CHFI (B) 5 Days

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RM 2,500 Duration: 5 days| 40 hours | 8 hours per day
per pax Time: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM | 1 hour lunch break
ertsacademy/ /nexperts-academy-sdn-bhd/
perts/?hl=en my?lang=en

For further information, kindly email us at [email protected]

You can also call us at +60 11-1221 6872

The CHFI V10 course, standing for Computer To ensure that participants can make the most
Hacking Forensic Investigator Version 10, is of the CHFI V10 (Computer Hacking Forensic
designed to provide learners with extensive Investigator) course offered by Koenig Solutions,
knowledge and skills in the field of digital certain foundational knowledge and skills are
forensics. This course equips individuals to recommended. Here are the minimum
conduct computer investigations using prerequisites:
groundbreaking digital forensics technologies. Basic understanding of the Windows
It's an ideal certification for those seeking to operating system and its functionality.
become certified hacking forensic investigators, Familiarity with file systems, such as FAT,
with a curriculum that covers a wide array of NTFS, or EXT.
essential topics. Learners will delve into the Knowledge of networking principles,
nuances of computer forensics in today's world, including TCP/IP and other networking
understand the comprehensive computer protocols.
forensics investigation process, and familiarize Awareness of cybersecurity concepts and
themselves with various file systems and hard the significance of digital evidence in
disks. The course also covers techniques for forensic investigations.
data acquisition and duplication, defeating anti- Ability to operate a computer system and
forensics methods, and provides insights into use various software applications effectively.
operating system forensics including Windows, Basic problem-solving skills and attention to
Linux, and Mac. Additionally, the CHFI V10 detail.
course discusses network forensics, web attack
investigation, dark web forensics, database Please note that while these prerequisites are
forensics, cloud forensics, email investigations, aimed at ensuring a productive learning
malware forensics, mobile forensics, and the experience, the CHFI V10 course is designed to
emerging field of IoT forensics. With the CHFI accommodate a range of learners, including
Certification, learners are well-prepared to those with limited exposure to some of these
tackle challenges in digital forensic areas. Motivation and a willingness to learn are
investigations and enhance their careers as as important as pre-existing knowledge.
competent forensic analysts.

For further information, kindly email us at [email protected]

You can also call us at +60 11-1221 6872
COURSE OBJECTIVE Understand the nuances of cloud forensics
and the techniques to investigate cloud
storage and services.
The CHFI V10 course equips learners with
Learn methodologies to investigate email
comprehensive skills in computer forensics,
crimes, including tracing, recovery, and
including investigation techniques, evidence
analysis of email evidence.
acquisition, and countering anti-forensic
Analyze malware to determine its origin,
functionality, and impact on the affected
Understand the role and scope of computer
forensics in the digital age, including legal
Explore mobile forensics to recover and
and ethical considerations.
analyze data from mobile devices, including
Learn the systematic forensic investigation
smartphones and tablets.
process, from initial response to reporting.
Examine the challenges and methodologies
Gain knowledge of hard disk structures and
involved in IoT device forensics, focusing on
file systems to analyze and interpret
the growing number of smart devices.
forensic evidence.
Master techniques for data acquisition and
duplication while ensuring the integrity and
admissibility of evidence.
The CHFI V10 course equips professionals with
Identify and counteract various anti-
advanced forensic skills to analyze cyberattacks
forensics techniques that may hinder the
and gather digital evidence.
investigation process.
Information Security Analysts
Acquire skills to perform forensic
Digital Forensics Investigators
investigations on Windows operating
Incident Response Team Members
systems, including artifact analysis and
Cybersecurity Consultants
Law Enforcement Officers and Government
Explore forensic examination procedures for
Linux and Mac OS, understanding their file
IT Auditors
systems and structures.
Network Administrators with a security
Analyze network traffic and logs to uncover
evidence in network forensics.
Legal Professionals
Investigate web attacks by examining web
Risk Assessment Professionals
servers, web application logs, and browser
Military and Defense Personnel
Compliance Officers
Delve into dark web forensics to trace illicit
Forensic Analysts
activities and understand the challenges
Cybersecurity Enthusiasts
posed by anonymization technologies.
Conduct database forensics to recover,
analyze, and secure data from various
database systems.

For further information, kindly email us at [email protected]

You can also call us at +60 11-1221 6872
Module 1: Computer Forensics in Today's World

Module 2: Computer Forensics Investigation Process

Module 3: Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems

Module 4: Data Acquisition and Duplication

Module 5: Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques

Module 6: Windows Forensics

Module 7: Linux and Mac Forensics

Module 8: Network Forensics

Module 9: Investigating Web Attacks

Module 10: Dark Web Forensics

Module 11: Database Forensics

Module 12: Cloud Forensics

Module 13: Investigating Email Crimes

Module 14: Malware Forensics

Module 15: Mobile Forensics

Module 16: IoT Forensics

For further information, kindly email us at [email protected]

You can also call us at +60 11-1221 6872




For further information, kindly email us at [email protected]

You can also call us at +60 11-1221 6872

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