Final Ishaan Resume - 2
Final Ishaan Resume - 2
Final Ishaan Resume - 2
Hack-Fest 2.0 Hackathon 2022- Among MOVIE REVIEW APP | GitHub | Live App
top 30 teams out of total 500+ teams all
across the India. Develop a dynamic web application using React.js, JavaScript, Express.js, and Node.js.
Hacktoberfest 2022, Participated in a 1- Curate a collection of upcoming, popular, and top-rated movies.
month Open Source program powered Implement user authentication with JWT for secure user account management.
by Digital Ocean and successfully Create RESTful API endpoints to enable CRUD operations for rating, reviews, and user
merged 4 Pull Requests across various profiles.
organizations in Github. Effortlessly retrieve comprehensive movie details by utilizing the MovieDB API.
Solved more than 300 Questions from all
over the platform.
GeekForGeeks -In top 15 DSA
practitioners on GFG among total Part of school cricket team in class 11-12th.
students of my college. Participated in Intra college Table Tennis competition for my Branch.
CodeChef- Highest Rating -1544 | July Music.
Long One 2022 -Global Rank: 532. Desigining.