Analysis of Rainfall Trends Over Assam North East
Analysis of Rainfall Trends Over Assam North East
Analysis of Rainfall Trends Over Assam North East
Discipline of Geology, School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
Discipline of Geography, School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
The spatio-temporal variations of long-term rainfall over Assam in the North
Eastern part of India were analyzed using data from twenty-six locations during
the period 1981-2017. The annual, monthly, and seasonal rainfall trends are Article History
assessed by using Mann-Kendall and Sen slopetests over different subregions. Received: 19 April 2022
Accepted: 27 August 2022
September, December, January and February months recorded decreasing
trends, while May, June, and August exhibited statistically substantial increasing Keywords
trends. Similarly, annual, pre monsoon season and monsoon seasons exhibited Assam; Mann Kendall;
increasing trends, but post monsoon and winter seasons recorded statistically North East India;
Rainfall Trend;
non-significant decreasing rainfall trends. The locations of Demaji, Dibrugarh,
Sen’s Slope.
Karimganj, and North Lakhimpur were recorded with above 2000 mm annual
rainfall. On seasonal time scales, premonsoon and monsoon rainfall over
Assam witnessed increasing trends with statistically notable trends. The
postmonsoon and winter rainfall recorded decreasing trends, but the trends
were statistically non-significant. In the monsoon season, a declining trend was
recorded during the first decade (2001-2010).The southern and northeastern
portion of the state received the maximum average annual rainfall when
compared to the central portion of the Brahmaputra valley of Assam state. The
maximum variationsin rainfall have been recorded in the Karimganj (36.8%),
Hailakandi (31.9%), Silchar (31.9%), and Dhuburi (26.5%) regions. Any slight
variations in the rainfall trend could certainly be vulnerable as the state of
Assam which comprises valley flood plains and sub-Himalayan boundaries,
also supports a large chunk of human as well as ecosystem populations.
In the present scenario, extreme and unprecedented rainfall events can
affect agricultural activities, stream flow, the availability of food, etc.,
which may lead to disparities in the socio-economic conditions of the area.
The results would be beneficial to policy makers in understanding the impact
of changing climates and assessing the climatic vulnerability of natural and
human resources.
CONTACT Kakoli Gogoi [email protected] School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delh.
of international boundaries with Bangladesh in the and 2017 that devastated nearly 50% of the total
south and Bhutan in the north. Assam covers an area geographical region of Assam in 2014.24 The climate
of 78,438 sq. km and is located between 24° 08′ N is characterized by a tropical monsoon humid climate
-28° 02′ N latitude and 89° 42′ E - 96° 00′ E longitude. with temperatures varying from 6°C in December to
It is bounded in the north byArunachal Pradesh and 38°C in May, and the average annual rainfall is about
Bhutan, Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh 1140 cm, most of which receives from the southwest
in the east, Meghalaya and Mizoram in the south, monsoon. The study area is home to rich biodiversity
and West Bengal, Tripura, and Bangladesh in the and true tropical rainforests. Intense rainfall and
west (Fig. 1). The rivers Brahmaputra and Barak,and other factors that include deforestation may cause
their tributaries,receive high rainfall almost round havoc in floods, resultingin loss of life, livelihood,
the year, which creates large- scale flood plains and property. This region is also categorized as
in this region. The river Brahmaputra originates an earthquake-pronezone.
in Tibet and flows down through China, India,
and Bangladesh. In India, it enters Arunachal For a period of 37 years during 1981-2017, rainfall
Pradesh draining nearly 226 km to reach the Assam data was collected from 26 locations covering the
plains. The river flows its waters for 700 km in entire Assam state of India (Fig. 1).Some of the
length and finally enters Bangladesh to confluence stations are locatedin high elevation zones and
intothe Bay of Bengal. The channel length varies in others represent valley portions. The monthly
the Assam valley and ranges between 1 and 18.5 data weredownloaded fromthe NASA website
km with an annual discharge of 19,820 cumecs.20 ( and the IMD stations.
The river Brahmaputra is known as the flooded river The geographical coordinates and altitude
of Assam because of catastrophic events in 1954, of locations are given in Table 1. The monthly,
1962, 1966, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1983, 1984, seasonal, and yearly analyses were carried out to
1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2016, ascertain trends in the rainfall data in the study area.
Location Lat Long Elev (m) Min Max Mean Median SD Variance CV (%) Kur Ske
point data.38
Barpeta 26.32101 91.01471 117.55 1280.8 2354.1 1873.8 1904.0 271.4 73638.6 14.5 -0.7 -0.1
Bongaigaon 26.47331 90.54161 116.51 1318.5 2466.9 1858.6 1889.2 294.9 86953.1 15.9 -0.6 -0.1
Demaji 27.47701 94.56061 300.40 1380.4 2911.7 2102.8 2084.9 376.9 142067.3 17.9 -0.4 0.3
Dhuburi 26.02171 89.97681 119.16 896.9 2611.1 1641.9 1649.4 434.3 188628.2 26.5 -0.6 0.2
Dibrugarh 27.48251 94.91081 300.40 1380.4 2911.7 2102.8 2084.9 376.9 142067.3 17.9 -0.4 0.3
Diphu 25.84691 93.43201 447.60 947.6 1980.6 1325.1 1301.7 235.6 55530.3 17.8 0.6 0.7
Goalpara 26.16951 90.61741 116.51 1318.5 2466.9 1858.6 1889.2 294.9 86953.1 15.9 -0.6 -0.1
Golaghat 26.50531 93.97241 369.77 1278.2 2483.0 1835.9 1803.8 300.0 90026.2 16.3 -0.4 0.2
Gossaigaon 26.44241 89.98231 119.16 896.9 2611.1 1641.9 1649.4 434.3 188628.2 26.5 -0.6 0.2
Guwahati 26.18231 91.74681 239.30 1225.5 2289.6 1804.0 1819.1 265.0 70220.9 14.7 -0.7 -0.1
Haflong 25.17981 93.01631 592.42 954.9 2430.5 1388.5 1343.0 315.4 99497.2 22.7 2.4 1.3
Hailakandi 24.68171 92.56291 295.13 1100.2 4146.3 1852.6 1756.6 590.8 349091.0 31.9 5.7 2.0
of the neighboring sample points. As it provides good
Jorhat 26.75361 94.22241 343.72 1234.4 2493.9 1813.8 1721.0 318.0 101130.0 17.5 -0.4 0.4
results in estimating interpolation maps, the method
estimated in IDW interpolation is a weighted average
Kajalgaon 26.53231 90.52541 697.69 1308.4 2197.3 1753.8 1789.2 234.0 54751.1 13.3 -0.7 -0.3
Karimganj 24.86521 92.36381 137.22 1233.5 5673.1 2251.4 2081.7 829.5 688037.4 36.8 7.4 2.2
Mangaldoi 26.43681 92.03211 269.07 1152.7 2068.9 1641.3 1623.2 236.2 55798.5 14.4 -0.8 0.0
Marigaon 26.25251 92.34091 269.07 1152.7 2068.9 1641.3 1623.2 236.2 55798.5 14.4 -0.8 0.0
Mushalpur 26.65121 91.39631 618.90 1263.9 2249.0 1803.4 1815.5 238.4 56838.1 13.2 -0.5 -0.2
Nagaon 26.34961 92.68621 258.95 1113.0 1950.6 1512.4 1499.7 221.4 49007.4 14.6 -0.8 0.0
Rainfall Pattern
Nalbari 26.44381 91.43781 117.55 1280.8 2354.1 1873.8 1904.0 271.4 73638.6 14.5 -0.7 -0.1
North 27.23421 94.09881 451.81 1418.6 2869.4 2149.0 2079.1 351.1 123263.6 16.3 -0.3 0.2
Results and Discussion
Sibsagar 26.98851 94.63201 557.95 1021.4 2560.9 1744.3 1674.7 379.9 144326.6 21.8 -0.6 0.4
Silchar 24.81671 92.79641 295.13 1100.2 4146.3 1852.6 1756.6 590.8 349091.0 31.9 5.7 2.0
GOGOI & RAO, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 17(2) 435-446 (2022)
Tezpur 26.63101 92.79201 496.61 1207.0 2125.0 1668.7 1667.6 245.4 60241.8 14.7 -0.7 -0.1
Tinsukia 27.48281 95.35371 373.96 1158.0 2890.5 1994.0 1967.0 426.6 182024.5 21.4 -0.5 0.3
Udalguri 26.74721 92.10461 631.32 1168.9 2063.8 1645.9 1638.1 231.2 53435.8 14.0 -0.6 -0.1
(Lat- Latitude; Long- Longitude; Ele- Elevation; Min- Minimum; Max- Maximum; SD- Standard Deviation;
CV- Coefficient of Variation; Kur- Kurtosis; Ske- Skewness)
The rainfall received in 26 locations of different
of rainfall over Karimganj, Hailakandi, Silchar, high in the western and southern parts and low in
Dhuburi, and Gossaigaon and others received the central region (Fig. 2b). The monsoon season
a good rainfall throughout the monsoon months. (MS) contributes 71.8% of the total annual rainfall,
The mean maximum and minimum were recorded the premonsoon season (PRMS) 24.8%, and the
as 2251.4 mm (Karimganj) and 1325.1 mm (Diphu). winter season (WS) 2% of total rainfall, whereas
The dataset is skewed between -0.3 (Kajalgaon) rainfall inthe postmonsoon season (POMS) is the
and 2.2 (Karimganj). Most of the stations are least (1.4%). The highest monthly rainfall is noted
positively skewed. The Kurtosis of the rainfall in July (348 mm) followed byJune (309.3 mm),
datasets ranged from -0.8 (Mangaldoi and and Aug. (290.1 mm), while Jan. (10.3 mm), Dec.
Nagaon) to 5.7 (Hailakandi and Silchar) indicating (10.5 mm), and Nov. (15.3 mm) months recorded
platykurtic and leptokurtic distribution. The coefficient low rainfall. The uneven distribution of rainfall
of variance (CV) was found to be 19.2%. events isa possible cause of floods in different
portions ofthe state.
The long-term series of yearly rainfall explained that
the average annual rainfall received was 1793.5 mm Rainfall Trends
with a SDof ±346.2 mm. The average annual rainfall The MK and SS testare generally applied for
varies from 1325.1 to 2251.4 mm with CV from quantifying the trends in hydro-meteorological time
13.2 to 36.8%. The highest variation was observed series.39-40 The analysis of rainfall data (1981-2017)
at Karimganj station (southern part) with 2251.4 was carried out in winter season (WS):January-
mm (±829.5 mm) with CV 36.8% and the lowest February, premonsoon season (PRMS): March-
was 1325.1 mm (±221.4 mm) at Diphu. The central May, monsoon season (MS): June-October,
and western portions of the study area received and postmonsoon season (POMS): November-
low rainfall when compared to north-eastern and December. Monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfall
southern parts (Fig. 2a). The coefficient of variation trends of the study were analyzed by using MK
was noted to be contrary to the mean, which was and SS tests.
Table 2: MK test and Sen’s slope (Q) results for the period 1981-2017 in Assam, India.
was in 2017 (44.5%) preceded by 2010 (32.5%), exceedance probability with a minimum value
2016 (22.7%), and 2015 (21.5%) while the least of recurrence interval or return period. The
rainfall was recorded in 1986 (24.3%), 1983 (23.2%, study area has a 51% of exceedance probability
1996 (19.7), and 1992 (18.7%). of receiving rainfall above LTA. It implies that in 19
years out of every 37 years over Assam state rainfall
Rainfall Frequency Analysis of 1793 mm or more can be expected. The amount
The average annual rainfall and respective of rainfall around 2000 mm corresponding to 0.75
exceedance probabilities are presented in the of exceedance probability and 1800 mm (p=0.5) can
form of graphs (Fig. 5). It shows that the maximum be expected respectively in 28 years and 19 years
exceedance probability with the high value for the over the study area.
return period and the low rainfall has the minimum
Fig. 2: Spatial distribution of rainfall pattern in Assam, NE India during 1981-2017 a) average
annual rainfall (AAR) and b) coefficient of variation (CV).
Fig. 3: Rainfall linear trend shows with moving average over Assam of India during 1981-2017
a) WS, b) PRMS, c) MS,and d) POMS.
GOGOI & RAO, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 17(2) 435-446 (2022) 443
Fig. 4: Long term average rainfall trend over Assam of India during 1981-2017.
carbon foot print in Assam could be attributed to general and Assam in particular, the future studies
changing land use pattern, urbanization, growth need to be conducted by using daily rainfall and rainy
of population, the use of fossil fuels, shifting days data for long-term historical time series. Due to
cultivation along with deforestation, and other the non-availability of data and data discontinuities,
factors. The available evidence shows that the the present study only focused on monthly, seasonal,
decline of forest cover and significant growth and yearly rainfall analysis for the period 1981-
of population from about 8 million (1951) to 32 million 2017 to assess the rainfall trends. The distribution
(2011) also put pressure on the natural resources of established meteorological stations in the study
of the area. To make appropriate adaptation and area is relatively scarce and it is also impossible to
mitigation plans by considering future climates, establish them everywhere because of unsupported
the concerned authorities must take necessary topography. Hence, considering the limitations
steps for establishing eco-restoration, education of meteorological stations in the area, further
and awareness programs, and development research is possible by using long-term satellite-
of mechanisms at the regional and national levels based rainfall estimates, which have become
coordination in protecting and conserving the natural important sources across the globe for getting
resources of Assam. The decrease of rainfall in precipitation data for sparse regions.
the POMS and the WS, and sudden rainfall events
are a cause of great concern because they may Acknowledgement
have implications for the ecosystem as well as We are grateful to NASA and India Meteorological
human health. It has been reported that flash Department for providing access to download the
floods in several parts of the state are occurring precipitation data from their website for academic
due to unprecedented and sudden heavy rainfall. and research purposes.
The Nor’westers, locally called Bordoisila, comprise
violent thunderstorms accompanied by strong winds. Funding
They raise alarm about changing of climates, which No funds/ grants were received for the present
needs to be combated with suitable adaptation plans research work.
to avoid economic burden in the future. In view
of the accelerated growth of extreme weather events, Conflict of Interest
for example, floods and heatwaves in NE India in The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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