Examining The Relationship Between Self-Reported Mood Management and Music Preferences of Australian Teenagers
Examining The Relationship Between Self-Reported Mood Management and Music Preferences of Australian Teenagers
Examining The Relationship Between Self-Reported Mood Management and Music Preferences of Australian Teenagers
Katrina Skewes McFerran, Sandra Garrido, Lucy O’Grady, Denise Grocke &
Susan M. Sawyer
To cite this article: Katrina Skewes McFerran, Sandra Garrido, Lucy O’Grady, Denise Grocke &
Susan M. Sawyer (2015) Examining the relationship between self-reported mood management
and music preferences of Australian teenagers, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 24:3, 187-203,
DOI: 10.1080/08098131.2014.908942
The influence of music on the moods and behaviour of young people has
been much contested. Whilst some parties accuse the music industry of
purposefully poisoning the minds of youth, others understand the relation-
ship between teenagers and their music preferences as reciprocal. This article
reports on an investigation examining what 111 Australian adolescents
reported about changes in their mood before and after listening to self-
selected genres of music. Most young people reported using music to
improve their mood, particularly when their initial state was already positive;
however when feeling sad or stressed, some young people reported a
worsening mood. Correlational analysis revealed that whilst the distressed
young people in this sample were more likely to prefer listening to angry
music and have a preference for metal, they did not report a more negative
effect on their mood than any other genre of music. The researchers conclude
that mixed methodologies may be better suited for examining this complex
phenomenon and for avoiding overly simplistic interpretations of data.
Music therapists are encouraged to initiate dialogue with distressed young
people in order to increase their consciousness about whether their mood
improves or worsens when listening to self-selected music.
Keywords: music; adolescents; psychological distress; mood management;
heavy metal
Data were collected from 111 older adolescents at an inner-metropolitan school
in the city of Melbourne, Australia, during 2007. The sample set from which
students were drawn comprised 342 students in two of the senior years at the
participating secondary school with an age range between 15 and 18 years
(average age = 16 years). Sixty-two per cent of participants were males and
38% were females. It was initially intended that a cluster sample would be
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 191
achieved comprising all students; however, local ethical requirements dictated
the need for active consent that relied on the return of hardcopy forms signed by
parents. A low return rate from parents was accurately anticipated by school staff
based on their usual experience of paper returns and an incentive of CD vouchers
was therefore instituted to make the return more likely, with a 32% return
ultimately being achieved.
The socioeconomic status of the adolescents in our sample was spread quite
evenly, with 25.2% of the teenagers’ parents having accessed tertiary-level
education, 18.9% having completed full secondary-level education and 20.3%
having completed the first four years of their secondary education. A similar
proportion of adolescents did not know their parent’s level of education
(26.6%) and the remaining 9% did not answer. The reported cultural back-
ground of the participating adolescents was predominantly European (46.0%),
with a further 22.5% stating that they were of Anglo-Saxon descent and 15.3%
of Asian background. The remaining 16.2% selected “Other” or reported that
they did not know. The sample is an approximate reflection of the geographic
region from which it came, which is considered to be mildly socioeconomically
disadvantaged and is the most culturally diverse area in the State of Victoria. A
growing disadvantage is evidenced in this region, with the working poor
making up a majority of the population. Life expectancy is significantly
lower than the state average, and the score on Disability Adjusted Life Years
shows that it is the lowest in the state according to Australian Bureau of
Statistics figures (Western Metropolitan Region: Health and Social Wellbeing
profile, 2002).
Active consent was solicited from all young people plus one parent or guardian
of each participant, following the distribution of a plain language information
statement (PLS) via mail out to families of students. The PLS explained the focus
of the project as investigating “whether there is a relationship between the ways
that young people listen to music and their happiness and health.” It outlined the
voluntary nature of the project and noted that the survey would be filled out
without the submission of any identifying information.
Students were taken out of class in groups of 10 to participate in the online
survey. The schedule for participation was coordinated by a contracted teacher
who collected the groups of students from each class group based on the return
of consent forms. A computer laboratory with 10 computers was made avail-
able for the day, with each computer set up for access to the survey that was
available with password access via the webpage of the collaborators homepage
(Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne). The
192 K.S. McFerran et al.
teacher monitored student access to the survey and provided a reminder that
participation was voluntary and anonymous. Students were asked not to talk
during the time taken to answer the questions and to remain seated quietly until
all students indicated they were finished. Students spent an average of 14
minutes completing the online survey, with a maximum time of 25 minutes
being taken.
Survey design
The survey consisted of five sections that collected data on a range of variables
relevant to the intended analysis. Section 1 comprised questions to gather the
socioeconomic data including a question on religiosity inspired by Stack and
Gundlach’s finding (1992). Section 2 addressed musical attributes such as
estimated hours spent listening to music each week, information that has
been collected in most studies of this topic (Garrido & Schubert, 2013;
North, Hargreaves, & O’Neill, 2000; Schwartz & Fouts, 2003). Section 3
sought general information regarding music preferences, including how change-
able these preferences were and whether this was influenced by peer’s prefer-
ences, as suggested by Tarrant (2002). This section also gathered information
on the different types of emotional responses that motivated music listening.
Section 4 concerned the use of music for five particular moods: happiness,
sadness, stress, anger and boredom. The authors chose these moods because
they were thought to be easily understood, relatively separate from each other
as well as commonly experienced by adolescents. For each mood, the respon-
dent was asked how often they listen to music, what type of music they listen
to and how they usually feel afterwards. The researchers identified the different
names of musical genres in discussion with a number of older Australian
adolescents that were known to them.
Section 5 comprised the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 10 (K10)
(Kessler et al., 2002) which was used to determine the mental health status of the
participants. The K10 is a validated tool that measures non-specific psychologi-
cal distress based on questions about negative emotional states experienced by
respondents in the four weeks prior to interview. It has been used in a number of
Australian surveys of the general population (ABS, 2003), and strong associa-
tions have been found between high scores on the K10 and diagnoses of anxiety
and affective disorders (Andrews & Slade, 2001; Furukawa, Kessler, Slade, &
Andrews, 2003). Further research by Kessler and his team also suggests that the
K10 is the best performing short scale for discriminating DSM cases and non-
cases (Kessler et al., 2003). In this context, it was felt that a tool encompassing a
wide range of psychological distress was appropriate for our analysis of a general
adolescent population. Furthermore, the test is simple, brief, valid and reliable,
and this made it a convenient tool to use with adolescents in the context of a
school setting.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 193
Preliminary analyses
Our analysis began with an examination of the frequency of certain types of
musical behaviour within our sample. The participants reported listening to
music for an average of 17 hours per week, with 31.5% of students using
computers for listening and 29.7% of students stating preferred use of hand-
held devices. Almost half the respondents disagreed with the suggestion that
their musical preferences were always changing (46.9%), while 33.3% agreed
and 19.8% were unsure. An equal proportion of respondents disagreed and
agreed that their music preferences were the same as their peers (37.0%), with
the remainder of respondents stating that they were undecided. When K10 scores
were calculated using the CRUfAD (Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and
Clinical Depression) scoring method – no/low level of risk (scores below 15) and
high risk (scores above 30) – results indicated that the high-risk group listened to
more music (n = 18, m = 3.61, SD = 2.00) than the low-risk group (n = 26,
m = 2.62, SD = 1.58).
In this study, the majority of students confirmed that music listening made
them feel better in most moods. This was most apparent in states of boredom and
happiness where 68.5% and 60.4% of students respectively reported improve-
ments after listening to music in these mood states. Fewer students reported
improvements after music listening for moods of anger and sadness (44.1% and
47.8% respectively). For each mood, the students were able to articulate parti-
cular music preferences. Rock, rap/hip-hop, R&B, dance and heavy metal were
the most common preferences across all moods. Dance music featured much
more prominently during happy moods.
Continuous variables were also assessed for normality through a visual
inspection of distribution histograms. Violations of normality were minimal, so
parametric tests were used in the subsequent analyses.
Correlation analysis
A Pearson correlation analysis was first conducted to test for associations
between psychological distresses as measured by the K10 and the type of
music preferred (see Appendix for details of survey questions). The strongest
correlation coefficients were found for participants that selected “I like music that
makes me feel angry” (r =.36, p <.001) (see Table 1) and the amount of music
listened to when angry (r =.31, p =.001), revealing that high psychological
distress was associated with choosing angry music and often. Correlation coeffi-
cients were also significant for the amount of music listened to when feeling
stressed (r =.28, p =.003), the amount of music listened to when sad (r =.27,
p =.005), reporting feeling more sad after listening to music when prior mood is
sad (r =.25, p =.013), reporting feeling more stressed after listening to music
when prior mood is stressed (r =.24, p =.013) and thoughtful music (r =.23,
Table 1. Pearson correlation coefficients between frequency of music listening, reported outcome of music listening and music preferences.
listening to Like Like Like Like Like Like Like Like feel Like feel good
K10 music relaxed energetic thoughtful angry happy motivated entertained connected about self
Frequency when .14 .35** .09 .15 −.02 .00 −.02 .12 .06 .12 .09
After listening .00 −.05 .20* .18 .06 .07 .12 .26** .18 .23* .17
Frequency when sad .27** .40** .03 .16 .06 .22* −.21* .00 −.03 −.19 −.05
After listening (sad) .25* −.01 −.10 .04 .12 .28** −.11 −.18 −.09 −.08 .05
Frequency when .31** .37** −.12 .05 .03 .29** −.19* −.03 −.07 −.04 −.01
After listening (angry) .14 .02 −.13 .07 .07 .24* −.01 −.01 −.08 −.13 −.18
Frequency when .06 .32** .05 .12 .03 −.02 .02 .14 .03 .04 .03
After listening (bored) .10 .13 −.20* −.17 .14 .13 −.10 −.15 −.10 −.04 −.06
Frequency when .29** .22* .12 −.01 .18 .17 −.12 −.01 −.07 .10 .11
After listening .24* .11 −.02 .11 .15 .17 −.05 −.13 .01 −.04 .06
K.S. McFerran et al.
K10 1 .20 −.02 .08 .23* .36** −.11 .01 .03 .05 .02
Hours listening to 1 −.17 .01 .06 .20* −.23* .01 −.07 −.25* −.22*
Notes: *p <.05.
**p <.01.
Bold indicates results that were significant at p <.001.
N varied from 98 to 111.
Rows labelled “Frequency when…” display variables measuring the frequency of music listening in various mood conditions.
Rows labelled “After listening…” display variables measuring reported intensification of mood after listening to music in various mood conditions.
Columns labelled “Like…” display variables measuring the degree to which participants liked music of this description. K10 = Kessler psychological distress scale.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 195
p =.014). These results indicate strong connections between high levels of
psychological distress and a liking for music expressing negative emotions, as
well as for deteriorations in mood after listening to music.
A second correlational analysis investigated the reported impact of music
listening upon mood. A negative correlation was found between hours spent
listening to music and a liking for happy music (r = −.23, p =.021). Hours spent
listening to music was also negatively correlated with a liking for music that
caused a feeling of connection with others (r = −.25, p =.015), and with a liking
for music that makes participants feel good about themselves (r = −.22, p =.028).
Taken together, this suggests a pattern of music choices made by participants
with high levels of psychological distress that seem to reinforce negative views
and isolation. In contrast, feeling more happy after listening to music when in a
happy mood was correlated with a liking for motivating music (r =.26, p =.006)
and liking music that makes one feel more connected with others (r =.23,
p =.014) and was negatively correlated with an intensifying of mood in the
bored mood condition (r = −.34, p <.001), the stressed mood condition (r = −.32,
p =.001) and the angry mood condition (r = −.31, p =.001). This suggests that
some adolescents are attracted to music that connects them to others, motivates
them and is perceived to improve their mood.
A one-way analysis of variance was conducted with K10 scores as the factor and
a preference for heavy metal music across six mood conditions as dependent
variables (see Table 2). The only genre that returned significant result was heavy
metal when selected as both a general preference and when listened to in all
mood conditions except for “stressed.” This indicates that there was a significant
difference in mean scores on the K10 between adolescents who listen to heavy
metal and those who do not.
Table 2. Levels of psychological distress in teenagers who prefer metal versus non-metal
K10 scores for people who K10 scores for people who
F P like heavy metal (mean) don’t like heavy metal (mean)
Most of the 111 young people in this study reported successfully managing their
moods through music listening, and the results confirm that feeling better after
listening to self-selected music is a common perception of young people. This is
in keeping with other studies that use self-report as the mechanism for collecting
data about how young people experience their relationship with music (Dillman
Carpentier et al., 2008; Saarikallio, 2008). The data from this study also suggest
that most young people actively changed their preferred music in order to interact
with and reflect their current mood, with the majority of adolescents doing this in
a way that reportedly enhanced their mood. This was particularly true when they
were already in a positive (happy) or neutral (bored) state, supporting the premise
that the most common use of music is for pleasure or distraction (Saarikallio &
Erkkila, 2007).
The relationship between the individual’s mental health and the type of music
they choose to listen to is complex. It is not simply a matter of distressed young
people being made more distressed by the music they choose. A number of
choices and contexts interact, and in this study we have particularly examined
self-reported mood and preferred music, with the term “mood” being chosen to
represent mental health and “preferred music” providing the opportunity to
examine impact of different music genres.
Consumption rate
The data from this study confirmed similar levels of musical engagement to
British studies that suggest around 2.5 hours per day (North, Hargreaves, &
O’Neill, 2000). The overall number of hours reported in this study was less than
American studies that report between 4 and 6 hours per day (Steinberg, 1996), or
56.6 hours per week (Wass et al., 1988). Modes of listening have changed
significantly since these studies however, and even since the data were collected
198 K.S. McFerran et al.
for this study in 2007. Most recent reports suggest that the overall number of
hours dedicated to music listening has remained fairly constant; however music
is even more present in the lives of young people since it now accompanies
gaming and is often used as part of technology-based multi-tasking such as social
networking (Miranda, 2012). Collecting meaningful data about the number of
hours spent listening to music will likely become more challenging for this
The demonization of particular genres of music as causing mental health pro-
blems was not supported by this study. Instead, the results indicated that no
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 199
particular genres were correlated with perceived worsening or improvement of
mood. The study does suggest that distressed young people are more likely to
turn to metal music and to intentionally seek the expression of anger in music.
The data also indicate that music listening is less helpful for regulating moods in
a positive direction when young people are sad or stressed to begin. This finding
contradicts the opinions of the informants in Saarikallio and Erkkila’s (2007)
study, possibly because the eight adolescents involved in their study were
healthier to begin.
It is critical for music therapists working with adolescents to appreciate the
distinction between the mood-regulating benefits for more and less distressed
young people. Many distressed young people assume the same benefits as their
healthy peers; however, this may not be the case and for some, music choices
may result in feeling sadder and more stressed. This is an important discussion
for music therapists to have with young people and parents, whilst also being
clear that the music is not causing problems, but rather reflecting and interacting
with the young person’s state of mental health.
This work was supported by The University of Melbourne [Internal Grants Scheme].
Notes on contributors
A/Professor Katrina Skewes McFerran is head of Music Therapy in the Melbourne
Conservatorium of Music and Co-Director of the National Music Therapy Research
Unit at the University of Melbourne. She is passionate about exploring the enablers and
barriers that impact the ways adolescents appropriate music for health and wellbeing. She
has published widely on this topic, including a book on Adolescents, Music and Music
Therapy (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010).
Dr Sandra Garrido is a post-doctoral research fellow for both the Melbourne
Conservatorium of Music at the University of Melbourne and the ARC Centre of
Excellence for the History of Emotions at the University of Western Australia. Her
research focuses on understanding emotional response to music and the impact of music
on mental health. Dr Garrido is also a member of the Empirical Musicology Group, the
Australian Music and Psychology Society (AMPS) and a member of the National
Committee of the Musicological Society of Australia.
Emeritus Professor Denise Grocke PhD, RMT, FAMI founded the music therapy course at
the University of Melbourne in 1978 and retired in 2012. She continues to lead Guided
Imagery and Music (GIM) training at the University of Melbourne. She is co-author of
Receptive Methods in Music Therapy (2007), co-editor of Guided Imagery and Music:
The Bonny Method and Beyond (2002 and has numerous book chapters and articles in
refereed journals on music therapy and Guided Imagery and Music.
A paediatrician by training, Professor Susan Sawyer has helped establish the field of
Adolescent Health and Medicine in Australia. She has a major interest in health service
research for adolescents, including the role of music therapy. Professor Sawyer holds the
inaugural chair of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne and is the director of
the Centre for Adolescent Health at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
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Appendix. Items from Section 3 of the survey.