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Boosting the Edelstein effect of two-dimensional electron gases by ferromagnetic

Gabriel Lazrak,1 Börge Göbel,2 Agnès Barthélémy,1 Ingrid Mertig,2 Annika Johansson,3, ∗ and Manuel Bibes1, †
Unité Mixte de Physique, CNRS, Thales, Université Paris-Saclay, 91767, Palaiseau, France
Institut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, 06099 Halle (Saale), Germany
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
(Dated: October 5, 2023)
Strontium titanate (SrTiO3 ) two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) have broken spatial inver-
sion symmetry and possess a finite Rashba spin-orbit coupling. This enables the interconversion of
arXiv:submit/5153349 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 5 Oct 2023

charge and spin currents through the direct and inverse Edelstein effects, with record efficiencies
at low temperature, but more modest effects at room temperature. Here, we show that making
these 2DEGs ferromagnetic enhances the conversion efficiency by nearly one order of magnitude.
Starting from the experimental band structure of non-magnetic SrTiO3 2DEGs, we mimic magnetic
exchange coupling by introducing an out-of-plane Zeeman term in a tight-binding model. We then
calculate the band structure and spin textures for increasing internal magnetic fields and compute
the Edelstein effect using a semiclassical Boltzmann approach. We find that the conversion effi-
ciency first increases strongly with increasing magnetic field, then shows a maximum and finally
decreases. This field dependence is caused by the competition of the exchange coupling with the
effective Rashba interaction. While enhancing the splitting of band pairs amplifies the Edelstein
effect, weakening the in-plane Rashba-type spin texture reduces it.

I. INTRODUCTION that leads to a reoccupation of states, often visualized

as a shift of both Fermi contours in the same direction.
Since the discovery of a quasi-two-dimensional electron This results in a net spin density generation that can
gas (2DEG) at the interface between the two band in- diffuse as a pure spin current into an adjacent material
sulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 (STO) [1], 2DEGs at ox- (charge-spin conversion).
ide surfaces and interfaces have attracted a lot of at- Recently, possibilities to further enlarge or control the
tention due to their very rich physics. Superconductiv- functionalities of STO 2DEGs have emerged. One ap-
ity [2], magnetism [3, 4], gate tunable metal-insulator proach relies on making the 2DEG ferroelectric by ex-
and superconductor-insulator transitions [5, 6] as well as ploiting the large electric-field- or Ca-doping-induced fer-
Rashba spin-orbit coupling [7] make them also promising roelectric character in STO [13, 14], thereby enabling a
for applications [8, 9]. Additionally, recent experiments non-volatile control of the transport and spin-charge in-
have revealed their unprecedented efficiency for spin to terconversion properties. Another is by inducing spin po-
charge current interconversion [10, 11], which is key for larization in the 2DEG by depositing a magnetic layer on
new devices such as the magneto-electric spin transistor top of STO [15–21]. Combining both strategies, multifer-
proposed by Intel for beyond CMOS computing schemes roic 2DEGs have been realized [22], opening an avenue
[12]. As described in more detail in Refs. [10, 11], in for ferroelectrically controllable chiral spin textures in
those 2DEGs, the inversion symmetry breaking at the in- 2DEGs and providing a new playground for non-volatile
terface results in a built-in electric field perpendicular to spin–orbitronics and non-reciprocal physics.
the interface and thus an additional effective term in the Here, by combining a tight-binding Hamiltonian and a
Hamiltonian of the system, the Rashba term, that lifts semiclassical Boltzmann approach, we predict that intro-
the spin degeneracy and locks the spin and momentum ducing ferromagnetism in STO 2DEGs can enhance the
degrees of freedom. In the simplest case of linear Rashba spin-charge interconversion efficiency by nearly one order
coupling, this results in two slightly different Fermi con- of magnitude. The non-monotonic dependence of this ef-
tours with opposite spin chiralities. In the inverse Edel- ficiency with the amplitude of the induced magnetization
stein effect, the injection of a pure spin current perpen- is explained by the interplay between magnetic exchange
dicular to the interface can be interpreted as a shift of coupling and Rashba-like spin-orbit coupling, that causes
the two contours in opposite directions to accommodate a sub-band splitting, as well as a magnetically induced
the spin accumulation. This slight non-equivalence leads out-of-plane spin polarization. This enhancement is of
to the generation of a charge current within the 2DEG great promise to obtain spin-charge interconversion large
(spin-charge conversion). Its reciprocal effect, the direct enough for room temperature applications.
Edelstein effect, is achieved by applying an electric field


[email protected] We use an effective eight-band tight-binding model in-

[email protected] troduced in Refs. [11, 23–25] in order to model the t2g

FIG. 1. Band structure and iso-energy lines of the 2DEG at STO interfaces. The band structure is computed using
the tight-binding model introduced in the Appendix A, for four exchange field strengths (Bzeff = 0 T (a), 100 T (b), 180 T (c),
and 1000 T (d)). The middle graph of each panel displays the band structure using four colors (magenta, green, orange, blue),
with the lower energy bands shown in lighter shades and the higher energy bands shown in darker shades for each pair. On the
right, the Fermi lines (with |kx |, |ky | ≤ π/2a) illustrate the splitting of the bands for three specific energies (0 meV, −40 meV,
and −65 meV in that order). The expectation value of the operator Lz Sz (normalized to ℏ2 /2) is depicted on the left. For
panel (d), the band structure and Fermi contours are displayed in black and gray due to significant intertwining of the bands,
making it unreasonable to group them by pairs.

electronic states which are relevant for the formation of exchange coupling
the 2DEG at STO interfaces. Our model includes two
dxy orbitals as well as one dyz and one dzx orbital and Jex
Hex = − (gl L + gs S) · M̂ (1)
has been demonstrated to appropriately approximate the ℏ
electronic structure of the 2DEG at the STO surface, as
Here, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, M̂ is the direc-
well as the interface with LaAlO3 and AlOx [11, 25]. For
tion of the magnetization, Jex quantifies the exchange
details of this model, we refer to Refs. [11, 26] and to Ap-
coupling between the conduction electrons’ orbital/spin
pendix A. In addition to atomic spin-orbit coupling, the
moments and the magnetization, L and S are the op-
broken inversion symmetry at the interface allows for an
erators of the orbital angular momentum and the spin,
inter-atomic orbital mixing term, which leads to an effec-
respectively, with gl and gs the corresponding Landé fac-
tive Rashba term causing a Rashba-like spin splitting of
tors. The Hamiltonian (1) has the form of a Zeeman
the bands [23, 24]. In order to simulate ferromagnetism
Hamiltonian [27]
originating from an adjacent ferromagnetic layer, we in-
troduce an additional magnetic exchange coupling term µB
Hex =H
b Z= (gl L + gs S) · Beff (2)
to the Hamiltonian, H = HSTO + Hex , with HSTO the ℏ
Hamiltonian of the unperturbed STO interface, and the
with µB the Bohr magneton and Beff = −Jex M̂/µB an
effective magnetic field originating from the finite mag-
netization and acting on the electronic states. The Landé

factors are assumed gl = 1 and gs = 2, following Ref. [26]. numbers l = 2, ml = ±1, with l the orbital angular mo-
A representation of the spin and orbital moment opera- mentum quantum number, and ml the quantum number
tors in the basis of the relevant t2g orbitals can be found of the out-of-plane orbital angular momentum operator.
in Eqs. (A5)-(A7). The magnetic exchange field couples with both orbital
In the following, the influence of magnetic exchange angular momentum and spin, see Eq. (1). States with
coupling on the band structure as well as the charge-spin purely dxy , dyz , or dzx character exhibit zero orbital an-
conversion efficiency are discussed in terms of the effec- gular momentum. However, since the t2g orbitals hy-
tive magnetic field Beff . Importantly, this field, origi- bridize they may possess nonzero expectation values of
nating from magnetic exchange interaction, can induce the out-of-plane orbital angular momentum Lz = ℏml ,
energy splitting in the band structure of a few 10 meV because ml ̸= 0 as explained above. The left panel of
[28], which corresponds to a B eff of a few hundred Tesla. each subfigure of Fig. 1 illustrates the spin and orbital
Therefore, the magnetic field B eff discussed in the follow- character of the electronic states. Here, we show the ex-
ing is much larger than external magnetic fields which pectation value of the product of out-of-plane orbital and
can be applied experimentally but could correspond to spin operators, Lz Sz . On the colorbar: ‘1’ means that
the field induced by a magnetic exchange interaction in the corresponding eigenvalues have the same sign (e.g.
the 2DEG. ml = 1, ms = 1/2, the parallel state), ‘-1’ means opposite
First, we examine the electronic band structure of the sign (e.g. ml = 1, ms = −1/2, the antiparallel state) and
2DEG at STO interfaces under the influence of an out- ‘0’ means zero out-of-plane orbital quantum number (e.g.
of-plane magnetic exchange field, using the model Hamil- ml = 0).
tonian introduced in Eq. (1). Figure 1 illustrates the In the third lowest band pair (orange) spin and or-
band structure at four different out-of-plane exchange bital angular momenta are antiparallel because the eigen-
field strengths (Bzeff = 0 T, 100 T, 180 T, and 1000 T) states are superpositions of states with opposite signs of
within an energy range of −270 meV to 100 meV. For the quantum numbers ml and ms (dml =−1,ms =1/2 and
each exchange field strength, the band structure as well dml =1,ms =−1/2 ). In the fourth band pair (blue), they are
as iso-energy lines at three selected energies (−65 meV, parallel (superpositions of states with the same sign of
−40 meV, and 0 meV) are shown to illustrate the influ- ml and ms : dml =1,ms =1/2 and dml =−1,ms =−1/2 ). When a
ence of the exchange field on the band structure. magnetic field is applied, the bands are polarized with re-
At zero field (Figure 1a), the splitting of each band pair spect to spin and orbital momenta. Due to the quantum
(marked magenta, green, orange, and blue in the right numbers discussed above, the effects of the orbital- and
panel) is solely due to the atomic spin-orbit coupling and spin-induced band splitting are compensated for the or-
antisymmetric hopping (called orbital mixing in Refs. [11, ange band pair ∆ϵ = 2µB (gl ∆Lz +gs ∆Sz )/ℏ ≈ 0 because
25]), which lift the twofold spin degeneracy. Close to ∆Lz ≈ −2∆Sz and gs = 2gl , but are enhanced in the
the band edge of each band pair, the band structure is blue band pair ∆ϵ = 2µB (gl ∆Lz +gs ∆Sz )/ℏ ≈ 4µB |Beff |.
isotropic with circular iso-energy lines (○ 1 in the figure). Since the lower two band pairs (magenta and green)
The heavy bands’ Fermi contours take the form of two consist of almost purely dxy states at the Γ point at
perpendicular ellipses. The maximum splittings along low magnetic fields, the orbital angular momentum Lz is
ΓX are observed in the region from −65 meV to −40 meV, suppressed for these bands which is why they only split
where avoided crossings occur, the first one between the up due to the spin contribution: ∆ϵ = 2µB gs ∆Sz /ℏ ≈
green and orange band pairs and the second one between 2µB |Beff |. These bands could only experience a consid-
the magenta and green band pairs, as highlighted by the erable orbital polarization if they hybridized (a) with the
Fermi surface at −40 meV (○ 2 in the figure). In these orange and blue bands or (b) with dx2 −y2 states √ to form
regions, we observe a strong deviation from the simple the complex orbitals dml =±2 = (dx2 −y2 ± idxy )/ 2 that
Rashba model for free electrons. are characterized by ml = ±2.
Upon increasing the exchange field strength, we ob- At specific field strengths, the Zeeman-like splitting
serve the expected linear increase of Zeeman-like split- causes band crossings at Γ. This leads to increased band
ting for each band pair, with the notable exception of mixing, making it unreasonable to discuss them as pairs.
the orange band pair that remains unsplit at Γ. To At 180 T, the first such crossing occurs between the or-
understand this band-dependent splitting caused by the ange bands and lower blue band. We will explore the
exchange field, it is crucial to analyze the spin and or- implications of this crossing on the spin-charge intercon-
bital composition of the bands. By breaking the inversion version efficiency later. Thus, the center panel of Figure
symmetry at the (001) interface, the t2g bands become 1d is displayed in black and gray to prevent any poten-
inequivalent in energy which is why the dxy bands appear tial confusion regarding the concept of a band pair and
at a lower energy near the Γ point compared to the dyz its associated color representation.
and dxz bands. Due to SOC, states that are close in en- To further highlight the impact of the exchange field,
ergy hybridize. In our case, the dyz and dxz√states form the spin textures at various field strengths, correspond-
the superpositions dml =±1 = (−idyz ∓ dxz )/ 2, meaning ing to the iso-energy contours depicted in Figure 1, are
that the cubic atomic orbitals dyz , dxz form the atomic presented in Figure 2. When no out-of-plane exchange
orbitals dml =±1 . They are characterized by the quantum field is present (Fig. 2a), the spins are oriented within

FIG. 2. Iso-energy lines and spin textures. The contour energies are the same as in Fig.1 (0 meV, −40 meV, and
−65 meV in that order). The exchange field strengths are different (Bzeff = 0 T (a), 10 T (b), 100 T (c), and 1000 T (d)). The
arrows represent the in-plane spin expectation values, while the color indicates the out-of-plane spin expectation values. For
better visibility, the left and right sides of each figure correspond to the higher energy band and lower energy band of a pair,
respectively, except for 1000 T, where it corresponds to positive (resp. negative) values of Sz at Γ.

the plane, resulting in a zero out-of-plane spin density. with opposite spin chiralities and thus to boost the spin-
The arrows in the figure, representing the in-plane spins, charge interconversion. The effective impact of those two
exhibit the familiar Rashba texture for circular contours, counteracting effects on spin-charge interconversion is de-
with the absolute values of the spin expectation values scribed in the next section.
equal to ℏ/2. At higher energies, the spin texture be-
comes more intricate notably at avoided crossing points

As the magnetic exchange field is increased, the in- The spin Edelstein effect, which is the main focus of
plane spin expectation values diminish notably in favor this work, corresponds to a non-equilibrium spin density,
of increased out-of-plane spin expectation values giving leading to a finite magnetization, induced by an external
rise to an out-of-plane equilibrium spin magnetization of electric field. In order to quantify this effect, we define
the 2DEG. This change of orientation is particularly pro- the spin Edelstein susceptibility χs ,
nounced, with the absolute out-of-plane spin expectation
values (represented by the color) close to ℏ/2 at 1000 T m = m0 + χs E (3)
(Fig. 2d). More importantly, this spin reorientation
would lead to a reduction of the current-induced non- with m the total magnetic moment per unit cell, m0 the
equilibrium in-plane spin polarization by the Edelstein equilibrium magnetic moment per unit cell, and χs E the
effect and to a reduction of the produced charge current magnetic moment originating from the current-induced
by the inverse Edelstein effect when spin current is in- spin density. The rank-2 tensor χs is the spin Edelstein
jected. Figure 2 also evidences the large impact of the susceptibility, and E is the external electric field (pro-
field-induced Zeeman-like splitting on the bands present ducing the current). However, in addition to this spin
at the different energies and the potential of this out- Edelstein effect (SEE), the electrons’ orbital magnetic
of-plane field to reinforce the contrast between contours moments can also give rise to a finite current-induced

magnetization, called orbital Edelstein effect (OEE) [29–

34]. It has been shown that at STO interfaces, the OEE
can exceed the SEE remarkably [26]. However, given that
the experimental realization of the Edelstein effect typ-
ically observes only the SEE [11, 26, 35, 36], our work
focuses only on the SEE.
Within the semiclassical Boltzmann transport theory,
the spin Edelstein susceptibility defined by Eq. (3) is
given by

A0 eµB X
χsij = gs τk Sik vjk δ (ϵk − ϵF ) . (4)

Here, A0 is the area of the unit cell, A is the area of the

sample, e is the absolute value of the elementary charge,
the multi-index k represents the crystal momentum of an
electronic state |k⟩ as well as the band index, τk is the
momentum relaxation time, which is set constant τk = τ0
in the following, Sk is the spin expectation value of the
state |k⟩, vk is the group velocity, ϵk is the energy of FIG. 3. Spin Edelstein effect conversion efficiency
as a function of the energy at various exchange
the state |k⟩, and ϵF is the Fermi energy. We have used
field strengths. The exchange field strengths range from
the relaxation time approximation to solve the linearized 0 T to 1000 T and the energy ranges from −100 meV to 0 meV.
Boltzmann equation and assumed zero temperature. De- The conversion efficiency at zero field is represented in red. To
tails of the Boltzmann transport theory can be found in compare with previous figures, the downward (resp. upward)-
Appendix B. pointing triangles represent 100 T (resp. 180 T). The inset
The symmetry of the system allows for nonzero tensor corresponds to the product of average wave vector k and the
elements χsxy = −χsyx , which quantify a current-induced average modulus of the in-plane spin expectation value of each
magnetization oriented perpendicular to the applied elec- band; for details see main text.
tric field. In the presence of a nonzero magnetic exchange
field, the current-induced magnetization can also exhibit
a component parallel to E due to the broken time-reversal both Bzeff and ϵF , a strong increase of the SEE in STO-
symmetry, represented by χsxx = χsyy . However, in the based 2DEGs can be achieved.
system under consideration, the extrinsic Edelstein ef- To understand the strong Bzeff dependence of the SEE,
fect, calculated within the Boltzmann approach, does in particular the emergence of the maxima, we recall the
not provide any contribution to χsxx . This tensor ele- Edelstein efficiency in an ordinary isotropic Rashba sys-
ment can be nonzero only due to the intrinsic Edelstein tem [39]. For a single Rashba band pair, the Edelstein
effect, calculated for example using the Kubo approach. susceptibility scales with the band splitting in k space
As shown in Refs.[37, 38], for a pure Rashba system with and the modulus of the k dependent in-plane spin ex-
Zeeman-like splitting these intrinsic contributions to the pectation value. This relation is now transferred to the
current-induced magnetization are several orders of mag- multi-band STO system. The inset in Figure 3 presents
nitude smaller than the extrinsic contributions as well as a simplified calculation based on the interplay between
the equilibrium magnetization. Therefore, they are not two competing effects: the sub-band splitting and the
discussed in this work. out-of-plane spin polarization. More specifically, to ob-
Figure 3 illustrates the SEE conversion efficiency as tain this value, we take the energy-dependent average
a function of the Fermi level at various exchange field modulus of the wave vector k (or radius for circular
strengths. The efficiency at Bzeff = 0 T is depicted in contours) of each band and multiply it by the average
red. It exhibits two positive maxima at −65 meV and modulus of the k dependent in-plane spin expectation
−15 meV and a negative maximum around −50 meV. value. Next, we compute the difference between outer
The introduction of an out-of-plane exchange field no- and inner band value of a pair. For fields higher than
tably enhances this efficiency around −65 meV, by ap- 180 T where the concept of ‘pairs’ is more challenging,
proximately an order of magnitude at 180 T; beyond this we pair the highest energy band with the second high-
value the efficiency gradually decreases. A similar trend est energy band to form the first pair (1+2), and con-
is observed in the −50 meV to − 40 meV region, albeit tinue in this manner until reaching the lowest energy
with a negative efficiency, but the maximum is attained band (in the pair 7+8) [40]. Therefore we calculate
at a lower field (approximately 70 T). These findings (k · sin-plane )band i − (k · sin-plane )band i+1 . This approach
highlight the significant impact of the exchange field on yields a result that closely resembles the efficiency cal-
the SEE conversion efficiency and provide crucial insights culated within the full Boltzmann approach (Figure 3),
into its optimal operating conditions. By fine-tuning with a maximum value around 180 T. Hence, we conclude

FIG. 4. Contributions to the SEE conversion efficiency

at various exchange field strengths at Bzeff = 0 T (a),
Bzeff = 100 T (b) and Bzeff = 180 T (c). The top panel
represents the efficiency of each band (with the contribution FIG. 5. Spin Edelstein effect conversion efficiency as a
of the inner band multiplied by −1 for better comparison). function of exchange field at constant charge carrier
The middle panel shows the efficiency contribution of each density. The SEE conversion efficiency is calculated at a
band pair. The bottom panel displays the total efficiency. fixed carrier density corresponding to the edge of the orange
The total efficiency at 0 T is represented in black. band (orange dots, n = 5.44 × 1013 cm−2 at ϵ = −63 meV)
and the blue band (blue dots, n = 8.99 × 1013 cm−2 at
ϵ = −43 meV) at 0 T, representing the positive and nega-
tive maxima of the efficiency at 0 T. The scale of the abscissa
that the SEE provided by each band pair approximately is linear from 0 T to 10 T and semi-logarithmic between 10 T
scales with (k · sin-plane )band i − (k · sin-plane )band i+1 . In and 1000 T.
general, large sub-band splitting and large in-plane spin
expectation values enhance the SEE. However, the multi-
band character of the STO-based 2DEG as well as hy- band diminishes with increasing exchange field strength
bridization lead to a much more intricate energy depen- because of the reduced in-plane spin expectation values,
dence of the SEE compared to a trivial Rashba system, excitingly, the contributions of the band pairs and the to-
as discussed in detail in Ref. [11] for Bzeff = 0 T. tal SEE actually increase with the field up to 180 T due
Figure 4 provides a decomposition of the calculated to Zeeman-like splitting both in energy and k.
SEE efficiency. In the top panel, we observe the efficiency Below the onset of the orange band, the energy de-
contributed by each individual band whereas the middle pendence of the SEE is not changed qualitatively by
panel shows the efficiency contribution of each band pair the 100 T (180 T) exchange fields. The avoided cross-
and the bottom panel displays the total efficiency. ing between the orange and green bands occurs around
The energy dependence of the SEE is tied to the intri- −50 meV (−60 meV), whereas the avoided crossing be-
cate band structure at the STO interface. At zero field tween green and magenta band pairs is around −45 meV
and low energy, the dxy bands (magenta and green) ex- (−50 meV). This region eventually coincides with the
hibit notable spin-charge conversion efficiency per band onset of the lowest blue band as they are shifted by the
(the magenta bands are above the top panel window). field, altering the negative maximum.
Nevertheless, the pair contribution remains modest, re- To further illustrate the enhancement of the efficiency
sulting in a relatively small value of χsyx . Upon increasing due to the exchange field, we present in Fig. 5 the SEE
the energy, the first observed extremum corresponds to efficiency as a function of the exchange field strength, at
the onset at −63 meV of the first dyz /dxz band (orange a constant charge carrier density [41]. As explained in
pair) with a contribution of opposite sign to χsyx . The Figures 1 and 4, the edge of the orange band pair, which
SEE efficiency reaches a large negative value in the re- is the onset of the first heavy bands, remains unchanged
gion of avoided crossing points between bands of dxy and in energy. Moreover, it coincides with the maximum ef-
dyz /dxz character (−50 meV to −40 meV, along the ⟨100⟩ ficiency, as observed in Figure 3. Therefore, we selected
directions). The negative maximum of the efficiency is the carrier density at this energy (without exchange field;
then reached at the onset (−63 meV) of the blue band, n = 5.44 × 1013 cm−2 at ϵ = −63 meV) as a reference for
with positive contribution. all field strengths.
The situation becomes more intricate in the presence The negative maximum of χsyx observed around
of an exchange field, as the contribution of each band pair −40 meV in Figure 3 is loosely related to the edge of the
displays a less monotonic behavior, with pronounced pos- blue band pair. Contrary to the orange band, its exact
itive and negative maxima. The general trend is however energy position varies with Bzeff . The blue dots in Fig. 5
that, whereas the SEE efficiency value of each individual represent the Edelstein susceptibility for a charge carrier

density of n = 8.99 × 1013 cm−2 , which corresponds to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

the edge of the blue band at Bzeff = 0 (ϵ = −43 meV).
The presence of an out-of-plane magnetic exchange This work received support from the ERC AdG
field generally enhances the splitting of each band pair “FRESCO” (#833973). I.M. acknowledges support from
in terms of wave vector (k). It also tilts the spin ex- the DFG under SFB TRR 227.
pectation values out of the plane, thereby reducing their
in-plane components. Regarding the Edelstein conver-
sion efficiency, these two effects compete with each other,
resulting in the non-monotonic behavior of the spin Edel-
stein effect as a function of Bzeff . Appendix A: Tight-binding model for STO-based
For the carrier density corresponding to the edge of the
orange band pair, the maximum of the curve is reached
at an exchange field of 190 T. This finding aligns with the Following Refs. [11, 23–26], we describe the elec-
previous observations. At 180 T, as we can see in Fig. 1, tronic states which are relevant for the formation
the lower energy blue band is about to cross the orange of the 2DEG at STO interfaces by an effective
bands. Slightly above this exchange field, they overlap, tight-binding Hamiltonian HSTO in the
  basis set
which modifies both the amplitude and the position of the (1) (2) (1) (2)
dxy↑ , dxy↑ , dyz↑ , dzx↑ , dxy↓ , dxy↓ , dyz↓ , dzx↓ . Two dxy
positive maximum of the efficiency. Notably, this max-
orbitals occur due to the confinement of the 2DEG along
imum efficiency is nearly one order of magnitude larger
the z direction. The full Hamiltonian HSTO can be split
than the maximum efficiency without a field. On the
into three terms,
other hand, for the blue band, it appears that we reach
a plateau instead of a distinct peak. As emphasized in
Figure 4, the negative maximum does not correspond to HSTO = H0 + Hλ + HOM . (A1)
a well-defined peak.
Here, H0 is the free-electron-like Hamiltonian neglecting
spin-orbit coupling,
 
ϵxy 0 0 0
 0 ϵ(2) 0 0 
In conclusion, this study sheds light on the influence of H0 = 1 ⊗ 
 0
xy  (A2)
a perpendicular exchange field on the spin-charge inter- 0 ϵyz 0 
conversion in the Rashba 2D electron gas at SrTiO3 in- 0 0 0 ϵzx
terfaces. Remarkably, increasing the magnetic field yields
an up to six-fold increase of the spin-charge interconver- with
sion efficiency which we explain by the competing ex-
change and Rashba interactions. We have found that an (i)
out-of-plane magnetic field produces a Zeeman splitting ϵ(i)
xy = 2t (2 − cos akx − cos aky ) + ϵxy0 , i = 1, 2
of the band pairs thereby increasing the Edelstein effect. ϵyz = 2t (1 − cos aky ) + 2th (1 − cos akx ) + ϵz0 , (A3)
At the same time, it strongly modifies the Rashba-type ϵzx = 2t (1 − cos akx ) + 2th (1 − cos aky ) + ϵz0 .
spin textures and tilts them from their original in-plane
direction towards out-of-plane thereby reducing the Edel-
stein effect. Therefore, a trade-off of the two competing Here, k is the crystal momentum, a is the lattice con-
effects causes a maximum which we observe close to a stant, the parameters t and th describe nearest-neighbor
field strength of 190 T which is where shifted bands over- hopping of the light and heavy bands, respectively, and
lap close to the Γ point. ϵxy0/z0 correspond to the on-site potentials.
Our findings open new routes to provide more effi- The second term of the right-hand side of Eq. (A1)
cient SOC materials or interfaces for emerging devices corresponds to atomic spin-orbit coupling,
such as the MESO device proposed by Intel [12]. They
are also relevant because several studies have reported 2
STO 2DEGs at interfaces with a magnetic oxide such as Hλ = λL · S , (A4)
EuTiO3 [17], EuO [42], or LSMO [43], with indications of
induced magnetism in the 2DEG [17, 22, 43]. Finally, our
with L and S the orbital angular momentum and spin
results suggest a general approach that could be tested
operators, respectively, which are represented in our par-
on other Rashba systems endowed with magnetic in-
ticular basis set as
teractions, such as PdCoO2 interface/surface states[44],
EuO/KTaO3 [45] or certain van der Waals heterostruc-
tures [46]. Li = ℏ1 ⊗ li , i = x, y, z (A5)

0 0 0 −i
 
 0 0 0 −i 
lx =  ,
0 0 0 0 
i i 0 0
0 0 i 0
 
 0 0 i 0
ly =  , (A6)
−i −i 0 0 
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
 
0 0 0 0
lz =  ,
0 0 0 i
0 0 −i 0


Si = σi ⊗ 1 (A7)
with σi the Pauli spin matrices. Finally, the term HOM
in Eq. (A1) corresponds to inter-atomic orbital mixing,
arising from the broken inversion symmetry at the inter-
face leading to a deformation of the orbitals [23, 24, 47],

0 0 2ig1 sin akx 2ig1 sin aky

 
0 0 2ig2 sin akx 2ig2 sin aky 
HOM =1⊗  . (A8)

−2ig1 sin akx −2ig2 sin akx 0 0
−2ig1 sin aky −2ig2 sin aky 0 0

In this work, we use the following parameters, adopted STO-based 2DEG discussed in this work, the magnetic
from Refs. [11, 25], exchange field Beff induces a finite out-of-plane equilib-
rium magnetization. The application of an external elec-
ϵxy0 = −205 meV , t = 388 meV , tric field E leads to a change of the distribution function,
(2) represented by gk , whose contribution to Eq. (B1) is a
ϵxy0 = −105 meV , th = 31 meV , current-induced nonequilibrium magnetic moment, the
ϵz0 = −54 meV , g1 = 2 meV , Edelstein effect.
λ = −8.3 meV , g2 = 5 meV . The nonequilibrium distribution function gk is deter-
mined by solving the Boltzmann equation. Here, we con-
sider a spatially homogeneous and stationary system,
Appendix B: Boltzmann transport theory ∂fk


k̇ = . (B2)
∂k ∂t scatt
Within the semiclassical Boltzmann transport theory,
the current-induced magnetic moment per unit cell orig- In the presence of an external electric field, the semiclas-
inating from the spin Edelstein effect is given by sical equation of motion reads
A0 gs µB X k̇ = − E. (B3)
m=− fk Sk , (B1) ℏ
k Within the relaxation time approximation, the
with A0 the area of the unit cell, A the area of the sample, scattering-term is expressed by
and fk the distribution function, which is split into an
∂fk 1
equilibrium part, the Fermi-Dirac distribution function = − gk (B4)
∂t scatt τk
fk0 , and a nonequlibrium part gk .
In magnetic systems, the term of Eq. (B1) containing with τk the relaxation time, which is assumed constant,
fk0 gives rise to an equilibrium magnetization m0 . In the τk = τ0 in our calculations.

The Boltzmann equation (B2) is then solved by Inserting this solution into Eq. (B1) and assuming zero
temperature, Eq. (3) for the Edelstein susceptibility,
characterizing the nonequilibrium current-induced mag-
fk = fk0 + eτ0 vk · E . (B5) netic moment, is obtained.

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