audience analysis and some Help participants
techniques to use in conducting analyze the advantages of
audience analysis; and each form or organization
3. Explain how students can use the Provide participants the
audience analysis not only during the legal requirements of each type of
creation of their speech but also while ownership and organization.
they are delivering it.
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1. Recitation
At the end of the chapter, the students should Financing the venture Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face End-of-Chapter Week 10
be able to: Online Lecture-Discussion Exercises 2. Chapter quiz 3 hours
• Capital Instruction 2. Recitation
1. Define what capital is and its kinds. requirements 3. Socratic Method
• Source of capital 4. Self/Peer Evaluation
2. Enumerate the sources of capital. • Understanding IPO
3. Identify the kinds of source for a type and process of IPO.
of business. • Dealing with
investment, bankers, risk in
4. Define initial public offering or IPO and going public and borrowing
its process. from the banks.
• The C’s of credits and
5. Enumerate the risk involved in each using someone else money
kind of source.
1. Recitation
during online
At the end of the chapter, the students should Production of goods and services Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face End-of-Chapter class Week 11-
be able to: Online Lecture-Discussion Exercises 12
• The concept and Instruction 2. Chapter quiz
factors of production. 2. Recitation 6 hours
1. Define marketing and marketing • Cost of production, 3. Socratic Method
management. planning and producing
2. Explain the responsibilities of
marketing manager that is included in • How to develop
production and pricing. product and manage on
how to control inventory.
3. Discuss the importance of marketing
in an enterprise. • Marketing concept
and philosophy, market
research and need for
marketing plan.
• Concept fair pricing, basic
principles pricing.
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1. Recitation
At the end of the chapter, the students Business plan Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Week 14-
should be able to: Online Lecture-Discussion End-of-Chapter 2. quizzes 15
• Concept of business Instruction 2. Recitation Exercises 6 hours
1. Identify the importance of business plan and principles of 3. Think-Pair-Share
planning and its advantages as well planning. 4. Brainstorming
as the step by step procedure in • Stages of business 5. Socratic Method
preparing a business plan. plan and criteria of effective 6. Self/Peer Evaluation
2. Enumerate the factors and the other • Components of the
necessities on how to manage and business plan ( SWOT
start a business successfully. Analysis ).
• Outline of business
• Importance and
some rules to observe in
business plan.
• Planning and
organizing in marketing
production, organizational
and financial.
• How to register your
business and other registering
At the end of the chapter, the students Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face End-of-Chapter Week 16
should be able to: Start – up operations, getting Online Lecture-Discussion Exercises Recitation 3 hours
started in business. Instruction 2. Recitation quiz
1. apply the guidelines in starting up a 3. Socratic Method
2. Determine how to comply with
government clearances.
3. Identify the process on how to
register a business name without
legal complications.
4. Identify sources of capital and
minimize costs and expenses at
start-up stage.
5. Apply basic guidelines in getting
started in the business.
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At the end of the chapter, the students Understanding the basics of Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Persuasive 1. Recitation Week 17
should be able to: accounting and finance, financial Online Lecture-Discussion Speech 3 hours
management. Instruction 2. Recitation Presentation 2. quiz
1. discuss the functions of a financial 3. Socratic Method
manage, uses and sources of funds,
the rules of sound financing and
financial record keeping.
2. Be acknowledgeable in the analysis
of the financial statement, budgeting
and cash management, and some of
the reasons why business fails.
At the end of the chapter, the students Entrepreneurship Social Face-to-face / 1. Online / Face-to-face Create an 1. quiz Week 18
should be able to: Online Lecture-Discussion outline 2. Recitation 3 hours
Responsibility and Business Ethics Instruction 2. Recitation
1. explain to the entrepreneur social • Historical
responsibility to his customers, development and theories of
suppliers, stockholders, fellow social responsibility.
businessmen, government to the • Social responsibility to
community and to his employees. consumers, community and other
social responsibilities.
2. Discuss such business relationship
measured by fairness, honesty and
3. Explain the rights of consumers,
creation of jobs and business ethics
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ORGANIZATION The introduction is inviting, states the topic, The introduction states the main topic The introduction states the topic. There is no clear introduction,
and provides an overview of the paper. and provides an overview of the paper. A conclusion is included. structure, or conclusion.
Information is relevant and presented in a A conclusion is included.
logical order. The conclusion is relevant
and presented in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
VOICE The author’s purpose of writing is very The author’s purpose of writing is The author’s purpose of writing is The author’s purpose of writing is
clear, and there is strong evidence of clear, and there is evidence of somewhat clear, and there is unclear.
attention to the audience. The author’s attention to the audience. The author’s evidence of attention to the
extensive knowledge and/or experience knowledge and/or experience with the audience. The author’s
with the topic is/are evident. topic is/are evident. knowledge and/or experience
with the topic is/are limited.
WORD CHOICE The author uses vivid words and phrases. The author uses vivid words and The author uses words that The author uses a limited
The choice and placement of words seem phrases. The choice and placement of communicate clearly, but the vocabulary; the jargon of clichés
accurate, natural, and not forced. words seem inaccurate at times and/or writing lacks variety. may be present and detract from the
seem overdone. meaning.
SENTENCE All sentences are well constructed and Most sentences are well constructed Most sentences are well Sentences sound awkward, are
STRUCTURE, have varied structures and lengths. The and have varied structures and constructed, but they have a distractingly repetitive, or are difficult
GRAMMAR, author makes no errors in grammar, lengths. The author makes a few similar structure and/or length. to understand. The author makes
MECHANICS, AND mechanics, and/or spelling errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or The author makes several errors numerous errors in grammar,
SPELLING spelling but they do not interfere with in grammar, mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or spelling that
them. spelling that do not interfere with. interfere with understanding.
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1. Attendance MIDTERM (50%) FINAL TERM (50%) FINAL RATING (100%)
2. Class Recitation/Participation
3. Quizzes/Activities/Assignments
4. Group / Individual Oral Presentation
5. Midterm/Final Examination
A. Books:
The Entreprenuerial Mind
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