Methodology Used in Fdi in India
Methodology Used in Fdi in India
Methodology Used in Fdi in India
This study is based on secondary data. The required data have been collected from Various sources i.e. World Investment Reports, Asian Development Banks Reports, various Bulletins of Reserve Bank of India, publications from Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, United Nations, Asian Development Outlook, Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade PracticeBureau of Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State and from websites of World Bank, IMF, WTO, RBI, UNCTAD, EXIM Bank etc.. It is a time series data and the relevant data have been collected for the period 1991 to 2008
In order to analyse the collected data the following mathematical tools were Used. To work out the trend analyses the following formula is used: a.) Trend Analysis i.e. = a + b x Where = predicted value of the dependent variable a = y axis intercept, b = slope of the regression line (or the rate of change in y for a given Change in x), x = independent variable (which is time in this case). b.) Annual Growth rate is worked out by using the following formula: AGR = (X2- X1)/ X1 Where X1 = first value of variable X X2 = second value of variable X c.) Compound Annual Growth Rate is worked out by using the following Formula: CAGR (t0, tn) = (V(tn)/V(t0)) 1/tn t 0 -1 where V (t0): start value, V (tn): finish value, tn t0: number of years. In order to analyse the collected data, various statistical and mathematical tools were used.
Further, to study the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth, two models were framed and fitted. The foreign direct investment model shows the factors influencing the foreign direct investment in India. The economic growth model depicts the contribution of foreign direct investment to economic growth. The two model equations are expressed below: 1 FDI = f [TRADEGDP, RESGDP, R&DGDP, FIN. Position, EXR.] 2 GDPG = f [FDIG] where, FDI= Foreign Direct Investment GDP = Gross Domestic Product FIN. Position = Financial Position TRADEGDP= Total Trade as percentage of GDP. RESGDP= Foreign Exchange Reserves as percentage of GDP. R&DGDP= Research & development expenditure as percentage of GDP. FIN. Position = Ratio of external debts to exports EXR= Exchange rate GDPG = level of Economic Growth FDIG = Foreign Direct Investment Growth Regression analysis (Simple & Multiple Regression) was carried out using relevant econometric techniques. Simple regression method was used to measure the impact of FDI flows on economic growth (proxied by GDP growth) in India. Further, multiple regression analysis was used to identify the major variables which have impact on foreign direct investment. Relevant econometric tests such as coefficient of Determination of
, Durbin Watson [D-W] statistic, Standard error of coefficients, Statistics and F- ratio were carried out in order to assess the relative significance, desirability and reliability of model estimation parameters.