PhysRevLett 108 210401
PhysRevLett 108 210401
PhysRevLett 108 210401
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PRL 108, 210401 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 25 MAY 2012
Ultracold quantum gases have proven to be ideal quantum gas experiments, Feshbach resonances and scat-
systems for observing spectacular many- and few-body tering lengths are a priori unknown. Magnetic lanthanides
quantum effects. The large majority of these phenomena such as erbium with their large magnetic moments and
rely on the high degree of control over the interparticle their non-S electronic ground states present a completely
interaction achieved with ultracold atoms. In the widely unexplored terrain in ultracold scattering physics. Here the
used alkalis, ultracold atoms interact isotropically via a anisotropic interaction is expected to give rise to novel
short-range contact potential. A novel exciting frontier in scattering scenarios, which are not accessible with alkali
quantum gas experiments is to access unexplored physical atoms [18,19].
scenarios based on the anisotropic and long-range dipole- In this Letter, we report on the attainment of
dipole interaction (DDI) [1,2]. A dipolar quantum gas is Bose-Einstein condensation of erbium atoms and on the
expected to exhibit fascinating phenomena, including observation of Feshbach resonances in the region of low
novel many-body quantum phases [3–6]. The DDI acts magnetic fields. We obtain pure optically trapped BECs of
in systems having sizable electric or magnetic dipole 168
Er containing 7 104 atoms. The remarkably high
moments [1]. efficiency of evaporative cooling in a standard optical
In the context of ultracold atomic quantum gases, dipole trap indicates favorable scattering properties of the
pioneering experimental work on strong DDI has been 168 Er isotope. In addition, the magnetic Feshbach spectros-
carried out with chromium atoms [7–9]. Magnetic lantha- copy provides first valuable information on the scattering
nides offer new possibilities for dipolar physics. In such behavior of submerged-shell atoms at ultralow tempera-
systems, the combination of a large magnetic moment and tures. Moreover, we demonstrate low-field Feshbach tun-
a large atomic mass leads to a particularly strong dipolar ing of the contact interaction in our strongly dipolar BEC.
character. The demonstration of the first magneto-optical Our experimental procedure to create a BEC of Er
trap of erbium atoms [10] stimulated growing interest in follows a simple and straightforward scheme, inspired by
such species for quantum gas experiments. Very recently, a work on Yb atoms [20,21]. Our starting point is the
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and a degenerate Fermi narrow-line yellow magneto-optical trap (MOT) described
gas of dysprosium have been produced [11,12]. We choose in our very recent work [22]; it operates on the 583 nm line
erbium as a promising candidate for experiments on dipo- (natural linewidth 190 kHz). We choose this approach
lar quantum gases. This species has a number of very because narrow-line MOTs permit us to obtain samples
appealing features, including a large magnetic moment with a large number of atoms at temperatures in the lower
of 7 times the Bohr magneton, several stable isotopes, a microkelvin region. This allows a direct and efficient
rich energy level scheme [13] with a non-S electronic transfer of atoms into optical dipole traps without the
ground state [14], and interesting cold collisional need for additional cooling stages [20,21]. Our MOT gives
phenomena [15,16]. about 108 atoms at a temperature of 15 K [23].
In strongly magnetic atoms, the competition between the An additional very advantageous feature of our approach
DDI and the contact interaction is very important and gives is that the MOT light automatically pumps the atoms into
rise to many intriguing phenomena. The contact interaction the lowest Zeeman sublevel mJ ¼ 6, where mJ is the
is determined by the s-wave scattering length a and can be projection quantum number of the total electronic angular
often tuned with external magnetic fields via Feshbach momentum J ¼ 6. This effect results from the interplay
resonances [17]. Tuning of a also controls the balance of between gravity and weak radiation pressure, which leads
these two interactions. In the case of a novel species in to a spatial down shift with respect to the zero of the
week ending
PRL 108, 210401 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 25 MAY 2012
week ending
PRL 108, 210401 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 25 MAY 2012
week ending
PRL 108, 210401 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 25 MAY 2012