Efficient Way of Web Development Using Python and Flask
Efficient Way of Web Development Using Python and Flask
Efficient Way of Web Development Using Python and Flask
Keywords: Web development, templates, python, flask, Jinja, opencv, pages, hand gestures
Python is a popular programming language. It
How Python web development is efficient using Flask: was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.
It is used for Web development, server development,
Python is a general purpose, high level programming
mathematics, system scripting.
language that focuses on the code readability, for web
Python works on different platforms (Windows,
development lines of code will be fewer than other
Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc). Python has a simple
languages. It is possible for Python because of large
syntax similar to the English language. Python has syntax
standard libraries which make the Web development code
that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines
simple and short. These libraries have pre-coded
than some other programing languages. Python can be
functions provided by Python community which can be
treated in a procedural way, an object-oriented way or a
easily downloaded and can be used as per the
functional way. Python runs on an interpreter system,
development needs. Initially Python was designed for
meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written.
web designed for web servers to deal with the incoming
This means that Prototyping can be very quick.
traffic on the server.
a) Features of Python:
Flask uses Jinja Template Engine and the
(i) Small Core
Werkzeug WSGI ToolKit. Flask structures categories
(ii) Clear, Concise, and Orthogonal Syntax
into two parts “Static files & Template files”, template
(iii) Self Documenting
file have all the Jinja templates including Html pages,
(iv) Easy supports for default arguments
whereas static file have all static codes needed for website
(v) Object-Oriented file handling
such as CSS code, JavaScript code and Image files.
(vi) Method Chaining
B. Technical Advantages:
a. Robust
Robustness is the ability of system to cope with errors
during execution. Robustness is also used as the ability of
an algorithm to continue operating despite abnormalities
in input, calculations, etc. robustness can encompass
many areas of web development.
b. Open Source:
Python & Flask are an open source languages in which
the source code is available to the general public for use
and/or modification from its original design. Open-
source code is typically a collaborative effort where other
developers can improve upon the source code and share
the changes within the community so that order members
can help improve it further.
Introduction to Python: Introduction to Flask: