SAEJ593 V 001
SAEJ593 V 001
SAEJ593 V 001
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
STANDARD Issued 1947-08
Revised 1995-10
Foreword—This Document has also changed to comply with the new SAE Technical Standards Board format.
1. Scope—This SAE Standard provides installation requirements, test procedures, design guidelines, and
performance requirements for backup lamps.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified
herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
3. Definitions
3.1 Backup Lamp—A lighting device used to provide illumination behind the vehicle and to provide a warning
signal to pedestrians and other drivers when the vehicle is backing up or is about to back up.
3.2 Point of Visibility—Any point on the lens surface which is within an area bounded by the intersection of the
lens surface with a 25 mm diameter cylinder, the centerline of which passes through the light source center
and is oriented horizontally and parallel with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
4. Lighting Identification Code—Backup Lamps may be identified by the code "R" in accordance with SAE
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely
voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.
5. Tests
5.1 SAE J575 is a part of this report. The following tests are applicable with modifications as indicated: Photometric tests shall be made with the photometer at a distance of at least 3 m from the lamp. The H-V
Axis shall be taken as the horizontal line through the light source and parallel with the longitudinal axis of
the vehicle. Photometric measurements shall be made with the bulb filament steadily burning.
6. Requirements
6.1 Performance Requirements—A device when tested in accordance with the test procedures specified in
Section 5 shall meet the following requirements: A single lamp, when used in a two-lamp system, shall meet the photometric performance requirements
contained in Table 1 and its footnotes. The summation of luminous intensity measurements at the
specified test points in a zone shall be at least the value shown. When two lamps of the same or
symmetrically opposite design are used, the photometric readings along the vertical axis and the averages
of the readings for the same angles left and right of vertical for one lamp may be used to determine
compliance with the requirements of Table 1. If two lamps of differing designs are used, they shall be
tested individually, and the photometric values added to determine that the combined units meet twice the
candela requirements of Table 1. When only one backup lamp is used on the vehicle, it shall meet twice the photometric requirements of
Table 1.
SAE J593 Revised OCT95
2 30L-H 50
3 100
4 360
5 30R-H 50
6 45R-H 45
1. The measured value for any test point in a given zone, shall not be less than 60% of the
minimum value for that test point specified in Table 2.
2. Maximum candela per lamp at H and above shall be 300 for a two lamp system and 500
for a single lamp system.
SAE J593 Revised OCT95 If a backup lamp has portions of its lens which project nonwhite light, that light shall be excluded from
measurements made to determine compliance with and The lamp or lamps shall meet the
photometric requirements of this document with white light alone.
6.1.7 COLOR—The color of the light from a backup lamp shall be white, as specified in SAE J578. A backup lamp
may project incidental red, yellow, or white light through the reflectors or lenses that are adjacent to, close to,
or part of the lamp assembly. If a lamp has portions of its lens which project nonwhite light, that light shall be
regarded as incidental if, when only the nonwhite light is measured at each test point specified in Table 1, the
sum of such measurements does not exceed 20% of the sum of the test point measurements of the total light
output (white plus nonwhite).
6.2 Material Requirements—Plastic materials used in optical parts shall meet the requirements of SAE J576.
6.3.1 Backup lamps shall be mounted so that the point of visibility of at least one of the lamps is visible from any
eye point that is (a) 0.6 to 1.8 m above the horizontal plane on which the vehicle is standing and (b) rearward
of a vertical plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, 0.9 m to the rear of the vehicle and
extending 0.9 m beyond each side of the vehicle.
6.3.2 Visibility and photometric performance of the backup lamp within the test angles shown in Tables 1 and 2
shall not be obstructed by any portion of the vehicle unless the lamp is designed to comply with all
requirements when the obstruction is considered.
6.3.3 The backup lamp shall be lighted only when the ignition switch is energized and reverse gear is engaged.
7. Guidelines
7.1 Photometric design guidelines for backup lamps, when tested in accordance with 5.1.5 of this document, are
contained in Table 2 and its footnote. When two asymmetrical lamps of the same or symmetrically opposite
design are used, the photometric readings along the vertical axis and the averages of the readings for the
same angles left and right of vertical for one lamp may be used to determine compliance with the requirements
of Table 2. If two lamps of differing designs are used, they shall be tested individually, and the photometric
values added to determine that the combined units meet twice the candlepower requirements of Table 2.
SAE J593 Revised OCT95
7.2 Installation Guidelines—The following guidelines apply to the backup lamps as used on the vehicle and shall
not be considered to be part of the requirements.
7.2.1 The luminous intensity of incandescent filament bulbs will vary with applied voltage. The electrical wiring in
the vehicle should be adequate to supply design voltage to the lamp filament.
7.2.2 Performance of lamps may deteriorate significantly as a result of dirt, grime and/or snow accumulation on
their optical surfaces. Installation of lamps on vehicles should be considered to minimize the effect of these
7.2.3 Where it is expected that lamps must perform in extremely severe environments, such as off-highway, mining
or fuel haulage, or where it is expected that they will be totally immersed in water, the user should specify
lamps specifically designed for such use.
7.3 For requirements and gauges to be used in socket designs, refer to SAE J567.
7.4 For additional information on photometric test accuracy guidelines, refer to SAE J1330.
8. Notes
8.1 Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating
areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left
of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.
SAE J593 Revised OCT95
A.1 As a matter of information, attention is called to SAE J567, for requirements and gauges to be used in socket
SAE J593 Revised OCT95
1. To make the wording of photometric requirements (5.1.5) similar to that included in FMVSS 108
(Footnote to Figure 2).
2. To make the photometric evaluation approach for two lamp systems (symmetric as well as
asymmetric lamp systems), and single lamp systems similar for the performance (5.1.5) and the
design (6.1).
3. To clarify the definition of incidental nonwhite light (5.1.7).
The document section numbers were changed to comply with ISO format (i.e., definitions is Section 3).
Application—This SAE Standard provides installation requirements, test procedures, design guidelines, and
performance requirements for backup lamps.
Reference Section
SAE J575—Test Methods and Equipment for Lighting Devices and Components for Use on Vehicles
Less than 2032 mm in Overall Width
SAE J576—Plastic Materials for use in Optical Parts such as Lenses and Reflectors of Motor Vehicle
Lighting Devices