Media and Information Literacy Notes

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Media and Information Literacy

Lesson 6 •Typeface/Font

Media Languages • Slogans/Taglines

- These are codes, conventions, formats, • Captions (print) or inter-titles

symbols and narrative structures that
(moving image)
indicate meaning of media messages to an
audience. • Style
Codes • Choice of words
- These are systems of signs that when • Emphasis of words
put together create meaning.
Headlines - the headline is the text
Semiotics - study of signs indicating the nature of the article below
Photo caption - photo captions, also
known as cutlines, are a few lines of text
• TECHNICAL CODES used to explain or elaborate on published
Comic Strips - a comic strip is a sequence
- These codes show what is beneath the of drawings arranged in interrelated
surface of what we see (objects, setting, panels to display brief humor or form a
body language, clothing, color, etc.) or narrative, often serialized, with text in
iconic symbols that are easily understood. balloons and captions.
- Signs that inform road users of traffic - These are ways in which equipment is
laws and regulations which, if used to tell the story.This includes sound,
disregarded, will constitute an offense. camera angles, types of shots and lighting
as well as camera techniques, framing,
depth of field, exposure and juxtaposition.
- It is the use of language style and
What is a shot?
textual layout (headlines,
• A shot is a series of frames, that runs for
an uninterrupted period of time
captions, speech bubbles, style, etc.)
• Film shots are an essential aspect of a
Written Codes movie where angles, transitions and cuts
are used to further express emotion, Ideas
The study of written codes Includes: and movement.

• Headlines/Titles
• In production, a shot is the moment that Extreme Close Up - The shot is so tight
the camera starts rolling until the moment that only a detail of the sub led, such as
it stops. someone's eyes, can be seen.

• In film editing, a shot is the continuous Birds eye shot - A bird's-eye view is an
footage or sequence between two edits or elevated view of an object from above,
cuts. with a perspective as though the observer
were a bird.
Camera Shot Categories
Over the shoulder shot - An over the
 Extreme Long shot shoulder shot (also over shoulder, OS,
 Long shot OTS, or shot) is a shot of someone or
 Wide Shot something taken from the perspective or
 Establishing shot camera angle from the shoulder of
 Mid/Medium Shot another person.
 Medium Close-up
 Close up shot
 Extreme Close Up Point of view shot - A point of view shot
 Birds eye view shot (also known as POV shot or a subjective
 Over the shoulder shot comera) shows what a character (the
 Point of view shot subject) is looking at (represented through
 Two Shot the camera).

Extreme Long Shot - A wider frame Two-Shot - A Two shot is a type of shot
value in which subjects in the frame are employed in the film industry in which
small; a building, cityscape. the frame encompasses a view of two
people (the subjects).
Long Shot - A shot which displays a full
figure from top to tip showing the entire Camera Angle
object or human figure.
• The camera angle marks the specific
Wide Shot - Long shot as a "wide shot" location at which a camera is placed to
because it often requires the use of a take a shot
wide-angle lens.
• A scene may be shot from several
Establishing Shot - When a long shot is camera angles simultaneously
used to set up a location and its
participants in film and video, it is called High Angle shot
a establishing shot. - A high angle shot is usually when the
Mid/Medium Shot - A shot displaying the camera angle is located above the eyeline.
human figure / object in half. - Connotes Inferiority
Close-up shot - It is a type of shot, which Low Angle shot
tightly frames a person or an object.
Close-ups display the most detail, but - A low-angle shot, is a shot from a
they do not Include the broader scene. camera positioned low on the vertical
axis, anywhere below the eyeline, looking work well (windows, doorways, arches,
up. and so on).The important point here is the
- Connotes superiority.
3. Visual Cropping
Eye-level camera angle
- You can remove, or crop, these elements
- It is a shot when the camera is from your photos simply by moving
positioned on the same level as that of the closer to your subject, zooming in on
character in the film. your subject, or moving your subject
within the viewfinder. Try different
Camera Movement:
4. Angle of View
 Panning
- Some of the most interesting
 Tilt
photographs are those taken from a
 Zoom unique vantage point. Always ask
 Tracking/Dolly yourself if the photo would look better
taken as a landscape or portrait shot.
Panning - refers to the rotation in a
Experiment and try different perspectives.
horizontal plane of a camera
Look for angles that are interesting and
Tilt - technique in which the camera is demonstrate the mood and inspiration
stationary and rotates in a vertical plane you're trying to capture.

Zoom - A camera movement requiring a 5. Balance

zoom lens ("zoom In/out")
- Achieving good balance in your
Tracking/ Dolly - The camera is mounted photographs requires the correct
to the dolly and the camera assistant combination of colors, shapes, and areas
usually ride on the dolly to operate the of light and dark that complement one
camera. another.

- For smooth movement. 6. Perspective

Lesson 7 - To capture the essence of what you

experience when viewing a scene, it helps
Photography Composition to add an element to your photo to convey
this perspective
1. Rule of Thirds
7. Leading Lines
- Imagine there are lines dividing the
image into thirds, both horizontally and - Your eyes move when looking at a
vertically, essentially dividing your photo. Try to manipulate how a person
Image into nine equal- shaped blocks. sees your subject, by using leading lines
to draw the viewer's attention through
2. Framing your photo.
- Use foreground elements to frame your
photo's subject. Architectural elements

- the use of electronic communication to

bully a person, typically by sending
Lesson 8 messages of an intimidating or
threatening nature
"Legal, Ethical and Societal Issues in
Media, Information and Technology" Hacking -refers to the practice of
modifying or altering computer software
Republic Act No. 10175 and hardware to accomplish a goal that is
considered to be outside of the creator's
- Republic Act No. 10175 Or the
original objective,
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
-Those individuals who engage in
- Is a law in the Philippines approved on
computer hacking activities are typically
September 12, 2012 which aims to
referred to as "hackers".
address legal issues concerning online
Interactions and the Internet Phishing - is the attempt to obtain
sensitive information such as usernames,
Republic Act No. 10175
passwords, and credit card details (and,
Among the cybercrime offenses included indirectly, money), often for malicious
in the bill are. reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy
entity in an electronic communication.
 Cybersquatting
 Cybersex Illegal Downloading - refers to obtaining
 child pornography files that you do not have the right to use
 identity theft from the Internet.
 Illegal access to data and libel. Digital Piracy - the practice of illegally
copying and selling digital music, video,
So what is Cyber?
computer software, etc.
CYBER - relating to or involving Identity Theft - is the deliberate use of
computers.or computer networks (such as someone else's Identity, usually as a
the Internet) method to gain a financial advantage or
Cyberspace - refers to the virtual obtain credit and other benefits in the
computer world, and more specifically, is other person's name, and perhaps to the
an electronic medium used to form a other person's disadvantage or loss.
global computer network to ate online Cyber Defamation - is an unprivileged
communication false statement of fact which tends to
Cybercrime - refers to the criminal harm the reputation of a person or
activities carried out by means of company
computers or the Internet 2 Types of Defamation:

1. Libel - written

2. Slander - verbal
Cyber Sex - also called computer sex,
Internet sex, netsex

- is a virtual sex encounter in which two

or more people (connected remotely via
internet) send each other sexually explicit
contents or sexually explicit acts

Child Pornography - is a form of child

sexual exploitation

Cybersquatting - is registering, trafficking

in, or using an Internet domain name with
bad faith intent to profit from the
goodwill of a trademark belonging to
someone else

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