Women and Education 2
Women and Education 2
Women and Education 2
Gender Studies | Assignment
Sir Tariq Bin Gul Kakar
Submitted by :
Syed Rehan Rafay Bukhari
Women and Education
8) Conclusion
Women were deprived of education since the inception of patriarchal society. Their role was
limited to mothers, caregivers and submissive wives only. The industrial revolution and later
urbanization brought women out of their traditional roles but later again they were limited to
traditional tasks. Women defied the norms this time owing to renaissance memories and
enlightenment environment. Few women resisted and asked for uprooting the patriarchal
norms. The first wave of feminism mainly focused on political rights but it also concerned
education. Later, the second and third wave of feminism pave the way for formal education
for women and end of discrimination against women. Women face various challenges to their
education such as cultural, economic, psychological, security concerns, political, social,
dogmatic and religious challenges. Women’s education offers various prospects such as
economic equality, gender gap reduction, social and cultural benefits. Various feminist
schools view traditional education with their own lens and provide different theories such as
liberal education theory, radical education theory, Marxist and socialist education theory.
Women's education in Pakistan presents a complex scenario marked by significant progress
and persistent challenges as well as the security dilemma of girls school that haunts women’s
education in Pakistan.
a) Ancient Times:
In Ancient times, Peseshet of ancient Egypt is often credited with being the earliest
known female physician in history. Gargi Vachaknavi was an ancient Indian sage
and philosopher. In Vedic literature she is honoured as a great naturalist renowned
expounder of the Vedas, and known as Brahmavadini, a person with knowledge of
Brahma Vidya. In Athens, women were largely excluded from formal education,
though some received private tutoring. In Sparta, women had more freedom and were
educated in physical training and arts. Plato, in his Ideal state provided for the women
education also and owing to this he is also called as the first feminist 1.
c) Enlightenment:
The Enlightenment brought a greater emphasis on reason and individual rights,
leading to increased calls for women's education.Thinkers like Mary Wollstonecraft
argued for women's education in works like "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"
(1792), asserting that educated women would be better mothers and citizens. 2
Lesser, Harry. "Plato's feminism." Philosophy 54.207 (1979): 113-117.
Widad, Zenati. Women empowerment in A Vindication of The Rights of Woman by Marry Wollstonecraft.
Women Education: To Make a Subservient and Submissive Wife
Education has always been influenced by gender, class, religion and nationality. Historically,
women’s education was designed to teach middle class and upper class girls enough to make
them attractive marriage material for men, and lessons were often taught in the home by
poorly educated governesses. Education was seen as a way of making women better wives
and mothers, not as a way of transforming their lives.
a) Marriageable Beings:
One parliamentary report in the 19th century said girls should be educated to be
‘decorative, modest, marriageable beings3. Women’s education always conformed to
class expectations. Working class girls, if they were educated at all, were taught the
very basics of reading, writing, arithmetic and domestic skills such as needlework.
Women were not encouraged to have academic aspirations in case it undermined their
attachment to the home and it was believed that academic study was against women’s
nature and that too much knowledge could affect women’s fertility.
b) Educator of Children:
Church leaders were often against the higher education of women because they said it
went against the teachings of the Bible.The painfully slow process of education
reform began in the 1840s after it was acknowledged that if women were the first
educators of children, then they needed a solid education. Educational opportunity
was still in the gift of men and by 1864, it was noted that only 12 public secondary
schools for girls existed in England and Wales. These early schools for women
supported the findings of a report by the Taunton Commission which said, in the
1860s, that men and women had the same mental capacity.
Theobald, Marjorie R. Knowing women: Origins of women's education in nineteenth-century Australia. No.
21. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
b) Third wave of feminism: Intersectionality and Diversity in education:
The third wave of feminism emphasized diversity and intersectionality, recognizing
the varied experiences of women based on race, class, sexuality, and other social
identities4. Educational programs began to incorporate more diverse perspectives,
ensuring that curricula reflected the experiences of women of color, LGBTQIA+
individuals, and other marginalized groups. Third-wave feminism has emphasized the
importance of a global perspective in education, advocating for the rights of girls and
women worldwide. This has led to increased focus on education for girls in
developing countries and support for international initiatives aimed at closing the
gender gap in education.
Dill, B.T. and Kohlman, M.H., 2012. Intersectionality: A transformative paradigm in feminist theory and
social justice. Handbook of feminist research: Theory and praxis, 2, pp.154-174.
Feminist activists and educators raised awareness about the systemic barriers that were faced
by the women, it lead to to reforms aimed at creating a more equitable educational
environment. Educational institutions increasingly integrated gender studies and multicultural
education into their curriculam. Efforts were made to encourage women to pursue careers in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Programs aimed at reducing the gender
gap in these fields included mentorship opportunities, scholarships, and targeted recruitment
b) Dogmatic Challenges:
Dogmatic adherence to traditions and customs prevent communities from adapting to
changing times and recognizing the importance of educating women. Norms related to
female modesty and honor restrict girls' mobility and access to coeducational
environments or schools that are far from home. These norms lead to lower
enrollment rates for girls and increased dropout rates, particularly in areas where
schools are not easily accessible. In some cultures, boys are preferred over girls for
educational investment due to the belief that boys will become the primary
breadwinners and support their parents in old age. This preference results in gender
disparities in educational attainment, with girls receiving less support and
encouragement to pursue their studies.
So only those of His servants who have knowledge (of these realities with
a vision and outlook) fear Him. Surely, Allah is Almighty, Most
Forgiving. (Fatir, 35:28.)
2) Hadith:
Acquisition of knowledge is binding on all Muslims (both men and
women without any discrimination). [Narrated by Ibn Maja in al-
Sunan, 1:81 §224.]
Wood, Hannelie J. "Gender inequality: The problem of gender practices in the church." 75.1 (2019).
3) Bible:
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman
named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called
Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha
was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said,
“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her
then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are
anxious and roubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary
has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
[Luke 10:38-42 ESV]
4) Sanatan Dharam:
According to the Mahabharata, Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, was
accomplished in the Atharvaveda. [Mahabharata, Nilkanth
Tika with Kolkata 1946]
According to Ramayana, some women were absorbed in lifelong studies
and did not marry . [Ramayana, 7.17 Madras 1933]
a) Cost of education:
The cost of tuition is prohibitively expensive for many families, particularly in higher
education. Costs associated with uniforms, textbooks, and other educational materials
create financial strain as well. Families with limited financial resources prioritize
spending on boy’s education, perceiving boys as future breadwinners. Girls are often
required to contribute to household chores or care for younger siblings, reducing the
time available for schooling.
b) Contribution:
In many families, girls are expected to contribute economically by working, either at
home or outside, to support the family’s income. In impoverished households, basic
needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare take precedence over education.
c) Poverty:
Poverty is the most important factor that determines whether or not a girl can access
education, according to the World Bank. Even in areas where parents don not have to
pay school fees, it can be difficult to keep up with the costs of transportation, textbooks,
or uniforms. Parents also often rely on girl’s income to support the household, and
sending a girl to school means they spend less time helping in the home. If families can
not afford the costs of school, they are more likely to send boys than girls. When
parents have to make the decision between buying necessities like food over sanitary
napkins, girls are forced to stop learning because they can not manage their periods.
Psychological challenges: Women’s looks are also used to exploit them (Beauty Myth):
The human psychology, as “The science of the intellects, characters and behaviour
of animals including man. (Edward L. T,) has vital role to identify and investigate the
problems to solve them properly according to the psychological (Abraham, Maslow).
Psychological challenges keenly impact women’s education, affecting their motivation, self-
esteem, and overall academic performance. These challenges often stem from societal norms,
gender stereotypes, and personal experiences.
d) Sexual Harassment:
Women and girls face sexual harassment in educational settings, creating a hostile and
unsafe learning environment. Gender-based bullying from peers undermine girls
confidence and willingness to participate in class. Experiences of harassment and
bullying leads to anxiety, depression, and a reluctance to attend school, negatively
affecting academic performance.
Vergauwe, Jasmine, et al. "Fear of being exposed and its relevance in the work context." Journal of Business
and Psychology 30 (2015): 565-581.
e) Beauty Myth:
Beauty Myth was a groundbreaking feminist critique of the societal obsession with
female beauty. Author argued that the beauty industry and societal standards of beauty
are tools of oppression that reinforce patriarchal power structures. She defined the
"beauty myth" as the belief that a woman's value is closely tied to her physical
appearance.7This myth perpetuates unrealistic and narrow standards of beauty that most
women cannot achieve and those whole fall below the societal expectations are
humiliated, objectified and bullied. The book traced the origins of the beauty myth and
noted that as the women rose in prominence, she was contained by the beauty standards
to serve patriarchy. Wolf argued that as women made progress in other areas, the
emphasis on beauty intensified to maintain control over them. Owing to this control,
women choose beauty over education and fall in the trap of patriarchy.
Wolf, Naomi. The beauty myth. Royal NSW Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, 1995.
b) Fear of Violence and Intimidation:
Fear of violence and intimidation has contributed to low enrollment and high dropout
rates among girls, particularly in areas where the Taliban holds sway.The Taliban
enforce strict gender segregation in education, with separate schools and classrooms
for boys and girls8. They impose dress codes that require women and girls to wear
burqas or cover their entire bodies, making it challenging for them to attend school or
participate in public life.
c) Gender Segregation:
Gender segregation and restrictive dress codes perpetuate gender inequality and limit
women's freedom of movement and expression, including their ability to access
education. Women and girls in Taliban-controlled areas face limited opportunities for
higher education and vocational training, as many educational institutions and
programs are either closed or inaccessible to them.
Bamik, Hamidullah. "Afghanistan’s cultural norms and girls’ education: Access and
challenges." International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field 4.11 (2018): 83-93.
Kabeer, Naila, and Luisa Natali. "Gender equality and economic growth: Is there a win‐win?." IDS Working
Papers 2013.417 (2013): 1-58.
c) Women Human Development:
Educated women are more likely to access healthcare services, leading to better
maternal and child health outcomes. They are also more informed about nutrition and
health practices. Education increases awareness and use of family planning methods,
reducing fertility rates and improving the quality of life for women and their families.
Webb, Janette. "The politics of equal opportunity." Gender, Work & Organization 4.3 (1997): 159-169.
Liberal feminists highlight that the education system has made a lot of progress.
While patriarchy still exists, girls have managed to make advancements in education;
for example, girls outperform boys at GCSE. Education is now useful to and benefits
girls because many of the barriers women and girls faced in the past have been
Jóhannsdóttir, Nína Katrín. Patriarchy and the subordination of women from a radical feminist point of view.
Diss. 2009.
Monzo, Lilia D. "Women and revolution: Marx and the dialectic." Knowledge Cultures 4.06 (2016): 97-121.
education is to transmit capitalist social practices, norms and values, which uphold the
oppression of women and girls.
i) Biological Determinism:
Through the hidden and formal curriculum, girls are taught to
internalise biological deterministic ideas of gender, which position
them as inferior to men. Biological determinism is the belief that our
genetics dictates our behaviour and characteristics.
Case Studies of women education related radicalism in Pakistan: Girls Schools torched
in Waziristan and Balochistan:
The only private girls school in North Waziristan tribal district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa fell
victim to a bomb attack in March, perpetrated by unidentified terrorists. According to police
reports, the school, situated in Shewa Tehsil, bore the brunt of the assault, resulting in severe
damage to its infrastructure. Local residents voiced concerns, revealing that the school had
been under constant threat from terrorist elements for some time. Despite prior alerts to law
enforcement, no measures were taken to safeguard the educational institution. This targeted
school held significant importance as the sole private educational facility catering exclusively
to girls in the entire North Waziristan district. 13
Pakistan has, in the past few weeks, witnessed ill-omened reminders of a demoralising aspect
of militancy: the war on female education. In May, armed men set fire to a girl’s middle
school in Surab district of Kalat Division in Balochistan, reducing the staff room and other
areas to ashes. This was the third such arson attack in May. The dropout rate for girls after
primary school is dismal in the country, becoming the reason for the dearth of girls institutes
in many parts, especially Balochistan. 14
The relationship between women and education is pivotal to the advancement of societies
worldwide. Despite significant progress in recent decades, numerous challenges continue to
impede women’s access to education. Educated women contribute to economic growth,
improved health outcomes, and more equitable societies. They break stereotypes, foster
inclusive environments, and inspire future generations. Addressing the challenges to women's
education necessitates a multifaceted approach, involving policy reforms, community
engagement, economic incentives, and investments in infrastructure and quality. By
overcoming these obstacles, humanity can unlock the full potential of women and ensure that
education becomes a universal right rather than a privilege. The future of women's education
holds immense promise, and realizing this potential will lead to a more just, prosperous, and
equitable world for all.
The Express Tribune
Dawn Newspaper