Jelly Roll Jumble
Jelly Roll Jumble
Jelly Roll Jumble
Fabric Requirements
-Jelly Roll with (42) strips -or- 3 yards of various colors of fabric cut into (42) 2 ½” x WOF strips
Cutting Instructions
-From the light grey fabric, cut (23) 2 ½” x WOF strips, then sub-cut into (378) 2 ½” squares.
-From each 2 ½” x WOF strip, cut (3) 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangles, (1) 2 ½” x 4 ½” rectangle and (5) 2 ½”
-From any contrasting Color #2: (1) 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangle, (1) 2 ½” x 4 ½” rectangle and (3) 2 ½” squares
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Jelly Roll Jumble
Assembly Instructions
-Lay out (1) Color #1 2 ½” square, (2) Light Grey 2 ½” squares and (1) Color #2 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangle as
shown. Sew the 2 ½” squares together, pressing towards the darker fabric, then sew to the 2 ½” x 6 ½”
rectangle. Press towards the rectangle.
-Lay out (1) Color #1 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangle, (2) Color #2 2 ½” squares and (4) Light Grey 2 ½” squares as
shown. Sew the 2 ½” squares together, pressing towards the darker fabric, then sew onto either side of
the 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangle. Press towards the rectangle.
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Jelly Roll Jumble
-Lay out (1) Color #1 2 ½” x 6 ½” rectangle, (1) Color #2 2 ½” square and (2) Light Grey 2 ½” squares as
shown. Sew the 2 ½” squares together, pressing towards the darker fabric, then sew onto the 2 ½” x 6
½” rectangle. Press towards the rectangle.
-Lay out (1) Color #1 2 ½” square, (1) Color #2 2 ½” x 4 ½” rectangle and (1) Light Grey 2 ½” square as
shown. Sew the 2 ½” squares together, pressing towards the darker fabric, then sew onto the 2 ½” x 4
½” rectangle. Press towards the rectangle.
-Lay out the four pieced sections as shown. Sew together into pairs and then sew pairs together. Block
should measure 10 ½”.
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Jelly Roll Jumble
-Repeat to make 42 total blocks using different combinations of contrasting colors in each block.
Quilt Assembly
-Sew the strip short ends together to create one long strip. From the long strip cut (2) 3 ½” x 66 ½”
strips for the top and bottom borders and (2) 3 ½” x 70 ½” strips for the side borders.
-Lay out the 42 blocks as shown, arranging the blocks so that no two similar colored blocks are right next
to one another. Sew together into rows and then sew rows together. Sew the 3 ½” x 70 ½” borders to
the sides and then sew the 3 ½” x 66 ½” borders to the top and bottom.
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Jelly Roll Jumble
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Jelly Roll Jumble
My Notes
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