Wawasan Vol 2 No 2 April 2024 Hal 173-184

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Wawasan : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Kewirausahan

Vol. 2 No. 2 April 2024

e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58192/wawasan.v2i2.1916

The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In Micro,

Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

Muhammad Saim
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Email: [email protected]

Efriyani Sumastuti
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Email: [email protected]

Qristin Violinda
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Email: [email protected]

Jl. East Sidodadi No.24, Karangtempel, Semarang City

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: In order to ascertain the impact of digital marketing on raising product sales in micro, small, and
medium companies (MSMEs) in Palembang City, this research studies MSMEs in that city. A total of 40,130
MSMEs in Palembang City made up the population for this research, and 100 MSMEs made up the sample. This
study employs a research methodology that combines random sampling with probability sampling approaches.
The application SPSS 24 was used for the study's data analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed
in the data analysis process. The analysis and discussion's findings indicate that in Micro, Small and Medium-
Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang City, the Digital Marketing Variable has a partial positive effect on
Increased Sales, the Type of Digital Marketing has a partial positive effect on Increased Sales, and the Digital
Marketing Strategy has a partial positive effect on Increased Product Sales.

Keywords: Digital Marketing; Product Sales; Marketing Strategy; MSMEs.

Changes in the marketing industry are inevitable in the dynamic and ever-evolving
commercial world, just as they are in the scientific world. Advances in computing power
provide a more extensive reach for online advertisements and commerce. Traditional offline
marketing has given way to cutting-edge internet marketing in the social media age (Oktaviani
et al., 2022). The public is increasingly interested in using digital marketing, which is one kind
of advertising, to promote a wide range of current endeavors. Digital marketing, which is
replacing more conventional forms of advertising, is becoming the norm. With digital
marketing, you may reach customers all over the globe and do business with them instantly (in
real time) (Pradiani, 2017). Digital marketing has matured into a powerful tool for promoting
goods and services in the Internet age. Palembang City, Indonesia, is a major metropolitan area
with many residents and rapid economic growth. Many Palembang City MSMEs still haven't

Received Desember 20, 2023; Accepted Januari 20, 2024; Accepted April 30, 2024
* Muhammad Saim, [email protected]
The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In
Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

discovered the benefits of digital marketing for expanding their customer base and closing more
deals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze how MSMEs in Palembang City,
Indonesia, use digital marketing to increase their product sales. The primary goals of this
research are to determine whether or not MSMEs in Palembang City can increase product sales
through digital marketing, what kind of digital marketing is most effective in doing so, and to
make recommendations to MSMEs in Palembang City about the best digital marketing strategy
for increasing product sales.

Digital Marketing
Digital advertising is a promotional endeavor that employs the internet and diverse data
technologies to broaden the market and enhance revenue (Juliana et al., 2020). The increase in
sales volume after using digital marketing, is the most helpful thing, that consumers are made
easier to get to know their products and keep up with the latest developments in what they
offer. Consumers know quickly about price changes, promos and the emergence of new
products, thus consumer interest in buying is increasing, coupled with a very easy
communication process, which can be done anywhere (Rozinah & Meiriki, 2020). Using digital
marketing aims to increase product marketing so that the sales target each month can also
increase. The foremost advantage is that the interaction with clients and vendors is heightened
and optimized, as it allows for direct and continuous communication round the clock/ in real-
time (Hasiholan & Amboningtyas, 2021). According to Iqbal, (2021) Digital Marketing
indicators are:
a. Availability is the capacity of users to reach out to information and services provided
through online promotion.
b. Interactivity, engagement is the degree of bi-directional communication that pertains to the
mutual capability of communication between marketers and customers, and the ability to
react to the feedback they receive.
c. Entertainment is the potential of advertising to offer enjoyment or amusement to customers.
d. Credibility is the degree to which internet users trust the advertising that are presented or
the extent to which they can rely on adverts to enlighten them.
e. Irritation are interruptions that occur in online advertising, such as manipulation of
advertisements that lead to fraud or consumers' bad experiences with online advertising.
f. The informative aspect of advertising is crucial as it enables consumers to acquire
knowledge about a product. Additionally, advertising should ensure that an accurate

174 WAWASAN - VOL. 2 NO. 1 JANUARI 2024

e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184

representation of the product is conveyed, thereby enabling consumers to obtain economic

Types of Digital Marketing
Online media platforms are electronic channels of communication used to increase
consumer awareness of a company's existence, its products, and services, as well as to entertain
and persuade consumers to visit a company's website to learn more about the company's
offerings and, hopefully, to make a purchase, either immediately or at a later time, through
other channels (such as the phone or in person). According to (Arfan & Hasan, 2022). There
are primarily six digital media outlets (Chaffey et al., 2015):
a. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the practice of using online advertisements on search
engine results pages to direct users to marketers' product websites. by posting
advertisements on search engines to encourage people to click over to websites when they
enter specific keyword phrases.
b. Public Relations Online Utilize third-party websites like social networks or blogs that the
company's target demographic just so happens to frequent to increase mentions and
beneficial interactions with the company's brand, goods, or website.
c. Online Collaborations, make and oversee long-term agreements for the promotion of the
company's online services via email or on other websites.
d. Advertising That Is Interactive, promoting a brand online and encouraging users to visit a
specific website by using banners and multimedia adverts.
e. Marketing via opt-in emails, use of internal lists to retain and activate customers.
f. Incorporates and encourages customer involvement on a company's own website, on social
networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or on publisher websites, blogs, and
forums. Social media marketing is a major subgenre of digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Strategy
According to Chaffey et al., (2009) Following the advancement of digital technology
and creating strategies to draw customers and guide them to a mix of electronic and
conventional communication is crucial for the success of any business. According to Hadi &
Zakiah, (2021) Digital marketing strategy is considered as a solution for MSME players in
facing competition in the pandemic era, this is because digital marketing has several
advantages, one of which is able to generate higher sales levels because the use of digital
marketing further minimizes distance and time restrictions. Customers do not need to spend
time traveling to the store; instead, they may make purchases using just their fingertips. Digital
marketing tactics to attract customers, shape preferences, promote brands, boost sales, and
The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In
Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

boost profitability (Widiastuti, 2021). Strauss and Frost (2014) outline the seven steps involved
in e-marketing strategy development: situation analysis, objectives, e-marketing strategy,
implementation plan, budget, and evaluation plan. The whole breakdown is as follows:
a. Analysis of Situation and Condition The examination of the company's strengths,
opportunities, weaknesses, and threats is the initial stage of the business concept. The
scenario analysis used in this section is a SWOT analysis. Using a SWOT analysis, you
may compare internal (Strengths and Weaknesses) and external (Opportunities and
Threats) factors that affect business.
b. Strategic E-Marketing Planning A straightforward seven-step process is used in this stage
to assess and analyze market opportunities (MOA).
c. Objectives E-marketing goals may be divided into task, quantity, and time categories. Task
(the intended result). a quantifiable amount (how much). Period of time (when). The
majority of e-marketing seeks to accomplish a number of goals, including the following:
share of the market growth.
d. E-marketing Strategy, The 4Ps and other marketing tactics are included in the e-marketing
strategy, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.
e. Plan for Implementation The business now determines how to use efficient and original
techniques to accomplish its objectives. To accomplish the goals of the plan, marketers
choose the marketing mix (4P), management methods, and other tactics before creating an
implementation plan.
f. Budget Identifying the anticipated returns on an investment is essential to effective strategic
planning. Marketers will continue to track real income and expenses during the plan's
execution to determine the outcomes that have been obtained.Identifying the anticipated
returns on an investment is essential to effective strategic planning. Marketers will regularly
track real income and expenditures during the plan's implementation to determine the
g. Plan of Evaluation The effectiveness of e-marketing strategies relies on ongoing assessment
as they are put into action. The plan's goals will determine the sort of assessment used.
Sales Rate
According to Sudrartono, (2019) explains that sales is an activity that includes all
activities that occur in transferring goods and providing assistance and information to the final
buyer or to the distributor. Kotler & Amstrong, (2008) Kotler argues that the concept of sales
is that consumers if left alone usually will not buy products from the company. Furthermore,
Kotler argues that there are five factors that influence the high and low level of sales, namely:

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e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184

a. The condition factor and the ability to sell, namely, a salesperson must have a high ability
to convince potential buyers so that they are willing or buy back the products they have
bought so far.
b. The factor of market conditions, is the ability of buyers by prospective buyers whether
prospective buyers are strong or not to buy products.
c. Financial factors, every activity usually requires capital. Because capital is used to drive
activities, where companies need to introduce their products to buyers so that they attract
their attention.
d. The company's organizational factors, especially its organizational structure, also affect
sales success, such as increasing efficiency and increasing productivity.
e. Promotion factors, promotion also influences the success of sales. Therefore, organizations
that dare to provide large funds for promotion will increase their sales levels, because
promotion is a tool to introduce their products to the consumer community.
In addition, the sales velocity According to Sudrartono, (2019), sales are the quantity
given by a corporation to industrial customers via distributors. It is elaborated that the
company's net sales level is the sum of the sales of all products over a given time period and
the sales outcomes achieved from market share, which is potential sales and can include
territorial groups and other buyer groups over the same time period.

This study employed a quantitative approach combined with descriptive and causal
research. In Palembang City, there were 40,130 MSMEs participating in this survey. In this
research, a probability sampling strategy was combined with a straightforward random
sampling method, which involves selecting sample participants at random from the population
without taking into account the population's strata. The population size in this research is
known, thus the Moe formula is used to calculate the sample size. If the population is huge and
the number is unknown, the margin of error formula is used as follows:

N = number of samples
Z = the level of confidence required in determining the sample 95%
The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In
Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

Moe = margin of error which is the maximum error rate that can be tolerated, is
determined 10% The number of samples is 98.01 and is rounded up to 100 responders based
on the computation results of the algorithm above since a larger sample size improves statistical
power. The application SPSS 24 was used for the study's data analysis. Techniques for data
analysis included multiple linear regression analysis.


Research Results
Research Instrument Test
a) Validity Test
Based on the results of this study of the validity test using SPSS 24. 24 items of
questionnaire statements from 100 respondents were declared valid and could become a
measuring tool. All items forming variables Digital Marketing, Types of Digital Marketing,
Digital Marketing Strategy, and Sales Rate, namely rcount > 0.1654 (rtable) and the significant
value of each item forming variables <0.05 so that all items are said to be valid.
b) Reliability Test
Based on the results of this study, it can be seen that the Cronbach's iAlpha value> 0.60,
namely Digital Marketing (0.855), Types of Digital Marketing (0.849), Digital Marketing
Strategy (0.876), and Sales Rate (0.809) which means that the value of the instrument on
all variables can be said to be reliable.
Classical Assumption Test
a) Normality Test
On the basis of the findings of this investigation, it is clear that the results of the one sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov normalcy test demonstrate the worth of Asymp. 2-tailed sig. is 0.200
> 0.05. The findings in this research therefore support the premise of normality and
demonstrate that the data are normally distributed.
b) Multicollinearity Test
Based on the study's findings, it can be shown that the tolerance value for the digital
marketing variable is 0.374, for digital marketing type (0.254), and for digital marketing
strategy (0.275). This demonstrates that no independent variable has a tolerance value
greater than 0.100. Meanwhile, based on the VIF value, it can be deduced that the Digital
Marketing variable has a VIF value of (2.675), a Type of Digital Marketing VIF value of
(3.944), and a Digital Marketing Strategy VIF value of (3.632), all of which indicate a value

178 WAWASAN - VOL. 2 NO. 1 JANUARI 2024

e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184

of VIF 10.00. The aforementioned rationale leads to the conclusion that the independent
variables in the iregression process do not exhibit multicollinearity disorder.
c) Heteroscedasticity Test
Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that there are no signs of
heteroscedasticity and that the regression model is appropriate for use because the sig value
of the digital marketing variable is (0.505), the digital marketing type is (0.072), and the
digital marketing strategy is (0.31).
Hypothesis Test
a) Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 1 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2,658 1,180 2,253 ,027
Digital Marketing ,226 ,076 ,267 2,965 ,004
Types of Digital Marketing ,292 ,083 ,383 3,505 ,001
Digital Marketing Strategy ,172 ,070 ,259 2,469 ,015
a. Dependent Variable: Sales Rate
Source: Primary data processed, (2023)

Based on table 6 above, it can be seen that the results of multiple linear regression
analysis, obtained multiple linear equations, namely:
Yi = ia + iβ1 iX1 + iβ2X2 + iβ3 X3
= 2,658 + 0,226 + 0,292 + 0,172 + e
iY : Sales Rate
ia : Constant Coefficient
iβ1 β2 β3 : Coefficient of Regression
X1 : Digital Marketing
X2 : Types of Digital Marketing
X3 : Digital Marketing Strategy
e : Standard error
This multiple linear regression equation can be interpreted as follows:
1) The value of α is 2.658, this value is a constant or explains the variables of Digital
Marketing, Types of Digital Marketing, and Digital Marketing Strategy, the Sales Level
variable is 2.658.
The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In
Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

2) β1 (X1 regression coefficient value), which is 0.226. This shows that the Digital
Marketing variable has increased by one unit, which will result in an increase in the
Sales Level variable by 0.226.
3) β2 (X2 regression coefficient value), which is 0.292. This shows that the Digital
Marketing Type Compensation variable has increased by one unit, which will result in
an increase in the Sales Level variable by 0.292.
4) β3 (regression coefficient value X3), which is 0.172. This shows that the Digital
Marketing Strategy variable has increased by one unit which will result in an increase
in the Sales Level variable by 0.172.
b) Test t
The following t test results using the SPSS program can be seen from table 6 that:
1) Effect of Digital Marketing on Sales Level
The t test result with a significant value of 0.004 0.05 is shown in the statistical analysis
of the influence of digital marketing on sales level. In light of these findings, it can be
said that H1 is acknowledged, that its influence is strong, and that digital marketing has
a favorable impact on MSME product sales in Palembang City.
2) The Effect of Digital Marketing Types on Sales Levels
The t test result with a significant value of 0.001 0.05 is shown in the statistical analysis
of the influence of Digital Marketing Type on Sales Level. Consequently, based on
these findings, it can be said that H2 is acknowledged, that it has an influence and is
considerable, and that the kind of digital marketing has a favorable and significant
impact on the volume of sales of MSME goods in Palembang City.
3) Effect of Digital Marketing Strategy on Sales Level
The t test result of the statistical analysis of the impact of the digital marketing strategy
on sales level has a significant value of 0.015 0.05. Therefore, based on these findings,
it can be said that H3 is accepted, that it has an impact, and that it is substantial, meaning
that the digital marketing strategy has a favorable and noteworthy impact on the level
of sales of MSME products in Palembang City.
c) Determinant Coefficient Test (R²)
Table 2 Test Results of the Coefficient of Determination (R²)
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 ,842a ,710 ,701 1,55774
a. Predictors: (Constant), Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing , Types of Digital Marketing
b. Dependent Variable: Sales Rate
Source: Primary data processed, (2023)

180 WAWASAN - VOL. 2 NO. 1 JANUARI 2024

e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184

Based on table 7 above, it can be deduced that the independent variables of digital
marketing variables, digital marketing types, and digital marketing strategies affect the
Sales Level by 70.1%, with other variables influencing the remaining 29.9%. The
coefficient of determination (R2) value is 0.701, which means that the independent
variables are responsible for 70.1% of the effect on the Sales Level.

According to the following analysis, digital marketing has the following effects on
growing product sales in micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) in Palembang
1. The Effect of Digital Marketing on Increasing Product Sales
Evident from the calculation of tcount> from ttable, the results of the Digital Marketing
hypothesis on Increased Product Sales in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
in Palembang City show that Digital Marketing has a significant effect on Increased
Product Sales in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang City. The
Digital Marketing variable has a tcount of 2.965> ttable 1.661 and a significant value of
0.004 0.05, indicating that the better the Digital Marketing, the more product sales will
increase in MSMEs in Palembang City, and the opposite is true when Digital Marketing is
poor: MSMEs in Palembang City will see a decline in product sales. To achieve a higher
monthly sales quota, many micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have
turned to digital marketing. According to the findings, 71% of respondents agree and 14%
are "strongly agree" that umkm uses digital marketing to learn more about its customers.
Two-way communication, or interactivity, is the capacity for back-and-forth dialogue
between brands and their target audiences in response to the feedback they provide. The
ability to be in constant contact with clients and vendors around the clock in real time is
seen as the service's most valuable feature (Hasiholan & Amboningtyas, 2021). Waruwu et
al., (2022), and Waqfin et al., (2021) have both found evidence to support this. The findings
of the tests indicate that digital marketing, even in part, significantly contributes to sales
2. The Effect of Digital Marketing Types on Increasing Product Sales
Evidenced by the calculation of tcount> from ttable, the results of the hypothesis of the
Type of Digital Marketing on Increased Product Sales in Micro, Small, and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang City show that the Type of Digital Marketing has a
significant effect on it. Since the type of digital marketing has a tcount of 3.505> ttable
The Effect Of Digital Marketing On Increasing Product Sales In
Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Palembang City

1.661 and a significant value of 0.001 0.05, we can infer that product sales in MSMEs in
Palembang City will increase the more effective the type of digital marketing is and will
decrease the more ineffective the type of digital marketing is. Sales may be boosted for
micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) when they use digital marketing
strategies that are tailored to their specific requirements. By enticing consumers to visit
websites, interact with brands or products, and ultimately make purchases online or offline
through media channels like the phone or in-store, digital media channels serve as an online
communication technique used to achieve the goals of brand awareness, familiarity, and
fun (Arfan & Hasan, 2022). Based on the results of this study, 45 respondents chose to
agree and 49. According to the findings of this research, 45 participants agreed and 49
participants strongly agreed that digital marketing is effective for increasing product sales.
Among the digital marketing types, MSME respondents selected social media marketing
because people spend so much time on social media these days. Marketing via social media
platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and other publisher sites, blogs, and
forums is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape. Harto et al., (2019), and Ratna,
(2019) provide evidence in support of this. According to the data, there is a statistically
significant positive relationship between the sort of digital marketing used and an increase
in sales.
3. The Effect of Digital Marketing Strategy on Increasing Product Sales
Calculating tcount> from ttable, we see that the hypothesis of the Digital Marketing
Strategy on Increasing Product Sales in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
in Palembang City is supported. The variable Digital Marketing Strategy has a tcount of
2.469> ttable 1.661 and a significant value of 0.015 0.05, indicating that the better the
Digital Marketing Strategy is, the more product sales will increase in Micro, Small, and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang City, and vice versa if the Digital Marketing
Strategy is bad. Product sales rise when micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises
(MSMEs) use effective digital marketing strategies. Because of its many benefits, including
the ability to generate higher sales levels thanks to the use of digital marketing's
minimization of distance and time barriers, digital marketing is seen as a solution for
MSME players in facing competition in the pandemic era by Hadi & Zakiah, (2021).
Customers may make purchases using the tips of their fingers instead of making an extra
trip to the shop. According to the findings, MSME respondents who were asked whether
they used digital marketing tactics preferred digital marketing methods by a margin of 60
to 28. Making a Plan for E-Marketing Success Market opportunities (MOA) are assessed

182 WAWASAN - VOL. 2 NO. 1 JANUARI 2024

e-ISSN: 2963-5225-p-ISSN: 2963-5284, Hal 173-184

and analyzed in this phase by following a straightforward seven-step approach. find the
ideal clientele for the business to pursue. Think about the benefits in terms of rivalry. figure
out whether your organization has what it takes to deliver the deal determine whether
consumers are prepared to embrace new technologies. Find the specifics of the chance.
Think of ways to attract more customers. Segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and
positioning are all components of an effective e-marketing approach. Based on these
findings, it is reasonable to suggest that E-marketing Strategic Planning be used by MSMEs
as a means of boosting product sales. Based on the results of the experiments, it seems that
the Digital Marketing Strategy does, in fact, help boost product sales. Previous studies by
(Hadi & Zakiah, 2021) and (Widiastuti, 2021). corroborate this.

Based on the previously given explanation, the test results demonstrate that Digital
Marketing, the first variable, has a strong positive impact on increased product sales. Increased
Product Sales is significantly positively impacted by the second variable, largely depending on
the kind of digital marketing used. Digital Marketing Strategy, the third variable, has a
considerable beneficial impact on growing product sales in Palembang City's Micro, Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs). Thanks to the colleagues who made the drafting of this
paper go smoothly, it is hoped that it will serve as a guide or reference for future study.


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