Semi Detailed LP Group 6 Revised
Semi Detailed LP Group 6 Revised
Semi Detailed LP Group 6 Revised
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
✓ Determine what is Fiction.
✓ Enumerate the types of Fiction.
✓ Appreciate the importance of fiction in our daily lives.
✓ Create a fictional story or piece.
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
5. Motivation
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
• The teacher will show a picture and students will identify the title of
the movie presented.
2. Analysis
• The teacher will ask the following questions to the students.
1) What have you noticed about the activity that we have done?
2) Who can guess our topic for today’s discussion?
3) What comes into your mind when you hear the word fiction?
3. Abstraction
• The teacher will explain and start the lesson by giving the definition of
Fiction and its types.
College of Teacher Education
What is Fiction?
➢ Fiction is a type of writing that comes from an author's own
imagination and tells a story.
Types of Fiction
➢ Science Fiction
➢ Mystery
➢ Historical Fiction
➢ Thriller
➢ Young Adult
➢ Realistic Fiction
➢ Romance
➢ Horror
➢ Fantasy
• The teacher will ask students to give fictional movie and identify what
type of Fiction it is.
• The teacher will also ask the importance of fiction in everyday life and
how can a student appreciate fictional works.
4. Application
• The teacher will give an activity wherein they will choose one fictional
movie and will act one scenario in a group activity for only 5 minutes.
• Each group will present for 2-3 minutes.
IV. Evaluation
✓ For the student’s learning assessment, the teacher will give a ten-item quiz to
be answer in 5 minutes.
Direction: Read and understand the sentence carefully. Choose the
letter of the best answer.
1. Writers create and market______fiction to readers between the ages
of 12 and18.
a. Thriller c. Young Adult
b. Fantasy d. Horror
2. It is a type of fiction in which a story is told that could easily happen in
today's society.
a. Fantasy c. Horror
b. Realistic d. Thriller
3. The______ genre generally has a fast-paced storyline and tension
and suspense from beginning to end.
a. Thriller c. Fantasy
b. Horror d. Science
4. It is a type of fiction that focuses on magical and supernatural
elements that do not exist in the actual world.
a. Young Adult c. Historical
b. Realistic d. Fantasy
5. The_______genre's purpose is to create feelings of terror and
excitement in the reader.
a. Horror c. Thriller
b. Fantasy d. Realistic
6-10. What is fiction and what is the importance of fiction to a student?
College of Teacher Education
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6-10. Student was able to answer the question and give the importance of
Fiction to a student.
V. Assignment
✓ The teacher will give assignment to the students.
Direction: Create a short fictional story with a minimum of 300 words.
Write it in a short paper and write legibly.
✓ Short Story Rubric
Prepared by:
Argarin, Yasmien
Balendres, Rogelyn
Esplana, Charmaine
Gamentiza, Kendrick
Hinayon, Sheila Mae
Juan, Diwata Rose
Lopez, Zaira Mae
Merano, Carl Angeline
Satiembre, Rica Mae
Sudario, Jenn Kristell