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Development of food packaging bioplastic from potato peel starch incorporated
with rice husk silica using response surface methodology comprehending central
composite design
Mohammad Azmin, S.N.H., 2Nasrudin, I.A., 3Mat Nor, M.S., 2Abdullah, P.S. and
Ch’ng, H.Y.
Global Entrepreneurship Research and Innovation Centre, University Malaysia Kelantan City Campus,
Pengkalan Chepa, 16100 Kota Bharu Kelantan, Malaysia
Faculty of Agro-Based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus, 17600 Jeli Kelantan, Malaysia
SNH Cosmetic Lab Sdn. Bhd. 202301023941(1517864-W), Innovation Incubator, Universiti Malaysia
Kelantan, Jeli Campus, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
Article history:
Received: 5 March 2023
Received in revised form: 27
September 2023
Rice husk and sweet potato peel are agricultural waste with high potential and economic
Accepted: 20 January 2024 interest. The utilization of these materials in product development will provide substantial
Available Online: 16 April improvement toward waste reduction. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a food
2024 packaging bioplastic using potato peel and rice husk. The optimization of three parameters
(ratio of silica, the volume of glycerol and volume poured) was set in Design Expert
Bioplastic, Software version 13 to find the best formulation. The software set eighteen formulations
Agricultural waste, to measure advanced bioplastic thickness, density, and moisture content. The optimum
Potato peel, formulation exhibits thickness, density and moisture content with the value of 1.87 mm,
Rice husk,
Optimization, 0.196 g/mL and 31.224%, respectively. In response surface methodology, bioplastic
Response surface formulation was optimized using central composite design (CCD). The statistical model
methodology displayed an excellent fit with standard deviation, R2 data. The R2 for thickness was
0.8946, while 0.9516 for density and 0.96 for moisture content. These values were close to
DOI: 1, indicating the significant effect on the tested conditions to get the optimum formulation.
is incinerated into RHA (Prasad et al., 2001). RH is banana peel, potato, cassava, corn, yam, and rice. These
about 20% of the weight of rice paddy. RHA obtained sources are abundant; thus, they are utilized to make
from burning RH comprises an excessive percentage of bioplastic. However, due to the disadvantages of starch
silica (SiO2) together with other trivial constituents characteristics which are hydrophilic, undesirable
considered impurities. Potassium oxide, calcium oxide, mechanical and thermal properties, high fragility and
magnesium oxide, iron (III) oxide, aluminium oxide, high moisture absorption, the addition of plasticizers
sodium oxide, and others are the most common trace such as glycerol can increase the shelf-life and elasticity
elements in RHA. RHA needs approximately 87% to of the bioplastics. It also can reduce the formation of
97% amorphous silica, some negligible quantities of crystallinity and result in more functional properties as it
alkalis, and some remainder components (Prasad et al., is incorporated with different polymeric materials for
2001). various applications (Abdullah et al., 2019).
Presently, approximately 20% of rice husk is utilized This research is conducted to study the properties of
for practical reasons. For instance, rice straw is known to bioplastic made from potato peel starch and silica rice
be converted into biodiesel, sheets, organic compost and husk. Previously, the authors have developed bioplastic
hay. The rest is often burnt on wasteland, absorbed into from cocoa pod husk cellulose incorporated with kenaf
the soil or applied as compost for the subsequent harvest. fibre (Azmin et al., 2022) and cocoa pod husk cellulose
Notwithstanding, incorporating rice husks in farmland combined with sugarcane bagasse fibre (Azmin et al.,
decomposes poorly and causes rice diseases. A study 2020). Bioplastic properties, including thickness, density
from India also stated that the fibrous content in rice and moisture content, can be improved by incorporating
husks might be dangerous to cattle feeding (Gidde and silica from RHA into starch-based bioplastic. Using
Jivani, 2007). In defiance of the potential of rice husk, it potato peel and rice husk as bioplastic could significantly
is only being recycled for low-value applications in improve the agriculture industry and help utilize and
contrast to its increasing production worldwide. The low- minimize waste in Malaysia.
value applications are not in a systematic manner, and
this may carry a disadvantage in the future. Therefore,
2. Materials and methods
various studies have been done to apply rice husk into a
polymeric material as a filler and convert this waste into 2.1 Extraction of starch from the potato peel
a valuable, environmentally friendly product. The procedure started with the cleaning process of
potato peel. An amount of 650 g of potato peel was
In the early stages, manufacturers and researchers cleaned with distilled water and rinsed a few times to
collaborated to develop photodegradable plastic. Still, ensure dirt was removed. Then, it was ground using
the plastic is time-limited because its degradability Philips’s HR 2056/00 electrical blender. It was filtered
property can only be done in the presence of sunlight. using a muslin cloth. The filtration underwent
Plastic with long-term biodegradability is desired for centrifugation at 12000 rpm using Eppendorf Centrifuge
composters and urban landfills. Plastic processing is then 5810R for 10 mins. A 50 mL Falcon tube was used in
transferred to natural materials, with microorganisms and this procedure. After centrifugation was finished, the
plants synthesizing many bio-based plastics. The main supernatant was discarded. The precipitation was poured
benefits of bio-based plastics are low carbon emissions, into a petri dish and dried at 50℃ overnight in Memmert
low production in labour costs, and reduced UF110 universal drying oven. After that, dried starch is
contamination due to increased compost ability. ground by using an electrical blender. It was sieved using
Amongst others, polyhydroxlalkanoate is a microbial- a sieve with a size range of 0.002 cm to 12.5 cm. The
produced polymer, and polylactic acid (PLA) is a weight was obtained with Sartorius BSA4202S-CW
chemically synthesized polymer made from monomers weighing balance with a precision of 0.01 g before
extracted from agri-resources. keeping the sample in a zip-lock bag until further usage
(Bezirhan and Bilgen, 2019). A total of 25 g of dried
Nevertheless, plastic manufacturing by microbial
starch was obtained.
fermentation is costly with the addition of strict
bioreactor monitoring (Ismail et al., 2016). Therefore, 2.2 Extraction of silica from the rice husk
most researchers and manufacturers see the potential of
starch as a viable option for developing a sustainable The rice husk (40 g) was ground using Philips’s HR
bioplastic. This is due to the starch properties as a plant- 2056/00 electrical blender and sieved using a sieve to
based material with a high level of biodegradability and obtain a uniform size. The ground rice husk was placed
renewability. Starch is also low-cost and has a stable in a beaker containing 386 g of distilled water and 7.65
chemical compound for handling (Ismail et al., 2016). mL of sulphuric acid under magnetic stirring for three
Usually, the source of starch used by researchers is hours at 80℃ as an acid treatment to remove metallic © 2024 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Mohammad Azmin et al. / Food Research 8 (Suppl. 2) (2024) 119 - 130 121
impurities using Stuart US152D hot plate at power level 2.7 Optimization of starch/silica bioplastic
two. After that, the residue of the treated rice husk was
washed with deionized water by filtration with Whatman The optimum formula was picked based on the best
paper No. 41 and dried overnight at room temperature. physical properties shown in each sample. One sample
Then, the dried rice husk was calcined in a Protherm from the optimum formula was developed and
ECO Series furnace at 800℃ for 1 hr (Battegazzore et underwent three analyses mentioned above. The data
al., 2014). This method was repeated twice, and obtained were compared to the predicted mean in Design
approximately 10 g of silica was obtained. Silica was Expert.
sieved using a sieve with a size range of 0.002 cm to
12.5 cm and weighed using Sartorius BSA4202S-CW 3. Results and discussion
weighing balance with a precision of 0.01 g. Composite central design (CCD) was chosen from
2.3 Preparation of silica/starch bioplastic response surface methodology (RSM) in Design Expert
software version 13 to obtain optimum formulation
The silica/starch bioplastic (SSB) mixture was made based on desired factors and responses. In this research,
using 17 mL of distilled water, 1 g of starch, 1 g of silica an optimum formulation for this SSB is obtained based
and 1 mL of glycerol with slight modification according on the responses of thickness, density, and moisture
to the method by Norsyafina et al. (2017). The content. Table 1 shows all data recorded for these three
formulation was done using Design Expert Software responses.
version 13. The factors accounted for this formulation
are the ratio of silica, mass of glycerol and volume of 3.1 Thickness response analysis
mixture poured into the petri dish. There are 18 In Table 2, the model summary statistics compared
formulations generated by Design Expert Software. the suitable model for obtaining optimum formulation. In
2.4 Thickness of bioplastic this response, a quadratic model is suggested. The R2
value from this model is 0.8946, and the adjusted R2 is
The thickness of each bioplastic sample was 0.7761, which is deemed acceptable. However, the
measured using a Spurtar Vernier-Calliper 1505555 with predicted R2 is -0.7726 indicating the model is
0.02 mm precision. Each data was recorded in the mm overfitting. A cubic model is not suggested as it is
unit. The measurement was taken at five different places aliased.
and recorded an average value (Oluwasina et al., 2019).
The Model F-value of 7.55 implies the model is
2.5 Density of bioplastic significant. There is only a 0.46% chance that an F-value
this large could occur due to noise. P-values less than
The density of each bioplastic sample was measured 0.05 indicate model terms are significant. In this case, B,
and calculated using Equation 1. All weight is measured B², and C² are significant model terms. Values greater
by Sartorius BSA4202S-CW weighing balance with a than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant.
precision of 0.01 g. The weight of the petri dish for each This means that the ratio of silica, the volume poured
sample was taken beforehand. All data were recorded into a petri dish, the interaction between the ratio of
using a g/cm3 unit. The method was done according to silica and volume of glycerol (AB), the ratio of silica and
Maulida et al. (2016) with some modifications. volume poured into a petri dish (AC), the volume of
(1) glycerol and volume poured into a petri dish (BC), and
2.6 Moisture content analysis interaction between the ratio of silica on each other (A2)
are insignificant terms. This data is recorded in Table 3.
The moisture content of each bioplastic sample was
measured by recording the initial weight of the sample The perturbation graph displays how the response
using an analytical weighing balance and placing it in the changes according to each factor from a chosen reference
drying oven at 90℃ overnight. The final weight is point. This reference point is generated by Design Expert
recorded after the sample cooled down at room software. In the plot, factor A, the ratio of silica displays
temperature. Then, the moisture content was calculated a small effect as it changes from the reference point.
using Equation 2 as applied by Venkatesh and Sutariya Therefore, it is acceptable to use factor B as the X1 - the
(2019). axis, the volume of glycerol and factor C X2 - the axis,
the volume poured into the petri dish and slice on factor
(2) A in Figure 1.
Figure 2. Contour plot for thickness response. Figure 3. 3D surface plot for thickness response.
Table 4. ANOVA for density response.
Sum of Mean
Source df F-value p-value
Squares Square
Model 0.4593 9 0.051 17.48 0.0002 significant
A-ratio of silica 0.0076 1 0.0076 2.61 0.1451
B-volume of glycerol 0.3997 1 0.3997 136.87 < 0.0001
C-volume pour into a petri dish 0.0024 1 0.0024 0.829 0.3892
AB 0.0022 1 0.0022 0.7643 0.4075
AC 0.0017 1 0.0017 0.5702 0.4718
BC 0.0214 1 0.0214 7.33 0.0268
A² 0.0007 1 0.0007 0.2331 0.6422
B² 0.0668 1 0.0668 22.87 0.0014
C² 0.0044 1 0.0044 1.5 0.2558
Residual 0.0234 8 0.0029
Lack of Fit 0.0234 3 0.0078
Pure Error 0 5 0
Cor Total 0.4826 17
this large could occur due to noise. P-values less than
0.05 indicate model terms are significant. B, BC, and B²
are significant model terms in this case. Values greater
than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not significant.
This signifies that the ratio of silica, volume poured into
a petri dish, the interaction between the ratio of silica and
volume of glycerol (AB), the ratio of silica and volume
poured into a petri dish (AC), the ratio of silica square
(A2) and volume poured into petri dish squared (C2) are
insignificant terms. This data is presented in Table 4.
by Dawam Abdu et al. (2018), who used sweet potatoes 0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. In this case,
with glycerol. The research stated that density is stronglyA, B, C, AB, AC, BC, A², and B² are significant model
correlated with thickness. Therefore, the increase in terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model
bioplastic thickness will increase the density as well. terms are not significant. This signifies that only the
volume poured into the petri dish squared (C2) is
Furthermore, the study also explains where large insignificant. All data is recorded in Table 6.
particles such as silica may contribute to an increment in
density. Besides that, glycerol was also in charge of In the perturbation plot, factor C volume poured into
interfering with the intermolecular bonding within the petri dish shows the least significant changes when
polymer chains, resulting in a more compact passing the reference point. Therefore, factor A ratio of
arrangement of polymer structure. This decreases the silica as X1 - axis and factor B volume of glycerol as X2
volume of starch and increases the density of bioplastics - axis will be used and sliced on factor C in Figure 7.
(Razavi et al., 2015). Nonetheless, the book poured into
the petri dish has little effect on the density value. The In contour and 3D surface graphs, this data is
density decreases slightly when less volume is poured. presented in a maximum response form. The correlation
This further enhances the relationship of density with between the factors is that the higher the amount of ratio
thickness, as mentioned above. The highest prediction silica added, the lower the moisture content. This is due
value for density response is 0.53 g/mL when 4.94 mL of to the interaction between glycerol within starch–silica
glycerol is added as X1 - axis and 6.05 mL volume is matrix that decreases the availability of the hydroxyl
poured into the petri dish as X2 - the axis. This data is group to form a bond with water. Then, this allows the
displayed in Figures 5 and 6. matrix to create a less hygroscopic state. Nafchi et al.
(2013) did this study using starch from potatoes and
3.3 Moisture content response analysis commercial silica. Comparing this result with a study
done by Oluwasina et al. (2021), the study that used
In Table 5, the model summary statistics for silica from bamboo leaves identified that the chemical
moisture content response suggested a quadratic model. state of silica might contribute when incorporated with a
The value for R2 is 0.9600, and the adjusted R2 is 0.9150, starch matrix that leads to less moisture. Higher
which is deemed acceptable. The predicted R2 is 0.2589, hydrogen bonds are formed between silica – starch
which is low, indicating that the model is overfitting. A matrix and prevent free movement of water molecules
cubic model is not suggested as it is labelled aliased. interaction. The incorporation of silica replaces empty
The Model F-value of 21.33 implies the model is sites on starch matrix usually filled with water (Torabi
significant. There is only a 0.01% chance that an F-value and Mohammadi Nafchi, 2013) that also uses potato peel
this large could occur due to noise. P-values less than and commercial silica. However, the moisture content
Figure 5. Contour lot for density response. Figure 6. 3D surface plot for density response.
Table 5. Model summary statistics.
Source Std. Dev. R² Adjusted R² Predicted R² PRESS
Linear 16.44 0.2637 0.1059 -0.4470 7432.90
2FI 14.94 0.5219 0.2612 -1.3353 11995.88
Quadratic 5.07 0.9600 0.9150 0.2589 3806.88 Suggested
Cubic 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 * Aliased
Sum of Mean
Source df F-value p-value
Squares Square
Model 4931.35 9 547.93 21.33 0.0001 significant
A-ratio of silica 187.78 1 187.78 7.31 0.0269
B-mass of glycerol 1425.68 1 1425.68 55.50 < 0.0001
C-volume pour into a petri dish 227.30 1 227.30 8.85 0.0177
AB 323.34 1 323.34 12.59 0.0075
AC 663.21 1 663.21 25.82 0.0010
BC 340.08 1 340.08 13.24 0.0066
A² 939.98 1 939.98 36.59 0.0003
B² 674.07 1 674.07 26.24 0.0009
C² 58.36 1 58.36 2.27 0.1702
Residual 205.50 8 25.69
Lack of Fit 205.50 3 68.50
Pure Error 0.0000 5 0.0000
Cor Total 5136.85 17
Figure 7. Perturbation plot for moisture content response. Figure 8. Contour plot for moisture content response.
response is 50.49%, with a ratio of silica added as X1 -
axis is 4.98% and volume of glycerol added as X2 - axis
is 4.97 mL. These trends are presented in Figures 8 and
(a) Desirability (b) Thickness
three factors were the ratio of silica (10%), volume of Meanwhile, the moisture content decreases as a
glycerol (0.962 mL), and volume poured into a petri dish higher ratio of silica and increases when a higher volume
(8.627 mL) that will result in a thickness of 1.870 mm, of glycerol is added. Bioplastic from sweet potato peel
density of 0.16 g/mL and moisture content of 31.224% starch incorporated with silica from rice husk was
as an optimum response. Table 8 presents the numerical developed to find the optimum bioplastic by observing
optimization solutions. Solution one was chosen as the the thickness, density and moisture content properties.
optimum formula. The quadratic model was chosen for all responses to
exhibit a statistically significant model for all factors
The desirability for numerical optimization is developed to explain the relationship between thickness,
73.72% for overall responses to obtain the best criteria density and moisture with the three factors. SSB
for SSB. The optimum value relatively closer to formulation was optimized using central composite
desirability (100%) is 73.72%. This means that the design in response surface methodology, and the
formulation is easy to achieve and yields better output statistical model perfectly fits with R2 data. The data for
availability. This optimization meets the best-desired thickness R2 = 0.8946, density R2 = 0.9516 and moisture
criteria out of the 22 solutions. content R2 = 0.9600 with low standard deviation,
Analyzing for the optimum formulation is to identify respectively, portray the significant effect on the
the best value in all factors to provide better responses. conditions for the optimal formula. ANOVA results
The X1 - axis is factor C volume poured into the petri signify the impact of each factor was significant and
dish, and X2 - axis is factor B of glycerol. The ratio of quadratic models were chosen to predict the responses.
silica is constant, which is 10% according to solution The optimal formulation selected using numerical
one. This data can be analyzed on contour and 3D optimization exhibit a combined value of desirability
Surface plots presented in Figures 10 and 11 that show: (73.72%). The value of data means thickness (1.96466),
a. desirability, b. thickness, c. density, and d. moisture density (0.22217) and moisture content (31.0667). The
content. data mean for each response is aligned within the range
of the predicted mean. Therefore, the optimal formula is
In order to generate response prediction, solution one confirmed.
is chosen as the optimum formula. The confirmation is
done by running the solution one formula three times to
Conflict of interest
obtain the average value. The ratio of silica use is 10%,
the volume of glycerol is 0.962 mL, and the volume The authors declare no conflict of interest.
poured into the petri dish is 8.627 mL. The response
value obtained three times was also recorded in the table. Acknowledgements
The data is presented in Table 9. This study was financially supported by the Ministry
Based on Table 8, the optimum value obtained for all of Education Malaysia for the Fundamental Research
three responses is in between the range given. The mean Grant Scheme (FRGS. 2023, FRGS/1/2023/TK05/
for thickness response is 1.96466, density is 0.22217, UMK/02/3) and Prototype Research Grant Scheme
and moisture content is 31.0667. Therefore, the model (PRGS/1/2023/TK02/UMK/02/1); and also Dana Inovasi
for the optimum formulation is confirmed in Table 10. Yayasan Muhibah Tan Sri Fng Ah Seng 2023 (R/TSF/
A0700/01552A/005/2023/01181). These supports are
gratefully acknowledged.
4. Conclusion
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