BS Buzz
BS Buzz
BS Buzz
Published by BS Central
515 2nd Ave. S • Glasgow, MT 59230
406-228-4558 • fax: 406-228-4578
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Friday, July
All the mayor’s staff and a few lucky locals joined longing for peace. Since its founding in 1987, the
in the welcome party. The Sri Chinmoy Oneness- Run has visited almost every country on earth – over
Home Peace Run is a global torch relay that offers 150 nations and territories – and touched the lives of
everyone in the world a chance to express their millions of people.
A minister who was very fond of pure, hot horseradish
always kept a bottle of it on his dining room table. Once, at
dinner, he offered some to a guest, who took a big spoonful.
The guest let out a huge gasp.
When he was finally able to speak, he choked out, “I’ve
heard many ministers preach hellfire, but you are the first
one I’ve met who passes out a sample of it!”
e @ 5
5 - 8 P M
While on her mail route Wednesday, Jacky Dyrland
snapped a photo of one of the Peace Runners between
Richland and Scobey. They arrived at Plentywood late KIDS ACTIVITIES / YARD GAMES
that afternoon. Thursday was pretty much their final day
of the trek across Big Sky Country as it was a hop,
skip and a jump northward to Regina, Saskatchewan on FOOD BY MIKI’S FOOD TRUCK
Friday. The Peace Run is a worldwide relay run. Since
its founding in 1987, the Run has visited almost every fe
country on earth – over 150 nations and territories – and
touched the lives of millions of people. Runners carry a
torch – the Peace Torch. The torch is passed from hand
to hand, from person to person, as they travel from nation
to nation. The U.S.-Canada Tour participants include
Devendra Cheatham (United States), Harita Davies
(New Zealand), Hastakamala Diaz (Australia), Homagni
Baptista (Australia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland),
Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Oliveria Lopez (Mexico),
Pransukh Marks (United States), Preetidutta Thorpe
(New Zealand), and Rupasi Young (United States).
They’re expected back to where they started, New York -
City, on Saturday, August 17th. Quite an itinerary. G L A S G O- W , M T
Peace Run
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Washington meetings cover farm bill, grasshoppers and updates
During the American Farm Bureau Council of letter to the U.S. House of Representatives leadership
Presidents in Washington, D.C. this week, Farm urging them to consider the Fort Belknap Indian
Bureau members heard firsthand that an acceptable Community (FBIC) Water Settlement Act of 2024
farm bill remains elusive. The group of Farm Bureau (S.1987), which has already been passed by the
leaders heard from Senator John Boozman (R-AR) Senate. This legislation settled the Fort Belknap
and Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), who reiterated Compact and provides needed funding for repairs
that both parties remain committed to passing a and updates to the St. Mary’s canal and Milk River
Farm Bill. However, they have not yet come to an Project. A hearing has been scheduled for July 23 in
agreement that is likely to pass both chambers. the House.
“It is going to be a heavy lift to see a farm bill “We’re urging the House to appropriate money
passed this fiscal year,” noted Montana Farm Bureau to repair the St. Mary irrigation canal, which
Federation President Cyndi Johnson, who had the affects more than 120,000 acres of fertile land along
opportunity to shake hands with Chairman Glenn Montana’s highline. Passing this legislation would
Thompson and thank him for the work he has done at also finalize the last water compact we worked
getting a bill passed out of the House Ag Committee. on, which is essential to getting through the final
The Conrad wheat farmer explained that the adjudication of water in the state,” noted Rolf. All of
Council of Presidents brings together 50 state Farm the Congressional offices support repairing St. Mary’s
Bureau presidents—and Puerto Rico— to hear guest Canal and passing the legislation in the House.
speakers from the House and Senate, receive updates “We talked with all of our elected officials about
on programs and policy from the AFBF staff and do grasshoppers, and they realize there is a dire problem
Capitol Hill visits. with grasshoppers and agricultural production in
Johnson and MFBF Senior Director of many parts of Montana,” Rolf said. “There is no new
Governmental Affairs Nicole Rolf attended a meeting appropriation for the APHIS Grasshopper Control
with the Congressional Western Caucus. The caucus Program in the FY 2025 Budget, but they plan to
is a non-profit organization that advocates for insert language to specify that the agency uses its
rural issues. Despite its name, it has members from dollars effectively, so we see that as a win.”
Congress from other regions of the United States— Rolf added that, like with the Western Caucus
not just the Western states. conversations, the Montana Congressional offices are
“We heard about the current status of the farm looking to push back on the USFWS regarding the
bill and western states’ concerns about the U.S. Fish removal of agricultural practices from refuge lands.
and Wildlife Service potentially removing grazing, “We learned that the USFWS has received more
predator control and farming practices like weed than 200,000 comments and plans to give them a
spraying, on refuges lands. Montana Farm Bureau thoughtful and thorough review, which signal our
has submitted comments opposing that change in the victory in pushing back and refuting their report
rules,” said Johnson. “We discussed that the Bureau that removing grazing and farming on refuge lands
of Land Management is working to put conservation wouldn’t affect small business,” Rolf said. “Removing
on equal footing with every other Congressionally agriculture from refuge lands would have a devastating
approved multiple use. We discussed grasshopper impact.”
infestations and what can be done so states can receive
funding to combat the insects. There was talk about
the need to aggressively review wildfire issues and
the mitigation that needs to happen with wildfire.”
The visits to Montana’s four congressional offices
proved fruitful. Discussions covered the need to come
together to pass a farm bill and the importance of We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic individuals to work in
multiple departments. We have openings for:
immediate repairs and maintenance to the St. Mary’s Housekeeping
Canal/Milk River Irrigation Project. Physical applications available at the Front Desk, or online at
The Montana Farm Bureau has submitted a
Class of 1972 Birthday Party 4-H DC Trip Serving
their pickup trucks parked
Janelle Johnson
One deacon ducked
Sam Tedrow down and said, “I hope the
Thursday, July 11 reverend didn’t see us or
Ronan, MT
recognize my pickup.”
Water Toys The other replied,
“What difference does it
25% OFF make? God knows we’re
Thru the Weekend
in here... and he’s the only
Red Barn one who counts.”
Gifts The first deacon
10 am - 5:30 pm M - F countered, “But God won’t
10 am - 4 pm Sat.
tell my wife.”
As many of you (and some that did not know)
my husband, Rick was Diagnosed with B-Cell
Lymphatic Cancer. Something that you may not
know is that he has spent the last forty-five “45”
days in the Billings Clinic Hospital while waiting for
test results, Biopsies, treatment and all those other
unexpected health issues that seem to crop up with
Attention! All student athletes: Cancer. We have appreciated every single phone
We are now scheduling athletic
call, card and prayers that have been sent our way.
physicals for the 2024 - 2025 sports So far, his Chemo treatments are going well.
season. All student athletes can make Please continue to keep Rick and all the persons
individual appointments at
FMDH Glasgow Clinic Primary Care!
having to go through this unfortunate disease in
your Prayers. The road ahead of him is still very
Don’t wait!
Schedule your appointment today by
long. I am sure that being home will give him a
calling us at (406) 228-3400. good start towards the healing process. Because the
Doctors discourage visitors at this time, please know
that getting a card will help with moral support to
start the healing process.
Please continue to pray for Rick. He is home
and happy. Now we need to work on his health.
Cards can be sent to : 126 4th Ave No Glasgow