Guardyne - SMB Cybersecurity Essentials Guide 2024
Guardyne - SMB Cybersecurity Essentials Guide 2024
Guardyne - SMB Cybersecurity Essentials Guide 2024
OW N I T. S E C U R E I T. P R O T E C T I T.
Introduction 4
Threats 6
Notable Facts 12
NIST Security Framework 16
CIS Controls 17
CIS Implementation Groups 18
The Controls 20
How We Can Help 39
Cybercrime and Cyber-Attacks are the cloud or through emails.
becoming more prevalent with
each passing day. Over half of small
Many governments have moved to the 51% of small
cloud but are looking for better ways
and medium businesses (SMB) to protect their data. A part of that businesses say they
have reported being the victims of is to increase collaboration between
cybercrimes. Every day, there are intelligence and law enforcement
are not allocating
new headlines about data breaches, agencies worldwide to tackle crime. any budget to cyber
hackings, Cyber-Attacks, and various
forms of crimes against businesses. The popularity of smartphones and security.
In a survey, over two-thirds of the the increased use of apps also pose
participating businesses had suffered at a significant risk to mobile security.
least one cyber attack, while one-third Consumers use apps to input sensitive
information like personal, financial and applications are moving to the cloud,
had experienced the same in the last
banking information. These apps will malicious actors are getting better at
need to evolve with new technologies evading detection by standard security
to continually find new ways to resist measures and protocols. The act of
66% of small attacks and data leaks. distributing ransomware and holding
sensitive data is on the increase as
businesses are very Additionally, as more and more organizational data is going beyond the
control of the company.
concerned about Percentage of Organizations
who DO NOT HAVE these critical Evolving from simple malware,
cyber security risk. Cyber Security Solutions in place. ransomware has become more
sophisticated and efficient.
know how to react and what steps to of ten plan to switch to a different MSP
Organizations’ use take when their network and systems in the coming months. 12% SMBs that
of an MSP are compromised. don’t work with an MSP plan to partner
up with one within the next twelve
Here the role of managed IT service months.
USE A providers (MSPs) becomes crucial.
MSPs can guide SMBs on the right path
and help them stay protected from
NM P the increased incidents of cybercrime. When asked what
Spear phishing or phishing involves
sending emails with malicious
attachments designed to steal APPROACH
personal information. The phishing
attack can also lead the victim to Spray & Pray Targeted Attack
an illegitimate website that steals
passwords, credit card details, TARGETING
business information, and other
sensitive data. A phishing attack Broad & Specific employee
uses technical trickery and social Automated and/or company
engineering to achieve its goals.
Attackers employing phishing
choose their targets carefully and HACKING LEVEL
take on the guise of a trusted
source that victims are less likely
Not Very Requires Advanced
to question. The attackers also Sophisticated Techniques
use personalized messages that
make the emails look relevant and THE ATTACK
trustworthy. As a result, SMBs
might find it challenging to protect Usually Obvious Harder to Detect
themselves from spear phishing
Phishing is one of the most common
forms of cyber threats. Usernames, Passwords, Confidential Information,
Credit Card Details, etc. Business Secrets, etc.
In 2020, phishing
was responsible for
more than 80% of
reported security
Distributed Denial-of-service
(DDoS) is an attack which targets
the resources of a server, network,
website, or computer to take it
Hackers Activate Zombies
on Innocent Computers down or disrupt services. DDoS
attacks generally have a host system
that infects other computers or
servers connected to the network.
DDoS attacks overload a system
with constant flooding of connection
requests, notifications and traffic. As
a result, the system denies service
Peering ISP Backbone requests by legitimate users. DDoS
Point Infrastructure-Level
DDoS Attacks attacks don’t benefit the attacker
directly as they don’t steal any
information, it just compromises
the systems so they can’t function
Bandwidth-Level properly. Nonetheless, DDoS attacks
DDoS Attacks
can be damaging for businesses as
Web it can halt operations and result in
Server-level damages often as high as 100’s of
AS DDoS Attacks thousands of dollars via things like
Incl. HTTP, DNS, etc.
lost revenue, lost productivity and
Attacked reputational damage.
Between January
2020 and March
2021, DDoS attacks
increased by 55%
MAN-IN-THE- STEP 1: Hijacking the Session
ATTACK Session
A MitM attack occurs when a hacker
inserts themselves between the
communications of a client and a
server. Here are some common VICTIM SERVER
types of man-in-the-middle attacks:
Session Hijacking
Cybercriminals use session hijacking
to gain control of the victim’s
sessions and get access to resources
or data. The most common method
is IP spoofing, where the hijacker
uses the IP of the trusted client to
avail unauthorized services from a
server or application.
businesses have no
security plan at all. ATTACKER
Macro viruses File infectors
Macro viruses target the initialization
sequence of an application to
File infectors find their way in your
system through executable codes like ATTACK
compromise programs such as Microsoft .exe extensions. The infector becomes Malware or malicious software
Excel or Word. active when you access the .exe file or is designed for compromising a
the executable code. system for a purpose. A user can
Trojans unknowingly download malware
Logic bombs that infects a system and replicates
Trojans are non-replicating viruses that itself. Malware can be designed to
Logic bombs are pieces of malicious
gain unauthorized access to a system.
codes that get initialized when act in many ways, just like software.
Trojans often camouflage themselves in
the form of legitimate software.
predefined conditions are met. Attackers Some popular types of malware
can program logic bombs to serve a include:
range of purposes.
System or 1. Macro viruses
boot-record infectors Worms 2. Trojans
These infectors attach to executable Worms don’t need a host file to 3. System or boot-record infectors
codes residing in parts of a disc. Boot- propagate themselves on a network or 4. Polymorphic viruses
record infectors can connect to a hard system. They are self- contained forms 5. Stealth viruses
disk’s Master Boot Records and even of viruses.
6. File infectors
boot sectors of USB flash drives. The
7. Logic bombs
infectors are initialized when someone Droppers 8. Worms
boots using the compromised disk or
Droppers help viruses find their way into 9. Droppers
your networks and systems. Most often, 10. Ransomware
your antivirus will not detect droppers
Polymorphic viruses as they don’t contain the malicious code-
Polymorphic viruses replicate endlessly they just lead to it!
to sabotage systems. They use dynamic
encryption keys every time to avoid Ransomware
Ransomware can take the form of any
virus that holds a victim’s data hostage
Stealth viruses for ransom. Ransomware attacks often
Stealth viruses hide under the guise of encrypt data or files and demand money
system functions. They also infect your in exchange for decryption keys.
computer’s defenses to stay undetected.
66 Days Increase in Cyber
The number of days to discover a Cyber-Attack Crime DueTo
COVID-19 Pandemic
ATTACK Visit Malicious Website
Drive-by attacks use various online
resources to compromise a user’s
system. The malicious code can be
inserted in internet ads, HTTP or Re
PHP codes on websites, or even Reverse Shell
M (Compromised)
applications. Contrary to other forms to Attacker Ex
p loi
tB rve
of Cyber-Attacks, a user doesn’t row
The attacks also run in the
background and are not visible
to the user. As a result, you can’t
take any concrete steps to identify
incorrect codes. Only being proactive
of Malware is Delivered by Email.
can help businesses protect
themselves from drive-by attacks.
of all Cyber-Attacks
Specifically Target
Small Businesses.
73 PERCENT of Cyber-Attacks rely
on Social Engineering.
of Passwords are Duplicates.
Average Failure Rate, By Department 23% of Response Work is Insurance
14% 16%
11% 11%
8% 7% 7%
Natural Resources
Life Sciences
Consumer Goods
& Services
Purchasing IT Finance Marketing Quality Facilities
91% 94%
Not Covered
Covered by by Insurer
Top 6 Sectors Breached so far in 2021 82% Growth in 2021 in Typical Amount Actually Paid
Healthcare 238
Information 180
Professional/Scientific 171
Manufacturing 169
73% of Firms are Very to Extremely Concerned
23% 32%
Not at all Concerned Extremely Concerned
Not at all Concerned Slightly Concerned Moderately Concerned Very Concerned Extremely Concerned
5 Crucial Elements of an
Effective Cyber Security
1. Offence Informs Defense
Learning and acquiring knowledge from
actual attacks that compromised your system
can lead to effective and practical defenses.
Your defense should be built only on controls
that have proven successful in preventing
real-world attacks for the best results.
2. Prioritization
Businesses should only focus on controls that
can reduce risk most effectively and protect
the organization from dangerous cyber
threats. Also, the control should be feasible
enough to be implemented in your computing
5. Automation
Automation helps businesses ensure
compliance with controls and gain a scalable
and reliable way to fight off cyber threats.
Automation also increases efficiencies and
saves both time and labour.
The CIS Controls™ is a set of
security best practices that
help businesses mitigate and
protect themselves against the
most common Cyber-Attacks
and Threats out there.
CIS ControlsTM
The CIS Controls™ is a set of 18 actions that more complex along with the proliferation of to overcome cyber threats. The controls are
make up the best practices to tackle major mobile devices and expanding dependencies. intrinsically valuable and provide the data
attacks against systems and networks. The The advance in technology has led to the and knowledge to organizations for staying
best practices are developed by a bunch distribution of data across several channels, alert, responding, and preventing Cyber-
of IT experts with years of experience in even outside the organization. As a result, Attacks.
Cybersecurity. They come from a range of security has transformed from a standalone
industries, including government, defense, problem to a multi-faceted threat in this The CIS ControlsTM are led by CIS®, a global
healthcare, education, retail, manufacturing, interconnected world. community that offers the following:
and others. The CIS Controls are considered
• Shared insight into Cybercrimes, Cyber-
to be an international-level collection of best
Attacks, and threats to get to the root
security practices.
The average cost of cause of problems and come up with
appropriate measures.
Over the years, various forms of Cyber-
Attacks have targeted businesses. They a ransomware attack • Documentation of all required
include data breaches, stealing of credit card
information, theft of identity and intellectual on businesses was approvals and distribution of critical
property, denials of service, privacy
breaches, and much more. Experts have
$133,000. • Tracking of the nuances of a threat,
developed a range of security protocols to including growth, severity, and
address these cyber threats, which is termed The situation brings up the need to act as intrusiveness.
as Cyber Defense. a community and come up with solutions
and support for different industries, sectors, • Highlighting of the importance of
The IT Industry uses a plethora of resources CIS ControlsTM to help make them
and partnerships. We need to use our
and tools to counter Cyber Threats. compliant with regulatory frameworks.
knowledge and advancing technology
We also have different technologies,
to create solutions that address the
security controls, vulnerability databases, • Sharing of knowledge, tools, working
crucial aspects of an organization’s risk
certifications, training material, and security aids, translations, and more.
management approach. Such an approach
checklists too. We have access to studies
will be a step in the right direction and help • Tackling the common threats before
and reports, tools, notification services, and
enterprises take the proper steps to resolve they become serious and implement
more to keep us protected from any form of
security issues. The best way to do this is to roadmaps to solve them as a
Cyber Threat. The IT Industry also depends
follow a roadmap of fundamentals that help community.
on a number of regulations, risk assessment
organizations develop their Cyber Defense
frameworks, and security requirements to
and security protocols. The CIS Controls are made up of a highly-
keep themselves safe from cybercrime.
actionable collection of actions that
The CIS ControlsTM were developed organizations can implement, use, and
However, this overload of information and
based on the above principles to help scale. The controls also comply with most
technology often leads to confusion. The
organizations take a holistic approach applicable laws and security safeguards and
competing security measures and options
towards Cybersecurity. They were originally are backed by the IT Community.
can paralyze an organization from taking the
created as a grass-roots program to help
required step to counter Cybercrime. In the We help our Clients align with the CIS
cut down the confusion and focus on
present day, the business process has grown ControlsTM to help Safeguard their business.
fundamental actions that enable a business
Doctrines of Effective
Cyber Defense
As we already discussed, there are
five tenets to a reliable Cybersecurity
Each of the 18 CIS Controls has a number of Safeguards that form a part of it.
There are 153 in total. These 153 Safeguards are categorized into three (3) groups:
Implementation Group 1 (IG1) has 56, Implementation Group 2 (IG2) has 74 &
Implementation Group 3 (IG3) has an additional 23 Safeguards.
01 - Inventory and Control of THE SAFEGUARDS
Enterprise Assets 1.1 Establish and Maintain Detailed
Enterprise Asset Inventory
Safeguards Total 5 IG1 2/5 IG2 4/5 IG3 5/5 Devices Identify
computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to 1.4 Use Dynamic Host
the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Logging to Update Enterprise
environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be Asset Inventory
monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support Devices Identify
identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate. 1.5 Use a Passive Asset Discovery
Devices Detect
Enterprises cannot defend what they do that appropriate security controls can be
not know they have. Managed control of applied.
all enterprise assets also plays a critical role
in security monitoring, incident response, External attackers are continuously
system backup, and recovery. Enterprises scanning the internet address space of
should know what data is critical to them, target enterprises, premise-based or in
and proper asset management will help the cloud, identifying possibly unprotected
identify those enterprise assets that hold assets attached to an enterprise’s network.
or manage this critical data, so Attackers can take advantage of new
assets that are installed, yet not securely
configured and patched. Internally,
unidentified assets can also have weak
security configurations that can make
them vulnerable to web- or email-based
malware; and, adversaries can leverage
weak security configurations for traversing
the network, once they are inside.
protection of personal data. Data privacy because they are not monitoring data 3.8 Document Data Flows
has become increasingly important, and outflows. Data Identify
It is easier for an external or internal accounts embedded in applications for 5.5 Establish and Maintain an
threat actor to gain unauthorized access scripts, a user having the same password Inventory of Service Accounts
to enterprise assets or data through as one they use for an online account Users Identify
using valid user credentials than through that has been compromised (in a public 5.6 Centralize Account
“hacking” the environment. There are password dump), social engineering a user Management
many ways to covertly obtain access to to give their password, or using malware Users Protect
user accounts, including: weak passwords, to capture passwords or tokens in memory
accounts still valid after a user leaves or over the network.
the enterprise, dormant or lingering test
accounts, shared accounts that have not Administrative, or highly privileged,
been changed in months or years, service accounts are a particular target, because
they allow attackers to add other accounts,
or make changes to assets that could
make them more vulnerable to other
attacks. Service accounts are also sensitive,
as they are often shared among teams,
internal and external to the enterprise, and
sometimes not known about, only to be
revealed in standard account management
1 2
remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor 7.3 Perform Automated Operating
System Patch Management
public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability Applications Protect
information. 7.4 Perform Automated
Application Patch Management
Applications Protect
be crafted to entice or spoof users into environments, these are prime targets for 9.6 Block Unnecessary File Types
disclosing credentials, providing sensitive both malicious code and social engineering. Network Protect
data, or providing an open channel to allow 9.7 Deploy and Maintain Email
Server Anti-Malware
Network Protect
bypasses to security controls. Even if also experience more false positives, due 13.6 Collect Network Traffic Flow
security tools work “as advertised,” it takes to their over-reliance on alerts from tools. Logs
an understanding of the enterprise risk Identifying and responding to these threats Network Detect
posture to configure, tune, and log them requires visibility into all threat vectors of 13.7 Deploy a Host-Based Intrusion
to be effective. Often, misconfigurations the infrastructure and leveraging humans Prevention Solution
due to human error or lack of knowledge in the process of detection, analysis, and Devices Protect
of tool capabilities give enterprises a false response. It is critical for large or heavily 13.8 Deploy a Network Intrusion
sense of security. targeted enterprises to have a security Prevention Solution
operations capability to prevent, detect, Network Protect
Security tools can only be effective if they and quickly respond to cyber threats
are supporting a process of continuous 13.9 Deploy Port-Level Access
before they can impact the enterprise.
Devices Protect
or are responsible for an enterprise’s critical IT platforms or processes, 15.3 Classify Service Providers
N/A Identify
to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data
15.4 Ensure Service Provider Contracts
appropriately. Include Security Requirements
N/A Protect
In our modern, connected world, payment cards were compromised after 15.7 Securely Decommission Service
enterprises rely on vendors and partners to attackers infiltrated smaller third-party Providers
help manage their data or rely on third- vendors in the retail industry. More recent Data Protect
16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Applications provide a human-friendly to compromise the data, instead of an
Third-Party Software interface to allow users to access and elaborate network and system hacking
Components manage data in a way that is aligned to sequence that attempts to bypass network
Applications Protect business functions. They also minimize security controls and sensors. This is why
16.6 Establish and Maintain a Severity the need for users to deal directly with protecting user credentials (specifically
Rating System and Process for complex (and potentially error-prone) application credentials) defined in CIS
Application Vulnerabilities system functions, like logging into Control 6 is so important.
Applications Protect a database to insert or modify files.
16.7 Use Standard Hardening Enterprises use applications to manage
Configuration Templates for their most sensitive data and control
Application Infrastructure access to system resources. Therefore,
Applications Protect an attacker can use the application itself
16.8 Separate Production and Non-
Production Systems
Applications Protect
A comprehensive cybersecurity program the enterprise to successfully understand, 17.4 Establish and Maintain an
includes protections, detections, response, manage, and recover. Incident Response Process
N/A Respond
and recovery capabilities. Often, the
final two get overlooked in immature 17.5 Assign Key Roles and
enterprises, or the response technique to Responsibilities
compromised systems is just to re-image N/A Respond
them to original state, and move on. The 17.6 Define Mechanisms for
primary goal of incident response is to Communicating During Incident
identify threats on the enterprise, respond Response
to them before they can spread, and N/A Respond
remediate them before they can cause 17.7 Conduct Routine Incident
harm. Without understanding the full Response Exercises
scope of an incident, how it happened, N/A Recover
and what can be done to prevent it from 17.8 Conduct Post-Incident Reviews
happening again, defenders will just be in a N/A Recover
perpetual “whack-a-mole” pattern.
17.9 Establish and Maintain Security
We cannot expect our protections to be Incident Thresholds
N/A Recover
effective 100% of the time. When an
incident occurs, if an enterprise does not
have a documented plan—even with
good people—it is almost impossible to
know the right investigative procedures,
reporting, data collection, management
responsibility, legal protocols, and
36 communications strategy that will allow
18.5 Perform Periodic Internal A successful defensive posture requires Often, penetration tests are performed for
Penetration Tests a comprehensive program of effective specific purposes:
N/A Identify policies and governance, strong technical
defenses, combined with appropriate • As a “dramatic” demonstration
action from people. However, it is rarely of an attack, usually to convince
perfect. In a complex environment where decision-makers of their enterprise’s
technology is constantly evolving and weaknesses
new attacker tradecraft appears regularly,
• As a means to test the correct
enterprises should periodically test their
operation of enterprise defenses
controls to identify gaps and to assess their
resiliency. This test may be from external
network, internal network, application, • To test that the enterprise has built
system, or device perspective. It may the right defenses in the first place
include social engineering of users, or (“validation”)
physical access control bypasses.
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