Subject code: SM405ES
Regulations: R16-JNTUH
Class: II Year B. Tech MECH II Sem
Course Overview:
The present course is designed in such a way that it gives an overview of concepts of Economics.
Managerial Economics enables students to understand micro environment in which markets
operate how price determination is done under different kinds of competitions. Financial
Analysis gives clear idea about concepts, conventions and accounting procedures along with
introducing students to fundamentals of ratio analysis and interpretation of financial statements.
Break Even Analysis is very helpful to the Business Concern for Decision Making, controlling
and forward Strategic Planning. Ratio analysis gives an idea about financial forecasting, financial
planning, controlling the business and decision making.
Course Objectives:
Understand the concepts of managerial economics and the market dynamics namely demand
elasticity of demand and pricing in different market structures.
Gain the knowledge on the production theories and cost analysis while dealing with the
production and the concept of breakeven analysis.
Examine the price-output decisions under different types of marketing structures and the
significance of different forms of business organizations existing in the modern business.
Describe the significance of the project management, capital budgeting, estimation of the
projects through capital budgeting methods for choosing the best and optimal projects.
Provide the optimal decisions for acquiring the knowledge on financial accounting,
management accounting and ratio analysis.
Course Outcomes:
Understand the elasticity of the demand of the product, different types, and measurement of
elasticity of demand and factors influencing on elasticity of demand.
Recognize the Production function, features of Iso-Quants and Iso-Costs, different types of
internal economies, external economies and law of returns with appropriate examples.
Illustrate the features, merits and demerits of different forms of business organizations
existing in the modern business.
Enumerate the concept of capital budgeting and allocations of the resources through capital
budgeting methods and compute simple problems for project management.
Evaluate different types of financial ratios for knowing liquidity and profitability positions of
business concern.
How Program Outcomes are assessed:
Proficiency assessed
Program Outcomes Level
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics,
science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering Assignments,
PO1 2
specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. Tutorials, Mock
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature,
and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated Assignments,
PO2 2
conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, Tutorials, Mock
and engineering sciences. Tests
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design system components or processes Assignments,
PO3 2
that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the Tutorials, Mock
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and Tests
environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
PO4 - -
analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information
to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools
PO5 - -
including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the
contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and Assignments,
PO6 2
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the Tutorials, Mock
professional engineering practice Tests
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental
PO7 - -
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics
PO8 and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- -
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, Assignments,
PO9 and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary 3 Tutorials, Mock
settings. Tests
Towards the end of the course it is expected that the students would be matured enough to
understand and evaluate the Economics theories in real life situations of Business.
Course Content:
UNIT – I: - Introduction to Business and Economics:
Business: Structure of Business Firm, Theory of Firm, Types of Business Entities, Limited
Liability Companies, Sources of Capital for a Company, Non-Conventional Sources of Finance.
Economics: Significance of Economics, Micro and Macro Economic Concepts, Concepts and
Importance of National Income, Inflation, Money Supply in Inflation, Business Cycle, Features
and Phases of Business Cycle. Nature and Scope of Business Economics, Role of Business
Economist, Multidisciplinary nature of Business Economics.
UNIT – II: - Demand and Supply Analysis:
Elasticity of Demand:
Elasticity, Types of Elasticity, Law of Demand, Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of
Demand, Factors affecting Elasticity of Demand, Elasticity of Demand in decision making,
Demand Forecasting: Characteristics of Good Demand Forecasting, Steps in Demand
Forecasting, Methods of Demand Forecasting. Supply Analysis: Determinants of Supply, Supply
Function & Law of Supply.
Production Analysis: Factors of Production, Production Function, Production Function with one
variable input, two variable inputs, Returns to Scale, Different Types of Production Functions.
Cost analysis: Types of Costs, Short run and Long run Cost Functions.
Market Structures: Nature of Competition, Features of Perfect competition, Monopoly,
Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition. Pricing: Types of Pricing, Product Life Cycle based
Pricing, Break Even Analysis, & Cost Volume Profit Analysis.
Financial Accounting: Accounting concepts and Conventions, Accounting Equation, Double-
Entry system of Accounting, Rules for maintaining Books of Accounts, Journal, Posting to
Ledger, Preparation of Trial Balance, Elements of Financial Statements, and Preparation of Final
Financial Analysis through Ratios: Concept of Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratios, Turnover
Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Proprietary Ratios, Solvency, Leverage Ratios (simple problems),
Introduction to Fund Flow and Cash Flow Analysis (simple problems).
Books and References:
I. A.R. Aryasri, “Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis”, TMH Publications, 3nd
Edition, 2007.
I. D.N. Dwivedi, “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd, 2nd Edition,
II. S.N. Maheshwari & S.K.Maheshwari, “Financial Accounting”, Vikas Publication House
Pvt.Ltd, 4th Edition, 2012.
III. R. Narayana Swamy, “Financial Accounting- A managerial Perspective”, Pearson
publications, 1st Indian Reprint Edition, 2012.
IV. J.V. Prabhakar Rao & P.V. Rao, “Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis”, Maruthi
Publishers, 1st Revised Edition, 2011.
V. M.Kasi Reddy & Saraswathi, “Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis”, PHI
Publications, New Delhi, 10th Revised Edition, 2012.
VI. Varshney & Maheswari, “Managerial Economics”, Sulthan Chand Publishers, 1st Revised
Edition, 2009.
UNIT – 5
38 Concept of Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratios Solve Chalk and talk
39 13 Turnover Ratios, Profitability Ratios Solve
Chalk and talk
40 Proprietary Ratios, Solvency Ratios Solve T2
Chalk and talk
41 Ratios (simple problems) Solve
Chalk and talk
42 14 Introduction to Fund Flow Solve
Chalk and talk
43 Cash Flow Analysis Solve
Chalk and talk
44 Revision - 1st Chapter Solve
Chalk and talk
15 nd
45 Revision - 2 Chapter Solve
Chalk and talk
46 Revision - 3 Chapter Solve
Chalk and talk
47 Revision - 4th Chapter Solve
Chalk and talk
48 Revision - 5 Chapter Solve Chalk and talk
II Mid Examinations
2 12 O
CO1 2 - - - - 3 - - 2 - 3 - - - -
CO2 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - -
CO3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CO4 2 - - - - - - - 2 - 3 - - - 3
CO5 - 2 2 - - 2 - - 3 - 2 - - - 2
Short Answer Questions-
1. Define Business Economics.
2. What is the structure of Business Firm?
3. What are the types of Business Entities?
4. What is the difference between Micro Economics and Macro Economics?
5. What is the meaning of Limited Liability Companies?
6. Explain National Income? [L2:
Long Answer Questions-
1. Define Business Economics (BE)? Explain its nature and scope. Illustrate how it helps in
solving managerial problems. Does it (BE) have any links with any other disciplines?
2. What is the meaning of Business Cycle and what are the phases of Business Cycle?
3. What are the sources of Capital for a Company and what are the non-conventional sources of
4. What are the types of Business Organizations and explain in detail?
Short Answer Questions-
1. Discuss the determinants of Demand? [L6:
2. Define Elasticity of Demand.
3. Give a short note on Statistical method.
4. What is Demand forecasting?
5. What are the determinants of Supply?
Long Answer Questions-
1. What is demand analysis, its nature and types of demand, factors determining demand? Define
law of Demand, what are its exceptions & significance.
2. What do you understand by elasticity of demand? Explain the factors governing it, its
different types of elasticity of demand and their measurements?
3. What do you understand by demand forecasting? Explain different methods of demand
4. Is it necessary to accurately estimate the future demand for a product? How can you measure
future demand in respect of services?
Short Answer Questions-
1. Define Production Management.
2. Write a short note on Isocosts and Isoquants.
3. What are the Least cost combination Inputs?
4. Write a short note on Break even analysis.
5. Distinguish Output costs vs Input costs. [L2:
6. What are the characteristics of markets?
7. Define Perfect competition.
8. What is Monopoly?
9. What are the characteristics of Business?
10. Define Skimming and Penetration Pricing.
Long Answer Questions-
11. Please write Short notes with graphs on the following: (a) Isoquants and their features (b)
Cobb-Douglas production function (c) Law of increasing returns.
12. Explain Law of returns with appropriate examples and discuss the economies of scale that
accrue to a firm.
13. Explain the different cost concepts used in the process of cost analysis.
14. Explain how the short run and long run influence the cost. [L1:
15. What is Break Even Point (BEP)? How do you determine it?
16. What is Break Even Analysis (BEA)? What are the assumptions of BEA and what is the
significance and what are the limitations of BEA?
17. What do you mean by Public Enterprises and explain the forms of public enterprises.
Short Answer Questions-
1. Define Accounting.
2. What are the conventions of Accounting?
3. Give a short note on Journal and Ledger.
4. What is Trial balance?
5. Draw a format of Profit and Loss Account?
6. Draw a format of Balance Sheet?
Long Answer Questions-
1. Prepare Trail Balance from the following information in the Books of Hrishikesh: Sundry
debtors - 14,000; Hrishikesh Capital A/c - 15,000; Interest from bank A/c 750;
Discount received – 100; Sales returns a/c - 100; Purchase returns a/c - 200; Bank A/c -
9,500; Rent A/c - 1,000; Salaries A/c - 400; Wages A/c - 50; Purchase A/c - 2000;
Sales A/c - 11,000.
2. Write down the format of Trading, Profit & Loss a/c, Balance Sheet with contents?
3. A firm’s sale during the year was Rs. 4, 00, 000 of which 60% were on credit basis. The
balance of debtors at the beginning and end of the year were 25,000 and 15,000
respectively. Calculate debtors’ turnover ratio of the firm and find out debt collection
4. Journalize the following in the books of Rama Krishna Ltd for the year ended 31-Mar-
2012 and also prepare ledger accounts for the same. (All Amounts in Rs.)
March 1 Rama Krishna commenced business with 40,000
March 1 Deposited into bank 15,000
March 5 Purchase goods for cash 15,000
March 7 Purchase goods from Sirisha 8,000
March 9 Retuned goods to Sirisha 1,000
March 15 Sold goods for cash 10,000
March 17 Sold goods to Anupam 5,000
March 19 Depreciation on furniture 500
March 20 Salaries paid 1,000
March 25 Commission received 1,500
Short Answer Questions-
1 Give a short note on types of Ratio’s.
2 What are the Liquidity Ratios?
3 What are the Turnover Ratios?
4 What are the Profitability Ratios?
5 What are the Proprietary Ratios?
6 What are the Solvency Ratios?
7 What are the Leverage Ratios?
8 Difference between Cash Flow Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis? [L2:
Long Answer Questions-
1. What is Ratio Analysis? What are its advantages and Disadvantages?
2. What is Ratio Analysis? Write are the types of ratios (Liquidity, activity, capital structure
& profitability ratios)
1. The form of business organization that has the largest sales volume is the:
a. partnership.
b. corporation.
c. cooperative.
d. multinational.
The simplest form of business ownership is a:
a. proprietorship.
b. partnership.
c. corporation.
d. cooperative.
a. corporation.
b. conglomerate.
c. partnership.
d. public corporation.
5. A partner who is not actually involved in the partnership but lends his name for public
relations purposes is a:
a. silent partner.
b. general partner.
c. nominal partner.
d. dominant partner.
6. A_____________partner is an owner who has unlimited liability and is active in
managing the firm:
a. senior partner.
b. general partner.
c. silent partner.
d. limited partner.
7. Which of the following is probably the most important reason for incorporating?
a. general partnership.
b. joint venture.
c. corporation.
d. sole proprietorship.
a. joint venture.
b. partnership.
c. corporation.
d. proprietorship.
12. Co-operatives play an important role in:
a. aerospace.
b. agriculture.
c. manufacturing.
d. all of the above.
1) Who explained the “Law of Demand”? ( )
(a) Joel Dean (b) Cobb-Douglas
(c) Marshall (d) C.I.Savage&T.R.Small
2) Demand Curve always ________ sloping. ( )
(a) Positive (b) Straight line (c) Negative (d) Vertical
3) Geffen goods, Veblan goods and speculations are exceptions to___. ( )
(a) Cost function (b) Production function
(c) Law of Demand (d) Finance function
4) Who explained the “Law of Demand”? ( )
(a) Cobb-Douglas (b) Adam smith
(c) Marshall (d) Joel Dean
5) When PE = (Price Elasticity of Demand is infinite), we call it ___. ( )
(a) Relatively Elastic (b) Perfectly Inelastic
(c) Perfectly Elastic (d) Unit Elastic
6) Income Elasticity of demand when less than ‘O’ (IE = O), it is termed as ____. ( )
(a) Income Elasticity less than unity (b) Zero income Elasticity
(c) Negative Income Elasticity (d) Unit Income Elasticity
7) The other name of inferior goods is _______. ( )
(a) Veblan goods (b) Necessaries
(c) Geffen goods (d) Diamonds
8) Estimation of future possible demand is called ______. ( )
(a) Sales Forecasting (b) Production Forecasting
(c) Income Forecasting (d) Demand Forecasting
9) How many methods are employed to forecast the demand ( )
(a) Three (b) Four
(c) Two (d) Five
10) What is the formula for Price Elasticity of Demand? ( )
(a) % of change in the Price / % of change in the Demand
(b) % of change in the Demand / % of change in the
(c) % of change in the Demand / % of change in the Price
(d) % of change in the Demand of ‘X / % of change in the Price of ‘Y’
11) When a small change in price leads great change in the quantity demand, we call it
________. ( )
(a) Inelastic Demand (b) Negative Demand
(c) Elastic Demand (d) None
12) When a great change in price leads small change in the quantity demand, we call it
________. ( )
(a) Elastic Demand (b) Positive Demand
(c) Inelastic Demand (d) None
13) “Coffee and Tea are the ________ goods”. ( )
(a) Relative (b) Complementary
(c) Substitute (d) None
14) Consumers Survey method is one of the Survey Methods to forecast the _____. ( )
(a) Sales (b) Income
(c) Demand (d) Production
15) What is the formula for Income Elasticity of Demand? ( )
(a) % of change in the Income (b) % of change in the Demand
% of change in the Demand % of change in the Price
(c) % of change in the Demand (d) % of change in the Demand of ‘X’
% of change in the Income % of change in the Price of ‘Y’
16) What is the formula for Cross Elasticity of Demand? ( )
(a) % of change in the Price of ‘X’ (b) % of change in the Demand
% of change in the Demand of ‘Y” % of change in the Price
(c) % of change in the Demand of ‘X’ (d) % of change in the Demand
% of change in the Price of ‘Y’ % of change in the Income
17) When PE = 0 (Price Elasticity of Demand is Zero), we call it ___. ( )
(a) Relatively Elastic demand (b) Perfectly Elastic demand
(c) Perfectly Inelastic demand (d) Unit Elastic demand
18) When PE =>1 (Price Elasticity of Demand is greater than one), we call it ___. ( )
(a) Perfectly Elastic demand (b) Perfectly inelastic demand
(c) Relatively Elastic demand (d) relatively inelastic demand
19) When PE =<1 (Price Elasticity of Demand is less than one), we call it ___. ( )
(a) Perfectly inelastic demand (b) Relatively Elastic demand
(c) Relatively inelastic demand (d) perfectly Elastic demand
20) When PE =1 (Price Elasticity of Demand is one), we call it ___. ( )
(a) Perfectly Elastic demand (b) Perfectly inelastic demand
(c) Unit elastic demand (d) Relatively Elastic demand
21) When Income Elasticity of demand is Zero (IE = 0), It is termed as ___. ( )
(a) Negative Income Elasticity (b) Unit Income Elasticity
(c) Zero Income Elasticity (d) Infinite Income Elasticity
1) How many types of input-output relations discussed by the Law of production. ( )
(a) Five (b) Four
(c) Two (d) Three
2) How many stages are there in ‘Law of Variable Proportions’? ( )
(a) Five (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
3) Congregation of body of persons assembling together to work at a certain
Time and place is called as ( )
(a) Firm (b) Industry
(c) Plant (d) Size
4) When a firm expands its Size of production by increasing all factors,
It secures certain advantages, known as ( )
(a) Optimum Size (b) Diseconomies of Scale
(c) Economies of Scale (d) None
5) When producer secures maximum output with the least cost combination
Of factors of production, it is known as_______ ( )
(a) Consumer’s Equilibrium (b) Price Equilibrium
(c) Producer’s Equilibrium (d) Firm’s Equilibrium
6) The ‘Law of Variable Proportions’ is also called as ____________. ( )
(a) Law of fixed proportions (b) Law of returns to scale
(c) Law of variable proportions (d) None
7) _________ is a ‘group of firms producing the same are slightly different products for the
same market or using same raw material’. ( )
(a) Plant (b) Firm
(c) Industry (d) Size
8) When proportionate increase in all inputs results in an equal
Proportionate increase in output, then we call____________. ( )
(a) Increasing Returns to Scale (b) Decreasing Returns to Scale
(c) Constant Returns to Scale (d) None
9) When different combinations of inputs yield the same level of output known as
___________. ( )
(a) Different Quants (b) Output differentiation
(c) Isoquants (d) Production differentiation
10) Conversion of inputs in to output is called as _________________. ( )
(a) Sales (b) Income
(c) Production (d) Expenditure
11) When Proportionate increase in all inputs results in more than equal
Proportionate increase in output, then we call _____________. ( )
(a) Decreasing Returns to Scale (b) Constant Returns to Scale
(c) Increasing Returns to Scale (d) None
12) When Proportionate increase in all inputs results in less than Equal
Proportionate increase in output, then we call _____________. ( )
(a) Increasing Returns to Scale (b) Constant Returns to Scale
(c) Decreasing Returns to Scale (d) None
13) A curve showing equal amount of outlay with varying Proportions of
Two inputs are called ________________. ( )
(a) Total Cost Curve (b) Variable Cost Curve
(c) Isocost Curve (d) Marginal Cost Curve
14) The cost of best alternative forgone is_______________ ( )
(a) Outlay cost (b) Past cost
(c) Opportunity cost (d) Future cost
15) If we add up total fixed cost (TFC) and total variable cost (TVC), we get _____. ()
(a) Average cost (b) Marginal cost
(c) Total cost (d) Future cost
16) _____ costs are theoretical costs, which are not recognized by the Accounting system. ( )
(a) Past (b) Explicit
(c) Implicit (d) Historical
17) _____ cost is the additional cost to produce an additional unit of output. ( )
(a) Incremental (b) Sunk
(c) Marginal (d) Total
18) _______ costs are the costs, which are varies with the level of output. ( )
a) Fixed (b) Past
(c) Variable (d) Historical
19) _________________ costs are those business costs, which do not involve any cash payment.
( )
(a) Past (b) Historical
(c) Implicit (d) Explicit
20) The opposite of Past cost is ________________________. ( )
(a) Historical (b) Fixed cost
(c) Future cost (d) Variable cost
21) _____ is a period during which the existing physical capacity of the firm can be changed.
( )
(a) Market period (b) Short period
(c) Long period (d) Medium period
22) What is the formula for Profit-Volume Ratio? ( )
(a) (Sales/Contribution)*100 (b) (Variable cost/Sales)*100
(c) (Fixed cost/Sales)*100 (d) (Contribution/Sales)*100
23) _______ is a point of sales at which there is neither profit nor loss. ( )
(a) Maximum sales (b) Minimum sales
(c) Break-Even sales (d) Average sales
42) If average Revenue is greater than the Average cost, monopolist earns _____. ( )
(a) Loss (b) No loss No profit
(c) Profit (d) None
43) The firm is said to be in equilibrium, when it’s Marginal Cost (MC) equals to ___. ( )
(a) Total cost (b) Total revenue
(c) Marginal Revenue (d) Average Revenue
44) ___________ is a position where the firm has no incentive either to expand or contrast its
output. ( )
(a) Maximum output (b) Minimum output
(c) Equilibrium (d) None
45) Marginal revenue, Average revenue and Demand are the same in ________ Market
Environment ( )
(a) Monopoly (b) Duopoly
(c) Perfect Competition (d) Imperfect Competition
46) ._________ is a period in which supply can be increased by altering the Variable factors
and fixed costs will remain constant. ( )
(a) Long – run (b) Mid – term
(c) Short – run (d) Market period
47) The total supply of a good is produced by a single private person or firm is called
as________. ( )
(a) Government Monopoly (b) Legal Monopoly
(c) Private Monopoly (d) Natural Monopoly
48) In perfect competition market, seller is the _________. ( )
(a) Price – Maker (b) Price changer
(c) Price – Taker (d) Price Dictator
49) Charging Very Low price in the beginning and increasing it gradually is called _____. ( )
(a) Differential pricing (b) Sealed bid Pricing
(c) Penetration Pricing (d) Skimming Pricing
50) If Average Revenue is less than the Average Cost, Monopoly secures _____. ( )
(a) Profits (b) Abnormal Profits
(c) Losses (d) Super Profits
51) In Monopoly market environment, seller is the __________. ( )
(a) Price - Taker (b) Price - Accepter
(c) Price - Maker (d) None
52) A Partnership firm can be formed with a minimum of Two Partners and it can have a
maximum of _______ Partners. ( )
(a) 50 (b) 40 (c) 20 (d) 30
53) “People may come and people may leave, but I go on forever” is applicable to ______
Business organization. ( )
(a) Sole proprietorship (b) Partnership
(c) Company (d) Joint Hindu Family
54) ______ is Supreme Authority for Company Organization. ( )
(a) Directors (b) Debenture holders
(c) Share holders (d) Creditors
3. When a deduction allowed from the gross or catalogue price to traders; then it is called as
______. ( )
(a) Cash discount (b) Credit discount
(c) Trade discount (d) None
5. How many types of accounts are maintained to record various types of all business
transactions? ( )
(a) Five (b) four
(c) Three (d) Two
9. Profit and Loss account is prepared to find out the business ____. ( )
(a) Gross result (b) Financial position
(c) Net result (d) Liquidity position
10. The statement of “Debit and credit balances of Ledger accounts” is called as ____. ( )
(a) Journal (b) Ledger
(c) Trial balance (d) Balance sheet
12. The statement reveals the financial position of a business at any given date is called( )
(a) Trading account (b) Profit and loss account
(c) Balance sheet (d) Trial balance
14. Debit what comes in; Credit what goes out is ____ account principle? ( )
(a) Nominal (b) Personal
(c) Real (d) None
15. The process of entering transactions in to Ledge accounts known as ____. ( )
(a) Journal entry (b) First entry
(c) Posting (d) None
16. Debit Expenses and Losses; Credit Incomes and Gains is ______ account principle. ( )
(a) Personal (b) Real
(c) Nominal (d) None
17. “Prepaid Insurance Premium” is treated as _________. ( )
(a) Gain (b) Income
(c) Asset (d) Liability
18. “Net Profit” can be found out by preparing _______. ( )
(a) Trading account (b) Trial balance
(c) Profit and Loss account (d) Balance sheet
19. What is the current asset from the following? ( )
(a) Creditors (b) Bills payable
(c) Debtors (d) Bank over draft
20. What is the formula for Pay Back period? ( )
(a) Avg. Investment (b) Annual earnings
Avg. earnings Cost of the product
(c) Cost of the project (d) Cash inflow
Annual earnings Cash outflow
21. __________ Decision relates to the selection of assets in which funds will be invested by
a firm. ( )
(a) Finance (b) Dividend
(c) Investment (d) None
22. ______ Method is one of the traditional methods. ( )
(a) Net present value (b) Profitability index
(c) Payback period (d) internal rate of return
23. Funds needed for short-term purpose is known as ______. ( )
(a) Fixed capital management (b) Capital Budgeting
(c) Working capital management (d) Long-term capital management
24. What is the formula for Average Rate of Return (ARR)? ( )
(a) Cost of the project/ Avg. earnings (b) Present value of cash inflow/ Present value of
cash outflow (c) Avg. earnings/ Avg. investment (d) Avg. investment/ Avg. earnings
25. What is the current Liability from the following? ( )
(a) Bills Receivable (b) Closing stock
(c) Bills payable (d) Cash in hand
5. The difference between current assets and current liabilities is called ___. ( )
(a) Cost of goods sold (b) Outsiders funds
(c) Working capital (d) Shareholders funds