Classic Charades

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Activity Type Introduction

Miming and Vocabulary In this classic miming game, students use actions to describe
Game: guessing film, film, song or book titles.
song or book titles (group
work) Procedure
Divide the students into two teams.
A player from one team comes up to the front of the class.
Film, song or book titles
Give the player a film, song or book title to act out. You can
whisper the title or write it on a piece of paper and hand it to the
Aim player.
To review and practice Choose someone from the other team to be the timekeeper and
previously taught set a time limit of three minutes.
vocabulary or film, song
or book titles. The player starts by indicating which category the title belongs to
by using one of the following gestures:

Preparation Film title: Pretend to crank an old-fashioned film camera.

Song title: Pretend to sing.
Think of film, song or Book title: P ut the palms of the hands together and then open
book titles for your them like a book.
students to act out,
depending on the The player then indicates how many words are in the title by
age and level of your holding up a corresponding number of fingers.
Next, the player indicates which word they want to start miming
by showing that number of fingers, e.g. the player holds up two
Level fingers for the second word.

Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) The player shows the number of syllables in the word by laying a
corresponding number of fingers on their arm.

Time The player then starts miming the word.

30 minutes When a teammate calls out the correct word, the player points at
that student and nods their head to indicate 'yes'.

If the player wants to mime the whole title at once, they indicate
this by sweeping their arms in a big circle.

If the player's team guesses the title within three minutes, they
score a point.

It's then the other team's turn to play and so on. The team with
the most points at the end of the game wins.

It's a good idea to practice all the gestures with the class before
they play the game. Other gestures include:

Sounds like: Cup one hand behind your ear.

Past tense: Wave your hand over your shoulder toward your back.
Short word: Bring your thumb and index finger close together. © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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