Analytical Lab Manual Edited Final 2.0-5
Analytical Lab Manual Edited Final 2.0-5
Analytical Lab Manual Edited Final 2.0-5
________________ ________________
Signature of Remarks
Course In-charge
4th Professional (7th Semester)
Separation of through paper chromatography using & separately
as solvent systems.
The purpose of this experiment is to observe how chromatography can be used to separate mixtures of
chemical substances. Chromatography serves mainly as a tool for the examination and separation of mixtures
of chemical substances. Chromatography is using a flow of solvent or gas to cause the components of a mixture
to migrate differently from a narrow starting point in a specific medium, in the case of this experiment, filter
paper. It is used to the purification and isolation of various substances. A chromatographically pure substance
is the result of the separation. Because purification of substances is required to determine their properties,
chromatography is an indispensable tool in the sciences concerned with chemical substances and their
reactions. Chromatography is also used to compare and describe chemical substances. The chromatographic
sequence of sorbet substances is related to their atomic and molecular structures. A change in a chemical
substance produced by a chemical or biological reaction often alters the solubility and migration rate. With
this knowledge, alterations or changes can be detected in the substance.
In all chromatographic separations, there is an important relationship between the solvent, the chromatography
paper, and the mixture. For a particular mixture, the solvent and the paper must be chosen so the solubility is
reversible and be selective for the components of the mixture. The main requirement, though, of the solvent
is to dissolve the mixture needing to be separated. The porous paper used must also absorb the components of
the mixtures selectively and reversibly. For the separation of a mixture, the substances making up the mixture
must be evenly dispersed in a solution, a vapor, or a gas. Once all of the above criteria have been met,
chromatography can be a simple tool for separating and comparing chemical mixtures.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
2. What served as the solvent for the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the blue ink
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about blue ink?
6. Why did the ink separated?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of through paper chromatography using mixture as
a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp. allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the blue ink
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about blue ink?
6. Why did the ink separated?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of through paper chromatography using mixture of Acetone and Methanol
as a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp,allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the blue ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about blue ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography using as
a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp,allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the red and black ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about red and black ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography using as
a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp,allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography using a mixture of
Acetone & Methanol as a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking up
dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
on a piece of paper towel in the hood. Leave the paper in the fume hood, where it will dry completely.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp, allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography by using different
percentage of mixture of & and setting up them as solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a “landscape” position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small “X” centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography by using different
percentage of mixture of & and setting up them as solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a “landscape” position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small “X” centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp. Allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
4. Repeat the process with gradual increase in the ratio of solvent system and see which turned best.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
1. How many colors are separated from the ink?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of and through paper chromatography using Water as a
solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
6. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
7. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking up
dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
8. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw seven more, 1.5 cm apart.
9. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
10. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
on a piece of paper towel in the hood. Leave the paper in the fume hood, where it will dry completely.
If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if using the heat lamp, allow
5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink
4. In millimeters, how far did the solvent travel?
5. From your result, what can you conclude is true about black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
The paper strip and solvent molecules adsorbed by the cellulose form the stationary phase. The mobile phase
is a liquid solvent. There are several way to increase the separation of components. One way is to use a longer
paper strip.The minimum number of components is the maximum number of colors observed using any
solvent. It is possible that not all components are separated. Ink from the pen we tested
contains at least components. Results will vary. Color changes may be due to reactions of
some dyes with acid or base or to hydration states of organic dyes. Order of appearance of color is determined
by attraction of the dye to the solvent. In some cases, different molecules may have about the same attraction
and appear as a single color spot. Reaction with acid or base may change the polarity of molecules. The degree
of separation and the order in which colors appear can vary with the concentration of the solvent.
Separation of different colored pointers/markers (dollar) through paper chromatography using a mixture
of Acetone ( ) and Methanol ( ) as a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write
your name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately,
draw a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line.
Draw another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered
on the starting line. Draw five more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
chromatogram on a piece of paper towel in the hood. Leave the paper in the fume hood, where it
will dry completely. If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if
using the heat lamp, allow 5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
MARKER COMPONENTS Value)= Distance travelled by
(LISTED IN solute(color)/ Distance
ORDER) travelled by solvent front
1. How many colors are separated from each marker?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from each pointer
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks of the pointers
and miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of
filter paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present,
but not detected because small length of filter paper.
The paper strip and solvent molecules adsorbed by the cellulose form the stationary phase. The mobile phase
is a liquid solvent. There are several way to increase the separation of components. One way is to use a longer
paper strip. The minimum number of components is the maximum number of colors observed using any
solvent. It is possible that not all components are separated. Ink from the different color pointers/markers i.e.
pink we tested, contains number of components
i.e. .Results will vary. Color changes
may be due to reactions of some dyes with acid or base or to hydration states of organic dyes. Order of
appearance of color is determined by attraction of the dye to the solvent. In some cases, different molecules
may have about the same attraction and appear as a single color spot. Reaction with acid or base may change
the polarity of molecules. The degree of separation and the order in which colors appear can vary with the
concentration of the solvent.
Separation of different colored pointers/markers (dollar) through paper chromatography using 1%NaCl
Solution as a solvent system
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black ink, ethanol.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write
your name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately,
draw a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line.
Draw another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered
on the starting line. Draw more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
chromatogram on a piece of paper towel in the hood. Leave the paper in the fume hood, where it
will dry completely. If needed, use a heat lamp (in the fume hood) to dry the chromatogram, if
using the heat lamp, allow 5-10 minutes to dry.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
MARKER COMPONENTS Value)= Distance travelled by
(LISTED IN solute(color)/ Distance
ORDER) travelled by solvent front
1. How many colors are separated from each marker?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks of different
pointers and miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer
strip of filter paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been
present, but not detected because small length of filter paper.
The paper strip and solvent molecules adsorbed by the cellulose form the stationary phase. The mobile phase
is a liquid solvent. There are several way to increase the separation of components. One way is to use a longer
paper strip. The minimum number of components is the maximum number of colors observed using any
solvent. It is possible that not all components are separated. Ink from the different color pointers/markers i.e.
we tested, contains number of components i.e. Results
will vary. Color changes may be due to reactions of some dyes with acid or base or to hydration states of
organic dyes. Order of appearance of color is determined by attraction of the dye to the solvent. In some cases,
different molecules may have about the same attraction and appear as a single color spot. Reaction with acid
or base may change the polarity of molecules. The degree of separation and the order in which colors appear
can vary with the concentration of the solvent.
Separation of the inks (red and black) with paper chromatography by using different concentrations of
Ethanol Solution i.e. 5%, 10%, 20%, 50% as a solvent system.
❖ Chromatographic chamber, Covers lids , Distilled H20 , Strips of filter paper ,Pencil , Ruler ,Scissor
Solvent ,Different pointers.
3) Pour each of these solutions into their labeled beakers just enough to cover the bottom. Cover them
immediately because the Ethanol will evaporate.
4) Cut the filter paper into strips that are about 5 cm x 10 cm. If the beakers are tall enough you can make
the strips longer to allow for more separation. The longer the strips are the longer it will take to develop
5) Draw a line lightly with the pencil across the strips 1 cm above the bottom edge
6) Label the strip with the corresponding solution that it will be placed in.
7) Use the pointers to spot the color onto the strips. Try to keep the spots small and spaced apart. Spot 2
or 3 times for each spot.
8) Suspend the filter paper vertically in the chromatographic chamber containing the Solvent, in such a
way that a pencil line remains about 1 cm above the Solvent.
9) Close the jar with its lid and keep it standing.
10) Notice the rising solvent, along with the ink component .After the solvent has risen up to the finish
line (Solvent front).
11) Take the filter paper out of the jar and use the pencil mark at the distance that the solvent has risen on
the filter paper, this is the solvent front.
12) Dry the filter paper and put the pencil mark at the center of the separated spots.
13) Measure the distance of different spots from the original line, and the distance of solvent from the
original line.
14) Calculate the Rf value of different components by using formula:
Rf =Distance travelled by solute/ Distance travelled by solvent.
We have successfully separated the components of Black and Red ink with paper chromatography using
different concentration of ethanol solution i.e; 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the black and red ink.
5. Which concentration of ethanol solution gives best separation of black and red ink?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks of different
pointers and miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer
strip of filter paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been
present, but not detected because small length of filter paper.
Separation of different food dyes colors through paper chromatography using 1% NaCl solution as a
solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black and red ink,1% NaCl solution.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write
your name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately,
draw a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line.
Draw another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered
on the starting line. Draw more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
DYES(LISTED IN COMPONENTS Distance travelled by solute(color)/
ORDER) Distance travelled by solvent front
1. How many colors are separated from the dyes?
3. List the color in order, from top to bottom, which separated from the each dye.
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks and
miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of filter
paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present, but not
detected because small length of filter paper.
The paper strip and solvent molecules adsorbed by the cellulose form the stationary phase. The mobile phase
is a liquid solvent. There are several way to increase the separation of components. One way is to use a longer
paper strip.The minimum number of components is the maximum number of colors observed using any
solvent. It is possible that not all components are separated. Different food dyes i.e. we
tested contains number of components respectively. Results will vary. Color changes may
be due to reactions of some dyes with acid or base or to hydration states of organic dyes. Order of appearance
of color is determined by attraction of the dye to the solvent. In some cases, different molecules may have
about the same attraction and appear as a single color spot. Reaction with acid or base may change the polarity
of molecules. The degree of separation and the order in which colors appear can vary with the concentration
of the solvent.
Separation of different food dye colors/yums through paper chromatography using 1% NaCl/ 1%Sugar
solution as a solvent system.
Paper can be used to separate mixed chemicals.
The materials used for this lab are paper, pencil, eraser, filter paper, beaker/measuring cylinder/test tube, petri
dish to cover or aluminum foil, paper clip, metric ruler, black and red ink,1% NaCl solution.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove excess oils from your skin. Obtain a ruler and a piece of
chromatography paper from your instructor. Handle the paper only on the edges to avoid leaving
fingerprints, as these may hinder the elution process.
2. Place the chromatography paper on a sheet of clean notebook paper or paper towel to avoid picking
up dirt or contaminants from the bench top. Orient the paper into a "landscape" position and write your
name on the top edge of the paper in one comer. Using a pencil and ruler to measure accurately, draw
a straight line across the paper, about 1.5 cm above the bottom edge. This is the starting line. Draw
another line about 10 cm above the bottom edge. This is the finish line.
3. On the starting line, measure in from one side about 2.5 cm and lightly draw a small "X" centered on
the starting line. Draw more, 1.5 cm apart.
4. In the center of each X, make a small spot of ink color.
5. Go back over each ink spot a second time to ensure there is enough in the spot.
The results of the experiment are shown in a graph and a chart.
DYES(LISTED IN COMPONENTS Distance travelled by solute(color)/
ORDER) Distance travelled by solvent front
5. How many colors are separated from the dyes/yums?
Possible errors could include inaccurate measurements of the distances travelled by the inks/food dyes/yums
and miscalculation of the ratio travelled by solvent and colors. If a longer chamber was used, a longer strip of
filter paper could have been used. This may have changed the ratios. Another color may have been present,
but not detected because small length of filter paper.
The paper strip and solvent molecules adsorbed by the cellulose form the stationary phase. The mobile phase
is a liquid solvent. There are several way to increase the separation of components. One way is to use a longer
paper strip.The minimum number of components is the maximum number of colors observed using any
solvent. It is possible that not all components are separated. Different food dyes/Yums i.e.
green, we tested contains number
of components respectively. Results will vary. Color changes may be due to reactions of some dyes with acid
or base or to hydration states of organic dyes. Order of appearance of color is determined by attraction of the
dye to the solvent. In some cases, different molecules may have about the same attraction and appear as a
single color spot. Reaction with acid or base may change the polarity of molecules. The degree of separation
and the order in which colors appear can vary with the concentration of the solvent.
• It should be volatile.
• It should impart colour to the different spots.
• It should not react with various compounds which are being separate
Why water is not used in paper chromatography?
Ans. In ambient conditions water is too polar to be efficient eluent in chromatographic analysis.
Ans. Rf values are always less than one because they are the ratios of migration distances of solutes (analytes)
and solvent fronts. As a general rule, the solvent front always travels more than that of solute, because the
solutes have to have some attractive properties with stationary phases.
Why spots are concentrated & small in chromatography?
Ans. When spots develop on the paper, they start to spread vertically, and to a little extent, horizontally. If the
spots are larger in size, there is a risk of spots merging into one another and hence comparison becomes
difficult. Moreover, applied sample spot must be concentrated in order to make sure that loaded sample
contains all of it's possible components and ultimately a better separation is achieved. Otherwise nothing
would be visible on chromatogram in case applied sample spot is not concentrated enough to contain all the
possible components of sample.
Ans. Polarity of the solvent affects the speed of the chromatography process. So, we can say that, if we increase
the polarity of the solvent all the other components present in the mixture move faster during the
chromatography experiment.
Which is more polar in paper chromatography?
Ans. The key to separation lies in the difference in polarity of the mobile and stationary phases. Usually, it is
the stationary phase that is more polar and the mobile is less or nonpolar.
Ans. Yes, Rf value of the different components can be same. Similar Rf value indicates that components are
This lab employs chromatography to separate the components in ink. What other applications can we
use chromatography for?
Ans. Chromatography can be used to separate ink, dye, pigments in plants, in determination of shelf life of
food substance, presence of chemical additives in food, testing of water samples for purity, presence of toxic
contaminants in oil and pesticides. It can be used in pharmaceutical industry for identification of dye etc.
TLC is one of the simplest, fastest, easiest and least expensive of several chromatographic techniques used in
qualitative and quantitative analysis to separate organic compounds and to test the purity of compounds.
• The components with more affinity towards stationary phase travel slower.
• Components with less affinity towards stationary phase travel faster
In TLC, a solid phase, the adsorbent, is coated onto a solid support (thin sheet of glass, plastic, and aluminum)
as a thin layer (about 0.25 mm thick). In many cases, a small amount of a binder such as plaster of Paris is
mixed with the absorbent to facilitate the coating.
Separation of mixtures in microgram quantities by movement of a solvent across a flat surface; components
migrate at different rates due to differences in solubility, adsorption, size or charge; elution is halted when or
before the solvent front reaches the opposite side of the surface and the components examined in situ or
removed for further analysis.
Separations in TLC involve distributing a mixture of two or more substances between a stationary phase and
a mobile phase
Is a developing liquid which travels up the stationary phase, carrying the samples with it.
The choice of the stationary phase for a given separation problem is the most difficult decision in TLC. The
choice of stationary phase in following characters considered.
➢ The chemical composition of the stationary phase and in particular that of its surface, must be
suitable for the task.
➢ To obtain satisfactory separation efficiency, the mean particle size, the particle size distribution and
the morphology of the particle must be considered.
Silica gel, modified silica gels , alumina ,cellulose powder , kieselguhr, modified celluloses e.g. DEAE and
CM, sephadex gel.
• Solubility of compounds e.g. hydrophilic or lipophilic.
• Nature of substance to be separated i.e. whether it is acidic, basic or amphoteric
• Adsorbent particle size
• Adsorbent should not adhere to glass plate
• Reactivity of compound with the solvent or adsorbent
• Chemical reactivity of compounds with binders.
1) POURING: The adsorbent of finely divided and homogeneous particle size is made into slurry and
is poured on a plate and allowed to flow over it so that it is evenly covered.
2) DIPPING: This technique is used for small plates by dipping the two plates at a time, back to back
in a slurry of adsorbent in chloroform or other volatile solvents. Exact thickness of layer is not
known and evenness of layer may not be good.
3) SPRAYING: Slurry is diluted further for the operation of sprayer. But this technique is not used
now a days as it is difficult to get uniform layer.
4) SPREADING: All the above methods fail to give thin and uniform layers. Modern methods utilize
the spreading devices for preparation of uniform thin layers on glass plates. Commercial spreaders
are of two types (a) Moving spreader, (b) Moving plate type. It gives layer thickness from 0.2 to 2.0
• Sample solution in a non-polar solvent is applied.
• The concentration of a sample or standard solution has to be minimum of a 1% solution of either
standard or test sample is spotted using a capillary tube or micropipette.
• The area of application should be kept as small as possible for sharper and greater resolution.
Different development techniques are:
1. ONE DIMENSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: In this the plate is placed in suitable TLC Development
.The Solvent rises up the layer transporting the sample mixture .Once solvent front reached remove
plate from the chamber and marked it with pencil .
3. TWO DIMENSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: In this plate the normal chamber once from the bottom
to top after drying the plate is turned 90 degree and placed another chamber with different solvent and
developed again.
4. MULTIPLE DEVELOPMENT: In this TLC plate undergoes multiple development with drying
between each cycle .Solvent travel repeatedly through the layer re-concentrating and deforming spot
forming elliptical shape /narrow bands.
• It is used for separation of all classes of natural products and is established as an analytical tool in
modern pharmacopoeias.
-E.g. Acids, alcohols, glycols, alkaloids, amines, macromolecules like amino acids, proteins and
peptides, and Antibiotics
- For checking the purity of samples
- As a purification process
- -examination of reaction
- For identifying organic compounds
• Extensively used as an identification test and test for purity.
• As a Check on process-checking of distillation fractions and for checking the progress of molecular
• Applications of TLC for separation of Inorganic lons – Used for separating cationic, anionic, purely
covalent species and also some organic derivatives of the metals.
• Separation of Amino Acids- two dimensional thin-layer chromatography.
• Separation of vitamins-vitamin E, Vitamin D3, vitamin A.
• Application of TLC in quantitative analysis.
To prepare your own TLC plate.
Silica gel, Glass Slider, Solvent, Binder (Plaster of Paris or Carboxy Methyl Cellulose), Beaker, Water,
1. Grind the silica gel.
2. Weigh out and mix 4 grams of silica and 1 gram of plaster of paris.
3. Transfer these two in mortar and pestle and grind them again.
4. The mixture must be homogenous, fines the particles size, the better will be the result.
5. Now suspend particles in water and cover the bottle and shake it for 10 minutes.
6. Now fill uр the syringe with uniform suspension and place the thin layer of suspension across the
7. The thickness of layer should be less than 3 mm.
8. Now air dry the slide.
9. Activation is done by heating the plate in hot air oven at 120 C for 30-45 minutes.
10. Remove the plate from the oven. Now plate is ready for use.
We have successfully prepared our own TLC plate.
Separation of Black ink / pointer (Dollar) through TLC using 1% NaCl solution as a solvent system.
TLC plate, Pencil , NaCl ,Water, Scale, Beaker ,Capillary tube, Measuring cylinder, Ink/ pointer.
• Take a TLC plate, using scale draw a line 1 cm from the bottom and top of the plate through pencil.
• By using capillary tube spot the ink on plate with 1 cm gap between each spot or by putting spot on
plate by pointer with 1 cm gap between each spot.
• Air dry the spots. Spot black ink on the same TLC plate.
• Take a beaker and prepare 1% NaCl solution to be used as a solvent system by adding 1gm NaCl and
10 ml water in it.
• Place the TLC plate in a beaker in straight position.
• Cover the beaker with a glass plate immediately in order to avoid Loss of solvent.
• Allow the setup to develop.
• When the solvent reaches the solvent front, remove the TLC plate from the beaker and let it dry.
• Mark each spot on the plate after placing the plate on a flat surface by the help of a pencil.
• Calculate Rf value of each of the colors separated from each of the spot.
The ink separated into following components:
• Black pointer:
Separation of Black and Green ink / pointer (Dollar) through TLC using 50% Ethanol Solution/Mixture
of Chloroform and Methanol as a solvent system.
TLC plate, Pencil , Chloroform, Methanol, Scale, Beaker ,Capillary tube, Pipette, Ink/ pointer.
• Take a TLC plate, using scale draw a line 1 cm from the bottom and top of the plate through pencil.
• By using capillary tube spot the ink on plate with 1 cm gap between each spot or by putting spot on
plate by pointer with 1 cm gap between each spot.
• Air dry the spots. Spot green and black ink on the same TLC plate.
• Take a beaker and add ml in it.
• Place the TLC plate in a beaker in straight position.
• Cover the beaker with a glass plate immediately in order to avoid Loss of solvent.
• Allow the setup to develop.
• When the solvent reaches the solvent front, remove the TLC plate from the beaker and let it dry.
• Mark each spot on the plate after placing the plate on a flat surface by the help of a pencil.
• Calculate Rf value of each of the colors separated from each of the spot.
• Compare Rf values obtained in separation of inks when using 50% ethanol solution to the Rf values
obtained by the separation of components of ink / pointer using mixture of chloroform and methanol
through thin layer chromatographic technique.
• Black pointer:
• Green pointer:
In chemistry, Column chromatography is a technique which is used to separate a single chemical compound
from a mixture dissolved in a fluid. It separates substances based on differential adsorption of compounds to
the adsorbent as the compounds move through the column at different rates which allow them to get separated
in fractions. This technique can be used on small scale as well as large scale to purify materials that can be
used in future experiments. This method is a type of adsorption chromatography technique
When the mobile phase along with the mixture that needs to be separated is introduced from the top of the
column, the movement of the individual components of the mixture is at different rates. The components with
lower adsorption and affinity to stationary phase travel faster when compared to the greater adsorption and
affinity with the stationary phase. The components that move fast are removed first whereas the components
that move slow are eluted out last.
The adsorption of solute molecules to the column occurs in a reversible manner. The rate of the movement of
the components is expressed as:
R(f) = the distance travelled by solute/ the distance travelled by solvent
Solvents such as methanol and water are normally not used because they can destroy the integrity of the
stationary phase by dissolving some of the silica gel.
1. Adsorption chromatography
2. Partition chromatography
3. Ion exchange chromatography
4. Gel chromatography
In this, the slurry of adsorbent with the mobile phase is prepared and is poured into the column. It is
considered as the ideal technique for packing
• The sample which is usually a mixture of components is dissolved in minimum Quantity of the mobile
• The entire sample is introduced into the column at once and get adsorbed on the top portion of the
• From this zone, individual sample can be separated by a process of elution.
By elution technique, the individual components are separated out from the Column. It can be achieved by
two techniques:
• If the compounds separated in a column chromatography procedure are colored, the progress of the
separation can simply be monitored visually.
• If the compounds to be isolated from column chromatography are colorless.
• In this case, small fractions of the eluent are collected sequentially in labelled tubes and the
composition of each fraction is analyzed by TLC.
Column chromatography is one of the most useful methods for the separation and purification of both solids
and liquids. Its major application includes:
• Any type of mixture can be separated by column chromatography.
• Any quantity of the mixture can also be separated.
• Wider choice of mobile phase.
• In preparative type, the sample can be separated and reused.
• Automation is possible.
Preparation of column for column chromatography.
Column chromatography is a commonly used purification technique in labs across the world. Done right it
can simply and quickly isolate desired compounds from a mixture. But like many aspects of practical
chemistry, the quick and efficient setting up and running of a column is something that can take years to
master. Here we present some of the tips and tricks of the trade to help you set up the perfect column.
In a typical column (Fig. 1), the stationary phase, a solid adsorbent normally silica gel (SiO 2) or alumina
(Al2O3), is placed in a vertical glass column. The mobile phase, a liquid, is added to the top of the column and
flows down through the column by either gravity or external pressure (flash chromatography). Separation of
compounds is achieved through the varying absorption on and interaction between the stationary
and mobile phases.
The size is given by the mesh value which refers to the number of holes in the mesh that is used to sieve the
adsorbent. Thus higher mesh values such as “silica gel 230-400” have more holes per unit area and
correspondingly smaller particles than "silica gel 60”. Typically, 70-230 silica gel is used for gravity columns
and 230-400 mesh for flash columns.
Alumina is available in types I II & III. This refers to the water content of the alumina, with (I) having the
least water and III the most. A lower water content means there are more polar sites in the alumina free to
bind organic compounds, and polar compounds will remain on the column longer. Alumina of activity II or
III, 150 mesh, is most commonly employed.
The techniques for packing a column described below use silica as the stationary phase, but are equally suitable
for use with alumina.
1. Position the cotton or glass wool ball securely in the narrowest part of the column using a long glass
rod or other suitable device.
2. Clamp the column securely and close the tap or stopcock.
3. Add a layer of sand until it reaches the main body of the column (approx. 2cm). This will give the
stationary phase an even base and prevent concentration and streaking of the bands as they come off
the column and are collected.
Figure 3. Guidelines for the correct size of cotton or glass wool and sand for non-fritted columns.
Dry-Pack Method 1:
You will need:
• Column prepared as in section 2 above
• Funnel suitable for dry solids
• Something to tap the column with (see box below)
• Solvent
• Silica or alumina
1. Fill the column with solvent, allowing some to run through the sand and cotton wool to remove air
bubbles (Fig. 4, step B).
2. Place a dry funnel in the top and gently pour the silica or alumina (stationary phase) into the solvent.
Allow the solvent to drain to prevent overflowing (Fig. 4, step C).
3. Let the stationary phase settle and gently tap the column (see box below) so that the silica or alumina
will pack tightly into the column (Fig. 4, step D).
4. Drain the solvent until the solvent level is just even with the surface of the phase (Fig. 4, step E).
Figure 4. Dry-pack method 1.
Dry Pack Method 2:
You will need:
• Column prepared as in section 2 above.
• Funnel for solvent.
• Vacuum line
• Solvent
• Silica or alumina
1. Add dry silica gel to the column and apply house vacuum by attaching the vacuum tubing to the bottom
of the column (Fig. 5, step B). This will compress the silica gel and keep it compressed for the next
steps. Packing can be improved by tapping the column
2. With the vacuum still applied, pour in the solvent (Fig. 5, step D).
3. Allow the solvent to flow though the column until it is almost at the bottom. At this point, close the
stopcock and remove the vacuum line (Fig 5 step E).
4. Allow 5-6 columns worth of solvent to flow through the column to ensure complete packing Drain the
solvent until the solvent level is just even with the surface of the stationary phase (Fig 5, step F)
Slurry method:
You will need
Separation of ink / food coloring through column chromatography.
Chromatography column (burette), ink sample/ food colour, Silica Gel, beakers, Vials or small beakers cotton
We have successfully separate sample of ink using column chromatography.
Recrystallization is a physical process. It is a laboratory technique used to purify solids based on their different
solubilities.The main reason behind recrystallization is the fact that substances will usually become more
soluble when it is cold. Therefore, a compound may dissolve in warm liquid but be insoluble at room
temperature. The difference in solubility at varying temperature allows an impure substance dissolved at a
higher temperature and then crystallize slowly at a lower temperature without re-trapping impurities
Following are the types of Recrystallization
The second solvent should induce crystallization when added to a saturated solution of Compound in the
primary solvent. The second solvent is added slowly until one of the compounds begin to crystallize from
solution and then the solution is cooled, Heating is not required for this technique but can be used. Desired
compound “A” or impurity” “B” will be insoluble in second solvent and precipitate. One solvent is good
solvent and other solvent is bad solvent. Good solvent is to dissolve aromatic compounds while bad solvent
is for crystal Formation.
Double solvent recrystallization is used when suitable solvent is not available.
• The chemical formula of salicylic acid is C7H6O3
• Melting point 158.6°C
• Boiling point 200°C
• Salicylic acid is lipophilic, monohydroxy-benzoic acid, a type of phenolic acid and a B- hydroxy acid.
• Colorless organic acid
• Greater solubility with organic solvent
• Insoluble in water
• Salicylic acid is used as food preservative.
• Used as bacteriocidal, antiseptic.
• Used in production of different pharmaceutical products like aminos alicyclic acid.
• Used as anti-inflammatory.
• Used as keratolytic agent.
Purification of salicylic acid by double solvent recrystallization.
❖ Salicylic Acid
❖ Good solvent (ethanol)
❖ Bad solvent (water)
❖ Electrical balance
❖ Desiccator
❖ Filter Paper
❖ Spatula and Stirrer
● Select the good and bad solvent.
● Dissolve small quantity of sample in ethanol first and then dissolve more until the sample is
completely dissolved.
● Be careful about the quantity of ethanol used.
● The quantity of ethanol should be as small as possible.
● After dissolution, check if solution requires filtration otherwise skip this step.
● Now add water drop by drop in solution.
● During addition of water, cloud like precipitates will occur. Continue adding water until this
formation become permanent.
● Now add 2 drops of ethanol to stabilize the cloud formation, if they don't disappear, don't
add more ethanol.
● Now filter the solution using simple filtration.
● During filtration, add water to that solution or crystal or precipitate to wash it.
● After filtration, let the residue dry at room temperature.
● Wrap filter paper around it and place it in a desiccator over weight.
● Next day, weigh the crystals and find the percentage recovery.
Percentage recovery = Weight of Salicylic Acid before Crystallization x 100
Weight of Salicylic Acid after Crystallization
Percentage recovery =
Percentage recovery =
The percentage recovery of salicylic acid is found to be by double solvent recrystallization.
Purification of Benzoic acid by Double Solvent Crystallization
• Benzoic acid
• Water
• Ethanol
• Electrical balance
• Filter paper
• Funnel
• Stirrer
• Desiccator
• Select good and bad solvent
• Good solvent collected in ethanol, while bad Solvent collected in water.
• Weight about 1g of benzoic acid.
• Dissolve small quantity of sample in ethanol first and then dissolve more until the sample is completely
• Be careful about the quantity of ethanol used.
• The quantity of ethanol should be as small as possible.
• After dissolution, check if solution requires filtration, otherwise skip this step.
• Now add water drop by drop in solution.
• During addition of water, cloud like precipitates will occur. Continuous addition of water until this
formation become permanent.
• Now add 2 drops of ethanol to stabilise the cloud formation. If they don’t disappear don’t add more
• Now filter the solution, using simple filtration.
• During filtration add water to that solution or crystal or precipitate to wash it.
• After filtration let the residue dry it at room temperature.
• Wrap filter paper around it and place it in a desiccator overnight.
• Next day, weigh the crystals and find the percentage recovery.
Percentage recovery = Weight of Benzoic Acid before Crystallization x 100
Weight of Benzoic Acid after Crystallization
Percentage recovery =
Percentage recovery =
The percentage recovery of benzoic acid (C7H6O2) is found to be by double solvent.
Purification of Benzoic Acid by Single solvent method.
• Benzoic Acid 1 gm
• Analytical balance
• Filter paper
• Hot plate stirrer
• Thermostatic drying oven
• Beaker
• Hot water
• Glass rod
• Desiccator
• Tap water
Benzoic acid is a crystalline colorless solid and a simple aromatic carboxylic acid. The name is desired from
“Gum Benzoin” which was for a long time its only known source. Benzoic acid occurs naturally in many
plants and source as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of many secondary metabolities. Salt of benzoic acid
is used as food preservative and benzoic acid is an important precursor for the industrial synthesis of many
other organic substances. The salts and esters of benzoic acid are known as “Benzoates”.
• Chemical formula:C7H6O2
• Molecular weight:132.12g/mol
• Appearance: Colorless crystalline solid
• Odor: faint, pleasant order
• Density: 1. 2659g/cm3
• Melting point: 122.410C
• Boiling point: 299.20C
• Solubility: insoluble in cold water but freely soluble in hot water.
• Used for the treatment of fungal skin diseases i.e. ringworm, athletes foot and tinea.
• It is used as expectorant, analgesic and antiseptic.
• It is common standard for calibrating a bomb calorimeter.
1. Take 1gm of Benzoic acid, this sample of benzoic acid contains small impurities (Water soluble)
2. Now heat about 50 ml of water in a beaker
3. Now slowly add water to the impure benzoic acid until the benzoic acid is complete dissolve.
4. Then add additional 1-2 ml of hot water to keep it dissolve.
5. Skip filtration if the sample have no color full impurities or insoluble impurities.
6. Now allow the mixture to cool at room temperature
7. Use ice bath if available.
8. Filter the crystals using hot opacity filtration.
9. Let the crystal dry in an oven & weight them to find out percentage recovery.
Isolation of casein from milk by using solvent extraction technique.
• Beaker
• Conical flask
• Graduated cylinder
• Glass watch
• Filter paper
• Burner
• Reagents (ethanol ,acetic acid and milk sample)
Milk is a white liquid produced from mammary glands of mammal. It is the primary source of nutrition for
infant mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early lactation with contain colostrums
which carries the mother’s antibodies to its young and can reduce the risk of many disease. it contains other
nutrients including protien and lactose. Milk provide high quallity protein,vitamins and minerals and is a
sourse of energy.
The gross properties of milk include:
Milk is an emulsion of fat globlues .A suspension of casein micelles (casien,calcium, phosphorous) all which
are suspended in aqeous phase. it contain solubilize lactose protein and minerals . Leucocyte in milk are a part
of suspended phase. Milk is an emulsion or colliode of butter fat globules, with in a water base fluid that
contain dissolved carbohydrate and protiens aggregate with minerals. Because it is produce as a food source
for the young , all of it contents benefits for growth. The princpal requiremet are energy (lipids ,lactose and
proteins), biosynthesis of non essential fatty acid , vitamins and inorganic elemnts and water .
6.4 to 6.8(it changes over time ).
Initially milk fat is secreted in the form of a fat globule surrounded by a membrane.
Normal bovine milk contains 30-35g of proteins per liter of which about 80% is arranged in casein micelles.
Total proteins in milk represent 3.2% of its composition.
Calcium, Phosphate, Magnesium, sodium, potassium, citrate and Chlorine are included as minerals at
concentration of 5-40 mM. The milk salts strongly interact with casein, most notably calcium phosphate. In
addition to calcium, milk is a good source of many other vitamins, Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, K, thiamine,
Niacin, Biotin, Riboflavin, Folate and Pantothemic acid, etc all is present in milk.
• Keep bones healthy.
• Helps in weight loss
• Beats stress
• Builds muscles
• Healthy body
• Milk is great appetizer and healthy snack
The composition of milk in the V.S is:
• Water 87.77
• Lactose 4.9%
• Fat 34%
• Protein 3.3%
• Minerals 0.7%
Milk composition varies depending on the species, Breed, the animals feed and the steps of Lactation.
Casein is a protein, which is mostly found in milk. Casein is a family of related phosphor proteins. It
comprising 20-45% of human milk and 80% of cow’s milk. It has a wide variety of Used, from being a major
component of cheese to uses from use as food additives. The most Common form casein is Sodium caseniate.”
As a food source casein supplies amino acid,Carbohydrate, two essential elements calcium & phosphorus,
Casein is composed of several similar proteins, which form a multi molecular, granular structure called a
Casein micelle. In addition to casein molecule, the casein micelle-contains salt and water (mainly calcium
dephosphorus). Some enzymes are associated with casein micelle too.The micelle structure of casein in milk
is an important part of mode of digestion of milk in the stomach of intestine. Cassin is one of the most basic
abundant organic components of milk. Individual molecules of casein alone are not very soluble in the aqueous
environment of milk However, the casein micelle granules are maintained as a colloidal suspension in milk.
If micelle structure is disturbed, the micelle may come apart and the casein may come out of the solution.
Forming the gelatinous material of the curd. This is part of the basis for formation of all non-fluid milk
products like cheese.
Casein has an appropriate amino acid composition that is important for growth and developing of the musing
Casein are highly digest able in the intestine and highly source of amino acid. Casein is a slow digesting
protein while whey is a fast digesting protein
1. Rennet Casein:
Obtained by enzymatic precipitation
2. Acid Casein:
Obtained by acidifying skim milk to the isolation point. (Ph = 4.6-4.7)
In addition to these two main types, there is 2 other commercially available casein product of importance.
i. Co-precipitate: Made by heating skim milk to a high temperature and then precipitate.It with CaCl.
ii. Cascinates: Commercially commonly sodium casein obtained from acid casein dissolved in sodium
• In making cheese.
• In formulating glue.
• In preparing plastics and glue.
• As a thickener and emulsifier.
• As intermediate in pharmaceutical.
• As adhesive agent and colorant in lather and paper making industry
• For encapsulation of probiotic or antibiotic.
• Casein paint is a fast drying, water soluble medicine used by artist.
• Use as protein supplement.
% Recovery: weight of casein/weight of milk x 100
By using solvent extraction technique, casein has been successfully isolated from milk. The percentage of
casein recovered was found to be __________