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Síndrome de Realimentación Neonatal PDF

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Presencia de malnutrición seguida de realimentación enteral o EV en niños
y adultos que predispone a alteraciones de fluidos y electrolitos.

Síndrome bien descrito en adultos y en niños, sin embargo, en la

población neonatal se cuenta con literatura limitada.

ASPEN 2020: Describe criterios diagnósticos para niños, asi como

recomendaciones, mas no hay recomendaciones específicas para neonatos

Cormack BE, Jiang Y, Harding JE, Crowther CA, Bloomfield FH; ProVIDe Trial Group. Neonatal Refeeding Syndrome and Clinical Outcome in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Babies: Secondary Cohort Analysis From the
ProVIDe Trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021;45(1):65-78.
ASPEN 2020: Reducción de concentración de fósforo, potasio y/o magnesio, o tiamina,
que se desarrolla horas o días luego de inicio de ingesta de calorías posterior a un
periodo de malnutrición

Ichikawa 2012 • Hypophosphatemia in small for gestational age extremely low birth weight infants
receiving parenteral nutrition in the first week after birth.

Moltu 2013 • Enhanced feeding in very-low-birth-weight infants may cause electrolyte

disturbances and septicemia-a randomized controlled trial.

Bonsante 2013 • Initial amino acid intake influences phosphorus and calcium homeostasis in preterm
infants. It is time to change the composition of the early parenteral nutrition

Berna 2015 • Early hypophosphatemia in preterm infants receiving aggressive parenteral


Cormack BE, Jiang Y, Harding JE, Crowther CA, Bloomfield FH; ProVIDe Trial Group. Neonatal Refeeding Syndrome and Clinical Outcome in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Babies: Secondary Cohort Analysis From the
ProVIDe Trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021;45(1):65-78.
A total of 600 infants were admitted to the neonatal intensive
care unit at our university hospital between April 1, 2009 and
July 31, 2011. Among these, 58 infants with a GA between 22
and 29 weeks and a birth weight < 1000 g. Parenteral
nutrition was started with a solution containing 5 % – 10 %
glucose during the first 24 h of life, then 0.5 g/kg/day of AA
after 24 h of life.

On day 8, hypercalcemia ( ≥ 11 mg/dL) was observed in 71 % (12/17) of the SGA group, and 56 %
(23/41) of the AGA group. On day 8, hypophosphatemia ( ≤ 2.5 mg/dL) was observed in 53 %
(9/17) of the SGA group and 12 % (5/41) of the AGA group.
Ichikawa G, Watabe Y, Suzumura H, et al. Hypophosphatemia in small for gestational age extremely low birth weight infants receiving parenteral nutrition in the first week after birth. J Pediatr Endocrinol
Metab 2012;25(3-4):317-21.
After inclusion of 50 patients, a preplanned safety analysis revealed We did not have blood samples to assess daily development of phosphate
electrolyte disturbances and an increased occurrence of or magnesium concentrations, but phosphate concentrations
septicemia in the intervention group compared to the correlated positively with the potassium concentrations and
control group. Due to the higher rate of infections, the study was inversely with the ionized calcium concentrations. Already by
discontinued. Here we describe the electrolyte disturbances and day 3, hypophosphatemia was observed in 10/22 infants in the
explore the associations between nutrient supply, electrolyte intervention group compared to 4/23 infants in the control group (P 0.04)
metabolism and septicemia.

Moltu SJ, Strømmen K, Blakstad EW, Almaas AN, Westerberg AC, Brække K, Rønnestad A, Nakstad B, Berg JP, Veierød MB, Haaland K, Iversen PO, Drevon CA. Enhanced feeding in very-low-birth-weight infants
may cause electrolyte disturbances and septicemia--a randomized, controlled trial. Clin Nutr. 2013 Apr;32(2):207-12
PI - Feeding PI - ReFeeding
syndrome syndrome
Placental Interrupted Feeding Placental Incompletely Restored
syndrome of the preterm infant Feeding syndrome

Bonsante F, Iacobelli S, Latorre G, Rigo J, De Felice C, et al. (2013) Initial Amino Acid Intake Influences Phosphorus and Calcium Homeostasis in Preterm Infants – It Is Time to Change the Composition of the Early
Parenteral Nutrition. PLOS ONE 8(8): e72880
PI - Feeding
Placental Interrupted Feeding
syndrome of the preterm infant

Bonsante F, Iacobelli S, Latorre G, Rigo J, De Felice C, et al.

(2013) Initial Amino Acid Intake Influences Phosphorus and Calcium
Homeostasis in Preterm Infants – It Is Time to Change the
Composition of the Early Parenteral Nutrition. PLOS ONE 8(8):
PI - ReFeeding
Placental Incompletely Restored
Feeding syndrome

Bonsante F, Iacobelli S, Latorre G, Rigo J, De Felice C, et al.

(2013) Initial Amino Acid Intake Influences Phosphorus and Calcium
Homeostasis in Preterm Infants – It Is Time to Change the
Composition of the Early Parenteral Nutrition. PLOS ONE 8(8):
Hipofosfatemia Hipercalcemia


Hipokalemia Hipomagnesemia

Hipercalcemia Hipofosfemia

Hiperglicemia Déficit de

Sung SI, Chang YS, Choi JH, Ho Y, Kim J, Ahn SY, et al. Increased risk of refeeding syndrome–like hypophosphatemia with high initial amino acid intake in small-for-gestational-age, extremely-low-birthweight infants.
PLoS ONE 2019; 14 (8): e0221042

No hay estudios de incidencia de SR en neonatos

Incidencia de hipofosfatemia: 20-90% ¿Por qué

rango tan amplio?

Bradford CV, Cober MP, Miller JL. Refeeding Syndrome in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2021;26(8):771–782
Bradford CV, Cober MP, Miller JL.
Refeeding Syndrome in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit. J Pediatr Pharmacol
Ther 2021;26(8):771–782
Pequeños para edad gestacional

Restricción de crecimiento intrauterino

RN extremo bajo peso al nacer

Prematuros extremos

Índice de resistencia de arteria umbilical alto

Z score P/T mayor a -2

Inanición Aumento de
Deficiencia de
Retención de

brusca de Hiperglicemia
alimentación Arritmias

Ros-Arnal I, Rivero de la Rosa MC, López-Rufasa E, Moráis-López A. Síndrome de realimentación en pediatría: clínica, diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento. Acta Pediatr Esp. 2017; 75(9-10): e159-e163
Cormack BE, Jiang Y, Harding JE, Crowther CA, Bloomfield FH; ProVIDe Trial Group. Neonatal Refeeding Syndrome and Clinical Outcome in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Babies: Secondary Cohort Analysis From the
ProVIDe Trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021;45(1):65-78.
Cormack BE, Jiang Y, Harding JE, Crowther CA, Bloomfield FH; ProVIDe
Trial Group. Neonatal Refeeding Syndrome and Clinical Outcome in
Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Babies: Secondary Cohort Analysis From the
ProVIDe Trial. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2021;45(1):65-78.

Hipofosfemia severa: 3º-4º día

Desnutrición intrauterina severa: Primer a segundo día

Desde el punto de vista clínico la hipofosfatemia produce dos

complicaciones importantes en este período

Cubillos-Celis MP, Mena-Nannig P. Hipofosfemia en recién nacidos prematuros: un trastorno bimodal. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(1):10-17

Dificultad en el retiro del ventilador

Fracaso extubación
Mayor duración de requerimientos de oxígeno
Mayor displasia broncopulmonar, producida por la hipotonía durante la hipofosfemia.

La hipotonía en hipofosfatemia se produce por la depleción de fosfocreatina y ATP a nivel muscular, lo que
se ha documentado con la espectroscopía de RNM y es potenciada por la hipercalcemia concomitante

Cubillos-Celis MP, Mena-Nannig P. Hipofosfemia en recién nacidos prematuros: un trastorno bimodal. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(1):10-17

Disminución de la actividad
Afectación de la serie blanca quimiotáctica, fagocítica y
bactericida de los granulocitos.

Cubillos-Celis MP, Mena-Nannig P. Hipofosfemia en recién nacidos prematuros: un trastorno bimodal. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(1):10-17


• Falla respiratoria
• Falla miocárdica por depleción de ATP del miocito
• Rabdomiólisis
• Anemia por aumento de la rigidez de los eritrocitos que resulta en hemólisis
• Convulsiones
• Acidosis metabólica

Cubillos-Celis MP, Mena-Nannig P. Hipofosfemia en recién nacidos prematuros: un trastorno bimodal. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(1):10-17

Earlier and adequate provision of

Administrar desde el inicio de la nutrición parenteral -> mayor cantidad si se phosphorous and potassium and adjusted
inician AA en altas dosis. calcium and phosphorus ratios in parenteral
nutrition support may limit electrolyte
Cantidad de fósforo: se puede estimar aproximadamente en base al abnormalities and associated complications
aporte de calcio y proteínas

Relación Ca:P inicial debe ser 1:1 en Mmol o 1,3:1 en mg

Programar adecuadamente el aporte parenteral y enteral

Calcio en mg/k/día/2.15 + (aminoácidos
en g/K/d-1,3) x 0,8 x 12,3.
Controlar fosfemia y calcemia en la primera semana,

Una vez detectada la hipofosfemia puede ser necesario invertir la relación

Ca:P a 0,6-0,8:1 en mg. en la solución parenteral hasta normalizar el fósforo
Cubillos-Celis MP, Mena-Nannig P. Hipofosfemia en recién nacidos prematuros: un trastorno bimodal. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(1):10-17
First Line: Neonatal Stock
PN with Phosphate at birth

Second Line: Custom PN

adjustments to amino acids
and Calcium:Phosphorus
(Ca:P) ratio

Third Line: IV electrolyte


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