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Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar Gopinath

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Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar Gopinath

Name Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar Gopinath
Education Graduate oI the National DeIence Academy
Occupation Founder and CEO at Deccan Aviation and Air Deccan
Founded 25 August 2003
Industry Aviation
Headquarters Mumbai, India

Famous for
Pioneer oI India's low-cost airline Air Decca. Ex-army oIIicer turned Iarmer then
entrepreneur, in 1997, along with another colleague Irom the army, Iounded Deccan Aviation
- India's largest Private Helicopter Charter Company. In 2003 he became the pioneer in
launching India's Iirst low-cost carrier Air Deccan - the common man's airline.

It was the largest airline in terms oI its reach/network, the number oI passengers Ilown and
it's Ileet size. The only company, which overtook Indian Airlines and gained the 2nd largest
market share.
A Iormer army oIIicer and an award winning Seri culturist, Capt G.R Gopinath, made his
Ioray in the aviation sector way back in 1995; at a time when domestic aviation was
monopolized by a handIul oI Full Service Airlines (FSA) and strict government regulations
were the norm. He identiIied the potential which the helicopter charter business had in India.
Combining his entrepreneurial skills and vision with the technical skills oI his ex-army
Iriends, he launched Deccan Aviation a dedicated, customer Iocused heli-charter Company.
Today, Deccan Aviation, headquartered in Bangalore has 11 helicopters and 2 small aircraIt
and operates out oI nine major cities and locations, spanning the entire length and breadth oI
India. The company is India`s largest and most reputed private air charter company including
Sri Lanka.
Early life & Education
Captain G. R. Gopinath, Founder and CEO at Deccan Aviation and Air Deccan is a graduate
oI the National DeIence Academy and has served the Indian Army. He is considered the
Iather oI low cost air travel in India. He created a whole new market when he launched
India`s Iirst low cost airline, Air Deccan.
Capt G R Gopinath or Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar Gopinath or `Gopi` as he is aIIectionately
called was born in a Hassan Iyengar Iamily oI the remote village oI Gorur, Karnataka.
Starting his studies in a village school, he completed his Iurther schooling at Sainik (military)
School, Bijapur. ThereaIter he joined the distinguished National DeIence Academy and later
graduated Irom the Indian Military Academy as a commissioned oIIicer in the Indian Army.
He then went on to serve the Army Ior eight years.
Sometime in 1995, the Govt. oI India started the reIorms process by encouraging
entrepreneurship. This inspired the entrepreneur in him to identiIy the tremendous potential
Helicopter Charter had in India. Along with an old Army Iriend he decided to start a private
sector commercial helicopter service in 1996. Starting with just one helicopter, today Deccan
Aviation boasts oI 10 (Ten) Helicopters and two charter jets operating Irom eight major
locations criss-crossing the entire length oI the country. This company is India`s most reputed
private Air Charter Company with a presence now in Srilanka also.
ever Give Up!
For six years Captain Gopinath slept under a thatched rooI and tried to make living by
growing bananas, cereals, coconuts, and vegetables in the government provided land when
his ancestral land was eaten up by a dam. It was in 1985 that he switched to silkworm rearing.
And he had to wait Ior Iour more years to see some success. Yes, that's ten long years oI toil,
and it didn't end with Iarming.
When he launched Deccan Aviation, it took Captain Gopinath Iour years to get one helicopter
on lease. At every step he Iaced new bundle oI challenges whether they emanated Irom
government controls, competition, or something else. His Iirst Air Deccan Ilight caught Iire
and everyone wrote his company oII. But he says that he's been an optimist who always
reIused to give up. He Iaced all challenges head on, to give India Air Deccan that boasts
about Iastest aircraIt turnaround time, cost eIIiciency, wide connectivity, and ticketing access.
Pursue Your Passion
Captain Gopinath stresses that one should pursue his passion and never let Iear oI Iailing
come in the way. The problems will come and Iailures are unavoidable but having single
minded Iocus, determination, and ability to assimilate Iailures is the only way Iorward, he
believes. From army, Iarming and deals, to aviation, Gopinath has had one dream that is to
make a diIIerence and in spite oI all odds he continues to pursue that.

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