Strategies of Toxic Chromium (Vi) Mitigation From Tannery Effluents: A Review

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

12(06), 269-283

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/18876



Ayesha Zafar, Sayanee Sarkar, Sourav Paul, Bishal Das, Deepika Biswas and Jigisha Roy Panda
Guru Nanak Institute Pharmaceutical of Science and Technology, Department of Life Science.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Hexavalent chromium i.e., Cr (VI) is highly toxic and carcinogenic; it
Received: 12 April 2024 enters the environment through several anthropogenic activities. It is
Final Accepted: 15 May 2024 spuriously used in various industrial operations (leather tanning,
Published: June 2024 electroplating, paint and pigment production etc.) because of its
hardness and stability. It is found in industrial effluents in
Key words:-
Carcinogenic, Tannery Effluent, concentrations much above the prescribed limit of the World Health
Biodegradation, Environmental Organization (50 µg/L). Detection and remediation of chromium has
Pollution been the subject of research of many scientists but many previous
review works have been insufficient in comprehensive information.
This review conveys the basic knowledge of chromate toxicity leading
to physical discomfort and sometimes life-threatening illness including
irreversible damage to the vital body system in humans. Conventional
methods for removing toxic chromium ions (by chemical reduction
followed by precipitation, ion- exchange and adsorption on activated
coal, alum, kaolinite and ash) are costly for large-scale treatment.
Microbial uptake followed by reduction of toxic Cr (VI) has become
very successful due to its cost-effectiveness and use as a non-toxic
agent. This is referred to as bioremediation. This review emphasises
various strategies for hexavalent chromium bioremediation from
contaminated water. This review article, therefore, tries to highlight this
aspect of bioremediation of Cr (VI) from industrial effluents by native,
indigenously resident chromate-resistant bacteria.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2024,. All rights reserved.

Heavy metal pollution on the environment has catastrophic impacts on aquatic animals, plants, and people (Yin et
al., 2019) and has drastically impacted the natural world (Dabir et al., 2019). Unexpected industrial and urban
growth, which ignores the vitality of a safe environment, is the primary cause of pollution in the environment. These
actions have greatly increased the pollution levels of heavy metals, breaking the ecological equilibrium (Posthuma et
al., 2019). Over 1.7 million children under the age of five passed away as a consequence of being exposed to
hazardous substances, including heavy metals, as stated in one of the reports in WHO (Xu et al., 2018). As a result,
heavy metal pollution of the environment is a serious problem that demands rapid action. Most dangerous heavy
metals, which include lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd),
zinc (Zn), and others, are frequently used in a variety of industrial processes that eventually end up in natural
resources like land, soil, rivers, and seas. Around the globe, numerous studies (Fan et al., 2019) have demonstrated
the presence of heavy metals in the environment above the minimum levels set by various environment monitoring

Corresponding Author:- Dr. Jigisha Roy Panda 269

Address:- Assistant Professor Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

agencies. The name Chromium is derived from the Greek word "chrōma" (χρώμα), meaning colour, since it forms
intensely coloured compounds. It was discovered in 1797 by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in the crocoite (chromate
system) mineral. Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal with atomic number 24 (Pradhan et al., 2019), located in the 6th
group of the periodic table. Chromium is the most abundant of the Group VI A family of metallic elements. At a
concentration of nearly 400 parts per million in the earth's crust as various minerals, it is the 13th most common
element. Chromium has become an increasingly prevalent environmental pollutant due to its increasing utilization in
industry (Sanjay et al., 2020). It is one of the world’s most strategic, critical and highly soluble metal pollutants
having a wide range of uses in the metals and chemical industries. In superfund-managed contaminated sites
around the country, chromium is among the top 20 hazardous materials. Since it has high solubility, Cr easily
penetrates both surface and groundwater systems and enters plant tissues, where its mutagenic and oncogenic
qualities leave it extremely dangerous to both plants and animals (Lunardelli et al., 2018). Several rules and
regulations have been put in place for the monitoring and elimination of Cr in various sectors related to the
hazardous health effects of Chromium. In general, the bioavailability of an element is determined by its chemical
form. Oxidation state and solubility are particularly important factors for bioavailability. For this reason, it is
frequently necessary to establish the trace element composition of agricultural, biological, clinical and
environmental materials in both qualitative and quantitative terms (Banerjee et al.,2019). Though chromium exists in
nine valence states ranging from -2 to +6, trivalent chromium or Cr (III) and hexavalent chromium or Cr (VI) are of
major significance because of their stability in the natural environment. In contrast, essential oxidation and great
solubility are displayed by Cr (VI) species, which consist of the chromate and dichromate compounds, like, CrO4-2,
HCrO-4and Cr207-2 (Sanjay et al,.2020). In light of its high concentration in soil and wastewater from both
anthropogenic and natural processes, environmental pollution with Cr has recently drawn public attention such as
fertilizer application, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, sewage water, metal ore extraction, waste from the
municipal dump, industrial throw away (Ashraf et al., 2017). Chromium is used in electroplating (such as chrome
plating), in stainless steel (e.g., stainless steel), leather tanneries and dye productions (Vimercati et al., 2017)
DNA can be degraded by Cr6+ at ≥ 0.2 mg/mL and Cr3+ at ≥1.0 mg/mL (Hsu et al., 2015).The US Environmental
Protection Agency therefore considers Cr6+ as a Class A human carcinogen (US-EPA, 1998). Chromium is an
important metal due to its high corrosion, resistance and hardness. In this reference frame, chromium is of
special interest since it is an essential nutrient and at the same time a carcinogen (Novotnik et al., 2016). Dietary
deficiency of trivalent chromium has been as Ashraf et al., 2017) associated with faulty sugar metabolism in
humans, and inhalation of some moderately soluble hexavalent chromium compounds has been correlated with
increased incidences of lung cancer, ulceration of the skin, perforation of the nasal septum, inflammation of the
larynx, as well as damage to the kidneys (Pei et al., 2018).

Table 1:- Physical properties of different forms of chromium (WHO, 2021).

Properties Melting Point Boiling Point Solubility of water (g/L) Density
(ᵒC) (ᵒC) (g/cm3)
Cr 1185 2672 Insoluble 7.14
CrCl3 1152 _ Slightly soluble 2.76
K2CrO4 968.3 _ 790 2.73
Cr2O3 226 4000 Insoluble 5.21
CrO3 196 _ 624 2.70

Chromium's ionic state depends on the pH and redox state of the aqueous solution where it is found. Figure 1
shows a schematic picture of the production of free radicals during Cr (VI) reduction inside the cell via Haber-
Weiss reactions (Cys, as cysteine; Asc as ascorbate; GSH is reduced glutathione) by (Elahi and Rehman., 2019),
Cr3+ is insoluble at neutral to alkaline pH values, so its solubility is dependent on pH. Cr3+ is more common at pH
values below 5, while Cr6+ is more concentrated at pH values above 5 (Ma et al., 2019). Strong oxidizing agent
Cr6+ is found in aqueous systems as hydrochromate (HCrO 4-), chromate (VI), and dichromate (VI). All three
oxoanionic forms are present. Since the discovery of the first microbe capable of reducing Cr (VI) in the 1970s, the
search for Cr (VI)-reducing microorganisms (both aerobic and anaerobic) has been enthusiastically pursued, with
numerous strains being isolated (Bearcock et al., 2019). Numerous attempts have been made by researchers to
maintain Cr (VI) concentrations below the advised threshold. In recent years, physical remediation such as soil
replacement, soil isolation, vitrification, and electro-kinetic remediation, as well as chemical remediation such as
immobilization techniques, encapsulation, and soil washing, have been used to remediate Cr pollution in soil and
wastewater. These methods can be applied in-situ or ex-situ, on-site or off-site (Kanagaraj and Elango, 2019).

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

Figure 1:- Haber-Weiss production of free radicals during in-vivo Cr (VI) reduction.

The benefits of bioremediation over physical and chemical remediation include minimal or no soil disturbance, low
cost, no secondary pollution, in-situ remediation, and ease of use (Khalid et al., 2017). Bioremediation techniques
are the most dependable approaches for treating Cr and offer significant advantages in terms of ecology, economy,
and society (Velez et al., 2017). Bioremediation focuses on organisms that are alive (plants, algae, fungi, bacteria,
and forestry wastes), as well as biologically accomplished products (biochar used and raw materials from forestry
and agriculture). The bioremediation of Cr (VI) involves two primary pathways (Malaviya and Singh, 2016): (i)
Biosorption is the process by which biologically generated materials and live organisms sorb and enrich Cr (VI),
lowering the concentration of Cr (VI) in the surrounding environment (Jobby et al., 2018); and (ii)
biotransformation, which transforms highly hazardous and mobile Cr (VI) into Cr (III), making it harmless for the
surrounding environment (Vendruscolo et al.2017). Regarding the application of biologically produced materials
and live organisms for Cr remediation, there are currently very few published reviews. Most of the general
mechanisms and processes that rely on, bacteria, fungi, algae, plants, and raw materials from forestry and
agriculture, as well as their combined impacts on numerous pollution scales, are still not well understood (Fleming
et al., 2019). This review also conveys the basic knowledge of chromate toxicity leading to physical discomfort and
sometimes life-threatening illness to vital body systems in humans. This review emphasises various strategies for
hexavalent chromium bioremediation from contaminated water. Various biopolymeric adsorbents are also used in
modified forms by incorporating relevant bacterial biomass in them (Tiwari et al, 2019) to remediate chromium by
adsorption. Various biopolymeric adsorbents are also used in modified forms (by incorporating relevant bacterial
biomass in them) to remediate chromium by adsorption. This review paper describes in depth the toxic effects of Cr
(VI), various bioremediation strategies to combat Cr (VI) pollution and future course of action (Fallahzadeh et al.,

Genotoxicity of Cr (VI)
Chromium Transport and Accumulation
Cr (VI) is a toxin typically originating from anthropogenic activities. Natural or manufactured sources of chromium
can enter the ecosystem, and the geochemical cycle regenerates it to maintain environmental equilibrium. A spike in
chromium released due to human activity has engulfed the ecosystem and disturbed the regular chromium
geochemical cycle. As a result, higher concentrations of chromium are found in soil, sources of water, groundwater,
the sea, etc. Chromium enters the ecosystem naturally through weathering and rock leaching from chromite mines
and other natural sources (Bharagava and Mishra, 2018). There are various valence states for chromium, spanning
from 0 to VI. In the natural world, Cr (III) and Cr (VI) are the most prevalent and stable valence state species. By
co-precipitating with iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and/or aluminium (Al) oxides and hydroxides, which typically get
sorbed on soil particles and combined with soil organic compounds, Cr (III) could remain in the original minerals

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(Zhang et al., 2019). As a result, Cr (III) has comparatively lower bioavailability and toxicity than Cr (VI).
Chromate or dichromate acts as potent oxidants to release Cr (VI), which can also be found as CrO 42-, HCrO4-, and

These substances are more difficult for soil to absorb because of their high solubility in the environment and ease of
transportation in the water present in the pores of the soil colloids, leaving them hazardous to living things (Hsu et
al., 2015). Heavy metal oxyanions interfere with the metabolism of the structurally related non-metal (chromate with
sulfate) and the reduction of heavy-metal oxyanion leads to the production of radicals. Effluents from textile,
leather, tannery, electroplating, galvanizing, dyes and pigment, metallurgical and paint industries and. These metal
ions pose problems to the water environment (Zhang et al., 2020). Remove water and runoff from surface
charges/drains contaminating nearby waterways. The potential impacts of leaching operations on the environment
are changes in surface and groundwater quality. The principal pathways by which leached contaminants may enter
groundwater are leakage or spills from storage ponds, seepage path liners, after immersion in groundwater,
drainage/drainage of rainwater, uncontrolled flow through the pile and subsequent sedimentation. These toxic metal
ions not only cause potential human health hazards but also affect other life forms. Cr (VI) is toxic, carcinogenic and
mutagenic to animals and humans and plays a role in reducing plant growth and altering plant characteristics (He et
al., 2020). They cause physical discomfort and sometimes life-threatening illness including irreversible damage to
the vital body system; in humans. A slight elevation in the level of Cr (VI) elicits environmental and health
problems because of its high toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity.

Whereas its reduced trivalent form, (Cr (III)) is less toxic, insoluble and a vital nutrient for humans. 1nM of Cr (III)
is required as a trace element in humans. This binds to a low molecular mass binding substance, a small polypeptide
at a ratio of 4 Cr/peptide. The resulting chromium-containing peptide can activate specifically the insulin receptor
tyrosine kinase (Khan et al., 2020). Hence, Cr (III) starvation in men leads to reduced glucose tolerance with a
physiological condition similar to diabetes. One of the eight most toxic chemicals to the human body, Cr (VI) is also
known worldwide as one of the metals that causes cancer (Jaishankar et al., 2014). In India, there are over 3000
tanneries, mostly in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.
These tanneries produce about 1,75,000 m3 of wastewater every day. It uses a lot of water, and it also produces a lot
of wet waste that contains chromium. The amount of chromium found in tannery effluent ranges from 2000 to 5000
mg/L, which is significantly more than the allowed amount in wastewater (Jin et al., 2016).

Chromium-containing wastewater that has not been treated from these industries influences several water resources
features, including colour, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biological oxygen
demand (BOD). Additionally, it contaminates water for irrigation and agricultural field soils, which could facilitate
the entry of chromium into the food chain; (Vijayaraj et al., 2018). Another way for chromium to enter the food
chain is through the consumption of poultry feed, which has also been discovered to be contaminated with the metal.
Chromium is then further stored in the body parts of the chicken (Yaashikaa et al., 2019). Chromium generally
interacts with aquatic organisms' enzymatic and physiological functions. As a result of its neurotoxic effects, which
also decrease total weight, it additionally affects how much food is consumed (Hashem et al., 2017).

Elemental chromium (Cr) is not found in nature but is found in minerals, especially chromite (FeOCr 2O3).
Hexavalent chromium is the main form of chromium used in (mostly) industrial processes, including the
production of metal oils an important use of Cr, chrome leather tanning, metal cleaning processing, wood
preservation, ceramics, pyrotechnics, electronics and so on, and is therefore the most common pollutant in various
industrial wastes. Non-occupational exposure to the metal occurs via the ingestion of chromium-containing food
and water, whereas occupational exposure occurs via inhalation (Sumaiya et al., 2023). Workers in the chromate
industry are exposed to chromium concentrations of 10-50 µg/m3 for Cr (III) and 5-1000 µg/m3 for Cr (VI).
Humans and animals localize chromium in the lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, adrenals, plasma, bone marrow, and
red blood cells (RBC). The main routes of chromium excretion are kidneys/urine and bile/feces. Hexavalent
chromium is transported into cells via the sulfate transport mechanisms, taking advantage of the similarity of
sulfate and chromate concerning their structure and charge (Mathur et al., 2016). Once developed, chrome
sensitivity can be persistent. In such cases, contact with chromate-dyed textiles or wearing chromate-tanned
leather shoes can cause or exacerbate contact dermatitis. Vitamin C and other reducing agents combine with
chromate to give Cr (III) products inside the cell (Abreu et al., 2018). Cr (VI) compounds are genotoxic
carcinogens. Chronic inhalation of Cr (VI) compounds increases the risk of lung cancer (lungs are especially
vulnerable, followed by fine capillaries in kidneys and intestine). According to some researchers, the damage

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is caused by hydroxyl radicals, produced during reoxidation of Cr VI by hydrogen peroxide molecules present
in the cell. Zinc chromate is the most widely used chromate in industry. Soluble compounds, such as chromic acid,
are much weaker carcinogens. The accumulated chromium in soil can also cause acute and long-term toxic
effects on soil ecosystems (Banu et al., 2018). The Cr (VI) concentrations in wastewater produced by industries are
estimated to be between 0.1 and 200 mg/L. Stringent regulations have been imposed by various organizations.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water guidelines, the maximum allowable limit
for Cr (VI) and total chromium (including Cr (III), Cr (VI) and other forms) are 0.05 and 2 mg/L, respectively.
According to the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is 0.1 mg/L (total chromium).
The maximum permissible level of chromium in bottled water is 0.1 mg/L. Specific colour additives may contain
chromium at levels no greater than 50 mg/L. Chromium may be used in hydrolyzed leather meal used in feed for
animals provided it contains chromium at levels below 2.75% of the total by weight. According to (Baaziz et al.,
2017), chromium is a toxic contaminant that is non-degradable, persists in nature, builds up in the food chain, and
can eventually reach harmful levels in living systems. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
prescribes the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for Cr (VI) as 0.1 mg/m3 (based on chromic acid and chromates
listing). T h e National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) indicates an Immediately
Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) limit of 15 mg/m3 as Cr (VI) (For chromic acid and chromates listing). The
recommended Exposure Limit (time-weighted-average workday) is restricted to 0.001 mg/m3 (for chromic acid
and chromates and chromyl chloride listings).

Table 2:- Acceptable limit and lethal impacts of Cr (III) and Cr (VI).
Agencies Bureau of United State World Health European Reference
Indian Environmental Organization Union
Standard Protection Agency (WHO) Standards
Freshwater Banerjee et al. (2019)
0.5mg/L 0.011mg/L _ _
Drinking (WHO,2022)
water 0.5mg/L 0.1mg/L 0.5mg/L 0.5mg/L
Industrial Banerjee et al. (2019)
discharge 2.0mg/L _ 2.0mg/L _

Chromium exposure in many countries has increased at an alarming rate which is having a disadvantageous effect
on living organisms. Table 3 refers to the studies of chromium pollution in various countries confirming the
harshness of the issue.

Chromium Toxicity
As for its hardness and stability, chromium (in hexavalent form) is widely used in industrial operations such as
leather tanning. Chromium-tanned leather may contain 4-5% of chromium (Chai et al., 2019). The following lists
the physical, chemical, and biological techniques used in Cr remediation. Conventional methods for removing toxic
chromium ions from wastewater include chemical reduction which is followed by precipitation, ion exchange and
adsorption on activated carbon, alum, kaolinite and ash. However, the costs to set up the required equipment and to
operate these processes are prohibitively high for large-scale treatment (Li et al., 2019). Microbial uptake and
reduction of toxic Cr (VI) have practical importance because biological strategies provide cost-effective green
technology (Banerjee et al., 2019).

Microbial diversity resistant to chromium

Many microbes by their cellular activities significantly contribute to these biogeochemical cycles. The way microbes
interact with toxins allows them to be eliminated and recovered are biosorption, bioaccumulation and
biotransformation by enzymatic reduction (WHO, 2022). Transport of chromate via the sulfate transport system was
demonstrated for the first time in Salmonella typhimurium and later in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens
and Alcaligenes eutrophus (Table 4). Unlike other metals, which are primarily cationic species, Cr exists primarily
in the oxyanion form (e.g., CrO42-) and thus cannot be trapped by the anionic components of bacterial envelopes.
However, cationic Cr (III) derivatives bind tightly to Salmonella lipopolysaccharides, Bacillus subtilis and E. coli
cell walls, and capsular polymers of Bacillus licheniformis (Liu X et al., 2018).

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

Table 3:- Concentrations of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) above permissible limits in various countries.
Sr Cr3+/Cr6+ Country Concentration Any other Source of References
No reported areas heavy contamination
1. Xiu district, near China 506.58 mg/kg in Copper and Industrial effluent Pei et al.
Yellow River soil Zinc (2018)
2. Bandeirantes do Brazil 47.49 mg/kg in Other Tannery effluent Lunardelli et
Norte River sediment sample metals in al. (2018)
the limit
3. Clyde River Scotland 971 mg/L Lead Naturally occurring Bearcock et
catchment ore minerals al. (2019)
4. Tarnaveni Romania 525.8 mg/kg Lead and Chemical industry Mihaileanu et
total Manganese al. (2019)
5. Aosta Town Italy 0.165 mg/L Dolomite Superficial slag Tiwari et al.
and calcite deposits by a steel (2019)
6. Birjand Iran 0.132 mg/L NM extraction of Fallahzadeh
chromite mines and et al. (2018)
its drainage
7. Palar river India 0.060 mg/L Fluoride Tannery effluent Kanagaraj
and and Elango
hydrogeochemical (2019)
8. Tannery Waste, India 5.7 ± 0.2 mg/L Zinc, PCP, Tannery industry Bharagava &
Uttar Pradesh phenol Mishra
9. Jharia, Uttar India 761 mg/L NM Tannery industry Baaziz et al.
Pradesh (2017)
10. Chinnavarikkam, India 52.91 mg/kg NM Tannery effluent Karthik et al
Vellore (2017)

Table 4:- Comparative study of the efficiency of heavy metal reduction of diversity of bacteria.
Sr Name of bacteria MIC % Of heavy Optimum Optimum Reference
no metal reduction pH temperature
1. Cellulosimicrobium sp. 800 99.33% at 50 7 37 ◦C Bharagava and
mg/L mg/L Mishra,
And 62.28% at (2018)
300 mg/L
2. Pseudomonas stutzeri 1900 27.47 mg/g of 2 30 ◦C Yaashikaa et
mg/L adsorbent al (2019)
3. Bacillus cereus 2000 100% at 200 7.5 37 ◦C Banerjee et al.
mg/L mg/L (2019)
4. Bacillus aerius S1 1820 2703.48 mg/g 8 37 ◦C Elahi and
mg/L Rehman
5. Brevibacterium iodinum 1820 2600 mg/g 8 37 ◦C Elahi and
S2 mg/L Rehman

Chromium Bioremediation
Pollution caused by heavy metals is increasing at an alarming rate which is having a disastrous effect on human
beings Table 3 thus illustrates chromium pollution reported by various studies. Various methods have been aligned

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

for remediation of chromium by physical, chemical and biological means. Physical remediation methods like soil
washing, flushing, landfilling, ultrafiltration, and excavation are some techniques used for heavy metal remediation
(Xia et al., 2019) Chemical bioremediation includes usually precipitation, solvent extraction, oxidation in an
advanced form, ion exchange, adsorption and chemical reduction. The chemical and physical remediations both are
highly expensive, economically feasible and lethal to the environment (Sumiahadi and Acar, 2018). These often
cause the formation of more hazardous chemicals which cause more environmental pollution. These methods are not
usually cost-effective and the problem faced while disposing of them makes these methods inevitable (Jin et al.,
2016). On the other side bioremediation by biological means is more appropriate which involves biological
mechanisms and processes. One such biological treatment refers to bacterial bioremediation which is a process using
microbes or their enzymes to return the natural environment, that had been previously altered by contaminants (like
heavy metals etc), to its original condition. The striking features of bio remediations technology and their cost
effectiveness make it a favorable method adopted by many scientists around the world for the remediation of
chromium and many heavy metals. Many studies have conducted bioremediation of chromium from industrial
effluents using isolated bacteria from infected areas generating bacterial bioremediation (Fan et al., 2019).

Mechanism of chromium detoxification in microorganisms

Various microorganisms having chromium-resisting capacity have been studied and their mechanism of interaction
with chromium has been researched (Venkatesan and Subramani, 2019). Chromium-resistant bacteria use a variety
of strategies to overcome the stress produced by chromium to survive. These processes include bioaccumulation,
biosorption, biotransformation, efflux, enzymatic reduction, reduction, precipitation, cytosolic binding, non-
enzymatic, biofilm formation, etc.

Different Mechanisms of Bacteria

Interaction in the cell surface
The first site for interaction is the cell surface for various molecules that surround the outer surface of the cell. It
transmits signals within the cell and acts as the first line of defense against the foreign particles. The bacterial
envelope consists of the anionic lipopolysaccharides (LPS), phospholipids and membrane proteins. The Gram-
negative bacteria have a thin peptidoglycan layer present under the LPS layer and these two layers play an important
role in heavy metals interaction, while gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer present on their cell
surface (Baldiris et al., 2018). According to reports (Table 4), these functional groups actively participate in the cell
surface absorption and interaction of chromium on the cell surface. When bacteria are exposed to chromium, their
cell surface molecules change in composition as a result of their association with chromium.

Table 5:- Bio-mitigation strategies of various Cr (VI) resistant bacteria.

Sr no Name of bacteria Mechanism involved Taxonomy of bacteria Reference
1. Azotobacter beijreinckii Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Azotobacteraceae Chug et al.
MTCC 2641 secretion (2016)
2. Bacillus strain TCL EPS secretion, Cr6+ Bacillaceae Pei et al.
reduction, and efflux (2018)
3. Cellulosimicrobium I) extracellular reduction Promicromonosporaceae Karthik et al.
funkei and II) intracellular (2017)
4. Stenotrophomonas Cr6+ reduction Xanthomonadaceae Baldiris et al.
maltophilia (2018)
5. Shewanella oneidensis Efflux and reduction Shewanellaceae Baaziz et al.
6. Pannonibacter BB Reduction, efflux, Rhodobacteraceae Chai et al.
phragmitetus Reactive oxygen Species (2019)
7. Bacillus sp. CRB-1 Cr6+ reduction, Bacillaceae Zhu et al.
efflux (2019)

Interaction of chromium with functional groups

Most of the functional groups that chromium interacts with on the surface of bacteria are C- and O-based. At
alkaline pH (pH 9), cell surface functional groups like N–H, –CONH–, and C–NH2 cannot interact with chromium

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since they are electrostatically neutral; however, COOH and OH groups are negatively charged at this pH and can
therefore interact electrostatically with chromium. Nevertheless, by electrostatic contact, Cr3+ interacts with
protonated functional groups found on the surface of bacteria (Fang et al., 2018). One of the responses and an
offensive strategy against chromium toxicity is the clumping of cells, which is triggered by charges on the bacterial
surface that tend to neutralize in the presence of chromium (Li et al., 2019). In addition, Cr 6+ can combine to
produce insoluble Cr3+, a colloid of chromium hydroxide that is absorbed on the surface of bacteria and modifies the
overall protein composition of the cell surface. When everything is considered, the bacterial cell surface plays an
essential part in both chromium remediation and resistance Bacillus sp. is the most common type of Gram-positive
chromium-resistant bacteria (Table 4), whereas a broad range of gram-negative bacteria (Table 5) are found to be
resistant to chromium (Karthik et al., 2017).Gram-negative bacteria are more able to decrease Cr 6+ extracellularly
than Gram-positive bacteria because their outer membranes contain lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins, and
phospholipids. Shaw and Dussan claim that lineages I and II contain the efflux pumps and regulators of both Gram-
positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These clusters' amino acid alignment analysis revealed that each lineage has
distinct amino acid signatures and conserved areas. Lineages I and II comprise Gram-positive and Gram-negative
efflux pumps and regulators, respectively (Bansal et al., 2019). A schematic representation of the similarities and
differences between the responses of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to Cr3+/Cr6+ can be found in Figure

Biosorption is a metabolically passive process, meaning it does not require energy and the number of contaminants
in the sorbent can be removed depending on the composition of the sorbent cells and the kinetic balance. Infections
are recorded on a cellular basis. Biosorption is the biophysical interaction of bacteria with heavy metals that results
in the adsorption of heavy metals on the surface of the bacteria, it is a non-specific reaction of bacteria to harmful
heavy metals and entails the binding of chromium with the active functional groups on the cell surface. The passive
process of biosorption is dependent on both the external environment and the physicochemical characteristics of the
cell wall. The ability of different species of bacteria to biosorb heavy metals varies, and it is also dependent on the
composition of their cell walls (Vendruscolo et al., 2017). The process of biosorption contains two stages. Passive
physical adsorption, the first stage of biosorption, occurs on the surface of the bacterium through complexation, ion
exchange, coordination, adsorption, chelation, and precipitation. The type of bacterium and its surroundings
determine whether these physical adsorption processes of biosorption work in collaboration or separately from one
another. Furthermore, it can be accomplished by both living and non-living bacterial cells because it is not
dependent on bacterial metabolism. Slower-moving bioaccumulation is the second stage of biosorption, involving
active chromium transport into the bacterial cell that is dependent on metabolism. Chromium that has been
bioaccumulated is then internalized using binding to metallothionein, localization into specific organelles, and
particle accumulation (Dutta et al., 2022).

According to (Elahi and Rehman, 2019), chromium can be absorbed as reduced Cr3+ ions or as Cr 6+ ions.
Extracellular polysaccharide compounds are said to biosorb chromium, resulting in changes to its cell shape and an
increase in size (Jin et al., 2016). Proton exchange (H+) facilitates chromium biosorption through a variety of
functional groups on the cell surface, including amines, carboxyl, phosphate, and hydroxyl groups (Shaw and
Dussan, 2018). Cr6+ exists as HCrO4− and CrO72- at lower pH levels (Raman et al., 2017), and there is an increase in
the protonation of carboxyl and amino groups on the cell wall. This causes an anionic Cr 3+/Cr6+ to be attracted to the
cell surface electrostatically. Consequently, a lower pH promotes greater chromium biosorption. However, as pH
rises, the deprotonation of functional groups increases the negative charges on the cell wall. This results in repulsion
between the negatively charged Cr3+/Cr6+ and the cell surface, which lowers total biosorption. Furthermore, the
precipitation of metals at higher pH levels diminishes the solubility and affinity of metal ions, thereby slowing down
the biosorption process.

Strategies for bioremediation of Cr (VI)

Bacterial Cr (VI) Reduction
Chromium reductase, an enzyme, or a natural process may transform highly poisonous and mobile Cr 6+ into less
toxic and insoluble Cr3+, which is another significant and extensively researched method of chromium detoxification
in bacteria. Chromium reductase activity is present in the majority of chromium-resistant bacteria:
cellulosimicrobium sp., Ochrobactrum sp., Bacillus sp. JDM-2-1, Staphylococcus capitis, Cellulosimicrobium
funkei, Pseudomonas putida, Lysinibacillus fusiformis ZC1, Achromobacter xylosoxidans SHB 204, Pediococcus
pentosaceus, and Providencia sp. are among the bacterial species that have been reported to have chromium

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

reductase activity (Vendruscolo et al., 2017).Depending on where chromium reduction occurs, there are two
different types of chromium reductases: membrane-associated reductase and intracellular reductase Table 6.
Membrane-associated reductase uses sulfate transport channels that are found on the bacterial surface to transfer
Cr6+ into the cytoplasm and convert it to Cr3+ at the cell envelope during the transport process.

Figure 2:- Comparison of Cr (VI) resistance in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

Table 6:- Chromate reductase activity of various bacteria: a comparative study.

Sr no Name of the bacteria Chromium reductase activity shown Reference
1. Bacillus strain TCL EPS and cell membrane Banerjee et al.
2. Bacillus sp.M6 Cell envelope and cell cytoplasm Zhu et al.
3. Oceanobacillus Cr6+ reduction by cell Chai et al.
Oncorhynchus W4 Envelop (2019)
4. Stenotrophomonas A soluble fraction of the cell Baldiris et al.
macrophilia (2018)

Intracellular chromium reduction involves the following steps

1. Biosorption of chromium on the cell surface- Alkane, amines, amides, and other functional groups allow
Cr6+ from the surrounding media to be adsorbed on the surface of bacteria.
2. Cr 6+ transport- Cr6+ is transported via SO4 2− and PO4 2− channels and exists in the tetrahedral CrO4 2− ionic
form, which is an analogue of physiologically significant anions like SO4 2− and PO4 2−(Kalola V, Desai C,
3. Cr 6+ reduction- Cytosolic molecules convert intracellular Cr 6+ to insoluble Cr3+.
4. Cr 3+ bioaccumulation- The cytosol contains reduced Cr3+ (Zhu et al. 2019)

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

Bacterial biomass decreases when chromium is present because bacterial energy is directed toward chromium
reduction and detoxification. The mere presence of a high number of active cells with maximum enzymatic activity
is likely the reason why bacteria in the logarithmic phase are substantially better at performing Cr 6+ reduction than
bacteria in any other growth phase (Wang et al., 2017). In both anaerobic and aerobic environments, chromium
reduction can take place. The electron transport chain, where Cr 6+ functions as a terminal electron acceptor, is often
linked to membrane-bound reductase proteins and/or enzymes, which are implicated in the anaerobic reduction
process. When the environment is anaerobic, the electrons that ubiquinone produces travel through cytochrome b to
cytochrome c. Once cytochrome c is reduced, it is oxidized to decrease Cr6+ extracellularly.

Efflux mechanism inside the cell

The chromium, which is present inside the cytoplasm of a cell, can harm essential biomolecules that are necessary
for cell viability. As a result, certain bacteria have evolved an effective efflux pump that functions as a cell defense
mechanism by pushing harmful chromium ions out of the cell and into the periplasm or surrounding environment.
The flex process is typically used by bacteria to carry out various tasks such as preserving cell homeostasis and
strengthening their resistance to salt and heavy metals, antibiotics which allow them to endure harsh environments
(Ikegami et al., 2020). Microorganisms that are resistant to chromium, ethidium bromide (EtBr) and chromium are
reported to be efficiently effluxed by bacillus strain TCL, reducing intracellular chromium damage. Therefore, the
secretion of chromium functions in combination with the excretion of other harmful compounds, and transmembrane
potential drives chromium reflex and energy-dependent chemiosmotic gases process that is concentration dependent.
It is proposed that it is related to the trans-electron transport chain whereby chromium efflux inhibits the chain by
removing electrons from it to facilitate chromium expulsion from the cell (Pei et al., 2018). The genes are reported
to be involved with chromium 3+ and chromium 6+ transport by playing a variety of roles such as generating
membrane potential, electron transfer and transmembrane.

Bioaccumulation is an active metabolic process driven by energy from a living organism and requires respiration
Bioaccumulation occurs when pollutants are transported to the surface and into cells. Both bioaccumulation and
biosorption occur naturally in all living organisms. Bioremediation has been used for the last three decades and as a
result, the laboratory process could be scaled up to a fully commercialized technology. An effective bioremediation
program is based on the management of soil microbial communities capable of remediation. Heavy metals exhibit
toxic effects on t h e soil biome, and they can affect key microbial processes and decrease the number and
activity of soil microorganisms (Dutta et al., 2022). The microbial population has often been used as an easy and
sensitive indicator of anthropogenic effects on soil ecology. The Cr (VI)-reducing ability found in some bacteria
has raised the possibility of using these microorganisms as a biotechnological tool for the remediation of chromate-
polluted zones. The main advantages of using bacterial Cr (VI) reduction are that it does not require high energy
input nor toxic chemical reagents and the possibility of using native, non-hazardous strains (Habib et al., 2024). Cr
(VI) has been reported to cause shifts in the composition of soil microbial populations and detrimental effects
on microbial cell metabolism at high concentrations. Quite a few studies on soil contamination of heavy metal
from industrial sites were reported based on recent isolation and purification of Cr (VI) reductases from aerobic
bacteria and the fact that the process involved in Cr (VI) reduction occurring under anaerobic conditions is
starting to be understood, biological processes for treating chromium contaminated sites are becoming very
promising. Some of the emerging technologies for the mitigation and remediation of Cr (VI) include microbial
strategies for in situ and on-site bioremediation.

Bioremediation in its different forms has been used in a wide variety of environmental clean-up projects. The
success is dependent on the type and extent of soil or water contamination, site characteristics, environmental factors
etc. Microbes that can degrade. When pollutants break down, the biodegradable population decreases. Residues
from treatment are generally inert products and include carbon dioxide, water and biomass cells. Bioremediation is
necessary for the destruction of many contaminants. Many things considered legitimate hazards can be turned into
harmless products. This eliminates the possibility of future liability for handling and disposal of contaminated
materials. Bioremediation can often be carried out in the field without causing significant disruption to existing
processes. This also eliminates the need to transport large amounts of waste to different locations and the potential
hazards to human health and the environment that may arise during transportation. Biological processes are
generally well-defined. Testing from the test bench through trial and error to full implementation is difficult.
Research is needed to develop and develop bioremediation technologies suitable for sites with mixed contaminants

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(06), 269-283

that do not disperse well in the environment. There is a need to promote more field bioremediation studies than just
bacterial isolation in lab scale and treatment assays Very few studies have shown how waste can be treated using
bioremediation. A continuous search for the new biological form is required for proper management of increasing
pollution and contamination. Therefore, bioremediation is still considered an advanced technology to control daily
environmental problems that threaten residents.

Future Perspective
Bacterial bioremediation can be combined with other techniques such as phytoremediation immobilization which
can support the growth of bacteria, which also help in achieving maximum bioremediation Though limitations of
phytoremediation lie in the fact that the process is limited to the surface plants and the area occupied by the roots.
Moreover, the system is not efficient enough to put a complete check on the process of heavy metals leaching. There
is always a danger of bioaccumulation and biomagnification of the contaminants into the plants and then to higher
levels through food chains. The biggest hurdles lie in the fact that few plants are bigger and cannot be moved from
one place to another to be used for the process of bioremediation.

Not all pollutants can be easily treated, accumulated or degraded by bioremediation using microbes, and the
microbial impact of metal contamination associated with phytoremediation has so far been neglected. Thus, there is
a need to search for new techniques such as genetically modified microorganisms or to combine plants, fungi and
bacteria to provide interesting opportunities in the bioremediation process. Even though various sources of
bioremediation such as bacteria, archaebacteria, yeasts, fungi, algae and plants are available, the biological treatment
alone is not sufficient enough to treat the pollutants or contaminated sites. Every biological form has a different
growth requirement (temperature, pH and nutrients) so we need to isolate those forms, which can be cultured easily
in the laboratory, with minimal requirement and can be useful in treating a variety of pollutants. A detailed study of
area-wise and pollutant-type databases is much needed to finalize the priority area and the need for the effective
removal of the pollutants from the contaminated sites. The decontamination of these natural resources is essential for
the conservation of nature and the environment using the bioremediation process.

The authors are grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Abhijeet Sengupta, honourable Director, and Prof. (Dr.) Lopamudra Dutta,
honourable Principal of Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology for providing the resources
to prepare the review work.

Conflict of interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest with anyone.

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